November 4, 2011 College Heights Herald

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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2011 • College Heights Herald • Vol. 87, No. 19 • Western Kentucky University

Peay confident about upcoming mayoral election By NATALIE HAYDEN


Sean Pugh, a 2006 WKU graduate, is the character coach, or chaplain, for the football team. Pugh is in his fourth season doing the job. “I get to impact peoples’ lives — be a resource to young people,” he said.

Beyond the field Chaplain serves as mentor for football team By SHANE WOOD

Sean Pugh’s role with the WKU football program goes beyond the field. The Toppers' football character coach and chaplain said he is focused on faith and eternity. “Wins and losses are important, especially this being my alma mater, but I am more concerned with where the guys spend eternity,” Pugh said. “I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ. I am a firm believer that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I believe that no one gets to the Father, except through Him.” Pugh said Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and God’s love is shown through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Pugh said he stands firm in his beliefs, but he isn’t going to force his faith on other people. “I believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation,” he said. “I do believe that and stand firm in that, but I am not going to push that on someone else. I am going to love everybody.” Pugh said there are guys on the team with all different beliefs and backgrounds.

“I love every last dude on that team,” Pugh said. “I want the guys to become men. I want them to make a difference in the world. I want them to be great husbands and great fathers.” Franklin, Tenn., redshirt junior Luke Stansfield, who plays as an offensive linemen for WKU, said he is just one of the players that have been impacted by Pugh’s presence on the team. “Sean can relate to just about anybody,” Stansfield said. “The biggest thing Sean brings is a genuine faith.” Stansfield said that Pugh is a good example for the team and a significant figure in and out of the locker room. Pugh leads coaches’ devotions and individual player Bible studies. Stansfield said Pugh eats lunch with him every couple weeks just to see how he is doing. “I thought college would be a time where my faith would be challenged, but I can honestly say that my relationship with the Lord wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for Sean,” Stansfield said. SEE MENTOR, PAGE 3

Brandon Peay doesn’t want to be the only WKU student involved in politics. The Bowling Green sophomore, who said he believes he has the support of WKU students in Tuesday's election, has big ideas to include students in city government if elected. “All of my professors told their students I’m running and I got the strangest looks,” Peay said. “It gives me initiative to better myself even more. “I think I’ve got a pretty good chance of winning.” One thing Peay, who is running against Commissioner Bruce Wilkerson and Mayor Joe Denning, said he wants to do if elected is better use social media in attracting tourism — and he wants students to help. “Looking at social media marketing, we have many options available,” Peay PEAY said. “We even have students at Western who could create a website. It would be an opportunity for students to work in politics.” Students would not only help their city, but they would help themselves as well, Peay said. “[It would] make students use their knowledge and input to attract more businesses in the city. When businesses find out we have Western students managing the city’s website, the businesses will want the students,” he said. SEE PEAY, PAGE 6

International Programs director resigns By KATHERINE WADE

Rick Sutton, executive director of the Office of International Programs, resigned from his position on Oct. 26. for unknown reasons. Until a new director can be chosen, Deborah Wilkins, chief of staff and general counsel, will serve as interim director of the office. The Office of International Programs includes the International Student Services and Study Abroad departments. Sutton was hired on June 1, 2010, Wilkins said. Gordon Emslie, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, said he could not comment about the reason Sutton is leaving WKU. There is no timeline for when a new director will be chosen, Emslie said. SEE RESIGN, PAGE 3

Alumna's store fuels 'junking' habit By NATALIE WEST

Storeowner Danielle Labold considers herself a “junker,” as she enjoys digging through dumpsters for hidden treasures, even while wearing a dress. In early October, the WKU alumna moved her salvage shop to 326 East Main St., and changed its name from Labold & Sons Salvage to Labold & Sons Spot Cash Store. Labold renamed the store after the men’s clothing store, Spot Cash, which had been in the square since 1929. She bought the store after the building was sold at an auction. Since then, Labold has made it her own. The store has everything from a 1950s piece of furniture to a vintage turquoise ring.

“People call it picking, but I consider it junking,” Labold said about the way she collects the vintage pieces for her store. The store owner is also an artist and donates a lot of her own artwork to the Humane Society and RePets Animal Rescue for silent auctions to help the facilities raise money. Labold said her favorite things to paint are disgruntled animals in tight suits, such as annoyed dogs on high-wheeled bikes or actual angry birds in heels. The owner said she had the idea to open a store this past spring and soon set forth to WKU’s campus to see if students liked the proposal. “I tried to chase down artsy looking people,” she said. “I looked for hands with clay or paint on them FRI. 64˚/ 33˚


and asked the people if they would have interest in a store like this.” Labold opened the first store over the summer. She likes to sell to locals and doesn’t do business online. “I want people who are going to appreciate the beauty of the object — not those who just want to scrap it,” Labold said. She recently collected bricks that had been left behind from different locations and used them to make flowerbeds. “I don’t think of anything as trash,” Labold said. “Most of the stuff people throw away I can patch or use some way.” Many of the items in her store have been previously broken or discarded, which Labold then refurbishes. “I brake for broken


SAT. 69˚/ 39˚


Labold and Sons Spot Cash is the home of many treasures, and is also the second home of the co-owner, Danielle Labold. The 35-year-old Labold, along with her husband and sister, have been in the process of moving into their new location on Main Street.

things,” she joked. However, Labold didn’t just open the store to garner

a greater appreciation for things of the past, but to also recognize current artists and

SUN. 66˚/ 50˚

MON. 70˚/ 50˚

their works. SEE STORE, PAGE 3

WKU Herald mobile app

TUES. 74˚/ 55˚

WED. 61˚/ 40˚




NOVEMBER 4, 2011 ally a high-tech occupa- and her work. tion, DePorter said. She is “She is a really great, on the computer most of upstanding student,” Flethe time in her classes. ner said. “I think it is her DePorter uses Photo- enthusiasm and drive to shop and Publisher, but not just slap something on mostly AutoCAD, an ar- a piece of paper and hand chitectural design pro- it in. She really thinks gram. about what she does. She “I am very much a per- is focused on her future.” fectionist,” she said. “So Since DePorter said she it is a lot easier for me to is aware of the fact that make things exactly how the time to apply for a job they would look in life.” is coming soon, she has Although DePorter isn’t started to work with clients into designing homes, she outside the classroom. decorated her own room, “Currently, I am workwhich, i n g in means on a of style, project greatly with a differs private from declient signs that from she is Louisused to ville, doing for designEach Friday, the Herald brings you ing the projects. “ M y a story inspired by a letter of the dentist s t y l e office,” alphabet. is very D e clean, Porter very minimalist when I am said. designing for commercial Kristin Wallace, a sespaces,” she said. “But I nior interior design stufeel like, in my home it is dent from Louisville and a cozy, more vintage and not good friend of DePorter’s, as modern.” has her own opinion why DePorter said that a DePorter does such a great great deal of inspiration job on her projects. for her designs comes “Dani is a super hardfrom other people’s work worker,” Wallace said. and the world around her. “She comes in early and “I am really inspired by stays in late. Design for graphic design, which I do her is not nine to five, it is not think people believe a lifestyle.” correlate to interior deEven though DePorter sign,” she said, “I look at said she has not applied blogs a ton and read archi- for a job yet, she does tecture and design maga- have some ideas where she zines, such as Dwell.” would like to work. HowDePorter’s academic ever, later in life, DePortadvisor is Sheila Flener, er’s ultimate goal is not who is a family and con- to be an employee but an sumer sciences instruc- employer. tor from Bowling Green. “I would love to have Flener said she has a great my own firm one day,” she appreciation for DePorter said.




Louisville senior Danielle DePorter interned at Bittners, a design firm in Louisville, this past summer and said, “I felt like I was more prepared than all the other interns.” DePorter is a member of WKU’s interior design program.


is for Interior Designer


Danielle DePorter said a lot of people don’t really know what interior design is. The Louisville senior said there is a perception that interior design is only about picking out furniture and bed spreads. However, she said this is not the truth


■ Iyonia Burns, BemisLawrence Hall, reported her debit card stolen on Nov. 1. According to her statement in the police

Student works to further career in design at all. DePorter is an interior design student at WKU and said that her choice to study the major was not random. She said her parents had a huge impact on her making this decision when she was just a child. “My mom was always changing things around the house, and I always

loved it.” DePorter said. “My dad studied architecture for a while, so I guess those genes were kinda passed on to me too.” Designing residential spaces, like picking out bed spreads, isn’t the part of interior design that DePorter wants to do with her life.

report, she last used the card on Oct. 28.

pear in court to deal with a misdemeanor citation. Horne was lodged in the Warren County Regional Jail and released the same day. His bond was set at $209.


■ Paul Horne Jr., PearceFord Tower, was arrested Nov. 3 after being served a warrant for failing to ap-

I’m a Right Brainer. Creative and Constantly thinking of things to design Do you think you’re a Right brainer like me? Come Apply to be the Creative Staff! The College Heights Herald Student Publications Building

“I really want to do commercial design,” she said. “I am more interested in an architectural part of interior design than in just decorating. The whole purpose of commercial design is health, safety and welfare of the public. I want to benefit others through buildings.” Interior design is actu-

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3 Dance program earns national accreditation

NOVEMBER 4, 2011


Students looking for quality dance instruction may now find that WKU’s program has the right moves to suit their needs. On Monday it was announced that WKU’s dance program has earned accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Dance. The program’s accreditation makes it the fourth and final arts program at WKU to become ac-


credited, according to a university press release. WKU is now one of only 30 schools in the nation to have its music, theatre, dance and art programs all meet the standard. “It says that we have the same standards with everyone else accredited in the country as far as facilities and curriculum,” said Clifton Brown, associate professor of dance and coordinator of dance. David Young, head of the Theatre and Dance department,

CORRECTION Due to a Herald error, Brandon Peay, a Bowling Green sophomore running for mayor, was incorrectly stated not to have attended any mayoral forums in a front page article about the upcoming election in the Nov. 1 issue. Of the four forums that have taken place, Peay did attend the first one. The Herald regrets the error.

said that the department has been pursuing accreditation for more than two years and it has come fairly quickly. “It’s a multi-year process to do it, and I think we’ve been at it for two and half years now,” he said. Young said to earn accreditation, the department had to do a self-study, along with having visitors from the association prepare a report on how the program fits its standards. The department also had to wait three years to pursue accreditation, since the



Stansfield said Pugh is helping him and his fellow players develop as men, which includes teaching them about money management, time management and community service. Pugh also talks to different organizations on a daily basis to help the team serve the community. Head Coach Willie Taggart said he greatly admires Pugh’s character through working with his athletes. Taggart affirmed that any player can come to Pugh, regardless of their



“For a position as important as this one, I want to think carefully moving toward conducting a search,” Emslie said. Three committees will be working on assessing the department and redefining what the director’s role will be, he said. Emslie said the office of international programs is a very important unit at the

bachelor of arts degree in Dance began in 2007. “It’s a long process,” Young said. Young said that NASD accreditation is important because “they set standards for quality.” Brown said accreditation is important because it now allows the department to notify WKU that the program has outgrown the dance studio they’ve been using. In order to maintain the NASD standard of quality, they need a bigger space, Brown said.

faith or background. Taggart said Pugh is just a “great mentor” and a “great guy.” “Sean is one of those guys that all our players can go to and talk to about personal problems or football,” Taggart said. Taggart said Pugh has been influential to the team, especially after what they have been through recently. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a negative thing come out of him,” Taggart said. Pugh was raised in Huber Heights, Ohio, by his mother, who he said has been one of his biggest influences.

university and the person in charge will have a key role to play. “It’s very important that we highlight the international role at WKU,” Emslie said. “It’s a two-way street — attracting international students and faculty to come here, and exposing our students and faculty to opportunities abroad.” President Gary Ransdell said the “internationalization of our university experience is a priority.” “We need strong leader-

Brown said the department is in the middle of asking for a solution to the overcrowding, but he doesn’t know whether it will be in the form of an upgrade or renovations. Lisa Draskovich-Long, a visiting assistant professor of dance, said this is the next step for the department. “It’s going to do wonders,” she said. “Our department is really moving into the next century and this a really big feather in our cap.”

During his senior year of high school, Pugh and his mother came on an official visit to WKU. As soon as they got to cam-

I don't think I've ever heard a negative thing come out of him" —WILLIE TAGGART Head football coach

ship in that regard,” Ransdell said. Once the position has been evaluated, the university will most likely begin a national search, he said. “We will try to seek someone who can direct international programs and continue to move them forward in a progressive and aggressive manner,” Ransdell said. In the meantime, Emslie said Wilkins is very capable of keeping the program running.



In addition, Labold said she was tired of paying double for art. Now, not only are the items in her store already discounted, but students with their WKU ID receive a 10 percent discount on all vintage clothing and other things Labold named her “unusuals.” In addition to buying art, students can also sell their work in Labold’s store. “My goal is to get everyone on my waiting list who is an artist in here and to get their art in a shop,” Labold said. “Many people just don’t give theirselves enough credit for how good they are.” The owner said students can call and set up an appointment to talk about displaying their art.

pus, they fell in love with the university. Pugh then decided Bowling Green was the place where he was going to play football. From 2002-2006, Pugh was an offensive lineman for the Hilltoppers. At that same time, Taggart was the offensive coordinator. Currently while serving as the team’s chaplain, Pugh also helps serve as a university pastor at Hillvue Heights Church. Taggart said that Pugh’s character hasn’t changed over the years. Pugh’s love for God and people has remained the same. “Same character, same personality,” Taggart said.

Wilkins said she has stepped into positions at short notice in the past, including in the department of Human Resources and the department of Environment, Health and Safety. Wilkins said her role is to “keep the wheels turning.” “I’m happy to do it,” she said. “As chief of staff I have a pretty broad knowledge base of how things operate on campus, so it is easy for me to be a placeholder until they can find someone.” Glasgow senior Jake Morrow, a graphic design major, said he would definitely be interested in an opportunity like this. “I think it’s a great idea to get the students’ art involved in the city rather than just on campus,” Morrow said. Labold said she's excited for students to start bringing works into the store. Her coworker, Kenneth Hesson, said he also wants to see pieces come into the store. “These things had a story before, and now they have a story again,” he said. Hesson said he has been helping with the store since the start, and that the process has been inspiring on both his love for the arts and his life. “There is nothing like this in our town and after you visit once, you can’t stop coming in,” Labold said. “We have something new out every day.”

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College Heights Herald • Western Kentucky University




TOPS to promoting that fans should attend this weekend's game. BOTTOMS to actually having to lure students to attend football games.

TOPS to voting in the upcoming elections.

BOTTOMS to generally unappealing races.

That time I went to college Usually when I wake up at 5 a.m. on a Monday morning, I’m catching a flight to a backpacking trip in Europe or traveling somewhere gorgeous in the United States. However, on this past Wednesday I woke up at 5 a.m. so I could register for my last semester of college! My LAST SEMESTER. This semester continues flowing by right before the eyes of every single student on the Hill and shows no signs of slowing down. Midterms are over, final projects are beginning and wrapping up, and final exams are on their way. Honestly, it seems like yesterday when my family moved me into room 615 of Barnes-Campbell Hall with my roommate Billy Moore (who also became my fraternity brother and best friend). It wasn’t long after our parents left us to ourselves on the Hill that we began investigating the party scene at WKU. And it wasn’t long before three Greeks came up to us and invited us to our very first “rush” party…and that was all she wrote. We’ve both been a member of our fraternity since freshman year and have no regrets. Even before school started, we all

remember our Academic Transition Program — the tedious and somewhat annoying process of getting to know the Hill and getting advised by people of your future academic department. Holy shit. That happened during my senior year of high school! How has time slipped through our SPENCER JENKINS fingers durScribbled Words ing our time on the Hill? Could it be because I partied pretty hard for the past three and a half years? Possibly. Or could it be because our parents always told us that the older you get, the quicker time flies by? That's a statement my parents always told me but I never wanted to believe. When I arrived at the hill I was 18 years old and I am now 22. Do you realize how many things can happen to a person during a four-year time period?

I’ve lost family members and friends, I’ve gained friends, I’ve gained knowledge, and fraternal brothers for the rest of my life. I’ve gained a family at the College Heights Herald and my fraternity and all over this campus. Bottom line: the kid who showed up to Barnes in August 2008 transformed into someone else who he thought he’d never be — an adult. I’m using the word “adult” kind of loosely, however, because some people go throughout their entire lives and never act as adults. But since my time here on the Hill, I know that the triumphs and trivial times have molded me into a better man. The Hill has helped direct me into the right direction of becoming the adult I know I can be. So here is what I say to you if you’re an underclassman: join a club, get involved, have your voice heard, and if you let the Hill guide you into adulthood, it will. Also, take your classes seriously and try your hardest in balancing partying and schoolwork. I did it and so have countless alums and current students. So can you.

TOPS to students continuing to enroll at WKU.

BOTTOMS to more competition for parking because of enrollment increase.

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NOVEMBER 4, 2011


Take a Break @wkuherald @wkuheraldsports @wkuheraldnews College Heights Herald

...for goodness sake!

from the hill @NEWS25rparmley: Can't make trip to WKU this weekend, but thinking about Troy on the 26th. Clinch Sun Belt championship that day? #WKU -sent Wednesday 11/2 @margaretsmash: I thought I'd do a WKU search. The Herald must spend hours weeding through the ridiculous nonsense and crap just to find something decent. -sent Wednesday 11/2 @WKUPikes: It's the last day of Up Til Dawn letter writing. WKU helped raise $86,000 last year and plans to raise even more. #GoTops -sent Wednesday 11/2 @angel_nicki: Trains on campus <<< Wku didn't plan well, campus on a hill, a blob as a mascot, and a train that never fails to run ever 5 mins -sent Wednesday 11/2 @JayMazing: Dear WKU Health Services, Your fancy lobby doesn't fool me. I know some of your "doctors" are really nurse practitioners. #justmakemebetter -sent Wednesday 11/2

@wkufratlife: We just got word that the new #WKUschool of business is going to have a cupola on top. Enough with the cupolas and bell towers already! -sent Wednesday 11/2

@JaredCoomes: 42 conf championships- 3rd 40 seas. with 20+ wins- 6th 38 All-Ameri. 14th in all-time wins 8th in all-time winning % #WKU basketball -sent Wednesday 11/2

@edward_egros: If I could ask Les Miles one question: "How do you keep your players from looking ahead to the Western Kentucky game?" -sent Tuesday 11/2

ACROSS 1 Matterhorn or Mont Blanc 4 Hole-piercing tools 8 Bean used in making chocolate 13 Soft cheese 14 Swamp reptile, for short 15 Stadium 16 Money, slangily 17 Plump & juicy 18 Signifies 19 Supreme power 22 Took a chair 23 Uses foolishly 24 Uneven 26 Requests 29 Beneficial 32 Cut of lamb 36 Steerer's position 38 Sup 39 Invisible emanation 40 Esau's twin 41 Smile 42 Acquires 43 Crawling bugs 44 Encounters 45 People from China or Japan 47 __ date; make wedding plans 49 Take the __; rise to give a speech 51 Become visible 56 Jacuzzi 58 Not recommended 61 Blemishes in wood furniture 63 Sore as a __ 64 Bedspring 65 Loosen 66 __ of Capri 67 Jealousy 68 Outdoes 69 Property owner's paper 70 Coloring agent DOWN 1 Fragrance 2 Detroit team 3 __ four; small cake 4 Come __; find 5 Legal paper 6 Easy gait 7 Panorama 8 Carved gems 9 "You __ My Sunshine" 10 Suspension of active hostilities 11 __ Nicole Smith 12 Drying kiln


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Friday, 11/4

email your events to

Gender and Women's Studies Lecture: Green Business Tuesday, 11/8 is Women's Business featuring Benita Bartley and Sarah Scathing Indictments Film Series: Ace in the Hole, Jones, 11:30 a.m., Faculty House 5 p.m., Cherry Hall 125 Orchestra Kentucky's Ultimate ABBA Concert featur- SGA Senate Meeting, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., DUC 305 ing Abbacadabra, 8 p.m., Van Meter Hall Mary E. Hensley Lecture Series: Rafe Esquith, author of Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire, 7 p.m., Van Meter

Saturday, 11/5

Football Tailgating, 9 a.m. Wednesday, 11/9 Fall Super Saturdays, 9:30 a.m., Various Locations Religion and Violence Film Series: Lemon Tree, Football vs. Florida International, 3 p.m., Smith Stadium 6:45 p.m., Presbyterian Church at 1003 State Street Men's Basketball vs. Xavier (La.), 7:30 p.m., Diddle Arena Lincoln Exhibit Presentation: Lincoln and Secession by Orchestra Kentucky's Ultimate ABBA Concert featurGlenn LaFantasie, 7 p.m., Glenn LaFantasie ing Abbacadabra, 8 p.m., Van Meter Hall WKU Percussion Ensemble, 7:30 p.m., FAC Recital Hall

Sunday, 11/6

Thursday, 11/10

Women's Basketball vs. Kentucky Weslyan, 2 p.m., Knock Out Stress, 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., DUC 310B Diddle Arena NASA's Year of the Solar System, 2 p.m., Hardin Planetarium Kentucky Live Series: The Corvette in Literature and Culture by Jerry passion, 7 p.m., Barnes and Noble on Campbell Lane Monday, 11/7 Lincoln, Civil Liberties and Habeas Corpus by Patricia Friday, 11/11 Minter, Lincoln Exhibit Presentation, 7 p.m., Kentucky High School Journalism Scholars Day, 8 a.m., DUC Building Remembrance Day National Roll Call, 9 a.m., Mass 2-Day Film Challenge Premieres/Judging, 7 p.m., Media Auditorium Mass Media Auditorium Veterans Day program, 11 a.m., Guthrie Tower Android App Men's Basketball vs. St. Joseph's, 7 p.m., Diddle Arena iPhone App Bowling Green Western Choral Society, 7:30 p.m., Van Meter Hall

Tuesday's Crossword Solution



NOVEMBER 4, 2011


WKU makes first trip to Alabama since bus accident By LUCAS AULBACH

It’s been more than a year since the bus driver taking the WKU volleyball team to South Alabama suffered a heart attack at the wheel, nearly causing the team to be involved in a horrific bus accident. Their bus nearly crashed as the driver lost consciousness on Interstate 65 near Athens, Ala. Senior middle hitter Lindsay Williams said she still can’t help thinking about it sometimes. “I try not to think about it too much because I don’t

want to get myself down or make myself scared to do anything,” she said. “I think back on it now and I just kind of think that it’s a miracle that all of us are okay from it.” The Lady Toppers will have to encounter those memories before they face their opponents this weekend. The team will be taking that nine-hour bus trip again as they head south to take on South Alabama on Friday and Troy on Saturday. Head Coach Travis Hudson said the remaining members from last year’s team can’t help themselves from thinking about it.

“It was really unique, when we were going down to Louisiana a couple of weeks ago, every time we hit a bump, everybody on the bus would kind of raise up except our two freshmen,” he said. “Our two freshmen were oblivious to it. It really reminds you how connected we all are.” Williams said the incident helped those on the bus to put everything in perspective. “We don’t want to dwell on it, but we do sometimes sit back at realize how lucky we were to get out of that situation unscathed and how blessed we are to be where





Eventually he and cousin Tyree Robinson took a campus visit and committed to WKU together in Taggart’s office. Less than two years later both Jones and Robinson, a cornerback, are starters. “We were pretty much raised in the same house, wore the same outfits, went to the same schools,” Jones said of he and Robinson. “We would’ve split up if we had to, but we wanted to stay together.” Robinson, the more heavily recruited of the two, said Jones is playing the way he expected him to if given the chance. “He always had it in him. He just had to find it,” Robinson said. “He knows what to do, and I’m happy for him.” The running, blocking and singing fullback said his role as a motivational leader is summed up in an analogy given by offensive coordinator Zach Azzanni. “He says you can either be the faucet or the drain,” Jones said. “And I’m definitely not the drain.”

“The freshmen are smart enough to realize that hey, we’ve got an opportunity to play here,” Cowles said. “That’s been a real motivating factor for them because they know they can see themselves on the floor.” One of those freshmen, guard Ileana Johnson, said both the team’s five seniors and its threeplayer sophomore class have helped the newcomers every step of the way. “The sophomores have been great. They’re kind of like the sisters,” Johnson said. “They’ve been there a year ago so they know how we’re feeling. “And the seniors are like our moms. They’re watching out for us, encouraging us, teaching us along the way.” The Lady Toppers go into this season picked to finish third in the Sun Belt Conference East Division behind Middle Tennessee State and Florida International. But last year WKU showed preseason predictions aren’t an exact science, as the Lady Toppers were a first place preseason pick in 2010-11 but ended the regular season third in the East. Senior forward LaTeira Owens

we are today,” she said. A big reason the people on the bus came away uninjured was Hudson, who took control of the wheel when the driver lost consciousness and kept the bus from veering into oncoming traffic. Hudson said his role in looking out for the team went beyond just the moment, though. “I just wanted to take care of our players, support them and be there in the aftermath,” he said. “It was a tragic event and certainly it changed all of our lives. I just felt really responsible, that I needed to be there for

said she doesn’t mind not being the league favorite this season. “It’s good to be the underdogs because any night we can come out and show them that we should’ve been picked No. 1,” Owens said. The Lady Toppers have the chance to display all they’ve learned at 2 p.m. Sunday in Diddle Arena when they take on Kentucky Wesleyan in their first exhibition of the season. KWC returns 10 lettermen from a 2010-11 squad that made the first Division II tournament appearance in school history. The Panthers’ top returning starter is senior center Katie Behrens, a Florence native and former Boone County High School standout. Behrens notched a team-high 10.9 points per game last season, also pulling down 4.5 rebounds and dishing 1.9 assists per contest. Cowles said she views Sunday’s exhibition as an opportunity to see how her team is progressing before the regular season. “It’s an opportunity for us to play someone different than ourselves every day in practice,” Cowles said. “That helps to get a true measure of where we are.”

them in the minutes, hours and days afterwards.” Sophomore defensive specialist Ashley Potts said while memories of the incident shouldn’t affect the way the Lady Toppers play, they will be thinking about it. “I’m sure it’ll be on our minds going out there. It’s always on our minds,” she said. WKU has been on a role lately and hopes to bring some of that momentum to Alabama. The Lady Toppers were No. 26 in the most recent RPI poll and were the first team in the country to reach


Bowling Green junior Houston Hix, who has known Peay for 16 years, said although Peay doesn’t have much experience, he “wants to do right.” “[Brandon] is a very eccentric person — very outgoing,” Hix said. “He’s willing to help anyone.” Hix said that Peay started to express an interest in politics in 2004, right after graduating high school. Peay said “why not?” when he saw the position of mayor was open and decided to run, although he is busy with school and work. Peay missed three of the four mayoral forums this year, one because of work, one because of night class, and one because he drove his girlfriend, New Orleans sophomore Kristina Thames, to Nashville for an unexpected medical appointment. “He could definitely balance everything,” Thames said. “He has a tremendous amount of energy and passion for what he does.” Peay has been getting his

25 wins this season. WKU is 2-0 against South Alabama and Troy this season after sweeping both of them at Diddle earlier this month. These matches are on the road, however, and Hudson said both teams need wins to qualify for the eight-team Sun Belt conference tournament. “These are two teams that we handled pretty well here at home, but but going on the road is a totally different story,” he said. “They’re two teams that are fighting to get placement into the Sun Belt tournament, so they’re going to need these games desperately.” name out by using social networking and meeting people in town. “It’s the little things,” Peay said. “Just show people you’re a normal person trying to make ends meet, and people relate to that.” Peay supports the smoking ban but does not support the revitalization of downtown Bowling Green because he said it is a great historical district and is good for the community and tourism. However, he would like to widen Scottsville Road to three lanes each way to reduce traffic in the area. The most important thing, though, is that the government listen to its constituents, Peay said. “If I am elected mayor then I want everyone to know my door will always be open to anything you want to talk about or anything you have to say,” Peay said. Thames said she believes Peay would be a great mayor. “He is an extremely intelligent, passionate, full-of-energy man,” she said. “I’m excited and very proud of him. He’s got a lot of gumption to follow what he believes.”

NOVEMBER 4, 2011




Toppers look to beat ‘the man’ By BRAD STEPHENS

The No. 1 and No. 2 teams in the nation are meeting Saturday in Tuscaloosa, Ala., — not in Bowling Green. But with the way both WKU and Florida International Head Coaches Willie Taggart and Mario Cristobal have described each other’s teams, some may be led to think this Saturday’s TopperGolden Panther matchup — not than Alabama-LSU — should also be billed as “Game of the Century� material. “They’re better than anyone we’ve faced, and that’s a fact,� Cristobal said earlier in the week of the Toppers. Not to be out-complimented,


“When you have a new group, there’s always going to be a challenge making sure the chemistry is right,� he said. “We just haven’t had anything but positive energy with this group.� Senior guard Kahlil McDonald said he notices something different with this year’s team when it comes to chemistry. “Everybody just embraces each other,� he said. “We’re like a family. Being with these guys is fun. Last year it just wasn’t there.�

Taggart channelled his inner “Nature Boy� in describing Cristobal’s squad, the defending Sun Belt Conference champs. “Like Ric Flair said, ‘In order to be the man, you’ve got to beat the man,’� Taggart said. “We all know FIU is the man.� National media has claimed Saturday’s showdown between the BCS No. 1 Tigers and No. 2 Crimson Tide as a potential elimination game for national championship considerations. WKU and FIU’s 3 p.m. meeting the same day in Smith Stadium may serve similar purposes in terms of the Sun Belt race. The Toppers currently sit third in the Sun Belt with a 4-1 league record. They trail, yet are within strik-

ing distance of both first-place Arkansas State and second-place Louisiana-Lafayette. Meanwhile the Golden Panthers sport a 2-2 league record and sit fourth in a conference they were picked to win during the preseason. Because Arkansas State and ULL hold tiebreakers over FIU, a Golden Panther loss Saturday would likely end any chance of making those summer predictions a reality. Senior running back Bobby Rainey said he’d be just fine with that. “We want to be the best in our conference, and like I said, be the Sun Belt Champion,� Rainey said. “That’d be a good job, going out there and whooping the champion.�

WKU’s first chance to showcase that in a game setting will come on at 7:30 p.m. Saturday when it plays Xavier (La.) at Diddle Arena in its first exhibition game of the season. McDonald said he has an idea of who will start, but he wasn’t ready to announce that on Wednesday. But he did say four freshmen have stood out to him as being consistent throughout practice so far. Those freshmen are forwards George Fant and Nigel Snipes and guards T.J. Price and Derrick Gordon. Fant and Price have both gotten in better shape, with

Price slimming down from roughly 255 pounds to 210 pounds, McDonald said. Fant said he simply feels better. “It’s basically just being able run the floor better and stay in the game as long as I can and give all the effort I can,� Fant said. Gordon was described as a player who “is always trying to do the right things,� and McDonald praised Snipes’ consistency and athleticism, calling him a “surprise� early on in the preseason. “That doesn’t mean the other freshmen aren’t playing well, but those four have separated

In order to “whoop� the Golden Panthers, WKU will likely need to find a way to contain speedy FIU receiver T.Y. Hilton, the defending Sun Belt Player of the Year. Hilton has already made his mark on the Commonwealth once this season, catching seven passes for 201 yards and two touchdowns in a Sept. 9 win over Louisville. Junior safety Kareem Peterson said his spot will be especially critical in preventing Hilton from getting free in open space. “They’re going to look for a weakness and try to get him against some of the safeties, which I’m up for the challenge,� Peterson said. While the league implicathemselves,� McDonald said. WKU was tabbed to finish third in the Sun Belt East and saw no players selected to the all-conference teams. Saturday’s game will be the first opportunity for the Toppers to prove their doubters wrong, but McDonald said all he’s looking for is “all-out effort.� “I want the carry-over on the defensive end. I want the carry-over in terms of the teamwork on the offensive end,� he said. “You’ll hear us talk about teamwork, pride and toughness. Those are the three things that you better see if you’re watching our basketball program.�

tions of the game take center stage, Saturday will also mark the first time WKU plays at Smith Stadium since breaking an 18game home losing streak Oct. 22 against ULL. That win was the third in the Toppers’ current four-game win streak. The recent success has given rise to a weeklong athletic department campaign to fill Smith Stadium’s 22,113 seat capacity Saturday. Peterson said WKU treats each week like it’s the “biggest game in school history� but said the FIU matchup is one of the most important he can remember. “This is a real big game for us,� he said. “We haven’t had one like this in a long time.�


“I thought that everyone we put in the back and our goalkeeper were absolutely huge in the second half,� he said. “I told the team after the game to thank them because they won that game tonight.� With the win, the Lady Toppers moved on to face No. 1 seed North Texas in the Sun Belt semifinals Thursday night. The game was played after the Herald's print deadline. Go to for a game recap.

Marchionda confident heading into Friday’s meet By KURT CARSON

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Many times when a team loses its season-opener, it means the practices ahead are devoted to figuring out what went wrong and making adjustments. However, Head Coach Bruce Marchionda said that’s not the case for his swim team as it prepares for a tri-meet Friday in Atlanta against Georgia Tech and Clemson. “Even though we lost last week we felt very good about where we were — how we raced and our times,� Marchionda said. “Sometimes you come away from a loss thinking, ‘What the heck?’ And this wasn’t one of them.� Marchionda said he can already tell this team is “way ahead� of where it was at this time last year. “I’m not even sure there is a comparison,� Marchionda said. “That could be because of the level of competition, because we’re trying to step up to that top level of competition. “We have a great blend of youth and

older leadership. I think we’re in a much better place than we were last year at this point.� Sophomore swimmer Neal Rushing said he noticed the difference between last year’s team and this year’s team by comparing times from both season-openers. “It was ridiculous because some of our relays were like five or six seconds faster,� he said. “We’re leaps and bounds ahead of where we were last year.� Senior captain Georgia Smith said WKU's performance gives it even more of a competitive nature going into Friday’s meet. “I think we’re all ready, and with us barely losing it gives us more motivation to get a win this weekend,� Smith said. Marchionda said the key to getting a win in the tri-meet is simply “staying focused.� “The only fear I have is if we can turn around and get back up mentally and go after it again,� Marchionda said. “That’s not an easy thing to do. When you try to get up week in and week out it’s tough, so that will be our challenge.�



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McDonald expects a tough, close-knit group this season By COLE CLAYBOURN


Sophomore fullback Kadeem Jones jokes with sophomore outside linebacker Xavius Boyd at practice Tuesday. Jones has accounted for seven touchdowns in 2011, the second-highest total on the team.

Bringin' the Juice Fullback keeps practice loose, plays big in games By BRAD STEPHENS

You won’t ever hear Kadeem Jones complaining about practice. But you’ll hear plenty from him while he’s there. “Sometimes you think you don’t want to be at practice,” the sophomore fullback said. “But there’s no better place in the world to be.” A first-year starter, Jones has become one of the team’s vocal leaders. The Dundee, Fla., native trots out of the WKU locker room every practice, dreadlocks swinging as he shouts to teammates and belts lines from songs he said he often makes up on the spot. He continues joking around while the team is warming up, usually singing along with the rap and R&B music piped in through the stadium speakers. Jones said Head Coach Willie Taggart has encouraged him to have fun whenever he’s on the field. “Coach T always says if he sees me down, then he knows the rest of the team is going to be down,” Jones said. “It gives me a good feeling knowing other people on the team depend on me

to get them juiced.” While his energy may be getting teammates “juiced,” it’s his production that’s made Jones a rising offensive star. Along with being the lead blocker for senior running back Bobby Rainey, he’s been relied upon by Taggart to run the ball in goal line situations. The 5-foot-11, 270-pounder, a running back in his youth, has hammered his way into the end zone on six of his 17 carries. Jones’ seven total touchdowns this season trail only Rainey’s 12. “Kadeem is not a regular fullback. He’s more a skill guy,” Rainey said. “He’s the first one I’ve come across as being a real athletic fullback.” It was his potential with and without the ball that led Taggart to pursue Jones, who was a selfdescribed “under the radar” recruit. Jones said Taggart sat in his living room and showed film of 2009 Heisman Trophy runner-up Toby Gerhart, who Taggart coached during his time as Stanford running backs coach. “He said he needed that kind of bruiser and wanted me to be the guy,” Jones said. SEE FULLBACK, PAGE 6

Head Coach Ken McDonald knows there are many question marks on this year’s team. He’s not sure who will be the Hilltoppers’ leading scorer or how the seven newcomers will adjust to the college game. But at Wednesday’s media day, McDonald said there’s one thing that he’s sure about. “You’re going to see a team that has a lot more energy and enthusiasm about how they’re playing,” he said. “This team will have an identity that they play hard. When people walk away, they’ll see a team competed for a long period of time.” That’s one of many differences McDonald said he sees in this year’s team. Another difference, and perhaps the one that McDonald and the players have spoken the most about, is team chemistry. McDonald promised major changes for this season and said he’s starting to see that in practice, with chemistry being at the forefront. SEE TOUGH, PAGE 7


Cowles: Lady Toppers still in 'learning stage' By BRAD STEPHENS

Preseason practices are for learning and teaching, and Head Coach Mary Taylor Cowles said her Lady Toppers have experienced plenty of both. Cowles said a roster filled with both youth (seven freshmen) and veteran leadership (five seniors), is still in the process of getting familiar with team concepts. “We’re not where we want to be, thank goodness,” Cowles said on Wednesday at WKU’s basketball media day. “We don’t want to be there in November. “It’s not one thing specifically offensively or defensively. We’re in a learning stage, and we’re going to be there for awhile.” Somewhat speeding the learning curve for the Lady Toppers has been NCAA guidelines that allow women’s teams to hold official practices 40 days before the start of the regular season. Cowles said those new rules, along with a “smart” group of freshmen, have smoothed preparations for the season. SEE LEARNING, PAGE 6


Lady Toppers get revenge on MTSU in SBC Tourney By AUSTIN LANTER

time against the Lady Raiders and had never won a game in Murfreesboro. But the defense, especially Stout, was key to the Lady Toppers’ win on Wednesday. MTSU was given a penalty kick with 10 minutes left. Stout guessed correctly and made the save, preserving the Lady Toppers’ 1-0 lead. “First thing I yelled out to the team was, ‘Whatever happens, we’re going to be OK,’” Stout said. “I kind of told that to myself, too. I had a feeling she was going to go right, and I guessed right. Saving a penalty kick doesn’t happen every day.” Head Coach Jason Neidell said it was a “tremendous win for the program” and attributed it in large part to the performance of the defense and Stout.

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — WKU got a first-round chance on Wednesday to deliver some payback to the team that knocked it out of last year's Sun Belt Conference tournament, Middle Tennessee State. The No. 4 seed Lady Toppers did just that, eliminating the No. 5 seed Lady Raiders on their own home field with a 1-0 win. Senior forward Mallory Outerbridge put WKU in front with an 18th-minute goal, and senior goalkeeper Libby Stout and the Lady Topper defense held MTSU scoreless the rest of the way. “We knew what it felt like losing last year to them,” Outerbridge said. “So this year, we just came out — no guts, no glory — and played our hardest.” WKU entered the game 3-4-5 all- SEE REVENGE, PAGE 7


Sophomore defender Stephanie Lindsey goes for a loose ball against Middle Tennessee’s Paige Goeglein during the teams’ Sun Belt tournament match Wednesday in Murfreesboro, Tenn. The Lady Toppers won 1-0 and advanced to the semifinals.



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