Impermanence A Ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet 1890 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 www.wisdomwayscenter.org
From Rev. Barbara Lund, Director. Our theme for this season is Impermanence. Probably for most of us, when we are ready for something to change, we transition quickly. But when we face disruptive change, when something ends before its time, we are more likely to experience feelings of disorder and disruption. Questions of meaning, purpose, faith, and value are stirred deep within us. In such times, we find ourselves living in a threshold space between Holy Mystery and enduring ideals of love, beauty, justice, and mercy while facing the temporary nature of life incarnate. In her book, Love of Impermanent Things: A Threshold Ecology, local author Mary Rose O’Reilley, tells stories about people – herself and others – encountering the reality of change and transition. Mary Rose O’Reilley is the contributing writer for this catalogue. She invites us to take up a spiritual practice of writing Haiku – a way to practice presence and letting go.
The pages that follow reflect a rich array of programs that presenters have shaped around the theme of impermanence. Throughout the catalog, you will also notice a focus on Celtic spirituality. This is part of our year long focus on Celtic Spirituality – its ancient roots and continued influence today. The Celtic Soul advisory circle includes: Ann Cahill, Diane Gardner, Rev. Sally Johnson, Lisa Moriarty, Rev. Julie Neraas, Dr. Ed Sellner, Terry Shaughnessy, and Rev. Carol Tomer. This group represents the rich fabric of Wisdom Ways’ partnerships throughout the Twin Cities. Welcome to this new season at Wisdom Ways. May God’s goodness be yours, And well and seven times well May you spend your lives.
Wisdom Ways Center for Spirituality offers programs to explore the spiritual dimensions of contemporary life for women and men and to re-imagine and embody all that women can be as agents of transformation in church and society. Established in 1994, Wisdom Ways is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet - St. Paul Province, who build their ministries around love of God and the dear neighbor without distinction. Your comments are welcome. Please contact us at 651-696-2788 or info@wisdomwayscenter.org to share comments or to notify us of address changes.
WISDOM WAYS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mary Beckfeld, Consociate; Mary Farrell Bednarowski, Ph.D.; Roseann Giguere, CSJ, M.Div.; Meg Gillespie, CSJ; Ginger Hedstrom, Consociate; Rev. Barbara Kellett, Consociate; Eleanor Lincoln, CSJ, Ph.D.; William McDonough, Ph.D.; Joan Mitchell, CSJ, Ph.D.; Rev. Julie Neraas; Joan Pauly Schneider, M.Div., Consociate. CONTRIBUTING WRITER, MARY ROSE O’REILLEY, author of The Love of Impermanent Things: A Threshold Ecology and The Barn at the End of the World: the Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Shepherd. An emerita professor at the University of St. Thomas, she works these days as a musician, potter, and teacher of contemplative studies.
2 All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
Conversations about Sacred Wisdom, Divine Mysteries and Human Questions
* Events with NĂłirĂn NĂ Riain and Eoin and Moley Ăł SĂşilleabhĂĄin ™ šI]Z =Veen =ZVgi ^h IgjZÂş" Hi# 7g^\^YÂźh 9Vn 8ZaZWgVi^dc ... 4 ™ L^ciZg GZĂ…ZXi^dc Bdgc^c\ dc 8VcYaZbVh ......................... 4 ™ :kZc^c\ ;Zhi^kVa d[ >g^h] bjh^X VcY YVcXZ on the Feast of St. Blaise .................................................... 4 Who Really Was St. Patrick? .................................................. 5 * * LdbZc VcY 8]g^hi^Vc^in! 6ji]dg^in VcY 8gZVi^k^in"=ZY\Zgdl >c^i^Vi^kZ ............................................... 6 * To Journey as a Pilgrim: A Day Retreat ................................. 7
* Meditation During Lent ........................................................ 20 * Teaching Sessions ............................................................... 20 SPIRITUAL PRACTICES * 8gZViZ Ndjg Dlc EZghdcVa EgVnZg AVWng^ci] ...................... 21 * He^g^ijVa 6jidW^d\gVe]n Vh 8dciZbeaVi^kZ EgVXi^XZ ........... 21 * Living with Uncertainty: Insights from Poets,
Memoirists and Essayists .................................................... 22 9gjbb^c\ i]Z =ZVgiWZVi d[ :Vgi] ......................................... 22 * * Drumming the Beltane Blessings ....................................... 22 * I]Zc VcY Cdl VcY NZi id 8dbZ/ Writing as a Spiritual Practice ............................................. 23 * Spiritual Spa ......................................................................... 24
New and Emerging Ideas and Understandings
* @^cYa^c\ i]Z 8Zai^X He^g^i [dg IgVch[dgb^c\ i]Z I^bZh/
Weaving our Spiral Dance through Winter and Spring ........ 13 * 7Z]daY^c\ i]Z I]gZh]daY/ 8gZVi^c\ V CZl 8jaijgZ around the Sacred Threshold of Death ...........................&("&) * Body Image and Eating: I]Z >aajh^dc i]Vi 8jaijgZ ^h EZgbVcZci ................................. 15 * Exploring Gender Identity as Participation in the Divine Feminine and Masculine .................................. 16
8ZaZhiZÂźh 9gZVb He^g^ijVa^in [dg Ndjc\ 6Yjaih ....................... 25 ?jhi^XZ 8dbb^hh^dc ................................................................ 25 Membership and Association ................................................. 26 Second Sunday ........................................................................ 26 Spiritual Direction ................................................................... 26 Rituals To Mark The Seasons ................................................. 26
RETREAT CENTER 8VgdcYZaZi 8ZciZg .................................................................. 26
Tale of Pilgrimage ................................................................ 17 * L]Vi ^h Vaa i]^h iVa` VWdji 8ZciZg^c\ EgVnZg4 ..................... 17 * M2 Mindful Drumming and Meditation ................................ 18 * Djg BVaZ ;g^ZcYh/ 8ZaZWgVi^c\ djg ;g^ZcYh]^eh and Learning from Them ..................................................... 18
8Zai^X VcY CdgY^X HZgk^XZh Vi E^a\g^b Aji]ZgVc 8]jgX]! Hi# EVja ......................................... 27 ,i] 6ccjVa BnhZg AZXijgZ VcY 6lVgY dc 8Vi]da^X >YZci^in .... 27 =ZVa^c\ =ZVgih! HVXgZY HeVXZh! Higdc\ LdbZc .................... 27
CALENDAR OF PROGRAMS ...................................'-"'. LOOKING AHEAD * John Philip Newell ............................................................... 29
Spiritual Practices for Everyday Living
WISDOM WAYS LABYRINTH RESOURCES TO RENT ................................................... 30
™ 6 LVn d[ A^k^c\ ^c i]Z BdYZgc LdgaY ................................ 19 ™ EgZ"AZciZc GZigZVi/ I]Z =ZVgi d[ i]Z BViiZg ................... 19 ™ IZVX]^c\ 8]g^hi^Vc BZY^iVi^dc id 8]^aYgZc and Young People .............................................................. 19 Times of Prayer .................................................................... 20 *
6aa egd\gVbh VgZ ]ZaY Vi 8VgdcYZaZi 8ZciZg! &-.% GVcYdae] 6kZ#! St. Paul, unless otherwise noted. You can learn more about programs and presenters at www.wisdomwayscenter.org
Conversations about Sacred Wisdom, Divine Mysteries and Human Questions
¹ I]Z XZaZWgVi^dch l^aa WZ V WaZhh^c\ d[ adkZ! eZVXZ VcY ]Vgbdcn ^c Vaa i]Vi lZ hVn VcY Vaa i]Vi lZ ]ZVg dkZg i]Z Xdb^c\ nZVg º * NÓIRÍN NÍ RIAIN THREE EVENTS WITH NÓIRÍN NÍ RIAIN AND EOIN (OWEN) AND MOLEY Ó SÚILLEABHÁIN
“The Happy Heart is True”: An exploration of the Irish psyche in song and story on the festival of St. Brigid. WHEN: COST:
Friday, February 1, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $35.00
Winter Morning Reflection on Candlemas: A Great Feast of Mary. (Muire na nGaelMary of the Irish). An exploration in music, song and story of the feminine psyche. WHEN: COST:
Saturday, February 2, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm $45.00, includes lunch.
Evening Festival of Irish music and dance celebrating St. Blaise, patron saint of the voice and throat. A trinity of Celtic wisdom voices invites, young and old to come celebrate and learn some new steps, Fallaí Luimní or The Walls of Limerick. Lots of Celtic craic! WHEN: COST:
Saturday, February 2, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $35.00, Children 13 and under free-need to be accompanied by an adult.
Each event will include presentations and music by Nóirín Ní Riain and her sons Eoin (Owen) and Moley ó Súilleabháin of Size2shoes. Events you will not want to miss!
Presenters: Nóirín Ní Riain is an Irish singer, writer, teacher, theologian and authority on Gregorian Chant. She sings spiritual songs and Celtic music, Sean-nós and Indian songs. Nóirín Ní Riain is rooted in the traditions of Ireland. Born in Caherconlish in County Limerick, Nóirín studied music at University College, Cork. Subsequent research on traditional religious song in Irish provided Nóirín with the inspiration for recordings with the Benedictine monks of Glenstal Abbey, as well as books, articles and recordings on women’s songs and the religious song tradition in Ireland. Her kinship with India led her to record, Celtic Soul, which is imbued with Indian influences. Nóirín performs worldwide often in association with international peace efforts. Visit www.theosony.com ¹=Zg hde]^hi^XViZY jcYZghiVcY^c\ d[ i]Z VcX^Zci g^ijVa songs from Irish and other cultures connects us all with i]Z 9^k^cZº * Lynne Franks (Author / Entrepreneur) Size2Shoes, acoustic Irish pop band of Eoin (Owen) and Moley ó Súilleabháin , are sons of esteemed Irish musicians Nóirín Ní Riain and Mícheál ó Súilleabháin. The brothers sing and play different types of music, from traditional Irish and spiritual song to ultra-modern original pop songs. The immense musical heritage of the ó Súilleabháin brothers shines in the power of their musicianship and ability to weave stories in song. They have performed with Russell Crowe, Sinead O’Connor, Bobby McFerrin, and violinist Nigel Kennedy. Director Steven Spielberg cast them to sing in his 2012 movie “War Horse.” Visit: www.size2shoes.com
Special registration for all three events: $100.00 4
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
WHO REALLY WAS ST. PATRICK? THE TRUTH BEHIND THE LEGEND In this evening session, Marcus will examine his historical investigation into St. Patrick’s family origins and also the mystery of his true identity. Loosening the ropes that bind us to traditional historical inquiry, he will help participants enter the deeper, more dangerous seas of legend and uncertainty that surround St. Patrick’s story. Is there any truth to some of the legends that associate his father with being a Scottish prince and his mother a close relative of St. Martin of Tours? Or that he may have been related to the holy lineage of Jesus, King Arthur and the “Bloodline of the Holy Grail”? Presenter: Marcus Losack is founder and executive director of Ceile De, an ecumenical organization in Ireland for study programs and pilgrimages in Celtic spirituality. He is the author of three books: <aZcYVadj\]/ 6 8Zai^X Pilgrimage, Rediscovering St. Patrick, and Saint Patrick and the Bloodline of the Grail. He travels widely as a visiting lecturer and guest speaker for retreats, seminars and international conferences. WHEN: COST:
Wednesday, March 13, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $35.00
Conversations about Sacred Wisdom, Divine Mysteries and Human Questions
=ZY\Zgdl >c^i^Vi^kZ
I]Z =ZY\Zgdl >c^i^Vi^kZ d[[Zgh hjhiV^cZY! hnhiZbVi^X egd\gVbb^c\ ^c [Zb^c^hi i]Zdad\^XVa education, spiritual integration, and leadership for a just and holy world. In a particular way, the Initiative highlights the scholarship of women who since the 1950s have worked to reclaim ldbZcÂźh egZhZcXZ VcY h^\c^Ă&#x201E;XVcXZ ^c hXg^eijgZ! X]jgX]! ]^hidgn! i]Zdad\n VcY XjaijgZ# I]Z Initiative takes its name from the hedgerow schools in Ireland that kept alive the language, faith, culture and community of the people during the time of the British penal codes. A hedgerow is a biosphere and a haven.
Highlights include:
=ZY\Zgdl HZb^cVg Heg^c\ '%&(
Women of the New Testament and Gnostic Writings
Women have never been absent from history in the making, but until the rise of the womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s movement, often from its telling. This 12-week seminar reweaves Christian history with her stories of vocation, courage, compassion, and wisdom, using Mary T. Maloneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s three-volume work LdbZc 8]g^hi^Vc^in. How do women find their voices, claim authority, act creatively, confront, and participate in the challenges of their times? What are their legacies? What do their lives inspire in us who seek God today? Where have women found the movement of the Spirit? What do these leaders, visionaries, mystics, and activists have to tell us about their journeys and ours? Texts: Women & Christianity by Mary T. Malone Volume I, The First Thousand Years; Volume II, From 1,000 to Reformation; Volume III, From the Reformation to the 21st Century Speaking With Authority, Catherine of Siena and the Voices of Women Today, 2001 Madeleva Lecture in Spirituality by Mary Catherine Hilkert, OP
The 1200s: Great Women of a Century Not for Women Activists Rising, Women Challenging Church Catherine of Siena, Preacher, Doctor of the Church Women and the Reformation New Circles of Women in Action: Catholic and Protestant The Marian Age and the Feminist Challenge Instructors: Joan Mitchell, CSJ; Mary Bednarowski, PhD; Mary Kaye Medinger; Joan Pauly Schneider; Rev. Barbara Lund, and other guest presenters throughout the series. WHEN: COST: TEXTS:
Monday evenings, February 18-May 6, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $240.00 for all 12 sessions. $25.00 per session. Texts are available through Good Ground Press: www.goodgroundpress.com. Full syllabus available at: www.wisdomwayscenter.org
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
TO JOURNEY AS A PILGRIM . . . over the waves of the bold and splendid hZV ### 8ZaZYVW]V^aa! VWWdi d[ 7Vc\dg! .'+ 8: Pilgrimage is one of the oldest spiritual traditions, shared by all the great religions of humankind. The practice of pilgrimage has been part of Christian spirituality since after the death of Jesus when the first apostles returned to those places in Galilee associated with his memory. As they fished and ate meals together on the seashore, they learned that he was still very much alive. Pilgrimage was a significant part of faith for Christians in the Early Celtic Church. While their ancestors had been known for their wanderlust, traversing over much of the European mainland and the islands surrounding it, Christian Celts embraced pilgrimage as both a way of life and a specific practice. This day of recollection and of reflection is set aside for those who want to spend more time with this expression of Celtic spirituality, as well as time to discern dimensions of their own sacred journeys. Marcus Losack and Ed Sellner, both leaders of pilgrimages to Celtic lands in Ireland, Scotland, England and Brittany, will discuss such topics as “Pilgrimage, History and Stages,” “The Bible, the Desert, and the Celtic Tradition,” “Celtic Pilgrimage: A Specific Practice and a Way of Life,” and “Celtic Sacred Places in Brittany Associated with St. Patrick.” Music and poetry will contribute to the day, with time for personal reflection and group discussion. Copies of the presenters’ books will also be available for those interested.
Presenters: Marcus Losack is founder and executive director of Ceile De, an ecumenical organization in Ireland for study programs and pilgrimages in Celtic spirituality. He is the author of three books: <aZcYVadj\]/ 6 8Zai^X E^a\g^bV\Z! Rediscovering St. Patrick, and Saint Patrick and the Bloodline of the Grail. He travels widely as a visiting lecturer and guest speaker for retreats, seminars and international conferences. Ed Sellner is professor of theology and spirituality at Saint Catherine University where he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses and administered pastoral ministry, spiritual direction, and master’s degree programs. He is a popular national and international speaker and retreat leader, and the author of numerous articles and books, including L^hYdb d[ i]Z 8Zai^X HV^cih! Hidg^Zh d[ i]Z 8Zai^X Hdja Friends, and his most recent, Finding the Monk Within. WHEN: COST:
Friday, March 15, 8:30 am registration, program 9:00 am to 4:00 pm $75.00, includes lunch.
Uncritical Eye: The Way of Haiku Last winter I lived on an island in Puget Sound. My bedroom window faced one of those green, fecund forests of the northwest, from which it seems anything can emerge: a mule deer, a dinosaur, an angel, an idea about what one’s next step in life might be. I hoped for the latter. Before I left for this retreat, my friends and I strategized about staying in touch. We have so many ways to do this nowadays that, clutching our wee-pods and me-pods, over-stimulated and overloaded, it’s easy to lose someone forever. My friend Katherine didn’t want to telephone or write letters. She was struggling with a deep grief that resisted sentences. Katherine introduced me to the spiritual practice of writing haiku. “Let’s just send postcards to each other now and then,” she said. So we did. Carried away with enthusiasm, I decided to write a haiku every morning, to mark the path of my life on the island. Nothing in my apprenticeship to poetry had taught me how to work in this disciplined Japanese form—which is good, because I would have learned how to obsess over syllable counting or some pseudo-Zen effect. I did, however, know one poem by Basho, the seventeenthcentury master of the form, by heart, in Japanese, because I had memorized it long ago to greet a guest from Kyoto: furu ike ya kawadzu tobikomu mizu no oto
My Japanese guest had responded to my effort with stunned incomprehension before he doubled over laughing. Then he taught me to say the word mizu with something like proper explosive force. This makes all the difference, I was to learn, as I recited Basho to the northern forest. Winter faded into spring. It was, overall, wet, cold, and green. But each dawn came with a different, modest explosion. Each minute, probably, but for how long can one sustain attention? Haiku’s subject is, in small letters, enlightenment. Every day mindfulness. A grateful record of daily grace. It’s a subtle practice. Basho’s poem is perhaps the most famous haiku ever written, but its English translation leaves us on the shore of a big huh? Still pond/ frog jumps/ silence returns. But memorize it, live with it—this was at least my experience—and it works its way into your spirit: Basho’s moment. Why should this be important? The contemporary Benedictine monk, David Steindl-Rast has written about haiku in the context of what he calls “sacred sensuousness:” “The haiku is a scaffold of words; what is being constructed is a poem of silence; and when it is ready, the poet gives a little kick, as it were, to the scaffold. It tumbles, and silence alone stands.”1 Mizu no oto. It’s odd, I know, to assert that Basho’s silence is readable for one illiterate in Japanese. I think it becomes part of a river rising out of the unconscious, a foreign film, perhaps, but bodied in a succession of images we can comprehend.
A Listening Heart: The Spirituality of Sacred Sensuousness (Crossroads, 1999) 96
Uncritical Eye: The Way of Haiku For Steindl-Rast, haiku frames a peak experience and preserves it for the community. I can accept this idea if I think of peak experience in humble terms, the poem a kind of bubble on the air. No big deal. Writing the daily haiku, then, may become a discipline as simple and sensuous as gardening. The poem’s eye is on the small things of life. All things are passing—Teresa of Avila wrote—God only is steady. Paradoxically, haiku honors impermanence by making ephemeral perception part of the public record. Spider web pulses attuned to the tossing spruce: inside to outside. My friend Jim Thomas apprenticed as a young man to a Japanese psychiatrist who ran an odd clinic. His guests lived in cabins on a big estate and had little to do except write in their journals and leave them outside every day for the psychiatrist to collect. When they stopped writing about their own troubles and began to write about the natural world, the doctor began to speak to them. Soon after, they went home, cured. I guess. This story has always been a koan to me: what a treatment protocol! But, from my own experience, I know that when I become less fascinated with my mind and immersed in creation I feel light and whole. Henry David Thoreau’s late journals returned over and over to simple natural processes. He had no more to say about Concord, no further critique of the whining basket sellers or the ladies’ trivial preoccupation with household crafts. He was perhaps healed— though maybe less interesting. At least, I need to go to a still, nodrama, place in my mind to read these journals, a place that is rarely available to me given my own preoccupations with basket-selling. My head is full of chatter. I have to go to the woods every couple of months to let it all quiet down. Then I become boring. What freedom!
My four months on the island offered no great opening. I looked at the same trees every day. Perhaps the same sparrows. Once a pileated woodpecker. Then April. Who can take in more? I invite the reader to think about how haiku might fit into spiritual practice. What would serve you for a “scaffold of silence”? It doesn’t have to be a poem. It might be a photograph. (Thomas Merton numbered photography among the contemplative arts.) It might be a spontaneous drawing or calligraphy. A musical improvisation. There were a few guidelines I followed in my own experiment. I chose to imitate the traditional Japanese syllabic form: three lines of, respectively, five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables. I tried to stay present to the outer world, rather than to my inner condition (steadily failing this discipline, jabbering westerner that I am). I wrote a haiku—or a little chain of them—every day and, if they were lame, well, in the words of the poet William Stafford (who wrote every day at dawn) I lowered my standards. ©
Uncritical Eye: The Way of Haiku * MARY ROSE O’REILLEY
Lessons in darkness: snow-covered elipse brightens, now lessons in dawn. What do I long for? More than one life’s answer; roots deep as black pine. Acknowledge the dark. Carry the stone of your life until it answers.
Four geese fly over-appetite pulls the body, its shameless honking. Longing to be loved is its own kind of honking. Return to the nest. Everything loves you. Your mother is everything, all of it singing. Stars along bare branch: magnolia or memory of wild magnolia
Birches remember the duties of housebuilding, form and unform space. Four trees shape a house; even the spirit craves walls. Come home to your soul.
Harsh winds this morning, unfathomable future. Young alder dances. Or the dancer moves sinuous as an alder, generous, rooted. Approximate grace. Think of the blood ascending its red flamenco. Utterly quiet a dancer is still dancing: perfection of art.
Everyone’s gone. A resounding No! Moon’s where they left it hanging: is what you get from forests. uncritical eye. Their Yesses take time. Skylight full of moon. To intrude and see nothing, feel nothing, then leave!
Something turns over, I am full of light! cold rain changes to warm rain, full moon cries at the window. scent of south wind. =dl XVc ndj X]ddhZ haZZe4 Small souls opening, gold stamens through green moss sponge: what they can offer.
Exodus 33:21-23: And Jehovah said, Behold there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock: and it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand until I have passed by: and I will take away my hand, and thou shall see my back; but my face shall not be seen. ©
Re-imagine RE-IMAGINE
New and Emerging Ideas and Understandings
The early Celtic understanding was that time itself was sacred, that the cycles of the seasons danced in spirals of movement signaling life, death and rebirth, the transforming fluidity of all things. The Celtic spirit was/is embodied, intelligent and passionate, expressing itself in energetic celebration of the spirits present and shape-shifting in the everyday world of the ever-changing Earth and Sky. Through that impermanence, we find our soul-full center. In Mara Freeman’s book, @^cYa^c\ i]Z 8Zai^X He^g^i, we read that if our ancestry has European roots we can consider ourselves of Celtic origin! Through thousands of years of European tribal mixing, what we call “Celticism” was created. Much later, it was narrowed to a few countries where the tradition and language was kept alive. But even if our bloodline is not European we can claim and re-kindle for our time the Celtic ways and spirit of celebrating sacred time. We’ll explore: • How is the timeless Celtic Spirit connected to the Divine Feminine and her evolutionary unfolding within us now in our time? • What relevance might this tradition have for you through the ever-evolving shifts and changes of your life, for the transformation of your everyday awareness?
• May 28: Midsummer Magic—Our Sun in Full Power. What delightful powers reside in you and how can they shine more fully?
Facilitator: Nancy Cosgriff has worked for 25 years in both business and non-profits as a teacher, facilitator, organizational consultant, life-work coach and spiritual guide. She is a faculty member for the Spiritual Guidance and Leadership Program at WomanWell, which certifies participants in spiritual guidance. Her D.Min. focused on Creation Spirituality and the Divine Feminine. She is a partner with the Center for Third Age Leadership which focuses on guiding adults in the second half of life. Visit www.thirdagepartners.net WHEN:
Tuesdays, January 29, February 26, March 26, April 30, May 28, 6:30 to 8:30 pm All sessions suggested as a series for continuity. Individual sessions available on a call-ahead basis. Mara Freeman’s book is suggested but not required reading. $125.00
Our sessions will prepare us for each upcoming month and their themes as found in Freeman’s book. They will include presentation, conversation, ritual, prayer, poetry, guided meditation, creative art, and a treat of the month. Expect to learn and laugh! • January 29: The Welcome of the Door and Festival of Brigid. What thresholds are you yearning to cross? Where might you find your fires of inspiration? • February 26: The Well of Wisdom. How might you enter the healing depths of soul? • March 26: The Tree of Life. What vibrant life wants to take root in you, in the world? • April 30: The Festival of Beltane. How can the erotic and sensual lead you into joy?
Session 1: Music, Readings, and Conversation
The parents of a teenage girl killed with her best friend in a car accident in 1996 share the journey of spiritually-conscious loss and grief through written and musical expression. Gain a new perspective on the sacred threshold of death through the story of the destiny connection of these two young women and their continuing presence in the lives of their parents. Marianne will read from her 2010 memoir, Laughing in a Waterfall,
Re-imagine RE-IMAGINE
New and Emerging Ideas and Understandings 6 Bdi]Zg¼h BZbd^g! interspersed with soulful music by Marianne and Dennis on the piano and saxophone. Participants will have an opportunity to share their own experiences and insights, and discover new feelings and questions around death, dying, and bereavement.
Session 2: Caring for Our Own Deceased
How can we be present to self and others at the moment of death and in the hours and days following? Marianne and Dennis will tell stories from their experience of caring for their daughter at home after her accidental death, and of other community “home funerals.” They will present legal, practical, and spiritual considerations for holding a wake or vigil in one’s own home or other private setting. Hands-on training will provide the basics of after-death body care. Sharing in small groups will help participants clarify wishes for their own death. Lyre music, singing, and poetry will accompanying these tender considerations, and provide resources for using in sacred rituals.
Session 3: Bereavement and Staying Connected to Those Across the Threshold
How can we let go of loved ones who have died, while staying connected with them? Marianne and Dennis will share their perspective on grief as they have experienced it on the physical, soul, and spiritual levels over sixteen years. Their differences along male/female lines will be explored, as well as their shared practice of continuing the relationship with the person who has died as a spiritual being. Working to keep this connection can be a source of comfort, vitality, and ultimately, an enhancement of the experience of our true humanity. Participants will explore their own sense of connection to deceased loved ones and learn proactive ways to create a living connection. The series will be concluded with a ritual to remember and honor those across the threshold. Presenters: Marianne Dietzel was a Waldorf early childhood educator before her daughter’s death in a car accident in 1996. Since then she has become a hospice bereavement coordinator, a Certified Thanatologist, and, as a Certified Music Practitioner, plays music for healing and transition on the lyre. She also educates families in caring for their own deceased and is
a founding member of the Minnesota Threshold Network, a meeting place for all who are interested in death, home funerals, and green burials. In June of 2010, Marianne published AVj\]^c\ ^c V LViZg[Vaa/ 6 Bdi]Zg¼h BZbd^g#
Dennis Dietzel is a computer programmer by day. By night he plays the saxophone and is an urban biodynamic gardener and beekeeper. He is a member of the Central Regional Council and the General Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America. WHEN: COST:
Thursdays, February 28, March 7, March 14, 6:30 to 9:00 pm $65.00 series, session 1 -$30.00, session 2 and 3 - $50.00
Presenters request that session two and three be attended as a series. Session one stands on its own.
¹ BVg^VccZ¼h hidgn lZVkZh together the impermanent nature of life, with its worldly joys and sorrows, with that which is beyond and transcendental. It ultimately challenges the reader to feel and experience life more deeply, to be open to its tears, losses, gZkZaVi^dch VcY aVj\]iZg º * PAT HOGAN, AUTHOR OF 6AA>HDC¼H <>;I! I=: HDC< D; 6 I=DJH6C9 =:6GIH DE:C>C<
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
BODY IMAGE AND EATING: THE ILLUSION THAT CULTURE IS PERMANENT Our desire for perfection can be a prison; the path to freedom is through recognition of our momentary state: the impermanent bodies, moments, and spaces that we inhabit. The image we carry of our body, the beliefs we have about food and the reasons we eat, the lies we tell ourselves about our identity and our beauty are largely bound by culture, era, and upbringing. These fleeting beliefs mask themselves as permanent truth. This two part session will explore the relationships that exist between eating, identity, culture, and spirituality. In two individual sessions we will attempt to understand the impermanence of ideal body images and explore how we can support one another in a journey of living more whole. We will challenge our beliefs regarding the impermanent ideals of our culture and embrace the permanence of love and acceptance.
Session 1: Understanding
Western society is bombarded with messages that allude to the attainment of perfection through a defined body image, a trending diet, and the sexualization of the female body. Session 1 will endeavor to grasp the “who, what, why, where, and how” of eating disorders, negative body image perceptions, and perfectionism prevalent within our society. We will watch portions from “America The Beautiful 2,” followed by expert-led discussion and writings on the topic and how it relates to our spiritual self. Presenters: Katie Loth, is a Behavioral Epidemiology Doctoral Student in the School of Public Health, at the University of Minnesota. She has a B.S. in Dietetics and a M.P.H. in Public Health Nutrition. Her dissertation focused on exploring food-related parenting practices and that relationship to weight and disordered eating behaviors in adolescents. She is the Research Project Director for Project F-EAT (Families and Eating and Activity Among Teens), a study of parents designed to examine influences in the family and home on eating, physical activity, and weight-related behaviors of adolescents. Keri Clifton is the Community Outreach Coordinator at The Emily Program. Extensive public speaking experience, she presents to schools, health care professionals, and anyone who wants to learn more about eating disorders. Keri presented for two years at the Minnesota Social Service
Association Annual Conference, as a Keynote for St. Olaf’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week Program, and as a guest lecturer at the University of Minnesota. She has a bachelor’s in Sociology and a minor in Women’s Studies from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Session 2: Accompanying
Standing with and alongside those who face internal battles with food, body image, and perfection is a journey enveloped in sacredness. Session 2 will explore the ways in which art and ritual can be vehicles for healing others and the self from addictions to food and extreme expectations of flawlessness. This exploration will include both listening and active engagement and will offer tangible information on both healing and coping approaches. Presenters: Tamar Melmed Marmor works with individuals, couples and families at The Emily Program. She facilitates a number of outpatient groups and is also involved in many intensive programs. Tamar is a registered art therapist and integrates experiential, somatic, and psychodynamic approaches into her work with clients. She received her Master’s in Art Therapy from the School of Visual Arts in New York City, and her postmaster’s certification in Marriage and Family Therapy from St. Mary’s University in Minneapolis. Julie Neraas is an ordained Presbyterian minister, a spiritual director, and associate professor at Hamline University where she has taught since 1991. She served as a chaplain for four years for adolescents and adults at an alcohol and drug treatment center. Julie is the author of Apprenticed to =deZ/ 6 HdjgXZWdd` [dg 9^[ÄXjai I^bZh. She serves on the Wisdom Ways Advisory Committee. WHEN: COST:
Thursdays, April 11, and April 18, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $55.00 series, $30.00 per session
¹ LZ cZZY id aZVgc id hZZ djg e]nh^XVa [dgb Vh V g^kZg # # # If we look for a single, permanent entity in a river, we will not ÄcY ^i# I]Z hVbZ ^h igjZ d[ djg e]nh^XVa WdYn# I]ZgZ ^h cd hjX] thing as a self, no absolute, permanent entity to be found in i]Z ZaZbZci lZ XVaa »WdYn#¼ >c djg ^\cdgVcXZ lZ WZa^ZkZ i]Vi there is a permanent entity in us, and our pain and suffering manifest on the basis of that ignorance. If we touch deeply the cdc"hZa[ cVijgZ ^c jhZ! lZ XVc \Zi dji d[ i]Vi hj[[Zg^c\#¹
Re-imagine RE-IMAGINE
New and Emerging Ideas and Understandings
We are gendered beings. Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies are manifest in each of us and invite us to embrace a unique gender identity not necessarily limited by biology. This course will invite us to explore the Divine Feminine and Masculine as part of our gender identity, which is a gift to the world and ourselves. Explore starting from “where you are at”—as someone who is consciously thinking about gender identity for the first time or someone who has engaged exploration of gender identity for a while. The evenings will provide information by presenters from the field, time for Q & A and discussion, and reflection exercises to integrate learning as part of coming to a deeper understanding of one’s own unique gender identity as gift.
Session 1: will explore the integration and interplay of
the Divine Feminine and Masculine as revealed through the Hebrew Bible and Christian Scriptures. Provocative female
and male characters from each will subvert traditional notions of gender and open up new possibilities for being.
Session 2: will address the question, “What is gender?” utilizing modern gender studies and psychology. For instance, gender is not necessarily defined by biological sex, sexual orientation or chromosomes. Gender is . . . spectrum . . . a range of expression . . . how you relate to yourself . . . personal identity. Session 3: will be a night of rich story-telling. You will hear from and be able to ask questions of a diverse panel of individuals who will share their journeys of coming to understand their respective gender identities—for example, as a transgender person, dual gender person, woman, man, etc. Facilitator: Jim Smith is Program Manager with DignityUSA, a nation-wide faith community of LGBTQ persons and allies, and is an active member of DignityUSA’s Transgender Caucus. He is a retreat and spiritual director, a published author and a community activist in marriage equality. Other guest presenters will be a part of the sessions. WHEN: COST:
Wednesdays, May 8, 15, 22, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $90.00
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
MEN’S SPIRITUALITY :meadg^c\ BZc¼h EZghdcVa ?djgcZnh d[ He^g^ijVa <gdli] To preserve a sacred space for men to explore their spirituality together, we ask that only men register for the sessions. Coordinator: Terry Shaughnessy ]daYh Vc B#6# ^c 8]g^hi^Vc He^g^ijVa^in [gdb 8gZ^\]idc Jc^kZgh^in VcY ]Vh WZZc V he^g^ijVa Y^gZXidg [dg &* nZVgh l^i] V [dXjh dc bZc¼h ldg`! XdciZb" plative spirituality, retreats, group facilitation and leadership development. To learn more VWdji he^g^ijVa Y^gZXi^dc! XdciVXi IZggn Vi +*&"('-",+,*#
“THE WAY”: THE MOVIE & A LOCAL MAN’S TALE OF PILGRIMAGE “The Way” is a powerful and inspirational story about family, friends and the challenges we face while navigating this complicated world. This story of an older man’s pilgrimage along the historical Camino de Santiagio is also a tale of transformation. The movie explores the dynamics of faith and that of a father/son relationship expressed through the unassailable anger of a heartbroken father softened into masculine vulnerability. We will view the movie “The Way” followed by a conversation with local pilgrim Tim McIntee, who will share about his recent month-long pilgrimage experience along the Camino de Santiago. Join us in discussing the attraction of this resurgent spiritual practice of pilgrimage and the ways in which men in our community are deepening their faith as modern pilgrims.
Centering Prayer has become a popular spiritual practice and is enthusiastically endorsed by many for its transformative possibilities. This practice of Christian meditation is related to the classic tradition of contemplation and is easily accessible. What are its origins and how does a seeker learn the ways of centering prayer? Terry Shaughnessy and Louie Doering will share this method of prayer and the ways to develop a personal practice of centering prayer. Also, we are hoping to offer a monthly opportunity for men to experience centering prayer in a group setting. Based on this session, we will learn if there is interest for a men’s monthly centering prayer group at Wisdom Ways. WHEN: COST:
Wednesday morning, February 27, 7:15 to 9:15 am Free, RSVP.
Facilitator: Tim McIntee is founder and president of The Alchemist Group, an international consulting enterprise assisting US firms in developing and managing their business activities throughout Asia and other emerging foreign markets. Prior, Tim practiced law at a major Twin Cites firm for 15 years advising clients in merger and acquisition and regulatory defense matters. Tim’s quest to live more spiritually began in 2004 during a Rites of Passage retreat lead by Father Richard Rohr. Tim discovered The Camino de Santiago in 2005 through Paulo Coelho’s, The Pilgrimage. In 2012, he fulfilled his promise to walk the Camino and experienced the profound presence of the Sacred during his 600-mile journey across the Northern coast of Spain. WHEN: COST:
Wednesday, February 20, 5:30 to 8:30 pm, includes dinner $35.00
Re-imagine RE-IMAGINE
New and Emerging Ideas and Understandings
¹>YZVh Ydc¼i X]Vc\Z eZdeaZh a^kZh! egVXi^XZh Yd#º
Mindfulness is simply the activity of paying attention to what is happening in the present moment with curiosity and an open heart. We all have an innate capability for mindfulness, and with practice, we can get better at it. Practicing mindfulness has a profound healing effect for individuals and for the community. In this expressive workshop, participants will experience the complementary styles of expressive and introspective mindfulness through drumming and basic meditation. Research shows that both activities have many physical, psychological and emotional health benefits. Through a skillful combination of simple drumming techniques, African rhythms, silent and guided meditations, and group reflection, this workshop provides participants with skills and practices for immediate joy and healing as well as insights into the art of healthy community life. Presenter: Marc Anderson has earned an international reputation as a world class percussionist, stalwart sideman, composer, record producer, music educator, cultural anthropologist, Zen priest and the founder of M2, an organization offering mindfulness training in schools, the workplace and in the community at large. He has performed with many great artists from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing to “A Prairie Home Companion”. In his work with M2 and as a teacher in the Zen community, he leads retreats, workshops and classes in meditation, creativity, and sustaining healthy community. WHEN: COST:
We sometimes take our friendships for granted, with little attention to how we meet those we befriend, or how we develop our friendships over the years. Through calling forth the wisdom of the men gathered, presenter Dennis Coyne will weave a conversation and illuminate the topic of men and male friendships. What is the basis of thriving male friendships? When they don’t thrive, how is it that they (and we) fail? And what is the cost of friendships that fail? In the mix of all of this, how might friendships among men be an important element of the spiritual paths that each of us take? Presenter: Dennis Coyne is a wise elder, gifted facilitator, master certified coach, and a retired lawyer. While most of his work is one-on-one coaching, Dennis also facilitates group discussions and workshops, and sponsors weekend retreats. WHEN: COST:
Wednesday, April 17, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $25.00
Wednesday, March 20, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $25.00
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
Embody JANUARY-MAY 2013
Spiritual Practices for Everyday Living
We are not looking for anything extraordinary to happen in meditation. The point is to see the presence of God in the ordinary, to transform our perception of reality. * Laurence Freeman
Three events with Laurence Freeman, OSB and Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation In his latest book, First Sight: The Experience of Faith, Father Laurence Freeman believes that the contemplative life is open to everyone. A review of his work says that “it can be achieved outside the walls of the monastery. Indeed contemplation and meditation will transform our lives and thus our communities. Freeman goes out to touch the hearts and minds of people involved in education, business and finance, mental health, the environment, interreligious dialogue, collaboration, and citizenship” (www. contemplative-life.org). And also, “to any who think they can reach God by running faster,” Freeman’s three powerful events with us will awaken our authentic ability to survive, and will aid us in renewing and flourishing as spiritual beings. The task is challenging, but the discipline invites a life-changing transformation. Presenter: Laurence Freeman, OSB, is a Benedictine monk of the Congregation of Monte Oliveto. He is the Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation and teaches meditation in the Christian tradition around the world. Freeman has conducted dialogues and peace initiatives such as the historic “Way of Peace” with the Dalai Lama and is active in inter-religious dialogue with other faiths. He has encouraged the teaching of Christian meditation to children and students in many countries and in the re-appropriation of the contemplative wisdom tradition in the Church and society at large . He is the author of many articles and books including I]Z HZaÅZhh HZa[! ?Zhjh/ I]Z IZVX]Zg L^i]^c and his latest book, First Sight: The Experience of Faith.
Monday, February 11, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. $30.00
Tuesday, February 12, 9:00 am-1:30 pm, includes lunch. $55.00
Tuesday, February 12, 6:30 to 8:30 pm St. Catherine University Music Recital Hall $30.00, free for students with ID
When we teach children to meditate, we are at the same time fostering their sense of being valued and loved.
Every time we sit down to meditate we enter the axis of death and resurrection. We do so because in our meditation we go beyond our own life and all the limitations of our own life into the mystery of God. We discover, each of us from our own experience, that i]Z bnhiZgn d[ <dY ^h i]Z bnhiZgn d[ adkZ! ^cÄc^iZ adkZ°I]Vi ^h djg gZhjggZXi^dc# * JOHN MAIN, OSB
Meditation is a form of prayer in which we move beyond words, thoughts, and images. We open ourselves to God’s mysterious and silent presence within us and it becomes more and more the reality of our lives. From this place of prayer we engage in our work in the world. This spring, especially during the season of Lent, Wisdom Ways offers several ways for us to gather in silence. We invite you to learn this way of Christian prayer.
Christian Meditation – Times of Prayer
During these times of prayer, we will sit in silent meditation with others. Meditating together supports our personal practice. Come as often as you are able.
These weekly sessions include a short reading and one 25-minute meditation. WHEN: COST:
Weekly on Tuesday evenings, January 8-June 11, 7:00 to 7:40 pm. Registration is not required. Sessions are free of charge. Note: No session on Tuesday, February 12, due to event with Laurence Freeman.
CHRISTIAN MEDITATION DURING LENT Lent is a time of preparation. Through prayer and fasting, we ready ourselves to enter into the celebration of the central Christian mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Wisdom Ways offers varied ways to move toward the transforming experience of this sacred event.
The weekly sessions include a short reading and one 25-minute meditation. WHEN: COST:
Tuesdays, February 19 – March 26, 7:00 to 7:40 pm. Registration is not required. Sessions are free of charge.
These meditation sessions will include a short reading from Martin Laird’s books, Into the Silent Land and A Sunlit Absence, two 25-minute sitting meditations and a walking meditation. Come for one or all Saturdays. 20
Five Saturday mornings, February 16, February 23, March 2, March 9, and March 23, 9:00 to 10:15 am. Registration is not required. Sessions are free of charge.
A Lenten day of contemplative prayer provides a more extended and focused time to deepen our existing practice of meditation. On this day, a pattern of sitting and walking meditations, teachings, mindful movements and chanting will offer an experience of prayer and silence. Limited to 25 participants. WHEN: COST:
Saturday, March 16, 8:30 am to 3:15 pm $40.00, includes lunch.
Enter into the emptiness of Holy Saturday. The time of prayer includes a short reading, two 25-minute sitting meditations and walking meditation. WHEN: COST:
Saturday, March 30, 9:00 to 10:15 am Registration is not required. Session is free of charge.
¹ AZVgc^c\ id egVn ^h aZVgc^c\ id a^kZ Vh [jaan Vh edhh^WaZ ^c i]Z egZhZci bdbZci#º
CHRISTIAN MEDITATION – TEACHING SESSIONS These evenings offer an opportunity for those who have taken the Wisdom Ways class on Christian Meditation or who have a regular meditation practice to delve more deeply into the experience of meditation. Short videos by teachers of Christian Meditation will ground our discussion and learning. Each session will include a time of meditation WHEN: COST:
Wednesdays, April 10 and May 8, 7:00-9:00 pm. Free will offering, come to one or both. Registration requested.
Facilitators: Deborah Chernick, a CSJ consociate and longtime meditation practitioner, is on the board of the Trust for the Meditation Process. She is a financial management consultant for nonprofits. Susan Oeffling, CSJ, a spiritual director and group facilitator, has practiced meditation for years. She has master’s degrees in theology and counseling and spiritual direction training from the Center for Spiritual Guidance.
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
Spiritual Practices for Everyday Living
SPIRITUAL PRACTICES CREATE YOUR OWN PERSONAL SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY AS CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER LABYRINTH – PRACTICE PILGRIMAGE ON CANVAS Participants use the labyrinth to explore colors, symbols and images of personal significance, and with guidance, express these on a 60 inch hemmed cotton canvas to create a personal size piece of walkable art suitable for display, large enough to walk and small enough to fit in any home. All materials and instruction are provided – no experience required. This class is limited to 12 participants. Presenter: Lisa Gidlow Moriarty is an artist, spiritual director and labyrinth maker. She has a passion for creating labyrinths and leading others in the spiritual art of creation. Lisa is a Past President and Regional Representative for the International Labyrinth Society and has co-created many Twin Cities public and private labyrinths. WHEN: COST:
Thursday, February 7, 6:00 to 9:00 pm $55.00, includes materials
¹ GZa^\^djh ZmeZg^ZcXZ Vi ^ih gddih ^h ZmeZg^ZcXZ d[ Vc jcXdcY^i^dcVa VcY jcgZhig^XiZY WZ^c\"^c"adkZ# But what we are in love with remains something i]Vi lZ ]VkZ id ÄcY dji#º * BERNARD LONERGAN, S. J. To better understand our encounter with Holy Mystery, to check out our insights in a community of seekers, to remember and ponder the ephemeral grace of insight: these are some reasons to write spiritual autobiography. What each of us has to say about the spiritual journey makes up a kind of theology of experience, significant for the writer and the community. We will explore writing as a contemplative practice, spontaneous and imperfect. We will honor our stories and then release them, seeds of new creation. On Friday, we will study the interactions among prayer, mindfulness, lectio divina and writing. On Saturday, we will go more deeply into writing and sharing our narratives. Presenter: Mary Rose O’Reilley is the author of The Love of Impermanent Things: a Threshold Ecology and The Barn at the End of the World: the Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Shepherd. Her first book of poetry, =Va[ L^aY won the Walt Whitman Award of the Academy of American Poets, judged by Mary Oliver. Her second, Earth, Mercy, is forthcoming this spring. Other awards include a McKnight Award of Distinction and a Bush Artist’s fellowship. An emerita professor at the University of St. Thomas, she works these days as a musician, potter, and teacher of contemplative studies. WHEN: COST:
Friday, February 22, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Saturday, February 23, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm $75.00, includes lunch
Spiritual Practices for Everyday Living
LIVING WITH UNCERTAINTY: TWO DRUMMING EVENTS – INSIGHTS FROM POETS, BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! MEMOIRISTS AND ESSAYISTS Drumming the Heartbeat of the Earth At times of uncertainty and ambiguity, we yearn for words – our own or others’ – to aid in coping. The old adage that if something is unmentionable it is also unmanageable speaks to the belief that words can somehow help in managing (living with) impermanence and confusion.
In solidarity with ancient peoples of all cultures, we will celebrate Earth Day by drumming to honor and heal the earth. Join us on this evening to enhance your drumming, discover ways to shape your own earth ritual and participate in a drumming celebration/healing of Earth. Please bring a drum, or let us know that you need to borrow a drum when you register.
In two experiential sessions, participants will be presented with words of poets, memoirists, and essayists as prompts WHEN: Tuesday, April 23, 7:00 to 9:00 pm for their own reflections. There will be opportunities for COST: $30.00, limited to 22 participants individual and group interactions, writing, and shared learning. In 8gdl VcY LZVhZa! Barry Lopez through the voice of Badger asserts: ¹HdbZi^bZh V eZghdc cZZYh V hidgn bdgZ Drumming the Beltane Blessings i]Vc [ddY id hiVn Va^kZ#º Beltane is the ancient Celtic holiday celebrating the reawakening of the earth and the return of life to the world. Faciltator: Ted Bowman, poet, editor Beltane engages our imaginations with the May Queen, the and grief educator will guide the Green Man moving through the woods and fairies awakening sessions. Guest writers will join him to spring flowers. Come join in the celebration of fire, flowers share their words about uncertainty. and rebirth. Participants will learn drumming techniques Ted has been a community instructor and ways to enter into this auspicious time in the Celtic in Family Education at the University wheel of the year. Please bring a drum, or let us know that of Minnesota since 1981 and an you need to borrow a drum when you register. adjunct professor in Social Work at WHEN: Tuesday, May 7, 7:00 to 9:00 pm the University of Saint Thomas since COST: $30.00, limited to 22 participants 2006. He is co-editor of a volume of poems by Minnesota poets addressing Presenter: Gabriel Ashley Ross is the director of Creative themes of loss and renewal, The Wind Spirit, a non-profit organization dedicated to incorporating Blows, The Ice Breaks, and is the author of two booklets the arts in spiritual exploration. addressing shattered dreams, Loss of Dreams: A Special Kind of Grief and ;^cY^c\ =deZ L]Zc 9gZVbh =VkZ H]ViiZgZY# Gabriel has been leading Celtic Drum and Ritual groups for ten years. She facilitates women’s spirituality groups and WHEN: Tuesdays, April 2 and May 14, 6:30 to 8:30 pm teaches courses on comparative religions, eco-spirituality, COST: $30.00 per session © creativity and spirituality, Soul Journal and SoulCollage . Gabriel has taught college level theology classes and has a Master’s Degree in Catechetics and Liturgy from the University of St. Thomas.
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
SPIRITUAL PRACTICES THEN AND NOW AND YET TO COME: WRITING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE What time is it in your life now? What season are you living through, and where might it be leading you? This two-part guided writing series invites you to engage both memory and imagination in reflecting on what is present in your life now. Prompted by stories, poetry, visual images and physical objects, and teachings from world religions, we will explore our lives, then and now and yet to come. No writing experience needed.
Session 1: Remembering Then, Seeing Our Lives Now
Memories can be a blessing or sometimes a burden. How do we sort through what we remember and carry it forward in ways that support and nurture who we are now and who we long to become? What gifts in our memories lay waiting to be unwrapped?
Presenter: Karen Hering is a consulting literary minister based at Unity Church – Unitarian and serving the larger community. Her ministry of story and words offers guided writing sessions, retreats and workshops that engage writing as a spiritual practice and a tool for social change. Her reflections have appeared in journals, anthologies and several Wisdom Ways catalogs; and her book Writing to Wake the Soul will be published in the fall of 2013. For information, visit: www.unityunitarian.org/literary-ministry.html. WHEN: COST:
Thursdays, May 9 and 16, 6:30 to 8:30 pm $30.00 per session
Session2: Imagination as a Tool for Seeing What Is Already Here
Imagination is sometimes too quickly dismissed as “make believe.” Perhaps it is more fundamentally a creative way of seeing that opens us to possibilities already present here and now. How might our imaginations help us to perceive what already is, as well as what might be?
On the third Friday of every month, you are invited to a time of introspection and contemplation. He^g^ijVa HeV ^cXajYZh gZÅZXi^dch VcY egZhZciVi^dch [gdb H^hiZgh VcY 8dchdX^ViZh l^i] i^bZ ^c WZilZZc id gZVY hdbZ eV\Zh [gdb V Wdd` ^c i]Z L^hYdb LVnh¼ a^WgVgn! gZÅZXi l^i] V Äc\Zg labyrinth, meditate and enjoy the quiet. It is an oasis to listen and ponder, to pause and pray, and to make connections and discover resources for your faith journey. I]Z gZÅZXi^dch d[[ZgZY VgZ V XgZVi^kZ b^m d[ \^[ih! iVaZcih! kdXVi^dcVa ZmeZg^ZcXZh! VcY spiritual stories. Please see the website, www.wisdomwayscenter.org for information about i]Z bdci]an egZhZciZgh# He^g^ijVa HeV ^h XddgY^cViZY Wn CVcXn 9Vk^h! 8H?#
9:00 am to 10:00 am 10:00 am to 11:00 am 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Group Meditation led by a Sister (CSJ) or a Consociate Individual Time for silence, meditation and prayer Conversation and Reflection facilitated by a Sister or Consociate.
Third Friday every month, 9:00am to 12:00 noon $5.00 suggested donation
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
:c\V\Z ^c 8dbbjc^in * Nourish Spirit * Inspire Social Action We are a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Rooted in the Catholic, Christian faith, we welcome people from all spiritual traditions. We offer young adults 2035 years old an opportunity to integrate their education, values, spirituality, and work in the context of community. We offer retreats and programs on and off-site. Some of the titles of our programs include: Community Garden; From Mask to Mirror; Beauty and You; Presentation and a Pint; Revolution of the Heart; Visiting Women’s Communities of Faith. For program information and dates visit: www.csjstpaul.org/celeste
The Justice Commission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and Consociates, St. Paul Province, acts for justice and equality for all by always moving toward profound love of God and neighbor without distinction. We join with other groups in addressing issues influencing human dignity and Earth. 11th Day Prayer for Peace Created in 2001 and offered on the 11th of each month, 11th Day Prayer for Peace provides the opportunity for those gathered to pray for peace in situations throughout the world where it is needed. Themes include a variety of issues such as anti-human trafficking, dismantling racism, eco-justice, life from womb to tomb, non-partisan get out the vote and more. WHEN: WHERE:
11th day of each month, 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm Presentation of Our Lady Chapel (Sisters Chapel), 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul
Breaking the Impasse III Featuring: Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK, A Catholic Social Justice Lobby, Washington, DC WHEN: WHERE:
Tuesday, March 5, 7:00 to 9:00 pm Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., Saint Paul For more information contact: 651-690-7079 or 651-690-7054
GIVE A GIFT TO WISDOM WAYS. When you seek a space to explore your journey of faith and share insightful VcY Xg^i^XVa gZÅZXi^dc l^i] di]Zgh dc i]Z he^g^ijVa eVi]! l]ZgZ Yd ndj ijgc4 In 2012, over 4,000 women, men and children turned to Wisdom Ways. It is a gift to walk together in faith as we explore, re-imagine and embody ways the Spirit is at work in our lives and the world. Your financial contributions have helped make Wisdom Ways a leading spiritual center in the Twin Cities since 1994.
We are committed to provide programs that are theologically astute and address the urgent questions of spirituality, faith, and justice for our times. Please consider making a generous gift. Give your gift online at www.wisdomwayscenter.org/donate.
Wisdom Ways is a place to deepen your faith, receive hope and healing, and discover new insights and ideas. Your financial gift is extremely important because you personally provide support that makes an immediate impact to guide us through the year ahead.
www.wisdomwayscenter.org 651-696-2788 info@wisdomwayscenter.org 25
SECOND SUNDAY – NOW IN ITS 26TH YEAR CSJ MEMBERSHIP AND ASSOCIATION The CSJ Way: Community, Spirituality, and Justice – a half-day retreat! Spend a Saturday morning with the Sisters of St. Joseph and Consociates learning about the many ways to become involved with this energetic, contemporary community of spirituality and justice. The morning will include prayer and meditation, storytellers, an interdisciplinary introduction to the many ways to be involved, and treats! Learn about how you can engage as program participant, volunteer, Consociate and/or Sister. Join this movement! Saturday, April 20, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Carondelet Center CONTACT: For more information, contact Joan Pauly Schneider at 651-690-7063, jpaulyschneider@csjstpaul.org, or Mary Kaye Medinger at 651-690-7082, mkmedinger@csjstpaul.org. WHEN: WHERE:
Rituals to Mark the Seasons – Celebrating the Journey Season by Season Gather together at Carondelet Center to connect with earth rhythms and ancient wisdom traditions in prayer and ritual to celebrate the change of seasons. Bring a drum or other rhythm instrument if you would like. January 30 Candlemas March 20 Spring Equinox May 1 Beltane June 19 Summer Solstice July 31 Lammas WHEN:
Gather at 5:30 pm; ritual from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Contact Roseann Giguere at 651-695-5437 or Mary Lou Flandrick at 612-724-6008 for more information. Carondelet Center Free, no registration
Second Sunday is a community circle in which women and men and families gather to reflect together on the Sunday scriptures. Second Sunday began among the Sisters of St. Joseph in three community houses. In 2004 the members of Second Sunday decided to gather at Carondelet Center. We reflect on the Sunday gospel and nourish one another’s lives with this sharing. We share bread and wine and lift up the prayers of all gathered and concerns for the world. Following, we drink coffee and enjoy treats. All are welcome and invited to come when you can. The group is a new blessing each month. WHEN: WHERE: CONTACT:
Second Sunday of each month, 10:00 am Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave. Therese Sherlock, CSJ, 651-690-7011
What Is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is the practice of being with people as they attempt to deepen their relationship with the divine. In spiritual direction, space is created for one to learn and grow in their spirituality. The person seeking direction shares stories of his or her encounters of the divine, or how he or she is experiencing spiritual issues. Spiritual direction nurtures a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human. It is not counseling, psychotherapy or financial planning. If you seek spiritual direction, the following CSJ Spiritual Directors are available to support you on your journey. Roseann Giguere, CSJ Elizabeth Kerwin, CSJ Margaret L. Kvasnicka, CSJ (women only) Mary Lamski, CSJ Susan Oeffling, CSJ Cathy Steffens, CSJ, Jill Underdahl, CSJ Gina Webb, CSJ
651-695-5437 651-641-0008 651-696-2805 651-695-5387 651-696-2757 651-696-2760 651-696-2873 651-696-2757
RETREAT CENTER Carondelet Center welcomes individuals and groups for meetings and retreats. Visit www.carondeletcenter.org or call 651-696-2741.
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
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CELTIC CONTEMPLATIVE COMMUNION: * a Celtic Journey into the Mysteries
NORDIC CONTEMPLATIVE EVENING PRAYER: * the rich and haunting music of the Scandinavian peoples
January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14
January 27
There is no such beauty as where you belong The love that loves me a world a sigh a voice a light once in spring I with god had a quiet talk
February 24
March 24
April 28
The End Is Where We Start From Guest Musicians: Twin Cities Hardingfelelag Calm Me into a Quietness Guest Musician: Rocky Mjos on Guitar and Lute Thirst Guest Musicians: McNally Smith World Vocal Ensemble Turn But a Stone and an Angel Moves
6aa hZgk^XZh VgZ Vi +/*&eb Vi E^a\g^b Aji]ZgVc 8]jgX]! &.(* Hi# 8aV^g 6kZ#! HV^ci EVja For more information, k^h^i/ lll#e^a\g^bhieVja#dg\! dg XVaa +*&"+.."+--+ 7TH ANNUAL MYSER LECTURE AND AWARD ON CATHOLIC IDENTITY APRIL 18, 7:00 PM AT THE O’SHAUGHNESSY Cathleen Kaveny, Notre Dame University professor of moral theology and law, will speak on religious liberty, “Catholics in the Public Square: Prophecy, Civility and Truth”. Kaveny has published a new book on the topic: AVl¼h K^gijZh/ Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society.
HEALING HEARTS ~ SACRED SPACES ~ STRONG WOMEN Second Annual Women’s Spiritual Pilgrimage to Ireland Led by Lisa Gidlow Moriarty June 13-23, 2013 (Limited to 15 participants) Information, itinerary and registration available at www.celtic-journeys.com
JAN Date
Kindling the Celtic Spirit for Transforming the Times
Page 13
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Beholding The Threshold: Creating A New Culture Around the Sacred Threshold of Death
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Who Really Was St. Patrick?
St. Brigid’s Day Celebration
Winter Reflection Morning on Candlemas
Beholding The Threshold: Creating A New Culture Around the Sacred Threshold of Death
To Journey as Pilgrim: A Day Retreat
Evening Irish Fest on St. Blaise, patron saint of voice and throat
Lenten Day of Contemplative Prayer
Create Your Own Personal Prayer Labyrinth
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Men’s Series: M2 Mindfulness and Drumming
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Kindling the Celtic Spirit for Transforming the Times
Christian Meditation: A Way of Living In The Modern World with Laurence Freeman
Pre Lenten Retreat: The Heart of the Matter with Laurence Freeman
Christian Meditation for Children and Young People with Laurence Freeman
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Men’s Series: “The Way”
Spiritual Autobiography as Contemplative Practice
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Kindling the Celtic Spirit for Transforming the Times
Men’s Series: Centering Prayer
Beholding The Threshold: Creating A New Culture Around the Sacred Threshold of Death
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Living With Uncertainty: Insights from Poets, Memoirists and Essayists
Drumming the Beltane Blessings
Exploring Gender Identity
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Body Image and Eating: The Illusion that Culture is Permanent
Then and Now: Writing As Spiritual Practice
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Living With Uncertainty: Insights from Poets, Memoirists and Essayists
Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Series: Our Male Friends
Exploring Gender Identity
Body Image and Eating: The Illusion that Culture is Permanent
Then and Now: Writing As Spiritual Practice
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Exploring Gender Identity
Drumming the Heartbeat of Earth
Hedgerow: Women and Christianity
Kindling the Celtic Spirit for Transforming the Times
Kindling the Celtic Spirit for Transforming the Times
Third Friday of every month
Christian Meditation IjZhYVn :kZc^c\ 8]g^hi^Vc BZY^iVi^dc"I^bZh d[ EgVnZg Teaching Sessions Saturdays in Lent =dan HVijgYVn
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* John Philip Newell, October 29-30
DIRECTIONS TO CARONDELET CENTER Carondelet Center is located at 1890 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, between Cleveland and Fairview Avenues. From I-94, take the Snelling or Cretin/Vandalia exit south to Randolph Avenue. Travel west from Snelling or east from Cretin. From I-35E, take the Randolph exit west past Fairview to 1890 Randolph. Turn in at either of the two driveways marked by the brown and teal signs marked CSJ, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Free parking is available.
Wisdom Waysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; labyrinth facilitators are available to bring presentations and portable labyrinths to your site or to guide you in the use of your own labyrinth. Contact us at 651-696-2788 to make arrangements or visit www. wisdomwayscenter.org.
LIBRARY Wisdom Waysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; collection of more than 2,500 books, audio, videotapes and CD/DVDs on spirituality-related themes is located in the west parlor of Carondelet Center. Browse our labyrinth section of beautiful and inspiring images and background on the labyrinth.
Randolph Ave.
All programs are held at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, unless otherwise noted.
Admin Center
Carondelet Center
LABYRINTH RESOURCES TO RENT One mission of Wisdom Ways is to share resources in ever expanding circles. Wisdom Ways has over 70 multiple-sized labyrinths and ritual items for rent. Canvas labyrinths are available to rent for church or community events, business retreat days, civic gatherings, celebrations and personal use. Additional ritual and creative resources are also available. Visit our website www.wisdomwayscenter.org or call 651-696-2788 to make arrangements.
PRESENTERS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER - WINTER/SPRING 2012 Marc Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Mary Bednarowski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ted Bowman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Deborah Chernick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Keri Clifton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Nancy Cosgriff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Dennis Coyne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dennis Dietzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-14 Marianne Dietzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-14 Louie Doering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Laurence Freeman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Karen Hering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Marcus Losack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 7 Katie Loth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Barbara Lund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tamar Melmed Marmor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Tim McIntee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Mary Kaye Medinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Joan Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lisa Gidlow Moriarty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Julie Neraas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Susan Oeffling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mary Rose O’Reilley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Eoin ó Súilleabháin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Moley ó Suilleabhain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nóirín Ní Riain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Gabriel Ashley Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Joan Pauly Schneider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ed Sellner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Terry Shaughnessy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Jim Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
REGISTRATION INFORMATION Ways to register: Online registration at www.wisdomwayscenter.org LZ VXXZei 6bZg^XVc :megZhh! 9^hXdkZg! BVhiZg8VgY! K^hV VcY eZghdcVa X]ZX`h# E]dcZ gZ\^higVi^dc Vi +*&"+.+"',-- dg ZbV^a Vi info@wisdomwayscenter.org.
Registration Form Name: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City: ____________________ State: __ Zip: ______ Phone: ____________________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Would you like to receive program updates by email? (We do not sell or share our email list.) Yes No Program Names: Dates 1. 2. 3. 4. Amount Due: ________________________
Mail registration to: Wisdom Ways, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 Gift certificates are available, call 651-696-2788. Financial assistance is available. Unless otherwise noted, all events will be held at the CaronUnless otherwise noted, all events will be held at the Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul, MN. Free parking.
PAYMENT OPTIONS: ____ Check payable to Wisdom Ways ____ American Express ____ MasterCard
____ Discover ____ Visa
Card #: ________________________________/AVG Expiration Date: ______________ Code__________ Name on card: ______________________________ DONATION OPTIONS: General Scholarship for participants: In memory/honor of:
$ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________
Total enclosed for programs: Tax deductible donation:
$ ___________ $ ___________
$ ___________
TWIN CITIES, MN PERMIT NO. 1990 A Ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet 1884 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105
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