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Studente word met beurse gehelp
NEGE studente van die vennootskapgemeenskappe is regstreekse ontvangers van ’n gelokaliseerde beursprogram, befonds deur die area se windplaas wat daarop gemik is om opvoedkundige verandering te stimuleer.
Die Perdekraal East Wind Farm-beursprogram bied plaaslike gemeenskapslede wat hoër onderwys wil volg die geleentheid om aan erkende instellings te studeer en geakkrediteerde kwalifikasies te verwerf.
“Onderwys bring sosiale verandering vir beide die individu en die gemeenskap in die algemeen. Om befondsing aan die jeug in hierdie gemeenskappe beskikbaar te stel, sal ‘n rimpeleffek hê, aangesien dit op hul beurt hul gemeenskap ophef,” sê Jo-Anne Brown, ekonomiese ontwikkelingsbestuurder by Perdekraal East Wind Farm, wat hierdie program finansier as deel van sy sosioekonomiese ontwikkelingsinisiatief.
Benewens die verskaffing van volle finansiële ondersteuning, bied die program aan begunstigdes mentorskap en loopbaanontwikkelingsondersteuning om hulle te help om in hul gekose loopbane te slaag.
Phumzile Mkhosi, wat ‘n tweedejaar regstudent aan die Universiteit van Pretoria is, en tans ‘n LLB-graad volg, sê die befondsing het ‘n groot verskil in haar lewe gemaak.

“Aangesien ek nie ’n ma het nie en my pa werkloos is, ontvang ek geen finansiële ondersteuning van my ouers nie. Om die beurs te hê, het my behoefte aan finansiële bystand verlig en dit het my gehelp om baie goed by ander studente in te pas, wat die wêreld vir my beteken.
Danksy die toelae wat ek uit die beurs kry, kan ek na al my behoeftes omsien sonder enige hulp van my broers en susters,” het Phumzile uitgespreek.
Die ander twee nuwe beursontvangers sluit in Ami Ludick, wat Besigheids- en Inligtingsadministrasie aan die Kaapse Skiereiland Universiteit van Tegnologie studeer; asook Shanidine Bezuidenhout, wat ‘n BCom in Bestuurswetenskap aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch volg.
“Die geselekteerde studente het ‘n sterk begrip getoon van hul loopbaankeuses en hoe hulle by hul doelwitte aansluit. Die nuwe ontvangers toon ‘n gretigheid om te leer en ‘n gewilligheid om deur uitdagings te volhard,” het Brown bygevoeg.
Die beurskriteria bepaal dat die aansoekers binne die Witzenberg Munisipaliteit moet woon, enige voltydse graad of diploma studeer. tans ingeskryf wees by ‘n publieke of private geakkrediteerde instelling in Suid-Afrika en hul eerste kwalifikasie volg, uitgesluit nagraadse en honneurs. Voorkeur word gegee aan voorheen benadeelde studente.
Mandela day benefits tiny farm school
WELGEMOED Primary School, a tiny farm school close to Ceres was alive with activities on Mandela Day - to give 48 learners new classrooms.

Parents, members of the governing body, and a team from Perdekraal East Wind Farm and Mainstream Renewable Power, spent their 67 minutes for Mandela Day working alongside a local painting crew to make Madiba magic.
“Walking into the newly painted classrooms, I could see the excitement on the learner’s faces.
It is essential for us as principals and teachers to provide a learning environment that encourages discipline and values - it teaches our learners how to be appreciative and take responsibility,” concluded the school principal, Mr Syster.
In keeping with Perdekraal East Wind Farm’s commitment to supporting local business and its Asset Based Community Development approach, the five painters were employed from the local community for two days.

The teams enjoyed spending their time at the school and the painters were happy to share their expertise and guidance to ensure everything was done well.
“The Mandela Day project was a great success - not only do the learners have a cleaner and more welcoming school, but we were able to provide work to five local painters, which we work alongside. Best of all is that our 67 minutes was spent in honour of Madiba’s spirit and the lessons that he instilled in us as South Africans,” said Jo-Anne Brown, Economic Development Manager at Perdekraal East Wind Farm.
New mobile clinic launched in Witzenberg

COMMUNITY-ORIENTED Primary Care (COPC) is now a reality for community members in the Witzenberg area.
There was much excitement around the delivery of a new mobile clinic that arrived in the Witzenberg area, as it means that community members in this area will receive free primary healthcare from this facility, on an ongoing basis. The launch was held on 12 August 2022, at the Bella Vista Community Hall, with several community members and local healthcare service providers in attendance, to mark the occasion and the commencement of this service.
“The highlight for me is the fact that Community-Oriented Primary Care (COPC) is now more than a concept that is discussed within the circles of health care professionals. Its beneficiaries can now see and experience what it is about in their own communities by being close to it, talking about it, and experiencing it,” said Public Health Care Manager, Lulamile Wawini, who was one of the attendees at the event.
This initiative is funded by Perdekraal East Wind Farm in partnership with the Ceres Provincial Hospital, and forms part of the wind farm’s Socio-Economic Development Programme.
The mobile clinic offered various healthcare services, including HIV counselling and testing, TB screening, mental health checks, psychological services, and chronic care, all methods of family planning (oral tablets, injectable, Implanon, later intrauterine contraceptive device insertion (loop), as well as (post-exposure) morning after pill); referrals for safe TOP & STOP Breast examination; cervical smear screening; immunization catch-up; COVID testing; vaccination and collection of chronic medication.