Thursday, 2 May 2024
Facilitator: CCDU & Prof Liz Brenner 13:15-14:00 I
Venue: MS Teams
1. Help-seeking behaviours: Help us help you
University-level academic activities are different in many ways from students' high school experiences. Transitioning from high school instruction to university lecture styles, having to prepare material in advance, dealing with more difficult academic requirements and assignments are completed outside of your timetable. University-level studies require an expansion of your studying strategies. Help-seeking behaviours within the university context consist of two components namely academic help-seeking behaviour and psychological help-seeking behaviours.
Academic help-seeking behaviour: refers to cognitively oriented achievement behaviour involving the search for the employment of a strategy to obtain academic success.
Psychological help-seeking behaviour: refers to emotion-oriented counselling services requested by students and delivered by counselling support services. In this workshop, you will learn about the resources you can access to help you attain academic success. Research studies have shown that when students engage in academic help-seeking behaviours and psychological help-seeking behaviours, there is a direct effect on students’ academic achievement (statke, 2019)
LINK TO RSVP: https://forms.office.com/r/zSqJyqKG7n
Friday, 10 May 2024
Facilitator: STPU in partnership with CCDU and ADAPT funded by YSL 18:00-20:00 I
Venue: WSS1
2. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Presentations
The presentation highlights some of the issues that youngsters face in terms of relationships, GBV, and how and where to report acts of sexual violence. It also highlights what good relationships should strive for and how to build such healthy relationships. Snacks and a goodie bag will be provided for participants. You need to book to attend this presentation.
Only the first 150 students will be allowed.
LINK TO RSVP: https://forms.office.com/r/Q4KB7d7kvG

Tuesday 16 July 2024
Facilitator: FYE in partnership with CCDU 15:00-16:30
Venue: MS Teams
3. Press the Reset Button - Bouncing Back and Building Your Resilience
Developing a clear set of goals and plans can be beneficial at almost any stage of your academic career. No matter how much people analyse their aspirations and opportunities in the service of planning their career, unexpected developments often bring unforeseen changes. Such developments can be driven by processes within you, such as changing personal aspirations and growth needs, or by external events that you did not plan or expect, such as the fortuitous opportunity that seems to drop from the sky or shocks that derail progress along an intended career pathway. It's wise to expect the unexpected to occur at some point in your academics. This is why it is important to build resilience and adaptability into your career - before the unforeseen happens.
LINK TO RSVP: https://forms.office.com/r/arZkAtJbSe
Saturday 27 July 2024
Facilitator: STPU in partnership with Drama for Life 09:00-12:00
Venue: Library Lawns/Amphitheatre
4. Balancing Work and Play: Navigating the First Year
Objective: The workshop aims to help first-year students achieve a healthy balance between academic responsibilities and personal enjoyment, fostering a holistic and fulfilling university experience. In this workshop, focus will be placed on understanding the following themes:
1. Understanding the Importance of Balance: Exploring the benefits of balancing academic commitments with personal time and relaxation.
2. Time Management Strategies: Techniques for effectively managing time, setting priorities, and creating schedules that accommodate both work and play.
3. Stress Management: Identifying stressors related to academic pressure and learning practical strategies to cope with stress healthily.
4. Goal Setting: Setting realistic academic and personal goals and developing strategies to achieve them while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
5. Self-Care Practices: Promoting self-care habits such as exercise, adequate sleep, nutrition, and mindfulness to enhance overall well-being.
6. Building Support Networks: Encouraging students to seek support from peers, mentors, and campus resources to navigate challenges and maintain balance.
LINK TO RSVP: https://forms.office.com/r/

Wednesday 7 August 2024 16:00 - 18:00
Venue: Senate Room