wise: (adj) informed, aware
Journaling health benefits
of Self Care happiness is
an Inside Job
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
Š The Wise Mom, Holistic Moms Network. Issue 4, March 2011.
thewisemom 4
From the Editor
News & Announcements
10 Balance/Self Care Tips 12 Health Benefits of Self Care 14 To Choose Self Care 16 Parenthood: The Path to Sainthood or Challenge to Sanity 20 Volunteer Profile 22 Happiness is an inside Job 24 Cell Salts Help Balance 26 Self-Care Journaling 28 Spiritual Awareness 30 How to Balance Life: A Midwife’s Perspective 32 Using Essential Oils to Promote Well-Being 34 Flower Essences 36 Balancing, Parting and 3D Dimensions 38 Therapy: The Un-Sexy Self-Care Practice 40 Member Profile 42 Self Care Snapshots
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
thewisemom EDITOR
Aimee Wood
For advertising rates and information about Sponsorship, please e-mail us at or call
us at 877-HOL-MOMS.
The Wise Mom is published four times per year and is
Nancy Massotto
distributed electronically to members of the Holistic Moms Network. For information about membership, please visit
The Wise Mom is a quarterly publication of the Holistic
us at
Moms Network (HMN), a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for parents interested in holistic health and
green living. The Wise Mom is the voice of the members
Interested in writing for The Wise Mom? We look for a
of the Holistic Moms Network as well as an informative
variety of submissions, from personal stories and
publication offering views, perspectives, and wisdom from
experiences from members to informative research articles
our parents, wellness practitioners, and experts in the
based upon our issue theme each quarter. Want to share
broad field of holistic living and parenting.
your photos with us? By submitting a photo to The Wise Mom, you agree that you have the right to distribute the
The information provided in The Wise Mom is not intended
image and maintain that all people depicted agree to have
to replace professional advice from a qualified healthcare
their image published.
professional and is not intended as medical advice. The articles and information presented in these pages
Email for details on
is intended as a sharing of knowledge, information, and
submitting articles or photos for an upcoming issue.
experiences. We encourage all of our readers to become informed about the many healthcare and parenting
Š The Wise Mom, Holistic Moms Network. Issue 2, August 2010.
decisions they may face and to make the choice that works best for their unique family. The Wise Mom is a publication of the Holistic Moms Network and supports the mission and purpose of our non-profit organization.
Nancy Massotto Executive Director
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
editorsnote Dear Members, What a wonderful time to be talking about self-care and balance! Whether you have been through a long cold winter or have been battling sicknesses with your families; this issue will get you thinking about one of the most important things, YOU! It sounds cliché, but if you don’t take care of you, who will? We have some great articles on why self-care and balance is so integral for the well being of our whole family to specific topics such as journaling, flower remedies, and cell salts. You will definitely learn a thing or two from this issue, I know I have. As always, I encourage you to write with comments and suggestions. If you would like to write for an upcoming issue, please send me an email at: The themes for 2011 are as follows: June (Green Eco-Friendly Living), September (What is Holistic Parenting?), December (Green Holidays: How to Simplify and Avoid Consumerism). So, can I urge you to sit back, relax, brew some tea, and take time for YOU? I know I will! With a newborn and homeschooling two older children, if I don’t carve out this time for me it seems everyone suffers! Warmly, Aimee K. Wood, Editor
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
news&announcements Big Benefit, Big Savings! The Holistic Moms Network was thrilled to launch our new 2011 Online Member Savings Book at the start of this year, packed with great offers and discounts from our Sponsors. With more than $50 in potential savings – and more on the way! – this is a huge benefit for all HMN members. Save on great products and services from Motherlove, Yoreganics, the National Center for Homeopathy, and Pure Indian Foods; get coupons fro m Boiron, Organic Valley, and Sprout Baby Food; and read up with Brain, Child, Natural Life, and Organic Spa Magazines! New offers are being added all year round and others will change throughout the year, so join check in often and save again and again!
meet Yoreganics: New HMN Sponsor
Green your cleaning and more! HMN is excited to welcome new Sponsor, Yoreganics, into our community! Yoreganics is a reflection of the days of yore, long ago, when life was simple and cleaning was natural. Let’s revisit simple. Yore Organic Laundry … USDA Certified Organic Soap Nuts, Stain Remover, Brightens & Whitens. Also USDA certified organic lip balm, foaming body wash. HMN m embers can save $10 off an online order of $25 or more! Check out the Online Member Savings Book for more information! 6
meet Brain, Child: HMN Continuing Sponsor Looking for a thoughtful magazine about motherhood? Check out HMN Sponsor Brain, Child! Brain, Child is the award-winning magazine that reflects modern motherhood – the way it really is. It’s also a community for and by mothers who like to think about what raising kids does for the mind and the soul. Each issue is packed with fascinating essays, in-depth features, light-hearted parodies, thoughtful reviews, great fiction–plus superb art, photography, cartoons and much more. Winner, 2010 Utne Independent Press Award for Best Social & Cultural Coverage. HMN members can subscribe for more than 33% off the regular subscription price. Visit our Online Member Savings Book for details! Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Curious About Homeopathy? Join us for a special FREE webinar for HMN Members sponsored by the National Center for Homeopathy. “Top 5 Remedies for Family Wellness” with Ann E. Jerome, PhD, CCH, RSHom(NA), NCH Dean of Education, and Director of the Academy of Classical Homeopathy. She will discuss essential homeopathic remedies to have on hand and how to use them for a variety of conditions. Join us on Tuesday, March 29th, 1 pm Eastern Time. New Chapters Forming! Get connected to a local HMN community! Check out our new Chapters in Montgomery County, MD Blue Earth County, MN Twin Cities, MN Sullivan County, NY Richland County/Mid-OH Horry County, SC Madison, WI
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
self-care&balance: What Our aths of e r b 6 3 e h t e s eIu To find balanc apanese J t n ie c n a e h t , Jin Shin Jyutsu energies of e h t g in iz n o Ar t of harm ling all the a h x e n o g in s u the body. Foc positivity g n li a h in d n a ies stress & toxicit onders. w s k r o w t h g & li de, VA Chapter
Southsi –Allison Crews,
When I was a n ew mom I foun d it really diffic balance. Breast ult to create feeding, attach ment parenting food allergies a , dealing with nd more left m e with little en anything else. ergy to create With a second child with spec even more diffi ial needs, it wa cult. But I am s committed to fi a n d a ls o c la im nding peace in g ti m e fo r m y se lf to b e a b Connecting wit e tt e r p a re n t. h fellow mama s through my lo in my Book Clu cal Chapter an b help give me d personal time a feel more grou nd a chance to nded.
- Nancy Massott
o, Executive Direc
tor of HMN
e eping in” on th e sl “ s rn tu e k ays nd I ta 0am on Saturd 1 l My husband a ti n u ” in p e et to “sle s. I, often, y a d n u weekends. I g S n o m ome s in” until 10a t 7am in the h a and he “sleep p u n e ft o ’s p* but he few actually *slee nice to have a is It . rs o o d sI closed on - though a t office behind n u o c n a c I t time” tha then again, I t u b hours of “me it h g u es I sleep thro ep! said, sometim e catch up sle th d e d e e n ly b figure I proba ME Chapter , d n la rt o P , er gn -Julie Wa 10
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Holistic Mamas Are Doing I tr y to space e ver ything out. I don’t put too many things on the calendar fo r one week and leave a cou ple of days wit h no plans at all to catch up on work and h ome tasks and things that com e up last minu te.
- Carol C., Roch
ester NY Chapte
ing else h t y r e v e n e h t workout y m o d I n e veryone h e n e h t d n a r I find that w m happie a I r. e h t o o e l t h at e m f s I le d t t n li a a is s s n o r ru ltiple Scle u M e v a h I . r else is happie well also. y a t s e m d e lp e exercise has h -Kim
ty, NJ chapter n u o C is rr o M z, Mazurkiewic
Seeking balance an new meaning w d recognizing the need for se lf-care has taken ith the birth of my baby two m on a to raising a new onths ago. In born, I am also addition homeschooling and eight year o my nine year o ld daughter. W ld son h ile a special place that feels relaxin nursing my daughter, I have cr eated g and comfortin rocking chair eq g. A comfortab uipped with m le agazines and o Also, I make su ther reading m re a cup of my at erial. favorite green te is the little thin a is brewed. F gs that matter. or me, it
- Aimee K. Wood
, Editor of The W
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
ise Mom 11
the health benefits of
By Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP
Does this sound familiar: you make time to take care of everyone else but you “don’t have time” to do something nice for yourself? Occasionally you might manage to eat a balanced meal or workout. Guess what: self-care is as important to your health as nutrition and exercise. Since being healthy means functioning at your best in all areas of life, it’s important to do things to improve mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being in addition to physical wellness. One way to do this is to choose activities that help you manage stress and feel balanced. Practicing self-care accomplishes this and more. Consciously tending to your personal needs creates wholeness, the essence of health. Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Being healthy means more than flat abs and normal cho-
experts believe this occurs by causing the body to release
lesterol levels. It also includes healthy thoughts, uplifting
relaxation hormones.
emotions, and a supportive life philosophy. Nourishing social circumstances-like reliable friends, a loving family, economic
Positive coping strategies, also acts of self-care, help
stability, and meaningful activities-also play a key role in liv-
alleviate stress by creating a healthy perception about
ing an optimally healthy life.
potentially stressful situations. For example, reframing your perspective about an experience can help you view it as an
True self-care, by definition, fosters optimal health. Tending
opportunity rather than a threat. Another coping method,
to your personal needs promotes wholeness by giving your
journal writing, can transform feelings of overwhelm and
mind, body, and spirit what they need or yearn. That’s
confusion into peace and clarity.
self-care. Self-care also decreases stress when it’s used to create greater Acts of self-care can lead to improved health by 1) doing
personal balance. Choosing to do more of what nourishes
things that promote health or 2) avoiding things that harm
you and less of what depletes you creates a sense of balance,
health. For example, eliminating risky activities like
confidence, and competence. Doing this for yourself is
distracted driving or tobacco use can boost health and
practicing self-care.
longevity. Similarly, adding healthy activities like meditation or exercise can also improve health and well-being. Both
Self-care can fit into any schedule. Even if you don’t have
types of choices are self-care.
the time or financial resources to spend a month alone on a private island, you can still take a few moments to connect
Self-care also boosts wellness by helping to manage stress.
with who you really are. Close your eyes and take a deep,
Some experts estimate that stress precipitates up to 85% of
conscious breath once an hour. Put on your favorite music
health issues. That’s not surprising if you consider that many
and dance like no one is watching. Look in the mirror
types of stress exist.
and complement yourself. Honor yourself every day. You deserve it!
Most people talk about distress-the unfavorable or negative interpretation of a real or perceived event. Perhaps that’s
Be well,
because distress usually leads to periods of intense emotions
Dr. Donna
like anger or fear. Positive situations, however, can also create stress. This is called eustress. It occurs in situations that
Donna L. Hamilton, MD, MS, FAAP, is a former
inspire or motivate people into action. Falling in love or
board-certified pediatrician residing in Northeast-
starting a new business might fall into this category. Both
ern Pennsylvania. Currently, she is Chief Wellness
types of stress create demands that require your body to
Officer and co-owner of Manifest Excellence,
LLC. Dr. Hamilton specializes in holistic wellness promotion and teaches a comprehensive ap-
Certain acts of self-care can help your body and mind adapt
proach to health and wellness by addressing mental, emotional,
to stressors in a healthy manner. For example, relaxation
social, spiritual and physical wellbeing. For more information visit
techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, yoga, or music, or contact Dr. Hamilton at
therapy help calm the nervous system. Mind-Body medicine or (570)234-0772.
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
to choose selfcare By Dawn Noble, RN, BSN
fter the holidays, when the kids get back to school, when things slow down a bit…yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, you’ll get to taking care of yourself when it’s a
good time. It’s a good time now! When you’re in good shape, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically, you are not only more fully present to what you are doing but who you are doing it with. You are saying to others (your children perhaps?) that taking care of yourself is important and a priority. What is the message you’re currently sending? By leaving yourself for last, pushing yourself past your limits doing everything that seemingly, ‘needs to be done’ you’re sharing a message that is not only dangerous it’s unhealthy.
I recently kicked my husband, two children (and dog!) out of
of it, but to share more about who I am. In
the house from Saturday midday until the following day late
preparing for their departure, they helped get the pretty
afternoon. Why? Because I needed time in my house alone,
dishes out, put the candles out, make the living room cozy.
to be me, enjoy the home I’ve created, spend an evening
They asked about who was coming, what we would talk
with friends around the table with some fine china, a pretty
about, where my book was. They were excited for me and I
glass in my hand, re-energizing my spirit with conversation
shared with them my excitement. As they climbed into the
and inspiration from other women in my life. I call it book
car they were waving and singing and very happy.
club (whether books are read or not!). At first glance this bit of ‘self care’ might be interpreted as selfish, but let me share
Here’s what it did for them: they enjoyed a great afternoon
another perspective.
with dad at the driving range sharing a bit of his passion, they ate out at one of their favorite places (one where mommy
In my growth as a mom I have realized that not
only do I need more self care, I am compelled to do this to teach my girls not only the importance
does not go!) and then to Grandma’s for a home baked treat, a fun movie and sleeping bags. When they arrived home the next day, they found a mom who was relaxed, revived, and
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
feeling refreshed in so many ways. The other benefit: they witnessed mommy taking care of herself before a crisis, without a diagnosis, just taking care of herself for sake of being more balanced, more available for her everyday. I can understand, and have used and heard, all the excuses for not taking care of ourselves, “I’m too busy”, “I have no one to take the kids”, “no time”, but I have also seen that when crisis hits, we seem to find the time. Why
for the crisis? It’s not okay to wait until tomorrow to take care of ourselves. We all have inner guidance and have clues when something is not quite right. Listen and take action. The thing I know for sure is that when
I’m in good shape, I am more available to my community: my husband and children, extended family, friends, colleagues, and more. When you’re in better shape, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically you have more of the good you to give. The world needs you to be well…please take care.
Dawn is a nurse, professional organizer, speaker, author and entrepreneur. She is the founder of Balance and Beyond, a Professional Organizing business, and co-founder of Wellness Possibilities, an online directory of services and activities for living healthier, happier and easier. Dawn began her career as a RN, caring for individuals in their homes. She saw firsthand how environments impacted health, and in her role as a professional organizer, Dawn worked directly with clients to increase their professional productivity and personal satisfaction. She began to explore other healing options during her personal journey from infertility to natural conception and childbirth. She now has two beautiful daughters, daily reminders of how incorporating wellness services can transform your health and your life. Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
The path to sainthood or challenge to sanity By Bernardo A Merizalde, MD, DHt
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
Parenthood can be the quickest way to
environmental, psychological and spiritual dimensions.
sainthood or to the asylum. There is no
These are not in order or importance, for each one of them
human endeavor filled with so many joys and
is unique and part of the whole structure. A true holistic approach must consider each and every dimension.
heartbreaks. Our children come into our lives naturally or with the help of adoption agencies. Regardless of the route, we are at the mercy of
Research shows that individuals actively involved with a religious faith tend to be healthier, physically and psychologically. This doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone should join a
fate, chance, or divine grace. Each person is
church, synagogue, temple, or mosque. Some people may
pursue secular activities that activate a sense of awe and
Some children are a bundle of joy, sleeping through the night from the first day and eating at regular times. Others may have a variable biological rhythm, eating and sleeping at random. Each type will require its own set of skills and nurturance. We see them grow through the various developmental phases, maximizing hopefully their innate potentials, requiring minimum support and developing healthy relationships as grown adults, perhaps creating a family of their own. Other times, they continue being dependent on us, late into adulthood, making us wonder if we should join co-dependent anonymous. Through the vicissitudes, regardless of how easy or difficult children are, parenthood requires the development of tremendous coping skills, patience being one of them, to prevent burn-out. Often, the stress of parenthood affects the spousal relationship to various degrees, and that may increase the complexity of the challenges. It is hard enough to manage the relationship between two. It becomes more challenging when it is four-, five-fold, or greater. In order to maximize our ability to cope with the challenges and demands of parenthood, it is important to understand ourselves, and know what strategies to implement to minimize stress, and increase our resilience. I approach this task based on a model that addresses the biological, socioCopyright Š2011 holistic moms network
transcendence, together with other similar-minded people to socialize and partake of meaningful activities. Meditation and prayer have been proven to be effective in decreasing of anxiety, depression, stress symptoms, hypertension, headaches, and a number of other psychosomatic conditions. Psychosomatic conditions are not imagined, but are real medical conditions where the mind and emotions play a role in the formation and persistence of the disease. Such is the case with asthma, peptic ulcer disease, or colitis, which has a physical and an emotional component. Learning relaxation techniques, mindfulness-based stress reduction programs, and/or self hypnosis are another, related, set of tools that can give you extra coping skills. You may need to find a local training program, a counselor or therapist, to learn the particular techniques suitable for you. The psychological dimension is the result of the interaction between our genetic makeup, our nature, our temperament, and the surrounding environment, our caretakers and others around us. Through this nature-nurture interaction we develop our own unique perspective about ourselves and the world we inhabit. Early experiences form the categories and schemas of concepts and beliefs, which evoke our emotions and guide our behavior, consciously or unconsciously. Throughout our life we assimilate, adapt and integrate our 17
experiences and develop coping mechanism, strengths and
of fungicides, pesticides, and other toxic compounds. Avoid
virtues, with which we juggle the task of managing our individual
the intake of soft drinks, particularly diet drinks. It is best to
needs and the needs of those around us, including our children.
drink green tea, which tends to have antioxidant properties
That negotiation becomes even more challenging when the
and help with detoxification.
primary caretaker is also the primary breadwinner as it happens in many homes.
Make sure the room in which you sleep has curtains or blinds which block light. It has been shown that even a small
Hopefully, we have been able to develop sufficient social
amount of light can decrease the depth and quality of sleep.
competencies to establish fulfilling and supportive relationships,
Keep your room organized. A chaotic room may subconsciously
not just with our spouses,
keep you under a state of tension
but with family members
with pressing and incomplete
and friends. People who
tasks. Decreased sleep will decrease
develop significant
your ability to cope and increase
relationships have greater
irritability and stress.
and healthier longevity. Parenting, when it includes
It is very important to spend
supportive relationships,
sufficient time outdoors to get
becomes not only easier,
sufficient exposure to the sun
but is also healthier for the
and produce the indispensable
children. By experiencing
vitamin D3. The best times to
relationships with other caring
be outside are before 10:30
adults, children are able to
a.m. and after 3 p.m. for about
develop a greater sense of
15 to 20 minutes per day.
belonging and acceptance,
Don’t wear sunscreen during
and we get the time to go to
those times as it will block your
the gym or get together with
ability to produce the vitamin.
significant others,
Vitamin D3 is extremely
including friends, for a
important for the deposit of
couple of hours, to have a chat and get a break.
calcium in your bones. It regulates your immune system to the point that it will help to prevent viral infections, and it
Environmental factors are important to take into consideration
helps to modulate the brain chemicals, helping to prevent
when we want to maximize our resilience. The kind of food
depression, particular seasonal affective disorder. The best
we eat will give us a greater feeling of well-being, energy and
way to determine your need is with a blood level test through
endurance. The wrong foods will exhaust us more quickly. A
your doctor’s office.
diet based primarily on vegetables, legumes and fruits, with
whole grains and fish, will provide all of the needed nutrients.
Exercise is the next important activity to maintain health
It is preferable to eat organic produce, to reduce the intake
both physical and mental. It has been shown that physiCopyright Š2011 holistic moms network
cal activity helps to release tension and helps prevent and
Phosphoric acid for long-term exhaustion from stress, physical
treat depression. Exercise is essential for cardiovascular
and mental fatigue; Ignatia amara for grief and mortification;
and pulmonary health, as well as for the integrity of bones,
and, Nux vomica for irritability and impatience, particularly
muscles and the maintenance of balance. Twenty minutes
from the abuse of stimulants, food and drink. All of these can
of aerobic exercise, particularly interval training, three times
be found in most health food stores who carry homeopathic
a week appears to be the best way to acquire the benefits
of exercise. Brisk walking has show to be enough to get the aerobic, cardiovascular, pulmonary and neurological benefits
Since some cough, cold and flu medicines for young children
of exercise. Strength training and lifting weights are necessary
are now in question by the FDA, homeopathic medicines can
to achieve the other benefits. Many people find it helpful to
take their place in the home medicine cabinet. It is especially
hire physical trainers, who often are certified, for the extra
important to have Oscillococcinum on hand during cold and
encouragement to get through the initial challenging times
flu season. Oscillo has been shown in four double-blind, pla-
until the habit of exercising is formed.
cebo-controlled clinical studies to help reduce the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms like feeling run down, body
In my practice I offer my patients a four-tiered approach
aches, chills and fever. It doesn’t suppress or mask symptoms
to treatment of medical conditions. I recommend diet and
or cause side effects such as drowsiness or sleeplessness.
dietary supplements, herbs, conventional medicines as well
This homeopathic medicine is safe for parents and children
homeopathic medicines. The choice of which to use depends
over age two.
on the condition and which will be the most effective and least toxic approach.
There are also a number of over-the-counter combination homeopathic medicines indicated to treat a number of other
Homeopathy is the least understood and more undervalued
self-limiting conditions, such as teething, cough, hay fever,
approach. It has been around for over 200 years and there
colic, PMS, etc., which are safe and non-toxic and could
is sufficient evidence to prove its efficacy. Thousands of
potentially be as effective as other over-the-counter
physicians have used it around the world to treat millions of
patients for a variety of conditions. Ultimately, by being open to the integration of physical, I recommend my patients to have a homeopathic medicine
mental and spiritual dimensions into daily life, parents and
home kit, which usually comes with an indication guide
their children too, can truly reach a maximum of health and
for the medicines. Most of these medicines can be used as
well being.
you would other over-the-counter medicines. Of course, if an acute condition is not improving promptly or is getting progressively worse, you should consult your primary care
Bernardo A Merizalde, M.D, DHt
Assistant Clinical Professor, Thomas Jefferson
Some commonly used homeopathic medicines for parents
University Hospital
caring for family members are: Cocculus for exhaustion and
Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine
faintness from loss of sleep after taking care of loved ones;
Philadelphia, PA
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
March 2011
Jen Oh help me in discovering the type of mother I wanted to be. When we moved to CA – HMN continued with me. I moved to CA about 2 months after the San Jose chapter opened and I fell right into another wonderful group. I still belong to both groups because of the love and support I have always received. What is your Chapter Affiliation? San Jose, CA Chapter of HMN AND Knoxville, TN Chapter What is your volunteer role with HMN? I am a co-leader of the San Jose, CA Chapter and a regular member of the Knoxville, TN chapter. Just recently I became the CA Regional Chapter Mentor. What have you been working on recently? In February, I officially became the CA Regional Chapter Mentor. Currently, I am organizing an HMN booth at the San Francisco Green Festival April 9th & 10th. We are very excited because HMN will also be providing the Comfort Station at the SF Green Festival in April. We were at the last Green Festival (Oct ’10) and we discovered that there weren’t even changing tables in the bathrooms, so I contacted the Green Festival and HMN will be providing the Comfort Station.
HMN has provided me with a safe haven – a nonjudgmental, supportive group that has never made me feel odd or crazy. It’s hard being a mom who questions what is considered the norm and who goes against the grain. I view HMN as a valuable parenting tool that every parent should know about. I can’t imagine how tough life would have been for me and my family if I hadn’t had the support, guidance, and knowledge I get out of HMN. To be able to help HMN grow and to let others be aware of the group is my way of continuing my growth as a mom. Tell us about yourself. How did you become interested in holistic living and HMN? What are your passions? I am a maker and a do-er. ;-) Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money and my parents always believed if we could make it, instead of buy it – it was better. So I grew up loving to make things, do things, and to tinker.
We are planning on providing changing tables, a nursing area, and a small quiet area for parents/children to rest. Over 5,000 people went to the last San Francisco Green Festival so we are really excited about the exposure! Why do you volunteer for HMN? I volunteer for HMN because HMN makes me a better mother. ;-) I went to my first meeting, when my son was born – almost 5 years ago. As the Knoxville Chapter was brand new, I felt like I grew as a mother as our chapter grew. It was wonderful having a supportive, awesome group of mamas to
What do you do for balance and self-care? For my birthday, in January - my brother got me a certificate for a spa day - a massage, manicure and pedicure. I realized it had been so LONG since I actually took the time to do anything just for me. Since then, at least once a week- after I put the kids to bed...I give myself a manicure. After 2 years of not painting my nails for fear of the products, I’ve found some amazing - more eco friendly - nail polish that works great. The best part is my son loves it. He asks to see my pretty hands and oohs and ahhhs over the great colors.
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
is an
inside job By Jennifer Waldburger, LCSW
Arguably one of the best things about spending time with kids is being able to witness their joy. What we might consider to be the tiniest trifle – watching bubbles pop in the bathtub, going down the slide head first – is, to children, pure rapture. Their zeal for life is contagious. Who has spent time with kids and not felt more spontaneous, more playful, more engaged in whatever is happening right here, right now, in this moment? Seeing your child happy can bring happiness to you, too – and make your heart swell to bursting with love and appreciation. It can even carry you right back to the sense of joy and freedom you felt as a child, opening up doors to creativity and imagination that may have been closed or even locked before you had kids. But what’s important to monitor is the extent to which your child’s happiness, or unhappiness, may be a barometer of your own. If you find that your child’s triumphs and challenges – her emotional ups and downs – are the primary gauge of your own sense of well-being, you may be in for a bit of a rough ride.
As a family therapist and parent educator, one of the most
own happiness. Give yourself permission to feel joy and
common mantras I hear from parents is some version of, My
empathy along with her accomplishments and setbacks, but
child is acting out/not listening/letting others walk all over him/
don’t let them define you. Take the time to discover – or
hitting kids on the playground – and I want to fix it. Here’s
rediscover – what really fuels you. (Hint: it is probably not
another: When my child is unhappy, I feel guilty/my heart breaks/
making sure that the house is clean, the fridge is full, or the
it’s not fair/I hate to see her struggle – and I want to fix it.
bills are paid. It may be puttering in the garden, actually
In either case, the bottom-line translation is, I’m not happy
reading one of the fiction books on your nightstand, taking
about what my child is doing or feeling – but if I could
a yoga class, seeing a movie with a girlfriend – you know,
change this, I would.
a grownup activity (remember those)? Yes, it is OK to do something fun just for yourself, that does not include your
Now, most parents would agree that a challenging
child. No, you do not need to feel guilty, and he will not
developmental stage, particularly one that involves
resent you for it – in fact he (and your partner) will likely find
aggression, is no picnic. But there’s a difference between
a happier parent at the end of the day, which is win-win
taking steps to navigate unfamiliar territory, and feeling a
for all.
sense of urgency to fix things and make the behavior stop. When you feel a sense of urgency and anxiety about your child’s
Simply deciding to make your happiness an inside job – and
behavior or feelings, that’s a surefire sign that you have an
your first priority as a parent – will begin to dissolve any
emotional investment in what he does or doesn’t do. You are
liability you may have unconsciously given your child for
implicitly sending a message to your child that unless or until
your own emotional well-being. What’s more, you’ll find
he behaves or feels the way you want him to, you will not be
that when generated from within, your happiness – just like
happy. In other words, you are tethering your well-being to
your child’s – is contagious.
his. Jennifer Waldburger, LCSW, is co-founder
Think back to your own childhood and your parents’ interest
of Sleepy Planet, a company that offers
in your behavior and choices. Did they communicate that
collaborative consultation, education,
you knew best, or that they did? Did they give you
parenting groups, counseling, and prod-
permission to fail and make mistakes, or did they try to
ucts to parents of children birth to five
control you with lots or rules – or hover to make sure you
years. Addressing the big picture of family
didn’t get hurt at all? What did those actions do to your
life – including sleep, feeding, child
sense of self-esteem and confidence? Did you grow
development, sibling issues, marriage
up believing that you had the power to make your parents
and refining individual parenting philosophy and style – Sleepy
happy, or conversely, that you were responsible for their
Planet helps parents create a balanced, fulfilling family experience.
disappointment? How did that feel?
Jennifer, who is co-creator of the book and DVD The Sleepeasy Solution, also maintains a private practice as a psychotherapist. She
Now that you are the parent, you have an alternative: plug
and Sleepy Planet have been featured in a wide variety of media,
into a different source. Rather than riding the choppy waters
including Good Morning America, The Today Show, The New York
of your child’s ups and downs, which leaves most parents
Times, The Wall Street Journal, Parenting, and Parents. For more
feeling exhausted and depleted, take responsibility for your
information, please visit www.sleepyplanet. com.
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
cell salts FOR
mother revival
by Natalia Iwanyckyj
Preparing healthy meals, walking gently on the Earth and being lovingly involved, conscious mothers can literally drain our energy reserves. We watch our skin dry out, our legs and bellies swell, and our energy drain. The things we know we could do to remedy these conditions (meditating, exercising, taking time for
ourselves) just add to our guilt and the pressing to-do list. Fortunately, there is an easy way to restore balance in your body and mind that only requires two minutes per day: taking cell salts.
What are Cell Salts? Cell salts are a diluted and potentized preparation of the mineral salts that make up our bodies. In the 1800s, a homeopath named Dr. Schuessler observed that when the human cell is reduced to ashes, there are only 12 minerals left. Without a sufficient supply of these key 12 minerals, cells cannot perform their necessary functions. The effectiveness of cell salts has been proven for over two hundred years. 1,2
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
How to Take Cell Salts
When we crave certain foods, feel bloated, experience dry skin or cramps, when we feel depressed or anxious, our
Cell salts are sold on a lactose pellet base. They are
bodies are showing us that our mineral reserve needs to be
inexpensive and easy to take. If you use them regularly, you
will feel calmer, happier and healthier quickly. To take cell salts, shake four tablets into the cap of the vial.
Cell Salts for Mothers
Tip the cap into your mouth without touching the mouth
An individual may be deficient in any of the cell salts. To see
and allow pellets to dissolve. Do not eat, drink or brush
a view chart listing emotional and physical symptoms of cell
teeth 15 minutes before or after taking cell salts.
salt deficiency, please see Restoring Balance with Cell Salts.
Taking cell salts is a great way to begin exploring the natural health sciences. Cell salts may be purchased from most
Here are some ways to use cell salts that will be useful to
health food stores, and HMN sponsor
many mothers.
•If you are feeling sluggish and run down, take Calc Phos. It will make you feel good all over.
For 30 years, Natalia Iwanyckyj lived a pleasant, remarkably ordinary life. Then, with persistence, tantrums, oral
•Before exercising, take Kali Sulph and Ferrum Phos. Both carry oxygen through the body and restore health and vitality.
sensitivity, speech delay and autism, her
•At bedtime, take Ferrum Phos, Kali Sulph, Mag Phos and Nat Phos to relax and sleep well.
extraordinary homeopath and healer, Dr.
children initiated her into a whole new world. On her journey, Natalia studied Homeopathy and Bioenergetics with the
Kenneth S. Pittaway, and Matrix Reimprinting with innovative EFT Master, Karl Dawson. Today, her mission is to empower mothers by teaching them to use homeopathy and EFT to make their lives easier, healthier and happier and by sharing insights from her
•Everyone benefits from taking Ferrum Phos. It is useful when you are feeling down and discouraged and at the start of any illness.
healing journey on her blog and in transformative support circles for mothers of autistic and neurodivergent children. She is also writing a book titled Blessed by Uniquely Magnificent Children: Mothers on a Hero’s Journey.
•Kali Phos is the cell salt for frazzled nerves. Take as needed when feeling stressed out or anxious. •For beautiful hair, nails and complexion, take Silica. Calc Sulph is also useful for maintaining healthy skin if you are prone to break-outs. Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Boericke & Dewey: The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Shussler Comprising of The Theory, Therapeutic
Application, Materia Medica & a Complete Repertory of Tissue Remedies (Homeopathicallly and Bio-Chemically Considered). 6th Ed. B. Jain Publishers PVT. LTD. New Delhi, 2006. David R. Card: Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies: A User’s Guide. Hohm Press.
Prescott, Arizona, 2005.
Pen and Paper:
Five Rules for Self-Care Journaling By Toni Turbeville Morton
Diaries, journals, sketchbooks… Whatever you call them or whatever you do with them, these paper gems can be a terrific tool for your life. My grandmother gave me my very first diary – a green cover with a photo of brown horses in the sunrise, yellow pages lined with brown ink and a lock that never really worked. Each entry dutifully begins, “Dear Diary.” My diary and I grew up together. As I grew into a teenager, it transitioned into a journal in black-and-white composition notebooks. As a college student, I used hard-backed books designed for journaling. Now, at 37, my journals are kept in Moleskin notebooks and are a mish-mash of my daily life – what I think, what I know, what I need to do, shopping lists, drawings, ideas, photos, fortune cookie fortunes and anything I need out of my head. But there are rules. 26
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Rule One: School’s Out Forever
and ideas down on paper even if you have no idea what to
Many people are interested in journaling, but are afraid
write. I don’t know what to write. I don’t know what to write.
to begin. The fun and value in writing is lost in a sea of
Write about what you want to write about. I want to write
memories about language arts classes, spelling, grammar and
about__________. Write especially about what you don’t
the dreaded English compositions they had in school. Forget
want to write about. I don’t want to write about__________.
about it! Toss the spelling, grammar and English rules out of
What you don’t want to write about is often exactly what you
the window. There’s no such thing as a permanent record
(other than your credit report), and no one is going to be grading your journal with a red pen. Write exactly how you
Rule Four: First Thoughts
want – misspell those words, dangle those participles and
Write exactly what pops into your head. Don’t correct, don’t
leave those sentences incomplete.
tidy up, don’t alter. Just write it down. Even if these first thoughts are a big mess, they are the most genuine thoughts
Rule Two: It’s Not You, It’s Me Journals are private space, which is a hot commodity for
and often the ones you need to get out.
parents. Unless you plan to hand them down to your
Rule Five: There Are No Rules
children or publish them, don’t think about who might read
This is a biggie, especially since this article is all about rules!
it one day. Write just for you, even -- and perhaps especially
Remember that your journal is your private space to be
-- if it’s raw, dark or ugly. Be true to your heart and mind
exactly what you want and need. Write sideways, doodle,
by writing what you need to write. If you’re worried about
tape pictures or quotes inside, whine about laundry, vent
someone reading them in the present, lock them up. If you’re
about your crazy children, explore your dreams. Be the wild,
worried about someone reading them in the future, destroy
passionate, beautiful, eccentric, odd, lovely human being you
them when they’re full or use rubber cement to seal around
are – nothing more, nothing less.
the edges of the pages with the book closed.
Toni Turbeville Morton is an
Rule Three: Keep Your Pen Moving
eccentric human, writer and artist
A bad thing happens when the pen pauses and hovers over
prince charming. A work-at-home
the paper. Your mind suddenly goes blank, drifts away to
and homesteading mom, life revolves
something else or the worst happens – you read what you’ve
around bodily fluids, food, ignoring
spending her days with a toddler, a cat, two fish, twelve chickens and
already wrote and the monsters of judging, editing and
laundry and blogging at
criticizing appear. To get past them you don’t have to give
about holistic living, parenting and cooking. She is
up your first-born child, just keep that pen moving. Write as though your life depends on it; get all of those thoughts
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
also a co-leader for the Holistic Moms Network of the South Carolina Midlands, and soon plans to offer online writing and journaling classes. 27
spiritual Practice By Cynthia Djengue
As a single mother of a toddler, I find it very difficult to stay
messages we need to hear, that no one else can tell us. Being
spiritually focused as I try to juggle a full time job, mother-
alone, or creating solitude, is so key to a spiritual life. It is a
hood and personal time. Often, there is not solitude, a key
common theme, especially in the Western cultures, to stay
ingredient for personal growth and spiritual practice. I have
busy and fill our days with as many activities as possible. Par-
had to get creative in my pursuit of getting closer to God.
ents will often take their children to as many places as they
Please keep in mind that when I refer to God it can mean
can in one day, to do as many social and academic activities
whatever higher power or process you practice to “take your-
in a week without knowing if this will really provide lasting
self out of yourself.” As mothers, we are quite used to giving
benefit to the child.
to others rather than ourselves. There are many reasons why it is important to recognize that our time on Earth is neces-
Shakti Gawain in her book, Creating True Prosperity, discusses
sary and was chosen. Carl Jung calls this time of realization,
this in Doing versus Being. She writes that “Doing is primar-
“the afternoon of our life,” a time in middle age when an
ily the realm of the personality, while being takes us into
individual integrates the conscious and unconscious parts of
the realm of the soul.” It would be interesting to see what
self. It can be a beautiful period.
would happen in a neighborhood if persons turned off their laptops, televisions, put down their clippers and hoses and
One spiritual practice towards “becoming unconscious” is to
started speaking to one another and seeing the sunset in their
be quiet, meditate or pray. In almost every religion or belief
backyards. Perhaps they would have a “moment” or several
system, it is apparent that prayer or meditation can bring us
of them. Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Recently I saw Michael Beckwith, an amazing speaker and
others. In the bible Deuteronomy 16:17 it says, “Every man
spiritual leader, who has been in the film, “The Secret” and
shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD
discusses the Law of Attraction. He has written several books
your God which He has given you.”
and has received awards and continues to inspire many all
Again, as a single mother, I have had to be very creative. I
over the world. On his website he sums up what I have out-
have had to attend events online, read a lot of books about
lined above, “...This means that we are not on the earth to be
religion and spirituality, and have attended “church” services.
mere problem solvers, to live life having just enough to get
I attend church in person most of the time as I feel the com-
by, mistaking this for non-materialism or spiritual living. Nor
munity is helpful and that giving of my time and attention to
does it mean that we drown ourselves in consumerism so
my spiritual self is important.
that we may remain anti-bored until we die. If our television screen is larger than our vision for our life, we must awaken
Cynthia Djengue is a mother over 40 with a
ourselves from the sleep of illusion.”
toddler girl. As a single parent, she juggles a
Our reasons, as mothers, as wives and as friends for giving,
full time job in healthcare with a B.A. and M.S.
organizing, scheduling, and juggling can often times take
in Social Work, is appointed to two Board of
away from the quietness of being human, which is absolutely
Director positions, and attends several events at
necessary to finding strength in spirit. Spiritual practice can
her church in Lakewood, CO. She has lived in the
occur in dreams, in prayers, in being a neighbor and giving.
Denver Metro area off and on for seven years and is originally from
Perhaps a huge spiritual lesson for me was to learn to give
the Midwest. She became a member of the Denver Metro Area
to myself more, and out of my strength I can then give to
Chapter of HMN three years ago.
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
how to balance life:
A Midwife’s Persepctive By Erin Kaspar-Frett, CPM, LM, MSM, CD
It can be beautiful and yet ever-elusive. It is one thing that so many of us strive to reach throughout a life-time. We spend our lives looking for it and may reach it occasionally. I am here to tell you it is a process, not an end. If you’re
reading this, I’m guessing you struggle with it too. In our fast-paced world holding true to the values of family and love, can be challenging when we are expected to hold a job (or 3), raise our children and be the best partner we can, while being in good standing with our friends, extended family and community. But let me back up here a minute and tell you who I am. I am a midwife, a wife, a partner, a friend and a mother of 3. Personally, I work on balance daily. And, as a midwife, I work with my clients to do so as well. First, in order to achieve or strive for balance, one must prioritize. But no one else can give you advice on how best to prioritize for your family. You must first answer many questions. What is your family structure; one parent or three? One home or two (as in divorced families)? Do you school your children at home? How many children do you have? Do all parents workout of the 30
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
home? As you assess these and other questions, some of your priorities may come into view. Take a good look at the reality of your life in comparison to the desires of your heart. I’ve heard a story from several sources so I can’t give credit to any one place, but it is worth sharing. A wise person (college professor in one version I heard) was asked how to balance life. He brought out a large empty jar, then one the same size filled 3/4 with water, another one with sand and yet another one with large rocks. He spoke as he explained; if I put the sand in first, I’d never have room for the larger priorities in life (the large rocks). You must first place (and pick) your large priorities in life and put them into your life (as he put them into the empty jar), then fill in the lesser priorities (he poured in the sand). After that, you will still have some room for the trivial things in life (pouring in the water). Life is like this. Choose your larger priorities and fill them in first and go from there. You may still ask yourself (or be asking me) how to determine the larger ones from the smaller ones. Answer the questions above. Fully assess your life. Then take that assessment into prayer or meditation or whatever larger connection you have to humanity. Or, simply “sleep on it.” Ask for answers in your dreams, from others, from articles and then wait and listen. Make sure you pay attention; answers sometimes come in small voices and unexpected places. After you have an idea of what your priorities are, put them in your calendar; make room for them in your life. Let go of the rest. It is true that you can have it all, but you have to determine if “all” is what you want right “now.” Lastly, keep in mind that it is still a process. You may find balance this week and need to adjust next week, tomorrow, or right after reading this because the children need you NOW! The tidy house may have to wait another few minutes as you love what’s important right now. Erin Kaspar-Frett is a Licensed and Certified Professional Midwife living in Ellsworth, WI with her partner and three children. She covers a two-hour radius from her home, including Eau Claire and the Twin Cities. Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
Bringing Balance to Life using
therapeutic essential oils
for emotional and physical
well being
By Barbara Lemke
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived. “ 32
~Helen Keller Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
“Smells not only activate the release of stored emotions and
with pain relief, difficulty in sleeping, digestive issue, colds,
memories, they also rouse the production of hormones and
coughs, flu, and stress/anxiety.
neuro-chemicals that affect physiology and behavior. Research shows that the sense of smell, though very complex, is a
I have used oils effectively with my children and grandchildren
rapid acting and effective way to use essential oils.
for various health concerns. We make a nightly ritual of massaging essential oils along the neck and spine and on
As early as 1949, J. E. Amoore, a British scientist, theorized
the bottoms of the feet to help the little ones settle down at
an explanation of smell. He believed each odor was composed
night. The children are learning what essential oils can be
of an odorous molecule with a specific geometric shape that
helpful for. If they fall down and hurt themselves, they know
fit into a matching receptor neu-ron, lining the nasal cavity like
and ask for lavender to help relieve the “ouches”. If they are
a key. This connection was believed to trigger nerve impulses
sick with colds and coughs, they ask for grandma to come
going to the brain that stimulated certain physical or
and rub them in with the oils. The children respond quickly
psychological responses.” 1
to the oils and enjoy having them rubbed in.
Our sense of smell is the most basic of senses yet has a most
Lavender is known as “the universal” oil and can be used for
powerful effect on our emotions that can provide for relief of
most health concerns. It is good for relieving insect bites and
stress, anxiety, and fears. Research has been done on essential
sunburn as well as for gargling for a sore throat and alleviat-
oils such as lavender, peppermint, frankincense, sandalwood
ing a headache. Medical staff and hospitals are using this
and rosemary and show that the oils can affect brain waves
approach as it is proving to be very effective for helping with
and produce a calming effect or a stimulating effect. With
various health concerns.
the stress in today’s world, we can all benefit from using therapeutic essential oils to bring about a calming effect safely
Essential Oils can make a significant change in your well- being
and with no worry of side effects.
and the aroma can lift you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, a gift from nature.
Essential oils are concentrated, aromatic liquid substances Barbara Lemke graduated from Alverno
obtained from hairs, ducts and glands of plants, seeds, and
College in December ’73 with a Bachelor of
trees and are obtained by steam distillation or from abrasion
Science in Nursing. She is a member of the
of the rind of fruits. The quality of an essential oil is very
American Holistic Nurses Association and
important and you want to be sure you are using a therapeutic
Wisconsin Nurses Association. She is a Well-
essential oil, not a perfume grade. People can react adversely
ness Coach and offers natural and complementary therapies in her business, Health
to perfume or synthetic oil. A skin patch test can be done to
&Wellness Options at Avolen Wellness Cen-
determine if your skin is sensitive to an essential oil.
ter in Oconomowoc. She is certified in Clinical Aromatherapy and teaches at local community colleges for the Learning in Retirement program and Adult Education and Enrich-
One of the quickest ways to use a therapeutic essential oil is
ment with a focus on therapeutic essential oils. She enjoys sharing
to place a drop in the palm of the hand or on a hanky and
her knowledge and is available for presentations in the community.
breathe deeply. One can sense a feeling of calm in a matter of
She has been named one of the top three aroma-therapists in the
minutes. Diffusing essential oils into the air can bring about
Milwaukee magazine February 2011 issue. Her goal is to help you restore harmony and balance that will result in improved physical
a calming effect as well as scent the air with a pleasing aroma.
health, mental clarity and a sense of well-being.
Essential oils can be used with the entire family to help
Essential Oils 101 – How To Use Essential Oils, Young Living Magazine
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
The powers of the flowers:
when you take care of you -
everything else follows! By Amy Cohen
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
Have you noticed how the household
take out your box of It’s literally, what and “bring back your
runs on our mood? When we feel
Bring yourself back into balance! Are you stressed today?
happy.” Take a few drops of your essence and put it in water.
happy, our household feels great!
Take Elm. Are your children angry and acting out? Put a
When we are organized, the kids are
go to school. Is your child afraid to go to school, give them
few drops of Cherry Plum and Vine in their water before they
organized.... When we are stressed,
some Mimulus! Do you hate your career, feel trapped and
our household is stressed! The tone
to your leg, give him Chicory for a few days and see what
cannot change? Take Wild Oat. Is your toddler attached
of the MOM brings the tone of our
family life.
If you don’t know about the flower essences, learn about them! Make them a part of your household. When you
As moms, we have so much on our plate. We
change how you feel, you change the tone of the household. Live your life in your most perfect and desired way. Your
may work outside the home, and in addition,
whole household will move back into balance. It works
we run the household, tutor, chauffeur and
energetically, no toxins, no side effects! It’s literally what we
cook. We also nurture, we are caretakers, lovers, psychiatrists, all of this every single day.
have been searching for! Any person can use them. It is impossible to do any harm with flower essences – if you give or take the wrong one, it
Somewhere along the line for many of us, without noticing,
just won’t work, so they are a very safe and accessible.
we’ve lost our spirit. We go through the motions, but it all
So stop forgetting about you! Use your remedies to take
becomes lackluster. We are multi-taskers; we have so much
you where you want to be, back to your old self, get yourself
to do for everyone else. Taking care of us? Well, that has
centered, feel vibrant and everything else follows!
been moved to the back burner. Amy Cohen is a Flower Remedies Practitioner
It is so important for us moms to feel good, to take the time
living in New Jersey with her family and part
to nurse our spirit, nurse our soul. It’s important to “bring
of the Monmouth County Chapter. She works
back our happy!” Understand that I love my husband, I love
with families throughout the United States and
my kids, but I have learned that we are not doing the best for
internationally. She is also working with the
any of us by worrying about us later, worry about you now!
symptoms of children on the spectrum with
We are entitled to feel good; we need to be at the front of the
beautiful results.
line, because that is when we are at our best! Our best mom, our best lover, our best as a woman!
She can be reached at 800-474-1667 or Her website is
You can bring your emotions back into check, take a minute,
w w
take a deep breath, give yourself a moment to feel good and watch what happens in your household. This is when you Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
balancing , parting
and 3D Dimensions
By Carla Schiavone
Come right in. Yes you. You are most welcome here. Inside this hut you will find many women, just like you. All paths, all faiths, and some without. Please do not feel intimidation towards the women in ceremonial robes inside this gathering. They are here, called forth to volunteer time, energy, and work. They seek nothing in return. They have an ancient story just like you. Whatever style of alignment you seek, it is here. All that is required upon entering is an offering, something dear to your heart. Something that makes your heart and soul dance. It can be anything. Your voice, you’re weaving of baskets, your x-ray vision eyes, ears, or smell, your warrior suit of armor, your innate compassion for listening, your hair braiding fetish, or perhaps your painting. A uniqueness only you attain, bring it on inside. Won’t you place your tired achy feet into the foot bath of magically mixed sea salt, Epsom salt, and baking soda infused with oil. The components inside will raise your soul out of hiding. A humble fortress awaits to weave her gift as she loosens up the pressure points of your roots. With her simple tool; passed down from her Grandmother, the opposite side of a pencil yes; indeed an eraser, she spins her magic with guided energetic force. Deep slow
methodical clockwise circles surround the soles of your feet, and in between your toes. You begin to feel your physical body tingle in areas you hadn’t felt in quite a long time. You feel as though things are being drawn out. You then notice a woman close by who looks to be getting her scalp stimulated. Over to the far right you see a female in a brown cloaked robe who is chanting harmonious mantras creating an infinity loop around the hut, ringing a bell in one hand and holding a Dorje in the other. Over to the left you see a woman wearing a headdress of plumage, drumming in a trance state. You look over and see a table set up with hundreds of herbs and elixirs. You then see a woman inscribing symbols with paint on others bodies in a ritualistic fashion. You step outside only to discover another type of dimension of reality come to life. A lake front fire pit ceremony surrounded by women. Some dancing, some with their hands raised, some as strong as still. Some were facing crocodiles in the lake as if they were communing with one another. The snapping crocs appeared involved in some way. As if they were swallowing up excerpts of invisibleness. Waves of confusion spill through your consciousness, the left side of your brain takes over with uncertainty. You then hear a hiss sound; you look downward, and see a snake. Remaining still, hearts pounding you open your mouth to screech, your once fluid voice is nonexistent. Most of your life experience consisted of protection guards for Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
the many snakes that slithered into your life; sensing the presence became a fascination. How was this snake able to successfully sneakily slither his way up your body and encircle himself around your neck without warning? Tingling like a feather tickles the crown of your thinker; you notice feelings of liquid lightness, as thoughts being dispatched cascade through your skull. “I have been prowling the corridors of your consciousness during this earth walk. I act as an animal spirit that embodies your alternate self, your personality center. When the Shadow is not integrated, it is the repository of fears, frustrations, temptations, impulsive/ compulsive reactions and anger infused with unresolved pain. Perhaps because modern society has denied the existence of the shadow self, or conversely has exerted an overabundance of effort in nurturing it, we learn to fear this extension of your inner self. When the pain of past traumas have been embraced, healed and resolved, then we may look upon our shadow in a new light, understanding he/she is merely a reflection cast from our own unresolved issues, lessons and pain. Acceptance coupled with non judgment, healing and integration transpires. Farewell, our partnership is complete for balance has occurred.” I am a Mother of 2 who interweaves personal life experiences in storytelling writing. I am a Monmouth County, NJ chapter member.
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
the Un-Sexy Self-Care Practice By Emily Horowitz
Copyright Š2011 holistic moms network
Therapy is not sexy. It’s not hip and exciting, like the belly-
healing power of nutrition and exercise, spiritual healing,
dancing course you signed up for last week, or the yoga class
auras, subtle energy, or mysteries that we cannot measure
you attend every Monday with the lithe instructor who easily
with quantitative tools.
pops up into inversions. I have seen many a Facebook post extolling the virtues of a relaxing massage, a serene spa, or a
Ultimately I encountered incredible therapists along my
wise acupuncturist. No one seems embarrassed to publicly
journey that helped me in times of turmoil. With a loving,
declare their commitment to body-work or a regular trip to
powerful presence, these counselors integrated mindfulness
the sauna as integral components of their self-care practices.
practices and other experiential forms of therapy that showed
Yet when it comes to “therapy” (or psychotherapy,
me how wide-ranging the discipline can be. They also taught
counseling, or any other name to describe this practice),
me that therapy is appropriate not only for when I am feeling
people are generally more private and discrete. It seems that
lousy, but also for when I am feeling ripe and ready for a
people view therapy as something we do when our lives are
piece of personal growth work. Being a client in therapy has
filled with turmoil, chaos, or discomfort; not something we
helped me embody the person I am meant to be in this life.
associate with “balance” or “self-care.” While I am a firm
I was fortunate to find a training program that combined my
believer in the benefit of a holistic self-care plan, one that
interest in holistic health and eastern spiritual practice with
integrates practices from various mind-body-spirit disciplines,
western psychology. This further enhanced my commitment
I am also clear that counseling is the bedrock of my physical,
to the discipline.
emotional and mental balance. Counseling is something that I turn to not just when I’m feeling lousy, but also when I’m
I feel blessed to have found a self-care practice and a
looking for support on my journey towards self-actualization.
profession that I am so deeply connected to, and I see the field constantly evolving. While I would certainly argue
In the interest of full disclosure, I have a strong bias at work.
we are a long way from viewing therapy as something that
I was raised as the child of two clinical social workers, and
we would happily tweet about, I do believe that the stigma
I myself am a licensed mental health counselor. However, I
around this work continues to wears off, day by day.
was not always a fan of the counseling profession. For many years I pondered numerous careers; including naturopathic
Emily is a licensed mental health counselor and
medicine and midwifery, before I ultimately found my
wellness coach dedicated to helping people find
calling. One might ask why it took me so long to return to
balance and grace through life’s transitions. She
the road from which I came, and my answer is straightforward:
is particularly passionate about working with
therapy seemed like a drag. I believed that therapy was for
families in the prenatal and postpartum period.
people who couldn’t cope in their lives with the resources
Emily lives in Rochester NY with her husband
that they were given. I thought it was a place where people
and her three-and-a-half year old daughter, who
aired their troubles to an impartial listener who said “sure,
has been one of Emily’s greatest teachers thus far, and the topic of
uh-huh, that sounds hard.” I saw how hard the discipline
more than one of her therapy sessions as a client. For more information,
could be on my parents, who gave much of their energy
on Emily, see
and time to help people in pain. Furthermore, I wasn’t sure how therapy fit into my overall beliefs about the connection between the body, mind and spirit. I wasn’t sure that there was room in the practice of therapy to also hold in mind the Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
March 2011
Yvonne Toussaint my baby being diaper free (elimination communication), and a huge fan of alternative medicine. What do you do for self-care/balance? More yoga would be nice, but right now I get regular massages for all my ailments, and I am an avid runner. Running centers and calms me, and is the only thing that will allow my mind to just “be”. It’s my way of meditating. With the first pregnancy, I was running Tell us about yourself (occupation, hobbies, children, passions, etc): I am a stay at home mom while still trying to pursue an acting and writing career on the side. I have been married to my amazing and perfect-in-every-way-forme husband for 3 years, we have one son who is 2 years old, and we are still happily breastfeeding while pregnant with Baby #2. My family is my life and my love. I absolutely love being an HMN chapter leader. This is definitely my passion, hobby, and job outside of being mommy and wife. I am also finishing the process of becoming a La Leche League leader. My others passions are learning about how I want to be a mother. Since becoming pregnant with my first, I have fervidly become an extended breastfeeding mother, a homeschooling mother, an incredible homebirthing mama, a
regularly 9-15 miles per week until I was seven months pregnant and unfortunately had to stop only because baby was bouncing up and down on my bladder. For this pregnancy, I plan on doing the same, only having to push a stroller, or pull a dog, or two dogs, and turning around occasionally to pick up a dropped shoe, or a dropped toy, or dog poo or.... I also just recently got into barefoot running, so I look completely ridiculous because I now fit the stereotype of being barefoot AND pregnant. What got you interested in holistic living? First, I wanted to help my husband’s ongoing battle to improve the health of his lungs due to a small complication when he was born. Prior to alternative medicine, he was using antibiotics several times a year. And then with my first pregnancy, I dove in deep wanting to learn everything I could about holistic living.
strong advocate of cosleeping, a full time supporter of
Copyright ©2011 holistic moms network
What are your top three holistic passions?
enough sleep. In fact, it’s 4:30am right now as I write
Homebirth, Breastfeeding, Elimination Communication.
this. Sigh.
What holistic lifestyle or practice could you not live
How has HMN affected your life?
without and why?
I now have friends! Prior to HMN, I didn’t have any
Homebirth – because conventional hospitals scare the
friends who were mothers and also like-minded. I no
heck out of me. I’ve been treated badly too many times
longer feel strange for my parenting choices. Through
putting my faith and hope in western doctors, who have
HMN, for what it stands for and also by being a chapter
often times caused me more pain or have prolonged my
leader, I have gained more confidence in my mothering
injuries. I feel blessed that this is an option for me.
skills. I now no longer do something because it’s a common trend or because a “professional” tells me it’s
Elimination Communication – because cleaning a
best for my family. I do extensive research on my own
poopy diaper is just SO MUCH HARDER than practicing
and now have a group of parents who I feel comfortable
EC. It saves me time, water, energy, gas, diapers,
asking for their advice and support. Plus, my wonderful
laundry soap, buying wipes and diaper rash creams. In
HMN friends give me general all around cheering when
fact, two years later, I still have the very first tube of
I really need it! I also really appreciate that HMN has
diaper rash cream that I bought when Kien was a newborn.
exposed me to so many more things than I would have been without this organization in my life. It’s a really
My “green” cleaning products – because I can’t stand
powerful feeling to be so open-minded about so many
the smell of chemicals.
things. As a result, I am teaching my son about acceptance and not being afraid to step outside of his comfort
Buying/eating organic – because I watched Food Inc.,
and because my mother is a survivor of breast cancer, and because Mother Earth is so frickin’ incredible to us! I can’t even believe what we have done to our planet! What un-holistic lifestyle or practice do you still participate in (or refuse to give up)? It’s not that I “refuse” to give these things up and I’m working really hard at reducing my participation in them, but here goes: Microwave use, aluminum foil, not buying locally (I love my pears, bananas, blueberries: all things I can’t get in California!!!), really long, hot showers (but when I only have time to take one shower a week, then I think I can’t be accused of wasting water!). And my absolute worst un-holistic lifestyle is not getting
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selfcare snapshot A pictorial of Holistic Mom’s and their self-care mehods.
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