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International Travel

Kyle was one of the learners in the Witzenberg community that had a lifetime opportunity to take part in the championships.
The learner's mother raised funds and with the co-funding from PEWF a young mans dream came to life.
SINOYOLO Theto a young girl from the Witzenberg successfully managed to travel abroad to Egypt for a International cultural excursion where school learners all over SA participated in this enormous cultural programme.
The programme focuses on diversity where people from different religion, culture and backgrounds had the opportunity to learn and share cultural customs.
Sinoyolo’s mother raised funds and with the financial support from PEWF made it possible to travel abroad.
THE Witzenberg area is well-known for its scenic beauty being surrounded by mountain ranges, natural surroundings, fauna, and flora.
The Witzenberg local municipality (WLM) is situated within the Cape Floristic region and is rich in biodiversity and associated ecosystem services.

The livelihood of Witzenberg is totally dependent on its biodiversity and ecosystem services that are essential to ensure sustainable socio-economic development and also to support human well-being.
The vision of the Witzenberg Municipal Integrated Plan namely, “A municipality that cares for its community, creating growth and opportunities” embarks to steer the agenda for integrated development and planning.
In terms of the Witzenberg Municipal Spatial Development Framework (MSDF), one of the key considerations regarded as critical to achieving the mentioned vision is to maintain and protect Witzenberg’s natural environment and associated resources.
The Ceres Mountain Fynbos Nature reserve (CMFNR) is a protected area for biodiversity under the control of the Witzenberg