Healthy and resilient cities

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Healthy and resilient cities Urban Planning and Engineering

Personal note


Healthy and resilient cities Urban Planning and Engineering

CONTENT 6 Supporting sustainable solutions since 1946 9 Great challenges in ever growing cities 11 Professional expertise

Reference projects

18 Beira Master Plan Mozambique 20 Jakarta Master Plan Indonesia 22 Duyfrak estate in Katwijk The Netherlands 24 Logistics Park Moerdijk The Netherlands 26 Promenade des Fleurs Luxembourg 28 Westergouwe Master Plan The Netherlands 30 Ho Chi Minh City: urban expansion in the age of climate change Vietnam 32 Harbour Village Bonaire 34 UCAM Ghent: assessment of heat-related health risks Belgium 36 Building with Nature in an urban area: Dordrecht The Netherlands 38 Green Infra Beira Mozambique

40 Antwerp: urban agriculture Belgium 42 Energy transition for Chagala Group Kazakhstan 44 Utrecht redevelopment and transformation of central station area The Netherlands 46 Belval Plaza redevelopment Luxembourg 48 St. Petersburg Russia 50 Absheron Lakes rehabilitation project Azerbaijan 52 Shchuchinsk Golf Resort Kazakhstan

6 18 44

54 Brownfield/greenfield development in Cape Town South Africa 56 Transit oriented development: ZuidAs The Netherlands 58 Riga mobility plan Latvia 60 Almaty cycling Kazakhstan 62 Center Parcs traffic plan: Les Trois Forêts France 64 Car parks in the medieval city of Leiden The Netherlands 66 Maasvlakte Plaza The Netherlands 68 ‘Cycling City for All’ competition, Oslo Norway 70 Underground construction in urban areas: metro line in Amsterdam The Netherlands 72 Earthquake-resistant airport Mexico 74 Kapuknaga Land Development Indonesia 76 APM terminal and buildings The Netherlands 78 De Scheg ice skating stadium The Netherlands

64 72

56 76


Supporting sustainable solutions since 1946


Since 1946 Witteveen+Bos has been supporting communities, public authorities and private parties with the development of the built environment, helping them to respond effectively to challenges arising from urbanisation, natural disasters and the effects of climate change. Today we have over 1,000 employees operating worldwide from our offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, Dubai, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Russia, Singapore, United Kingdom and Vietnam. Our services include policy development, research and analysis, master planning, design, urban engineering and supervision of works. Our clients value us for our professional expertise, reliability and commitment. We provide advanced knowledge and state-of-theart solutions for addressing complex projects. A key element in the way we work is the collaboration of our multidisciplinary specialists. The core of our approach towards a project is to offer excellent services throughout the process and to be committed to our client. The employees of Witteveen+Bos are the cornerstone of our company. They are dedicated to their profession and ensure top-quality delivery in accordance with best practice and international standards. At the same time, entrepreneurship, independency and integrity are key elements in our work, strengthened by the fact that our employees are the only shareholders of the firm. The aim of this publication is to introduce our company by highlighting a selection of projects we have completed in recent years in urban and metropolitan areas. We begin by outlining our mission and particular expertise in our Dutch approach to planning resilient cities: Where People Meet People.

These include buildings, public spaces and urban infrastructure. Besides engineering, it is our core business to guide our clients through decisionmaking processes, public participation, legal procedures and conditioning of construction works.

Mission statement Our mission is to offer our clients and end-users added value throughout the development chain by combining technical expertise with efficient management. In doing so, we integrate all facets of urban planning while focusing on each place’s unique character – all with the aim of developing sustainable urban areas that provide healthy, green and economically vibrant living environments.

All our staff members share the ambition to be an internationally renowned partner in the development of sustainable urban areas. Together with architects, urban planners, real estate developers and construction companies, our aim is to create technically, financially and legally feasible projects. We all share a passion for creating resilient, climate-adaptive cities that are safe and healthy places to live. We apply the renowned ‘Dutch approach’ which integrates civil engineering, landscape architecture and water management. We create solutions in close consultation with stakeholders. We are familiar with local physical conditions, cultures and standards around the globe. When working in new areas, our experienced teams have the capability and flexibility to quickly adapt to local circumstances and governing contexts.

Our core area of expertise is the sustainable planning, design, development and use of urban areas.


Great challenges in ever growing cities


Cities across the globe are facing major challenges, both in the fast-growing urban centres of developing countries and in the declining or resurgent cities in the developed world. The majority of people now live in urban areas. The urban population in many developing countries will exceed 50 percent by 2030. Transformations in urban economies, new technologies and responses to environmental change are reshaping the distribution of power, resources and information in cities. These transformations are radically changing social relationships and the built environment. Adapting to climate change All around the globe we are confronted with changing weather patterns caused by climate change. Events like flooding or periods of extreme drought are recurring more frequently, more suddenly and more intensely than before. Built-up environments from Africa to Asia and Europe are often unprepared to deal with these changing circumstances. As professional urban engineers, we see it as our duty to help cities around the world to become more resilient. Resilient cities are able to withstand these changing circumstances, for example by using green, wooded and water-rich areas as places to store water during periods of excessive rainfall, and by using those same places as relatively cool hideouts during periods of extreme heat. The development of climateresilient cities is one of the world’s major challenges during the next decades. We are ready, willing and able to help. Energy transition The need to achieve sustainable energy transition is another major challenge the world is facing. With energy consumption increasing rapidly and with the depletion of non-renewable energy resources which contribute to climate change, awareness of the need for a sustainable energy supply is growing. A shift towards the use of renewable and resilient energy will reduce dependency on polluting energy resources, thereby directly contributing to the quality of life in cities. The development of sustainable energy sources, decentralised power generation and storage are signs of a future based on sustainable energy. This transition calls for major reconstructions in our current energy supply and infrastructure. Comprehensive energy projects call for an integrated mix of experience, innovation and expertise. We are already working on complex sustainable energy transition projects, and we are eager to offer our expertise and integrated services for future projects in this field.


Professional expertise


Integrated planning frameworks are crucial for the sustainable development of cities and regions. They enable local governments to provide healthy living conditions, decide between competing claims on land use and to develop projects that together contribute to well-considered development. Witteveen+Bos provides the necessary knowledge and planning expertise to enable clients to develop urban or regional master plans and zoning plans. Local stakeholders play an important role in this urban and regional planning process: firstly as decision influencers, and secondly as cocreators of masterplans. For the definition of the scope and content of a masterplan, we use a conceptual model to identify the most important ‘drivers of change’: - The socio-economic system: international, national and regional socio-economic developments that lead to economic and population growth, and the subsequent demand for residential and industrial areas and basic infrastructure. - The natural system: the geographical context that provides the baseline for each urban development. In a delta city, climaterelated threats such as flooding are relevant. - The institutional system: we focus on private financing opportunities and planning preconditions based on legal obligations and regulations. Resilient Cities We aim to help cities around the world to become more resilient towards the physical, social, and economic challenges that we are currently facing and that are likely to become even more prevalent in the near future. Our Resilient Cities concept consists of seven principles: 1 Climate-adaptive city The city is adapted to heat, drought, fluvial flooding, river and coastal flooding 2 Disaster-proof city The city is prepared for natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes and storms 3 Healthy city The city creates a health-supportive environment and a good quality of life, meets basic sanitation and hygiene needs and offers access to health care

4 Sustainable city The city minimises the impact on the environment and makes space for nature 5 Sociable city The city promotes a positive atmosphere and social cohesion among residents 6 Attractive city The design of the city invites people to live, visit and stay in the city and invites them to walk and cycle 7 Energy-neutral city The city depends as little as possible on fossil fuels and generates its own energy Witteveen+Bos has applied the seven principles of Resilient Cities in the master plans for Jakarta in Indonesia, Beira in Mozambique, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and various urban developments in the Netherlands. Urban Transformation By combining strategic planning with a market-driven approach and enthusiastic volunteers, Urban Transformation can help tap a neighbourhood’s full potential and support its transformation towards a cleaner, safer, more attractive and more inviting area with a sense of pride and place. Redevelopment of urban areas often results in long-winded processes. Close cooperation between different stakeholders – such as the municipality, private parties, development companies and future users – is crucial for achieving desirable results. We have successfully implemented several urban transformations for a range of cities around the globe. Urban development and economic growth both contribute towards increased travel demand. Low density development also contributes to urban sprawl, increased dependency on cars and declining public transport. Cars are an inefficient mode of transport when compared with public transport, cycling and walking. And car dependency locks us into further reliance on fossil fuels for manufacture and running of vehicles. It creates noise, air pollution, road danger and nuisance and affects the quality of life in cities. Car dependence is directly linked to obesity and sedentary lifestyles which have serious impacts on health including cancers, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes,


coronary heart disease, loneliness and depression. In car-oriented cultures, children are most at danger and likely to be denied the freedom to play out and travel independently. Cities designed around transport are less human in scale and feel. Architectural detailing and building densities fall away and people withdraw from the street and know fewer of their neighbours. Some describe the problems that arise as being the result of the ‘car invasion’ or ‘infestation’ of our urban spaces to which we have surrendered. Our fear of using our own streets is manifested in highvisibility clothing, cycle-helmets, mutal aggression between road users and the suggestion that if you allow your children to cycle to school you must be a bad parent. The worldwide problem of mass car-ownership is manifest; however it is also the perfect excuse to say, ‘you know what, we don’t have to live like this when instead we can choose to have cities built for people’. Cities all over the world are, one by one, grasping the nettle and beginning to seek positive change in favour of public transport, walking and cycling. Many of those cities look to the Dutch for advice. Our nation’s recent history is built on recognising and responding to the value of the car for certain journeys and restricting those trips that can be made by other modes, particularly bicycles. As a result, for example, over 60 % of journeys into Amsterdam are cycled. Car use is declining year-on-year. We have a wonderful city for people, beautifully paved and presented, its heritage enhanced by people walking, stopping, shopping and cycling. Any iconic tourist image of Amsterdam is incomplete without a Dutch bicycle. And it isn’t just Amsterdam. Just about every Dutch city is designed with similar ideas, and municipalities compete to see which one has introduced the best new innovation to help cyclists. We believe that people should not just be comfortable indoors. The outdoors of our cities and rural areas is of equal, if not greater importance. By being outside in all weathers, people are happier, healthier and more fulfilled. Our approach embraces the idea of combining transport and urban planning so that people are invited to choose the right mode of transport for their journey, the mode that fulfils their needs whilst maintaining a city with an efficient transport system. In our system, the car is often the best choice for longer journeys for which its engine is optimised; whilst the bicycle, bus or tram provides door to door transport for shorter trips.


This planning is strategic and local. Strategic means ensuring that high capacity road and rail infrastructure together with park and ride linked to the rail network reduces the amount of non-resident motor traffic entering our cities. Local means siting development in relation to its accessibility on public transport, cycle and foot. Higher density means improved accessibility by bus, tram, on foot and cycle and the opportunity to promote car-free living. In the end, we maximise the benefits of car travel whilst progressively minimising the problems created by it. We are gradually undoing the 1960s rush for urban road building, restoring lost canals where there were motorways and creating new parklands where there were dual carriageways. Our approach to traffic management means reducing the amount of motor-traffic so that it can be accommodated, as far as possible, only on the strategic road network, with only the final short leg of any journey being on access streets. The approach means that residential areas are slow-speed places where children can play out safely without fear of through traffic. It means we can create bicyclepriority streets and play streets. Yet no household needs to be without a car when they need it and we have built such an efficient public transport system that for the most part, a car is not needed at all. To improve accessibility within the city and to enhance its connectivity with surrounding regions, we use two types of plans. The first of these is the traffic circulation plan, in which preferred routes for different transportation modes are identified based on traffic simulation models. Secondly, we use sustainable urban mobility plans to define the overall development guidelines for the transport system in the medium and long term. Special attention is paid to opportunities to promote the use of sustainable transport modes such as cycling. Both types of plans help reduce pollution and alleviate congestion. When developing a sustainable urban mobility plan, we involve all relevant stakeholders throughout the planning process. Healthy cities The World Health Organisation defines a healthy city as follows: one that continually creates and improves its physical and social environments and expands the community resources that enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and developing to their maximum potential. A healthy city is defined by process, and not by outcome. This means that every city could


potentially become a healthy city if it is committed to changing urban processes and structures. A healthy city is not one that has achieved a particular health status, so there is no optimum. A lot of research has been done on the topic of The Healthy City, but many questions remain on how architecture, public space and landscape can help a city become a healthier place. Important lessons on how to shape a healthier city can be learned from successful examples (such as Toronto, Copenhagen and Melbourne), where several guiding principles, which can be used in different combinations, can be distinguished: - A city shapes the built environment to promote opportunities for active and healthy living - A city has a diverse mix of land uses at the local scale with high densities supporting the provision of local services, retail, facilities and public transport - A ctive travel on foot and cycle contributes to active travel and stimulates lives lived locally, reducing the need to travel and supporting successful and healthy neighbourhoods - Public transport is used to extend the range of active modes of transportation - The environment of the Healthy City addresses issues such as air quality, noise pollution, vibration nuisance, natural lighting and urban heat island. Transport innovations: implications for urban planning Of financial necessity, the background trend is for fewer young people to take up driving at age 17 and for background urban car use to decline. Driving is no longer a pleasure


and, whatever means of propulsion, it does not make cities more enjoyable places to live. Disproportionate impacts are felt by those outside of private vehicles whilst drivers are insulated from the impacts of their travel on themselves and others by in-car entertainment. In motor-oriented places, transport usually shapes urban areas. The desire for our cities although, is to be resilient, low-carbon, social places where people have a high quality of life. This means, there must be less reliance on private motor transport and greater opportunities for active travel, public transport and shared ownership and use of the car. More cities are beginning to follow the trend towards ‘liveability’ and active travel. This is needed and a welcome excuse for change. We have an amazing and exciting opportunity to think differently about how cities are designed and redesigned to influence the need for a more equitable, efficient and resilient transport landscape. Our approach makes the most of our Dutch heritage of designing urban development around walking, cycling and public transport. With this approach, we maximise the opportunities to enable clients to deliver better cities. Environmental and social impact assessments Witteveen+Bos has proven to be a reliable partner throughout all phases of plan development. In the exploratory phase, we have accompanied governments and private parties in feasibility studies to identify potential solutions. We have conducted many such studies, focussing on their technical, financial and legal feasibility. Instruments that play an important role in this phase are Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) and cost-benefit analyses, particularly those in the social sphere. We use the SEA as a

tool to generate a clear problem definition for the development of solutions and for an integrated comparison of alternatives. The social cost-benefit analysis not only focuses on technical, economic and financial aspects, it also takes ‘green’ and ‘blue’ themes into account, such as nature and social well-being. In line with international regulations like the IFC standards, we incorporate social impacts and associated need for nutrigation and compensation in our impact assessments. Once a solution has been chosen, a tradeoff needs to take place among several minor design issues. We use Environmental Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) proactively in the design process to guarantee an integrated result and as a final check on the environmental feasibility study. We are also familiar with the next steps of plan development. Once a feasibility study has been conducted and a solution has been chosen, this solution needs to be developed into and embedded in products that form the basis of political decisions. Witteveen+Bos provides the necessary legal and procedural knowledge to do so. Within the various phases of a planning project, the process is just as important as the final product. Our process management focuses on cooperation and integration of several disciplines, as well as on the participation of the right stakeholders and decision makers throughout entire process. Process management plays a major role in our projects, being an indispensable element in arriving at a solution or decision that will garner wide support.

Ecosystem-based planning and design (Building with Nature) Witteveen+Bos is a partner in the EcoShape consortium (www.ecoshape. nl). The mission of EcoShape is to create a stimulating atmosphere of trust, mutual respect and solidarity in which disciplines from natural sciences, technology and social sciences are brought together in order to successfully operate in the continuum between nature, engineering and society. Our built environment offers a wide array of opportunities to make better use of available ecosystem services, for example: ­- S oil- and water-related ecosystem services: the urban soil offers cities ecosystem services such as water storage, heating and cooling and space for underground development. ­- C limate-related ecosystem services: worldwide, there is an urgent need to implement climate adaptation measures, for example to mitigate heat stress or floods. Ecosystem services offer the best long-term measures: to better regulate microclimates, enlarge water storage capacities or offer healthy and attractive public spaces. Better use of ecosystem services improves the quality of urban environments. In the cities’ current battle for talented new inhabitants, this quality will be critical.


REFERENCE PROJECTS Duyfrak estate p. 22 Logistics Park Moerdijk p. 24 Westergouwe Master Plan p. 28 Building with Nature in an urban area p. 36 Utrecht redevelopment and transformation of central station area p. 44 Transit oriented development: Zuidas p. 56 Car parks in the medieval city of Leiden p. 64 Maasvlakte Plaza p. 66 Underground construction in urban areas: metro line in Amsterdam p. 70 APM terminal and buildings p. 76 De Scheg ice skating stadium p. 78 The Netherlands Earthquake-resistant airport Mexico p. 72

‘Cycling City for All’ competition Norway p. 68

CAM: assessment of U heat-related health risks p. 34 Urban agriculture p. 40 Belgium

United Kingdom

enter Parcs traffic plan: C Les Trois Forêts France p. 62 Promenade des Fleurs p. 26 Belval Plaza redevelopment p. 46 Luxembourg


Harbour Village Bonaire p. 32

Brownfield/greenfield development South Africa p. 54


Riga mobility plan Latvia p. 58 St. Petersburg Russia p. 48 Russia

Latvia The Netherlands Belgium (6 offices)

Kazakhstan (3 offices) Absheron Lakes rehabilitation project Azerbaijan p. 50

Energy transition for Chagala Group p. 42 Shchuchinsk Golf Resort p. 52 Almaty cycling p. 60 Kazakhstan




Urban expansion in the age of climate change Vietnam p. 30


eira Master Plan B p. 18 GreenInfra4Beira p. 38 Mozambique

Jakarta Master Plan p. 20 Kapuknaga Land Development p. 74 Indonesia

Offices Witteveen+Bos


Mozambique Beira

Beira Master Plan


Beira is the second largest city in Mozambique and is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean in the Pungue River delta. The city is facing economic growth as well as population growth. Both trends are resulting in substantially increasing demand for land and infrastructure. However, urban development is poorly regulated and coordinated. Many urban dwellers live in flood-prone areas and lack basic infrastructure. More suitable land and infrastructure are needed to improve the living conditions of citizens, to offer public services and to facilitate industrial development.

Beira Master Plan

Client Agentschap NL, NL EVD Internationaal, unit Partners for Water

Location Beira, Mozambique Period 2012-2014

Services master plan development for the city of Beira in Mozambique

Expertise master planning, capacity building and institutional strengthening, urbanisation, infrastructure, climate adaptation

Furthermore, the city is facing serious climate-related threats. Beira is located just a few meters above sea level and faces heavy rainfall during the summer. The rising sea level requires Beira to urgently implement an effective climate adaptation strategy and an integrated planning framework. Our master plan offers these strategies and frameworks, thereby providing a solid basis for future urban developments in Beira.


Indonesia Jakarta

Jakarta Master Plan


Witteveen+Bos is coordinating the development of the master plan for the integrated coastal development of Indonesia’s capital Jakarta. The main objective of the master plan is to offer the Jakarta metropolitan area long-term protection against flooding from the sea and rivers and to facilitate socio-economic development. The development of the master plan is part of the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands aiming to reduce and prevent floods.

Jakarta Master Plan

Jakarta’s current flood defences do not provide sufficient protection against floods from the sea and rivers. Severe floods struck Jakarta and surrounding areas in 2007, 2013 and 2014. Dozens of lives were lost and the damage amounted to several hundreds of millions of dollars in each flood event. Flood risks are still increasing due to rapid land subsidence.

Services master plan development

Client Agentschap NL, NL EVD Internationaal, unit Partners for Water

Partners Grontmij, KuiperCompagnons, Deltares, Ecorys, Triple-A

Location Jakarta, Indonesia Period 2011-now

Expertise master planning, coastal defence, urbanisation, infrastructure, stakeholder management

Our integrated master plan includes architectural and civil engineering designs for Jakarta’s coastal zone, including construction designs for a sea dike combined with land reclamations. A water management plan and a port and infrastructure development programme are also included in the plan, which forms the main framework for Jakarta’s further urbanisation up to 2030.


The Netherlands Katwijk

Duyfrak estate in Katwijk 22

The area of Duyfrak, which was formerly used for greenhouse horticulture, has been transformed into a new residential area. The plan included the construction of 800 homes and the development of infrastructure to support the new function of the area.

Duyfrak estate in Katwijk

Witteveen+Bos has been involved since the start of the project and has developed an integrated planning design. Furthermore, we were responsible for contracting procedures and the environmental impact assessment and were involved in preparing the area for construction.

Services master plan development

We developed a framework for sustainable developement. The community of Katwijk implemented this framework into the overall engineering and construction process. As a result, the use of sustainable materials and an innovative method for site preparation resulted in a high class example of sustainable urban development.

Client Municipality of Katwijk

Location Katwijk, The Netherlands Period 2003-2006

Expertise master planning, engineering, contracting,

environmental impact assessment, preparing for construction, sustainable development


The Netherlands Moerdijk

Logistics Park Moerdijk


The newly developed Logistics Park Moerdijk is strategically situated between two national highways and along the railway running from Rotterdam to Antwerp. It is also within close proximity of Moerdijk’s seaport. This strategic location offers both economic and environmental advantages.

Logistics Park Moerdijk

Witteveen+Bos delivered an integral package of several consultancy and design services, including a conceptual design, the execution of an environmental impact assessment and a nature compensation plan. All tasks were executed within a comprehensive system approach.

Expertise master planning, mobility,

Client Province of Noord-Brabant

Location Moerdijk, the Netherlands Period 2010-2015

Services master plan development environmental impact assessment


Luxembourg Luxembourg City

Promenade des Fleurs


Promenade des Fleurs is the name of the urban development plan for the new sustainable Kennedy-Süd district in Luxembourg City. Witteveen+Bos developed the complete design in collaboration with URBIS Urban Design and Bosch Slabbers Landscape Architects.

Promenade des Fleurs

The Promenade des Fleurs plan won the competition because it effectively integrates the large scale of Luxembourg City’s European quarter with the small scale of the existing adjacent district. Our key aim was to integrate urban life into the surrounding districts and green areas. Our plan’s strategic approach was highly appreciated by the jury.

Expertise master planning, housing,

Client Fonds Kirchberg

Location Luxembourg City, Luxembourg Period 2011-2014

Services master plan development

infrastructure, sustainable design, governance

The future district will cover an area of 16 hectares and will be home to about 2,000 people. Witteveen+Bos was responsible for implementing and embedding sustainability aspects in the design, including energy-efficient buildings and systems. We also designed a robust and future-proof water system for the area. Our winning design is currently being developed in more detail. Construction work is scheduled to start in 2018 and will take between 15 and 20 years to be completed.


The Netherlands Gouda

Westergouwe Master Plan


In 2011 Projectbureau Westergouwe initiated the development of a new residential area to the south-west of Gouda and to the north of Moordrecht. The location is situated 6.5 metres below sea level, making it one of the lowest lying areas in the Netherlands. The project included the construction of approximately 3,800 houses and the development of a new natural area with water features.

Westergouwe Master Plan

During the project, Witteveen+Bos offered its contract management and planning design services. We also advised our client on environmental aspects relevant to the planned developments and conducted a risk analysis. Since the development location is situated several meters below sea level, it is highly sensitive to the increasing risk of flooding in the face of climate change. To guarantee a safe living environment, we integrated climate adaptation strategies throughout the project.

infrastructure, environment, climate adaptation

Client Projectbureau Westergouwe Location Gouda, The Netherlands Period 2011-2014

Services development master plan

Expertise master planning, housing,


Vietnam Ho-Chi-Minh

Urban expansion in the age of climate change


Ho Chi Minh City is facing major challenges on account of climate change. This densely populated delta city already experiences frequent flooding due to heavy rainfall and its vulnerable position in the delta. Future sea level rises, land subsidence and increasing river discharges into the delta will further exacerbate the risk of flooding. At the same time the city is rapidly expanding towards the sea and is therefore becoming more exposed to the delta and more vulnerable.

Urban expansion in the age of climate

Witteveen+Bos developed a climate adaption strategy for Ho Chi Minh City. The objective of this strategy was to enable and guide the long-term sustainable socio-economic development of Ho Chi Minh City towards the sea, taking into account the effects of climate change.

preliminary design, cost estimates, feasibility

In our approach we combined Vietnamese ownership with Dutch partnership. We applied the proven Triple-A methodology to guide the multistakeholder process towards an Atlas, an Agenda and Application Rules. By using the universal language of images and drawing, we facilitated communication at all levels. The aim of the climate adaptation strategy was to create business opportunities for the consortium partners as well as for the Dutch water sector as a whole. As a result of the programme we gained an insight into the needs of Vietnamese stakeholders. By sharing information and leads and by setting up meetings between Vietnamese and Dutch entrepreneurs, we strengthened the position of the Dutch water sector.


Client Ministry of Economic Affairs (The Netherlands)

Location Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Period 2012-2014

Services strategy development, institutional development, master and port planning, study

Expertise urban water management and

drainage, flood management and protection, environmental economics and cost-benefit analysis, climate adaptation


Bonaire West coast

Harbour Village


Harbour Village is a luxurious resort on the west coast of Bonaire. Witteveen+Bos was asked to develop an integrated water management plan to support the Harbour Village project.

Harbour Village

The designated area for the urban development surrounds Saliña di Vlijt, a mostly dried-out mudflat that imposes several environmental issues and ecological challenges on the project. There is a risk of flooding due to limited water storage capacity in the Saliña. In addition, the floods damage the coral reefs in the sea, Bonaire’s biggest asset, due to high sediment and nutrient loads in the water from the Saliña. This is also a prominent concern of local stakeholders.

Location Bonaire, Netherlands

Witteveen+Bos developed an integrated plan based on two guiding principles; sustainability and resilience. In the plan measures were introduced to provide good water quality, optimise ecological values in the Saliña and the coral reefs in the sea, and improve spatial quality to support urban development. Simultaneously, the proposed measures minimise flood impact caused by extreme rainfall. Witteveen+Bos carried out all the activities to develop the integrated water management plan, including master planning, a hydrological and ecological assessment and a preliminary design.

Client Caribbean Style Holdings, Ltd.


Period 2014

Services master planning,

preliminary design, analyses

Expertise flood management,

urban water management, water quality management, ecology


Belgium Ghent


Assessment of heat-related health risks Urban Climate Assessment and Management The area of Dampoort is located near the city centre of Ghent in Belgium and is facing a number of challenges related to the well-being of its residents. One issue is that the area is characterised by a high density of buildings with limited green space. Consequentially, the area is sensitive to heat risks.

Assessment of heat-related health risks

In urban areas, the temperature is higher than in the surrounding environment. This phenomena is called the ‘urban heat island (UHI)’. Higher exposure to heat can be dangerous during heat waves. Risks include heat stress, heat-related diseases and premature mortality. Climate change and urbanisation will cause the risk of urban heat islands to increase.

heat waves

In collaboration with the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), Witteveen+Bos developed the UCAM method (Urban Climate Assessment and Management). This method quantifies the influence of neighbourhood characteristics on heat-related health risks. Furthermore, it calculates and maps the effects of mitigating measures and can easily be incorporated into a design process.

Client City of Ghent

Location Ghent, Belgium Period 2013-2014

Services assessment of health risks during Expertise urban heat islands, urban

meteorology, urban climate, heat-related excess risks, urban area development, climate adaptation

The UCAM method has been applied in order to assess heat (UHI) by means of related health risks and to calculate the effectiveness of possible measures to achieve an acceptable risk level. One study focused on the current risk level in different parts of Dampoort, the data from which will be used by the client as a precondition in the following design study. A second study was performed to assess the impact of a large development project near Dampoort.


The Netherlands Dordrecht


Building with Nature in an urban area The ‘Building with Nature’ programme aims to develop expertise on innovative and sustainable urban developments in which cities and nature are integrated. In this programme, special attention is paid to the improvement of natural values in estuaries and along dikes in urban areas, harbours and parks.

Building with Nature in an urban area

Two projects have been implemented in Dordrecht as part of the ‘Building with Nature’ programme. The first project is in the Stadswerven area, a former business park that has been transformed into a residential area. The site is located near the Merwede river and near the sea, meaning that it is at risk of flooding. In the ‘Building with Nature’ project, a natural barrier was developed along the shoreline to protect the planned urban development against sea flooding. Both the city and nature are profiting from this development.

Expertise urban water management and

Client Municipality of Dordrecht

Location Dordrecht, The Netherlands Period 2014-2015

Services strategy development

drainage, flood management and protection, environmental economics

The second project is situated at Kop van ‘t Land, an area located by a dike that protects the land from high tides in the Merwede river. In this project, willows have been planted to form a natural protective barrier against waves that coincide with high water levels. Witteveen+Bos was involved in both projects and offered managerial and technical expertise.


Mozambique Beira


GreenInfra4Beira Beira experiences annual floods caused by extremely heavy rainfall. In the Green Infra project, a solution to this problem is offered in line with the ‘Building with Nature’ concept. This means that innovative instruments and approaches have been developed to reduce flood risks by using green, rather than grey, solutions.


In this programme it is crucial to show local stakeholders that green infrastructure is a very attractive alternative to traditional measures. In order to do so, local stakeholders have been closely involved throughout all stages of the project. Witteveen+Bos is working on this project with other partners, our main role being to bring in expertise on engineering and upscaling.

Services strategy development, institutional

Client Agentschap NL, NL EVD Internationaal, unit Partners for Water

Location Beira, Mozambique Period 2014-now development

Expertise master planning, stakeholder

management, urban water management and

drainage, flood management and protection, environmental economics


Belgium Antwerp


Urban agriculture Urban agriculture connects agricultural food production to urban needs for energy, health care, recreation, waste disposal and management of urban green spaces. Where urban agriculture connects multiple functions it contributes to optimal use of space in the city.

Urban agriculture

The main characteristics of urban farming are multifunctional, cross-sectoral and scale binding. Existing examples cover the whole range from small-scale vegetable gardens and city farms to high-tech greenhouses that supply energy to the adjacent residential area. Connected to local production, urban agricultural products and services deliver vital resources to the city and its dwellers. Urban farming differs from conventional agriculture in its social, economic and ecological relationship with the environment. It is not so much the scale or appearance that distinguishes urban agriculture from conventional agriculture; rather, the difference lies in its solidarity with the environment.

Expertise urban agriculture, innovative farming,

Client City of Antwerp

Location Antwerp, Belgium Period 2014

Services workshop and process support cocreation, mobility

Witteveen+Bos assisted the city of Antwerp by informing officials and municipalities about the concept of urban agriculture. Furthermore, a study was conducted in which all urban agriculture initiatives were listed and investigated. Based on the results of this study and in combination with an analysis of the city’s actual cultural and physical characteristics, a strategy was formulated to further improve urban agriculture and facilitate entrepreneurs in urban farming.


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CHAGALA HOTEL ATYRAU 1. Chagala Waterfront Hotel 1

Energy transition 2. Chagala Waterfront Hotel 2 3. Chagala Waterfront Hotel 3 SERVICED APARTMENTS


4. Serviced Apartments - ‘Altai’

12. Chagala Office Center

6. Serviced Apartments - ‘Charyk’

13. Annex 3

7. Ural Residence

14. Annex 2

5. Serviced Apartments -striving ‘Baiterek’ Kazakh service chain for sustainability AZATTYK BUSINESS CENTER


transition for Chagala Group

Witteveen+Bos is working onAND anBARS energy efficiency strategy Chagala Client Chagala Group RESTAURANTS Gym/Sauna/Turkish bath 15. Annex 1 for Kazakh service chain 19. Group. In recent years, Chagala developed high-quality offices, hotels, apartment Location Atyrau, Kazakhstan 8. East West Restaurant Group and Loungehas Bar 20. Social Sport Club 16. Chagala office buildings and restaurants on a 6 hectares site in Atyrau, Kazakhstan. 9. O'Neill's pub RESIDENTIAL FACILITIESPeriod 2015 – now WAREHOUSES AND OTHERS It is Chagala Group’s ambition to be the most sustainable provider of services instore Kazakhstan. To enable it 21. toSARAISHYK ac- RESIDENTIAL Services 10. Petrovski Restaurant COMPLEX strategy development 17. Central complish this goal, it11.has commissioned Witteveen+Bos to provide consultancy services on Expertise energy transition, sustainability Coco's Restaurant and Bar 18. Office/warehouse/garage 22. Townhouses sustainable energy in line with the trias energetica principles. We are also providing expertise transition on energy saving and water saving opportunities. This will result in an integrated sustainability strategy that will enable our client both to save on energy costs in the future and to brand itself as a sustainable organisation. To further support its sustainability ambition and to set an example for other international companies, Chagala Group wants to have its buildings certified (for example with the BREEAM or LEED label). To support this ambition, Witteveen+Bos is developing a set of criteria on energy, water and sustainability to evaluate the current level of sustainability of buildings selected during a site visit. Based on the findings, we developed several development scenario’s and made recommendations on measures to further improve sustainability. We also included a costbenefit analysis.


The Netherlands Utrecht


Redevelopment and transformation of central station area The municipality of Utrecht is redeveloping the urban area surrounding the city’s central station. Within this large-scale redevelopment project in the public domain, traditional structures such as the Catherijsesingel and the Leische Rijn have been renovated. Furthermore, new infrastructure has been developed to provide high-quality public transport. The creation of a large-scale real-estate development plan was also part of the city’s transformation programme.

Utrecht central station area Client Municipality of Utrecht

Location Utrecht, The Netherlands Period 2012-now

Services master plan development, urban restructuring

Expertise master planning, mobility, contracting, engineering

Witteveen+Bos has been closely involved in the transformation of the Utrecht central station area. Our role included the restructuring and redevelopment of Van Sijpesteijnkade and Mineurslaan and the development of a flyover for public transport, which is used by buses and light rail. Furthermore, we conducted transport studies and created the architectural design for the flyover.


Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette


Belval Plaza redevelopment The Belval redevelopment area is located south of Luxembourg City. The area was formerly occupied by Arbed, the Luxemburg steel company. Agora, a joint venture between the local municipality Esch-sur-Alzette and Arbed, was responsible for the urban redevelopment of the site. Their ambitious plan included preserving the industrial heritage while simultaneously constructing a substantial number of new buildings and infrastructure.

Belval Plaza redevelopment

The redevelopment plan included retail space, offices and residential areas. The well-known Dutch architect Jo Coenen won the competition for the master plan design and acted as supervisor during the design and construction of the project. Witteveen+Bos was involved in Belval Plaza I, II and Belval Tower, providing structural engineering, research, design and consultancy on all geotechnical issues.

Expertise master planning, mobility,

Client Multiplan Design

Location Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Period 2005-2010

Services master plan development brownfield development


Russia St. Petersburg


Quay walls New Holland Island In St. Petersburg, Russia, Witteveen+Bos conducted due diligence for the quay walls of New Holland Island. This island was created in 1719 after the excavation of two channels in the St. Petersburg area.

Quay walls New Holland Island

Our team in Russia is working on major repairs to New Holland Island, focusing on the quay walls. The project involves 1,725 metres of embankments, as well as the inner basin with the eastern and southern access canals. Approximately 450 metres of new quay wall need to be redesigned, while repairs have to be carried out on the remaining 1,275 metres stretch of quay wall.

Period 2012-2014

The main purpose of the project is to repair existing damage to the quay walls and to prevent the New Holland Island banks from wearing away due to erosion. The quay walls must comply with the latest design standards. The project has similarities to a number of quay walls that were renovated in the city centre of Amsterdam. Thanks in part to the expertise of Witteveen+Bos, a beautiful section of St. Petersburg will be renovated.

Client LLC New Holland Development

Location St. Petersburg, Russia Services coastal engineering Expertise governance, engineering, project

management, embankments, quay walls


Azerbaijan Baku

Absheron Lakes rehabilitation project


The inaugural 2015 European Games were held in June 2015 in a new stadium built on the south-eastern shore of Lake Boyuk Shor in Baku, Azerbaijan. Only one year before this lake was in a very poor environmental and ecological state. The lake water and shorelines had become contaminated as a result of waste dumping, discharge of untreated sewage water and spills of wastewater from the oil industry.

Absheron Lakes rehabilitation project

The eastern part of the lake was remediated with the construction of a dam between the north and the south shores of the lake. Witteveen+Bos was responsible for the design of this dam, which was designed to accommodate a six-lane highway. A design and a work plan were prepared for the remediation and beautification of the eastern and southern shorelines. This work plan contained designs and manuals for the removal, processing and containment of contaminated sediments.

engineering, brownfield redevelopment

Client Tamiz Shahar OJSC Location Baku, Azerbaijan Period 2013-2015

Services brownfield redevelopment

Expertise rehabilitation, environmental

Authorities in Baku have contributed to improving the water quality, preventing further contamination, and have also been working on the beautification of the lake and its shorelines following the guidelines presented in our work plan.


Kazakhstan Shchuchinsk


Shchuchinsk Golf Resort Witteveen+Bos acted as lead consultant for the Shchuchinsk Golf Resort. The required consultancy services included a myriad of disciplines ranging from landscape design and irrigation to site preparation and building design, as well as structural and MEP engineering.

Shchuchinsk Golf Resort

A prominent feature at the resort is the Club House, consisting of multiple coupled shell structures and up to 32 metres high cable-glass faรงades. An arched five-star hotel with 100 rooms cantilevers out over Lake Shortan. A restaurant is located on the top floor of the building, providing spectacular views over the lake. The project also includes a VIP villa, several chalets, multiple auxiliary buildings and its own water purification plant.

engineering, project management

Client KazTransOil

Location Shchuchinsk, Kazakhstan Period 2012-2014

Services master planning

Expertise landscape design, irrigation,


South Africa Cape Town


Brownfield/greenfield development The population of Cape Town is rapidly expanding in an unstructured and sprawling manner. This is leading to severe problems with traffic congestion, pollution and social and physical segregation. The city is now looking to solve these issues through densification. The Two Rivers Urban Park is an industrial heritage site that is largely out of function. The site is situated near the city centre and would provide an opportunity for densification. However, the two rivers and the highways create physical barriers. Old industrial facilities such as a power plant and a wastewater treatment facility create further barriers to an integrated transformation of the site. On top of these physical barriers, the quality and safety of the river were also poor and needed to be addressed.

Brownfield/greenfield development

Client International New Town Institute

Location Two Rivers Urban Park, Cape Town, South Africa

Period 2014

Services brownfield/greenfield development

Expertise master planning, urban development,

industrial transformation, urban water management

Witteveen+Bos designed an integrated strategy to develop an urban landscape incorporating the elements of connectivity, ecology and a high building density. Local and regional initiatives were integrated into the plan from the start, to ensure the strategy met stakeholder expectations and capacities. This co-operative planning process resulted in the development of a programme in which polluted sites and rivers were cleaned through phytoremediation, industrial heritage sites were redeveloped and repurposed and the liveliness of the area was guaranteed with an events programme.


The Netherlands Amsterdam

Transit oriented development


ZuidAs is the economic heart of Amsterdam. In order to support the further development of this area into a multifunctional area incorporating space for living, working and public services, it is crucial to improve the area’s accessibility.

Transit oriented development: ZuidAs

The ZuidAs project is characterised by a high level of complexity due to the scale of the development and because the works include the improvement of accessibility by public transport and road. Because of this area’s important economic function, it is crucial that commuters experience as little hindrance as possible and that the area remains accessible while the works are being carried out.

Services tunnel design

Client Rijkswaterstaat, ProRail, Municipality of Amsterdam Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands Period 2013-now

Expertise governance, infrastructural design, urban planning, feasibility studies, contracting, zoning, process and project management, master planning, EIA

Together with our partners, Witteveen+Bos has developed an integrated design for the construction of a road tunnel for the A10 national highway, which will run underneath the ZuidAs to maximise accessibility of the area without compromising on valuable building space or natural areas. Other responsibilities of Witteveen+Bos included conducting feasibility studies for the development of the tunnel. Witteveen+Bos also designed the master plan for the ZuidAs.


Latvia Riga

Riga mobility plan


The metropolitan area of Riga houses more than one million people, or 47 % of Latvia’s total population. Riga has a large sea port and an international airport and is an important hub along international transport routes.

Riga mobility plan

The city faces several traffic-related problems. The main issues involve the planning and management of public transport and the road and rail networks, the limited capacity of the Daugava river crossings, a lack of road safety and a shortage of facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. The mobility plan produced by Witteveen+Bos provides a framework that will support the implementation of future measures geared towards addressing the severe traffic problems that Riga is currently facing.

Period 2009-2014

Client Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia

Location Riga, Latvia Services mobility planning

Expertise governance, traffic studies,

infrastructural design, urban planning, cycling, strategic environmental assessment


Kazakhstan Almaty


Almaty cycling Following on from the 2013’ City of Almaty Sustainable Transport (CAST) strategy is a technical design project for a 5 km bicycle route in Almaty. For this project we studied the demand for cycling in Almaty in co-operation with local cycling enthusiasts. The demand analysis together with a field survey led to the selection of a pilot route for a new bicycle track designed according to international standards. The pilot route is intended to teach local designers how to design a proper, safe bicycle route which may result in a new design standard for bicycle routes in Kazakhstan.

Almaty cycling

Client United Nations Development Programme Location Almaty, Kazakhstan Period 2013-2014

Services mobility planning

Expertise governance, traffic studies, infrastructural design, urban planning, cycling

In this project, Witteveen+Bos was responsible for developing the technical designs, producing cost estimates and conducting a risk assessment. A two-day capacity building workshop was also organised as part of the project.


France Moselle

Center Parcs traffic plan: Les Trois ForĂŞts 62

Center Parcs opened the Les Trois Forêts park in Moselle, France, in 2010. Because of its size, a traffic management and parking plan was developed by the designers. The principle of this traffic management plan is to reduce car trips made by visitors within the park and to promote more sustainable transport modes such as bicycles, electric golf carts and the public transport system run by Center Parcs. The basic strategy is a combination of a two-directional connector road and access to the villas via a one-way system with small load/drop zones. Parking is centralised for each cluster of villas and within walking distance. During the design phase of this leisure park Witteveen+Bos reviewed the proposed traffic and parking strategy and made recommendations for further improvements.

Center Parcs traffic plan: Les Trois Forêts Client Center Parcs

Location Moselle, France Period 2011

Expertise sustainable and healthy urban accessibility

Services traffic analyses, feasibility study, parking, traffic management, cycling

In 2011 the actual traffic and parking situation was analysed during a three-day field trip and further recommendations were offered. Among other things, suggestions on changes to parking routes and improvements to the park’s own public transport system were made. This was presented to the park’s management and reflected in a brief report. Additionally to our scope, some suggestions were offered to improve the arrival and departure procedures on Mondays and Fridays. Part of the assignment was a review of the expansion plan to grow from 800 to 1,100 villas. The expansion plan (or phase 2) involved the completion of the park’s layout and the construction of a full connector ring road around the park. 63

The Netherlands Leiden

Car parks in the medieval city of Leiden


Leiden’s historic city centre dates from the 17th century. The city offers a lot for its visitors: aside from the historic city centre, Leiden also has universities, colleges, the Bio Science Park and a range of well-known museums. However, the accessibility of the city centre is poor, which is why it does not attract as many visitors as the municipality of Leiden would like. Therefore, the ‘Accessibility Leiden’ programme was set up. Witteveen+Bos and the municipality formalised this by coordinating a tender for the construction of two underground car parks.

Car parks in the medieval city of Leiden

The construction of two car parks is one way to improve the accessibility of the city centre. The tender for these two car parks was unique. A reference design often forms the basis of a design and construct tender. However, no reference design was provided in this particular tender, and instead the chosen approach was to provide a set of requirements/demands with which the design of the car parks had to comply. This approach challenged contractors to base their design on the visitor’s experience of the city centre.

feasibility study, contracting procedures

Client Municipality of Leiden

Location Leiden, The Netherlands Period 2013 – now

Expertise sustainable and healthy urban accessibility

Services BIM, cost estimates, analyses,

During the actual implementation phase Witteveen+Bos is advising the municipality of Leiden on relevant technical aspects of the project. We are advising the contract manager and reviewing the proposed design and other relevant reports on contractual conditions.


The Netherlands Rotterdam

Maasvlakte Plaza 66

Due to the recent development of Maasvlakte 2 in the Port of Rotterdam, additional service facilities were needed to support the port’s activities. In order to meet these needs, the Maasvlakte Plaza development project was initiated. As part of this development plan new facilities would be constructed, including a petrol station, a food court and several other commercial establishments, as well as medical services. Besides these new developments, the project also entailed the redevelopment of the Vogelvallei area.

Maasvlakte Plaza

Client Havenbedrijf Rotterdam

Location Rotterdam, The Netherlands Period 2014-2015

Services development of port facilities

Expertise technical design, feasibility studies, managing contracting procedures

Witteveen+Bos offered engineering services for the planned developments. We also conducted a cost analysis and organised the tendering procedures.


Norway Oslo


‘Cycling City for All’ competition Our proposal entitled ‘Oslo – Cycling City For All’, aiming to make the Norwegian capital more attractive to cyclists, was submitted as part of an ideas competition organised by FutureBuilt and the Norwegian Cyclists’ Association. The jury deemed our plan to be a valuable contribution to the debate on creating better facilities for cyclists in Oslo.

‘Cycling City for All’ competition

The proposition put forward by Witteveen+Bos, OKRA and Grindaker calls for integrated planning of all traffic modalities in Oslo. In order to create safer conditions for cyclists, the plan recommends a number of solutions, including on-street parking in the city centre and a reduction in car traffic. The plan also calls for the bundling of public transportation routes, enlargement of the 30-kilometre speed limit zone in the city centre, construction of bicycle routes that cut across the city centre, and diversion of motorists away from an enlarged pedestrianised city centre with car parks on the perimeters. The designers also recommend the construction of new bicycle parking facilities.

Services mobility planning

Client FutureBuilt and the Norwegian Cyclists’ Association

Location Oslo, Norway Period 2013

Expertise governance, traffic studies, infrastructural design, urban planning, cycling

The overarching aim of Witteveen+Bos’s ‘Oslo – Cycling City For All’ proposal is to improve the quality of public spaces, thereby also enhancing the vitality of the city centre. In the new situation, cyclists and pedestrians are given more room and greater priority is assigned to their needs. Simultaneously, motorised traffic in the city centre is discouraged.


The Netherlands Amsterdam

Underground construction in urban areas North-South metro line


The North-South metro line is currently being constructed in Amsterdam. This new metro line runs underneath the densely populated historic city centre of Amsterdam. The total length of the new metro line is nearly 10 kilometres, 7 kilometres of which is being constructed underground.

Underground construction in urban areas

The project includes the construction of three underground metro stations: Rokin, De Pijp and Vijzelgracht. All three of these stations were modelled using BIM. The models were used to simulate the construction process and were expanded to 4D-BIM to include construction planning and document management.

Period 1994-now

Client Metro department, Municipality of Amsterdam

Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands Services underground engineering

Expertise stakeholder management, urban planning, underground engineering, BIM

Witteveen+Bos has been involved in the project as lead consultant and main responsible entity in the North-South line consultancy joint venture since 1994. Our services include project design, consultancy services, project management, process management and site management. Other tasks and services include leading tendering procedures, risk management, project and construction supervision.


Mexico Mexico City


Earthquake-resistant airport Witteveen+Bos is helping to develop an earthquake-resistant design for Mexico City’s new international airport, which will be among the largest in the world. A Dutch-Mexican joint venture was awarded the contract for this project in early 2015. The project scope covers the design of the airside infrastructure, consisting of runways, taxiways, platforms, buildings and tunnels. Mexico City was originally built on the site of an ancient lake high in the mountains. Over the years, a very weak, thick package of sediments has built up on the original lake bed. Parts of Mexico City subside by 20 to over 30 centimetres per year as a result of deep groundwater extraction. In addition, the section of the city where the new airport will be built is frequently subject to flooding due to heavy rainfall. At the same time, the region is prone to powerful earthquakes. The combination of very powerful earthquakes and special soil conditions, which in some cases can result in very large ground motion amplifications, requires careful specialist analysis. The challenge for the Witteveen+Bos seismology team is to deliver a design that can withstand earthquakes of such magnitude.

Earthquake-resistant airport: Mexico Client Mexico International Airport Location Mexico City, Mexico Period 2015-now

Services seismological expertise

Expertise modelling of earthquake impacts, engineering


Indonesia Jakarta

Kapuk Naga Land Development


The city of Jakarta is growing out of its current boundaries and wishes to expand to the north, into the Sea of Java. In response to Jakarta’s ambitions, Witteveen+Bos designed a development plan for an area of 12,000 hectares. A significant part of this area will be developed on polders.

Kapuk Naga Land Development

Since 1987 Witteveen+Bos has been involved in the development of land reclamation for Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kapuk Naga Indah and Tangerang International City. In these developments a series of ten artificial islands are planned just off the coast of Jakarta. The plan also includes the reclamation of land along the coast.

Services new space and high-end structural

The reclamation of 800 hectares of fishing ponds at Pantai Indah Kapuk started in 1990, while construction of the first offshore island started in 2013. All reclamations are designed as polder systems, meaning the surface level is at sea level. Therefore, proper water management and sea defences are crucial for the protection of this area against flooding.

Client Salim Group

Location Jakarta, Indonesia Period 2006-2011 expertise

Expertise preliminary and detailed design,

cost estimates, urban planning, environmental impact assessment, detailed engineering, contract management

Witteveen+Bos carried out a full package of services for the planned reclamations and for the implementation of an effective water management system. Activities included conducting a feasibility study and other impact studies, developing a master plan and technical design, preparing tender documents and offering supervision and technical assistance during the construction phase.


The Netherlands Rotterdam

APM terminal and buildings 76

APM Terminals Maasvlakte II B.V. is developing a new container terminal at Maasvlakte 2, a new port and supporting infrastructure being built on reclaimed land to extend the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The terminal will be one of the world’s most advanced, sustainable and efficient terminals. When fully built, the terminal will cover approximately 180 hectares and will have a 2,800 metresdeep-sea quay and a 500 metres barge quay.

APM terminal and buildings

Witteveen+Bos produced the detailed design for the canopy at the terminal’s main gate. This canopy marks the entrance of the APM Terminal for truck drivers. APM asked for a striking design for the entrance. We responded by designing an archway which is located diagonally to the driving direction on the entrance road. This archway provides the canopy with stability.

Expertise preliminary and detailed design,

Client APM Terminals MVII B.V.

Location Rotterdam, The Netherlands Period 2010-2014

Services new space and high-end structural expertise

cost estimates, detailed engineering, contract management, BIM

We designed the canopy with the use of an enhanced BIM environment and a parametric design model. This model enabled us to continually refine our design and analyse technical consequences.


The Netherlands Deventer


De Scheg ice skating stadium The De Scheg sports complex opened in 1993 and consists of an ice skating stadium, a swimming paradise, competition and instruction pools and a sports hall. De Scheg intends to be a major facility for sports at all levels, education and culture in Deventer and the region. To achieve this ambition, the complex has been reshaped into a sports and experience centre. The most visible addition was the covering of the stadium with a membrane roof.

De Scheg ice skating stadium

For the revitalisation, Witteveen+Bos worked with Alberts & van Huut architects, who also designed the original complex. During regular design sessions, the idea and shape of the membrane roof were hatched. The rest of the design process was marked by close interaction between the technical design disciplines. A 3D model served as the basis for a range of calculation models for structural engineering, fire safety, acoustics and ventilation.

Expertise technical design, project and

Client Municipality of Deventer

Location Deventer, The Netherlands Period 2011

Services innovative building design and construction

process management, 3D modelling

The membrane roof is strung under the edge of the existing roof rather than above it. The wind load was the key criterion for the design of the light membrane roof. Therefore, a 3D printed model was analysed in wind tunnel testing to obtain realistic wind load values that could be used to optimise results.


Text Witteveen+Bos Concept and design Houdbaar Printing Te Sligte-Olijdam Photos and illustrations Beeldregieplan Logistiek Park Moerdijk Connel Dura Vermeer-Besix Erik Karst Foster + Partners Hilko Visser lkoimages JHK Architecten KuiperCompagnons Lightpoet OKRA Landschapsarchitecten Provincie Noord-Brabant Studio Marco Vermeulen Witteveen+Bos WKH Architecten zhu difeng Š Witteveen+Bos, 2016 Witteveen+Bos Van Twickelostraat 2 P.O. Box 233 7400 AE Deventer The Netherlands t + 31 570 69 79 11 f + 31 570 69 73 44 e i


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