Miss Kentucky contestant files suit against WKU employees SHELBY ROGERS NEWS@WKUHERALD.COM
A Miss Kentucky USA contestant who found herself “head over heels” in Van Meter Hall has filed a complaint with two university employees after tripping off the Van Meter stage. Whitney Beckner, of Bowling Green, was a participant in the pageant held at WKU
in January 2012. Beckner was injured during one of the pageant rehearsals when her heel got stuck “in a concealed, open space between the stage and a set of stairs, causing her to fall to the ground and injure herself,” according to court documents. Jeff Smith, technical director for Van Meter Hall, and Joseph Jones, a student worker, are
specifically mentioned in the complaint. Deborah Wilkins, WKU’s general counsel, said since Smith and Jones are both WKU employees, the university will provide legal aid. “As employees of the university, they were operating within the scope of their job duties,” Wilkins said. Brian Cook, one of the coun-
sels for Beckner, said that Kentucky’s short statute of limitations — the relatively short time someone has to file a complaint — made it difficult to pinpoint who should be mentioned in the case. “Our first priority is to try and figure out who the right people who should be involved,” Cook said. “And that’s difficult to do in that time.”
Cook said he and his cocounsel, Gray Caudill, of Bowling Green, will continue to ask questions after the suit’s filing. “I’d like to see her compensated for the things that have been taken away from her,” Cook said. “She is a young woman who had a good job at a law office, studying for her SEE MISS KY PAGE 2
Students campaign in swing state CAMERON KOCH NEWS@WKUHERALD.COM
WKU Democrats and Republicans alike will be traveling to Ohio this weekend to aid their respective candidates in the “battleground” state. Political science students—eight Republicans and eight Democrats— will be traveling to Cincinnati to work out of Mitt Romney’s and Barack Obama’s campaign offices there as part of a campaign management class. Ohio is one of the largest political swing states, worth 18 electoral votes in the Nov. 6 presidential election. Saundra Ardrey, political science department head, teaches the class. “We are going to one of the counties that may decide the whole election,” Ardrey said. “Where that county goes, then there goes Ohio.” SEE OHIO PAGE 2
For some WKU students watching coverage of Hurricane Sandy at home, they may feel disconnected from the storm’s devastation. St. Louis junior Kaitlynn Smith said it’s been hard for her to watch the coverage and not be able to do anything about it. “You see New York being destroyed in a lot of movies, but to actually think of it happening from a natural disaster is kind of crazy,” Smith said. This summer, Smith worked at Union Square in Lower Manhattan on an off-broadway show. Lower Manhattan was one of the hardest-hit areas by the storm. “I saw a building — well the picture of a building — where the facade collapsed, and it was a building that I passed all of the time because SEE SANDY PAGE 2
Whitehouse sophomore Caleb Nobles started a long-board club at WKU called the “Hill Bombers.” Nobles said this is his first club experience, and he will be proud when it is official. JABIN BOTSFORD/HERALD
Sliding down streets and weaving around obstacles, longboarders claim a unique mode of transportation. Now, WKU boasts its own longboarding club. The new club will host its first meeting Sunday at 4 p.m. in front of Southwest Hall. Whitehouse, Tenn., sophomore Caleb Nobles, the mastermind behind the club, said everyone is welcome. The group currently has about 27 members. Nobles, began longboarding a few years ago and wanted to create a community of longboarders when he came to WKU.
A longboard has a wider wheelbase and more weight than a skateboard. Nobles said longboarders flow with their environment and get great exercise. The group, called the Hill Bombers, mostly rides at night when there is less traffic. They practice on slopes, at the skate park, downtown and in parking structures. “I really enjoy how you can cruise, like surfing on concrete,” he said. “You can easily get lost in it.” Boarders often kick off and keep themselves going by carving, or “flexing,” the board back and forth. Fellow longboarder Ryan Wilkerson said riding allows
him to see a lot of things he would miss in a car. “It’s a more intimate way of seeing the city,” he said. Wilkerson, attended WKU before moving to California. When he moved back to Bowling Green a couple of years ago, he started looking for a group with common interests. He said he is happy to have others to ride with. Wilkerson, an audio engineer, said his longboard, or “burger fetcher,” is a great way to get around. “I can just ride down to the store and get a hamburger and kick back,” he said. Comparing longboarding to music and candy, Wilkerson SEE BOARDING PAGE 2
FRI. 59˚/ 36˚ SAT. 71˚/ 43˚ SUN. 58˚/ 40˚
MON. 55˚/ 36˚
LSATs, looking to advance her career. That’s been derailed for the last eight or nine months, and we’d like to fix that.” Cook said in addition to postponing her LSAT studies, Beckner has also dealt with post-concussive syndrome and is still being treated by physicians. According to the complaint, Beckner is seeking “judgment against the defendants in such an amount to fully and justly compensate the plaintiff for her harms and losses.”
it was only a couple of blocks away and it was on my way to work,” she said. “... And so, to see the building completely destroyed is kind of shocking.” Relatives of Smith in the Queens borough of the city didn’t lose power, but can’t go to work or leave their apartment because of the storm. “It’s the city that never sleeps and I didn’t realize how true that was until I was there,” she said. “Now that they are having to sit in their apartment for days because they can’t leave, it’s kind of driving them crazy.” Some former WKU students are also dealing with the effects of the storm. Michael Ip took classes at WKU until the fall 2010 semester and now lives in an area of Manhattan that has been greatly affected. “My entire building has no water and no electricity,” Ip said. “Pretty much, Manhattan below 40th street has no electricity.” He said the storm was much worse than he expected. “I’m just not happy having to do the 12 floor walk up every single time I go home,” Ip said. Ip, a freelance photographer for ABC News and the New
Motion filed to overturn in favor of WKU Wilkins said she expects Beckner and her lawyers will ultimately negotiate a settlement with the insurance company provided through the pageant. In addition to Smith and Jones individually being mentioned, Connie Harrison, a coordinator with the Miss Kentucky USA pageant, the Miss Kentucky State Pageant organization and the Miss Universe organization were also served complaints, according to the complaint document. Cook said cases similar to Beckner’s average one to two years in court, sometimes longer. Wilkins predicts the case won’t last very long.
York Daily News, said getting to ABC hasn’t been a problem because he walks, but the Daily News is a different story. “Their building was completely flooded, and basically the building is inaccessible and there’s no power,” Ip said. “And they’ve basically had to make a makeshift newsroom in midtown.” Transportation has also been a problem for New Yorkers because some of the subways were flooded. “There are cabs, and people are driving,” Ip said. “However, because there’s no electricity, there’s no traffic lights so there is, like, extensive gridlocking. Traffic is horrendous.” Schools have been closed because many children take the subway and can’t get to school, he said. Cotuit, Mass., senior Emma Charpentier is from an area near Cape Cod. Charpentier said in her hometown, there has been some damage to boardwalks and beach houses but her family “definitely avoided the worst part of it.” She said she was worried about her family and friends far away from WKU. “It’s always hard when you hear that there’s really bad weather, you know, at home,” she said.
Last month, a Warren Circuit Court judge denied an appeal to overturn the initial jury verA former WKU employee has dict in favor of WKU. filed a motion to overturn a Since that time, Zhang’s atruling from the 6th U.S. Cir- torney filed a motion to the cuit Court of Appeals in a suit Supreme Court of Kentucky against the university. late last Friday, asking the Junlian Zhang, a court to overturn former Institute for the Court of ApCombustions Studies peals ruling. The and Environmental Supreme Court Technology professor can deny reviewing with WKU’s Applied the case. Research and TechDeborah Wilkins, nology Program, filed general counsel for a suit claiming the the university, said university invaded her she is preparing a privacy, intentionally response. She said inflicted emotional the state Supreme distress and violated Court can take WILKINS the Kentucky Wages from six to nine General counsel months to decide and Hours Act, court documents state. if they’ll review the SHELBY ROGERS
case. “If they decline, the case is over,” Wilkins said in an email. “If they agree to review it, both parties will submit briefs (again), with a decision expected in about 12 to 18 months.” Zhang was fired in February 2007, seven months after starting her job, following a series of “poor” performance evaluations and after telling her superiors she was pregnant, according to the documents. Zhang claimed the reason she was fired from WKU was largely due to her pregnancy. The trial has been ongoing since Sept. 28, 2010, according to the motion written by Zhang’s lawyer, Pamela Bratcher.
Union Square as seen without any electricity. Lower Manhattan lost power due to Hurricane Sandy on Oct. 29. MICHAEL IP/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Linda Dennin, a WKU alumnae currently living in Merchantville, NJ., also said her area wasn’t as affected as other places. “We’ve been really, really lucky,” Dennin said. Dennin said half of the town she lives in has no electricity and a lot of trees are down. “I know people that are without power, and I know people who have flooded basements,” Dennin said.
Dennin said a tree fell on her son’s two cars. “My son had a tree fall on both of his cars, and that wasn’t much fun, but it just missed his house,” Dennin said. “He was just putting the baby to bed and his tree went down right beside that bedroom, so there’s been a lot of close calls, too, I guess.” She said although the schools re-opened Wednesday, Halloween has been post-
poned in New Jersey — trick or treating will be next Monday. Smith said New York became her home over the summer. “The fact that my area is one of the worst affected areas is bothering me, and I’ve been getting emails from places that I went to in New York asking for help, and it makes me sad that I can’t do anything besides donating to the Red Cross,” she said.
Crime reports BOARDING
said he likes it because it’s fun and relaxing, not because it’s important. Like Wilkerson, WKU swimmer Loui Little longboards to relieve stress. The Melbourne, Australia, sophomore said he uses his longboard to replace his surf board, and the hills of Bowling Green to replace the ocean back home. “It feels great,” he said. “The
A Republican donor is paying for the hotel Republican workers are staying in, while Democratic workers are staying in volunteer homes for the weekend. “It’s a 72-hour push in all the battleground states,” Ardrey said. “There will be delegations of students from all over the country in the battleground states.” Louisville graduate student Tim Gilliam is helping organize the trip. “It’s going to be a valuable opportunity and experience to go to Ohio — which is really the ground zero of this election — and work for our respective candidates,” Gilliam said. “It’s important to be involved. So often our generation is ignored when it comes to the political process.” Gilliam said the student workers will be traveling door-to-door and making phone calls to help increase the influence of both candidates in the highly contested state. Bowling Green senior Poorvie Patel is traveling with the group.
wind in my hair, it’s almost surreal. It helps my sanity, chasing those concrete waves.” Although there is some risk involved, Little said he is careful about how steep the hills are and how fast he goes. He also said longboarding is the least dangerous of board sports. Little met Nobles one day while longboarding and eventually helped form the club. He said they are happy to teach new members and share boards. “Come one, come all,” Little said.
Patel said Ohio is the most important state in the election in her opinion. “The person who wins Ohio will win the election,” Patel said. Patel stressed the importance of getting young people involved in the political process and said historically young people vote in much lower numbers than other voter demographics. “We definitely need to be involved in the decision making process now because it’s going to be influencing our lives for the next 10 to 15 years,” she said. Gilliam hopes all the students on the trip gain insight into how elections are won and lost by seeing what it means to take part in the campaign firsthand. “To be on the ground in these states and show that there are young people who do care about the election, I think that’s important,” Gilliam said. “It’s a valuable learning experience to be up close and personal with what’s going as opposed to just watching it on CNN or Fox News.” For more coverage on this story on Saturday, go to
Reports • Bowling Green Fire Department requested assistance from WKU Police Department after the pulling of a fire alarm at the Sigma Chi fraternity house on Nov. 1. • Freshman Timothy Bassett, Pearce Ford Tower, reported vandalism to his truck parked in University Boulevard parking lot. The damage
is valued at $400. • Police cited freshman Joseph Benham, Keen Hall, for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and facilitating marijuana use with two other individuals in his dorm room on Oct. 29. • Junior Jessica Estill, Southwest Hall, reported the theft of her Kindle Fire on Oct. 29. The value
of the stolen property is estimated at $150. • Dale Dyer, facilities management, reported the Henry Hardin statue outside Cherry Hall being vandalized on Oct. 29. The damage is valued at $5,000. Arrests • Police arrested William Weaver on two alcohol intoxication warrants for Warren County on Oct. 29.
Correction Due to a Herald error, Jerry Cowart was incorrectly identified as Jeff Cowart in an article on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012. The College Heights Herald corrects
all confirmed errors that are brought to reporters’ or editors’ attention. Please call 745-6011 or 745-5044 to report a correction, or email us at
Drag is Back Shows start Saturday at Twisted Tap Starting Saturday, Twisted Tap is the new home for the drag shows in Bowling Green. Nashville senior Simone Lampkin has been working on finding a new location for the shows since Vino’s bought Ellis Place in June. People kept suggesting places to Lampkin where the shows could possibly be held, but wouldn’t seek them out themselves. So, she started looking for ideal locations on her own. “It was frustrating to see nobody putting in effort,” she said. “From June to August there was no progress.” Lampkin finally went to Twisted Tap on the square. She said the owner was willing because he knew drag shows
bring people out to have a good time. Along with finding the new location, Lampkin has taken a leadership position within the drag show community. Several of the previous workers at Ellis Place will be joining her at Twisted Tap like Tim Leake, who goes by DJ Timm, and his sister, Amber, who worked the door. Lampkin contacted Adam Dobson, to be a business partner for the new drag shows. Dobson, a Bowling Green native, had been a part of the Ellis Place cast from September 2010 to June 2011 as Malloy McQueen. Dobson said he left the drag scene because of the way favoritism led the shows. He has been traveling and performing elsewhere since. According to Lampkin, there
will be no pre-sale tickets and no mandatory selling of tables, contrary to how the shows had previously been run. Lampkin and Dobson intend to run the drag shows at Twisted Tap as a business with a focus on diversity. “We want everyone to feel welcome,” Dobson said. He also said they want different kinds of performers to play to different types of people. “We will be picking the ones who will bring new things,” Lampkin said. Lampkin said they want to run their business as unbiased as possible so the cast will be diverse and the audience will be excited to see them. Currently, the show doesn’t have a name because Lampkin wants to wait until the new cast has been formed. It was
Student finds career at 'Body Farm' ANNA ANDERSON DIVERSIONS@WKUHERALD.COM
Scott said. But she realized it wasn’t that bad. Scott said she had been around port-a-potties that had a worse odor. As a child, she grew up being unafraid of blood or body parts. Her father was a biology teacher and would take her hunting. By looking at remains subjectively, Scott said she is able to look at remains as a learning experience. Scott arrived at the University of Tennessee on May 28, 2012, and stayed for the next week to learn how to deal with remains found in shallow graves. First, Scott and her classmates scouted out the area. Then, they mapped the terrain. After sifting through the first centimeter of soil, they catalogued their findings and went down another centimeter. Bit by bit, they dug until they had examined all the bones. Once the course was
over, Scott said she didn’t want to leave. She ended up staying the weekend in Knoxville, Tenn., and made trips back there later in the summer. This semester, she is trying to figure out how to make her studies about homeland security apply to her plans in anthropology. “I’m the crazy bone lady in the physics department,” she said. Scott is currently studying with her graduate advisor Edward Kintzel, an assistant professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department and the director of the WKU Nova Center. The duo is developing a way to use scanning electronic microscopy to study the gunshot residue left on clothing after a gun is fired. Kintzel said this research is a good blend of homeland security and forensic anthropology. “It gives her another tool in her toolbox,” he said.
Julie Scott calls herself a perpetual student. “I’ve been in school since 2005, and I can’t get enough of it,” the 26-year-old from Morgantown said. After obtaining an undergraduate degree in geology, Scott took a lab management job in the Physics and Astronomy Department and began working on a graduate degree in homeland security. She said she was interested in the program initially, but wasn’t sure what she was going to do in the future. That changed after reading a book by William Bass, an anthropologist who founded the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility — otherwise known as the “Body Farm.” “He was wanting a place to study decomposition,” Scott said. Finding out about the Body Farm and meeting William Bass himself changed her career path. She now wants to pursue forensic anthropology. “I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, this is what I’m meant to do,’” Scott said. However, she wasn’t sure if she could handle being around dead bodies all day. Bass recommended she take a class at the Body Farm over the summer, and that’s exactly what she did. Scott said she had some trepidation about taking the course, especially what she would see and smell. “I was just expecting this waste — this plume of decomp to hit me,” Julie Scott changed her major to forensic anthropology after meeting William Bass. PHOTO PROVIDED BY JULIE SCOTT
The Twisted Tap is the new home for drag shows. The first show will be Saturday, Nov. 3 at 11 p.m. with auditions taking place at 5 p.m. JOSHUA LINDSEY/HERALD
previously called Cabaret La Cage. “I don’t know who I want,” she said. “That is why we are hosting an audition.” Auditions will be held at 5 p.m. Saturday before the show at Twisted Tap. The auditions are open to the public and Mallory McQueen and Sammie Luvv, Lampkin’s alter ego, will kick off the event with a duet. The first show will start at 11 p.m and a second show will be
at 1 a.m. Lampkin said the first show will be free to those who are 21 and older, and $5 for ages 1820. “Most 18-year-olds have nowhere to go on the square,” Lampkin said. For now, the show will be once a month. The second show has already been scheduled for Dec. 1. “I’m pumped about it,” Lampkin said. “We have a lot of exciting stuff in store.”
Garr-Barnes new diversity programs director or socioeconomics,” she said. She said the transition to higher education still allowed her For some at WKU, Homecom- to work with a diverse group of ing is a time for festivities. But people. for Andrea Garr-Barnes, it was “I was looking for something an introduction to a new life in that let me be with the same Bowling Green. group of people — make a real Since August of last year, as- change — but where there were sociate math professor Michelle resources,” Garr-Barnes said. Hollis has served as the interim “Working at a state institution director for WKU’s Office of Di- just made sense.” versity Programs, a role that While at Bridgewater, GarrMassachusetts native Andrea Barnes said she still hadn’t Garr-Barnes has now filled. found a home. Garr-Barnes was selected as “Bridgewater took diversity director after vice provost and very seriously and I wasn’t really chief diversity officer, Richard looking for another job, I was Miller, first interviewed other looking for a home,” she said. candidates. Hollis said for Garr-Barnes “We interto do well, viewed three she should We need a more individuals that “get into the comprehensive weren’t totally trenches” with focus to the satisfactory to her new posicommunity me, so we went tion. of diverse back to the ap“Don’t just communities on plicant pool and settle for ‘This we discovered our campus. is the way that Andrea Garrwe’ve always — Richard Miller Barnes had apdone it’ type Chief diversity officer plied after the of responses,’” deadline,” Miller Hollis said. said. “So we went back into the Among the changes, Garrlate applicant pool, and that’s Barnes said she hopes to bring where we identified her and different groups on campus tolooked at her credentials, and I gether. found them to be very appeal“If we can get those from outing.” side of our affinity groups to Along with her credentials, understand the struggle and see Miller said he knew she was the how things benefit everyone, best candidate after talking with then we’ve got some power,” she her. said. “She has a broader perspecMiller said attempts to bring tive on diversity, which is what those groups together haven’t we were looking at for this posi- been effective in the past. tion,” Miller said. “We need a more comprehenGarr-Barnes previously served sive focus to the community of as director of multicultural afdiverse communities on our fairs at Bridgewater State University and as a licensed psy- campus, and that’s what I think chotherapist, where she said Ms. Garr-Barnes brings,” Miller she treated patients she calls said. Garr-Barnes said she thinks “underrepresented.” “I made a conscious decision WKU will be a good fit for her. “I had the opportunity to acas to who I wanted to work with in-treatment, and that was un- cept other offers, but they didn’t derrepresented people, either feel like home,” she said. “WKU because of their race, ethnicity feels like home.” CHELA COUNTS
Opinion COLUMN
It’s easy to downplay everything — but should we?
though I love a good joke as much as the next person, and I hated to be the party pooper, I had to shut The first time I heard about my mouth. Hurricane Sandy was not on It’s easy to make fun of, the Weather Chan- thing that doesn’t directly impact nel or even my local TV station. us. But when we see the devastaNo, the first time I heard about tion that this storm has caused, Hurricane Sandy was when I was including 60-plus deaths so far, on my favorite blog and saw a we should probably ask ourselves picture of the gigantic if this is really a joke; and storm making its way up if jokes about this are rethe East Coast. ally appropriate. The picture wasn’t just even wrote of the storm, however. It two articles about Hurwas a picture of Sandy the ricane Sandy titled “Sansquirrel, from Spongedy’s Gift to America: $3 bob, with her smiling gas” and “Sandy’s Surf A face photoshopped Silver Lining,” about the right over the eye of the supposedly wonderful storm. I was sort of taken swells that Florida surfaback at first, but then ers are celebrating. I unKRIZ I laughed — oh how I derstand as much as the Columnist laughed — and saved the next person that there picture to my computer. For the can be strength from tragedy, and next few days, as the storm con- that good stories can sometimes tinued its path towards D.C., New outweigh the bad. York City and surrounding areas, When I think of good stories the jokes kept coming and I kept that outweigh the bad, I think of reposting them and laughing. people being reunited with famThen the pictures started to ily or pets, or miraculous rescue come in of the devastation, both stories. I don’t think of cheaper here and in places like Haiti, gas for me at the pump, and I which has seen enough destruc- don’t celebrate with surfers in the tion in the past few years. Even south.
Tops & Bottoms
Being excited about these stories is one thing, but for them to be published in such a positive light can be insensitive. On the opposite side of the spectrum, of course, is a positive side. It’s been a long time since I have seen an entire country, no, an entire global community ban together to help out those in need. Aid has been pouring in, from the government or otherwise. I have already received texts from the Red Cross, and have heard amazing stories about those who have chosen the profession of firefighter, nurse, police officer, etc., rescuing and taking care of those who are otherwise helpless. While the internet can be a place that makes light of tragedies, it can also be a beacon. I have friends who have both been impacted by the storm and those who are desperately checking in with them and attempting to help out. It makes me proud to call these people my friends. So, yes, many times we make light of serious situations. But in other instances, we can be the beacon in the storm; no pun intended.
TOPS to no class on election day. BOTTOMS to not everyone taking the day to vote
TOPS football coverage on ESPNU
BOTTOMS to ESPNU not being on the dorm cable lineup
TOPS to basketball season BOTTOMS to flu season
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FOR RENT 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brick house at 1409 Longview. Central heat and air. Washer/dryer hookup. Garage. $675/mo. Call 535-0844 For rent: Clean three bedroom apt. near 13th and Center. Close to Campus. $480 plus deposit. No pets 846-2358
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City of Bowling Green Recreational Staff Assistant II Parker Bennett Center - Plans, organizes, and leads various indoor and outdoor recreational activities, assists with special events - Maintains attendance and activity reports; assists with budget preparation. - Inspects recreation facilities and equipment; recommends maintenance and repair as necessary - High school diploma (or GED) with at least six months experience in recreation, athletics or related area; or any equivalent combination of education, training, or any experience that provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities for this position - Must be able to obtain CPR and First Aid certifications. - Starting Salary: $8.36/hr; plus sick, vacation, and holiday leave - 30 hours/week; (40 hours/week during summer, fall, & spring school breaks and holidays). Weekend work required. Interested applicants should obtain an employment application from the Human Resources Department in City Hall, 1001 College Street, Bowling Green or from our website at Completed applications must be submitted by 4:00 pm, Friday, November 9, 2012. The City of Bowling Green is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-FreeWorkplace. Note to Readers: The College Heights Herald screens ads for misleading or false claims but cannot guarantee any ad or claim. Please use caution when answering ads, especially when asked to send money or provide credit card information. The College Heights Herald is not responsible for the content or validity of these paid classified ads.
ACROSS 1. “Dharma & __” 5 “__ and a Half Men” 8 Actress Turner 9 “Little __ on the Prairie” 12 Gives, but expects back 13 Fisher or Underwood 14 George of “CSI” 15 “__ Show with David Letterman” 16 Actor who appeared on “The A-Team” 18 “Judging __” 19 Broadcasts 20 “__ & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” 21 Voight and Cryer 23 Actress Zellweger 24 Bee or Em 25 Behrs of “2 Broke Girls” 26 Sister of Desi Arnaz Jr. 28 “__ of the Planet of the Apes” 29 Writing fluids 30 Stapleton or Smart 32 “NCIS: __ Angeles” 35 “...__ the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la...” 36 Bit of parakeet food 37 Competent 38 Role for Leo G. Carroll 40 Stockholm resident 41 Smile derisively 42 Hatcher of “Desperate Housewives” 43 Commercials 44 “The __ of Night”; long-running crime mystery series DOWN 1 Sparkle 2 “American Idol” judge 3 Finishes 4 Hydrogen or helium 5 “__ So Raven” 6 “She __ a Yellow Ribbon”; John Wayne movie 7 “Days of __ Lives” 10 Actor on “The Big Bang Theory” 11 Spooky 12 Actor Nicholas __ 13 “My Mother the __”
15 “Schindler’s __”; Steven Spielberg movie 17 Mao __-tung 19 Actress Meara 20 “__ Make a Deal” 22 French affirmatives 23 Harness strap 25 Garrett of “Everybody Loves Raymond” 26 Enkindled 27 College credits 30 Shouts derisively 31 Suffix for command or auction 33 Nostalgic song 34 “__ Spot Run”; David Arquette movie 36 Drove too fast 37 Filled with reverent wonder 39 Tiny green veggie 40 Sault __. Marie
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@lib_catdaddy — I love our bell tower!!! It's playing songs from the nightmare before Christmas!! #WKU — Sent 10/31 @tayashley21 — Gorilla on a unicycle... I love #WKU — Sent 10/31 @itskevintho — So far I've seen Zelda and a clown on campus. #Halloween #wku — Sent 10/31 @LB_Fiorella — Seeing big red on campus puts a smile on my face and makes my day. #WKU #DayMade — Sent 10/31 @wdfoley — Just saw Tinkerhoe walking down university Blvd #wku — Sent 10/31 @eh_pril — There's Michael Jackson, a gorilla, and me, a disappointed hockey fan on the bus today.. #Halloween #college #WKU — Sent 10/31 @TheGirlGuysLike — The foolishness I will see on campus today. Starting with this monkey on the bus #HELP #WKU — Sent 10/31
CHH POLITICS Student face-off: The Presidency DALTON WORKMAN
would dare to tempt us. When you head to the ballot box, you can vote for an incumbent presiWith four days remaining until elec- dent, who inherited a mess and made tion day, it appears that Mitt Romney it 10 times worse, who told the Rushas the momentum. Does this mean sian Prime Minister that he would a Romney victory next Tuesday? have “more flexibility after the elecRomney currently has tion,” in regards to our a two percentage point nuclear weapons, and a lead over President Barack president who has crushed Obama in many of the nathe middle class by statetional polls. The problem ments such as, “if you’ve got for the Obama campaign a business, you didn’t build is that their poll numbers that, someone else made haven’t gone up. that happen!” The campaign has reHowever, you have an mained at around 47 peralternative in Romney — cent of those that are polled a man who understands while Romney has been what it takes to get an econWORKMAN steadily increasing his naromy rolling again. Someone Political row lead. For argument who took over a disastrous contributor sake, let’s say that Romney Winter Olympics, brought does in fact pull off the win next Tues- it back and is now seen as an Ameriday. What impact does this have? can success story. Someone who will Historically, Obama would be the bring us together, instead of dividing first Democratic president to lose us by playing class warfare. a battle for re-election since Jimmy It’s your vote, your choice, your fuCarter. Many will also argue that this is a direct result of the president’s failed economic policies that have crippled our country. Others will say that they saw this coming, since the Republicans took back the House of Representatives in 2010. So let me give you a run down of a few things that a Romney administration would do. After being sworn in as president, Romney would hit the ground running. He has promised he would go to Congress in a bipartisan move to bring both parties together, in hopes of coming to a bipartisan solution on how to strengthen our economy. Romney, having been a governor of a state with an 86 percent Democratic legislature, could easily achieve this. He would work to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Immediately, he would begin working on ways to bring down our nation’s sky rocketing deficit. He would also make sure that America’s military is top notch and that no country OPINION@WKUHERALD.COM
the great nation that it was before. This election could be decided by the economy, so it’s important for us Tuesday is election day. The pres- to elect a president with a solid ecosure is on to make the right decision nomic plan. this year in particular, because we Based on our history as a country, know that we’re not deciding on our I must side again with the path that leader for the next four years. Obama has chosen. I We’re deciding what will hapknow that a lot of people pen to our retirement, our sowant to believe that the cial security, our health care, current economy is the our education and so much fault of Obama’s adminmore. istration, but it was PresiIn the past four years, President George W. Bush that dent Barack Obama has done came into office with a his best to work with both parsurplus which was deties when making huge decipleted by the time that sions for our country, such as Obama took office. military decisions. President Bill Clinton HARLAN We’ve now ended the war in gave us that surplus, and Political Iraq, and we have a solid plan he’s helping Obama with contributor for Afghanistan. the economy now and Our economy is struggling, and endorsing him in this year’s election. once we get our troops safe at home, If we’re trusting history, we may not we can better focus on what needs to want the candidate that will extend be done in America to bring it back to Bush’s economic plan. There are also the social issues to look at. We are only two judges away from Roe v. Wade being overturned. We need someone who will keep our pro-choice laws. We need someone who supports women in the workplace, and that doesn’t mean putting them in binders or letting them off early so that they can go home and cook. We also need a president who supports marriage equality, allowing all citizens to have the same rights. In short, we need Obama. OPINION@WKUHERALD.COM
The opinions stated in these columns are strictly those of the contributors. They do not reflect the views of the College Heights Herald or Western Kentucky University.
Mitt Romney
Barack Obama
Age: 65
Age: 51
Hometown: Belmont, Mass.
Hometown: Chicago, Ill.
Education: Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University, MBA from Harvard Business School, Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School
Education: Bachelor’s degree from Columbia University, Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School
Experience: Romney ran for president in 2008. He was governor of Massachusetts from 2002-2006 and he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1994. He has served as the CEO of the Salt Lake Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, the CEO and chair of Bain and Company and was founder, CEO and managing partner of Bain Capital.
Experience: Obama was a senator from 2005-2008 and served in the Illinois State Senate from 19962004. He has also worked as a community organizer, an author, an attorney at Sidley and Austin and a professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago. Family: Wife — Michelle; two children — Malia and Sasha
Family: Wife — Ann; five children — Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben and Craig; 10 grandchildren
Cited Influence: Martin Luther King Jr.
Cited Influence: Ronald Reagan
Hobbies: Basketball, writing, spending time with family
Hobbies: Running, reading, horseback riding, spending time with family Source:
Why do I vote? Because I can. I live in country that deems my opinion important, and that is so rare. I vote because, as a woman, my gender had to fight for that right and I never want that fight to be in vain. I vote because it makes me feel powerful. It makes me feel patriotic. In this small way — one vote towards a possible majority which leads to the electoral college and then the White House — I leave my mark on my country. Why not vote? I hear the excuses constantly. Neither
choice is good enough. My And President Barack Obama vote doesn’t matter. I don’t and Mitt Romney aren’t the have the time. only two running for I argue every one of the highest office. Do those excuses. Even if a little research and you can find no presfind out if there is a idential candidate to third party candidate support, other races you agree with. will be on the ballot. The fact that we as And many of those Americans can vote have more direct efis the only reason we fect than the presishould need to vote, dential race. Some because voting is states have referensomething so vital to PHILLIPS dums on the ballots the lifeblood of our Political page that affect the concountry. The fact that coordinator stitutions or laws of you can means you that state. The elecshould vote, this year tion for the leader of the free and every election after. world isn’t all that is at stake. This is what CHH Politics
has been rushing toward since the semester started. We have been working to educate readers so they can vote from a knowledgeable and confident place. WKU gave students the day off on Nov. 6. Sleep in, catch up on homework or TV. Enjoy a day free from lectures and tests. And go vote. Vote for who you think will do a better job running the country as a whole. Vote for who you want to represent you in Congress or the Senate. Vote for state level offices and your county clerk. In some places you can even vote for the coroner. And your vote will matter. It will matter
in deciding the outcome of the elections, and it will matter to you. You can raise your voice and participate in democratic process. This is the CHH Politics call to action. Go vote. Tell your friends to vote. Post it on Facebook. Reach out to your Twitter followers. Leave your mark on this country.
If you are voting in Kentucky, find out your polling place at:
is for
“You don’t want to know the time it took to get these,” said Elvyonn Bailey, left, a junior from Riverside, Calif. Bailey is on the WKU cross country team and has had tattoos for several years. “I am not going to get any on my hands or neck, no sir,” said Frankfort senior Rico Obannon (right). Obannon got his first tattoo on his 18th birthday and has continued ever since. DEMETRIUS FREEMAN/HERALD
Students use tattoos for expression MARY ANNE ANDREWS DIVERSIONS@WKUHERALD.COM
From delicate flowers to graphic skulls, WKU students use tattoos to express themselves in a variety of ways. For Owensboro sophomore Corey Jackson, tattoos are a way to honor his parents. Jackson said it’s important for his tattoos to mean something. When he wanted a tattoo for his mom, he got her birthdate to help him remember it. “You start thinking about it more and more, and you want more of them,” he said about wanting additional tattoos after getting his first. Six tattoos and nearly $600 later, Jackson said he wants more. But it’s not an easy process. “It’s like a sewing machine going in and out of your skin,” he said.
Cleveland junior Bill Banks also uses Georgetown junior Sara Colvin uses a his tattoo to remember home. tattoo to express her faith. Banks chose a nautical theme for his Colvin said after getting out of a bad full-chest tattoo. A blue anchor is surrelationship she changed her focus. “I had always depended on a guy,” rounded by two roses and two swallows she said. “I had never understood what in the large graphic that took six hours to complete. The anchor it meant to have a relasymbolizes strength, tionship with Christ.” to Banks said. After being baptized in from The swallows are traDecember 2011, Colvin Each Friday, the College ditionally the last bird a said she got Proverbs 31:25 Heights Herald brings you on her ribs as a reminder a story inspired by a letter sailor sees when leaving home and the first they of her newfound strength. of the alphabet. see upon returning. He A second tattoo — that Colvin designed herself — represents said they help him remember where another special relationship. Colvin his home is. Banks also has a sugar skull tattoo on and her sister’s birth flowers wrap around her foot. She said before she his arm and a heart on the inside of his left home to attend college, she wanted lip — yes, inside his mouth. He said he hopes to get as many tather sister to know she would be thinktoos as he can. ing of her. “It means no matter how far away I Tattoo fever has also spread to Frankam, we’re always together,” she said. fort senior Rico Obannon. The normal-
ly reserved student said he uses tattoos to express himself. Some of Obannon’s tattoos serve as memorials to loved ones he has lost. Praying hands help him remember his father, who died when he was 15. Other tattoos are dedicated to his late sister and grandparents. With 23 tattoos, Obannon’s ink says a lot. His other tattoos include birds, roses, religious symbols, clowns and quotes. Because of the positive nature of his tattoos, Obannon said he hasn’t received negative feedback about how many he has. While his mom wouldn’t let him get a tattoo before he turned 18, he said she approves of the ones he has. “They all represent me and my life,” he said. “I’m not an expressive person. But if you look at my skin, it expresses who I am, where I’ve come from and who I am today.”
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“Tucker and Dale vs. Evil� combines horror and comedy BEN CONNIFF DIVERSIONS@WKUHERALD.COM
Last Saturday, I received a recommendation from a high school friend to check out a film called “Tucker and Dale vs. Evilâ€? for my 31 Nights of Halloween marathon. I had heard of this movie and had even seen it once. But it took a second viewing to remind me how I felt about it. “Tucker and Dale vs. Evilâ€? is a genrebending horror-comedy that turns typical horror clichĂŠs on their head. It’s about a pair of naĂŻve, harmless hillbillies from West Virginia named Tucker and Dale, portrayed with hilarious perfection by Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine. They decide to take a vacation to their newly-acquired, dilapidated cabin in the woods. A “fixer-upper,â€? as Dale puts it. But a chance encounter with a group of college kids leads Dale to come to a girl's rescue. From there, Tucker and Dale nurse the girl back to health while the college kids believe their friend has been kidnapped by two killer hillbillies. On a mission to get her back, the kids start terrorizing the hillbillies and end up killing themselves in unique ways — ways that, to the outside observer or law enforcement official, look as if the hillbillies murdered the kids. My favorite part about this movie has got to be the way its script works with
horror clichĂŠs and essentially spoofs them, while at the same time, roots them in a solid original story. It’s also different because it makes heroes of the usual villains and villains of the typical heroes/victims. Tudyk and Labine are highly entertaining as the so-called hillbilly heroes. “30 Rockâ€? hottie Katrina Bowden also makes a decent outing as the damselin-distress and girl of Dale’s dreams. “Tucker and Dale vs. Evilâ€? reminds me very much of Ruben Fleischer’s “Zombielandâ€? and Drew Goddard’s “The Cabin in the Woodsâ€? for the way it plays with genre clichĂŠs and fits intentional humor and fun characters into typical horror settings. I have yet to see a horror-comedy that I have not enjoyed, but “Tucker and Dale vs. Evilâ€? has got to be my favorite of them all. I laughed my way through this 89-minute feature tfrom beginning to end. If you are like me and enjoy a diversion from typical horror or comedy fare, I highly encourage you to check out “Tucker and Dale vs. Evilâ€? on Netflix. It’s a bonafide belly-laugher that’s perfect for Halloween or anytime. Ben Conniff is a Villa Hills sophomore majoring in marketing with a minor in film studies. For more of his commentary, follow him on Twitter @thereelbennyc
During these two and a half years in college, I have heard a lot of friends complaining about the poor shopping opportunities in Bowling Green. They say there aren’t enough good stores, and the selection in the existing stores is terrible. It’s really time to stop complaining. Since the invention of the Internet, the coolest shopping destinations in London, Paris, Milan, Tokyo and New York are just a few clicks away. I’m a huge fan of buying my clothes online. It takes some planning ahead and keeping up with the latest trends to know what I will want to wear the next season. However, I always make my orders in advance so the desired piece of jewelry, a winter jacket or comfy rain boots arrive exactly at the right time for me to show off on campus. Yes, there is a chance of getting the wrong size. Yes, it is annoying to wait a week (in the best-case scenario) for the purchase to arrive. Yes, it’s stupid to pay more just for shipping and handling, but in the end, when you finally find that large box at your doorstep, it is so worth it. The last thing I bought online was a fur neck-warmer from michaelkors. com. It was a total rip-off for a scarf, but I don’t think I have ever gotten so many compliments in just a few
days of wearing it. Because fur never really goes out of style, I comfort myself with the thought that it was an investment. I also enjoy European fashion, especially that in London. My favorite online stores are and I call it high fashion for budget prices. To be successful in ordering clothes from other countries, you should do a little research beforehand and find out details about sizing and other currencies. Shopping is believed to be addictive, and for me, it really is when it comes down to online shopping. It’s so easy and engaging to go through all those fancy shopping sites examining each look and dreaming how nice it would look on me. The next thing I know, I receive an email that my order has been made successfully. This way, I avoid going to the mall, waiting in lines, dealing with associates, and buying something just because I made all this effort to go there. So if you are looking for some statement pieces and want to stand out in the crowd of other college students, online shopping is the best way to do that in Bowling Green. The next time you visit the mall, you won’t reach for your wallet to buy the first thing you see, because you know how much good stuff the rest of the world has to offer.
Lifelong Learning offers varied courses for community TAYLOR HARRISON NEWS@WKUHERALD.COM
No matter what the subject may be, Lifelong Learning at WKU probably offers it in a class. Courses that have already taken place this semester include Lawn Care on a Budget, Using Social Media for Marketing, Make Your Own: Rain Barrel and Repurposing: Used Pallets. Sharon Woodward, program director of Lifelong Learning, said the courses offered center on topics she thinks would be of interest to people
in the community. class, were in partner- that they don’t realize are The courses, offered ship with the Office of sustainability issues.� through the Division of Sustainability and ComAnother partnership Extended Learning and munity Farmers Market. Lifelong Learning has is Outreach, don’t count as “I really want to do a with the Confucius Insticredits. series of courses around tute. “We would love to have sustainability,� she said. Many Chinese courses had more students have been offered I think they were very in those classes, but — ranging from Chisuccessful because the I think they were nese paper cutting to people who participated very successful becalligraphy. in them were so excited cause the people Betty Yu, assistant to be learning more. who participated director for Educa— Sharon Woodward in them were so tional Outreach at excited to be learn- Lifelong Learning program director the Confucius Instiing more in each of tute, said the calligthose individual areas,� “I think people are will- raphy class is the most Woodward said. ing to do more for the en- popular so far. Two of the courses, the vironment, and there are She said those toprain barrel-making class a lot of things that they ics were chosen for the and the repurposing may be doing already courses for a specific rea-
of the 12-year program that the Lady Toppers have made it to the semifinals. Senior forward Amanda Buechel said the team is excited and focused on the game. “I think we are all just feeling good that we got out of the game (Wednesday) alive and are ready to put a good match on Friday against a tough opponent,� she said. To advance to the semifinals, the Lady Toppers defeated Arkansas State 1-0 Wednesday afternoon.
“We knew from our previous game with Arkansas State that they were going to be one heck of a team,� Neidell said. Wednesday’s game was tied at halftime after a scoreless first half. “They made it difficult on us, and we just knew going into the second half that we would have to grind it out and hopefully something good would come of it, and eventually it happened for us,� Neidell said. The goal came in the 76th minute when Buechel headed the ball in the net. The ball came after a header from senior defender Ali Stahlke, who received it on a corner kick from junior
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son. “Those are representations of Chinese culture,� she said. “And so, my teachers wanted to do something that is representative because it’s only a two hour block,� Yu said. She said she was very excited to get the call from Woodward about a partnership, because it would help advertise the program to the public. One course being offered this semester is an online class — Chess Playing Level 1: Apprentice. The course allows people to sign up at any
Kelsey Burnette. “Kelsey crossed a great ball to the far post and Ali did a great job of keeping the play alive and hit it back across the goal,� Buechel said. “I just reframed the goal and was there for the header.� Buechel was named secondteam All-Sun Belt and is among the league’s top scorers, with nine goals throughout the regular season. Stahlke was named Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Year this week, as well. If the Lady Toppers defeat North Texas, they will play the winner of the game between Middle Tennessee and Florida International.
time, but has to be finished by the end of the semester. Tulsa, Ok., graduate student Samuel Hunt is the instructor for the course. He said whoever takes the course can help teach other beginners. “Each lesson is basically designed so that a teacher or a player or a coach can go in and they can get the information and then they can take that back to their chess club,� Hunt said. The next course is a Fresh Floral Thanksgiving Centerpiece course on Nov. 19 from 6 to 8 p.m.
CROSS COUNTRY CONTINUED FROM SPORTS four weeks, I managed to get going again and got in some encouraging workouts. “But it wasn’t enough to do my part for the team on Saturday‌ I plan on completing my collegiate cross country career at the regional meet with everything I have left in the tank.â€? Mokone said WKU can make an impact at the meet. “We are really looking forward to do better at the NCAA regionals,â€? Mokone said. “All the hard work has been done. Now we just have to execute.â€?
1802 Russellville Rd. 2460 Nashville Rd. 2628 Scottsville Rd. 1162 W. 31 Bypass
sports WKU 29, MTSU 34
Running back Antonio Andrews is tackled during the game against Middle Tennessee State on Thursday at Smith Stadium. WKU battled an early MTSU lead, but lost 29-34. JABIN BOTSFORD/HERALD
Due to the Herald's press deadline, we were unable to provide complete coverage of Thursday night's WKU vs. Middle Tennessee State game in today's issue. Log onto for full game coverage, including a game recap, game notebook, column and photo gallery.
WKU ready for Regionals
Senior Joseph Chebet won the Men’s Sun Belt Cross Country Champsionship at Bowling Green’s Keraiakes Park on Oct. 27. Chebet won with a time of 24:46.7 and will be racing at the NCAA Regionals in Charlotte, N.C., on Nov. 10. JEFF BROWN/HERALD
With the Sun Belt Conference championships in the rearview mirror, the cross country Toppers are moving on to the next big event — the NCAA Regionals. Several WKU runners will be completing in the North Carolina event, which takes place Nov. 10 in Charlotte’s McAlpine Park. The final roster for Regionals hasn’t been decided, but it’ll likely resemble WKU’s lineup from last Saturday’s Sun Belt championships in Bowling Green’s Kereiakes Park. Sophomore David Mokone, who finished fourth overall last Saturday, has bigger plans for NCAA Regionals. “I have high expectations to do better than I did last year,” Mokone said. “I know the competition will be tough, but coach (Curtiss) Long has done a great job of preparing us to do well when it counts.” Senior Joseph Chebet will be one of
the favorites at Regionals. He was crowned individual Sun Belt Champion after winning the 8K contest by a comfortable nine-second margin over the second place runner. “You always want to win, but I liked the way our guys competed,” head coach Erik Jenkins said. “For Joseph, it was a fine race. For him to do what he did against the talent and conditions he did it in was fantastic. He’s in a great spot moving forward.” His performance led the Toppers to a fifth-place team finish and earned him Most Outstanding Performer and AllSun Belt Conference honors. Redshirt senior Kyle Chettleburgh showed out for the Toppers last weekend after nursing a hamstring injury all season. “After stringing together some successful results last year, I was certain that I would continue the momentum into this Cross Country season,” Chettleburgh said. “Over the past three or SEE CROSS COUNTRY PAGE 7
WKU will make its last regular season road trip this weekend when it faces Troy Friday night at 7 and South Alabama Sunday at noon. If any team is looking to upset the Lady Toppers in the regular season, Troy statistically has the best shot to do so. If WKU (26-3, 12-0 Sun Belt Conference) defeats the Trojans, it will lock up the Sun Belt regular season title. If Troy (18-9, 8-3) upsets the Lady Toppers, the Trojans are mathematically still in the hunt for the championship. Like nearly every team in the conference, WKU swept the Trojans early in the year. Defensively, Troy matches up well with the Lady Toppers. While WKU leads in the defensive column, the Trojans are third in line, holding opponents to a .167 hitting percentage, while the Lady Toppers defend at .142. But the matchup to watch is the two SBC Players of the week. Sophomore right side hitter Alicia Dukes, of Troy, posted a career-high 19 kills on three errors in the Trojans five-
set win at Florida A&M. Junior defensive specialist Ashley Potts, who won the Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week award this week for the third time this year, will be tasked with stopping Dukes. Troy sits atop the league in digs, averaging 16 a game. Coach Travis Hudson said that will present the biggest threat to the Lady Toppers. “They’re playing with a lot of confidence and momentum,” Hudson said. “They’re doing what they’re doing through great effort. They’re not the most physical team in the league, but they are just playing with great intensity and effort through defense.” WKU’s Saturday opponent, South Alabama (13-13, 6-5) just gave up a season sweep to Troy. Jaguar coach Amy Hendrichovsky said this week that WKU “is a very disciplined team that is playing consistent and error-free volleyball.” At this point in the year, Hudson says his team is polishing up their game. “We have installed everything we’re going to up to this point,” Hudson said. “Right now, we’re just looking for consistency.”
For the second time in the Sun Belt Conference tournament, the Lady Toppers will face an opponent they have already beaten this season. The No. 4-seed Lady Toppers will play No. 1-seed North Texas, a
side it beat 2-0 on Oct. 21, at 4 p.m. Friday in Mobile, Ala., in the league semifinals. “I think having beaten them during the regular season gives us confidence, but it’s hard to beat good team twice in one year,” coach Jason Neidell said. “They’re pumped about playing us and getting ven-
geance for earlier this season.” The Lady Toppers were the only team to defeat North Texas in conference play this season. “They’re coming after us,” Neidell said. “We have to be really focused and bring our ‘A’ game.” The game will mark the ninth time in the history SEE REMATCH PAGE 7