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HeyMath Programme Calculators
IINCINGA Zethu High School is part of the HeyMath programme which entails the subjects Maths and Science for Grade 10-12 learners.
The programme requires the learners to use a specific scientific calculator.
Learners are from previously disadvantages communities and for this reason the calculators were sponsored.
Through ABCD Grant Funding the school received 50 scientific calculators to enable the learners to be more efficient and effective when doing calculations.
This created an opportunity for all the learners to have access to use the calculators and to increase their overall percentage in all subjects.
Winter School jackets
EZELFONTEIN NGK Primary School is a farm school in the partnering community located just outside the town of Ceres.
The school received ABCD Funding from Perdekraal East Wind Farm which enabled 110 learners to receive new winter school jackets.

The winter jackets immensely changed the circumstances of all the learners, teachers and parents as it resulted in improved school attendance, especially during the winter season. The learners’ morale in general improved and brought unity amongst learners.
“We as a school once again express our sincere appreciation to Perdekraal East Wind Farm for funding our rain jackets. Our children look beautiful said Miss De Wee.”

Boland rugby union initiated the mayoral rugby cup
BOLAND rugby union initiated the mayoral rugby cup.
Rugby clubs from different municipalities participated in this initiative. The kick-off match was between Witzenberg and Drakenstein municipality. Each municipality was represented by 4 teams namely: the 1st team boys, 2nd teams boys, the under 20 boys and lastly the womens 1st team.
This contribution played a significantly huge roll in the lives of the players as they went out and won their first games in the new attires.
Iingcinga Zethu High School Matric farewell
A matric farewell is a highlight for a Grade 12 learner as it remarks the end of your school career.
The principal, requested the Project Company for financial support towards their matric farewell due to the majority of the parents being seasonal workers.
Kyle participated in the National Championships
KYLE Daniël Swartland participated in the National Championships held in Ireland in 2022.