don bosco sep 2008

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18 Cover Story

Editor Glorious Steve sdb Sub editor R. Kirubagaran sdb Copy editor Stafford Mantel Editorial Team A. Raj sdb Joe Andrew sdb Prof. Victor Louis Joe Mannath sdb Francis Karackatt sdb George Plathottam sdb

Free yourself from stress!

Advisory Council K. Maria Arokiam sdb Stanislaus Swamikannu sdb K.J. Louis sdb

Today, with the too many diversification of human activity, we come face to face with numerous causes of stress and the symptoms of stress and depression. At one point or the other everybody suffers from stress. Relationship demands, physical as well as mental health problems, pressure at workplaces, traffic snarls, meeting deadlines, growing-up tensions. Is there a way to overcome stress?

Financial Advisor Philominathan Sagayaraj sdb Design and Layout M. Remo Reegan Raj Dharani Roy Chowdary Editorial Office Don Bosco Bulletin, The Citadel, 45, Landons Road, Chennai 600 010. Tamilnadu. Phone: (044) 26612138. Fax: (044) 26411310.

22 Stress free in 10 minutes

Subscription Rates Single Copy : Rs. 10.00 INDIA 1 Year Rs. 2 Years Rs. 3 Years Rs. 4 Life Rs.

120.00 220.00 300.00 3000.00

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Media Matter



5 Use skills, not pills Sri Lanka US $ 8 US $ 14 US $ 20 US $ 300

6 Eco-spirtuality: a road to holistic life

One Year US $ 15 US $ 30

10 Aaron: the first israelite high priest

Life Subscription Air Mail : US $ 600 Sea Mail : US $ 350 Printed and Published by Y.F. Balasamy Yettukury on behalf of salesian Publishing Society 45, Landons Road, Chennai 600 010 and printed at SIGA Press, 49,Taylors Road, Chennai - 600 010. Editor : Glorious Steve


Current Affairs 11 A giant leap


12 Humility-the forgotten virtue

Students Plus

24 The five methods of taking notes-2 Don bosco SEPTEMBER 2008

27 Game of death 4 The educative/pastoral community 15 Offering ‘ASHA’ 28 Salesian news


8 Divorcing the husband 32 Stories for radiant living 30 Church news


26 Humour 34 Children’s page

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