6 minute read
Winkel beroof
‘n WINKELEIENAAR van Wolseley is verlede naweek van meer as R80 000 beroof.
‘n Supermark se Chinese eienaar en sy broer, is Saterdag 25 Maart deur drie gewapende mans beroof.
Hulle het omstreeks 16:00 die eienaar en ander persone in die winkel beveel om op die grond te lê. Die onbekende mans met klapmusse op, het die geld wat onder die toonbank en in die kasregister was, gevat asook ‘n Yoco kaartmasjien.
Hulle het die geld in ‘n Nike sportsak gegooi en op die vlug geslaan. Dit is die soveelste besigheidsroof die afgelope jaar op Wolseley.
Indien iemand oor enige inligting beskik, kan hulle s/sers. Liemand skakel by (023) 231-8000

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month - listen to your gut
MILLIONS of adults avoid colorectal cancer screening. Don’t put your life at risk - get tested this March!
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness of a disease that affects 1 in 77 men and 1 in 132 women in South Africa every year.
Colorectal cancer (also known as bowel cancer) is the second most common cancer in men after prostate cancer and the third most common cancer in women after breast and cervical cancer.
Many people are unaware of the risks that colorectal cancer presents, while others don’t like to talk about diseases that happen “down there.”
However, colorectal screening can accurately detect colorectal cancer long before the disease causes symptoms and early detection may save lives. Survival is dependent on the stage of the disease at diagnosis.
If the cancer is diagnosed at a localised stage, the survival rate is 91%. If the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or organs and/or the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 72%. When colorectal cancer has already spread to distant sites by the time it is diagnosed, it is referred to as metastatic (stage IV) colorectal cancer and the 5-year survival rate is 14%.
“Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of malignancy related illness and death worldwide,” says Dr Thulo Molefi, Specialist and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical Oncology at Steve Biko Academic Hospital and the University of Pretoria.
“The high incidence in Africa is thought to be related to high exposure to carcinogens such as processed meats, alcohol and smoking as well as rising westernisation and sedentary lifestyles, resulting in obesity".
"South Africa doesn’t have a national screening program, however, based on international data we encourage everyone over the age of 50 to have a screening test. This will often include a colonoscopy, a physical examination and testing for blood not readily seen in the stool where necessary. Despite the difficulties potential patients experience in accessing cancer screening services in South Africa, particularly in the public health sector, it’s prudent that people at risk seek out such services, as detecting colon cancer at its early stages leads to better disease outcomes.”
What is the colon?
The colon and rectum make up the large intestine, which is part of the digestive system. Most of the large intestine is made up of the colon which consists of four sections, namely:
Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 22 van die Wet op Plaaslike
Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet No. 56 van 2003) en artikel 75(A)(3) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale
Stelsels, 2000 (Wet No. 32 van 2000): Dat die volgende konsep dokumente aan die Raad voorgelê is op 28 Maart 2023 en nou ter insae lê vir publieke kommentaar en insette tot 3 Mei 2023: 2023/2024 - Konsep Begroting en hersiening van die Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan en die Dienslewering- en Begroting Implementeringsplan
Skriftelike kommentaar kan gerig word aan Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Witzenberg Munisipaliteit, Posbus 44, Ceres, 6835 en/of per e-pos aan admin@witzenberg.gov.za
Bogenoemde dokumentasie is ter insae beskikbaar by die Munisipale Kantore, Openbare Biblioteke asook op ons webtuiste: www.witzenberg.gov.za
● The ascending colon which extends up ward on the right side of the abdomen.
● The transverse colon which goes across the body from the right to the left side.
● The descending colon which travels down on the left side of the body.
● The sigmoid colon which joins the rectum and connects to the anus.
What are the risk factors for colorectal cancer?
Lifestyle: Alcohol and smoking both increase the risk of bowel cancer.
Age: As a person’s age increases, so does their likelihood of developing bowel cancer. Most people with colorectal cancer are over the age of 50 and the risk of having the disease increases with age.
Bowel disease: People with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a higher risk of developing bowel cancer than the general population. The risk increases with extent and duration of IBD.
Genetics: There are some rare inherited conditions or syndromes associated with certain gene changes. Family members have an increased risk of bowel cancer if they in-herit these gene changes and if they are a blood relative with the disease.
Being overweight: Being obese or overweight increases the risk of bowel cancer. Try to keep a healthy weight by being physically active and eating a healthy, balanced diet. There is compelling evidence showing a lower risk of bowel cancer in people who are more physically active.
How does colorectal cancer start?
Most colorectal cancers start as a growth, called a polyp, on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. Certain types of polyps may change into cancer over time, but this usually occurs after many years. Cancer is when abnormal cells start to divide and grow in an uncontrolled way. The cells can grow into surrounding tissues or organs and may spread to other areas of the body.
What are the symptoms?
People with colorectal cancer may not experience symptoms in the early stages. When symptoms appear, they usually vary, depending on the cancer’s size and location in the large intestine.
Treatment options
If you experience any signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer, you should consult your doctor. A colonoscopy is a procedure where a fibre-optic camera is inserted through the anus in order to examine the colon. If colorectal cancer is suspected, a biopsy of abnormal tissue will be obtained during a colonoscopy.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 22 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, (Act No. 56 of 2003) and Section 75(A)(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act Nr. 32 of 2000) respectively: That the following draft documents were tabled to Council on 28 March 2023 and are available for public inspection and inputs until 3 May 2023:
2023/2024 - Draft: Budget and Review of the Integrated Development Plan and the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan
In writing, please direct your comments to The Municipal Manager, Witzenberg Municipality, P.O. Box 44, Ceres, 6835 and/or send via e-mail to admin@witzenberg.gov.za

Abovementioned documents is available for public inspection at the Municipal Offices, Public Libraries and on the municipal website: www.witzenberg.gov.za
SONDAGOGGEND vroeg het reddingswerkers weer bymekaar gekom en is die groep bygestaan met ‘n AMS noodhelikopter, ‘n polisie helikopter en rubberbote.
Stappers gered
‘n STAPGROEP is die naweek gered nadat hulle deur swaar reën oorval en deur ‘n stygende rivier op ‘n staproete in die Waaihoekberge bokant Michellspas vasgekeer was.
Twee Kaapse families was deel van dié stapgroep en het Saterdag 18 Maart die gewilde Witels staproete na Michellspas aangepak.
Die groep moes teen Donderdag 23 Maart die eindpunt in Michellspas bereik het.
‘n STAPPER aan die oorkant van die rivier.

Esisaziso sikhutshwe ngokwecandelo 22 kaRhulumente wengingqi: uMthetho obizwa nge (Municipal Finance act, ka2003 unombolo 56) necandelo 75(A)(3) likaRhulumente weNgingqi: uMthetho owaziwa njenge (Municipal Systems Act ka 2000 unombolo 32). Onke lamaxwebhu alandelayo angagqitywanga aye athwa thaca kwiBhunga leDolophu ngomhla we 28 March 2023 kwaye ayafumaneka ukuze uluntu luwaphicothe lufake nezimvo zalo uyakuma ngomhla we 3 May 2023.
2023/2024 - Olungagqitywanga: uhlahlolwabiwomali neziCwangciso zoPhuhliso loLuntu kunye nezicwangciso zokunikezelwa kweeNkonzo noHlahlahlolwabiwomali
Ngembalelwano,uyacelwa ufake isiphakamiso ku:Malwuli-Masipala, waseWitzenberg, P.O. Box 44, Ceres, 6835 kunye/okanye uthumele i-imeyile ku admin@witzenberg.gov.za
Lama xwebhu ayafumaneka kuzo zonke ii-Ofisi zikaMasipala nakuMathala eencwadi, nakwi website kaMasipala www.witzenberg.gov.za
'n POLISIE helikopter het ander stappers gewaarsku en gevra om om te draai na hul motors. Die staproete is vir die res van die seisoen gesluit.

REDDINGSWERKERS, wat lede van die SAPD se duikeenheid en honde-eenheid insluit, het twee stappers met rubberbote oor die Breederivier na veiligheid gebring.

SIKELA Xhantibe van Nduli is ernstig aangerand en in Ceres hospitaal opgeneem.