Published by the Wits Marketing Department in 2024
Disclaimer: This publication contains information about curricula and programmes of the University applicable at the time of printing. Amendments to, or updating of the information in this publication may be effected from time to time without prior notification. The accuracy, correctness, or validity of the information contained in this publication is therefore not guaranteed by the University at any given time and is always subject to verification. The user is kindly requested to, at all times, verify the correctness of the published information with the University. Failure to do so will not give rise to any claim or action of any nature against the University by any party whatsoever.
Contact: Schools Liaison Office, Wits University
Sershin Naicker, Student Recruitment Manager
Tel: 011 717 1089 | sershin.naicker@wits.ac.za
Both learners and parents are inclined to associate subject choice for Grade 9 with a commitment to a lifelong career plan. Career paths, however, seldom develop according to the plans that we put in place when making subject choices. Still, when making career decisions, it is necessary to have goals and a plan through which to achieve these goals. When making subject choices in Grade 9, we should always include subjects that interest us, that we do well in, and that fit in with our values and personalities; but most importantly, we should choose subjects in keeping our options open as far as possible so that we do not unnecessarily limit ourselves when we reach Grade 12.
Some subjects that expand our choices for entry into study programmes at tertiary level include Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. Performance in the Language of Teaching and Learning is a big consideration and, at Wits, this is English; whether it is done as a Home Language or First Additional Language.
The first step in developing your career is to know yourself.
• What are my values?
• What am I good at?
• What type of personality do I have?
• What are my interests?
• What do I want to be?
CHOOSE THE RIGHT SUBJECTS in order to have a range of career opportunities.
1. Explore different career options.
2. Research global industry trends in order to predict possible career paths.
3. Job shadow: observe employees performing their daily routines in their environment.
Wits University considers the following school leaving qualifications for admission:
• The National Senior Certificate (NSC)
• Department of Basic Education (DBE)
• Independent Examinations Board (IEB)
• South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI)
• The National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV)
• Foreign School-Leaving Qualifications: - International Baccalaureate (IB) - Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)
Higher certificate pass requirements
• Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language (compulsory)
• Must obtain at least 40% for two other subjects
• Must obtain at least 30% for four other subjects
• Must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects
Diploma pass requirements
• Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language (compulsory)
• Must obtain at least 40% for three other subjects excluding Life Orientation
03 04
• Must obtain at least 30% for the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the tertiary (Higher Education) institution
• Must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects
With this pass, you can apply to study for a diploma at a TVET college or University of Technology
*Disclaimer: As per Department of Education requirements.
• Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language (compulsory)
• Must obtain at least 50% for four other subjects excluding Life Orientation
• Must obtain at least 30% for Language of Learning and Teaching
• (LOLT) of the tertiary (Higher Education) institution
• Must obtain at least 30% for one other subject
• Must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects
With a Bachelor’s pass, you can apply to study towards a degree at a University, University of Technology, TVET college or any accredited Higher Learning Institution.
These are Department of Education requirements. Please refer to the Wits requirements for Admission Points Scores and Compulsory Subjects.
There are different types of educational institutions:
• Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges offering vocational (practical and skills based) certificates
• Universities of Technology offering certificates, diplomas and BTech degrees
• Universities offering undergraduate and postgraduate degrees
• Private institutions (please ensure the qualification and institution are *accredited and registered)
*The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) validates private colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning that offer approved qualifications.
NB: Compliance with the minimum requirements does not guarantee a place at the University. The University has a specific number of places for first year undergraduates, approved by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Final selection is made subject to the availability of places, academic results and other entry requirements where applicable. Applicants require the following to be considered for entry into any of the five faculties:
• Bachelors Degree Pass
• National Senior Certificate (NSC), or Independent Examinations Board (IEB), or South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI) subjects, and
• Certain levels of achievement as prescribed by the individual degree programmes.
Wits tabulates the points score for all subjects on the following basis:
• Wits does not distinguish between designated vs. non -designated subjects when calculating the admission points score (APS)
• The APS calculation is based on the best seven subjects including Life Orientation.
(Advanced Programme subjects are also included in the APS calculation for further studies)
• Faculty specific compulsory subjects must be included in the APS calculation.
• Applicants completing Technical Mathematics and/or Technical Science may contact the Student Enrolment Centre for further advice.
• All applicants to the Faculty of Health Sciences as well as applicants to the Bachelor of Audiology and Bachelor of SpeechLanguage Pathology are required to write the National Benchmark Test (NBT) before being considered for admission.
• English
• Mathematics for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
• English
• Mathematics
• English
• Mathematics
• Physical Sciences (not required for the Built Environment)
• English
• Mathematics
• Physical Sciences and/or Life Sciences (except for Dentistry which requires both)
• English
• Mathematics (Physical Sciences is compulsory for specific Science degrees)
The Faculty of Health Sciences is undergoing a comprehensive re-evaluation of its admission criteria which will impact on your current Grade 9 learners and subsequent intakes, as it may influence the subject choices that they make at the end of Grade 9. It is essential for learners planning to register at Wits in 2028 to be aware of these considerations, and for this information to be shared with their parents, guardians, and teachers.
Proposed changes:
Both Physical Sciences and Life Sciences will be mandatory for all applicants to Health Sciences programmes, with Mathematics as a compulsory subject. Once formally approved, the specific admission requirements for each programme will be published on the Wits website, in information booklets, and will be shared with schools.
All applicants are required to write the NBT by 18 August www.nbt.ac.za
- English HL/ FAL
- Mathematics
- Life Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Any other 5th Subject
All applicants to the:
• Bachelor of Dental Science
• Bachelor of Oral Health Sciences
• BSc Physiotherapy
3 - 6 Years
• BSc Occupational Therapy must complete a job shadowing Certificate of Attendance (min. 16 hours of observation) between 1 July (Grade 11) and 31 July (Grade 12).
Download the Certificate of Attendance from www.wits.ac.za/ undergraduate/apply-to-wits/
Physical Sciences & Life Sciences are compulsory. Mathematical Literacy is no longer accepted. Mathematics is compulsory.
3 All Faculty of Health Sciences applicants, except those applying to the Graduate Entry Medical Programme (GEMP) only, those who are in their final year of a degree and those who have already completed a degree, must write the NBT by 13 August before being considered for admission.
Please download the form from: www. wits.ac.za/undergraduate/apply-towits/ under Additional Forms. Applicants who fail to submit a certificate of
will not be considered for admission.
All applicants to BSc Occupational Therapy must spend time observing an Occupational Therapist and all applicants to BSc Physiotherapy must spend time observing a Physiotherapist, to gain insight into the profession. Applicants must complete a job shadowing certificate of attendance (minimum 16 hours). Only observation hours completed between 1 July (Grade 11) and 31 July (Grade 12) will be accepted. Please download the form from: www.wits.ac.za/undergraduate/ apply-to-wits/ under Additional Forms. Applicants who fail to submit a certificate of attendance will not be considered for admission.
When applying to the Faculty of Health Sciences, you will not be selected on your school leaving results only, although they are very important. A composite index is calculated, taking into consideration, (i) your academic results for five subjects and (ii) your National Benchmark Test scores. Only five subjects are used to derive an academic score, which is calculated according to the percentages obtained, NOT symbols. These are English, Mathematics, Physical Science/Life Sciences and the best two other subjects. Dental Science requires English, Mathematics, Physical Science AND Life Sciences. All applicants (excluding applicants who are applying to the Graduate Entry Medical Programme (GEMP) only, those who are in their final year of their degree, and those that have already completed a degree), are required to write the National Benchmark Test. Qualifying GEMP applicants will be invited to take the Wits Additional Placement Test (WAPT). Applicants are advised to prepare in advance in the event that they are invited to write the WAPT.
**Must complete a job shadowing Certificate of Attendance (min. 16 hours of observation) between 1 July (Grade 11) and 31 July (Grade 12).
Teaching subjects are compulsory for Bachelor of Education (BEd): Senior Phase & Further Education and Training Teaching
Teaching subjects: Physical Sciences | Life Sciences | Engineering Graphics & Design (EGD) | Geography | History | IsiZulu Home Language | IsiZulu First Additional Language | Sesotho Home Language | Sesotho First Additional Language | Information Technology | Mechanical Technology (Auto) | Mathematics | Technical Mathematics
*All applicants are required to write the NBT by mid August in your matric year. www.nbt.ac.za
Not applicable to Social Work.
If you have not yet decided on a course of study or your future career, try our interactive career planner (www.gostudy.net/wits) or consider making an appointment with the Wits Counselling and Careers Development Unit (CCDU). The CCDU offers a subject choice assessment for Grade 9 learners. In addition, career assessments are also done for Grade 11 & 12 learners and adults considering midcareer changes.
Disclaimer: Please note:
• Entry requirements are subject to change.
• Learners and parents are strongly advised to regularly check each tertiary institution’s entrance requirements.
• Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission for any applicant.
Please note that certain levels of achievement are required for faculty-specific compulsory subjects.
Refer to www.wits.ac.za for programme-specific requirements