1 minute read
world standard time
By Jillian Violet
I created this piece to show the constant changes in beauty standards for women. It is meant to represent how impossible it is to keep up with time because beauty standards change as quickly as a minute passes.
Throughout history, women have been subjected to judgement based on their physical attributes.
Beauty standards for women have changed exponentially as time has gone by. Many young women torture their body to become what society deems “beautiful.” When researching beauty standards, it becomes clear that this standard of “beauty” is propaganda. What is deemed beautiful in one era is seen as unsatisfactory in another, and it changes every ten years or so. Time has labeled these “superior body types” in hopes of making them seem more important and real, when in reality they are striving to prey on the insecurities of young women and convince them to buy products.
How did these beauty standards come about? Let’s examine the invention of the female razor. The female razor became a product in the U.S. when companies realized how much they could profit by adding women to their target audience. In hopes of expanding their profits, they released advertisements marketing a cleanly shaved woman as being more desirable than those who were not. This is the type of hoax that has been going on for ages. It is quite a sly trick to try to keep women overwhelmed by their insecurities. To keep them focused on something as trivial as beauty standards. Our focus can be much more effective and powerful when channeled into positive and worldly topics. So trash the time label and focus on becoming the most powerful you.