College Heights Herald
Graduation May 4, 2012
Sunday, May 13 Saturday, May 12 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremonies
Friday, May 11 Master of Social Work Hooding 1 p.m. at MMTH Auditorium Army ROTC Commisioning 2 p.m. at DUC Auditorium Graduate Commencement Ceremony 5 p.m. at E.A. Diddle Arena Outstanding Black Graduates Recognition Ceremony 7 p.m. at Van Meter Auditorium
9:30 a.m. University College and College of Health and Human Services at E.A. Diddle Arena 2 p.m. Ogden College of Science and Engineering and College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at E.A. Diddle Arena 6 p.m. Potter College of Arts and Letters and Gordon Ford College of Business at E.A. Diddle Arena
Dental Hygiene Pinning Ceremony 12:30 p.m. at MMTH Auditorium Gatton Academy Commencement Ceremony 1 p.m. at Van Meter Auditorium
MAY 4, 2012
Alex Kimura
FeelGood President
Not knowing your future isn’t so bad
or some soon-to-be graduates, our last year of college was characterized by an ongoing battle with that gruesome epidemic called senioritis. For some, senioritis might have manifested itself in bouts of lack of productivity. Others might still be suffering from symptoms of denial. As for me, my senioritis swelled into a full-fledged inner battle. My adversary? A seemingly insurmountable question mark known as “My Future.” Flanked by its cronies “Where,” “What,” “When” and that punk named “How,” My Future never seemed to leave me alone, bullying me into dealing with it wherever I went. Anyone else that has been harassed by their future knows how hard it is to hide from it. You can’t escape this gang of life’s big questions when you are a senior. Your parents are sending constant reminders that you will be on your own in the real world soon, which is
almost as sweet as every person who asks, “So what are you going to do when you graduate?” No matter how many times you Google “What should I do with my life?” (29) and tweet that you are “#overit” (7), or how many pitchers you down at Hilligan’s (no comment), you can find those big life questions brooding around the corner. As much as I would like to take that diploma I get on May 12 and fight down those questions with solid answers, I realize that might not be the case. Not everyone has it all mapped out when they switch that tassel, and I am definitely going to be one of those people. But I think I finally figured out that the way to outwit my uncertain future is to accept it. I am okay with not knowing, because what can we really be certain about in life anyway? I am about to walk across that stage and into the real world, with no real direction
other than, “I just want to help people.” My experiences with service throughout my time here at WKU have shown me how rewarding it is to work for something greater than yourself. The passion that I have for helping others will lead me on in this life, and I know that my future will fall into place ahead of me. Too often the questions paralyze us, and we doubt whether we can succeed or make a difference. If I have learned one thing in college, it is that you have to go for it and just do it. We make progress by putting one foot in front of the other, and as long as we keep moving and let our passions guide us, we will get to where we need to go. Some of us will leave that stage on graduation day and know exactly where we are going. Others of us will wander. But like my favorite quote says, “Not all who wander are lost.”
MAY 4, 2012
MAY 4, 2012
MAY 4, 2012
Congratulations, Biology
Spring 2012 Graduate Students:
Akhila Bethi Catherine Bias Clinton Copp Lauren Ebbecke Elizabeth Ernest Andrea Falcetto Timothy Ferguson Neelima Gajavilli Maggie Hook Jonathan Howton David Kem Mary Ellen Lohr Jean Miller Shirkant Pawar Gropinath Rajadinakaran Derek Rupert Martha Tudor Yajie Wang Matt Wood Cynthia Worcester Latha Kotha
Spring 2012 Undergraduate Students: Susan Abston Tyler Adams Whitney Allen Brianna Anderson Morgan Atcher Heather Barhorst Travis Beeler
Aaron Bell Megan Berry Leon Bideau Lorelei Boone Lauren Bretz Stephanie Burba Christopher Burkeen Rachel Calhoun Spenser Claiborne Bethany Coffey Britni Coffey Lee Compton Amy Cooper Kathryn Crawford Alleyne Crider Myra Davis Tabitha Day Maria Di Loreto Joseph Edge Morgan Elmore Allison Evans Kathleen Ferry Ashton Fields Sunetris Fluellen Leah Frazier Ryan Gourley Kalleb Greene Matthew Greenwell Joseph Guinto Nickolas Hardesty Joy Harris Paula Haste Kyle Hawkins
Special thanks to:
Caleb Hayes Jacob Hicks Braedon Hilliard Jonathan Hornback Christopher Housden Meliha Hrustanovic Cassandra Huddleston Michelle Jackson Andrew Jennings Adam Jordan Tyler Jury Helen Keller Collin Kelley Hilliary Kerr Jessica King Matthew Kirk Yuto Kobayashi James Koper Bliss Kuntz Chelsea Larsen Brittni Lenz Ashley Logsdon Jeffery Logsdon Elizabeth Malloy Nancy Marshall Kara McCarthy Teresa McKinney David Menchinger Steven Mileska Matthew Mitchell Whitney Montgomery Skyler Mosby Ericka Newton
Quang Nguyen Riad Otoum Khushbuben Patel Zachary Payne Hallie Pennington Justin Pile Amanda Pursell Benjamin Rauh Julia Robbins Flowers Robinson Nilesh Sahi Nicholas Serroque Litraca Shirley Angela Shouse Jordan Sloan Crystal Smith Kristopher Spegal Eric Stamper Heidi Steinhaus Mary Stewart Richard Stewart Grant Stillman Adam Swiger Brenna Tinsley Christopher Tinsley Megan Todd Aleia Tucker Lacy Tucker William Tucker Amanda Walden Eddie Walden Anne Walsh Laura Wathen
Joshua Whitt Laura Williams Lindsay Williams Chad Willis Jessica Wilson John Wilson Robyn Wilson Sarah Wimsatt Joshua Wiseman Jonathan Wyatt
Spring 2012 Medical Technology Student: Zachary Bickett
Spring 2012 Biology Minors: Alyssa Amonett Kirsten Barnwell Jessica Carter Chelby Finchum Katelyn Gaines Savannah Gulley Mark Kuzma Kaylee Lambert Virginia Martin Josselyn Oblisk Lyle Parrigin Amar Patel Jeremy Sites Chad Smallwood Lauren Sullivan Hayley Travis Carmen Wells
MAY 4, 2012
Tyler Jury
WKU Spirit Master
‘Find something you are passionate about and pursue it with diligence’
Ashley Wittenborn
Talisman Editor
‘Gain as much experience as you can and soak up every moment’
reams often seem insurmountable. We tend to limit our possibilities in favor of what is comfortable, and discard notions of achieving that which our high-school teachers and parents always encouraged... “You can do anything you set your mind to!”…. Who hasn’t heard that a million times? As a WKU Spirit Master, I have heard the motto, “The Spirit Makes the Master” more than Big Red has performed his famous “belly shake” at games in Diddle. But with repetition comes understanding, and through my meditation on that iconic phrase, I have been able to discover Henry Hardin Cherry’s intent. Our first president wanted each student’s WKU experience to be defined by passion, persistence, integrity and excellence. The summer before my freshman year, I created a bucket list of “50 things to do before I die.” Some of those goals were: 1. Continue to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in my faith; 2. Meet the woman that I will marry; 3. Be the first member of my family to graduate college; 4. Go to dental school; and 5. Ride my bicycle across the United States. Since that time, my four years at WKU have allowed me to accomplish many of my dreams. Through my involvement with Campus Crusade for Christ and helping co-found the “WKU Share A Swipe” organization, I have sought to attain both spiritual and personal growth. The spring semester of my sophomore year I met the woman of my dreams and can’t wait to marry her this summer. I will graduate in a little more than a week with a double major in chemistry and biology, and will be heading to the University of Louisville Dental School this summer. And through the help of family and friends, I was able to complete a cross-country bike ride after my sophomore year. It must be noted that my goals would never have been reached were it not for the support of wonderful people at WKU. I was blessed to share my college experience with members of my fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji). Fiji provided
me with tried and true companions — friendships founded in encouragement, honor, service, and a shared relationship with the Lord. Through their support, I was able to create Fijis Across America, a cross-country bike ride completed with five of my fraternity brothers in memory of my grandfather and others affected by Alzheimer’s Disease. Through our efforts, we were able to raise more than $56,000 for Alzheimer’s Research. This summer, Bike4Alz, composed of Fiji chapter members, will be recreating the 2010 ride to make an even bigger impact. (You can learn more at What an encouragement that is! In summation, my experience, and that of countless others over the past century, illustrates the vibrancy of the WKU spirit inherent in all WKU students. With such a spirit as our guide, we can strive to accomplish whatever aspirations burn within us. Here is my advice: Find something you are passionate about and pursue it with diligence. Through devotion to a cause greater than yourself, you will come to find “The Spirit Makes the Master.”
t’s finally happening. Five years later, I am graduating. I have been having mixed emotions about it. I am excited to start this next chapter in my life, but also scared and overwhelmed. For the first time in my life, I do not have a plan. But hey, so many people are in my same boat, which is somewhat comforting. Being a Chicago native, Kentucky has been a huge change for me. Coming here, I didn’t know a soul. I had moved to a state where the majority of people came from onestop light towns. Now I have grown to love the south and it has become my new home. Three of the five years I have spent on the hill, Student Publications has been my home away from home. I came to work there on a whim and never expected what was to come. If you told me three years ago, that when I started Student Publications, I would soon become the Editor-inChief of the Talisman, I would have laughed. But it happened. I took on a role that I used to think was above me. Working for the Talisman has been one of my favorite parts of my college career. I have gained experience and great friendships along the way. I have gotten to be a part of documenting life on campus, and producing a beautiful book to hold it all together. WKU, along with Student
Publications will always have a huge place in my heart. I hope you will have the same feeling when you eventually leave this place. Get involved wherever you can. Gain as much experience as you can and soak up every moment. I know it’s corny, but it will be gone in a flash. When people told me college went by fast, I didn’t realize it would be this fast. I am extremely thankful that I was placed here, and I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else but here in Bowling Green. I do not think I grew an appreciation for this place, until I was time to leave it. Be thankful for where you are and take in every moment!
MAY 4, 2012
Jasmine Johnson
Women's Basketball ‘Basketball has shaped my life probably more than anything else besides God’
eaving Texas and coming to Western Kentucky University was a differencemaker for me. Coming from a large city to a little town changed how I view things in life. I came here on a basketball scholarship in 2008 and what a change it was. I chose WKU not only because of the basketball program but because of the atmosphere and environment, as well as the school itself. I remember when I first stepped foot on this campus living in Bemis with my best friend and teammate Vanessa Obafemi. She also helped me with the change. We both decided to come to school together, and in a blink of an eye, we now are graduating together. She was a huge part of helping me adjust to the next chapter of my life, and I am thankful for her. I made many friends and even joined a few organizations on campus such as CAB, ACHESA and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated. I thought that since I was the
“tall girl,” people would automatically think I played basketball and think ‘That’s all she knows,’ assuming that most people think athletes get a lot of leeway. But that’s by far not the case. But, my question to you is, “When you look at a basketball, what do you see?” Most would see an orange, sphere-shaped rubber ball. There are black lines and real leather. If you look closer, you would even see the size of the ball which you are playing with. A basketball could be just a toy for many or even represent a release for others, but for me, it means a lot more. A basketball represents my blood, sweat, tears, passion, sacrifice and, most of all, a sense of belonging, like a family. In these past four years in my life, there were only four things I devoted my life to — God, family, school and basketball. Basketball has shaped my life probably more than anything else besides God.
Basketball has instilled in me a vicious will to achieve and embrace my ambitions instead of fearing them. Basketball gave me an open opportunity to try something new. New opportunities and experiences are not such a big deal anymore. From academics to personal matters, the lessons that I have learned from basketball have impacted my life in so many ways. Learning happens in so many places and in so many ways. I learned how to become a leader in many ways. I learned many hard lessons in life. I learned that you can’t change everything and that life isn’t fair. I was forced to realize that failure is part of life and that it happens to all of us. These are all teachings that are irreplaceable and valuable. The lessons that I learned are ones that I will use for the rest of my life from my experiences. It is something that you can use on more than just a test for school. That is what real life learning is
about, and in one way or another, we have all experienced it. Being here these past four years wasn’t always easy and fun, but it was a life-changing experience, and I am thankful that I had the opportunity to do it.
Congratulations Graduates From the Management Department
Business Administration Whitney Addington Blake Ainsworth Matthew Baalke Ryan Beard Ashley Bell Charles Biggs Timothy Brant Matthew Broerman Jeffrey Budd Nathaniel Burns Zachary Cannon Cameron Carlock April Cavanah Christopher Cheatwood Chandler Coffman Justin Cutts Koty Daugherty Theresa Day Indira Delic Jake Downey Logan Edelen
Brandon Elder Lucas Fisher Danielle Fleming Tyran Golden Bret Grizzard Alex Hare Joshua Holland Jeffrey Howard Admira Hrustanovic Thomas Kaercher Daniel Kurzendoerfer Zachary Mattingly Mary Meffert Aldin Mujezinovic Joel Nivens Jin Uk Park Krunal Patel Amanda Payne William Petredis Charlie Portmann Hollie Reed
Brittany Rexing Mary Roach Dustin Roberts Tyler Roberts Brooke Savitz Cecilia Smith Caroline Story Anna Tapscott Carina VanMeter Jonathan Vickous Thomas Watters Katelin Wilson April Wooten Rui da Yang Tanya Zackery
International Business
Entrepreneurship Minors
Katelyn Austin Colleen Carnes Garek Dunham Alejandro Franco Christina Hale Sabina Husic Diego Leal Ambriz Jin Uk Park GuangHai Zhang
Hussain Altammar Andrew Bennett Benjamin Blankenship Lorelei Boone Kaylee Egerer Regina Garr Tiffany Guy Timothy Harris Helen Keller Bryan Lemon Robert McCue Charlie Portmann Ashley Rice Benjamin Severance Adam Skaggs
Entrepreneurship Blake Blackburn Chase Carpenter Jarrod Connally Justin Henderson Patricia Payne Katie Richardson Dashawn Rush Chelsea Springer Michael Tonini
Human Resource Dominique Adams Katy Anderson Jacob Baldwin Jarred Butler Jessica Donnelly Amber Hughes Lindsey Hulsey Kortez Ivory Benjamin Knott Kymber Lamers Kristin Mosley Stephanie Raley Misty Sickels Kadian Waite Kristopher Williams
MAY 4, 2012
The College of Health & Human Services
would like to congratulate the
following Award Recipients on outstanding academic achievements! Communication Disorders
School of Nursing
2011 Outstanding Graduate Clinician Amanda Binkley 2012 Outstanding Undergraduate Lindsey Skaggs Nolan 2012 Outstanding Undergraduate Clinician Michael Kelly 2011 Outstanding Graduate Nancy Elizabeth Kee 2011 Outstanding Graduate UFT VI Jessica Krivac 2 20 11 Outstanding n Graduate- UFT F VI 2011 Marie Nogais 2011 1 Outstanding Outstandi ding Graduate Clinician Clinic ician Kimberly Baker Ba Kimberly 2011 Outstanding Outstanding ng Graduate Clinician Clin inician Teh hila Laufer Tehila 2011 Outstanding Out utstanding Graduate WE W B VII WEB Danie ielle Small Danielle
Prelicensure Academic Award Courtney Brown Lindsay Jones Custer KANS (Kentucky Association of Nursing Students) Award James Dylan Wilson MSN Outstanding Nurse Practitioner Student Award Megan Marie Fulkerson Associate Degree Nursing KANS Award Nikita Read Associate Degree Nursing Academic Award Jacob Read Associate e Degree Nursing Nur u siing KANS Award Aw Cecel e ia Nugent Nugen nt Cecelia Associat a e Degree e Nursing Academic Award Associate Syn y thia Hen nle l y Synthia Henley RN to o BSN Professional Proffes essional Engagement Aw ward Award Elizabeth Appling Appling Elizabeth RN to to BSN Ac cad a emic Award Academic Jessica Proffitt Proffitt RN to BSN Achievement Ac Award Dana Os O borne Osborne Cathe erine Westbrook Catherine Helen Tu urner Turner Kar ral a yn Joy Troutman Karalyn Spirit of of Nursing Kri r sta Marie Dulay Krista
Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Outstanding Exercise Science Undergraduate Award Jennifer A. Gates Outstanding Exercise Science Graduate Award Steven D. Bean Outstanding Sport Management Award Kyle Chettleburgh Excellence in Nonprofit Administration Madalyn Brooke Schreine Recreation Administration Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award Gretchen Elizabeth Gardner James Parker Curry Outstanding Physical Education Major Thomas Cortez Emberton Outstanding Graduate Student Recreation n and Sport Ad dministration Administration Dan aniel Ryan Chandler Cha handler Daniel
Public Health
Outstanding Student in Environmental Health Healtth Science Ellen R. Barringer Academic Excellence in Public Health/Environmental Health/Environ onmental Health Jonathan V. Suhl Academic Excellence in Public Health Education Educati t on Ines Dugandzija Social Wor Work ok HCA Professional Core Award Outstanding g BSW Student Stud den nt Award WK W WKU-O U-O Andrew T. Clark Chris James Jam mes Alexandria K. Manglaris Outstanding BSW B W Student Award BS d HCA Academic Core Corre Award Amber Sha acklette Shacklette Kelsey o Jo Guth Outstanding BSW W Field Studentt Award Catharine e C. Lesemann Therese Petzold Petzo z ld HCA Leader ership Core Award d Leadership Outstanding BSW W Student Aw ward WKU-E Award S h he lly R. C asteel Shelly Casteel Family Fami m ly and Consumer Sciences Kristian Herron n HCA Innovation In nnovation Cor o e Award Core Outstanding Outs t tanding Senior Textiles Texxtiles and Apparel Ap pparel Merchandising Outstanding Graduate Graduaate Student Stude d nt Valarie i L . L. Carter Kristie J. Moesner Cecilia W. Mengo WKU U Chapter Lead der ership and Service Awa ward rd, KP KPHA Leadership Award, Outstanding Senior Family and Consumer Sciences Education WK BSW Program GPA Award Chad d J. Beswick Jamie Lee Ponder Kevin Fackler Outstanding Undergraduate Unde Un d rg gra radu duat ate e Public Publ Pu b ic Health Health Student Phi Upsilon Omicron- Outstanding New Initiate LLegacy Award A d Natalie J. Price Denetra Hodge Leslie Acree Birdwhistell HCA Leadership Core Award: Leadership in Student Organization Phi Upsilon Omicron- Excellence in Service Outstanding Field Student Award Jenna Gillette Audrey T. Kaeli David R. Rupsch II Venkata Damera Phi Upsilon OmicronAcademic Excellence Spirit Award Chakravarthi Korupolu Sara M. Glanz Carrissa Marie Johnson Outstanding Undergraduate Public Health Student Phi Upsilon Omicron- Outstanding Leadership Abigail M. Greenwell Sara M. Glanz Allied Health WKU Chapter Excellence in Scholarship Undergraduate Award, KPHA Health Information Management Outstanding Scholar WKU USGBC Outstanding Senior Whitney B. Bowen Morgan E. Hovis Todd Abrahamson WKU Chapter Excellence in Scholarship Graduate Award, KPHA WKU ASID Outstanding Senior Health Information Management Leadership Award Erin D. Milliken Laura M. Hedges Todd Abrahamson Outstanding Senior Interior Design Student Kentucky Dental Hygienists’ Association Award Laura W. Harp Alyssa Nantz Outstanding Senior in Nutrition and Dietetics Overall Achievement in Health Sciences The College provides diverse educational opportunities Sara M. Glanz Virginia Chappel
William E. Neel Outstanding Scholarship Award Deanna Elaine Gipson Mikell Nelson The Mobile Dental Health Unit Excellence Award Mikell Nelson
College of Health and Human Services Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Student Leader Adrienne Beck Outstanding CHHS Graduate Student Margaret Stringer
leading to excellence in health and human services for a global community.
Vision To be recognized as a college that offers exemplary programs in Health & Human Services.
MAY 4, 2012
Mario Nquyen
WKU Forensics ‘They cleaned me up and outfitted me with the tools I needed to thrive in this world’
hen all my friends went off to Harvard, Columbia and Yale — I was being shipped off to Kentucky. Little did I know I would be receiving just as much out of my education experience as they did. My time on the WKU Forensics Team was both academically rigorous and personally challenging —but I wouldn’t change a bit of it. No other organization offers such a focus on personal development and growth like WKU Forensics. Unlike most college kids, I spent my weekends in a suit and tie at 5 a.m. and spent my nights researching and writing for fun. As the first person to graduate high school in my family, I didn’t come from affluent or well-educated people, but Forensics didn’t care about that. They cleaned me up and outfitted me with the tools I needed to thrive in this world, but most importantly, they showed Dominique Adams Whitney Addington Blake Ainsworth Hadi Alyami Danilo Amoretty Derek Anderson Katy Anderson Jared Andreoli Courtney Arnold Jason Aubrey Katelyn Austin Matthew Baalke Jacob Baldwin Ryan Beard Ashley Bell Charles Biggs Blake Blackburn William Blanford Paul Blattner James Bohnenblust Thomas Bolen Brandon Boone Timothy Brant Crystal Britt Matthew Broerman Jeffrey Budd Matthew Burns Jarred Butler Zachary Cannon
Cameron Carlock Colleen Carnes Chase Carpenter John Carr Christopher Carter Matthew Carter April Cavanah Christopher Cheatwood Kristin Childress Kyle Ciotti Chandler Coffman Benjamin Coleman Lauren Compton Jarrod Connally Casey Cosby Michael Courtney Eric Cowles Rebecca Crouch Justin Cutts Linh Dao Sa Dao Koty Daugherty Shane Davis Theresa Day Nolan DeBurger Pamela Decker Brian Deignan Indira Delic Jordan Denny
me how to articulate myself — a skill I will carry forever. Our staff of coaches pushed me to be better both inside and outside of the team, but they also were a shoulder to cry on when I needed it. They sat me down for meetings when they were worried about my personal happiness, and they were always interested in what I was doing outside of the Forensics office. Just like the coaches, my team members were also heavily connected to one another. They were my running and work-out buddies, they were note takers when I missed class because of conferences, and they were in the hospital with me at 3 a.m. when I needed them. Over my four years on the team, we won a lot of trophies, and several national championships, but that is not what I will remember the most. I will remember the deep talks we had, the
Erin Desmarais Jessica Donnelly Jake Downey John Doyle Garek Dunham Logan Edelen Kaylee Egerer Brandon Elder Heidi Estes Lucas Fisher Ryan Fisher Danielle Fleming Christopher Ford Ashley Forgy Samantha Forney Alejandro Franco Kelsea Fulkerson Kyle Fuller Stefan Gavula Thibault Girin Tyran Golden Alesha Goodman Emily Greenwood Bret Grizzard Shuai Guo Christina Hale You Han Alex Hare Madison Harris
Amelia Harshfield Isaac Hart Holly Hatcher Benjamin Haynes Andrew Heiser Justin Henderson Carol Henson Dwayne Hicks Andrew Hill Vivian Hinojosa Kody Hoadley Hanh Hoang Jarrod Hogue Joshua Holland Jennifer Honeycutt Clay Houston Adam Howard Jeffrey Howard Travis Howell Admira Hrustanovic Amber Hughes Erin Hughes Lindsey Hulsey James Hume Sabina Husic Kortez Ivory Cody Jackson Zachary Jenkins Ji Wei Jiang Tyler Julian
Thomas Kaercher Harveen Kaur Richard Kendall Amy Kerner Douglas Kleeschulte Benjamin Knott Chris Kopple Chad Kruger Daniel Kurzendoerfer Kymber Lamers Michael Langlois Nghia Le Diego Leal Ambriz Megan Lee Seth Leinenbach Richard Lennan Derek Lewis ZhiQiang Li Nawanan Limsuebchuea Nian Liu Natilea Logsdon Shichen Lu Zhenzhen Lu Dana Lucas Meagan Mackey Jason Marshall William Martin Andrejs Maskancevs Cassandra Matthews Zachary Mattingly
amazing performances they gave, and the joy I got watching each of them grow. Ultimately, what I got out of WKU Forensics, I could not have gotten out of a college experience alone. Now as this chapter of my life comes to a close, I realize that I will miss it greatly. I competed in forensics in college, high school, middle school and elementary school, for a grand total of 10 years. As a 21-yearold, that’s nearly half of my life. It’s a weird feeling that I will try to capture with words here: My forensics career is not ending. The very word “forensics” means “to find the truth,” which I will always be doing in some capacity. The only difference is that I will be doing that in the real world, which I am unbelievably excited for. Thank you for all that you have given me, Forensics.
Kyle McCord Kristie McDuffee Rachel Meckstroth Mary Meffert Gautier Meyer Martin Miller Thomas Miller Jordan Minton Cain Mitchell Mitchell Moore Thomas Morris Kristin Mosley James Mote Aldin Mujezinovic Dao Nguyen Huy Nguyen Joel Nivens Jennifer Noble Ryan Ogden Ryan Ossege Jin Uk Park Krunal Patel Joseph Pawley Amanda Payne Patricia Payne William Petredis Laurie Peyroche Hoa Pham Nathaniel Pohl Rachel Poindexter
Charlie Portmann Allen Powell Stephanie Raley Camille Ranc Jacob Ray Dustin Read Hollie Reed Brittany Rexing Ashley Rice Katie Richardson John Rieppel Aurelie Rinaldi Mary Roach Dustin Roberts Tyler Roberts Stephanie Romano Sarah Root Dashawn Rush Brian Russell Deus Rwaheru Carrie Saleba Amir Salkic Brooke Savitz Daniel Schmidt Jake Schuler Sydnee Seaman Arul Selvan Matthew Setters Kyle Sexton Nicholas Seymour
Meagan Sharpe Keshia Shockley Misty Sickels William Simpkins Ian Simpson John Simpson David Slaughter Cecilia Smith Gloria Smith Justin Smith Travis Smith William Smith Wen Song Chelsea Springer Travis Stauffer Chris Steinker Garrett Stembridge John Stephens Ricky Stiltner Derrick Stinnett Caroline Story Alyssa Surina Anna Tapscott Daniel Taylor Kyle Terry Ameliah Tom Michael Tonini Peyton Townley David Trabue Hung Tran
Thomas Travis Quynh Nhu Truong Christopher Tucker Gina Tyler Tenille Tynes Tyler Underwood Joseph Upchurch Carina VanMeter Jonathan Vickous Kadian Waite Adaline Wakefield Catherine Watson Thomas Watters Zachary Wedding Mark Wegener Brandi West Brandon Westmoreland Brandon White
Kristopher White Robert Whittley Daniel Williams Jessica Williams Kristopher Williams Allison Willian Katelin Wilson Kathy Wilson Seth Wilson Damian Wirth April Wooten Rui da Yang Ye Yang Mariah Yates Tanya Zackery GuangHai Zhang Yujing Zhang Qingyuan Zhou
Congratulations Graduates! GORDON FORD
MAY 4, 2012
Jennifer Thomas
Honors College ‘The Honors College became the most rewarding community I have ever been a part of’
Will pictures be taken at commencement? Will it be recorded? GradTrak Graduation Images will take pictures to capture the moment you shake hands with WKU’s President, and DVDs of the ceremony will be available for purchase through WKYU-PBS. Guests may use cameras during the ceremony; however, they will not be permitted on the arena floor to take pictures.
When will I receive my diploma? Diplomas will be mailed to spring graduates approximately 3-6 weeks after the ceremony to the diploma address submitted on the Application for Graduation.
Is there a rehearsal for the ceremony? There is no rehearsal for students. Marshals (guides) will lead students throughout the commencement ceremony.
Where should graduates and guests park for the ceremony? Two parking structures are available, as well as all other parking lots around campus. Disability parking is located in front of Diddle Arena and is accessible from the Avenue of Champions.
On which side of my cap do I wear the tassel? Undergraduate students should wear tassels on the right side of caps. Tassels will be moved to the left side during the ceremony. Graduate students should wear tassels on the left side of caps throughout the ceremony.
See more senior columns at
f you had told me in high school that I would be graduating from the Honors College at Western Kentucky University, I would have thought you were crazy. I had decided long ago where I was going to go to school, and it certainly was not on a hill in Bowling Green, Ky. All of that changed when I got the opportunity to meet with Lindsey Westerfield (then Lindsey Thurman). Sitting in Lindsey’s office, she made me feel like the Honors College was a place I could belong. She took the time to get to know me, and she handled all of my parents’ concerns with grace. We were sold. That following fall, I moved six hours from northern Indiana down to Bowling Green. It wasn’t long before the Honors College became the most rewarding community I have ever been a part of. By sophomore year, I was a leader in the Honors ambassadorial group, HonorsToppers, and I was the Student Assistant for Recruitment at the Honors College. Working in the Honors College has been everything I could ask for in a student worker position. I have developed skills and grown as a professional more so than I had in any other job I have been in. I have had the chance to work alongside the most talented students, staff and faculty at WKU. The Honors College office has continually been an environment where excellence is the norm. That same passion is extended to HonorsToppers as well. This organization has given me the chance to get to know some of the most extraordinary Honors students, as well as high school students trying to make a college decision. WKU and the Honors College have given me a phenomenal experience, and I love sharing that with prospective students. Aside from a job and an ambassadorial position, the Honors College introduced me to
some outstanding people. I managed to align myself with a group of Honors friends that have become an irreplaceable force in my life. Sophomore year, I was assigned a random roommate, Danielle Tosti, in Bates-Runner Hall. Junior year, she and I moved off campus with Sarah Ward, and Kaitie Vonderschmitt. We planned our living arrangement with other Honors students, and we have managed to maintain the sense of community we found in Honors housing. I have grown more as a person with these people in my life than ever before. We have challenged each other and found a way to come out better for it in the end. Now as we are about to graduate, I cannot imagine what my day-to-day life is going to be without each of them. My friends are starting doctorate and master’s programs, coming into meaningful positions in the community and becoming teachers and advocates. I could not be more proud to stand among them at graduation.
MAY 4, 2012
Department of Political Science Enter To Learn,
Depart To Serve.
Congratulations 2012 Graduates! Political Science
Masters of Public Administration
Nathan L. Bishop Jacqueline A. Pitts Bradley R. Bowling * Cecelia K. Satterly Kalan M. Brown Lukas A. Simmons Michelle L. Crowe Elizabeth H. Stevens Angela S. Decker Kaitlyn A. Stillwell Andrew L. Delaney Amanda L. Stilltner Ryan C. Dowell Rachel E. Taylor Christopher R. Downey Travis J. Taylor Justin L. Duncan Jennifer L. Thomas Alexandra M. Edelstein Joseph P. Church Amanda K. English Kaitlin L. Vonderschmitt Eileen M. Forsythe LaToshia D. White Joseph G. Gunter Durand J. Wilson Allyn L. Hensley David A. Wood Alise D. Hogan Matthew A. Bratcher Anthony N. Jackson Kameron D. McNeal Kaleb D. Jessee Jennifer C. Phillips Lora M. Manning David W. Spalding Logan A. Parke Austin B. Wingate Sarah A. Pehike * : In Memoram
Gordon C. Black Brooke D. Borregard Anthony D. Bush Joshua D. Butler William J. Conroy Lauren D. Cunningham Sakiba Dzelil James R. Grant James R. Howard Austin M. Klaine Edward A. Krahwinkel Elizabeth A. Markle Tracy M. Marksberry Derek B. Olive Chad L. Phillips Jason M. Pickrell David M. Powell
Jeffery L. Roby Brandon M. Sims Kenneth A. Thomas Terryn M. Varney Cierra J. Waller Luhan Wang Sterling B. Weed Matthew W. Westbrook Mubarak S. Alawag Joshua M. Alsip Seong Taeg Bae Christopher T. Castlen Eddie L. Champion Naomi M. Enriquez Aaron M. Hamilton Adam S. Johnston Arthur F. Maglinger Brock A. Peterson Loren T. Yonts
International Affairs Spring 2012 Graduates Jasmine L. Bowie Jared E. Bridges Joseph L. Dunphy
Joseph G. Gunter Sarah A. Pehlke Mark L. Reeves Travis J. Taylor
Summer 2012 Graduates Matthew A. Bratcher Patricia C. Perez
Farewell John Peterson! Thank you for 43 years of service to your students!
MAY 4, 2012