September 10, 2019

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Helton snags first win as head coach against FIU

Nomadic jewelry salesman makes a stop at WKU




Meet WKU’s new physical therapy chair BY ABBEY NUTTER HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU


Lambda Chi Alpha’s volleyball scoreboard was among few things left in the wake of the destruction of its fraternity house on Sept. 4, 2019.

GREEK AND DESTROY Greek construction continues on campus


Students who walked along Chestnut Street Wednesday morning would have noticed a pile of rubble in the place where the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity chapter house once stood. The members of Lambda Chi Alpha began planning the construction of a new chapter house on Chestnut Street in 2011, according to fraternity president Nathan Seged. Fundraising began in 2015, with plans to have the new chapter house built by 2020 currently underway. The old chapter house was a familiar sight, serving the fraternity since its beginnings at WKU in 1965. First constructed on Chestnut Street in 1909, Seged said the house was in bad shape when the decision was made to tear it down and rebuild. “Here at Lambda Chi Alpha, we’re

trying to be the most competitive fraternity in every aspect,” Seged said. “We felt that the one thing holding us back was the house.” Seged explained the house was hindering recruitment of new members

With fundraising efforts beginning in 2015 and earning nearly $1 million, the new chapter house will be valued at an estimate of nearly $1.2 million, Seged said. Seged, a senior, recalled talk of a new

”I know that having a good environment for your organization is a crucial part of being on campus these days.”

Sigma Phi Epsilon Chapter President CLAY LILLA

due to many other fraternities having nicer houses, making competition difficult. He also said the “revampment” of the house was a project to be undertaken not just for the active members of the chapter but for alumni.

chapter house dating back to his days as a freshman. This year, Seged said he’s seen a lot more excitement surrounding the new house. SEE GREEK LIFE • PAGE A2

Beth Norris, the newly appointed chair of the department of physical therapy at WKU, had a long history in the physical therapy practice before transitioning to teaching and making her way to the Hill. Norris earned an undergraduate degree in chemistry from Austin Peay State University and from there completed her degree in physical therapy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. While practicing physical therapy, Norris pursued a master’s degree in exercise physiology at Springfield College in Massachusetts and continued to practice. Norris completed a doctorate in health sciences while living in New Jersey. At the same time as she was managing an outpatient department and completing the doctorate, Norris was also teaching physical therapy in New York. This is when she discovered her love for teaching. “Physical therapy is a teaching profession,” Norris said. “We teach our patients, we teach their family continuously.” Norris said she’s always been interested in answering questions, which led her to pursue her doctorate, and completing that program required her to teach classes. After finishing her doctorate, Norris moved to Texas to teach full time at Texas Woman’s University as an assistant professor in TWU’s school of physical therapy. Norris then returned to Tennessee, where she worked as a regional manager for outpatient physical therapy clinics throughout the state. Norris received an announcement WKU was starting a physical therapy program while working in Tennessee and inquired about the two faculty positions that opened. After the interview process, she shifted from full-time clinical management practice and joined the physical therapy department at WKU as an associate professor in 2013. From 2017 to 2018, Norris completed a yearlong fellowship in education leadership. At the start of summer 2018, the chair of the physical therapy program resigned, which left the position SEE BETH NORRIS • PAGE A2

Computer-less students to be given opportunity for free desktop BY BRODY REXING HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU

A revival of WKU’s “Earn-A-Computer” program is slated for the cur-

rent Fall 2019 semester. The revitalization plan was brought up during a Student Government Association meeting last Tuesday by Director of Academic and Student Affairs Abbey Norvell.

Norvell frames “Earn-A-Computer” as a group effort among numerous outlets on campus, including SGA, information and technology and the department of surplus, among others.

This program is unique: it will allow WKU students a chance to work for a desktop computer in a program entirely by and for Hilltoppers. SEE COMPUTER • PAGE A2




Exhibit offers unique lenses on Kentucky heritage BY RYAN GOODLETT Cherry Creative


turquoise, heavily-pleated and ornately-detailed vintage wedding gown worn in 1906 hangs elegantly from a mannequin on display in the Kentucky Museum’s newest exhibit, “Out of the Box.” The new exhibit, “Out of the Box,” has been curated by 11 WKU faculty members from nine different programs. Tiffany Isselhardt, the development and marketing manager at the museum, said that her job as a curator is to guide people on how to tell stories about artifacts. “Out of the Box” highlights five core aspects of Bowling Green culture and some of the biggest collections represented at the museum — caving, medicine, religion, music and local business. The exhibit offers a unique take on Kentucky heritage by providing a glance through many different professional lenses. Faculty from multiple programs offer their expertise on each cultural aspect through writing text for each artifact. “Just because it’s something from one field doesn’t mean it’s just that field,” Isselhardt said. “Art can tell us about history and culture. Religion and music can tell us about people’s daily lives and not just their beliefs, but how they relate to one another.” WKU professors Whitney Peake, Carrie Cox and Kate Hudepohl tell the story of Carrie Burnham Taylor, a Bowling Green native and renowned tailor of high-end dresses during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The 1906 wedding gown on display is one of Taylor’s dresses, and the trio of professors researched her Victorianage style and business strategy from the perspectives of business and entrepreneurship, fashion merchandising and anthropology. Cox, a fashion merchandising professor, recalled participating in collaborative projects with the Kentucky Museum when she was a student studying fashion at WKU in the



open. The acting dean at the time decided to fill this position as an interim and worked with WKU President Timothy Caboni to permanently fill the position over the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 semesters. According to Norris, the search was over in July 2019, and she was offered the position in August. “I was very excited,” Norris said. “I


CONTINUED FROM FRONT “We’re the first guys in our chapter’s history to see another house, to see it get torn down, to see this process, and it’s just really cool,” Seged said. This fall, Lambda Chi Alpha recruited out of Van Meter Hall with housing plans in hand and a demolition date set for the following week. On Chestnut Street, chapter houses are sprouting up like saplings after a storm. Delta Zeta, Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon began the process of building new chapter houses in the spring. Sigma Phi Epsilon’s old chapter house was demolished in 2013, and efforts to construct a new house have been underway since 2008, chapter


CONTINUED FROM FRONT “[It is] an initiative that doesn’t exist at other universities in Kentucky, to my knowledge,” said Norvell. Earn-A-Computer is completely free of charge to applicants. Students simply need to fill out an application and complete 25 service hours to meet requirements. The application itself is still being drafted, but it will be released when the Earn-A-Computer is completely free of charge to applicants. Students simply need to fill out an application and complete 25 service hours

Above: Art history professor Guy Jordan (left) and Tiffany Isselhardt, the development and marketing manager at the Kentucky Museum, collaborated with 10 other faculty to create the Out of the Box exhibit at the museum. The exhibit features artifacts from five of the largest collections at the museum, one of which is about caving. Below: Artifacts from early Bowling Green entrepreneur Carrie Burnham Taylor are interpreted through the perspectives of a variety of professors with different areas of expertise as part of the Out of the Box exhibit at the Kentucky Museum. Taylor started her own clothing business in Bowling Green in the late 1800s said Isselhardt, the lead curator for the exhibit. “She started from scratch in her sewing room, built a company that employed over 100 women, and was recognized nationally,” Isselhardt said. (photos by Grace Pritchett/Cherry Creative)

‘80s. At the time, her undergraduate professor was doing research on the same Taylor. Cox has been thrilled to give her students the same opportunity and to delve deeper into the life of Taylor so many years later. Her goal is to help students understand how precious and relevant history is, even

enjoyed doing the interim position.” Norris said that she’d held previous director positions in physical therapy while she practiced, although she had not previously held one in academia. “The timing was great,” Norris said. Norris’s appointment as chair of the Department of Physical Therapy was announced on Aug. 26, in a press release. “Dr. Norris has done a fantastic job as Interim Chair of the Department of

when it can’t be seen anymore. “I would hope that students would try to take the time and absorb what they’re seeing,” Cox said. She wants students to think deeply about the people and history behind the artifacts. “Carrie Taylor is no longer designing,” Cox said. “What would she be doing if she was alive right now?” Art history professor Guy Jordan was also involved in curating the interdisciplinary collaboration, Out of the Box. “I’ve been here 13 years but what’s remarkable about the Kentucky Museum is I’m always discovering new objects that are interesting and fun and that can tell us a lot about the past and different fields of knowledge — not

just art, but also science and history,” Jordan said. Jordan explained that for the exhibit, one of the labels he wrote was for a painting of a historic African-American church on Russellville Road he didn’t know was there. For him, “Out of the Box” has been an opportunity to learn about different cultural presences in Kentucky and affirm the study of objects as invaluable primary sources. “What I like about this show is that you’ve got folks from different fields.” Jordan said, “What a history professor, a religion professor and an art history professor might have to say about something can be very different.” The “Out of the Box” exhibit will be on display at the Kentucky Museum through June 30, 2020.

Physical Therapy this past year, and I am confident her dedication to the program, department and CHHS will serve us well in the upcoming years,” Tania Basta, dean of the College of Health and Human Services, said in the release. Basta said in the release that the Department of Physical Therapy program will experience reaccreditation in 2020 and that Norris’s leadership and experience will be valuable throughout the entire process.

“We have so many ideas as far as continuing to grow the program, to bring clinical ideas into teaching, to bring patients into the teaching environment for students to see, to explore different types of opportunities for our students as well as community partnerships,” Norris said.

News reporter Abbey Nutter can be reached at 270-745-6011 and Follow her on Twitter at @abbeynutter.

president Clay Lilla said. The house on College Street the fraternity had been in since then was taken down Jan. 17. Lilla expressed his excitement surrounding the project and surrounding the construction of new chapter houses for other Greek organizations on campus. “I think it’s great for the other organizations that are getting new houses,” Lilla said. “I know that having a good environment for your organization is a crucial part of being on campus these days.” The new Sigma Phi Epsilon house is scheduled for completion in March 2020.

News reporter Abbey Nutter can be reached at 270-745-6011 and Follow her on Twitter at @abbeynutter.


Union junior Grace Wallace laughs while telling a story about the new house. The sisters take turns swapping stories of faulty sinks and missing lightbulbs as they navigate a new home.

to meet requirements. The application itself is still being drafted, but it will be released when the program is made available to the public. Norvell claims participating students will receive iMac desktop computers with a keyboard and mouse for the semester. “Earn-A-Computer” originated during the 2016-2017 school year. This was essentially the program’s “test run.” SGA will soon be ready to roll out the program kink-free and make it a staple at WKU. “We are really excited about bringing this program back to campus and passionate about providing students with tools to help them succeed,” Norvell said.

The project was revealed to the public during Norvell’s commencement as director of academic and student affairs. It is a work near completion Norvell is not only proud of but one that makes her grateful for “the opportunity to play a role in supporting students.” Norvell has worked alongside fellow executive cabinet members President Will Harris and Director of Information and Technology Paul Brosky on cultivating the program’s new iteration. Brosky spoke to the importance of “Earn-A-Computer” as a need-based program. Its “community outreach” aspect will put more computers on the desks of students who could otherwise not obtain them — this is, at least, Brosky’s vision for the program. SGA is not keen on letting loose too

many details before the program is completely ready but assures students they will know more soon. “Stay tuned for details in the coming weeks,” Brosky said. “There are a lot of moving parts, and we want to be sure that the program is as smooth and successful as possible.” “Earn-A-Computer” has yet to receive an official rollout date. Students with further questions about the program are encouraged to contact their SGA representatives or speak with them personally during regular office hours.

News reporter Brody Rexing can be reached at 270-745-6011 and Brody.




New marketing director outlines plans for department BY JACK DOBBS HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU

Following the departure of former Director of Marketing Stacey Biggs from WKU’s Office of Marketing, JohnMark Francis, then assistant director of admissions, was asked to help out in the marketing office in Biggs’ absence as acting director of marketing. Just this past week, Francis stepped down from his position in the Office of Admissions to take on the position permanently. “As a WKU alumnus, it’s an incredible honor for me to continue to serve my alma mater in this new role,” Francis said in an email. Francis started in the Office of Admissions in 2010 as an admissions counselor. For the past five years, he has served as assistant director of admissions-recruitment. “During my time in Admissions, I’ve had the great opportunity to work with the team of admissions counselors, the diversity recruitment officer, the coordinator of outreach, the communication coordinator, the graphic designer and the campus visit coordinator,” Francis said. He said during the time he worked in the office of admissions, he worked closely with Biggs and the marketing office.

“For the past eight months I have served as both assistant director of admissions and acting director of marketing,” Francis said. “I was recently asked to stay on as the permanent director of marketing, and within the past week, I resigned from my position in Admissions to shift my focus to the role in the marketing office.” Francis said the focus of his new position will be evolving the marketing office’s strategies.

strategy—shifting to more one-to-one outreach with particular focus placed on creating content that is tailored to individuals.” In addition to the shifting focus of the marketing office’s strategies, the marketing office has been hit with another challenge. Two members of marketing left the office this year. Francis said marketing has received assistance with this from other offices around campus.

“We want our marketing to capture everyone’s attention, but the reality is that it also captures the attention of other employers and opens doors for our team members.” Acting Director of Marketing JOHN-MARK FRANCIS

“We want our marketing to capture everyone’s attention, but the reality is that it also captures the attention of other employers and opens doors for our team members,” Francis said. “In order to ensure that WKU messaging reaches the right audiences and that our content stands out to prospective students, we continue to evolve our

“As we conduct hiring searches to fill the needs within our office, other staff in the marketing office and across the division of communications and marketing are providing assistance,” Francis said. As Francis goes forward in marketing, he said he is hopeful for the future. Francis said marketing is fortu-

nate since it does not have to “invent a narrative” in order to make WKU attractive. “Instead,” Francis said, “We will continue working with partners from across campus to uncover the stories of how WKU is changing the lives of our students, how our faculty and staff are elevating WKU through their work inside and outside the classroom, and how the experience provided on The Hill prepares students for future success.” WKU President Timothy Caboni expressed his support of Francis in a statement given to the Herald. “Given our focus on enrollment management and that he was the recommendation of both the outgoing vice president and former chief marketing officer, John-Mark was the obvious choice to fill the role,” Caboni said. “His performance and that of his division warranted removing the interim title and making him the permanent director.” Caboni also said that Francis’ appointment has allowed the university to “reward a high performing internal candidate with WKU ties.”

Reporter Jack Dobbs can be reached at 270-745-0655 and jack.dobbs469@ Follow him on Twitter at @jackrdobbs.

Letter From the Editor: Why we’ve decided to resume publishing crime reports BY JEREMY CHISENHALL HERALD.NEWS@WKU.EDU

During the Fall 2018 semester, the College Heights Herald made the decision to suspend its weekly publication of crime reports from the WKU Police Department. We did this primarily because concerns were raised over whether or not it was fair to students being arrested for small crimes to have their name published both online and in print permanently. This seemed especially unfair to students or others arrested on campus who would later have their charges dropped or expunged from their record. The Herald’s editorial board decided the issue was significant enough to stop publishing the reports until we’d come up with a solution to the problem. We’ve finally resolved the issue, and we’ve decided running crime reports is in the best interest of the public and the campus community. We are now publishing the reports without names. This ensures the members of the WKU community still

get access to trends in crimes and the locations of crimes on campus. It also ensures we as a publication do not cause unnecessary harm. Our decision does come with exceptions. In order to make sure we can effectively report on news in the WKU community, the Herald will still report on crimes committed by prominent figures. This includes: • SGA members • Athletes and coaches who are members of WKU’s athletic programs • WKU faculty and staff • Members of WKU’s administration • Top leadership members of student organizations • Local politicians/officials • Other political figures (if they are arrested locally) • Others deemed newsworthy by the editorial board In addition to those listed, the Herald will also publish stories about incidents in which employees of the College Heights Herald, Talisman or Cherry Creative are arrested. The Herald will also handle significant crimes on a case-by-case basis,


potentially choosing to reveal names of those involved depending on the significance of the case. Our crime reports will come directly from WKUPD’s crime logs, ensuring they are as accurate as they can be. We also may publish information from the Bowling Green Police Department in our crime reporting as well. We hope this decision will allow us to resume our reporting of crimes committed, which allows our readers to stay informed on when, where and what types of crimes are being committed.

• • • • •

We hope this decision will also minimize harm that could potentially come from this reporting. This decision affects only the crime reporting done now and in the future. We will not be retroactively implementing this policy, and our previously published crime reports will be left as they are.

Editor-in-Chief Jeremy Chisenhall can be reached at 270-745-6011 and Follow him on Twitter at @JSChisenhall.


A student reported a theft from her vehicle at the Mimosa Apartments on Sept. 6. A student was cited for using a false ID to obtain alcohol at 1632 U.S. 31 W. Bypass on Sept. 6. Two students were cited for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia at a traffic stop on Russellville Road on Sept. 6. A student was cited for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia at Van Meter Hall on Sept. 7. WKU Police Department assisted the Bowling Green Police Department in an armed robbery at a Smoothie King on 2425 Nashville Road on Sept. 7.


VS in the 2020 Presidential Race

Where do candidates stand? Dr. Brian Strow, WKU BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism

Sept. 17, 4:00pm • 1011 Honors Center Sponsored by the WKU BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism, the Department of Economics, and the WKU Political Engagement Project



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15 14 1 Latin dance 6 Treasure hunters’ 17 18 aids 20 21 22 10 Escalator part 14 Beseech 23 24 15 Nanking nanny Classified Advertising Manager: Will Hoagland 16 Shred 25 26 27 28 29 17 Eye-opener? 35 36 34 18 Siberian river 19 Ambience 39 40 41 37 38 WKU Herald 9/10/19ANTED Trivia Puzzle 20 Golf course ELP feature 45 43 44 23 Period in history 49 50 47 48 24 Bro or sis 25 Services a car 52 53 54 440 Main Restaurant Now Hiring 29 Truffle, e.g. Host 34 Devotee 55 56 57 58 59 American Revolution Servers 35 Miss the mark Kitchen Staff (pay up to $15/hr) 61 62 63 ©2019 36 Trunk 1. What were the first two batles of American Revolution? 37theGovern 67 68 66 (a) Bunker Hill & Fort Cumberland Lexington and Concord Please apply to 39 (b) Smacks (c) Ridgefield & Long Island or 440 East Main Ave 42 Season beAmerican69 70 71 2. What battle is considered the turning point oftothe jolly Revolution? (a) Saratoga (b) Millstone (c) Cowpens Copyright ©2019 43 Think out loud 3. What battle had colonists making a surprise attack at 45 Bygone bird Down 13 1968 hit “Harper Christmas? 46 Metal in rocks Valley ___” (a) Camden (b) Trenton (c) Brandywine Waterworks Autowash Help Wanted 4. America received foreign aid from 47 what Falling star 1 Bathroom country? 21 Ming things (a) Spain (b) Portugal (c) France 49 Some TV shows installation 22 Go up against 5. In what city did a famous massacre take place? 52 Henpeck 2 Totally 25 Brownish gray Flexible Schedule Monday through Sunday(a) Boston (b) Jamestown (c) Philadelphia 54 Actor 3 “Beowulf” 26 Pitch-black 6. What Boston bookseller led a heroic marchMcKellen to Fort Ticonderoga to secure cannons for Washington's army? of support 55 Words beverage 27 Web browser entry Apply in person at the Scottsville Road location (a) William Prescott (b) Henry Knox (c) Joseph 61 Prepare to Warren fly 4 Desolate 28 Strollers (270) 842-9274 7. Who said "Give me liberty or give me death"? 62 Dressed 5 Look up to 30 ___ compos (a) Nathan Hale (b) Benedict Arnold (c) Patrick Henry 63house Maxim mentis 8. Paul Revere rode to a preacher's to warn two men the 6 Timbuktu’s land British were coming. Who were66 they? Like gastric juice 7 “I’ll second that” 31 Wedding party (a) Samuel Adams & John Hancock (b) Col John Park & 67 Chorus member 8 Twinges member Note to readers: The College Heights Herald screens ads for misleading or false John claimsAdams but (c) George Washington & Samuel Dawes cannot guarantee any ad or claim. Please use caution when answering ads, especially 68 Leered 9 Zhivago portrayer 32 Consumers 9. Whatwhen was the last battle of the American Revolution? asked to send money or provide credit card information. The College Heights Herald is not Gambles 10 Aquatic bird 33 Exclusive (a) Springfield (b) Yorktown (c) 69 Ticonderoga responsible for the content or validity of these paid classified ads. 10. What was the peace treaty that70 ended the war? Strong cleaners 11 Hoodlum 34 Gift tag word (a) Treaty of London (b) Treaty of Versailles (c) Treaty of Paris 71 Brief tussle 12 Emerald Isle 38 Compass pt.










a Puzzle






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Solution Last week’s solution: American Revolution ©2019










Solution 6.b 7.c 8.a 9.b 10.c

1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.a

1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.a

1. What were the first two batles of the American Revolution? (a) Bunker Hill & Fort Cumberland (b) Lexington and Concord (c) Ridgefield & Long Island 2. What battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolution? (a) Saratoga (b) Millstone (c) Cowpens 3. What battle had colonists making a surprise attack at Christmas? (a) Camden (b) Trenton (c) Brandywine 4. America received foreign aid from what country? (a) Spain (b) Portugal (c) France 5. In what city did a famous massacre take place? (a) Boston (b) Jamestown (c) Philadelphia 6. What Boston bookseller led a heroic march to Fort Ticonderoga to secure cannons for Washington's army? (a) William Prescott (b) Henry Knox (c) Joseph Warren 7. Who said "Give me liberty or give me death"? (a) Nathan Hale (b) Benedict Arnold (c) Patrick Henry 8. Paul Revere rode to a preacher's house to warn two men the British were coming. Who were they? (a) Samuel Adams & John Hancock (b) Col John Park & John Adams (c) George Washington & Samuel Dawes 9. What was the last battle of the American Revolution? (a) Springfield (b) Yorktown (c) Ticonderoga 10. What was the peace treaty that ended the war? (a) Treaty of London (b) Treaty of Versailles (c) Treaty of Paris


6.b 7.c 8.a 9.b 10.c


10/19 Sudoku 1 WKU Herald 9/10/19 Sudoku 2

To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

7 8



Copyright ©2019





1 8

4 3 4

5 3 2 8 3 1 6 5 5 9 4

To solve the 6 Sudoku puzzle, each 2 row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 4 9 9 3 51 1 7 3 9 6 Copyright ©2019 1 8 4 3 4 9/10/19 Trivia Puzzle 5 3 2 8 2 8 5 9 3 1 6 5 Sudoku Solution American 5 7 Revolution 4 2 7 5 8 3 1 6 9 9 4 3

2 5

8 9

7 3

Copyright ©2019

Sudoku Solution

4 5 9 8 2

2 1 6 9 7

7 8 3 5 1

5 9 1 3 8

8 4 7 1 6

3 6 2 4 5

1 2 4 7 9

6 7 8 2 3

9 3 5 6 4

WKU Herald


3Solution 4 6 1 1.b 8 6.b 3 2.a 7.c 3.b 2 8.a 4.c 9.b 5.a 4 10.c 9 9 5 1 7 3

1. What were the first two batles of the American Revolution? (a) Bunker and Concord 5 Hill 1 &8Fort9Cumberland 4 6 2(b) 7Lexington 3 (c) Ridgefield & Long Island Copyright ©2019 9 is6 considered 3 1 7the2turning 4 point 8 5of the American 2. What battle Revolution? 8 9 5 3 1 4 7 2 6 (a) Saratoga (b) Millstone (c) Cowpens 2 had 7 colonists 1 8 6making 5 9a surprise 3 4 attack at 3. What battle Christmas? 6 3 4 2 9 7 8 5 1 (a) Camden (b) Trenton (c) Brandywine 5 2foreign 4 3aid from 1 6what9 country? 8 4. America7received (a) Spain3(b)4Portugal 9 6(c)2France 8 5 1 7 5. In what city did a famous massacre take place? 1 (b)8 Jamestown 6 7 5(c)9Philadelphia 3 4 2 (a) Boston 6. What Boston bookseller led a heroic march to Fort Ticonderoga to secure cannons for Washington's army? Sudoku Solution (a) William Prescott (b) Henry Knox (c) Joseph Warren 7. Who said "Give me liberty or give me death"? (a) Nathan Hale (b) Benedict Arnold (c) Patrick Henry 8. Paul Revere rode to a preacher's house to warn two men the British were coming. Who were they?


To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


7 8


7 6(a) 4 2 Adams 8 3 &9John 5 Hancock 1 Samuel (b) Col John Park & Washington & Samuel Dawes 5 2John 3 Adams 4 9(c) 1George 6 8 7 9. What was the last battle of the American Revolution? 1 8(a) 9 7 5 (b) 6 Yorktown 2 4 (c) 3 Ticonderoga Springfield 810. 3What 1 was 6 the 7 peace 9 4treaty 2 that 5 ended the war? (a) Treaty of London (b) Treaty of Versailles (c) Treaty of Paris 6 9 5 3 4 2 7 1 8 4 7 2 8 1 5 3 9 6 3 1 6 5 2 4 8 7 9 2 5 8 9 3 7 1 6 4 9 4 7 1 6 8 5 3 2



Sudoku Solution

7 5 1 8

6 2 8 3

4 3 9 1

2 4 7 6

8 9 5 7

3 1 6 9

9 6 2 4

5 8 4 2

1 7 3 5







Issue: Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death for adults in the United States, and the stigma surrounding the issue is a troubling commonality around the world. Our stance: Days like today — World Suicide Prevention Day — should receive as much attention as possible in order to show those struggling with their mental health that they are not alone and that there is a plethora of resources people can use to seek help. There is one death by suicide in the world every 40 seconds and one in the United States every 12 minutes, according to Suicide Awareness Voices of Education. By the time you’ve finished reading this article, more than a handful of people will take their own life. While the stigma of suicide has stopped people from getting the help they desperately need in the past, today’s mental health environment is starting to become more accepting and understanding of the challenges people who are different than them face.

There is a saddening misconception from some people that making your suicidal thoughts or depression known makes you “dramatic,” “weak” or “needy.” This type of vocabulary and outlook needs to be eliminated so people can receive much needed support. A person deciding to share their mental health problems means they are trying to take the necessary steps to living a better lifestyle. Willingly sharing personal issues like this empowers others to do the same and combats the stigma. In late February 2018, thenToronto Raptors guard DeMar DeRozan told Sports Illustrated about his ongoing battle with anxiety, serving as a watershed moment in the way the media and public viewed the mental health of celebrities. If DeRozan couldn’t be happy while making millions playing the childhood game he loved, then who could? Later that same year in November, Kevin Love, another NBA star, penned an open letter chronicling his history with depression, hoping to commu-

nicate to the public that just because he is successful does not mean he is guaranteed a healthy mental state. Love also later said DeRozan was a driving force in what caused him to open up about depression. Not only did DeRozan sharing his story make a fellow NBA player more comfortable with his situation, it also had a tangible impact on the league. The NBA announced last month that all 30 teams would be required to keep a mental health professional on staff. College students and young adults can have this same effect on each other. Opening up about depression and suicidal thoughts not only shows you want help, it gives others the courage to do the same. According to SAVE, suicidal thoughts, planning and attempts are more common among adults between the ages of 18 and 29 than any other age group, and feeling alone or isolated is a large factor. This is why the rate of suicide doubles for elderly people who are divorced or widowed rather than

those married. Suicide is also the second highest reason for death in the United States for people between the ages of 15 and 24, according to SAVE. While this is partially because younger people are generally in better health, it is still striking that the second main reason young people die is simply because they do not want to be alive anymore. There is more help available for people with suicidal thoughts and depression than ever before, though. If someone confides in you that they are suffering from suicidal thoughts, help them get the assistance they need and deserve — and if you’re having suicidal thoughts or battling with depression, tell someone close to you or a professional. They want you to be healthy almost as much as you do. Anyone suffering from suicidal thoughts or depression can call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.




• A story that ran on Page A3 of last week’s edition incorrectly stated that Helm Library’s renovation would be completed in October. The demolition of the interior to prepare for the WKU Commons renovation will be done in October. The Herald regrets the error.

CONTACT US Advertising: 270.745.2653 Editor: 270.745.5044 Opinion: 270.745.4874 Newsroom: 270.745.6011 1906 College Heights Blvd #11084 Bowling Green, KY, 42101-1084



McKenna Mitchell* Copy Desk Chief

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Kayla Robinson Distribution Manager

Opinions expressed in the College Heights Herald are those of student editors and journalists and do not necessarily represent the views of WKU. Student editors also determine the news and editorial content, and they likewise reserve the right to reject submissions.

Laurel Deppen* Print Managing Editor

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*Denotes editorial board members. The Herald publishes on Tuesdays during the school year. The first copy is free, and additional copies are $1 each, available in the Student Publications Center on Normal Street.

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Top: Students in the dance program at Western Kentucky University participate in Kick the Clock, an annual challenge to choreograph and perform a dance show in 24 hours, on September 7, 2019. Bottom: Students in the dance program at Western Kentucky University participate in Kick the Clock, an annual challenge to choreograph and perform a dance show in 24 hours, on September 7, 2019.


WKU students spend 24 hours preparing choreography PHOTOS BY SAM MALLON (ABOVE) & GABI BROEKEMA (BELOW) HERALD.PHOTO@WKU.EDU

Heather Hartlage, choreographer for NDEO’s Kick the Clock, listens to the music and brainstorms ideas alone while her cast dances around her to the music in one of the dance studios in Gordon Wilson Hall of Friday evening, Sep. 6, 2019. Some of the dancers warm up quietly while others laugh and dance around with their friends.

Kaylee Lane writes ideas in her notebook as she listens to the randomly selected music for the first time with her cast in the classroom they are using as a dance studio in Gordon Wilson Hall on Friday evening, Sep. 6, 2019. “The song reminds me a lot of New York; there is so much going on.” Katelyn Noll, freshman, says as Lane nods her head and writes the idea down.






David Shakin of “Shake on the Move” sells jewelry as a vendor in Centennial Mall on Thursday, Sept. 4, 2019. WKU is one of the first schools he stops at after summer comes to an end.


The story behind the jewelry salesman outside DSU


For most people, packing up and traveling around the country is just a dream. For David Shaken, it’s a dream he’s living. Shakin travels across the U.S. to different colleges with his business, “Shake on the Move,” which sells jewelry under a pop-up canopy. His tables are full of beautiful and intricate rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets that he imports from a wholesaler. The name of Shakin’s business is appropriate considering he has lived on the road for the past 40 years, driving an RV all the way. He’s now onto his third RV. At each destination, Shakin stocks up his fridge with local organic food and moves on. Last week, Shakin visited WKU on Thursday and Friday, greeting customers with a smile and positive attitude. He arrived on campus each day around 6:30 a.m. to set up his vending area and wait patiently for students to gather. Behind the show tables were bags upon bags of rings in various styles and sizes, each labeled carefully with a price and size. Among the variety Shakin laid out for students to peruse were Celtic-style rings, faith rings, toe rings and even rings made out of spoons. “I’m at another college every week all the way through Christmas,” Shakin said in between assisting students. Shakin has been traveling school to school since around 1979, but he hopes to retire in the next year. He

used to visit WKU for several years in a row, but 25 years ago the school stopped allowing vendors on campus. His first year back was 2018, and he quickly became a hit among students. “I remember him coming here last year,” student Brooke Koenig said as she stood beside the tables. “I love how it doesn’t turn your finger green, and [he] also has a really good attitude.” Many cheaper rings are made of nickel and other materials that cause the skin to turn green — a reaction

Doing yoga every day helps keep him fit and able to manage his hectic job, and in his spare time he enjoys nature, bird photography and traveling outside of the U.S. Though he travels and works alone, he still has friends scattered about the country. Lew Schiffman has known Shakin since he was 5 — a friendship 65 years in the making. Schiffman lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but the two grew up together in Brooklyn and often travel together when Shakin has free time. “He enjoys the opportunity to see

“He enjoys the opportunity to see people enhancing their look and beautifying themselves.” Shakin’s childhood friend LEW SCHIFFMAN

that happens when the cheaper metal oxidizes. But all of the rings Shakin sells are made of nickel-free 925 silver. He prides himself on his product’s quality. While Shakin is originally from Brooklyn, New York, his jewelry journey began in Santa Rosa, California, where he worked for a clothing company that sent him to flea markets in a van and trained him how to sell at college campuses. He said he’s wanted to do this type of work ever since he left the company. While the lifestyle is fun, it definitely keeps him on his toes. “It’s always super busy for me, and that’s why I have no hair left,” Shakin said jokingly as he stood behind the displays.

people enhancing their look and beautifying themselves,” Schiffman said. “He really enjoys his business and seeing people happy.” Schiffman mentioned Shakin is socially conscious and concerned about the environment and social rights of people. While his time at WKU is over, the chance of seeing Shakin again next year is possible. If he returns, just look for the friendly vendor with an abundance of stories to tell and jewelry to sell.

Features reporter Taylor Metcalf can be reached at 270-745-6291 and

Every day over the summer, junior Emma Warnecke covered patients at her hometown abortion clinic with blankets or umbrellas as they made their way through protesters. After some time, the protesters began harassing her, calling her by name and revealing personal details she hadn’t disclosed. She was thrown off guard. “It was so emotionally draining doing that, but it was a great experience,” Warnecke said. “I learned so much — and so much about what these women have to go through when they walk into the clinic.” Her experience, volunteering at her hometown abortion clinic in Detroit coupled with an internship at Planned Parenthood Louisville in 2018, inspired her to bring sexual education to WKU. Empower Your Health is a WKU Generation Action chapter of Planned Parenthood. Generation Action chapters are student organizations on college campuses offering resources about reproductive health to students with the help of Planned Parenthood. Warnecke, Symone Whalin and Ashlyn Jones are co-founders of Empower Your Health. Warnecke said Empower Your Health will educate and bring resources to students. “We offer resources,” Warnecke said. “I mean, I got, like, 500 condoms sitting in my apartment right now ready to pass out.” There are two Planned Parenthood centers in Kentucky, located in Louisville and Lexington, and neither of these centers perform abortions, according to Planned Parenthood’s website. EWM Women’s Surgical Center in Louisville is the only licensed abortion clinic in Kentucky. The main goal for Empower Your Health is to create a system at WKU where students can access free emergency contraception anonymously, Warnecke said. The organization also plans on tabling across campus at different events. Warnecke is a member of the WKU Forensics Team and plans on having Empower Your Health present at the Forensics event “BODIES: Reclaiming Sexual Autonomy Performance Night.” After college, Warnecke plans to have a career in law, focusing on women’s reproductive rights and healthcare. “In today’s political landscape, it’s so unbelievably necessary to have groups like this in places like Bowling Green, because we don’t have any other resources,” Warnecke said. Planned Parenthood programs and SEE EMPOWER • PAGE B3

Local tattoo artist keeps customers coming back BY TAYLOR METCALF HERALD.FEATURES@WKU.EDU

The art of permanently inking masterpieces into skin takes years to master, and those who step up to the challenge know just how difficult it can be. Walking in the front door of Solid Gold Gallery, a tattoo shop on State Street, you’re met with white walls and steep steps. At the top of those steps is a long hallway with a seemingly endless amount of doors — doors leading to talented artists locked and loaded to make tattoo dreams come true. Jonathan Fowler is one of six award-winning artists the gallery’s website is proud to claim, but his work stands out. This year, Fowler is celebrating his 20th year tattooing. Fowler inked his first tattoo, a joker straight out of a “Lowrider” magazine, on a friend’s back at just

17 years old. Two years later, he scored an internship at Topper’s Fine Line Tattoo in Bowling Green. Though his official tattooing started in his late teens, his appreciation for the art came much earlier. “When I was 8, I had an uncle I looked up to,” Fowler said as he sat in his office. The room doubles as his studio, complete with a tattoo table, a chair and several intricate and colorful framed drawings. “He got a tattoo, and it just blew my mind,” he said. “You tell an 8-year-old that they can draw on themselves and it stays forever — you basically told them the coolest thing in the world.” To some, tattooing may seem like all play and no work, but Fowler assured it’s more. It all starts with the client: The entire process is based on the tattoo they want and how long it will take to complete. After a design is decided, the real work begins. Fowler first draws a basic line

copy of the design before feeding it into a machine that prints it onto transfer paper. The paper is used to place a traceable outline of the de-

When Fowler has a new client, something about his work seems to keep them coming back. Kyla Phakhailathavong, a 26-year-old

“You tell an 8-year-old that they can draw on themselves and it stays forever — you basically told them the coolest thing in the world.” Tattoo artist JONATHAN FOWLER

sign onto the client. From there, it’s all up to Fowler to ink the basic line before adding his own flair with color and shading techniques. But when you pay for a well-done tattoo, you aren’t paying for the design. You pay for the time sacrificed to make the tattoo look as good as possible.

artist, has been a client of Fowler’s for over six years and has no plans of stopping. “From the beginning of working on my sleeve, Jon was a straightup dude and very professional,” Phakhailathavong said.





Students in the dance program at Western Kentucky University participate in Kick the Clock, an annual challenge to choreograph and perform a dance show in 24 hours, on September 7, 2019.

DANCE ‘TIL YOU DROP Annual challenge produces choreographed dances in 24 hours

BY ANDREW MARTEL HERALD.FEATURES@WKU.EDU Imagine being given just 24 hours to learn something entirely new. Now imagine having to perform this new thing in front of an audience. Participants of the “Kick the Clock Dance Festival” did exactly that Saturday, Sept. 8, in Gordon Wilson Hall. Starting Friday night, participants were placed in one of six randomly assigned groups and given a choreographer. From there, it was off to create. Friday night Each group spread throughout the building and immediately began work on what would be its focus from now until Saturday night. A three-to-fourminute routine to perform in front of an audience was the goal. With no other directions given but the guidance of a pre-chosen song, choreographers began formulating ideas. Feelings of uncertainty and excitement were tangible as new ideas were tried and failed but followed by words of encouragement. “Kick the Clock” is open to anyone who signs up, which introduced a number of limitations choreographers needed to keep in mind. “You don’t want to try to make them do something they can’t do,” said choreographer Heather Hartlage, a junior. You have to be aware of what your dancers are comfortable with, Hartlage added. Not everyone participating was a dance major, and each group had varying numbers of

dancers, which further challenged choreographers. This semester’s “Kick the Clock” drew 40 participants, double the number of participants from last spring, said Louisville senior Elise Wilham, president of the National Dance Education Organization WKU Student Chapter. “We aren’t judging it, it isn’t a competition,” Wilham said. She said the goal is to showcase what can be done in 24 hours and to provide a stage and audience. Wilham said she’s looked forward to seeing new faces perform and seeing what they’re capable of. “Over the last year, our chapter has embraced the hashtag #everyonedances, and this is an opportunity for people to be a part of that without feeling intimidated by more experienced people,” Wilham said. Saturday morning Groups arrived as early as 8 a.m. to get back to work on their pieces. While the dancers got some rest the night before, choreographers spent most of the night looking over their group’s progress, listening to their song and thinking of what needed adding before the big performance later that night. “After I let my dancers go home last night, I spent two hours here by myself listening to the music and thinking of the choreography without wasting their time,” Hartlage said. Aggravated groans were followed by joyous exclamations as routines’ trickiest sections were overcome. The art was starting to come together, and

some groups finished touching up their dance before lunchtime. Others weren’t as far along. A sense of urgency was easily felt as showtime was just a few short hours away. However, there was no doubt things would come together. Even groups with completed dances spent the rest

of their time smoothing out subtle mistakes and rethinking parts of the piece as necessary. The big show At 6:30 p.m. Saturday night, doors


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Left: Jonathan Fowler tattoos Abby Schuster, a WKU alumna. Schuster first got tattooed by Fowler while attending WKU. “We drove all the way from Cincinnati to see Jonathan,” Schuster said. Right: Jonathan Fowler from Solid Gold Gallery has been tattooing for 20 years. His personal style of tattoos is anime, but he he said can work with anything a client wants. “Anime is big, and it’s only going to get bigger” Fowler said.



While she used to be a Bowling Green local, she has since moved to Nashville and drives back to have Fowler work on her leg sleeve. The sleeve is a compilation of characters and scenes from Studio Ghibli, a popular Japanese animation studio. Phakhailathavong said she initially didn’t want a leg sleeve, but after seeing her first tattoo with Fowler, she wanted more. “I consider him a good friend and my main artist,” Phakhailathavong said. “He is amazing, and I can’t wait to finish my sleeve so that he can start working on other pieces for me.” From looking at Fowler’s social media, many might suspect him


CONTINUED FROM PAGE B2 opened to the public. Seats were filled almost entirely on all sides by the time the show began. Each final dance leaned heavily on the music accompanying it, as each group reflected its song’s mood not only through movement but meaning portrayed. One performance did this especially well, depicting feelings of anxiety and internal struggle. The dance began with four people sitting with their backs to the sides of a table and bound to one of the table’s legs by an elastic band. Accompanied by the song “Four,” an ambient piece by Icelandic producer Ólafur Arnalds, the dancers moved around the table, exchanged seats and


CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 policy associate Sara Hall worked with Warnecke during her internship with Planned Parenthood in Louisville. Hall said she is excited Warnecke is working to bring resources about reproductive health to WKU. Hall explained Generation Action chapters are important because they bring the voices of young adults “to the table.” “I think that it is really important for young people to be engaged and to be mobilized, and working on a campus is a great way to engage their peers and to work together to see the changes that they want, that reflect their values,” Hall said. Additionally, Hall said Generation Action chapters prioritize voter regis-

a one-trick pony, sticking primarily to anime tattoos. But his skills are put to use for more than that. Fowler said he’s open to tattooing anything, but he mentioned his appreciation for bold line work, bold colors and “representative imagery.” Aside from Fowler’s dedicated clients, he has almost 2,500 followers on Instagram, and people from several counties know him. Tattoo artist Justin Casteel works at Big Daddy’s Tattoo 2 in Elizabethtown. Through clients and social media, Casteel discovered Fowler and his work. He said in a text message he thought Fowler did “some really nice tattoos.” “My favorite tattoo is the one I’m getting paid for,” Fowler said jokingly as he sat in his squeaky office chair, his digital artist tablet

sitting on the table in front of him. His tablet is used for drawing new pieces and tracing exact lines on others. But being a tattoo artist isn’t just sitting around drawing. There are several sacrifices Fowler made and troubles he and his family faced. The most pressing issue is money. With a family to provide for, Fowler said he had to “buckle down” in the last five years to start making enough. “Really, it’s the time away. People don’t really think about that,” he said. “It’s the time my family sacrifices, it’s the time my children sacrifice. It’s not a lot of sacrifice on my end — it’s a lot of other people picking up the bill.” As a dad and husband, Fowler spends as much of his free time with family as he can. But as a tattoo artist, he said, you’re working 24/7.

All work and little play can be hard, but Fowler strives to have both. Fowler himself has struggled with anxiety and depression and took medication to keep it in check. Despite this, Fowler goes to work every day with intentions to work hard and treat customers with kindness and sincerity. Fowler noted being a tattoo artist is more than doing your job well — there’s no substitution for treating clients right and listening to their needs. “You do your job well, take pride in what you do, do it right the first time and try to do a good job every day,” Fowler said. “You’ve just got to be good to people.”

Features reporter Taylor Metcalf can be reached at 270-745-6291 and taylor.metcalf496@topper.wku. edu.

interweaved each other’s elastic bands without tangling them. The piece evoked a feeling of being trapped and ended with three of the four dancers walking from the table while one remained. Hartlage choreographed a piece she called “Friendzone,” which received backing from John Mayer’s “New Light.” She utilized the song’s upbeat and fun nature to its full potential, focusing on the harsh yet often humorous reality of experiencing unreciprocated romantic sentiments. “Kick the Clock” is scheduled to return Jan. 31 next semester, with a show set for Feb. 1. More information can be found on the organization’s Instagram and Twitter accounts @WKU_ndeo. GABI BROEKEMA • HERALD

Reporter Andrew Martel can be reached at 270-745-2655 and andrew.

Students from multiple majors at Western Kentucky University participate in National Dance Education Organization’s biannual Kick The Clock on Friday evening, Sep. 6, 2019.

tration on their campuses during the upcoming election season. “We are definitely preparing for the fight for the upcoming legislative session, and our Generation Action chapters will be very crucial to that,” Hall said. While Empower Your Health gears up for the rest of the semester, Warnecke said the organization expects some backlash from members of the Bowling Green community due to the current political landscape. “In the work that I want to pursue and the work that we want to do right now … we face backlash all the time,” Warnecke said. “We are not scared at all.”

Top: Emma Warnecke, 20, of Detroit, is a junior at WKU. Warnecke is one of three founders of Empower Your Health, a new sexual health care service for students. “I’m so excited to get this going and out there on campus.” Bottom: Ashlyn Jones, 20, from Lafayette, LA, is a junior majoring in political science at WKU as well as a member of the WKU Forensics Team. Jones was one of three student-founders of Empower Your Health.

Reporter McKenna Mitchell can be reached at 270-745-2655 and


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Head Coach Travis Hudson directs his players during the Lady Topper’s win over UTSA on Oct. 9, 2015 at Diddle Arena.

TOP OF THEIR GAME WKU volleyball wins 2-of-3 matches in Fleur De Lis Tournament

BY KADEN GAYLORD HERALD.SPORTS@WKU.EDU The WKU volleyball team (5-1) suffered its first loss of the season this past weekend, but the Lady Toppers still managed to come out with a winning record at the Fleur De Lis Tournament after the team claimed two of its three matches in Louisville. “We have a lot of work to do moving forward, but I’m looking forward to it with this group,” head coach Travis Hudson said in a postgame press release. “I’m proud of our weekend overall and looking forward to being back in Diddle Arena.” Facing the first of two Power 5 opponents on their weekend slate, the Lady Toppers defeated Arizona State 3-1 on Friday morning. WKU lost the first set but managed to win the next three straight to claim the four-set victory. The WKU win also gave the Sun Devils (4-2) their first loss of the season at that point. Junior Nadia Dieudonne recorded her second double-double showing of the season with 39 assists and 17 digs. Senior Sophia Cerino served eight aces, one shy of the WKU single-match record shared by Cindy Hudson (1991) and Beaven Hill (2000). The Lady Toppers put up a valiant effort against No. 24 Louisville (5-1) in their second contest of the day on Friday, but WKU ultimately fell 3-1 to the tournament’s host team. The defeat handed then-undefeated WKU its first loss of the year and also extended the program’s losing streak against the Cardinals in the all-time series to 0-17. Sophomore Lauren

Matthews had 13 kills, while freshman Paige Briggs added 11 kills and 10 digs for her third double-double showing of the season for the Lady Toppers. With the heartbreaking defeat at the hands of Louisville, WKU moved to 1110 overall against Power 5 opponents since joining Conference USA. “Today was a disappointing day from an execution standpoint, but we can’t fault our kids’ effort,” Hudson said in a release. “They are playing very hard, and we just have to execute at a higher level and that is my job to get that done. I love this group of kids and they will continue to get better and better.” WKU’s third matchup of the weekend came against Tennessee Tech (0-6) on Saturday afternoon. The Lady Toppers picked up their fifth win of the season by sweeping the Golden Eagles 3-0 — WKU’s third win on a clean 3-0 sweep so far this season. The Lady Topper defense limited Tennessee Tech to a .065 rate and just 26 kills. The last time WKU limited an opponent to a hitting clip below .100 was against East Tennessee State on Sept. 14, 2018, when WKU held ETSU to a .067 rate. Matthews was named to the All-Tournament Team after racking up 34 kills, 17 blocks and a .356 hitting percentage in WKU’s three weekend matches. In the six games the Lady Toppers have played so far this season, WKU has outperformed most of its opponents in every statistical category. The team averages 12.8 kills per set, while the Lady Toppers’ opponents have averaged 11.3. WKU also has 269 assists compared to 238 for its opponents, averaging out to 12.2 per set for the Lady Toppers

and 10.8 per set for their opposition. The Lady Toppers have been superior defensively, as well, with 336 digs compared to 302 digs by their opponents. Size has also played a role in WKU’s success, as the team has tallied 47.0 blocks compared to 34.5 from its opponents. WKU’s next outing will be their first home match of the season against in-state foe Eastern Kentucky. The two teams haven’t met since a 3-0 WKU victory in 1998. The all-time series has a one game difference, with the Lady Toppers up 8-7. WKU has defeated EKU in each of

the last three matches between the two schools. The Colonels (3-3) won two of their three games in the UNC Asheville Tournament over the weekend. EKU’s victories came against Dartmouth College and North Carolina A&T State University — both wins were clean 3-0 sweeps for the Colonels. Game time on Tuesday is set for 6 p.m. in Diddle Arena.

Reporter Kaden Gaylord can be reached at 270-745-6291 and kaden. Follow Kaden on Twitter at @_KLG3.




CONTINUED FROM PAGE B6 of conference, we’re trying to play teams like Ole Miss and see what we can do against them. We’re building something great this year.” Neidell, in his 19th season as the head coach for the Lady Toppers, thinks these early challenges will only help his 2019 team when Conference USA play rolls around. “These four games are among the hardest stretch that we’ve put together for our kids in a long time, and to come out of that with some results, we’re feeling pretty good about ourselves still,” Neidell said. “I think these games are going to do tremendous things in the learning process, but also learning how to play with grit and learning to how to finish these games off when it comes crunch time in Conference USA.” Before WKU’s match against Ole Miss, the Lady Toppers were off to their best four-match start since 2014. WKU’s defense has been the main contributing factor to the team’s early success — as a team, WKU has shut out three of its first five opponents and allowed only four goals total against some stout competition. Neidell is thrilled with how his team is coming together defensively. “We’ve been tremendous,” Neidell said about his team’s defense. “For us to take two SEC opponents wire-to-wire and not really give them a good sniff at the goal says a lot about our backline. But it’s a total team commitment. It’s not just the backline, it’s the goalkeepers, every player positionally being sound defensively and being in the right places.” Junior defender Avery Jacobsen and senior defender Christina Bragado have been the leaders in the backline through the first five games, as they have both claimed the first two C-USA Defensive Player of the Week honors. Jacobsen won the award for the first time in her career on Aug 26 before Bragado won the award for the third time in her career just a week later on Sept. 2.


WKU defender Victoria Mayo (3) battles for the ball with Ole Miss forward Gabby Little (16).

While WKU’s defense has been the focal point of conversation for most of the season, the Lady Toppers have had six different players get into the attack and score. The Lady Toppers are led in scoring by freshman forward Ansley Cate and junior forward Ashley Leonard. The duo has scored two goals each through five matches. Preseason All-C-USA pick Ambere Barnett leads the Lady Toppers with six points (one goal, four assists). Freshman Sydney Ernst has also tallied a pair of assists for WKU.

The Lady Toppers will return to the WKU Soccer Complex for the second game of their program-record seven-match homestand on Friday evening at 6 p.m. when Southern Illinois makes its first-ever trip to Bowling Green. WKU and the Salukis have never met before, as Southern Illinois is in its first season as a program. The Salukis are coached by Grant Williams, who began his collegiate coaching career with the Lady Toppers as a volunteer assistant from 2006-2009. The Lady Toppers will finish its weekend of matches on Sunday afternoon

when Alabama A&M travels to the Hill. Neidell said he and the Lady Toppers are looking forward to taking full advantage of their seven-game homestand. “It’s fantastic,” Neidell said. “The fact our kids get to go to class, sleep in their own beds and play in the friendly confines of the complex for six more home games — we need to get some W’s and start taking care of this home field again.”

Reporter Elliott Wells can be reached at 270-745-6291 and douglas.wells357@ Follow Elliott on Twitter at @ewells5.

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Defense the highlight of sloppy first win


After losing the first game of the Tyson Helton era in gut-wrenching fashion to an FCS opponent the Hilltoppers should’ve hung 60 points on, WKU regrouped Saturday. The football program earned what has become a rare accomplishment over the last two seasons: a Conference USA victory. WKU looked somewhat improved in Saturday’s 20-14 victory over Florida International. The team still has a long way to go, though, especially offensively. On defense, Clayton White’s unit figured it out. It came through with key stops in key moments, something it was unable to do in the team’s 35-28 loss to Central CHRIS KOHLEY • HERALD Arkansas. WKU’s Daylen Powell (55), Rusty Staats (51) and Parker Howell (68) celebrate after defeating FIU 20-14 on September 7, 2019, at Riccardo Silva Stadium Here’s the thing: this is a great win for in Miami, Fla. the Hilltoppers. It also comes earlier in the season than the team’s first win last year against Ball State, which came late in September after the 2018 team’s confidence was already shot. However, FIU is not a good football team. According to the USA Today college football re-rank released on Sept. 3, WKU was dead last in the FBS rankings at No. 130, day],” Jackson said in a release. “The ball redshirt senior James Morgan and redshirt which was probably low, considering how BY ALEC JESSIE went up in the air and guys made plays, sophomore Kaylan Wiggins combined for many truly terrible teams exist. Those rankings, though arbitrary, ranked the Panthers HERALD.SPORTS@WKU.EDU played great for the quarterback. Shout just 66 yards on 5-of-18 passing. out to the O-line because without them it Most importantly, the defense sealed the No. 81 overall after the team got scraped wouldn’t be possible just because protect- victory with a goal-line stand. WKU forced 42-14 by No. 58 Tulane in week one. After barely getting by the Panthers, it’s The WKU football team got back on ing the quarterback, protecting the run- a turnover on downs late in the game after track last weekend with its first Conference ning back, making this thing run smooth. FIU had a first-and-goal play on the WKU clear the Hilltoppers’ future will be determined by the defense. This should come USA win of the season, as the Hilltoppers It was great for the offense in conference.” 2-yard line. (1-1, 1-0 C-USA) traveled south to Miami Even with the running back and receivRedshirt sophomore defensive end Ju- as a surprise to no one, as White’s tenure and took down Florida International (0-2, ing spots seemingly established for the wuan Jones said finishing the game was on the Hill is much further along than Helton’s, and players might be arriving at 0-1 C-USA) in a 20-14 defensive struggle. time being, the quarterback position is still paramount heading into the game. WKU showed a lot of improvement de- a bit of a question mark two weeks into the “We just had to persevere,” Jones said in where they need to be by now. Offensively, it’s another story. fensively, top options emerged on the of- season. a release. “Coach White, Coach Helton, the Despite the win, it might be nearing fensive side of the football, and with two Redshirt junior Steven Duncan has pro- whole staff has just been working on fintime for Tyson Helton to consider whethgames in the books, it appears first-year er Steven Duncan is really the answer at head coach Tyson Helton is in the process quarterback. of carving out a hard-working identity for Without him throwing two intercephis team. “People always say your biggest improvement is tions, the team might have cruised to an Helton said he was very pleased with the easy win instead of forcing the defense between game one and game two.” resilience his team showed during its first to bail out what was supposed to be an road test. Defensive coordinator improved offense. “It’s a huge win for our program tonight,” Duncan fits the mold for a quarterback CLAYTON WHITE Helton said in a postgame release. “We in the offense Helton said he wanted to talked about it all week — responding to implement. He’s got a strong arm, he’s tall adversity. Can’t be more proud of our footenough to see receivers down the field, ball team, especially on defense. Drive after drive they responded and came through, duced mixed results in his first two starts. ishing, that’s something we’ve been work- and he’s mobile enough to take off and so that was great to see. Duncan has thrown for 545 yards, two ing on. Week one we didn’t finish in the gain five yards if his protection breaks “The whole team battled, all three phases touchdowns and four interceptions while fourth quarter, but this one we finished in down. But Duncan’s lapses in accuracy just they battled hard. Obviously, it’s not per- completing 62.5% of his passes. The sig- the fourth quarter. This one, we knew our can’t be overlooked. fect, there’s a lot we have to clean up, but nal caller has shown flashes of his arm tal- tasks, we knew our duties and completed Arkansas transfer Ty Storey is the winning brings motivation and it brings ent and also added a rushing touchdown them to the fullest of our abilities.” obvious next choice at the position, but he confidence. That was a big win for us to- against UCA, but Duncan has struggled Helton acknowledged the defense postlooked atrocious in the spring game. If he night. Now, it’s one win, and we have to with turnovers so far. game and said he was very proud of the didn’t make significant enough improvebuild on it. But it was a good win for us To make matters more interesting, Ar- unit’s effort. ments in his game to be “the guy,” redshirt tonight.” kansas transfer Ty Storey took his first “My hats off to the defensive staff and sophomore Davis Shanley has a lower ceilOffensively, it’s clear who the main con- snap as a Hilltopper against FIU. Although players,” Helton said in a release. “I think ing than Duncan—but also a much higher tributors for WKU will be going forward. it was a single rushing attempt that went they came out tonight and they had somefloor—due to his better accuracy. Redshirt junior Gaej Walker has transi- for no gain, the fact Helton gave the back- thing to prove. They felt bad about last A positive for the offense was the offentioned seamlessly from defensive back to up a snap means Storey will factor into the week — although it was a total team loss, it sive line giving up zero sacks. In the first running back, taking control of the back- offense going forward and could end up wasn’t on the defense because they did a lot game of the season and for all of 2018, the field. After a 153-yard, two-touchdown as the starter in future games if Duncan of really good things last week — but they offensive line had more holes than the plot performance, Helton used Walker in a doesn’t take better care of the football. came out and dominated tonight. That’s of a Hallmark movie. workhorse fashion against FIU. Walker ran Defensively, WKU’s performance huge for them, it’s a big confidence boost.” Moving on to the Louisville game, the for 100 yards on 27 carries and found the against FIU was a night-and-day difference WKU will look to continue its defensive Hilltoppers will have a very slim chance at endzone once again, while no other run- compared to some of the defensive strug- improvement against Louisville (1-1) on victory. Scott Satterfield’s squad is much ning back ran the football once for WKU. gles the Hilltoppers faced against UCA. Saturday. The Cardinals were blown out different than the one coached by Bobby A hierarchy also emerged in the passing Defensive coordinator Clayton White by Notre Dame 35-17 two weeks ago but Petrino last season—the one the Hillgame. After not much involvement against said prior to the victory his unit would defeated Eastern Kentucky 42-0 last weektoppers lost to 20-17 after squandering a Central Arkansas, senior receiver Lucky make major strides between Week 1 and end. WKU and Louisville last met a season fourth-quarter lead. Jackson made his presence known against Week 2, and that notion rang true against ago — a 20-17 win for Louisville. The team looked much better than in FIU — he led the team with six receptions the Panthers. Kickoff for this year’s neutral-site conthe first game, but Power 5 wins don’t for 93 yards, including a 48-yard catch on a “People always say your biggest im- test, which will be played at Nissan Stadicome easily. In order to pull off the upset, flea-flicker play. provement is between game one and game um in Nashville, is slated for 3 p.m. on SatWKU will have to have its best game in Redshirt junior tight end Kyle Fourten- two,” White said last week. “I think they’re urday. WKU students with an active and the last two seasons, and the Hilltopper bary also made a much bigger impact af- working hard. We’re always trying to get valid student ID will be admitted into the offense will have to resolve its issues. ter a quiet first week, snagging five passes better.” game for free, according to a release. for 74 yards against the Panthers. Redshirt The Hilltopper rush defense stayed Sports Columnist and News Editor Matt junior Jahcour Pearson stayed involved as stout, allowing only 3.3 yards per carry, but Reporter Alec Jessie can be reached at Stahl can be reached at 270-745-2653 and well, tallying four receptions and a touch- the WKU pass defense made huge strides 270-745-6291 and Foldown catch for the Hilltoppers. in its second outing. Follow Alec on Twitter at @ low Matt on Twitter @mattstahl97. Jackson was impressed with the offenAfter getting torched for 404 passing Alec_Jessie. sive execution through the air. yards against UCA, the WKU secondary “We feel good about the offense [Satur- shut down the Panthers’ passing attack —


Hilltoppers bounce back with road conference win

‘Close isn’t good enough’: WKU soccer team not satisfied yet BY ELLIOTT WELLS HERALD.SPORTS@WKU.EDU

After five matches to start the 2019 regular season, the WKU soccer team has quickly grown accustomed to playing past the full 90 minutes of a game — the Lady Toppers have already played three double-overtime matches so far this season. WKU’s (2-2-1) most recent double-overtime contest came on Thursday night at the WKU Soccer Complex against Mississippi (5-1-0). The Rebels defeated the Lady Toppers 1-0 after a

foul in the box that led to junior forward Channing Foster scoring the game-winning penalty kick for Ole Miss in the 108th minute. Just a week before WKU’s loss to Ole Miss, the Lady Toppers suffered a 3-2 loss to Samford (2-2-2) — a double-overtime decision that handed WKU its only other loss of the year. The Bulldogs overcame WKU in a match where junior defender Grace Sommi scored her first goal of the season with 34 seconds left in the decisive overtime period. While double-overtime hasn’t exactly been kind to WKU this season, the Lady Toppers did manage to hold Kentucky (40-2) to a scoreless 0-0 draw on Aug. 25.

WKU’s draw against the Wildcats earned the Lady Toppers their first point against an SEC program since also drawing 0-0 against Tennessee on Sept. 15, 2013. Although WKU has gone wire-to-wire against two SEC opponents — Kentucky and Ole Miss — already this season, head coach Jason Neidell and the Lady Toppers are not pleased with just being “close” against Power 5 counterparts. “I think we’re at the point in our program where you look at our kids after a match like this and there’s a real sense of disappointment,” Neidell said. “There are no moral victories anymore. Unless we get wins against teams like Kentucky

and Ole Miss, it doesn’t mean anything. We’re disappointed. We felt like tonight we could have at least gotten a tie. Like I said, that says a lot about our kids and their character. Close isn’t good enough, and we want to keep pushing to win these matches.” Despite not getting wins against Kentucky, Samford and Ole Miss, redshirt senior goalkeeper Anne-Marie Ulliac said she believes these double-overtime games are only a positive for the Lady Toppers moving forward. “This is incredible practice for us,” Ulliac said. “It’s like bonus soccer. We’re out SEE SOCCER • PAGE B5

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