Graduation Ceremony
Date: 09 December 2024
Time: 14:30
Venue: The Great Hall
Date: 09 December 2024
Time: 14:30
Venue: The Great Hall
A hearty congratulations to the class of 2024! Some of you entered university as the world sank into a global pandemic, COVID-19; some were already pursuing their studies at this world class university, the University of the Witwatersrand. We applaud you for strength of character, grit, and commitment to success.
Our country continues to experience a plethora of challenges that threaten our economic stability and social cohesion, further deepening inequality and hopelessness. It is in this century that, as one of the member states of the UN that approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we intend to eradicate inequality, achieve peace, prosperity, and dignity for all, through partnerships while preserving the planet for future generations. We cannot achieve these lofty ambitions without your wisdom and servant leadership as you embark on your careers.
Your hard work and dedication to achieve your dreams is a true reflection of your resilience and commitment. It is this resilience that makes us confident that you have what it takes to build a better future that is equal and just. History has proven time and again that it is the weakest amongst us that determine our strength as a nation. The highly educated have the responsibility to enlighten and fight for social justice for the marginalised, for the good of humankind.
As you venture into the world, take time to expand the depth and breath of your knowledge. Read outside your specialisation, engage with people outside your comfort zone. Be lifelong learners. Understand the plight of people less fortunate than yourself. Leaders who leave footprints worth emulating, are not only the brightest but also those who take time to learn from others, who are accountable for their actions and omissions, who use what they know and what they have, to make the world a better place. Leaders who care! Those leaders do this consistently with Integrity. May you be those leaders!
Dr Judy Dlamini Chancellor Wits University
Dear Wits Graduate,
Congratulations on successfully completing your academic programme at the University of the Witwatersrand, the premier University on the continent.
You are now a member of an elite group of graduates of this august institution. More than 200 000 alumni at the cutting edge of excellence, both locally and internationally in business, the public sector, the academy, and in civil society have trodden this path.
Today, you become a member of this illustrious community. Over the past 100 years, Wits has grown into one of the leading universities on the continent and a globally respected institution for its teaching and learning, knowledge creation and generation, and social impact. It has shaped the lives of many and changed society for good. You are now an integral part of this proud and enduring legacy. Here at Wits, we actively pursue excellence and societal relevance in everything we do. From the abstract to the practical, our focus is on creating a space for the best thought, knowledge, and expertise to be unearthed and nurtured. Wits is renowned for its intellectual leadership and for nurturing critical thinkers, creative innovators, problem-posers, and problem solvers. We have strived to match your ambition and drive to overcome the challenges thrown our way by the pandemic. Together we have reached the crest of the hill and proven, once again that excellence is achievable, even in times of uncertainty and adversity.
Your success has furthered our commitment to equipping the next generation of leaders with the skills and determination that you will need to find innovative and sustainable solutions to the pressing problems of the 21st Century.
As a Wits graduate, you had access to an exceptional educational experience. You have been exposed to a world-class academic and research programme and a vibrant community that makes you a true global citizen. You have been part of an institution that generates cutting-edge knowledge and innovation for South Africa and the world. It is now time for you to step into the world and use that experience, for good. We know that you will enter the next stage of your journey with the determination to build a better society tomorrow. I want to encourage you to remain a part of the Wits family by participating in our alumni programme and by further advancing the reputation of your alma mater.
Best wishes for the next steps of your journey and congratulations on being such a big part of the history of this illustrious institution.
Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, FRS Vice-Chancellor and Principal Wits University
Gaudeamus igitur
Juvenes dum sumus
Post jucundum juventutem
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Ubi sunt qui ante nos
In mundo fuere?
Vadite ad superos
Transite in inferos
Hos si vis videre.
Vita nostra brevis est Brevi finietur.
Venit mors velociter
Rapit nos atrociter
Nemini parcetur.
Vivat academia
Vivant professores
Vivat membrum quodlibet
Vivat membra quaelibet
Semper sint in flore.
Vivant omnes virgines
Faciles, formosae.
Vivant et mulieres
Tenerae amabiles
Bonae laboriosae.
Vivant et republica et qui illam regit.
Vivat nostra civitas, Maecenatum caritas
Quae nos hic protegit.
Pereat tristitia, Pereant osores.
Pereat diabolus, Quivis antiburschius
Atque irrisores.
Let us rejoice therefore
While we are young.
After a pleasant youth
After a troublesome old age
The earth will have us.
Where are they
Who were in the world before us?
You may cross over to heaven
You may go to hell If you wish to see them.
Our life is brief
It will be finished shortly.
Death comes quickly Atrociously, it snatches us away. No one is spared.
Long live the academy!
Long live the teachers!
Long live each male student!
Long live each female student!
May they always flourish!
Long live all maidens
Easy and beautiful!
Long live mature women also,
Tender and loveable
And full of good labor.
Long live the State
And the One who rules it!
Long live our City
And the charity of benefactors
Which protects us here!
Let sadness perish!
Let haters perish!
Let the devil perish!
Let whoever is against our school
Who laughs at it, perish!
Nkosi sikelel’ iAfrika
Maluphakanyisw’ uphondo lwayo,
Yizwa imithandazo yethu, Nkosi sikelela
Thina lusapho lwayo.
Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso, O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho, O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso, Setjhaba sa, South Afrika — South Afrika.
Uit die blou van onse hemel, Uit die diepte van ons see, Oor ons ewige gebergtes, Waar die kranse antwoord gee,
Sounds the call to come together, And united we shall stand, Let us live and strive for freedom In South Africa our land.
The Wits Choir
The Wits Choir has been around since 1995. Their repertoire is colourful and vibrant. They perform regularly at graduations and important ceremonies. The Wits Choir has toured internationally as well as playing host to other choirs here. They are also active in the community, undertaking choral outreach programmes.
09DECEMBER2024 AT14:30
Theaudiencewillriseastheacademicprocessionentersthehallandwillremainstandinguntilthe Chancellorisin place
TheChancellorwillwelcomethe graduands,diplomatesandguests
Conferment of anHonorary degreeonDrRobert Adam
DrRobert Adamwilladdressthecongregation
Conferment of degreesand granting ofdiplomas
ThePresidentof Convocationwilladdressthe graduatesand diplomates
TheChancellorwilldissolvethe congregation
Theaudiencewillstandwhile Ihele is played
Membersoftheaudiencearerequestedtostandwhiletheacademicprocessionleavesthehallandnottoleavethe hallbeforethe end oftheceremony.
Intheeventofload-sheddingorpowercuts,theGreatHallmaybecometotallydarkuntilthegeneratorcomesinto operation.
BUTHELEZI,Mvelo Hilton
School of Architecture and Planning Design Project: DesigningforComm[unity]Em[power]ment:asustainablemulti-purposesportsfacilityforsocialand environmentalImpact
MATLANYANE, Samson Matlokotsi
School of Architecture and Planning Design Project: Exhumationofforgottensouls:Indigenousknowledgesystemsandsustainabledesignapproachto PatlongVillagerelocationandplace ofmemory
MCCULLOCH, ClaudeMartin
School of Architecture and Planning Design Project: HEALING fromthePast;into theFuture:Social-cultural and healthremediationfora holistic wellnessfacilityin Riverlea Township(Extension)
PILLAY, DavidJonathan
School of Architecture and Planning Design Project: CommunalEquity:Reimaging EducationalInfrastructureinSoweto
TSANG,Chun Man
School of Architecture and Planning Design Project: Future Living: Exploring decarbonizationina mixed-usedevelopment for WaterfallCity
KHOZA,Nkosana Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering
MATHOLE, MposetseEsseu Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering
NGONYAMA,Milton Moswaba
RAOPHALA, SelaeloPhedorian
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
SELEKE,ItumelengIsaac Electrical Engineering
BRAND,Darren Mark
DISSERTATION: Distributedelectricpropulsionon ajoined-wing air-taxi
DISSERTATION: An assessmentofsuccessfulimplementationofa blockchain basedland registryin South Africa
KHOROMBI, Shadrack
DISSERTATION: Exploringthechallengestodrone-aided inspections inconstruction site management
MABALA,Mamoraka Dinah
DISSERTATION: Factors influencinghomeownershipforlow-income households
BHYAT, Romaana
MOHLAMME, MasakaneLydia
NHLAPO, Pheello Eddie
SHIBAMBU, Nhlalala
Master of Science in Development Planning
RESEARCH REPORT: Exploring developing localeconomies. Emerging localeconomiesanddisplaced urbanisation: thecase of KwaMhlanga
ACHARI, Dipika
School of Electrical and Information Engineering
DISSERTATION: FeasibilityofregionofInterestselectionpreprocessingusingamulti-photodiodefingerprint-based visiblelightpositioningsystem
AKPABIO, Aniekan
School of Mining Engineering
RESEARCH REPORT: Improvinggradeestimationusingmachinelearning:acomparativestudyofordinaryKriging againstmachine learningalgorithms
DISSERTATION: Vapour Phase Extraction: are-evaluation
CHILOANE, LearnLeago
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
School of Electrical and Information Engineering
DISSERTATION: ExploringtheperformanceofaPV-SuppliedCookingSystemwithHybridElectric-ThermalEnergy Storage
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Assessinggradeestimationuncertaintyusingconditionalsimulation techniques: Atlantic1 DiamondResourcecasestudy
FLAVELL, ErinReece
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Designofan industrialprocessfor EnzymaticCannabidiolconversion
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Physico-chemicalpropertiesandtreatmentofscaleformationindust-scrubberdischargelinesata PGM Smelter in South Africa
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Backanalysisof previouslystoopedpanelsto improvesafetyandproductivityof future stooping operationsatNew Denmark Colliery
IGA,FortuneKayala (with Distinction)
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: CharacterisationofstandardTelecommunicationfibrecablesforCost-Effectivefreespaceoptical communication
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Aprocesssystemsanalysistowards hydrogenpathwaysoptimisation
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Evaluatingtheeconomicsofconstructingmine haulroadsusing Portlandcement stabilization -acasestudy atLumwana Mine
KHANGALE, Mulovhela Kennedy (with Distinction)
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: Astudyoftheeffectoftemperature oncavity partialdischarge inpolyethylene(PE)insulation
KIRUI,Gerald Kipruto (with Distinction)
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: Analysingtest-drivendevelopment adherence inopen-sourceprojectsusing test-to-code traceabilitylinks
School of Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Metallicequivalentof aircraftlanding gear usingcompositematerials
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: SimulationofaWetFlueGasDesulphurization(WFGD)plantinsupportofcontinuousgridsupply ofelectricityandcomplianceto SO2emission limits
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: AssessmentofDC-DCconverterselection metrics
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Mineralogicaland geochemicalcharacterisation of iron oretailingsandtheir potentialto generatetoxicelementsat KhumaniMine
MAIPUSHI,Sophy Mmatseleng
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Thefeasibilityof Witwatersrandgoldtailingas an alternativeincement manufacturingasa possiblecontributorto thecirculareconomy
MAKONI, Steven (with Distinction)
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: ModellingOAMcrosstalkwithneuralnetworks:ImpactofTip/tilt and lateral displacement
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Applicationof dataanalysisandmachine learningto developa maintenance strategyfor Load-Haul-Dump(LHD) machinesatBooysendalMine
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Developing awork managementsystemtocreate an integrated andoptimalshort-term planning processatSouth Deep Mine
MAMBA,ErnestBonginkosi (with Distinction)
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: Alongitudinalstudyontheeffectofpatchesonsoftwaresystemmaintainabilityandcodecoverage
MAREE,John Michael
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: Characterizationofhigh-frequencytime-domaineffectsarisingfromtransmissionlinesubstitutions ofreactive componentsina buckconverter
MEELA, PrincessMakone
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Impactofthe miningcharteronsocio-economicdevelopment and mining investment attractivenessin South Africa
MEYEROWITZ,Reuben Benjamin
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Analysisoffactors affectingrehabilitation of abandoned minesin South Africa: caseson asbestosprojects
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: CharacterizationofTWR260-60E1PearliteRailSteelwithaWeldGapsizeof40mmand50mm
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Carbon nanotubesapplicationforlithium-ionbatteryanodes
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: BreakdownstrengthinfluencesofTitaniumDioxide nanoparticlesonmidelCanola-Based natural esteroil:a comparison between the anataseandrutilephasesofTitaniumdioxide
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: TheimpactofSouthAfrica'sresponsetoinformalsettlementsandaffordablehousingwhen comparedto theresponses inIndiaand Brazil
MOABELO, MatshidisoTlou
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Investigatingtheinfluenceof burdenresponse onfragmentation at SishenMine
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Aholisticapproachtothedesignoftwotonnestemporarysupportsystem(nets,mechanical props,hooksand roof boltfaceplates)
MOKGOSI,Gomotsegang Millicent
School of Electrical and Information Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: ComparativestudyontheaccuracyoftheconventionalDGAtechniquesandartificialneural network inclassifying faults insideoil filledpowertransformers
MOKOENA, LehlohonoloChristopher
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Modellingofthe distribution ofcoaltarproduct qualitiesfroma tardistillation plant
MORROW, SeanRobert
School of Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering DISSERTATION: Theeffectsofrectilinearaccelerationanddecelerationonshockformation near astationary boundary
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Improving bulkwaterpumpstationpoliciesand operationsinconditions ofuncertain and changing demand
NAIR,Taurean Jevaldo
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: An Investigation intotheEffectof AdvancedGravitySeparation on PlatinumGroupMetals (PGM)FlotationConcentrates
NCUBE, MusawenkosiGracious
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Investigationof long holestopeperformance at SouthDeepGoldMine
NGEMA, SithandokuhleFortune
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Characterizingflotation processesof Platreef PGM ores: theapplicability ofmodelsbased onthe Weibulland yrateconstant distributions
NGWAMBA, PamelaNadia
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Theremovalofdiclofenac,cypermethrin,ibuprofen and naproxenfrom wastewater using advanced membranetechnology
NKAMBULE, S'thembile
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Openpitoptimisationusing Monte Carlosimulation: acasestudyof KolomelaMine
NYARELA, MartinSphiwe
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Impactofsecondary rock-breaking equipmentavailabilityonminingplan in blockcave mining
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Theimpactofthediamond miningindustryon Angola'ssocio-economicdevelopment
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Unlocking Sustainability: anexploration ofthe PotentialforFood WasteConversion into Energy and Value-Added ProductsforEffective LandfillDiversion in South Africa
PRETORIUS, MarthinusWessel
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Electronicregulatory-safetydata-capturing andreporting solution -A pilotstudy
RABE, Magdeleen
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Theimpactofincorrectly-sizedbulkwatermeters onwaterconsumptionand municipal revenue
RALIENGOANE, Mankoe Francis
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering DISSERTATION: Determining the parameters forthesizing ofsediment trapsinthecityof Johannesburg
RAMATSOMA, MafeniSamuel
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Development and experimentalvalidation ofanAcidMineDrainage PredictionTool based on Mineral Particles
RIVETT,Stephanie Anne
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: ALifeCycleAssessmentofPlasticvsCardboardPackagingintheFast-MovingConsumerGoods Market
SEABELA, MogaleadiSandra
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Therelationshipbetweenhumanfactors andtechnology adoptionat Sishen Mine
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: Performancemodeling ofcognitive NOMA-aidedIoT networkswith energyharvesting
SHAW, Kyle Lloyd
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Assessmentof in-service durabilityperformanceof NaturalDraftCooling Towersin a Petrochemicalenvironment
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering DISSERTATION: Investigation ofcorrosionbehaviour ofAluminiumAlloy7075processedbyLaserShockPeening withoutcoating
SIMANI, KyppyNgaira
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: Investigating design parametersfor practicalloadforecastingof grid-interactiveBuildings using LSTM
STEENKAMP, DaniëlJohannes (with Distinction)
School of Electrical and Information Engineering DISSERTATION: NavigatingtheUnderground: assessingVision-BasedSLAMMethodsinSimulatedSubterranean Scenarios
TATI,Buntu Bantu
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Supportdesignforwidestopingheightsresulting from footwalllifting of previouslymined Merenskypanels
TSORIYO, Vincent
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: Large-scale miningandartisanalandsmall-scale miningpartnershipsforsustainable socio-economicdevelopmentinZimbabwe
School of Mining Engineering RESEARCH REPORT: AreviewofthestopesupportsystematImpalaBafokengNorthShaftowingtostopeclosure atshallowmining depths
RESEARCH REPORT: Theoptimisation ofthesoftwaredevelopment lifecycle utilised in the delivery of digital healthcare products
PITSWE,Odirile RESEARCH REPORT: Assessmentof qualitymanagementinmajorprojectsinthemining industryin Botswana
SEREPA,IkanengNicole RESEARCH REPORT: Financialevaluationofimplementing in-pitcrushing andconveyingsystemsforwasteon open pitmines
DISSERTATION: Predictionofwaterhyacinthcoverageon Hartbeespoortdam
MATHE, BarneyClive RESEARCH REPORT: e-Commerceadoption in SouthAfrican SMMEs
NEMAKHAVHANI, PfanananiThelma RESEARCH REPORT: AnanalysisoffactorsleadingtotheproductionofdefectivewagonsinTransnetengineering
PUNGULA, Vusumuzi
RESEARCH REPORT: Supplychainriskmanagementin manufacturing smallandmediumenterprises:a systematicliteraturereview
RAPETSOA, MaisayaHellen RESEARCH REPORT: Thedevelopmentofcannabisinemergingmarkets-evaluatingtheprospectivevaluechain, marketaccessibility,andcommercialisation
SUKAZI, ThobileNomalungelo
RESEARCH REPORT: Theimprovementofon-timedeliveryfor"companyX"e-commerceordersduringthegolden quarter
RESEARCH REPORT: Theassessment ofexplorationprocessesin the upstreamindustryto increase exploration efficiencyandpromote accelerated drilling decisions
TSOMOLE, Moleboheng
RESEARCH REPORT: Investigatingfactors that impactthereplicationofoperationalexcellenceprogramsacross theglobal operationsof atopglobalminingcompany: thecase ofRioTinto
BHARTU, Saahil (with Distinction)
DISSERTATION: Characterisation,modelling,finiteelementanalysis,andoptimisationofhyperelasticmaterialsfor non-pneumaticwheels
DISSERTATION: Fatigue crackpropagation inalsi10mgadditive manufactured aeronauticalpartsprocessedby lasershockpeening
RESEARCH REPORT: Inventory management using artificialintelligence
RESEARCH REPORT: Measurementof combustionairflowinto burners incoal-firedplants
SHAW,Craig Byrne
DISSERTATION: Aerodynamicforcevariationon atrailingMotoGP motorcycleinacorner
LYDALL, Peter Wykeham
RESEARCH REPORT: Understandingthechallengesofimplementing an effectiverequirementsanalysisprocess within anengineeringR&D environment
NAIDOO,Pranell (with Distinction)
RESEARCH REPORT: Investigatingtheimpactofrailwaysignallingperformance onrailwayoperations& performance in South Africa
SEKWATI, Loeto Levious
RESEARCH REPORT: Investigatingtheflow ofinformationinasurfaceironore miningoperation
RESEARCH REPORT: UrbanDesignCoding. Aqualitativestudyintotherelevanceofurbandesigncoding in informal settlements: thecaseofMushroomville Settlement, Centurion, Pretoria, South Africa
CHUMA, Rirhandzu Sharon Housing and Human Settlements RESEARCH REPORT: Evaluatingthestate'sresponsetoflooding disasters: the caseofDeelpan Village EmergencyHousing
Urban Politics and Governance RESEARCH REPORT: Theinterface between the middle-classneigbourhood andthelocalstate: acasestudyof Melville, Precinct Plan,Johannesburg
MANTSHOANE, TrevorMatuba
Urban Management RESEARCH REPORT: "Artfulsustainability"Inquiryintourbanwasteandpublicspacepractices: acasestudyof Riverside View MegaCity, Johannesburg
MARERE, Nozipho Pauline
Urban Management RESEARCH REPORT: Community(mis)participationinUrbanGreenSpacerestoration: acaseoftheWildsNature Reserve,Johannesburg
Urban Management RESEARCH REPORT: Investigatingwaysinwhichtheprofile andidentityofwomen affectstheircapacitytowork effectivelyintheurbanmanagement field
TAYLOR,Jamie Anne
Sustainable Energy Efficient Cities RESEARCH REPORT: TowardsNetZeroEnergy: Enhancingwastewatertreatmentsustainabilitywith energy efficiencyandbiogasintegration. Acasestudy ofthe Western Cape
Sustainable Energy Efficient Cities RESEARCH REPORT: AnImbokodocooperativemodelforwheelingrural-generatedsolar-PVelectricitytofacilitate clean induction-stovecookingamonglow-income urbanhouseholdsin South Africa
Urban Management RESEARCH REPORT: An evaluation ofCityImprovement Districtsinpromoting positivesocio-spatialstructures and managementprocesses: acasestudyofHillbrow EkhayaImprovement District,Johannesburg
MOTUPA, DikelediJaqueline
School of Architecture and Planning RESEARCH REPORT: 'Stokvels'asanalternativehousingfinancemechanism:acasestudyfor'Masakhe'Ladiesin Gugulethu
RAMATHUBA,MulundeLehlohonolo Preddy
DIBILONG,Koketso Portia
Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies
Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies
MOHLABA, Mpidiseng Emash (with Distinction)
MUSEMBWA, ValerieNonceba
SIAVHE, Khuliso
Bachelor of Science Honours in Property Studies
UBISI, CalvinThato
ZANTSI, Anda Khungelwa
MSIPHA, Langelihle Israel
ALONI,Trymore Sylvester
HADEBE, SaneleDaluxolo
MASHAKOE, MadimetjaDimpho
DLAMINI, Zamindlela
KWAPA, Moeponi
LEKALAKALA,Piet Matsobane
MAKGALE, ThatoAobakwe
MALAZA, Vuyiswa Gugu
MDHLULI, Musa Phillip
HADEBE, Lithemba
MURADYA, AnotidaisheNicole
NKOSI, SizweSiyabonga
SITHOLE, Ishmael
SKOSANA,Jabulani Shaun
BachelorofScienceinEngineering-ElectricalEngineering -InformationEngineering
MALAZA, SiphamandlaDavid
MASOGA, MandlaAlbert
MTSHELWANE, Themba Martin
SIJADU, Sphumelele
SNYDERS,IfeanyiGregory Lance
BHEMBHE, Ntsizwa Alfred
HLETA, YenzokuhleSisekelo
NKOSI, Sandile Sphesihle
RADEBE, Xolani
SITHOLE, Sibusiso Siyabonga
WILMOT, MatthewIain
MAHLANGU, RosetteNomvula
MAPHANGA, BahloliweNthabiseng
MASETI, Sinovuyo
PETA, KgopotsoAgnetious
JAMES,Jon-Jon Michael
NXUMALO,Simlindile Nokukhanya
GOVENDER,Reece Andrew
MALEKE, KhensaneMamaJoanitah
MOSUE,Otsile Koketso
MSIZA, BhekiSibusiso
NDLOVU, Samkelo
PALEDI, BoitumeloSealana
POTO,RefentseRebecca Sarah
MZIMELA,Ntuthuko Minenhle
CHOMA, KapudiAubrey
KABWAYI, Laurent-DaphneKitopi
LETAGENG, KhomotsoNthoge
MASUKU, Sibongile Sophy
School of Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
School of Electrical and Information Engineering
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
School of Electrical and Information Engineering
School of Electrical and Information Engineering
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
MOREKURE, Shimane Simon
CHETTY BScHons(Natal) MSPhD(Urbana-Champaign) MASSAfMSAIP
ASANTE-MANTEAW,Theophilus Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: GIS-based dynamicfloodmodellingalongJukskeiRiver, Johannesburg,South Africa
ATITA,ObehiChapet Geophysics
DISSERTATION: Machine learningalgorithms-basedclassificationof lithologyusinggeophysicallogs:ICDP DSeis projectboreholes,South Africa
Computer Science
DISSERTATION: 3Dhumanpose estimation: usinggeometricself-supervision withtemporalmethods
BELGER, Carl Warner Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences
DISSERTATION: ThegenecatalogueandfunctionalanalysisofthegutmicrobiomeoflionsinEtoshaNationalPark
BESTER,Tristan (with Distinction)
Computer Science
DISSERTATION: Countingrewardautomata:exploitingstructureinrewardfunctionsexpressibleindecidableformal languages
BILA,LaerciaRose (with Distinction) Chemistry DISSERTATION: Synthesisofplatinum-based electrocatalystsusingnitrogendoped onion-likecarbonand WS2 compositeasthesupportforelectrooxidation ofethanolindirectalcoholfuelcells
BOBO,Christine Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: An initialestimationandcharacterisation of methane(CH4)from the Wakkerstroom wetland and theMajuba PowerStation inMpumalanga Province, South Africa
BOLTON,AndrewDesmond (with Distinction) Palaeontology DISSERTATION: Finite element analysisof dinocephalianskullstoaddresshead-butting behaviourin early therapsids
BREYTENBACH, Andrea (with Distinction)
Molecular and Cell Biology DISSERTATION: Theeffectofcholesteroldepletion on TGF-β induced epithelial-mesenchymaltransition in pancreaticcancercells
BUTHELEZI,Nontobeko LyndaValerie
Interdisciplinary Global Change Studies RESEARCH REPORT: Highereducation sustainability:investigating the barriers and opportunitiesto sustainableinfrastructuraldevelopment intertiary educationinstitutions
CHALOM,Jason Max
Computer Science DISSERTATION: Theapplicationofattributionmethodstoexplainanend-to-end modelforself-drivingcars
CHIRINDZA, Jonas Computer Science DISSERTATION: Floodsusceptibilitymodelinginthe uMhlatuzanarivercatchmentusingcomputervision-based deep learningtechniques
COETZER, Dewald Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: Investigating hybridisation among highaltitudeRhodohypoxisspecies intheDrakensberg Alpine Centre
CORDEIRO,Jeanne (with Distinction) Archaeology DISSERTATION: The“Roots”ofearly Homo’s survival:theroleofgeophyteundergroundstorageorgansinthediet ofHomoergasteroccupyingthe Cradle ofHumankind duringthemiddle Pleistocene
CWAYI,HerbertQaqambile Chemistry DISSERTATION: Synthesisandcharacterisation ofonion-like carbonsforadsorptionof tartrazinedye in water
GIBSON,Matthew Leo (with Distinction)
Molecular and Cell Biology DISSERTATION: Identifyingmarkers of differentiation inmonocyte derivedmacrophages
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: Thepotentialofregenerativeagricultureincreatingclimate adaptive and gender inclusivefood systems:astudyofruralcommunitiesinMpumalanga, South Africa
HAUPT, RachelXenia
Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies DISSERTATION: Optically stimulated luminescencedatingof Kalundu andUrewetraditionceramics
HAYASHI, Kentaro eScience RESEARCH REPORT: Applicationsofrecurrentneuralnetworksinmodelingthe COVID-19pandemic
HLOPHE, Busisiwe (with Distinction) Palaeontology DISSERTATION: Palaeoclimatereconstructionusingcharcoalfromamid-Holocenestratum4b,WonderwerkCave, South Africa
KAEMBA,Robert Ntokwa (with Distinction)
Economic Geology RESEARCH REPORT: Thenatureandcharacteristicsofsulphide mineralisation attheKamoa - Kakulacopper depositof the Katanga basin,CentralAfricanCopperbelt, Lualaba,DemocraticRepublic ofCongo
KATANE, MalebogoDimpho (with Distinction)
Molecular and Cell Biology DISSERTATION: Metagenomesequencingof the lichenspecies Flavopunctelia flaventior and Parmotrema tinctorumfromGauteng,South Africa
KEIZAN, Yaron Yakov
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: Assessingthe climaticsuitabilityand environmentalresponsesof Anthonomus morticinus Clark (Coleoptera:Curculionidae),apotentialbiologicalcontrolagentof Solanum mauritianum Scopoli (Solanaceae)in South Africa
Computational and Applied Mathematics DISSERTATION: Pricing interestratederivatives usingthe forward market model
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: Landscape-scalecarbonstocksin thesubtropicalthicketofthe Baviaanskloof, South Africa
KUDOMA, Bongayi Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: AssessingthespatiotemporalvariabilityofurbanheatislandandthermalcomfortinGreater Francistowncity
LANGA,KellyKiba (with Distinction) eScience RESEARCH REPORT: Parameter-efficientfine-tuning ofpre-trained large languagemodelsforfinancialtext analysis
LUQMAN,Muhammad Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies DISSERTATION: DevelopmentofaGISsystemforminingdatamanagementandintegrationforproactivedecision making
Geophysics DISSERTATION: Integratedgeophysicalmethodsto delineateR21sinkholesnearOlifantsfontein,Gauteng, South Africa
MABILANE,Tshegofatso Chemistry DISSERTATION: Photodegradationofsyntheticorganicdyesinwaterusingtungstendisulfideand bismuth-based metalhalide perovskite compositematerials
MAHAMUZA, PhemeloHope
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: Assessingandcomparingthe performanceofdifferentmachinelearningregression algorithmsin predictingChlorophyll-aconcentration in the VaalDam,Gauteng
MAHOMED, Aaliyah
Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies DISSERTATION: TheinfluenceofclimatechangeonthespeedofmovementoftropicalcyclonesintheSouthIndian Ocean
MAKARINGE, PreciousNkhensani
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: Modellingforrainwaterharvesting structuresusinggeospatialtechniques
MAKHEMA, Relebohile Edward Economic Geology RESEARCH REPORT: AccessoryREEmineralisationoftheNokengfluoritedepositasdistalfaciesoftheadjacent Vergenoegpipe,Bushveld Complex, South Africa
MALIVHADZA,Takalani Environmental Sciences RESEARCH REPORT: Theperceptionsof Moretele residentsofsmall-scale agriculture: thecase ofGa-Moeka village in the North-West Province
MANUEL,AgexCordeiro Ferreira
Geology DISSERTATION: Assessingthe magmaticNi-Cu-(Co-PGE)sulphide potentialof theKunene AMCGComplex
MASEKO, Sambulisiwe
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: Watershed delineationandrunoff estimationusing GISandHEC-HMSmodelinthe Gwayi Catchment,Zimbabwe
MATHUNYANE, AlfredNtobeng
Computational and Applied Mathematics DISSERTATION: Double- diffusiveconvection inrotating fluidsunder gravitymodulation
MBEDZI,Mary Emma Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: Naturalresourceuse and environmentalperceptionsindifferenttypesofruralvillagesin Bushbuckridge, South Africa
Hydrogeology RESEARCH REPORT: Nutrient and salinityloading basedonthetemporalandspatialwater qualitydatainthe upperCrocodile River Basin,Johannesburg
MMANGOEDI, MolebogengPrecious
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: Investigatingtheimpactofthe landreformpolicyonland useandlandcoverchanges,in NgakaModiriMolemadistrictofthe North WestProvince
MNGADI,Nomfundo Persevearance Environmental Sciences RESEARCH REPORT: TheimpactoftheuMsunduziRiverCatchmenton eutrophication in the Inanda Dam
MNGUNI,Zandizoloyiso Asanda (with Distinction)
Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies DISSERTATION: Assessingthe validityoftheexclusionof night-timethermalcomfortin tourismclimate indices
MOFOKENG, Puseletso Samuel
Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies DISSERTATION: Studyof the influenceof gustfronts andtopographicalfeatures inthedevelopment ofsevere thunderstormsacrossSouthAfrica
Molecular and Cell Biology DISSERTATION: Comparisonof different bioassaymethodsfortheassessment ofdose-responserelationshipsof entomopathogensand toxinsagainst Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner,1809)(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
MOLEFE, KebarilengChristinah
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: GIS- basedlocation-allocationmodelling ofschoolaccessibilityintheBojanala Platinum DistrictMunicipality, South Africa
MOLEFE, MolefeReabetsoe-Phenyo (with Distinction) Computer Science
DISSERTATION: Envisioningthefutureoffashion:the creationandapplication of diversebodypose datasets for Real-World VirtualTry-On
MONGWE,Agnes Monosi (with Distinction) Chemistry DISSERTATION: Highentropyspineloxidesandiron-cobalt basedelectrocatalystsforrechargeablezinc-air batteries
MONOKE, Kwena Martha Interdisciplinary Global Change Studies RESEARCH REPORT: Miningcompanygovernance andthespectreof environmentalprosecutions:Isthereany deterrenteffect?
MONYAI,MokgaetjiAndelina Chemistry DISSERTATION: EvaluatingtheimpactoflanduseactivitiesinandaroundLakeKaribaonthepresenceandlevels ofanionsand cationsinthe waterbody
MONYANE,NapoShadrack (with Distinction) Hydrogeology RESEARCH REPORT: BaselinehydrogeologyofDoleriteDykesinLesotho,MafetengDistrictasacasestudy
MOONSAMY, SashaSarasvathee Keshnee
Molecular and Cell Biology DISSERTATION: Knockdownof longnon-coding RNA PANDA improvesthecytotoxiceffectsofcisplatinin oesophagealsquamouscellcarcinomacelllines
MORRIS,Tania Mari (with Distinction)
Computational and Applied Mathematics DISSERTATION: Magneticfieldstrength estimationsforthe mainphasesof solar cycles13-24 using magnetohydrodynamicRossbywavesinthe lowertachocline
Economic Geology RESEARCH REPORT: CharacterisationofthePlatinumGroupMineralsintheOmbukuNorthintrusionperipheralto the Kunene Complex:insightsintoitsPGE potential
MUKWEVHO,Lutendo (with Distinction)
DISSERTATION: Taphonomyand palaeoecologyofa monospecificmicrovertebratebonebed: behaviouralimplicationsfor the latePermian(Lopingian)parareptiles
MULANDULI, Omphulusa (with Distinction)
DISSERTATION: Physicalpropertystudies,tunnelnumericalsimulationsandin-mineseismicexperimentstoimage thegoldorebodyatSouth DeepGold Mine
MULAUDZI, Anza-Tshilidzi Physics
DISSERTATION: Exploringthe parameterspaceof2HDM+S modelincolliders
MULENGA, Thabelo
Molecular and Cell Biology
DISSERTATION: Exploringthe structure,functionandstabilityof glutathionetransferasesengineeredfrom intra-and inter-classconsensussequences:How forgiving isnature?
MUNTSWU,Zwivhuya Chemistry
DISSERTATION: Asystematicstudyonthe useofthesol-gelsyntheticmethodforlithiummanganeseoxidebased cathodematerials
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: Integrating Landsatand Sentinel-2 fortheassessmentof rangelandsvegetation dynamics
MUTHIVHI, Mufhumudzi (with Distinction)
Computer Science DISSERTATION: BiCoRec:bias -mitigated context-awaresequentialrecommendation model
NAGY, MarcellDouglas (with Distinction)
Robotics RESEARCH REPORT: Balltracking byobjectdetectionusingdeep neuralnetwork aidedKalman filtering in a real-timesimulatedRoboCupSoccerenvironment
NAIDOO,Ashton Robotics RESEARCH REPORT: High-speedobstacle avoidancein unstructured environments
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: The implications ofmandible morphologyand dentalstructure onthefeeding ecologyand predatory behaviourin Hyaenidae(hyenas)using geometricmorphometricanalyses
NDUNI, MercyNjeri (with Distinction)
Chemistry DISSERTATION: Manganese-basedcathodematerialsforzinc-ionand lithium-sulfur batteries
Robotics RESEARCH REPORT: Optimisation ofKickLatencyforenhanced performance ofRobotsintheRobocup Three-DimensionalLeague through ProximalPolicyOptimisation (PPO)
Computer Science DISSERTATION: Informationandknowledgediscovery fromundergraduate STEMdatasets:educationaldata miningat aSouthAfricanUniversity
NGUBANE, Samukelisiwe
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: ModellingandanalysisofCOVID-19outspreadatmicro-levelsusingspatialautocorrelation: Caseof eThekwini
NJUPOUN,AbdelMfougouon (with Distinction) Robotics RESEARCH REPORT: Formationstrategyoptimisationusingmulti-agentreinforcementlearning
PADAYACHY,Janiel (with Distinction)
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences DISSERTATION: Surface waterdependenciesand activitypatterns ofmammalianherbivores inSouth Africa
PEPLOUW, Muchelene Tiara
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: Spatiotemporalcharacteristicsofsurfacewater in SuaPan,Botswana,using Earth observationdata: 1992-2022
PERUMAL, Leerin Michaela (with Distinction) Physics DISSERTATION: Broadbandbeamshaping
RABOYA, Christopher Chemistry DISSERTATION: Biocatalyticoxidative conversionofvalencene tonootkatonemediated bylipoxygenaseand cytochromeP450
RAINE, KeithIan Environmental Sciences RESEARCH REPORT: Critiquingexistingcriteriaforfinancialprovisioningforrehabilitation andclosure ofcoal minesin South Africa
RAJAB,Jenalea Norma
Computer Science RESEARCH REPORT: Addressingambiguityinhumanrobotinteractionusingcompositionalreinforcementlearning and userpreference
RAMAANO,Thabo Victor
Computer Science DISSERTATION: Developinga bayesiannetwork modeltopredictstudents’performancebased ontheanalysisof their highereducationtrajectory
RIKHOTSO,Hlawulekani Chemistry
DISSERTATION: Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticlesandCu2ZnSnS4/carbonspherecompositesascounter electrode catalystsforDSSCs
Molecular and Cell Biology
DISSERTATION: InvestigatingtheDNAmethylationstatusofthePXDNandPXDNLpromoterregionsinOSCCcell lines
SEKGOBELA, Pusang King
Molecular and Cell Biology
DISSERTATION: Genomic characterisation of possiblesymbioticpathogenicbacteriaspecies isolated from undescribedCruznemanematodesbacterivore
SIBIYA,Zoleka Evidence Nokwazi (with Distinction) Palaeontology
DISSERTATION: Thetaxonomyandphylogeny ofvaranopidaefromthemiddle permianof South Africa
SMITH, Roshay
Molecular and Cell Biology
DISSERTATION: Diversity and abundanceof arthropodsonconventionalsugarcane underfield conditions in South Africa
Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies
DISSERTATION: Bayesianbeliefnetworksandscore-basednetworkconstructionfornitrateandnitritelevel prediction in waterqualitytesting ofthe VaalRiverin South Africa
Molecular and Cell Biology
DISSERTATION: Unveilingthe biochemicalpathway betweenType2 diabetesMellitusandearlyAlzheimer's disease
VAN WYNGAARD,Zahn Environmental Sciences RESEARCH REPORT: Theeffectsofland usechangeon water qualityin the UpperBerg -andBreedeRiver catchments, WesternCape,South Africa
WOOLFSON,Logan Stefan (with Distinction)
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing RESEARCH REPORT: Detectingdisease incitrustreesusing multispectralUAV data and deep learningalgorithm
ZONDI,Nomvula Beryl
Interdisciplinary Global Change Studies RESEARCH REPORT: Theimpactofthejustenergy transition onjob creation in South Africa: acaseof the wind energy sector
ZONDO,Michel Palaeontology DISSERTATION: Thestratigraphyofthe newTuli Basinfossilsitesin Zimbabwe
BALASSIS,Socrati Computer Science
COKA,SiyabongaJulius Mathematical Sciences
DLAMINI, LindelaniDelisa Computer Science
DLAMINI, MongeziMpumelelo Computer Science
GIJANA, Abongile Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies
GROSSBERG, AharonMordechai Computer Science
LAFFERTY,Tristen Ray Palaeontology
LAMOLA,KoenaDadley Mathematics
MAHLANGU, DumisaniTheophilus (with Distinction) Mathematical Sciences
MAKHADO, PhophiMurendeniUnarine Chemistry
MAKWELA, NalediPalesa Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing
MARAVHA,Takalani Environmental Studies Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences
MARUMOLOE,Pheletso Chemistry
MASHABELA,MampseThabo Computer Science
MASHILO,Neo Science Education
MATLHAKOLA,OfentseOctovia Physics
MBATHA, Cebolenkosi Geography
MHLANGA,Thandeka Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies
MOTSIELOA,PholosoGilbert Big Data Analytics
MVELASE, SiyabongaNtokozo Computational and Applied Mathematics
NGQULUNGA,Samukelo Innocent Mathematical Statistics
NKOSI,Ntombizonke Geology
OMOSUWA,MercyTintswalo Chemistry
PAPOLA, Mokgethoa Computer Science
RIBA,Mojakgomo Evidence Geology
SGUDLA,HlengiweJohanna Geology
SIBIYA, SwelihleSinothile Environmental Studies
SITHOLE,Zenzele Sihle Chemistry
PHIRI, Miriam
TSUNYANE,Khotsofalang Paulus
DrRobertMartinAdamwasbornon13September1955inSprings,SouthAfrica.HematriculatedfromBishopsand completed his BSc (Hons) in Chemistry from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1978. He completed a second BSc (Hons) in 1985, an MSc in 1987, and a PhD all in physics from UNISA while detained and convicted in 1981-1990 as a political prisoner in South Africa. He subsequently held a postdoctoral fellowship in the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in 1992 -1993. He received honorary doctorates from UCTin 2022andfromthe Universityof Stellenbosch in2023.
Hewas appointed Director-General of the Department ofArts, Culture, Science andTechnology(DACST) in 1999, and transferred to the new Department of Science and Technology (DST) as Director-General in 2002. He was appointedbyCabinetasChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheSouthAfricanNuclearEnergyCorporation(NECSA)in2006 and was appointed as Group Executive: Nuclear at the Aveng Group in 2012. In 2017 he was appointed as ManagingDirectorofSouth AfricanRadio AstronomicalObservatory(SARAO).
HeoversawthegenerationoftheSouthAfricanScienceandTechnologyForesightStudy,establishedtheNational LaserCentreatCSIR,co-drafted the Billto establishtheNationalResearchFoundation asmandated bythe White Paper, successfully presented the case for funding the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) at Sutherland to Cabinet, drafted the South African IndigenousKnowledge Strategy,drafteda NationalResearchandDevelopment Strategy(NRDS)forSouthAfrica,aswellassupportingstrategiesinareassuchasbiotechnology,nanotechnology, and astronomy, oversaw the generation of several Strategies as required by the NRDS, for example, the SA NanotechnologyStrategy,establishedtheFluorochemicalExpansionInitiativeattheSouthAfricanNuclearEnergy Corporation (NECSA) and successfully presented the proposal to support and fund South Africa's bid to host the SquareKilometre Array(SKA)RadioTelescope toCabinet.
DrAdamchairedtheSteeringCommitteeforthebidthatSouthAfricawontohosttheSKAObservatory.Heguided the establishment of the SA Radio Astronomy Observatory, and successfully completed construction of the MeerKATradiotelescopeontheSKAsitenearCarnarvon.MeerKATisthemostpowerfulradiotelescopeofitskind in the world. He drove the Agreement with the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy on the construction of MeerKAT Extension.
He has received numerous awards including the 2010 Lifetime Achievers Award of the South African National EnergyAssociation.In2011hewasknightedasChevalierdel'OrdreNationalduMeritebythePresidentofFrance, foroutstanding achievementsin fosteringscientificcollaboration betweenFrance and South Africa.
HehasservedasthechairoftheBoardofDirectorsofNTPRadioisotopes(Pty)Ltd,chairoftheBoardofDirectors of PBMR Fuel Organization (Pty) Ltd, and chair of the Board of Directors of NECSA, chair of the South African Steering Committee for the Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope. He was president of the Nuclear Industries Association of South Africa (NIASA), a member of the Human Resources Development Council chaired by the Deputy President oftheRepublicof South Africa,and amember ofthe Board of Directors of SKA(Pty)Ltd.
HeisamemberoftheAcademyofSciencesofSouthAfrica,memberoftheEngineeringAcademyofSouth Africa, fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa, and member of the South African Institute of Physics, to mention but a fewprofessionalsocieties.
He has published many peer-reviewed articles in international journals and books, principally in Nuclear Physics Theory, and has delivered many conference papers on science and technology policy. He has co-authored a book onScience andTechnologyintheRepublic ofChile.Inhisfreetime,DrAdamenjoyshiking andcooking.
In light of these achievements, it is therefore befitting that the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, bestowsanHonorary DoctorateonDrRobert Martin Adam.
Prizestobepresented at theFaculty’s prizegiving ceremony
BestStudentTutors inComputational&Applied Mathematics:
Thisprize isawarded annuallytotutors fortheirsupportinteachingthroughtheirtutoringof undergraduateand Honours students.
Alfred Ntobeng Mathunyane
Biological Sciences SecondPrizeTeachingAssistantAward:
Thisprize isawarded tothe mostoutstandingpostgraduatestudent,who isemployedasaTeaching Assistantin the Schoolof MolecularandCellBiology. Christine Bobo
DRNJ DLAMINIMBChB(Natal)DOH(Free State)MBA(Witwatersrand)DBL(Unisa)PGCE(Witwatersrand)IEC (Stanford-USA)
Vice-Chancellorand Principal
Chairman of Council
MRI SHONGWE BA(Wesleyan)MPhil(Oxford)
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
PROFESSOR ROSMAN BA(Witwatersrand)HDipEd BEd(Unisa)MEd PhD(Witwatersrand) MASSAf
DeputyVice-Chancellor (Research andInnovation)
DeputyVice-Chancellor (SystemsandOperations)
DeputyVice-Chancellor (People Developmentand Culture)
MSCG CROSLEYBAHDipEd(Witwatersrand)BEd Hons(Unisa)MEd(Witwatersrand)
MSMMMANYAMACA(SA)BComAccounting(CapeTown)BComptHons(Unisa)BComHonsTaxation(Pretoria) MBA(GIBS)
PROFESSORJCOHEN BComHonsPhD(Witwatersrand)
FacultyofEngineering andtheBuiltEnvironment
PROFESSOR MMUSEMWA BAHons(Zimbabwe) MA(CapeTown) PhD(Minnesota, USA)MASSAf
PROFESSOR NCHETTY BScHons(Natal)MS PhD (U.IllinoisUrbana-Champaign) MASSAf, MSAIP
President of Convocation
1.Intheeventof anemergencyand/orfire:
• The presiding official (Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor/Deputy Vice-Chancellor) will make an announcement requesting guests, graduandsandstaff tokeepcalm andremainseated;
• TheUsherswillassistgueststoproceedtothenearestEmergencyexitsinordertoevacuatetheGreatHall inanorderlyfashion;
• Emergencyexitsignsarevisibleinredaboveallexitdoorssituatedonyourleftandrighthandsidesaswell asthe backoftheHall;
• TheUsherswillassisttheelderly and disabledguests outofthebuilding;
• Theacademicprocessiononstage must exitthroughthebackstagedoor;
• OnceoutsidetheGreatHallallguests,graduandsandstaffmustproceedtothemainassemblypointonthe piazza.
2.Intheeventof a Bomb threat
All bomb threats will be treated as real in order to protect lives and property and the premises will be evacuated immediately.
Dear Wits Graduate,
There are a few defining moments in life – and it is without doubt that graduation is one of them!
Today, you enter the world as a graduate from one of the top universities on the African continent. You enter into a world filled with many challenges, but a world that is also filled with limitless possibilities. May you meet all the challenges and opportunities that await you with pride, drive, passion, innovation, social-conscience and positive-purpose.
In addition to earning the degree conferred upon you today, you have also earned the right to be associated with a special group of individuals – the Convocation of Wits University. Convocation represents all the degreed graduates of Wits and forms a vital link between the University and the global community in which it operates. Membership to Convocation is free and serves as an official channel, allowing you, the members, to convey to the University management your views about the University. This membership comes with several unique privileges, which include nominating the Chancellor of the University. The Convocation Executive has two members on the Wits Council (the governing body of the University) and maintains other regular contact with the University to ensure the voice of the Convocation is represented at the highest levels of The University.
There are approximately 200 000 Wits alumni worldwide. The distinction of our university is important to the prestige of our collective qualifications. We call upon you to nurture and enhance the value of your degree by promoting Wits’ image, preserving our values, and contributing towards our ongoing development, ensuring that we grow in stature as a globally competitive, proudly South African institution of higher learning. Please engage with us via our numerous social media channels and keep connected with us so you can access career support, receive invitations to events and reunions and have sight of all the latest news about Wits and prominent Witsies:
I would like to extend a warm welcome to you – you are now a #Witsie4Life!
Ms Kgomotso Mufamadi President of Convocation Wits University
Convocation is a statutory body that includes all graduates of the University. Convocation is the largest constituency of the University (since the founding of the University in 1922, graduates number over 200 000). Its statutory mandate is to “… discuss and state its opinion upon any matters relating to the University including matters referred to it by the Council” and allows for the views of graduates to be represented at the highest levels of governance of the University.
Words and music by S.B.P. Mnomiya
Obani labo?
Baphi Ahhom?
Ngibona beza
Bathwel ‘ongiyane
Bavela kuphi na?
Obani labo?
Yibo labo hhom!
Yini na leyo?
Ihele lezingwazi zakithi
Ahhom udwendwe
Udwendwe lwezingqwele zakithi
Nant’ ihele
Nant’ ihele
Udwendwe Iwezingqwele zakithi
Who are those? Which, Falalala?
I see them coming
Walking with swinging garments
They are wearing head rings
Where do they come from?
Who are those?
They are people with knowledge
They are people in authority
These are the ones
What is that?
It is a procession
A procession of our heroes
It is a procession
A procession of our champions
Here is a procession
Of people of knowledge
Here is a procession
Of people of knowledge
A procession
A procession of our heroes
Ihele is known as the ‘Black’ Gaudeamus Igitur. In song, the writer, Mnomiya uses very poetic language to describe a graduation ceremony. The soloist sings of the ‘strange’ procession of people in long robes and head gear. The choir responds by saying that these people are academics who read profound books of knowledge.
Mnomiya goes on to say that the graduates are an inspiration to all of us, and we will also graduate like them one day. The song goes on to wish the graduates well and it ends with a resounding “Halala” (well done!).
Maces were originally weapons of defence, designed to break through armour. In medieval times, bishops carried a mace instead of a sword into battle to enable them to defend themselves in accordance with the canonical rule that forbade a priest to shed blood. In time, the mace has come to be regarded as a symbol of delegated authority vested in a person or an institution. At this University, it is a symbol of the authority vested in the Chancellor and a reminder of the mandate given by the legislature of this country to the University to grant degrees.
The University mace is the work of the Edinburgh designer, silversmith and engraver, William Kirk, who designed and made the mace of the University of Stirling and of other institutions. It is silver-and gold-plated, is 1070 millimetres long and 180 millimetres broad and weighs seven kilograms. The heraldic devices used in the decoration reflect the character of this University as an institution of learning, set in a mining centre within the Republic of South Africa.
The head of the mace with its spreading vertical blades is symbolic of the horns of a springbok. The central vertical spike is representative of a rock drill on the mine, and the amber stone set in the head is intended as a tribute to a past Chancellor through its association with his name, Bernstein, which in German means amber stone. The heavy quality of the head is consistent with the traditional concept of the mace as a weapon of defence. The collar repeats the shape of the head. It consists of eight cogs which symbolise the cog-wheel in the University coat of arms and represents mining and industry. The shaft is octagonal and divided into three sections. The coat of arms of the University is placed on the shaft under the collar. Below this the words Universitas Witwatersrandensis Johannesburgi: are inscribed, followed by the date in Roman numerals – MCMLXXVI (1977) – which signifies the year of the dedication of the mace.
The mace is a symbolic portrayal of this University, this city, the Witwatersrand and the Republic of South Africa. It is a constant reminder to members of Council and Senate to uphold at all times the rights, powers and privileges of the University and its governing bodies.
The academic dress of this University is patterned on that of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, with modifications based on the model of the University of London and certain individual features, particularly in the costumes of office bearers and the hoods of degreesof bachelor and master.
Dress for Office Bearers
• The Chancellor wears a scarlet silk gown with a broad facing of black velvet down each side, embroidered in gold and a black velvet cap with gold cord and tassels.
• The Vice-Chancellor and Principal wears a blue silk gown with a broad facing of gold silk down each side, embroidered in blue, the sleeves being lined with gold silk. The cap is of the same design as that of the Chancellor.
• The Chairman of Council wears a black silk gown with a broad facing of red velvet down each side and around the neck, the sleeves being lined with gold silk. The cap is of the same design as that of the Chancellor.
• The academic dress of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors and the Executive Directors is the same as that of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, except that the colour of the facing and sleeves of the gown and of the cord and tassels of the cap is silver-grey.
• The gown of the President of Convocation is of blue silk, with a broad facing of gold silk down each side, the sleeves being lined with white silk. The cap is the same as that of the Chancellor, but with a blue cord and tassels.
• The Registrar wears a black silk gown with a broad facing of blue silk down each side, bordered with gold braid. The cap is the same as that of the President of Convocation.
• A member of Council wears a black silk gown with a broad facing of gold silk. The cap is the same as that of the Chancellor.
• The gown of the President of the Students’ Representative Council is black with a broad facing of blue satin.
Graduands’ Gowns
• The gowns for all degrees of bachelor and master of the University are black, of the same pattern as the gown for a Master of Arts at the University of Oxford.
• The gown for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is scarlet, after the University of London pattern.
• The gown for a senior doctorate is the same as that for the PhD, but with a gold satin facing on each side of the gown and with the sleeve button and cord in gold.
The Academic Hood
The academic hood is the principal feature of the costume for holders of our degrees of bachelor and master. The hood for the PhD is standard, regardless of the Faculty in which the degree was obtained. It is scarlet silk, lined with white silk.
Degree Colours
The hoods reflect the colour or colours of a particular degree or associated degrees.
As a 100-year-old public university in South Africa, Wits is proud of its record of achievement as a significant contributor to our society. We contribute people to society that are training in their chosen field that are engaged and able to tackle problems using evidence-based solutions. We also contribute knowledge that has a positive impact on the quality of life. Wits for Good.
Wits is a world-class research university based on our intellectual excellence, international competitiveness, and commitment to social justice; all of which have a measurable impact.
What makes Wits distinct? Here are a few of many differentiators:
• An international perspective that helps us maintain high standards in teaching and learning and research while not distracting us from our place in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Africa. 60% out our 2021 publications included international collaborators.
• An intellectual hub of Africa, a founding member of the African Research University Alliance. In 2021 Wits published 167 articles with Namibia, 220 with Botswana, 326 with Zimbabwe and 137 with Mozambique.
• An active and engaged community leader that takes a stand on social issues and is fully committed to the advancement of the public good.
• A growing contribution to the body of knowledge through peer reviewed academic publications: 4 400 in 2021 and an average growth rate of 500 per year over the last five years.
• Knowledge contribution that is above global quality averages in several fields including: clinical and pre-clinical health studies (76% above global norms); arts and humanities (58% above global norms); life sciences (36% above global norms); physical sciences (12% above global norms).
• Wits is particularly associated with the study of the fields of virology, particle physics and the Higgs Boson, malaria, archaeology, paleontology, paleoanthropology, violence, local and regional politics, geochemistry, rock mechanics, deep mining, forensic anthropology, climate change, migration, social justice, and many more.
• Proud of the four Nobel laureates and the 98 Rhodes Scholars.
• Proud of our current 40 000 students of whom 16 000 (40%) are undertaking postgraduate studies and learning to make their own unique contributions to the global knowledge base.
• Proud of our 200 000 graduates. More than 90% of Wits graduates obtain permanent employment within 12 months of graduation.
• Proud of its ability to raise external funding to support and drive its research efforts, with contributions exceeding R 2 billion per annum.