6 Reasons
Why Rewind makes the perfect wearable accessory
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It is an Unique Product. And hence, stands out!
It is a simple, yet eec ve solu on to the common problem of earphone cords entanglement.
The mul ple colour and design variants make it a trendy fashion accessory.
You can wear Rewind everyday, everywhere, with everything; unlike other wearable accessories.
You can pick and choose your design to showcase the theme & message you stand for.
Most importantly, you would be suppor ng the cause of product innova on across the world.
Distributor: Enterprism Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Singapore Ph: 83361844
Distributed by: Enterprism Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Product Features
Rewind - The Product Rewind, conceived and developed by Witworks, is the most effec ve and beau fully designed solu on for earphone cord entanglement.
Op mal Channel size lets the volume rocker through for varied earphone makes.
The curvature gives Rewind a beau ful form, and keeps it compact while the cord is wound around it .
Unique angled slit that ensures the cords stay right in.
Choose your look with Rewind Atom, Peace and Rhythm variants.
How to Use
Perfect size, shape and weight to carry along.
1 A ach
Step1: Pass
Ergonomic Design The form, material and specifica ons for Rewind have been finalized based on user behavior and needs, giving it just the perfect shape, size and weight to wear and carry along
Tangle-free Cords
Elegant Variants
The novel and sleek design prevents your earphone cords from ge ng entangled, and doubles up as a unique wearable accessory
Choose your Rewind's style from mul ple color variants, including Picton, Limerick, Tangerine and Pure, with varied graphic op ons
Universal Fit Rewind's op mally designed channels, based on extensive itera ons and calcula ons allow for it to fit earphones of various makes
each cord of the earphones into each channel through the slits at the sides.
3 Wrap
Step 2: When the earphones are not in use, just slide the Rewind towards the ear-buds.
Step 3: Wrap the earphone cord around the Rewind in such a way that the wound cord rests in the curvature of Rewind.
Step 4: To use the earphones again just unwind the cord, slide the Rewind down while the wires remain in their respec ve channels and of course leave it a ached and show the world your trendy Rewind.