Engineering solutions for progress and prosperity

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Engineering solutions for progress and prosperity Energy, Water and Environment

Personal note


Engineering solutions for progress and prosperity Energy, Water and Environment

CONTENTS 4 Providing reliable solutions for society’s technical challenges 6 Areas of expertise in energy, water and environment 10 Making our solutions work

Reference projects

16 Produced water reuse Kazakhstan 18 Energy and Resources Factory The Netherlands, Denmark, Ghana, The Philippines 20 Bor Regional Development Project Serbia 22 Ghana Netherlands WASH Programme Ghana 24 Total Effluent Treatment with 1-STEP filter The Netherlands 26 Basic design, permitting, safety and environmental compliance for new chemical plant The Netherlands 28 Upscaling and expansion of Slufterdam Wind Farm The Netherlands 30 Heemskerk Advanced Water Treatment Works The Netherlands 32 Closure and containment of Kadapa Municipal Solid Waste Site India 34 Remediation of Lake Boyuk Shor Azerbaijan 36 Solar park for Brussels Airport Belgium 38 Soil remediation at site of former REGEV gasworks The Netherlands 40 Asset management for Europe Container Terminals The Netherlands 42 Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 Bangladesh 44 Bujumbura Water Supply Extension Project Burundi 46 Environmental Impact and Asset Analysis The Netherlands 48 Digital models for ship emissions Belgium, Germany 50 Desalination and water reclamation Sint Eustatius, Mali, Mauritania 52 Membrane Bio Reactor technology Indonesia, Japan, The Netherlands 54 Water supply strategy and preliminary design Indonesia 56 Combined wastewater treatment, waste incineration and energy production The Netherlands 60 Environmental Assesment Studies Chile, Denmark, Tajikistan, Vietnam

20 40 28

Consulting engineers operating worldwide

Providing reliable solutions for society’s technical challenges


Since 1946, Witteveen+Bos has undertaken numerous projects across the world, successfully solving public and private clients’ unique technical challenges. We are committed to providing tailored solutions meeting the needs of all of our stakeholders. We act as an expertised professional and responsible world citizen and make full use of our skills and experience to help solve society’s issues of today and tomorrow. With a team of more than 1,000 professionals, we offer our clients top-quality consultancy and engineering for water, infrastructure, environment and construction projects. Our worldwide network of international offices enables us to exchange knowledge and expertise between our home markets in the Netherlands and abroad. Our services include policy development, research and analysis, master planning, design, engineering and project and program management. A key to our success in project implementation is co-operation and partnering. This involves not only multi-disciplinary project teams within our company, but also co-operation and exchange of expertise with various project partners, including clients, other consultants, scientific institutions and construction companies. The need for access to good water quality is recognized worldwide as one of the major challenges of our time. Stable and clean energy production is crucial for development. We are committed to providing solutions that facilitate economic growth, while meeting the goals of a healthy environment and sustainable development. Our professionals combine state-of-the-art technical skills and expertise with sustainable design principles that benefit asset owners and clients as well as society as a whole. Our capabilities are broad, requiring integration of a wide range of engineering, scientific and economic disciplines to address a diverse range of environmental challenges. This document introduces our company and highlights a selection of typical projects which we have completed in recent years in the fields of energy, water and environment.


Areas of expertise

in energy, water and environment


Our specialists provide a broad range of services, ranging from studies and engineering, inspections, supervision, implementation studies, due diligence, environmental and social impact assessment to institutional strengthening and support. Water and wastewater treatment Reliable production of good drinking water and the safe collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater are the key elements in sanitation and municipal water management. Witteveen+Bos has a proven track record as a reliable partner in designing water and wastewater projects. We not only provide robust solutions but also use leading-edge technology to add extra value in terms of treatment efficiency, economy and environmental quality. We are pioneers in advanced nutrient removal, improved sludge treatment and biogas production and optimisation of energy efficiency in wastewater systems. In collaboration with leading universities and research centres, we have developed and implemented advanced water treatment and re-use techniques from the research phase to full-scale application. In water treatment we have developed and designed various revolutionary solutions, including double membrane treatment, advanced oxidation and ion exchange application. We have also designed water treatment plants for developing countries, using robust, easy to operate and reliable conventional processes. We have an excellent reputation for providing the best fitting solutions in water and wastewater treatment for every situation. Our expertise covers all stages from the master plan and feasibility study,

through design and construction supervision, to training and operations support. Sanitation and water supply A lack of access to safe, clean drinking water and basic sanitation along with poor hygiene is still causing disease and death worldwide, mainly among children. While over 87 % of the world’s population now has access to some kind of safe water source, 40 % still lacks access to improved sanitation. We perform master planning services, feasibility studies, design water supply and distribution systems and sanitation systems. Thus we help to provide safe, affordable water and sanitation facilities in developed and developing countries. Water reuse and desalination With population growth and increasing demand for water for agriculture and industry, there is growing pressure on freshwater resources around the world. Therefore, reuse of treated municipal and industrial wastewater and desalination of seawater are playing an increasingly important in role in meeting the growing demand for water. We develop and design reuse water treatment systems providing our clients with high-quality treated wastewater effluent as a valuable source of scarce freshwater. Renewable energy and energy efficiency We advise, develop and engineer our technical solution on the basis of the trias energetica: reduce demand of energy and chemicals and avoid residual waste production; use sustainable sources; use fossil fuel energy as efficiently as possi-

ble. Projects vary from energy audits and optimisation studies, low-energy designs for buildings and infrastructure to feasibility and impact studies related to planning of wind turbine and solar parks, planning and design of facilities that generate energy from biomass (waste) or hydropower, design of smart grids and energy storage. Bio-energy and resource recovery Our utility providing clients transform into main players in the circular economy - due to valorisation potential of waste streams - being producers of bio-energy and suppliers of nutrient flows to agriculture and industry. To facilitate them in this role, we strive for the highest possible option in the valorisation pyramid. Besides energy and nutrients, used water also contains various other scarce and valuable resources. By recovering them, products such as fatty acids, paper, cardboard, bio plastics and additives to cement, bricks and asphalt can be produced. We develop and engineer resource recovery concepts for water boards, water companies and waste facilities clients all over the world. Asset management Asset management is the search for the optimum balance between risk, performance and asset costs related to corporate values, both in the design phase and the management phase. We are experts in preparing management and maintenance plans, increasingly adopting a risk-based approach. Performance is demonstrated in terms of RAMS (SHEEP). We are also experienced in conducting risk analyses, FMECAs, FTAs, RCA and LCC analyses. Furthermore, we have a team of highly trained inspectors who work with state-of-



the-art equipment and procedures. Examples of our expertise in Asset Management are our work for the IJsselmeer Enclosure Dam and the SWS water treatment recovery plant for NCOC. Hazardous waste and waste management The field of hazardous waste and waste management involves both strategic waste management and waste reuse studies for various authorities and industries as well as technical designs related to waste handling. We are experienced in handling both solid and liquid waste streams, striving for optimal waste reuse or land use. We have designed waste sorting stations for various municipalities and also worked on the largest waste site remediation in the Netherlands, the 100 hectare Amsterdam-Volgermeer waste site. We are involved in various projects related to former pesticide waste, including in Georgia, The Philippines and Kyrgyzstan. A specific area of expertise is the handling of former mine waste, or mine tailings. With respect to solid waste recycling, we design and prepare tender documents for waste recovery facilities. Lake restoration Heavily contaminated lakes and associated river systems as a result of circumstances such as illegal waste dumping, poor sewage conditions and changed hydrological circumstances call for professional expertise. This problem always encom-

passes various aspects, often including the handling of large amounts of contaminated sediments. Combined expertise in environmental engineering, hydrology, ecology and hydraulic engineering enables us to provide sustainable, long-term solutions for these problems. An example of our work in this field is the remediation of the ‘blue lake’ in India and various former ponds in the Aktau region of Kazakhstan. Soil and groundwater remediation The aim of soil and groundwater remediation is to reduce risks to mankind and the environment. Various remedial approaches can be applied to achieve these objectives. We provide a full portfolio of services, ranging from site investigation studies and risk assessment to remedial design and supervision, using state-of-the-art techniques such as in-situ chemical oxidation, in-situ biological treatment, phytoremediation and various venting techniques. We have in-house pilot testing facilities for breakdown studies and aim to use tailor-made solutions adapted to local circumstances and following a risk-based approach. HSE, permitting and compliance We help industries, water boards and drinking water companies to acquire and maintain their license to operate in the fields of health, safety and environment. Services include audits, analyses and development of procedures for complying with occupational safety and ATEX guidelines. We fa-

cilitate HAZID/HAZOP sessions for WTPs, WWTPs, chemical plants, food and beverage plants and the oil and gas industry worldwide. With respect to the environment we advise on improving air quality, odour, noise and vibrations, soil and water quality and waste management. For green field development or expansion projects we assist with impact assessments and baseline measurements, advise on mitigating measures and prepare for all the permits. We also assist companies in operations with compliance checks and due diligence. We are the only Dutch company with an accreditation (RvA) for sampling and analysis of odour and measuring noise. Process Automation and Information Management Process Automation is an essential tool to achieve robust and efficient process control. We provide tailor made advice, based on policies, goals, processes and requirements. In the fields of process automation, information management and geo-information we provide all services from strategic studies to implementation. Our objective is to solve automation demands in a reliable, sustainable and innovative fashion, taking a practical approach. We have learnt to provide solutions that best fit our client. Obviously we closely co-operate with other specialists in the field of water management, process technology, engineering and statistics.


Making our solutions work 10

We strive for robust and reliable engineering solutions in all our fields of expertise. Where applicable, we aim for innovative solutions, both from a technical and organisational point of view. Partnering is often a key factor for success in these endeavours. Over the years we have come up with many different innovative solutions and approaches in various fields, often in collaboration with other parties. Sustainable remediation – natural cap Witteveen+Bos is one of the founding fathers of the Dutch branch of the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF-NL). We have implemented new concepts for sustainable remediation. One of the key solutions is the natural cap and natural catch concept for waste site remediation which we designed in collaboration with Tauw. This concept, which was developed for the remediation of the 100 hectare Amsterdam Volgermeer site, stimulates natural processes in order to mitigate exposure risks.

signed supervisory and control rooms for monitoring water management. Supreme drinking water quality In the Netherlands we take pride in our chlorinefree water: it is tasty, safe and healthy. We treat our water to precise specifications incorporating taste and odour aspects and removing hardness for consumer comfort (no scaling hassles), economics (savings on water heating, detergents and appliance maintenance) and environment (energy savings and reduced release of copper and lead). For complicated source waters, we apply colour removal technologies. Witteveen+Bos has an excellent project portfolio in technology and system design to cater for all water quality needs.

Factory of the Future The factory of the Future is a conceptual model of a fully sustainable production environment in which Cradle-to-CradleÂŽ principles are applied. We created this concept in a consortium with various parties. The tool assists in closing the biological and technological cycles of both the product and the manufacturing process.

Smart monitoring and measuring In collaboration with various partners, we have created special platforms for data collection. One example of this is the Smart Tailings platform for the mining sector, a combination of high-tech monitoring and sensoring techniques. We also carried out a large-scale investigation project for the Dutch province of Brabant, designed to detect and categorise tailings from the zinc industry for 1,200 kilometres of roads. This involved various techniques from our partners (including Fugro and Medusa), such as ground-penetrating radar, gamma-radiation detection and XRF.

Advanced automation and Supervisory Control The continuous storm of data gathering is enormous. We analyse big data in order to come up with smart solutions. By combining our in-house process automation expertise with technical engineering skills, we can create valuable solutions. We develop sophisticated process control systems and make a connection with other IT systems such as asset management systems, production management systems, GIS and KPI-dashboards. A good example in this respect are projects where we de-

EniSSA measuring technology The EniSSA measuring technology was developed by Witteveen+Bos subsidiary MAVA AES. With this enhanced in-situ soil analysis technology, based on CPT and GCMS technology, it is possible to detect and quantify a broad range of parameters in the subsurface with real-time measurements, enabling a fast and targeted site survey to be performed. The EniSSA technology won the NICOLE Technology Award in 2011 for innovative site characterisation tools.


Partners in projects Co-operation is part of the Witteveen+Bos DNA. We are convinced that interconnecting stakeholders, coordinating disciplines and bringing together individual professionals are the key to success. Working together facilitates shared ownership and opens up a wide pool of skills and expertise. Underpinning everything we do is the desire to seek proactive engagement with our clients and to establish effective partnerships. For example, we are interlinked with universities and knowledge institutes, and we have proved our effectiveness in tandem with contractors, with evidence showing us to be a preferred partner to fellow consulting firms. We are also convinced of the mutual benefits of working with NGOs and other consulting firms. While many of our partnerships are project based, there are numerous examples of professional friendships that have matured into longterm collaborations. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment In order to properly and transparently address the social and environmental aspects of the project cycle, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments are carried out. These can vary from a strategic assessment (SEA) in the programming phase and a preliminary assessment (rapid ESIA) in the pre-feasibility phase to a full ESIA in the feasibility or detailed design phase. Witteveen+Bos is frequently involved in the preparation of SEAs and ESIAs, often working closely with local experts. We combine our broad technical expertise with our ample knowledge of legislative and social aspects. The preparation of SEAs and ESIAs provides excellent opportunities to ensure that environmental and social concerns are embedded in the project design in a sustainable way early on in the project development.


REFERENCE PROJECTS Total effluent treatment with 1-STEP filter p. 24 Basic design, permitting, safety and environmental compliance for new chemical plant p. 26 Upscaling and expansion of Slufterdam Wind Farm p. 28 Heemskerk Advanced Water Treatment Works p. 30 Soil remediation at site of former REGEV gasworks p. 38 Asset management for Europe Container Terminals p. 40 Environmental Impact and Asset Analysis p. 46 Combined centralized large WWTP, waste incineration and energy production p. 56 The Netherlands

United Kingdom

Solar park for Brussels Airport Belgium p. 36

Digital models for ship emissions Belgium, Germany p. 48 Bor Regional Development Project Serbia p. 20

Desalination and water reclamation Sint Eustatius, Mali, Mauritania p. 50 Ghana Ghana Netherlands WASH Programme Ghana p. 22 Energy and Resources Factory The Netherlands, Denmark, Ghana, The Philippines p. 18




Environmental Assesment Studies Chile, Denmark, Tajikistan, Vietnam, p. 60

Russia Latvia

The Netherlands (6 offices)

Produced water reuse Kazakhstan p. 24

Kazakhstan (3 offices)

Remediation of Lake Boyuk Shor Azerbaijan p. 34

Membrane Bio Reactor technology Indonesia, Japan, The Netherlands p. 52


Closure and containment of Kadapa Municipal Solid Waste Site India p. 32

Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 Bangladesh p. 42 Vietnam



Bujumbura Water Supply extension project Burundi p.44

Water supply strategy and preliminary design for large-scale new land development Indonesia p. 54

Offices Witteveen+Bos


Kazakhstan Atyrau

Produced water reuse Treating stripped sour water and brine


For North Caspian Operating Company NV (NCOC,) a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) was prepared for a new water treatment recovery plant, enabling maximised reuse of produced water. NCOC – an oil and gas operating company in Kazakhstan – produces this wastewater in its main onshore oil and gas production location 40 kilometres east of Atyrau. The new water treatment recovery plant is helping to meet the company’s water reuse requirement as part of a water savings and reuse programme. The objective of this new facility is to treat and recover stripped sour water and brine from an existing sulfur recovery plant and a water treatment plant. A large number of state-of-the-art treatment processes were included in order to meet this requirement. The resulting technical water can be used in demineralised water production. The processes will be housed in a 8,500 m2 building heated by heat recovered from the feed stream.

Water Treatment Recovery Plant project Client NCOC

Services FEED development, relocation study, detailed design support

Location Atyrau Oblast area, Kazakhstan

Wastewater reclamation

Wastewater reuse is increasingly being adopted in light of both water resource constraints and environmental integrity. Besides the potential to improve our clients’

green credentials, this often results in a significantly higher availability of clean water in critical processes and hence in growth in yearly production turnover. Witteveen+Bos

has established a strong portfolio in this field, with projects ranging from the ultrapure water facility in Emmen for NAM

(Shell/ExxonMobil), the wastewater Membrane Bio Reactor

installation for Dow Chemical, the water recycling facility for TengizChevroil and the above-mentioned water treatment recovery plant for NCOC, both located in Kazakhstan.



The Netherlands, Denmark, Ghana, The Philippines


Energy and Resources Factory Bio-energy and nutrient recovery from wastewater and sludge Energy self-sufficiency and raw material recovery have become key issues in modern wastewater treatment. The technical feasibility of energy-neutral and even energy-producing municipal wastewater treatment plants has been clearly established. However, local situations and technical facilities present countless possibilities, each with their own business case.

Energy and Resource Recovery Plant

Water boards and water utility companies focus on energy and resource recovery plants within the Waste2Value concept. Working closely with water utility companies, construction companies and suppliers, Witteveen+Bos has developed several advanced energy and/or nutrient recovery plants with different technological approaches, such as thermal pressure hydrolysis, thermophilic digestion and nutrient recovery by struvite production.

Services business cases, tender design, final

Our process and engineering teams demonstrated their expertise on the energy and resource recovery plants in Apeldoorn and Tilburg as well as at the Energy Factory in Hengelo, all of which are excellent examples of economic and sustainable energy and nutrient recovery installations. Our process technologists and engineers – in co-operation with SEEN partners – have developed business cases, feasibility studies, preliminary to final designs and tender specifications for several of these recovery plants in the Netherlands, Ghana, Denmark and the Philippines.

Clients Vallei and Veluwe, De Dommel,

Vechtstromen and Brabantse Delta Regional Water Authorities

Partners GMB Civil, Heijmans Construction

design, design specifications, troubleshooting, commissioning assistance

Location The Netherlands (Apeldoorn, Tilburg, Hengelo, Breda), Denmark (Ă…rhus / Aarhus), Ghana (Accra), The Philippines (Manila)


Serbia Bor

Bor Regional Development Project Paradigm for rehabilitation of a legacy mining site


The Bor mine is Europe’s largest copper mining complex. At the end of the twentieth century, following decades of operation under Yugoslav legislation and the Balkan wars, the environmental situation at the mine was poor. The mining wastes, mostly mineral overburden dumps and old tailing ponds, posed an environmental hazard. Acidic drainage waters, high in heavy metals, flowed unrestrictedly into the downstream rivers. Severe dust emissions and eroding along with unstable slopes had a detrimental impact on the quality of life and the environment in the areas surrounding the mine.

Bor regional development

An international consortium of consultants, composed of mining and environmental specialists and headed by Witteveen+Bos, provided the required services for the rehabilitation of the decommissioned parts of the mining complex. Through an environmental system analysis, the active processes and environmental risks were identified and assessed, allowing for risks and costs to be balanced in the final design. The resulting optimised closure scenario was elaborated in a detailed design.

health and safety modelling and reporting of

Client Ministry of Energy and Mining Financer World Bank

Services site investigations, detailed design and cost confirmation, environmental impact

and risk assessment, permits for construction and operation, monitoring and maintenance

plan, training of local implementation unit, risk, results, project management Location Bor, Serbia



Greater Accra Region and Central Region

Ghana Netherlands WASH Programme Integrated urban water and sanitation for better health 22

The governments of the Republic of Ghana and the Netherlands have embarked on a multi-annual Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme. The Ghana Netherlands WASH Programme (GNWP) focuses on integrated urban water and sanitation in five municipalities. Open defecation, poor hygienic conditions, insufficient capacity and a lack of maintenance are some of the challenges in the WASH sector in Ghana. GNWP aims to address these problems by funding projects in an innovative way and by enhancing collaboration between public and private partners.

Ghana Netherlands WASH Programme

Witteveen+Bos partnered with Berenschot International (management consultants) and Simavi (NGO) to implement GNWP. The consortium assisted the municipalities in the development of WASH master plans. Witteveen+Bos prepared preliminary designs and tender documents for the projects that were identified in the master plans, addressing capacity problems in water supply, drainage and sanitation infrastructure. Behavioural change activities were carried out to reduce open defecation and the consortium completed WASH facilities and hygiene education in 100 schools.

documents and tender procedure assistance

Client Embassy of the Kingdom of the

Netherlands, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development

Services and expertise master planning, capacity building, behavioural change,

preliminary designs, social and economic

impact assessments, feasibility studies, tender Location Greater Accra Region and Central Region, Ghana


The Netherlands Horstermeer

Total Effluent Treatment with 1-STEP filter Advanced purification of treated wastewater


European legislation is evolving towards ever stricter surface water quality standards for micropollutants such as pesticides and medicines. In addition, effluent reuse applications demand strict removal of various wastewater components. In traditional water treatment, these requirements can only be met by constructing a chain of several consecutive treatment steps. It is clear that such a treatment chain is costly and land hungry.

1-STEP filter

These considerations have prompted Witteveen+Bos (together with our partners) to develop the 1-STEP filter, a technology that provides advanced removal of suspended solids, nitrogen, phosphorus and micro-pollutants from treated wastewater in one treatment step. This concept involves combined biological denitrification, phosphate precipitation and GAC adsorption within one filtration step.

construction supervision

Client Waternet - Amsterdam Water Board

Partners Cabot, Delft University of Technology, STOWA

Services concept development, lab and

pilot research, process design, engineering, Location Horstermeer, The Netherlands

Witteveen+Bos supplied the concept, lab and pilot scale research and engineering of the fullscale installation at the Horstermeer wastewater treatment plant. The high-class effluent from the 1-STEP filter has contributed to a significant improvement in the water quality of the river Vecht.


The Netherlands Haarlemmermeer

Basic design, permitting, safety and environmental compliance for a new chemical plant 26

Our client Air Products opened a new filling and distribution centre for medical and industrial gases. Witteveen+Bos prepared a basic design for the industrial plot and buildings and provided support for permitting, safety and environmental compliance.

Basic design, permitting, safety and

Working closely with Air Products, we prepared an integrated basic design for the office buildings, the industrial facilities and the outside area. The buildings had to meet the aesthetic requirements of the PolanenPark industrial estate but at the same time offer basic functionality.

Services basic design, environmental

environmental compliance for a new chemical plant

Client Air Products

permitting and supporting measurements

Location Haarlemmermeer, The Netherlands

The industrial estate is located in the vicinity of a residential area, requiring special attention to be paid to reducing noise and ensuring safety. Witteveen+Bos provided support for permit applications and carried out the necessary measurements. The entire planning process was finalised within 1.5 years, which was made possible due to excellent communication and close co-operation between the client and our experts.


The Netherlands Rotterdam

Upscaling and expansion of Slufterdam Wind Farm


The upscaling and expansion of the Slufterdam Wind Farm is a joint project by energy suppliers Nuon and Eneco. Witteveen+Bos supported the two energy companies in developing the plans for this project and obtaining the required licences. In consultation with the clients, we explored possible ways of using the Slufterdam and the North Sea Boulevard as efficiently as possible for the generation of wind energy, without any negative impact on the area’s other utility functions. Three scenarios involving wind turbines of different sizes were investigated. The findings of an environmental study and a business case showed that the optimal wind farm configuration was one based on 14 modern wind turbines with a relatively high capacity in relation to their height. The chosen design ensures minimal impact on the area’s other utility functions: a public beach, various functions in the Maasvlakte II industrial zone, and a nature area.

Upscaling and expansion of Slufterdam Wind Farm

Clients Nuon and Eneco

Services preparing permit applications, memorandum for Environmental Impact

Assessment, supervision of procedures

Location Slufterdam, Europoort Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The new wind farm will have a total capacity of 3 to 4 megawatts (MW), sufficient to supply electricity to approximately 47,000 households. This sustainable energy project will result in a CO2 emissions reduction of approximately 2 megatonnes. Throughout the project, we consulted closely with the competent authority and its advisors. We also supervised various external specialists and prepared the external safety report.


The Netherlands Heemskerk

Heemskerk Advanced Water Treatment Works Innovative water process technology from concept to full-scale application


Witteveen+Bos has gained a reputation in making innovations work. We have engineered various innovative process concepts to fullscale application for several water clients. While this requires a robust understanding of water treatment concepts, it primarily involves engineering creativity and a flexible design methodology. The Heemskerk water treatment plant consists of two parallel treatment trains: - treatment by ultra filtration (UF) followed by reverse osmosis (RO), producing 18 million cubic metres per year; - treatment by UV/H2O2 followed by granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration, producing up to 50 million cubic metres per year. Both treatment trains are fed by pretreated surface water from the River Rhine and Lake IJssel. The membrane treated water is directly blended into final drinking water, whereas the UV/H2O2-GAC treated water is infiltrated into dune areas for aquifer recharge. The Heemskerk ultra filtration facility was the first large-scale UF facility in the world and the water treatment works were the first surface water treatment plant without chemical disinfection. The parallel UV/H2O2GAC facility combines disinfection and advanced oxidation of organic micropollutants. Both PWN’s primary UV disinfection process (bacteria, viruses and cysts) and UV based AOP are world innovations.

Heemskerk Water Treatment Works

Client NV PWN Water Supply Company

Services study, design and engineering, construction management

Location Heemskerk, The Netherlands

Witteveen+Bos has an exciting track record of engineering innovations. For PWN we co-engineered UF/RO, UV/H2O2 and SIX-Ceramac concepts. SIX-Ceramac involves direct surface water treatment by Suspended Ion eXchange

(for organics scavenging) followed by ceramic membrane filtration. For the water supply company Vitens we co-

engineered IX treatment on humic groundwater for colour removal. For the water company NieuWater we co-

engineered the low-chemical-use, ultra-pure water facility in Emmen as a wastewater reclamation facility. These

innovations form part of our international portfolio ranging from surface water treatment in Denmark to wastewater reclamation in Kazakhstan.



Ukkayyapalli, Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh


Viewpoint over the city

Secluded park experience excludes bussyness

Green corridor as part of green networ

Third fase

Viewpoint over the city

Closure and containment of Municipal Solid Waste Site

Green corridor as part of green network

By moving garbage an outline with variable width is created where trees can be placed

Embedding a dump yard in urban development A municipal waste dump has arisen along the border of some residential settlements in Closure and containment of municipal Kadapa. The uncontrolled dump site, with a footprint of 4.6 hectares, poses a hazard to local solid waste site residents and the surrounding environment and forms an obstacle to the future development Client Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board When extra space for garbage is needed a different of the urban area. Financer World Bank setup can be choosen. The Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board has sanctioned a pilot project, funded by the World Bank, for closure and containment of the site. This project is part of the Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management Project, which is helping the Indian Government’s Ministry of Environment & Forests to build capacity at state and central level and develop a framework to address these issues in a comprehensive and systematic manner under an area-wide management approach. A consortium led by Witteveen+Bos developed an integrated rehabilitation plan, including partial mining of the dump site and reuse of materials inside the site for cover layers, followed by final closure according to MSW 2000 rules in order to be reinstated as a green zone in the newly planned urban area.

Partners: Cowi, Tauw, Kadam Environmental Consultants

Services assessment of site contamination

levels, environmental and social assessment,

development of remediation plan, preparation and management of bid process, supervising

of implementation, remediation validation and long-term monitoring

Location Ukkayyapalli, Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh, India


Azerbaijan Baku

Remediation of Lake Boyuk Shor 34

The severely contaminated Lake Boyuk Shor near the Azerbaijani capital Baku had to undergo environmental and ecological remediation in order to support the continued sustainable growth of the city. Also, an attractive setting for the first edition of the European Games was to be created.

Remediation of Lake Boyuk Shor in Baku,

Baku is enclosed by a ring of lakes, many of which are heavily polluted. In 2013 and 2014 Witteveen+Bos performed a feasibility study to examine the remediation possibilities for nine of these lakes. The study showed that the local environment had been severely affected by oil industry discharges and discharges of untreated sewage, as well as the dumping of waste in and around the lakes.

Services soil remediation, ecology, water

Boyuk Shor is the largest of the nine lakes. The proposed clean-up and remediation measures were implemented on approximately one-third of the lake’s total surface area (including the banks), whereupon the ecological condition was improved. Among other improvements, the level of oil pollution was reduced by 95 %.


Client Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan

management, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, supervision of performance of work, surface water treatment, waste water treatment

Location Baku, Azerbaijan

The project also included the construction of a boulevard with a park area, as well as a dam which will support a motorway in the near future. The project will significantly improve the quality of life in and around Baku.


Belgium Brussels

Solar park for Brussels Airport ‘Checking in for the future’ thanks to renewable energy


Thanks to investments in the generation of renewable energy, Brussels Airport will become partially self-supporting. MAVA – a subsidiary of Witteveen+Bos – was involved in the construction of a solar energy park on an unused plot at the airport site. The 25L solar park (capacity: 1.2 MWp) was designed by MAVA from the initial idea up to delivery of the plant.

25L Solar Park

The plant’s design and location had to be carefully selected to preclude any interference with air traffic and ground control operations. A reflection study was conducted to assess the impact on ground and on-board radar systems. After the optimal concept and the most suitable plot were identified, MAVA calculated the financial feasibility, designed the installations (photovoltaic and electrical systems and the grid connection) and prepared the required permit applications. They then drew up the tender documents, assessed the tenders and provided support during the contract phase. And last but not least, we supervised the performance of the work and the delivery of the plant.

application, grid connection, HV/LV study,

Client The Brussels Airport Company

Services concept development, site survey, feasibility study, revenue calculations,

plant design, permit application, subsidy

tender documents, awarding, contracting, work supervision and delivery

Location Brussels, Belgium

Thanks to the 25L Solar Park, an unused plot has been valorised in a profitable and responsible way. The construction of the solar park will help Brussels Airport to achieve its aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and its dependency on fossil fuels.


The Netherlands Hilversum


Soil remediation at site of former REGEV gasworks Redeveloping a brownfield site into a high-quality residential area The site of the former REGEV gasworks is located in the city centre of Hilversum. This dilapidated site is to be redeveloped into a high-quality residential area. Various surveys revealed that the soil was severely contaminated with substances typically found at gasworks sites, namely metals, cyanide, aromatics, oil, and tarry compounds. The site therefore had to be thoroughly cleaned up to make it suitable for future residential use. To remediate the soil one of the largest in-situ chemical oxidation installations was designed and applied. Witteveen+Bos prepared the remediation action plan. In view of the specific contamination and groundwater situation at the site, the client opted for a combination of in-situ chemical oxidation, excavation, and groundwater extraction and treatment. After the plan was drawn up, Witteveen+Bos supervised the technical aspects of the decontamination work. The remediation works are completed and the first residents have moved into their newly built homes.

Soil remediation at site of former REGEV gasworks

Client Mourik Groot-Ammers

Services soil remediation, supervision of decontamination work, in-situ chemical oxidation

Location Hilversum, The Netherlands


The Netherlands Port of Rotterdam


Asset management for Europe Container Terminals Performing maintenance without interrupting operations In 1993, Europe Container Terminals (ECT) took into service the first fully automated container terminal to make use of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). The facility is located in the Maasvlakte industrial zone near Rotterdam. As this terminal and other later ECT terminals age, the quality of the infrastructure is declining and the risk of interruptions to operations is therefore increasing. Consequently, there is a growing need to perform targeted maintenance work on the terminal’s infrastructure. These activities must be carried out with no or minimal interruptions to container transhipment operations in the Port of Rotterdam.

Asset management for container terminal

Keeping key transhipment facilities operational calls for specific skills. Special expertise is required in order to minimise any impact on operational processes and the surroundings and to maintain a high standard of safety. The work conducted as part of this project is highly varied, including health and safety assessments of buildings, managing and supervising the renovation of a railway terminal and performing risk analyses on electrical installations.

Location Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Client Europe Container Terminals

Services asset management, managing and supervising the performance of maintenance and other work, maintenance management,

health and safety, civil, electrical and rail en-

gineering, inspections, vibration studies, risk analyses, buildings


Bangladesh Delta region

Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 Sustainable water supply and sanitation


Many people are aware of Bangladesh’s vulnerability on account of its delta: cyclones from the Bay of Bengal and floods from the mighty rivers pose a threat to the people and infrastructure of Bangladesh. Water supply services are at risk from declining groundwater tables, the prevalence of arsenic in natural groundwater and anthropogenic pollution of water resources. Population increase, urbanisation and country development are placing new demands on water systems and institutional configuration.

Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

Bangladesh has achieved progress in the provision of household sanitation facilities. However, sustainable faecal sludge management has not yet been established, and towns and (mega) cities require centralised sanitation concepts that have yet to be developed and constructed and are difficult to make economically sustainable.

Location Bangladesh

A Dutch consortium including Witteveen+Bos is advising the Bangladesh government on its long-term Delta Plan. Our input includes water supply and sanitation expertise.

Client Bangladesh General Economics Division of the Planning Commission

Partner Twynstra Gudde

Services technical assistance involving baseline studies, scenario development, master planning and investment

programming. The scope of Witteveen+Bos covers water

supply and sanitation, river morphology and coastal zone development


While Witteveen+Bos has an excellent reputation in water and wastewater technology and innovations

and for our engineering services, we are increasingly involved in policy preparation and programme

management in the broader WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) domain. We are working with the NGO

Simavi on regional WASH implementation in several countries, including Tanzania.


Burundi Bujumbura

Bujumbura Water Supply Extension Project Serving the urban population with water from Lake Tanganyika


Burundi is one of the poorest countries in Africa, and its water supply and sanitation services need ample improvement. Bujumbura’s existing water supply system has inadequate capacity (approximately 96,000 m3/day) and lacks the quality to meet the demands of its increasing population. There are neighbourhoods that are without water for up to ten consecutive days. The southern part of Bujumbura, which is the only possible expansion area, currently has no drinking water distribution infrastructure.

Bujumbura Water Supply Project

The main aim of our project is to extend the current water supply system with a raw water intake system, an extensible drinking water treatment plant and improvements to the transmission and distribution network, in order to produce and deliver an extra 45,000 m3/day. Keeping in mind the millennium development goals (halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water by 2015) but also the excessive growth rate, investments will have long-term use.

RAP studies

Client Regideso Bujumbura

Subconsultants: Bureau pour les Evaluations Environnementales, Geosci

Services feasibility studies, design and tender documents, ESIA and Location Bujumbura, Burundi

A short- and long-term objective is to further improve of safety and social development by improving health and technical and financial performance. Thereby, an economic stimulus for existing and new companies and industries is provided and the position of women and children will increase. Women and children are usually burdened with the task of fetching drinking water. With the design and engineering for the extension of the current water supply system with a raw water intake system, a drinking water treatment plant and improvements to the transmission and distribution network, the Bujumbura project is a typical example of our Africa portfolio.


The Netherlands Nieuwegein

Environmental Impact and Asset Analysis Insight into life cycle costs


The Princess Beatrix lock complex is the largest inland navigation lock system in the Netherlands. Every year about 50,000 ships pass through these locks. To accommodate more and larger ships the complex has to be expanded with a third lock. Witteveen+Bos produced the preliminary and detailed designs. We are providing a full suite of environmental services for these large, complex infrastructural works in order to optimise the design and minimise the negative impact on the environment. These include studies of soil and sediment condition, ecology, hydrology, archaeology, et cetera.

Asset management for

Princess Beatrix lock complex

Client Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure Services asset management and environmental impact analysis

Location Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

From a sustainability point of view we conducted an intensive Asset Management study in which we assessed the situation after completion. We provided insights into life cycle costs, reliability, downtime and necessary maintenance. These insights led to changes being made to the design in order to increase reliability and decrease downtime and life cycle costs.



Antwerp, Hamburg


Digital models for ship emissions Real-time insight into future situations Ship emissions have a major impact on air quality. SO2 and NOx emissions from ships are expected to exceed emissions from all other sources in Europe by 2020. The effect on air quality is evident.


Witteveen+Bos developed a shipping emissions model for the Port of Antwerp and has successfully applied this model to the Port of Hamburg. This IT application provides insight into contamination levels and the impact of future trends and choices on contamination. Ship activity data are converted into consistent activity data for sailing, lockage, mooring and ships at berth. The applications EMPORTANT and EMPORT-HAM (Emission Model PORT of ANTwerp or HAMburg) use local characteristics such as the positions of waterways, locks and docks.


Clients Port of Antwerp and Port of Hamburg

Services model development, data conversion Location Antwerp, Belgium and Hamburg,

The application calculates actual or future emissions based on the type of activity, the ship characteristics, the activity data, emission factors and fuel factors. The results can be viewed in geographical maps or other file formats for further analysis. The application is designed to respond quickly to new questions and scenarios and to keep track of performance. For the Port of Hamburg, the emission model was successfully migrated to a new software framework in a more robust modular design. Among its default functionalities are user management, task scheduling and system performance and progress monitoring.



Sint Eustatius, Mali, Mauritania

Desalination and water reclamation Production of safe drinking water from sea water


As in many arid countries and islands suffering from water stress, potable water on Sint Eustatius (Dutch Antilles) is derived mainly from rainwater which is stored in cisterns. This method of water provision can cause public health and hygiene problems. Furthermore, water shortages arise in times of drought.

Desalination and water reclamation Client various

Services drinking water production, water reclamation, build-own-operate-transfer

Location Sint Eustatius, Mali, Mauritania

Since the government of Sint Eustatius wishes to bring to an end its dependency on purchasing drinking water from private companies, a publicly owned drinking water production and distribution system involving desalination of sea water has been designed, commissioned and built. In co-operation with our partner, Witteveen+Bos handled the preparations for the project by providing functional specifications and tender documents for the implementation and maintenance of a complete desalination reverse osmosis (RO) drinking water production installation and storage and distribution system. We acted as consultants on the build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) contract and supervised the tendering process. Our involvement in sea water desalination projects for drinking water production ranges from master planning, feasibility studies and design to preparation of tender documents and commissioning in many arid countries all over the world, including Mauritania and Mali. Desalination is part of our core competence in process design and engineering, while most of our wastewater reclamation projects include desalination, often RO based.



Indonesia, Japan, The Netherlands


Membrane Bio Reactor technology The Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) is an advanced wastewater treatment technology with great potential for use where space is limited or where strict effluent requirements must be met. The combination of biological activated sludge processes and membrane technology makes it possible to treat heavily contaminated wastewater in a single step, producing a high-quality permeate, suitable for reuse.

MBR technology for process water

We have designed several MBRs for treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater in the Netherlands, Indonesia, Singapore and Japan. These projects aim to produce disinfected effluent for swimming and irrigation water or raw water with low fouling potential for industrial process water production.

start-up, strategic consultancy services

An interesting case is the incorporation of an MBR treatment system in the WWTP at Terneuzen in the Netherlands, which transforms municipal wastewater into high-quality process water for the nearby DOW Chemical industrial site. Installing an additional MBR system in the WWTP enabled two problems to be solved: firstly, the MBR provides additional capacity for municipal wastewater treatment, and secondly, it serves as a more economical process water production facility than the original seawater desalination plant.

Clients Dow Chemical, Evides

Services research and development, sustainability analysis, preliminary and final design, tender

documents, construction assistance, coordination of commissioning,

Location Indonesia; Singapore, Japan, The Netherlands

MBR technology for process water

- MBR Heenvliet (10,000 p.e. / 300 m3/h)

- MBR Terneuzen (100,000 p.e. / 1,500 m3/h)

- MBR Hilversum (90,000 p.e. / 1,500 m3/h) - Full biological nutrient removal

- Flat sheet and tubular membranes

- Hybrid MBR (parallel and serial MBR)

- Water reuse and process water production


Indonesia Jakarta

Water supply strategy and preliminary design Large-scale new land development


PT Kapuk Naga Indah is developing 12,000 ha of artificial islands and on-land reclamations in Jakarta and Banten Province, Indonesia. The new islands and reclaimed areas will need water supply systems that meet the water demands of residents and businesses.

Water supply strategy and preliminary

Witteveen+Bos produced an investment strategy on how best to supply water for different scenarios of the entire development and a preliminary design for the first phase development. The first phase development focuses on the on-line reclamation of Pantai Indah Kapuk (reclaimed in the 1990s) and three artificial islands at Kapuk Naga Indah (1,500 ha). The source water consists of surface water and water purification takes place at two existing water treatment plants. The water demand is expected to be around 1,000 l/s, while the current intake and treatment capacity at the two water treatment plants is around 300 l/s. To meet the water demand, the entire water supply infrastructure needs to be expanded.

Location Jakarta, Indonesia

We produced a preliminary design for the required infrastructure to cater for the entire first phase water supply, ranging from intake to clear water reservoirs. Our activities also include advising on a staged implementation in the first phase and technical guidance in subsequent phases of the water supply developments.

design complex

Client PT Kapuk Naga Indah

Services preparation of water supply strategy, preparation of preliminary design and technical guidance for first phase

Conventional WTWs for Surface Water

Witteveen+Bos specialises in the study, design and en-

gineering of surface water based water treatment works

and infrastructure development worldwide. Our portfolio includes projects in Ghana, Niger, Congo and Burundi in Africa as well as surface water related projects in Europe, Central Asia and South-east Asia.


The Netherlands Amsterdam

Combined centralized large wastewater treatment, waste incineration and energy production

Growing cities across the globe face challenges in combining municipal and industrial development with safe water disposal and environmental quality. The scarcity and high prices of available land require compact solutions for water treatment infrastructure.

Advanced wastewater treatment and waste sludge

To create a future-proof wastewater treatment system, the Amsterdam water authority Waternet and the Municipality of Amsterdam decided to construct one new large wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the Amsterdam West Port Area to replace the former three WWTPs spread around the city centre. This resulted in a new WWTP with a capacity of 1 million population equivalents and 33,000 m3 per day. It incorporates the latest state-of-the-art biological nutrient removal technologies (full biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal) and energy recovery from sludge by biogas production. The WWTP’s energy and residue disposal systems are connected to the neighbouring AEB waste incineration plant, delivering waste sludge and biogas to AEB and receiving electricity and heat in return. The WWTP Amsterdam West also serves as a regional sludge treatment facility and performs phosphate recovery from digested sludge. Thus the first true energy and nutrient recovery WWTP in the Netherlands has been created.

Services concept development, feasibility study, integrated

Witteveen+Bos designed the wastewater treatment plant and the sludge processing units and developed the tender documents. Furthermore, we assisted Waternet during the construction phase and coordinated commissioning and start-up.

handling plant

Client Amsterdam Waternet Water Board

Partners Projectbureau A4, AEB (Amsterdam Waste Energy Company)

design, energy optimisation, process design, engineering, construction supervision, commissioning, operational consultancy

Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands

For the neighbouring company of Waternet, AEB

Amsterdam, we conducted a feasibility study to digest

organic household waste, which will be derived from the

new to build household waste recycling facility of AEB, into the digestion tanks of Waternet. Although this proved to

be a very cost effective solution, environmental legislation blocked this option. We prepared tender documents for

AEB Amsterdam for a household waste recycling facility (2015) and in addition prepared a strategic roadmap for

the digestion of organic wastes from this new facility since digestion at the facilities of Waternet was not feasible.



Chile, Denmark, Tajikistan, Vietnam

Environmental Assessment Studies 58

Environmental Assessment Studies relate to investigations in which environmental quality and associated risks are determined, and mitigating solutions are engineered. This involves amongst others studies on air quality, soil and groundwater, both on local and regional scale. On this page some examples are displayed. Persistent organic pollutants investigation Tadjikistan The presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment, especially pesticides, is a worldwide problem. We have conducted several studies in this field worldwide. For instance at the Kanibadam burial site in Tajikistan. Associated risks were assessed using CALUXÂŽ (Chemical Activated LUciferase gene eXpression) Assays. PCB inventory study Vietnam For the power company of Vietnam (EVN) a national inventory study on the presence of PCBs in transformer units was carried out. Over 50,000 units have been sampled and analysed. Based on the results, management plans for the toxic oils were prepared for the various sites.

Resource efficiency

Re-use and reprocessing of waste materials contributes

towards a sustainable future. We have conducted sever-

al studies in this respect. A specific focus is present with respect to reprocessing of mine tailings. These types

of studies often require a combination of environmental

technology and hydraulic and geotechnical engineering. All required expertise is present within the company. As an example, a survey has been conducted at a mine tailing site in Chile in combination with our MAREC partners Royal Eijkelkamp and IHC Mining.

Site Assessment degreasing facility Denmark In order to get a detailed insight in the distribution of severe contamination of chlorinated solvents, a soil quality survey was carried out. The results have been used to delineate the contamination in soil and groundwater, to prepare the Conceptual Site Model and to perform lab and pilot scale testing to determine remedial options. Flux calculations show that significant mass enters the groundwater system and remedial actions are therefore required.


Text Witteveen+Bos Concept and design Houdbaar Printing Te Sligte-Olijdam Photos and illustrations Es Bobeldijk Dinesh Dhawan Teun van den Dries Bram Goots Wilmar photography Hilko Visser Fonger de Vlas Š Witteveen+Bos, 2016 Witteveen+Bos Van Twickelostraat 2 P.O. Box 233 7400 AE Deventer The Netherlands t + 31 570 69 79 11 f + 31 570 69 73 44 e i



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