WKU Grad Guide - Spring 2023

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Spring 2023


Graduate School














CRISTINA BETZ Creative Director


Writing Editor


Photo Editor


Design Editor


JT STEELE Advertising Manager


Cherry Creative Adviser

WES ORANGE Advertising Adviser


Nicole Johnson

Abby Neltner

Lexi Ocampo


Rhett Helland

Hydia Jackson

Rhiannon Johnston

Wyatt Richardson

DaShaun Van Cleave

Garrett Woodrum


Emma Dock

Chloe Sharp


Alex Cissell

Carson Coffey

Nick Fowler

Kayla Heath

Abby Loftus

Julia Steinmetz


4 5 6 9 10 13 14 16 19 20 41 63
TO RIGHT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM): Maya Dobelstein, Amante Cunningham, Zyrel Canillas, Kiara Braxton-Davis, Kam Neely, Casey Brantley, Katie Norman, Emily Miller, Hunter Mathis


As graduation quickly approaches, students may feel overwhelmed by a range of different emotions. Some are not ready to give up the college lifestyle and are intimidated by the idea of taking that next big step into the working world. Others have been counting down the days until they get to begin the next chapter of their life. Some know exactly what they are doing after college, while others have no idea. For some, not having a plan is causing a lot of anxiety, and others are looking forward to having the time to figure out what they want to do next. Some students are moving far away from their family, while others are going back home for the first time in a while.

Regardless of the emotions you are currently experiencing, graduation is a significant achievement. Whether you have a plan or not, take a little time to catch your breath and congratulate yourself on this accomplishment. College is not easy, and everyone has had those difficult days that cast doubt about whether graduating is really worth it. Although there may have been a lot of uncertainty and some tears along the way, you succeeded!

The people you met and the memories you made will be with you forever. Not only did you earn a degree, but the journey you have been on has made you who you are today. Maybe you discovered you are tougher than you think? Maybe you took a few risks that paid off? It’s OK if you feel you have more to learn about yourself. Despite what people say, graduation is not the end, but just another milestone in your life.




Graduates walk together through campus to HouchensSmith Stadium before taking their seats for the commencement ceremony during which President Timothy Caboni will present the graduates to the board of regents for the conferral of degrees.

Graduates line up at 5:45 p.m. Topper Walk begins at 6:30 p.m. with commencement to follow. Afterward, the Big Red Bash will be held on South Lawn with music, food and fireworks.



Each college will host a ceremony to recognize their graduates, who will walk up for individual recognition and greet President Caboni and their dean. Graduates should arrive one hour before the ceremony.

Gordon Ford College of Business

Potter College of Arts and Letters

Ogden College of Science and Engineering

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

College of Health and Human Services

8:00 AM 10:30 AM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 6:30 PM

$tudents Prepare to Move for New Jobs

Many students find jobs out of town or out of state once they graduate. Some students go into college already planning to find employment outside of Bowling Green because they have no intention of staying in the same place. But, do they know what they’re getting into?

With interviewing, apartment hunting and establishing roots in a new place, there are many things to consider. Anxieties of moving away can be hard to deal with. It can be difficult to feel prepared. However, some students feel prepared enough for their new chapter in life.

Charlotte Couvillion from Crestwood will be moving to Louisville to pursue a sales career after graduation.

“I always knew that I wanted to be in Bowling Green just for college. I knew it would be a stepping stone for my career in a bigger city,” Couvillion said.

Couvillion shared her process of finding her job and making the decision to move to Louisville.

“I currently have an internship, so I was deciding whether to stay in my current position when the job I’m taking just fell into my lap. The opportunity was amazing,”

Couvillion said. “The decision to move wasn’t difficult. My parents live near the area, and I used to go to high school around there.”

Couvillion said she loves the atmosphere of Louisville and can’t wait for her move.

Friends Madi Werner from Simpsonville and Hadley Pagel from Calvert City will be moving to Franklin, Tennessee, together after graduation.

Werner will be pursuing a career in corporate recruiting, while Pagel will become a financial planning associate with a goal of eventually becoming a certified financial planner.

Werner said that while she felt prepared academically, she doesn’t think she is prepared emotionally.

“I’m an only child, and I think moving away from my parents into the real world will be a big adjustment for me,” Werner said.

Werner said she found her position on a job website called Glassdoor.

“I applied for anything that suited me and eventually got an email from an employer,” Werner said. “I went to Nashville to interview in person which was very overwhelming, but I had a lot of support from the people I care about.”

Werner said after that interview she had a second phone interview, and, at the end, the employer told her she was hired.

Pagel gave some insight into the process of finding her job.

“The process was somewhat stressful just because of the unknown, but I really did feel prepared for the interview process,” Pagel said.

Pagel said the WKU Department of Finance had encouraged her to step out of her comfort zone, which helped her build her confidence in her networking abilities.

Pagel said that she has some anxieties about moving away.

“Of course, I have some anxiety. I’m starting my real life after all, but I don’t doubt my decision at all. I have loved my time at Western, and it will be hard to leave, but, at the same time, I am so excited about this new phase of my life,” Pagel said. “I deal with my anxiety by reminding myself that I am completely capable of this and thinking about how excited I am.”

While moving away can be a stressful thing, it’s good to make a plan and be prepared. So when the day comes, it isn’t that stressful after all.

$ $ $


Navigating the Post-Grad Job Market

Entering the post-grad workforce can be a daunting and scary prospect for many students. However, it is important to remember that navigating the post-grad workforce doesn’t have to be scary. With the right mindset and preparation, it can be an exciting opportunity to explore new possibilities and learn new skills.

Adrianne Browning, a professional development specialist and career coach at WKU, said that students’ most significant concern when they meet with her is that they struggle to secure an internship or job opportunity. Browning said a student’s resume is usually the cause of their struggle.

“The resume gets you the interview, and if you’re not getting the interview, it’s because of the resume,” Browning said. “The resume is your face and is the marketing tool that allows employers to get to know you.”

There are some guidelines to follow when making a resume that stands out to employers, said Sarah Jones, a retention marketing specialist at Saks Fifth Avenue in New York City and a 2020 graduate of WKU. Jones recommends adding color to a resume.

“I don’t think a piece of black and white paper with Times New Roman scribed across it showed what I could bring to a position,” Jones said. “I also encourage you to add the short link for your LinkedIn profile into the contact section on your resume, this lets the employer gain easy access and encourages them to learn even more about you.”

Browning said that while including

personal details and images on a resume can showcase one’s personality, it’s crucial to avoid overdoing it.

Bryce Stewart, a 2021 WKU alumnus and a career coach at the WKU Career Development

Center, stressed the importance of networking.

“All of my professors emphasized the importance of starting to make connections in the field that you want to go into and actually have a relationship with that person,” Stewart said.

To put it simply, the more people you build connections with in the field you are interested, in the higher chance you have of securing an internship or job after graduation, Stewart said.

Browning said internships and other experiences are essential to establish credibility with potential employers.

“My motto is ‘no internship, no job’. A lot of companies are now requiring previous internship experience for their positions,” Browning said.

Stewart said that internships have more benefits beyond developing skills.

For graduates who do not have previous internship experience, Stewart recommends including the various skills that they possess on their resumes.

“If you show that you have career readiness competencies and specific skills that apply


directly to the position, employers will take notice,” Stewart said.

Similar to the specialists, Jones said she includes those specific skills and previous internships and experiences on LinkedIn to broaden the number of potential employers she could reach.

“For LinkedIn, I would recommend staying active by sharing posts that you support and believe in. Make sure to be following accounts that align with your ideals and beliefs so that if agencies go to your profile they can quickly see a highlight of who you are,” Jones said.

Browning said establishing an online presence is important in today’s job market.

“LinkedIn is very beneficial. It’s a professional networking site, so don’t be afraid to connect with people on there,” Browning said.

The biggest tool that new graduates can use to help jumpstart navigating the job market is WKU, Browning said.

All alumni are able to utilize the same resources that WKU students are offered to help them during this next step toward their future, whether its financial counseling or career coaching.

“WKU is still here to help you in all capacities, you are not alone in this process,” Browning said.

Some offices open to alumni are The Advising and Career Development Center, The Center for Financial Success and The Alumni Center. All alumni can make

appointments with these offices through their emails, which can be found on the WKU website.

Don’t be scared to take this next step toward the future. Be proud of this accomplishment and know that WKU is always here to lend a helping hand.

“The resume is your face and is the marketing tool that allows employers to get to know you.”
-Adrianne Browning
“All of my professors emphasized the importance of starting to make connections in the field that you want to go into and actually have a relationship with that person.” - Bryce Stewart


One-year graduate programs

Masters in Business Administration (MBA) MS in Business Analytics (MSBA)

MS in Accountancy and Analytics (MSAA)

Powerful curriculum and cohort team based format support your success

11-month competitive internship opportunities offset a signifcant portion of the tuition costs

10-day international study trip provides global exposure and is a highlight of the program for most students

Exclusive opportunities to learn and network with industry leaders

Learn more today!

Degree features vary by program. Visit our website for more details.


Where to Now?

That’s hard to answer with certainty, but the future is still yours to shape. Take this quiz to find out which major US city is worthy of your future dreams!


I want to go back home ...

A. Every Weekend

B. Every Month

C. When I Can

D. For Emergencies

E. Never

My favorite thrift find would be ...

A. Air Jordans

B. Brooks Brothers

C. A Designer Brand

D. A Vineyard Vines T-Shirt

E. A Vintage Item

The best city for you is ...

Mostly As

My major is in the college of ...

A. Health and Human Services

B. Education and Behavioral Sciences

C. Arts and Letters

D. Business

E. Science and Engineering

23 4 5 6

This sounds the most appetizing ...

A. Deep Dish Pizza

B. Steak Dinner

C. Cream Cheese Bagel

D. Cuban Sandwich

E. Sushi

Mostly Bs


In the capital of the United States, you seek change through your presence. If you like more work than play, D.C. is your place!

Mostly Cs

I would first buy tickets to a ...

A. Sporting Event

B. History Museum

C. Art Exhibition

D. Nightclub

E Concert

My favorite type of weather is ...

A. Breezy

B. Rainy

C. Snowy

D. Humid

E. Sunny

Mostly Ds


Your favorite fit is a swimsuit, and your favorite place is a party. If you don’t plan on slowing down soon, Miami will match your pace!

Mostly Es


You love the city sophistication, but also chilling out with a deep dish pizza and a game. The Windy City is for you!

You’re willing to dream your way through unpredictable weather and thrive in creative populations. The Big Apple is for you!

In the spirit of the west, you’re ready for your surroundings to change in every way. If you’re ready for palms instead of pines, Los Angeles is for you!



Dying for that perfect Kodak moment to commemorate the impending graduation but not sure where to pose and smile for the camera? No need to fret, this map has all the perfect places to stop and strike a pose around campus. Whether in a cap and gown or a planned outfit for the occasion, these WKU locations will capture this monumental moment that will be oh so frame worthy. Get that camera ready — there is a photo shoot to be done!




Illustration by Bailey Brush




School of Media `

Maria C. Betz

Emilie J. Doherty

Hunter W. Dukes

Chandler O. Miller

Charles J. Moore

Calleigh D. Powell

Mason L. Quiram

Mustafa G. Salman

Emma I. Watson

Blake M. Bethune

Elizabeth A. Cheshire

Abigail F. Cod

Karson N. Davis

Emory D. Fazenbacker

James M. Grassano

MacKenzie E. Hall

Matthew C. Harris

Gavin M. Haworth

Bryce P. Jones

Christian L. Meguiar

Aaliyah Muler-Aviles

Lamont P. Pearley

Austin T. Preston

Aaron T. Shiflet

Sophia L. South

Mary G. Stephens

Dashaun M. Van Cleave

Adrianna K. Wagner


Maria C. Betz

Jacob T. Breneman

Gabriella L. Broekema

Tucker A. Covey

Charlie A. Haynes

Susanna K. Leachman

David O’Connor

Alexandra L. Schallert

Gunnar C. Word


Tai Ahyo

Kodee B. Brinegar

Gianna K. Cecil

Michael J. Collins

Michael P. Crimmins

Hannah K. Foster

Tessa M. Hillman

Thomas A. Martel


Tea C. Jones

Cassady J. Lamb

Charles J. Moore

Jackson P. Quinn

Steve W. Sparkman

Drew W. Toennies

Nicole White


Samuel Bailey

Morgan DeAtley

Garrett Embry

Carson Evans

Analese Ruth Lytle

Ramsey Holl

Kendrick Mahoney

Brent Bentley Mattingly

Paul D. Maxwell

Darrel Ovenshire

Clara Riggs

Anthony Trogden-Brown

Quillan Wilson

Jennifer Zaragoza

Film Production

Misha Bondarenko

Julie Bryson

Rachel Coomes

Aaron Davis

Katherine Frantz

Carrie Guyton

Travis Harrell

Imogene Paige Murphy

Jon Powell

Elisabeth Sandahl

Jillian Seither

Chadwick Walden


A Merger of Two Units

Exciting changes and new student opportunities are coming to Jody Richards Hall later this year. As PCAL Dean Terrance Brown announced earlier this year, “The School of Media and Department of Communication are merging to form the School of Media & Communication in fall 2023.”

The new School of Media & Communication will be located in Jody Richards Hall, and renovations will begin over the summer of 2023 to provide room for both units to come together as one.

This merger will allow students to take communication courses and media courses in the same building. It also opens up new opportunities for students of both units.

Ron DeMarse, director of the School of Media, is excited about this merger and the new opportunities it will bring to students.

“It’s great to get advertising and public

relations back in the school, as they were here for many years in the past. We’re also eager to work with new colleagues from Comm and find ways for all eight of our major programs to collaborate,” DeMarse said.

Brown stated that conversations about what renovations will occur are still ongoing.

“The objective is to maintain existing instructional space while adding faculty/staff offices to allow all individuals in the new unit to reside under one roof,” he said.

Brown said he believes the merger of these units is a fantastic opportunity for both parties.

“I think this is an opportunity to combine two units who display high levels of academic excellence to build more interdisciplinary instructional, research and creative scholarship opportunities for both faculty and students. In addition, we hope to create new pathways for staff development,”

Brown said.

Majors offered by the School of Media & Communication include: Broadcasting, Photojournalism, Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, Communication Studies, Corporate and Organizational Communication as well as a BA and BFA in Film.

Existing certificates in Digital Advertising, Strategic Communications and Workplace Communication are also offered and more may be coming soon.

Graduate programs include an M.A. in Organizational Communication and certificates in Communicating in Organizations and Communicating in Healthcare.

An exciting new adventure is being created for students in these two units as changes begin happening at Jody Richards Hall.

Jody Richards Hall currently houses the Broadcasting, Film, Journalism and Photojournalism programs in the School of Media. Following the 2023 merger, it will be renovated to accommodate the addition of the Department of Communication.

Are Gap Years Beneficial?

College can be a long and challenging period in a student’s life. Four difficult years, sometimes more, of essays, presentations, finals, midterms and everything in between. Sometimes students just need a well-deserved break. This could be after graduation or just a break between semesters. A gap period can be done whenever anyone wants and can last for however long they want it to.

This could be the time to travel, be with family, work in community serviceor just relax. However, will this gap year hinder a student’s work ethic? How does a break from school affect a student afterward?

Travel could be involved such as ‘Saving the Turtles in Costa Rica’ or ‘Working with Elephants in Namibia’ but I’m sure there are many other opportunities right here in the USA. It could be associated with a church, nonprofit corporation, local charities, etc.,” Ahern said. “I think the best gap years involve giving back and getting out of the ‘me, me, me’ mentality. Basically, see how others in the world/USA live differently than you, which will ultimately give you a better perspective on your personal blessings.”

Ahern also said, that a gap period can help students figure out what they want to do with their future.

“I think that cold be a good purpose for a gap year. One’s major doesn’t define a career path, so earning a college degree is a good baseline. You could use the year to ‘try out’ different paths, or it could be a 100% discovery process,” Ahern said.

Wayne Simpson, the associate director of career development at WKU, said a gap year can affect a student’s work ethic.

“Transitions back to school from a year off can be difficult. Thus, finding an interest you are passionate about is key when going back to school,” Simpson said. “A person may find it more difficult to find momentum or motivation to do assignments; however, with the experience accumulated over time, it may not be as hard of a transition as one may think.”

Simpson said that graduates know the hard work of going to school and the hard work of being an adult. It can be challenging to find a balance. However, taking time for a student to get to know themself and what they want to do is a way to find a balance between both.

Financial aid may also be a problem when it comes to gap periods. Students may decide to head back to school after their break.

“Before deciding to take a gap year, look at the requirements of financial aid for your particular area and school. Most federal financial aid can be funded for up to six or nine months, or until an individual starts to take classes,” Simpson said. “Additionally, make sure to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the school year in which you want to attend.”

Gap periods can be very helpful for students and graduates alike. Sometimes a long break is all someone needs before they hit the ground running in the workforce or go back to school. So if a student or graduate is thinking of taking a gap period, they need to make a plan for it and try to make it memorable.

“I think it ultimately depends on the career field that a student is set up for, meaning that in some instances, if a job placement is available right after college, accounting, for example, or if a student is on a longer graduate school track, such as medical school, etc, it may be good to jump straight to the next step,” James McKnight, an academic adviser said.

McKnight said that otherwise, it would be a great benefit for a student to take a break and think about who they are and where they want to go.

Brian Ahern, a career coach at WKU offered a few suggestions for students.

“There are so many to choose from.


Local Bank Helps Make Twisted Sisters Nutrition Possible

“We wouldn’t have been able to do any of this if it wasn’t for Franklin Bank helping us. They got it taken care of in a couple days, which was a lot easier than we anticipated it to be,” Fox said.

Twisted Sisters opened in November 2022, and Walton said that it was made possible through the help of their employee, Kenadi Sexton, and the outpour of love from the community.

“I go in and ask them what they feel like suggesting that day and get whatever they tell me,” Marklin said. “It has been nice to get to know them better!”

Walton also said that in support of their community, they offer military and teacher discounts and have instituted a loyalty punch card system.

“The community has been awesome in supporting us, and we’re excited to see what the summertime brings,” Walton said.

Marklin said it’s always a scary venture to open a new business, but he wishes nothing but the best for the Twisted Sisters.

“I decided to take a chance on them, and I’m proud of them for what they’ve done,” Marklin said.

Franklin Bank and Trust has provided loans for many small businesses in the region to help build relationships with the community. One of these small businesses made possible by Franklin Bank is Twisted Sisters Nutrition.

Owned by two sisters, Robyn Walton and Riley Fox, Twisted Sisters Nutrition sells protein shakes and loaded energy teas, and Walton said they are hoping to expand their menu to include protein and acai bowls.

“Our name actually comes from our grandparents who would call us twisted sisters when we were kids,” Walton said.

Walton said she would go into the previous owner’s store every day, sometimes twice a day, to order tea. The old owner had mentioned to her that she was looking to sell, and Walton said she called her sister who was living in Wyoming from 2018 to 2022.

“With my culinary background, I was running a cookie store out west in four different locations, and I wasn’t appreciated for everything I was doing,” Fox said. “I knew I wanted my own business eventually, and I was scrolling through Indeed trying to find jobs when my sister called me.”

Walton said when they made the decision to purchase the store, they called Wes Marklin, a loan officer at Franklin Bank who was supportive from the jump.

“We couldn’t have asked for the process to be easier. Wes said to send over the financials, file the LLC paperwork and then handed us a check,” Walton said.

Walton also said that because she is a member of Franklin Bank, she is on a firstname basis with the staff, and that helped ease the process of going through the business proposal.

“I knew Robyn because we’re both involved with agriculture in that part of the community,” Marklin said. “Riley had just moved back from Wyoming when I had met her.”

Marklin said that Franklin Bank pushes for more local businesses in downtown Franklin, and the sisters had all the financials and the paperwork he needed to move forward.

Marklin also said the hardest part of giving a loan to a new business is the lack of financial records, but because the Twisted Sisters bought from a previous owner and shared those records, the process went smoothly.

Twisted Sisters aims to combine quality ingredients and good taste in protein shakes and loaded energy teas. “The protein shakes have anywhere between 24 to 48 grams of protein,” Walton said. “Our teas are completely sugar free, have 20 calories and have natural energy, similar to the caffeine you would get in a coke.”

Robyn Walton (left) and Riley Fox own and operate Twisted Sisters Nutrition in Franklin. The sisters opened their store in November, and Fox said they have plans for further expansion.

EmpowerMe Wellness Offers Rewarding Career Opportunities

EmpowerMe Wellness works with seniors in assisted living, independent living and memory care, and is looking to hire physical therapists and speech language pathologists post-graduation.

“I worked 13 years in a skilled nursing facility, and there was a position open with EmpowerMe in assisted living and memory care settings/independent care settings,” said Miranda Hunt, a speech-language pathologist who works with seniors on communication, language, dysphagia, voice and cognitive linguistic functioning. “It was a change of pace and a change of community.”

Hunt said EmpowerMe prioritizes flexibility more than other companies she has worked for.

“EmpowerMe is more customer-based,” Douglas Skinner, a physical therapist, said. “You have freedom to see people in their home and create personalized goals.”

As a physical therapist, Skinner works with ambulation, transfers, balance, safety awareness and strength.

“We work to restore physical function that has been lost, or to improve physical function that has become more difficult,” Skinner said.

Hunt said the goal at EmpowerMe is to keep patients in their current level of care, such as assisted living, so they don’t have to move up to a higher level, like skilled nursing care.

EmpowerMe focuses on the number of visits conducted per day, as opposed to the number of minutes spent performing treatment, which makes for a far less stressful working day compared to other therapy companies, Skinner said.

“As a therapist, you have a lot of freedom in this setting,” Hunt said. “There aren’t people hounding me about what I do — they really respect my clinical judgment and what I do with my patients.”

EmpowerMe leaders tout the company’s values, which are servant leadership, relentless drive, alignment, audacity and bravery, fierce intellectual curiosity, longterm focus and having fun.

“We’re a one-stop-shop, including onsite collections for lab testing and a new inhouse pharmacy,” Skinner said. “We have some departments at the corporate level that we consult with, but at the end of the day, we have a lot of autonomy.”

Hunt said there are many opportunities for

advancement and even more opportunities for growth within EmpowerMe.

“I didn’t know what I was missing until I came to work in this setting, and I can’t see myself ever going back now,” Skinner said.

For more information about EmpowerMe, visit www.empowerme.com or visit Massey Springs Senior Living at 2945 Smallhouse Road in Bowling Green.


Glenda Held, a resident of Massey Springs Senior Living Community in Bowling Green, meets with her therapist and clinic director, Doug Skinner, a few times each week in order to get back on her feet and onto a cycling machine for the first time since a back injury in EmpowerMe Wellness is offering post-graduation career opportunities for physical therapists and speech language pathologists to work with seniors nationwide.




Jessica M. Helton

Rachel A. Hunter

Tori N. Palmore

Emily M. Snyder

Kristen N. Tinch

Folk Studies

Rachel G. Baldwin

Allison K. Cate

Kathryn R. Novak


Kaci N. DeLisle

Rebecca T. Edwin

John C. Elam

Rebecca K. Horn

Brooklyn H. Lile

Derrick A. Lindow



Mary L. Pitts


Pamela L. Deaderick


Creative Writing

Caroline E. Galdi

Chandler A. Moore

Sarah H. Olive

Ericka M. Russell


Justus S. Adams

Tina M. Logsdon

Cassandra E. Lucas

John J. South

Melissa M. Valone

Elizabeth J. Wechtenhiser


Richard R. Geiger

Michael S. King

Margaret D. Lewis

Casey L. Lile

Darinda A. Reddick

Donald W. Smith



MaKenzie H. Bradley

Tahsin Sarwar Cinthol

Kaylee M. Contreras

Emily F. Finchem

Erykah J. Fitts

Ashley M. Fortner

Kira H. Gotcher

Isabelle C. Graves

Leslie M. Runner

Jaylin N. Smith

Parker J. Smith

Alaina F. Webber


Eden R. Borders

Brady L. Priest

Tyler S. Rottmann

Iyanla A. Shackelford

Noah P. Snyder

Isabella R. Willis

Maya J. Wright


Cassidy A. Manwell

Asian Religions and Cultures

Rheanna G. Tes


Elizabeth A. Cheshire

Jermaine M. Cole

Abigail F. Cox

Karson N. Davis

Emory D. Fazenbaker

James M. Grassano

MacKenzie E. Hall

Matthew C. Harris

Gavin M. Haworth

Bryce P. Jones

Braden R. Kemmerer

Christian L. Meguiar

Aaliyah Mulero-Aviles

Lamont P. Pearley

Austin T. Preston

Aaron T. Shiflet

Sophia L. South

Mary G. Stephens

Dashaun M. Van Cleave

Adrianna K. Wagner


Reilly L. Aldrich

Courtney L. Couture

Josie E. Coyle

Quinn Y. Flanders

Reece L. Gillespie

Trevor A. Harry

Caroline B. Hart

Maeli C. Johnson

Trevor Z. Maguire

Amanda Q. Myers

Maggie Wilcox

Langley C. Williams

Communication Studies

Joseph P. Cannon

James A. Cecil

Emily J. Collins

Brenna G. Cooke

Alexis R. Courtenay

Emilie J. Doherty

Lorena M. Griffith

David H. Hartlage

Allie R. Hildebrandt

Alexis I. Hunter

Jenna M. Kaiser

Chandler O. Miller

Tanya Prabhakar

Shainna K. Ralston

Austin R. Smith

Ellie J. Wilson

Corporate and Organizational Communication

Zachary L. Creek

Ashley R. Hardin

Sada Hussein

Ashlan R. Panaia

Calleigh D. Powell

Morgan J. Zalla


Madison R. Abbott

Julianne E. Ahmadzai

Brandon R. Aldridge

Kaylie B. Allen

Logan K. Bailey

Emily A. Balding

Jeyda J. Bays

Asiana Bell

Vijay M. Blevins

Amber R. Bray

Mikayla M. Bumphus

Sarah Butoyi

Brandon D. Craft

Anna L. Dahl

Chanell K. Ellis

Rylee M. Emmick

Nicholas R. Gardner

Tatiana Gonzalez

Michael L. Graham

Thomas E. Greer

Christopher P. Haag

Morgan D. Helton

Hannah L. Hennessey

Tyana A. Hicks

Daren J. Holdaway

Cassidy M. Howell

Mollyanna S. Keim

Shawn J. Kwasny

Lexis G. Ledford

Yuritzi Lopez-Angeles

Alexandria J. Martin

Jonathan P. Mattas

Trent S. McGrath

James T. Mullen

Dylen J. Norman

Lily O’Shaughnessy

Emily C. Pedigo

Amanda M. Perkins

Colton M. Ping

Cierra A. Rawls

Grace A. Ray

Jacob K. Runkle

Natalie J. Sampson

Jeffry K. Schlabach

Matthew A. Smith

Sydney D. Smithers

Chloe E. Snow

Sara I. Sparling

Justin G. Spearman

Madisyn P. Taylor

Theaira K. Thurston

Vextin T. Valence

Emma G. Wakeman

Nolan R. Weber

Austin N. Yaroma


Averi N. Bishop

Emily M. Bolinger

Abigail M. Kubala

Rylie O. McDonald

Dominique L. Rice

Chelby S. Woods

Julia E. Woolums




Zeita L. Beaver

Kaylee ben Yosef

Abbie J. Booty

Laurel S. Brahm

Cody W. Byrd

Jolie D. Finley

Sydney L. Graham

Keylee C. Hargis

Devon N. Heath

Zachary T. Hopkins

Cara P. Kirby

Haley A. Leach

Felicia D. McCroskey

Kaitlyn S. McMullan

Cassandra L. Merena

Emily J. Moore

Heather R. Neidlinger

Delaney C. O’Neill

Elizabeth A. Roth

Anna O. Shoulders

Rachel E. Taylor

Samantha E. Temple

Natalie G. Umberger

English For Secondary Teachers

Macy G. McAnelly

Kerston B. Raines

Caitlyn J. Woitena


Garrett C. Embry

John K. Mahoney

Paul D. Maxwell

Darrell E. Ovenshire

Clara E. Riggs


Charles J. Andres

Bridget M. Beavin

Cheyenne A. Brush

Elizabeth C. Coleman

John T. Doyle

Ryan A. Finegan

Garrett M. Holley

Alexander J. Sutton

Madison F. York

International Affairs

Joseph W. Black

Olivia N. Blackmon

Elijah W. Bunn

Josie E. Coyle

Molly P. Robinson

Rafael Teodoro da Silva

Souto Borges


Tai R. Ahyo

Kodee B. Brinegar

Gianna K. Cecil

Michael J. Collins

Michael P. Crimmins

Hannah K. Foster

Tessa M. Hillman

Téa C. Jones

Cassady J. Lamb

Charles J. Moore

Jackson P. Quinn

Drew W. Toennies

Samantha N. White


Jonah B. Adams

Benjamin T. Carter

James C. Daugherty

Emilie R. Kroboth

Leta C. Pierce

Lorena C. Silva

Paralegal Studies

Garrett L. Krantz

Avery C. Travis


Rose T. Donnelly

Justin C. Goins

Chase M. Siler


Maria C. Betz

Jacob T. Breneman

Gabriella L. Broekema

Tucker A. Covey

Charlie A. Haynes

Susanna K. Leachman



Georgia C. Mallett

David R. O’Connor

Alexandra L. Schallert

Gunnar C. Word

Political Science

Jake P. Barman

Bridget M. Beavin

Matthew B. Brown

Logan B. Collins

Margaret P. Glaser

Preston R. Goodman

Sydney B. Judd

Grace E. Lowe

Noah B. Lyles

Adam R. McGuffey

Elle E. McKinney

Brooklynne T. Messer

Garrett F. Page

Meaghan M. Peterman

Daniel E. Taulbee

Jenny M. Tovar

Hannah G. Whitaker

Derek W. Woodruff

Professional Legal Studies

Michael A. Ballard

Public Relations

Claire C. Anderson

Cole M. Bornefeld

Taylor R. Burton

Matthew O. Gadd

Margaret A. Hayden

Alexandra S. Miller

Emily A. Morelli

Abigail L. Peay

Calleigh D. Powell

Andre J. Swai

Rachel E. Taylor

Emma I. Watson

Religious Studies

Virginia B. Sullivant

Social Studies

Cheyenne A. Brush

Thomas E. Desurne

Jacob R. Guminski

Edward G. Hayden

Mackenzie L. Houchens

Ruby L. Kinkel

Zachary D. Martin

Abigail N. McKinney

Hannah R. McNabb

Taylor L. Meadows

Samantha A. Metzgar

Logan G. Pennington

Bryan B. Starr

Andrew J. Swierkosz

Jared S. Ward

Malori J. Wilson


Chloe E. Blakeman

Sarah M. Burkhead

Alexandra L. Carroll

Kierstin L. Curry

Marcellos D. Jackson

Janoah L. Mansfield

Grace Z. Meiser

Sherry L. Reed

Holly S. Schepke

Maria C. Siewers

Brittany L. Trent

Jaelyn M. Young


Cameron P. Castro

Erin N. Chumley

Sofia E. Clements

Lindsey J. Fannin

Hannah K. Foster

Bethany M. Waddey


Casey S. Brantley

Benjamin H. Brooks

Breeann L. Gravatte

Sarah A. Hargis

Katelyn E. Hurst

Madison R. Webb

Ashley J. Whitsitt

Visual Studies

Paige E. Briggs

Kenna N. Carman

Tyler E. Cummins

Natashja M. Gentry

Jamison M. Moorehead

Brenna C. Polston

Lindsey T. Wilkinson


Film Production

Michael W. Bondarenko

Julie B. Bryson

Rachel M. Coomes

Aaron J. Davis

Katherine G. Frantz

April L. Gregory

Carrie E. Guyton

Travis E. Harrell

Imogene P. Murphy

Elisabeth M. Sandahl

Jillian R. Seither

Performing Arts

Avery E. Barrett

Alyssa S. Eibel

Lorelei C. Frank

Elizabeth G. Garapic

Jorah M. Graham

Ella S. Hagan

Abigail F. Jimison

Jillian G. Kohr

Alijah A. McCollum

Emma E. McGee

Audrey C. Plescia

Hailey A. Robertson

Visual Arts

Cassandra J. Bays

Riley E. Boudreau

Noah M. Clendenen

Maya C. Dobelstein

Kendall B. Gott

Shelby C. Hahn

Allyson A. Hodge

Marian E. McBride

Juliana A. McCoy

Jamison M. Moorehead

Kameron P. Neely

Abigail C. Neltner

Lilian C. Obsitnik

Brenna C. Polston

Abigail R. Robinson

Jessica T. Strange

Isaac C. Teske

Sydney P. Vest

Kyndall F. Waller

Kacy E. Weinburg

Madison C. Whittle

Sarah M. Wolf


Alexander M. Benoit

Charlotte O. Brown

Hardin A. Butts

Emily R. Chambers

Aleka R. Chau

Kristina M. Chesser

Katelin R. Drybrough

Quentin N. Farris

Lauren E. Fields

Taylor M. Henning

Quinn C. Hixson

Srirangan Iyer

Jillian P. McLellan

Jessica A. Perez

Dessa R. Pogue

Hadley E. Rouse

Stephanie A. Sass

Sara I. Sparling

David Trejo-Mendoza

Kaylee R. Tribolet

Gabriel A. Willoughby




Seth Carey

Heather J. Ford

Lori K. Fox

Bailey E. Mattingly

Musa Mawanda

Jamie R. Owens

Bradley K. Parker

Tyler J. Smith

Belinda Taylor

Sydney C. Word


Sabrina N. Adams

Anna E. Albright

Will P. Boothe

Noah R. Burns

Kennedy L. Eaton

Allie S. Fuller

Jeanne Kelley T. Galia

Brilyn P. Garrett

Taylor E. Geary

Joseph G. Gibson

Brittany R. Hale

Mandolyn E. Harvey

Erin E. Houchins

Allen J. Howe

Krystal A. Keeton

Jaxon M. Lashley

Michael E. Manzo

Kyle G. Matter

Easton R. May

Ashlyn M. Medley

Robert S. Meyer

Andrew P. Miller

Lauren E. Moore

Kristin N. Mudd

Emma E. Ramsey

Jarod L. Stackpole

Keylee M. Stalcup Watson

Jonathan M. Stubblefield

Corbin C. Suratt

Abby N. Tillotson


Benjamin F. Jamison

Austin T. Work


Madison E. Blakeman

Jonathan Campbell

Abigail D. Cressman

Nicholas T. Duncan

Lillian G. Forseth

Scott A. Hanson

Sadie D. Jeannette

Tommie Kendall

LaDeirdre A. Mumford

Ellie L. Neckel

Samantha J. Shaw

Kumar S. Sidoo

Joy A. Stemle

Priti Thapa

Tochukwu Tiko-Obichili


Child and Family Studies

Christopher S. Holiday

Sydne N. Taylor

Juanita D. WilliamsKillebrew

Whitney T. Wynn

Environmental and Occupational Health Science

Poojitha Bhavineni

Victoria Decker

Morgan B. Miller

Nikita Nunez


Alexis J. Bach

Mackenzie C. Crittenberger

Hunter A. Evans

Hanwen Liu

Jana L. Michalik

Jumanah Haseen Riyaz

Recreation and Sport Administration

Sarah E. Bordges

Catherine R. Brown

Benjamin D. Carpenter

Deion M. Craig

Austin T. Daniel

Joshua A. Doyle

Damien M. Duncan

Taylor R. Gamble

Katherine L. Isenbarger

Kendall King

Lindsey B. Moore

Jakairi Moses

Andre D. Pate

Summer R. Richmond

Kaycee D. Scott

Timious Scott

Jacob T. Sharp

Steven B. Simmons

Anthony B. Stewart

Ashley A. Terry

Levi B. Wilkinson

Bryce V. Williams

Speech-Language Pathology

Brooke E. Blaisdell

Cameryn B. Bratcher

Amber R. Brown

Elizabeth L. Burris

Ashley N. Burt

Raquel A. Castaneda

James B. Cole

Marianna E. Conrad

Emily G. Cox

Amanda Crask

Avery J. Cunningham

Jacob R. Davis

Adison E. Denu

Megan E. DeWeese

Natalie J. Dyer

Kristina N. Gibbs

Debora Goykadosh

Hallel E. Goza

Courtney R. Hale

Tayla A. Hammons

Anne T. Hanlon

Brandi S. Hayes

Chandler A. Hendren

Shelbi D. Horne

Kaitlin R. Johnson

Janna D. Jones

Olivia G. Jones

Skylynn C. Jones

Megan C. Lebo

Loretta Lewis

Lily P. Locke

Darcy E. Long

Elizabeth G. Loy

Celia O. Lyons

Madison B. McCormick

Emilie M. Messinger

Jeanine J. Morales

Emma G. Moreland

Kasey S. Moss

Jana L. Mullins

Hannah J. Munford

Ryan D. Myers

Sarah L. Nevin

Judith T. Newsome

Alexandra Oney

Ariana B. Parker

Valerie Pulk

Brooke D. Regan

Madelyn E. Richman

Victoria E. Ricks

Audreigh M. Riter

Anna G. Roberts

Jessica R. Roberts

Loren A. Roby

Bryana K. Rogers

Miriam Rosenbaum

Sora Schachter

Alexis L. Scott

Madison P. Simms

Emma J. Snow

Cora E. Spiller

Kristen R. Tharappel

Abby R. Turner

Olivia C. Warren

Jaylyn S. Watson

Gillian White

Rebekah J. Wixom

Monica J. Wright


Emily H. Cash

Melissa A. Gammons

Winsome J. Kibor

Matthew W. Westbrook


Tracie A. Abell

Megan J. Allen

Alison R. Baird

Jeffrey E. Berry

Makenzie B. Boils

Mikala H. Bolton

Crystal D. Braun

Ashley D. Briggs

Jessica A. Brown

Alexander J. Castlen

Allie R. Cook

Kevin G. Coy

Natalie M. Curtis

Asia C. Doyle

Taylor N. Eberhardt

Jacqueline M. Fauber

Javonna D. Gott

Courtney E. Gray

Darren A. Griggs

Amanda A. Harper



Shannon R. Hathorn

Lauren E. Johnson

Sierra K. Keene

Kaitlyn N. Kennon

Miranda R. Kennon

Jordan C. Lawson

Guoliang Lin

Makenzie M. Martin-Black

Carol A. McCarthy

Anthony Mikulskis

Sean O’Neil

Alyssa C. Parker

Twana A. Parsons

Brionna C. Pigram

Darby A. Potter

Lindsey B. Powell

John C. Putney

Natasha R. Ray

Erin M. Redifer

Bryanne S. Reed

Marissa G. Richardson

Jermonte Rushing

Kennedy M. Russell

Chesta M. Slaughter

Terrence S. Stasuik

Sarah E. Strong

Kelly Tapp

Yasmine J. Townsley Martinez

Brittani N. Weatherspoon

Hannah M. West

Abigail R. Whitlow

Alexis R. Wilson

Kristen A. Woolbright

Cayla D. Yancy

Danielle R. Zawlocki


Communication Disorders

Sydney L. Atwell

Abigail J. Blum

Bailey E. Borders

Emma E. Brannen

Madison J. Browning

Madelyn J. Curry

Allison C. Deeg

Holly A. Drake

Allison M. Eckmann

Caleigh A. Esters

Anne R. Forshee

Cally S. Harlin

Timberly D. Holmes

Caylee G. Hymer

Shelby L. Koonce

Courtney R. Kramer

Hannah G. Lanham

Jennay E. Leslie

Baylee R. McManus

Anna M. Merris

James D. Meyer

Malia D. Owens

Averie K. Pitchford

Miranda J. Rhodes

Grace E. Schaeffer

Maria C. Siewers

Mackenzie G. Smiley

Sarah E. Sneed

Aaliyah F. Van

Bethany M. Waddey

Riley B. Wampler

Hannah A. West

Anna C. Wheatley

Victoria G. Willis

Hallie A. Wilson

Dental Hygiene

Amanda K. Bickett

Cassidy L. Booher

Katelyn M. Coin

Katelynn M. Collins

Skylar R. Eggers

Kara N. Fisher

Meg R. Foster

Jacey A. Fulkerson

Sara-Grace Fulkerson

Rachel P. Gray

Taylor A. Hensley

Elyza C. Herring

Tiffany Johnson

Anne-Claire C. Jones

Jalene A. Lillie

Kaylee E. Mattingly

Morgan D. Mattingly

Sara R. McLean

Victoria G. McPherson

Catherine L. Mellish

Chloe G. Moss

Kaitlyn N. Munsey

Hayley A. Portman

Tristen J. Preston

Abigayle M. Saltsman

Katie C. Savelyev

Madeleine R. Silverthorn

Stephanie L. Slone

Madison M. Swanner

Olivia E. West

Environmental and Occupational Health Science

Ethan H. Huff

Exercise Science

Brandon M. Alexander

Bethlyn D. Anthony

Sarah G. Badger

Lauren G. Ballance

Hayden W. Barkley

Ellie B. Belcher

Bailey G. Binkley

Christopher B. Brannon

Madelynn M. Bush

Jacqueline N. Butterfield

Meradeth L. Carroll

Ansley M. Cate

Abigail N. Childress

Anthony J. Cline

Kaelyn N. Clines

Alex M. Cohron

Elizabeth N. Dauenhauer

Taylor N. Davis

Mason R. Day

Olivia A. Day

Makenna L. Fisher

Natheniel L. Goode

John J. Hagan

Edin Hasanovic

Abigail C. Hatton

Connor C. Hensley

Morgan W. Hills

Grant A. Holland

Haley A. Kane

Grant M. Largen

Kilian D. Ledford

Wendell O. Lee

Aubrey L. Little

Samuel M. Loggins

Emma C. Lord

Lily S. Mahon

Logan T. Majors

Carley R. Maskos

Brent T. McAlister

Casey M. Peter

Hannah L. Petitt

Paige E. Rager

Rachel M. Read

Riley E. Ricketts

Nicholas G. Riley

Madison J. Sackella

Hayley E. Schweers

Hannah N. Shackelford

Devyn L. Terbrak

Elizabeth C. Thomas

Caleb W. Timberlake

Maxwell L. Von Holten

Joshua M. Weidenbenner

Alexandria A. West

Ryan A. Wheeler

Family and Consumer Sciences

Tatiana A. Cofield

Yolanda N. Duncan

Jade M. Marshall

Lauren G. Mays

Robyn D. Melton

Lauren E. Moore

Ashtin B. Mudd

Abby E. Swain

Allison B. West

Health Care Administration

Hallie E. Adams

Isaac N. Ballard

Keirsten M. Barnes

Sabrina Y. Beg

Alissa D. Broell

Ashley M. Burdsall

Audrey L. Bushong

Timothy D. Campbell

Samantha L. Clarke

Ciin S. Dim

Niang S. Dim

Lydia B. Englund

Alexandrea T. Fields

Alexandria K. Ford

Lacey E. Gasterland

Tia M. Groves

Tyianna P. Hannah

Tramaine J. Hawkins

Gabriella K. Hede

Janna C. Jacobs

Olivia M. Johnson

Randa N. Johnson

Daniel J. Lin

McKinley D. Moore

Abbagale M. Mullinax

Maricel K. Newman

Katie M. Noffsinger

Riley S. O’Boyle

Jessica Osborne

Joshua H. Piper

Caroline E. Randolph

Petrit Sadriu

Riard Sadriu

Sydney S. Schneider



Stephanie M. Shook

Jules F. Somers

Riley J. Tagatz

Chandler H. Vinson

Kinley N. Waldrop

Rylee D. Warden

Health Information Management

Farrah A. Adkisson

Rachel F. Henson

Courtney D. Mitchell

Jeaninia E. Mitchell

Mahreen U. Zia

Health Sciences

Sarah L. Baker

Meagan G. Clark

Madison L. Collins

Alexis P. Cramer

Haleigh R. Criswell

Hayden R. Cunningham

Jocelyn G. DeGroot

Jordan L. Duncan

Preston P. Dupree

Emily G. Ezell

Daven S. Florence

Katelyn S. Futrell

Rebecca C. Garner

Jordan C. Graves

Kellie E. Halvey

Melissa L. Harlin

Shawn J. Kaufman

Samuel L. King

Natasha Kitts

Alyssa D. Koller

Sonya A. Lane

Ariel N. Lowe

Isabella J. Martino

Zarafina N. McKegney

Emma K. Miller

Max K. Modrall

Lauren E. Pearson

Jamie Penrod

Faith L. Porter

Ayden K. Quiram

Airelle J. Railley

Paulina R. Rendeiro

Emily K. Renfro

Brooke E. Scott

Kristen A. Skaggs

Ellie M. Stevens

Alleson C. Thompson

Cristine P. Turiczek

Ashley M. Walker

Ashley D. Watson

Sydney D. Williams

Abby C. Yelton


Management and Dietetics

Sydney F. Drescher

Justine K. Haynes

Emmalie M. Helinski

Anna M. Hinsberg

Alexandra H. Houston

Abigail K. Johnson

Skylar J. Lawrence

Emily J. Luttrell

Kaitlyn M. Messer

Megan E. Moore

Riley K. Nolan

Abigail L. Plunkett

Patrice A. Powell

Sophia C. Scharosch

Alexa C. Sewitsky

Mia L. Snyder

Lauren E. Willett

Ashley T. Willoughby

Georgia M. Wood

Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising

Brianna L. Bozeman

Caitlin N. Burton

Zyrel L. Canillas

Olivia L. DeSirey

Molly A. Eissler

Kiah B. Feagley

Olivia J. Gunkel

Katherine A. Hampel

Kayleigh J. Hauser

Isabel M. Hayden

Austin J. Hazeres

Meghan L. Humphrey

Wyatt C. Ingram

Lena S. Jerkins

Julia H. Johnson

Victoria P. Knight

Catherine B. Mc Aninch

Paige E. Payne

Elle M. Pennington

Molly A. Sharpe

Abigail R. Thomas

Kerem A. Vazquez Recinos

Physical Education

Michael A. Fulton

Emily M. Miller

Easton H. Phelps

Zachary J. Traeger

Michael J. Walker

Reginald J. Waters

Public Health

Armani N. Adams

Sophia A. Baumgarten

Jasmine A. Cecil

Asani J. Howard

Elizabeth A. Ryant

Madisyn A. Smith

Rylee G. Stockton

Deandrea A. Wells

Shwe Z. Win

Recreation, Park and Nonprofit Administration

Mason A. Dornburg

Recreation Administration

Matthew B. Evans

Julianna L. RoslingFrancisco

Martise R. Younger

Sport Management

Jacob W. Arms

Sarah E. Arnold

Lauren F. Bahl

Christopher C. Casarahi

Gracie R. Childress

Mia E. Cole

Paola A. Cortez Vargas

Carson B. Eaves

Brennan J. Etler

Brittany L. Garrett

Warren D. Garrison

Zachary D. Greenwell

Jacob W. Grothe

Xavier A. Harrison

Alexus T. Hill

Baylor S. Hill

Evan L. Holmes

James E. Hulsmeyer

Harrison P. Hurt

Evan B. Johnston

Morgan E. Kalbfell

Trevor P. Krapf

Alex D. Lane

Jacob P. Lassiter

Nicholas V. Mariani

Donavan O. Mears

Trey D. Miller

Devon R. Montgomery

Aleksey P. Oehrle

Madeline M. Pettus

William C. Phillips

Tyler J. Renfro

Amy E. Reynolds

Kendall B. Richards

Connor T. Sewitsky

Dean R. Shaffer

Wyatt T. Stevenson

Chad N. Strother

Braxton D. Vereen

David J. Webb

Aislyn R. Welch

Mario D. Wright


Olivia P. Akemon

Joseph T. Arnold

Taylor J. Atkinson

Alyssa L. Bartlett

Torrence E. Baylis

Erin C. Biggs

Payten R. Bormet

Molly R. Bowlds

Hailey N. Brandon

Alyssa B. Brogdon

Kambree N. Brown

Tonjanekia N. Burton

Phillip C. Carter

Shelby T. Chobot

Grace A. Clark

Kassidy A. Cooper

Hannah L. Cope

Courtney S. Cornelius

Leah R. Coulter

Caleb M. Damron

Carley G. Davis

Baylee M. Dean

Elizabeth M. DeLozier

Tessa A. Duncan

Nijha T. Embry

Matilda O. Erewa

Rachel M. Ernst

Lucy H. Evans

Hanna M. Fahey

Hannah R. Forshee

Connor S. Gaines

Savannah Garrett

Asmita M. Gill

Sandrina Godby

Madison N. Gossman

Kayla R. Hambrick

Jaci R. Hardison



Amy E. Hix

Sarah E. Hoefke

Ashley M. Hood

Hanka Jusufovic

Winsome J. Kibor

Alexis K. Kiernan

Katherine J. King

Phillip D. Krause

Audrey E. Lally

Madeline R. Lindsey

Hannah A. Long

Derek A. Mastin

Nathaniel R. Matthews

Campbell A. Mattingly

Jennifer Y. Mazariegos


Evangeline R. McLean

Katelyn G. Miller

Hannah N. Munoz

Sage C. Nelsen

Kevin M. Nguyen

Bethany D. Nichols

Leah N. Palmquist

Emily E. Parke

Catherine C. Pearl

Alexia R. Phelps

Mya N. Pierson

Meredith K. Rayburn

Mary L. Reamy

Jillian C. Rimel

Bethany P. Robertson

Lucy B. Rogers

Colten J. Rollins

Laney Rollins

Rachel S. Rush

Helanah M. Scalf

Leah A. Shatswell

Kylee R. Smith

Reagan M. Smith

Aubree E. Starnes

Miranda J. Stengel

Larissa N. Stratton

Noah L. Stubblefield

Sophia M. Symon

Alyssa M. Szulczewski

Katharine J. Upchurch

Megan T. Ward

Taylor J. Warfield

Tayler V. West

Matthew W. Westbrook

Amanda E. Zahn


Madalynn P. Alt

Katelyn Anderson

Elizabeth K. Arnold

Ceara L. Baker

Samantha L. Bates

Manda L. Benningfield

Lauryn T. Bowlds

Macey E. Broughton

Kayla M. Bryan

Emily S. Carter

Erin R. Caudill

Camille Clark

Daphne P. Conner

Madeline G. Craig

Georgiana Crittenden

Autumn H. Cunningham

Allison L. Daugherty

Tara L. Defoor

Emily A. Dew

Mikayla A. Duvall

Kayce E. Ebenkamp

Casi Fairchild

Emily J. Ferguson

Mackenzie A. Fleming

Madison A. Ford

Julia E. Forsythe

Brianna N. Freemon

Paige N. Gardner

Dominique L. Grainger

Kaelin M. Gregory

Sarah A. Hargis

Ryan C. Hawkins

Sydney M. Hawkins

Ara T. Hawrami

Mary A. Hendrix

Lilia C. Hernandez-Jones

Jordyn A. Hewitt

Ashley M. Hicks

Tessa D. Holmes

Isabella M. Houston

Christina M. James

Megan E. Lafalce

Tamia M. Lovan

Tonya Maravilla

Amber S. McQuillen

Shalen L. McRoberts

Rachel O. Mercer

Faith J. Mkanta

Abigail G. Noe

Madison S. O’Neal

Erica R. Perry

Victoria N. Peter

Carson J. Pillow

Emily K. Quince

Princess E. Reed

Estefania P. Rivera

Embry N. Sanford

Heather B. Sewell

Deborah M. Skala

Ashley M. Smith

Baileigh C. Smith

Mercedes B. Smith

Cody T. Stelmach

Charmisha J. Taylor

Cailee M. Thomas

Matthew Turner

Rylee M. Turner

Kayla A. Vanover

Maggie F. Vantrease

Sara K. Waggoner

Krista J. Wilson

Morgan P. Wilson

Kindle D. Young


Savannah C. Allen

Jor’Dan J. Barbee

Jennifer L. Brock

Kristen L. Brooks

John W. Colenso

Tabitha F. Daniels

Torlisia L. Davis

Skylar M. Everhart

Bethany D. Fryman

Mackenzie L. Graves

Anna Hamlet

Meghan L. Hatfield

Nioakah N. Hickman

Chelsea L. Hodges

Ashley N. Holman

Christina S. Love

Rasheema A. Mays

Mallory F. Melton

Amanda N. Moore

Caitlin B. Patterson

Sarah Robbins

Hayden S. Roberts

Naomie Sevic

Katelyn C. Sexton

Brooklyn D. Smallwood

Savannah S. Smith

Shari L. Thomas

Sherry S. Thomas

Emilee N. Vacher

Taylor L. Williams

Taylor R. Wills


Dental Hygiene

Allie D. Click

Patricia N. Cunningham

Taylor B. Emberton

Hannah B. Hampton

Leah B. Mattingly

Annalise K. Scott




Educational Leadership

Jacqueline R. Basham

Allie C. Carter

Gerald D. Gifford

Ya-Hsin Hsiao

Amar I. Patel

Keile R. Phillips

Traci M. Pooler

Tyiana Thompson

Leah S. Wood


Gifted Education and Talent Development

Lois E. Stokes

School Psychology

Courtney L. Coleman

Casey D. Gillispie

Norah J. GlenzinskiBufford

Jessica N. LaFleur

Joseph C. Mulaski

Katherine H. Richardson

Elizabeth K. Young


Organizational Leadership

Emily B. Banik

Kearra R. Boone

Michael R. Boos

Phillip Bradford

Robert S. Brinkerhoff

Stephen M. Budner

Kayla E. Casey

Benjamin L. Cobb

Davis A. DiDonato

Tara L. Duncanson

James Farris

Michael J. Goodman

Albert T. Johnson

Keith A. Killgren

McKayla B. Kinnaird

Samantha E. Knight

Logan J. Koerwitz

Kham K. Mang

Patrick S. McNally

Caleb A. Mild

Kylie A. Osbourne

Jonhnny Paillere

Benjamin J. Pannell

Travis L. Patterson

Octavio Pope

Andrew Reed

Collin R. Sheehan

Abigail R. Shott

Diane Staton

Kendra J. Stevenson

Almedina Suljic

Corey R. Taylor

Ceary L. Thomas

Darryl K. Thomas

Sycilia L. Titsworth

Brandon Wall

WesleyAnne Watkins

Richard A. White

Brett L. Williams

Erica G. Wolfe


Jasmine N. Arnold

Sarah E. Brock

Elvis Cortes

Kimberly L. DeGroot

Alecia N. Hatfield

Anna C. Raker

David T. Roehm

Emily K. Roepke


Advanced Teacher Education

David M. Baxter

Alexandria S. Bowers

Elizabeth K. Dawson

Terri L. Ross

Terrance D. Williams

Sarah L. Woosley


Braiden L. Abbott

Mary E. Adams

Madison N. Alexander

Kristen D. Arguedas

Eleanor R. Barrow

Leslie M. Beattie

Morgan A. Bottoms

Randi N. Bush

Rachel R. Cherry

Haley G. Elliott

Maleeyah K. Gumbs

Brittanie Mahanna

Ryley M. Marez

Isabella G. McCall

Chase D. Pardue

Hannah J. Peveler

Ashley L. Rich

Thomas M. Russell

Aysha Tariq

Elementary Education Teacher Leader

Samantha L. Campbell

Natalie A. Johnson

Christi J. Morel

Gifted Education and Talent Development

Anne-Tyler Wilkerson

Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

Tabitha L. Bahr

DeAnna S. Payne

Kaitlyn R. Wilson

Instructional Leadership, School Principal

Kenneth C. Owens

Shelby N. Ratliff

Stacy R. Stockdale

Joshua C. Stone

Literacy Education

Jade A. Carter

Madeline L. Cecil

Sasha A. Gabbard

Catherine G. Metcalf

Katie L. Wilson

Special Education, MSD

Emily L. Burks

Emily M. Burnett

Caroline B. Clark

Olivia C. DeZarn

Maria T. Hendrick

Brianna N. Hughes

Heather Lindsey

Michael W. Matney

Kaitlin A. Morris

Jordan B. Summerfield

Megan L. Tarter

Kylee M. Wall

Madison B. Womack

Special Education, LBD

Seth J. Daniels

Sonya L. Mussnug

Brittney A. Occhipinti

Autumn N. Wall

Student Affairs in Higher Education

Marcus L. George

Rebekah L. Hobgood

Teonnika D. Hollowell

LaTasha L. Shemwell

Destiny N. Smith

Keyonna L. Whaley


Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

Dora R. James

Melissa A. Williamson

Middle Grades Education

Pamela J. Burkett

Tara L. Dunn

Special Education

Tanishia L. Bailey

Ray A. Blake

Erin E. Cummings

Anne M. Grant

Christina D. Green

Tanner M. Lindsey

Abigail L. Powers

Robert J. Strickland

Elizabeth N. Walker

Teacher Education

Karma N. Berkley

Mackenzie L. Farris

Chely J. Gregory

Keith Hetzer

Tarreca K. Lawson

Diana L. Mansfield

Ashley E. Mundy

Chasen K. Pierce

Andrew J. Sanford

Kelsey A. Schoneman

Ian Smith

Braden S. Tabor

Jeremy A. Weisshaupt




Instructional Design

Mathew E. Acker

Shannon L. Becklehimer

Sara K. Davis

Madlyn K. Johnson

Rebecca R. Stobaugh

Libraries, Informatics and Technology in Education

Kaitlyn R. Burks

Jennifer D. Clifford

Patricia Concepcion

Whitney L. Disney

Abby D. Dubree

Lauren E. Fitzmaurice

Jessie L. Hill

Hayley N. Hundley

Andrea R. Rookard

Aaron N. Talley

Kaylee J. Vaughn

Mackenzie Wilcox



Madalynn P. Alt

Mircea G. Backhurst

Taylor M. Baxter

Skylar M. Burba

Camron H. Clark

Meagan G. Clark

Ty W. Crittenberger

Zackary R. Cummings

Taylor R. Davis

Courtney S. Doyle

Rylee A. Fansler

Alayna M. Fonville

Gabrielle P. Gilbert

Sarah D. Graves

Sydney K. Green

Caylie B. Hadden

Raquerrien J. Hamilton

Abigail J. Handy

Kyra A. Heinrichs

Olivia D. Henderson

Adeline L. Hornsby

Brandon R. Hunt

Allison S. Jachowske

Elnad Jasarevic

Daisy S. Jenkins

Bruce J. Kane

Chazz L. Kitchens

Meghan L. Krohn

Jenna R. Lake

Khloe M. Latham

Trevor M. Lile

Alicia N. Lugo-Santiago

Chloe N. Marcum

Taylor L. Mattingly

Kenzie A. McCord

Jackson D. McCoun

Felicia D. McCroskey

Annie C. McGinnis

Caden M. Mitchell

Madisyn M. Morris

Virginia E. Neighbors

Nicholas J. Norris

Caitlyn J. Nunn

Trinity L. Ogles

Cassi K. Payne

Emily C. Pedigo

Loren G. Pedroli

Lori M. Perkins

Logan B. Price

Grace A. Ray

Marguerite A. Reisch

Kyleigh G. Roberts

Piper K. Scannell

Bailey M. Scott

Patty A. Sheaffer

Bailey M. Simone

Anne C. Simpson

Jacob C. Smith

Lacey C. Smith

Lucas O. Smith

Shylayna L. Southard

Joshua T. Stephens

Whitney N. Stephens

Allie E. Swift

Missy B. Thomas

Skylar M. Thompson

Morgan A. Todd

Jackson T. Trombly

Jasmine P. Turner

Tammy J. Vineyard

Zachary L. Weddle

Craig A. Weins

Shelby M. Wilds

Emma J. Wittry

Julia E. Woolums

Brianna D. Wright

Zoe E. Young

Alexis P. Zeligman


Elementary Education

Sierra M. Austin

Rhayna K. Bailey

Kimberlee A. Barnhardt

Sara A. Bott

Annabelle L. Botts

Carissa M. Breeding

Kendahl L. Broyles

Mackenzie L. Bullock

Lyric J. Campbell

Alexis N. Conner

Kaytie A. Coomer

Chasity N. Crafton

Kailie M. Crawford

Savannah L. Cyr

Avri M. Davis

Catharine A. Fender

Jenna M. Filback

Kaitlyn S. French

Amy B. Garcia

Brittany A. Gould

Miranda R. Gowen

Jessica E. Grant

Chloe L. Gray

Teawnah L. Hayden

Andie J. Helton

Alexis J. Henning

Katherine E. Hornsby

Gentry A. Houston

Kylie G. Hudson

Cheyenne H. Jackson

Emma S. Kingsley

Emilie R. Kroboth

MaKayla R. Lee

Emileigh S. Lindsey

Abigail G. Linscott

Morgan P. Linville

Addison M. Loy

Kelli M. Lutz

Sierra A. Lutz

Hannah E. Maddox

Hope E. Marcum

Hannah E. McCrady

Maria D. Miller

Lucas H. Moore

Sarah K. Moore

Maggie A. Morris

Taylor D. Murphy

Ellyn J. Myers

Taylor R. Naue

Lindsey R. Nordhoff

Katherine B. Nunn

Hannah N. Oldham

Mackenzie L. Oldham

Macy A. Peak

Lauren E. Perkinson

Angelann R. Ramer

Alexis G. Reed

Ashley M. Reed

Adelle F. Reyes

Jennifer A. Rush

Carly L. Sabelhaus

Hannah E. Salmon

Amanda M. Scanlon

Ashleigh R. Scisney

Kathryn G. Sitlinger

Haylea R. Sledge

Jessica T. Small

Madalyn E. Squires

Lalla-Rose G. Stanley

Emma M. Stenftenagel

Samantha A. Strode

Kenna N. Stubblefield

Claire M. Thomas

Bailey J. Thurman

Regan O. Tindall

Kaylee J. Walker

Avery N. Wallin

Abigail J. Weitekamp

Mollyanne C. Widmer

Taylor E. Wilson

Mary K. Work

Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

Ashley M. Barker

Ashton D. Defevers

Emily G. Kambitsis

Haylee B. White

Middle Level Education

Social Studies/ Language Arts

Madison L. Garcia Sosa

Gracie K. Goode

Jaden S. Harp

Jennifer E. Harris

Margaret K. Haydon

Organizational Leadership

Travis Baldridge

Kiara A. Braxton-Davis

Alex J. Carvajal

Chelse L. Dixon

Nathan A. Fritz

John M. Grider

Abby L. Hagan

Jonathan D. Hollis

Jeremy K. Hubacek

Joseph J. Johnson

Alinoti Malebo

Malik M. McGregor



James T. Paschal

Jack C. Rich

Alexa N. Schaefer

James E. Simmons

Lashanda J. Standokes

Waylon R. Vary

Madeline K. Werner

Science and Math Education

Adrienne A. Krisher

Special Education: Learning and Behavioral Disorders and Elementary Education

Sydney K. Bensing

Tara A. Britt

Gracie C. Capshaw

Mackenzie H. Carrender

Lindsey D. Duvall

Hannah K. Evans

Onahka D. Fuller

Laura L. Harasimo

Aubrey R. Ignatz

Brooke E. Larson

Haley N. McGhee

Kyah M. Neal

Julia M. Peoples

Caroline M. Pruitt

Peighton E. Reynolds

Samyzia D. Sears

Emily G. Swiney

Alexandra N. Waterman

Brandy N. West

Workforce Administration

Latroya D. Coleman

Melaina R. Howard

Talia R. Pace

Brea Schofield

Dalton E. Shaw

Cameron M. Shirley

Sarah M. Soard

Erica Thompson

Noah C. Todd



Josie L. Bush

McKenzie L. Held

Laurie B. Knuckles

Lindsey M. Velazquez

Rodricus G. Willis

Tyler W. Wood





Andrea M. Walrath



Haley D. Brazel

Riley K. Brown

Miranda J. Maestle


Kayode G. Adeyemi

Christopher L. Bell

Anna J. Favalon

Kristopher Garner

Madison R. Layer

Shreya Neupane

Dakota S. Vaccaro

James H. Young


Jihye Kang

Computer Science

Jeffrey S. Myers

Richard R. Pike

Sudheer R. Yetthapu



Jason E. Kellam

Brandy Phelps


Trayson G. Lawler

Gavin D. Middleton

Shahriar Bin Shahid

Matthew D. Wisenden

Homeland Security


John A. Bowen

Salizhan Kylychbekov

Star Robertson


Jenessa M. Canen

Alexander K. Davy

Adam J. Fults

Caitlin P. Gregory

Ji S. Hong

Brianna M. Lowe

Diamonde C. McCollum

Adalin K. McDaniel

Katie R. Moskal

Emily R. Smith

Melissa B. Sorensen



Cameron S. Davidson

Sarah E. Hartman

Goran Omerdic

Andrew G. Padgett

Veronica E. Pierre

Matthew K. Poynter

Jonathan C. Story

Jaelyn M. Young



Lauren E. Alford

Jaycie F. Barger

Jaden L. Begley

Cameron M. Bonzo

Alex L. Burke

Ariel R. Camm

Jessica A. Clark

John W. Cox

Kayla M. Creekmur

Roman D. Doddema

Hannah B. Doyel

Sadie L. Edwards

Kelly J. England

Laura A. Gillam

Haley M. Gribbins

Gabrielle R. Hanson

Haley G. Harper

Blake A. Herring

Jude I. Langhi

Shayla J. Lile

Abigail M. Mattingly

Miranda L. McClusky

Josh E. Miller

Rebecca N. Miller

Michael A. Netherton

Jacob T. Orr

Hope E. Pace

Kennedy B. Perkins

Jacob A. Shilts

Cara J. Storm

Katelyn B. Sullivan

William L. Thomas

Kalyn M. Ward

Charlee A. Webster

Macie H. White

Architectural Science

Edward C. Anglea

Olivia R. Coffey

Shane A. Daugherty

Brinkley E. Esserman

Peter W. Hall

John R. Harris

Westen G. Jeffries

Nicholas H. Lee

Samuel R. Lynch

Linda R. Mean

Connor T. Pace

Garrett A. Payne

Kyler P. Philpot

Matthew A. Record

Olivia K. Slown

Savannah L. Whitt

Lindsey T. Wilkinson


Spencer M. Bass

Madison N. Feria

Collin M. McGlone

Joseph M. Mesa

Langley C. Williams

Talia D. Woodruff


Sarah G. Alexander

Leigh M. Anderson

Morgan N. Bailey

Emily M. Bolinger

Mariah C. Burnett

Riley J. Burroughs

Billy R. Carver

Breanna F. Childress

Loren R. Clark

Zoe E. Cole

Breanna G. Creekmore

Arinda D. Davis

Andrea M. Diaz Buezo

Ashley G. Dowling

Erin M. Dowling

Ruth C. Eastham

Jerica R. Eaton

Rylee A. Fansler

Catelin B. Hale

Michael J. Hodges

Aubry M. Holt

Chloe D. Irvin

Janna S. James

Leah C. Jessee

Gabrielle N. Kitchen

Chazz L. Kitchens

Chelsie Lindquist

Claire E. Lusk

Thomas D. Mesaris

Abbey R. Mills

Aaliyah D. Newcomb

Jonna B. Noland

Catherine E. Norman

Mia E. Odil

Zackary L. Owen

Jagoda Pasternacka

Carolina F. Relva

Jessica B. Sandfoss

Hannah K. Shapiro

Brittany M. ShepherdMaher

Madeline G. Skau

Natalie M. Smith

Kelsi L. Sogge

Treyden H. Stansfield

Rheanna G. Tes

Makeen S. Thanawalla

Mason B. Towery

Ashlyn E. Vale

Jenna A. Vaughn

Kendall R. Wheeler

Karlie E. Williams

Claudia M. Witcher

E Myo T. Zin


Tahiri Garcia

Elijah H. Hayes

Michael J. Hodges

Garrett M. Holley

Chloe C. Jones

Austin T. Lobe

Kelsi L. Sogge

Brianna N. Zoglmann

Civil Engineering

Israel E. Anastasio


Dylan R. Ashby

Mang B. Bik

Trevor L. Cronin

Colson K. Elkins

Dylan L. Elmore

Katherine E. Erwin

Jacob A. Graham

Matthew S. Gray

Nathanael W. Hummel

Elijah J. Kidd

Jonathan E. Prince

Jaci T. Rone

Gregory D. Ryan

Chase M. Schnell



Benjamin J. Spratt

Riley A. Stevens

Jacob M. Thompson

Tyaha T. Woodard

Josiah A. Youngers

Computer Info Technology

Ajdin Alic

John Artis

Kennedy A. Bardley

Dustin T. Bargo

Ubaid-Ur-Raheem Beg

John D. Boone

Aiden K. Burgess

Rachel O. Chamberlain

Andrew S. Cohen

Jordan K. Coleman

Joshua R. Collins

Michael G. Donovan

Kasey A. Eastridge

Mason D. Essary

Nigel J. Farmer

Nelson L. Feliciano

Timothy C. Ford

Lauren C. Fridy

Kiernan Greene

Mason L. Haley

Sofia N. Hasani

Matiana L. Hibbard

Cory Jennings

Scott A. Johnson

John Andrew L. Kutz

Xyla S. Martinez

Edonis Mirena

Brady P. Murray

Ty W. Murray

Mason L. Neal

Tresor K. Nzengu

Rebecca W. Pierce

Donovan Roberts

Jeffery S. Temple

Jeremy W. Womack

Computer Science

Joshua L. Adams

Ali M. Al Raisi

Hunter N. Armstrong

Bersabeh S. Asefa

Simon E. Calloway

Mark A. Collins

William M. Craddock

Joshua K. Davis

Parker T. Evitts

Josiah S. Ferguson

Zachary T. Mers

Harry N. Patel

Kristina R. Riney

Mustafa G. Salman

Cole H. Shimer

Michaela N. Snyder

Lance A. Warfel

Christopher C. Webb

Zane T. Willgruber

Eric Xing

Construction Management

Nathan J. Anderson

Jake P. Cameron

John Parker P. Carroll

David H. Codell

Benjamin P. Coil

Tyler A. Corey

Christopher N. Cranor

Houston P. Ellis

Alexander F. Feldman

Matthew T. Goldsmith

Seth M. Greenlee

Parker A. Hampton

Isaac C. Hopkins

James D. Kerr

Tyler D. Kuffuor

Zachary S. Lamothe

James T. Logan

Jacob A. Lyons

Joshua G. Maddox

Adrian C. Martin

William F. Mason

Connor R. Melton

Mary N. Okocha

Aaron T. Pfaadt

William C. Pond

Kyle T. Popelier

Justus C. Scott

Matthew Stearman

Juan P. Tomas

Kyle E. Torrence

Luke T. Vasel

Joshua T. Volentine



Travis C. Wiser

Reagan C. Young

Anna L. Zoph

Electrical Engineering

Fahad Aldousari

Yousef k. Alenezi

Murtadha M. Almilad

Thomas Bohannon

Samuel W. Everson

Austin L. Forbes

Caleb W. Johnson

Oliver M. Kile

Melissa A. Maurer

Maci B. Simmons

Engineering Technology Management

Stephen N. Dick

Payne P. Flatt

Brian E. Head

Kyle A. Jenkins

Lacy D. Jennings

Jarod M. Mills

Daniel R. Moore

Muritala T. Olanrewaju

Kyle M. Rhoten

Saleh Routabi

Shane A. Rumph

Rick A. Tobin

Environmental, Sustainability and Geographic Studies

Cooper D. Bennett

Kara A. Brunot

Arinda D. Davis

Trevor A. Harry

Austin B. Hayes

Jeremiah W. Jordan

Hunter L. Mathis

David W. Medina

Mason L. Quiram

Gregory A. Sitz

Alexander J. Stimson

Ivoree S. Sullenbarger

Benjamin M. Williams

Jeffery T. Wood

Geographic Information Science

Steven T. Johnson

Geography and Environmental Studies

Tristen L. Denton

Brennan C. King

Madeline T. Petty

Geological Sciences

Charles M. Davenport

Shelby M. Summers


John H. Lunday

Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Austin L. Adams

Luke A. Dean

Dominic A. Kelly

David I. Ndukwe

Tanner L. Neveras

Ethan I. Putty

Luke A. Tuley

Noah E. Vaughn

Cody R. Whitfield

Mechanical Engineering

Mary I. Begley

Quinton L. Boone

Madeline M. Bunnell

Adrianna R. Burchett

Noah P. Burchett

Summer N. Coots

William A. Cunniffe

Jackson W. Deep

Johnathan T. Dockery

Alaina G. Fritts

James V. Frogue

Talon G. Harmon

Benjamin C. Henderson

Dane R. Imel

Caleb W. Johnson

Luke A. Jordan

Ashley M. Kobylinski

Trent A. Pendygraft

Charles P. Reid

Duncan M. Rowda

Bailey S. Stinson

Ian H. Vissman

Medical Laboratory Science

Sophia R. Boddy

Brendan R. Gish

Samantha R. Levine

Jiali Luo

Abigail J. van Schenkhof


Cassandra J. Campbell

Samuel R. Davidson

Austin B. Hayes

Joseph H. Lewis

Hunter L. Mathis

Susanne J. Peake

Jeffery T. Wood

Middle Grades Mathematics

Anthony Z. Cabrera

Alyssa M. Gordon

Adrienne A. Krisher

Kaitlyn M. Kulpa

Caylin A. McHargue

Luke H. Nixon

Madison K. Reed

Middle School Science

Alyssa G. Bates

Cassandra L. Melton

Molecular Biotechnology

Gabriel M. Rogers

Molly E. Shreve


Isaiah L. Beauchamp

Hudson R. Harner

Lars Hebenstiel

Chloe C. Jones

Sebastian R. Miracle

Ethan C. Poore

Psychological Science

Lizbeth Amacendes

Jamison B. Brown

Tyler A. Dean

Taylor M. Demmien

Olivia G. Dick

Taylor N. Dukes

Kadietwo Fahnbulleh

Peyton M. Fields

John W. Garst

Imari E. Goodner

Sydney L. Graham

Kaylee R. Harbison

Kayla E. Hearn

Kennedy M. Higdon

Malcolm C. Jones

Haley N. Kelly

Jewell A. Koppel

Ashton L. Lyvers

Natalie M. Mosby

Veronica E. Pierre

Sarah M. Price

AnnMichael L. Siewert

Alyssa R. Swift

McKenna G. Tate

Elizabeth D. Taylor

Sidney M. Traxler

Taylor E. Vincent

Jada L. Webster


Agricultural Technology and Management

Brady J. Morphew

Vocational, Industrial and Technology

Teacher Education

Ben P. Bowen

James D. Wester




Seth A. Brown

Ko Hung A. Cheng

Rachel E. Coleman

John A. Downing

Julia M. Fry

Haley A. Glass

Marissa V. Odom

Erin L. Sisk

Addie K. Watt

Mia Y. Wright

Jin H. Zhao


Applied Economics

Toyin M. Amunigun

Alianna R. Casas

Sarah K. Vlahakos

Maria J. Wells


Mohammed A. Alasfour

Fatimah M. Alhamdin

Robert Battle

Bosko Cupac

Brittany D. Doebler

Kenneth W. Giddings

Parker Gray

Zachary P. Harrison

Shawn M. Hart

Margaret C. Haynes

Tyler D. Hickman

Matthew L. Hinton

Kailee A. Hollis

Zachary Lassiter

Anthony J. Mathis

Justin L. McDole

Robert M. McGinnis

Aimee G. Miller

Nancy E. Miller

Hana Nezirovic

Phi K. Nguyen

Hyamal A. Ramos

Ben Scott

Alexander Simari

Kyle Spratt

Lyn D. Steenbergen

Alex Taylor

Matthew E. Thompson

Brian K. Trent

Brian D. Williams

Faith E. Wilson


Cybersecurity Data


Spencer C. Ford

Gerrit M. Steenbergen



Spencer W. Lesher

Madison T. McKain

Austin B. Murrer

Jordan E. Smith



Dylan M. Andrus

Annika R. Barber

Garrett A. Baum

Fidel D. Blanco Paredes

Hattie N. Byrd

Austin L. Clan

Makenzie R. Clouse

William J. Cummings

Lana B. Davis

Nathaniel G. Davis

Anna N. Dover

Trevor K. Fields

Jack D. Ford

Liza M. Gonzalez

Alyssa N. Gorman

Arkadiy S. Grigoryan

Travis J. Gutting

Benjamin C. Hardison

Alexandra M. Holloway

Emily K. Jackson

Divine E. Lokuku

Cassidy A. Manwell

Riley D. Marshall

Mason A. McGowan

Lillian M. Mishloney

William N. Quenzer

Grayson J. Rich

Hailey D. Robbins

James G. Stice

Jeffrey T. Stoll

Riley K. Tuck

Sara A. Upton

Chloe M. Wheeler

Seth Williams

Kaitlyn D. Willoughby

Business Data Analytics

Jazlyne T. Barnes

Shelby T. Bell

Eduardo Cruz Colin

Layla E. Dalton

Landen T. Evitts

Benjamin C. Hardison

Abby M. Haynes

Zaid A. Hendi

Natasha G. Milliner

Parker D. Noe

Joseph C. Pearl

Julia E. Rice

Straddie A. Simpson

Isabela Tomas Alonso

Ben C. Wassom

Business Economics

Reilly L. Aldrich

Dylan P. Enk

Emily J. Johns

Noah P. Miller

Isaac N. Oflynn

Neel H. Patel

William A. Perrone

Dean M. Reed

Joseph P. Schmidt

Jacob H. Skillman

Zachary S. Skillman

Joshua R. Smith

Isaac J. Sostarich

Carlos M. Warren


David G. DeMeyers

Hannah E. Hockman

Jacob R. Newport

Emily A. Tribus


Al Khatab H. Al Fahdi

Danielle N. Bumm

Cameron P. Castro

Joseph R. Caverlee

Dalton W. Chism

Robert E. Christian

Nolan C. Clark

Joshua B. Conner

Connor W. Corriveau

William J. Cummings

Lydia G. Dobelstein

Megan M. Dulay

Alex J. Geoghegan

Madison M. Gontarek

Barrett T. Gray

Jacob A. Gregory

Sarah E. Hansford

Bracken T. Harpole

Dylan Z. Helbig

John A. Hicks

Grant W. Horlander

Michael G. Jackie

Colton A. Jenkins

Orhan Karamov

Eric J. Knopp

Chanley M. Logsdon

Owen K. Logsdon

Diego J. Lopez Bustillo

Sophie M. Lossin

Mikayla F. Mann

Andrew J. Metzger

Wesley P. Osborne

Hadley D. Pagel

Merra G. Patel

Mitul A. Patel

William J. Preston

Molly E. Probus

Brady T. Reynolds

Jack B. Roberts

Colin J. Rogers

Abby E. Scott

Zachary J. Sessler

Olivia R. Shea

Ethan J. Snyder

Gavin R. Spradlin

Andrew W. Taylor

Khajzan T. Taylor

Julio Torales Guadalupe

Hunter B. Woosley

International Business

Jonathan H. Coleman

William W. Cothran

Benjamin T. Friddell

Grace E. Maddox

Wesley A. Mills

Kimberly Zetina


Troy S. Anderson

Grant C. Atwell

Keaton A. Aune

Stephen M. Austin

Genevieve Bachmeier

Audrey C. Barber

McKenzie A. Barnett

Brenden J. Besner

Jackson T. Bible

Camden J. Billings

Taylor L. Blakeley



Olivia Bobb

Julia M. Bonilla

Christy N. Brewer

Andrew G. Cawood

Blake A. Coomes

Hannah D. Cromer

Virginia K. Crowe

Anna Cruz

Madison E. Daniels

Diogenes A. De Leon Cruz

Karagen M. de Leusomme

Daniel J. DeGiulio

Alex R. Dennis

Ethan J. Elliott

Rachel W. Embry

Wanda J. Faulkner

Michael A. Ferfecki

Sureya Z. Feyzul

Kayla N. Fields

Travis C. Ford

Luke G. Fuller

Annette L. Galvin

Cameron M. Garmon

Trenton D. Gheen

Max M. Goodwin

Ella C. Graham

Brittney K. Griffin

Cole I. Gwin

Laura B. Hall

Jaiden J. Hamilton

Jake W. Hansen

Kendra N. Hatmaker

Alayna B. Hodges

Jillian A. Hosek

Hunter D. Howell

Gabriella N. Hubbs

Taylor K. Humphrey

Shari L. Huston

Lindsey M. Ioia

Leah G. Jacoby

Ian J. Karrer

Sydney C. Kemper

Sarah A. Klewicki

Larkin T. Kruthoffer

Austin J. LaPierre

Max M. Mailander

Isabella G. Marcum

William A. Marfleet

Patrick W. Marion

Emily B. Marshall

Shannon J. Martin

Melissa L. Mccarty

Victoria A. McCullough

Logan J. McKinney

Jessica M. Meredith

Mackenzie A. Mitchell

Esther C. Muang

Connor C. Murphy

James C. Murray

Leanda D. Muse

Leanna G. Nesbitt

Nathan L. Oliver

Jeffrey L. Parish

Amy R. Parker

Avery M. Paulik

Alyssa P. Payne

Phalemon T. Pham-Ayers

Allie E. Phelps

Brett M. Phelps

James T. Shepherd

Hope N. Sivori

Chase L. Smith

Nathaniel K. Smith

Sydney F. Smith

Blake W. Stewart

Lucas W. Suiter

Ruby E. Taylor

Van B. Thang

Kylie S. Tisdale

Laura A. Tomas

Noah S. Tucker

Joshua E. Turpin

Jackie L. Vrocher

Jenasia D. Walker

Courtney P. Weakley

Logan A. Webb

Kassidy R. Weedman

Gracie L. Weger

Kelly W. Weger

Charles E. Winger


Mckenna D. Adams

Grant R. Ahlbrand

Samantha E. Aldrich

Tyler W. Armstrong

Samantha G. Avila

Melissa K. Azor

Allison L. Birch

Allison M. Brown

Holly L. Buske

Cole J. Chickedantz

Hannah E. Clark

Sofia E. Clements

Mallory R. Collier

Charlotte N. Couvillion

Katherine V. Crable

Amante M. Cunningham

Karlie A. Davis

Matthew V. Dentinger

Sara E. Duggins

Benjamin A. Elmore

Lawson R. Fletcher

Ashira E. Gibbs

Savannah L. Goad

Lucy G. Goffinet

Alexa D. Goodin

MaKayla A. Gray

Brylee A. Hage

Austin S. Hall

Kali M. Hansen

Tarien M. Harp

Katie E. Haviland

Noah E. Heffington

Aidan G. Hoffman

Maeli C. Johnson

Laurel M. Johnston

Yujin Kang

Connor M. Kenney

Sydney K. Knight

Audrey E. Lawrence

Emily G. Lawyer

Greg A. Leonard

Mattie E. Lyons

Emma G. Macy

Leah C. Major

Jackson M. McArthur

Olivia M. McMurtry

Natalie E. Noble

John D. O’Leary

Riley M. Orrico

Trevor J. Parker

Andrew S. Pierce

Kimberly J. Raggett

JonBlake P. Richardson

Eric M. Riffe

Haley R. Rixman

Caroline E. Robinson

Trevor E. Schmidt

Sydney J. Shrewsbury

Ryan R. Simpson

Emma B. Stephens

Samantha L. Stutsman

Annie L. Taylor

Kaitlyn B. Tichenor

Thomas K. Troutman

Trustin C. Turner

Rebecca G. Walz

Kaitlyn R. Weitlauf

Abigail A. Whitaker

Carter L. Whitehouse

Eryn O. Wright

Peyton N. Wyatt

Mathematical Economics

Savana P. Day

Srirangan Iyer

Tanner C. Rose

Alexander V. Smith


Congrats GFCB 2023 Graduates!

“Congrats to our Accounting graduates! You’ve accomplished a great deal in getting to this point. Remember to always keep your eye on the ball, swing hard, and let the result pave the way for a bright and rewarding future. The Department celebrates in your success, wishes you the best of luck as you navigate through the next step in your professional career, and wants you to know you can always rely on us for encouragement, advice, and assistance.”

“Business Data Analytics and CIS graduates, congratulations on your achievements! Your perseverance in earning your degree will serve you well. We wish you the best in your careers and hope we have furthered your curiosity to continue your education.”

“Congratulations, Economics graduates! You’ve worked hard, and you’ve reached the goal. You are students of economics, and you will always carry that special ‘economic way of thinking’ with you. But what we taught you is just the beginning of your path, and you should never stop learning. Be well, be kind and do good things.”

“Congratulations, Finance graduates! You have met extreme circumstances head on and conquered them. We are immensely proud of your achievements! Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, ‘The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.’ So choose wisely. And don’t forget, ‘Wisdom outweighs any wealth’ (ancient Greek playwright Sophocles). Oh, and stay in touch.”

“Congratulations, graduates! You should be incredibly proud of yourself for reaching this milestone, even with all that life has thrown at you – a pandemic, a tornado, and the normal day-to-day life that happens. Despite all that – YOU DID IT! As you move forward with your life and careers, remember and utilize the valuable lessons learned and networks built during your time here at WKU. On behalf of myself and my colleagues in the Management Department, congratulations on all you have achieved! We are excited to hear about all the adventures in the next chapter of your journey.”

“Good luck to all our graduating students and especially to our marketing students! We look forward to seeing your success in the coming years”

“It is with great pleasure that I extend my warmest congratulations on your graduation. As you move forward in your professional journeys, I urge you to remember the words of Henry Ford: ‘Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.’ Collaboration and teamwork are critical components of success in the business world, and I have no doubt that you have developed these skills during your time at Gordon Ford. As you celebrate this momentous occasion with family and friends, take a moment to reflect on the achievements that you have accomplished and the opportunities that lie ahead. Once again, congratulations on this incredible achievement, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”

“Congratulations to the Class of 2023! You have grown; you have learned; you have excelled. You are ready to write your next chapter. As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, ‘There is no place like home.’ So, go do great things, but come back home to the Hill often. We are proud of you, and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish!”

“Congratulations, graduates! I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You have demonstrated persistence, adaptability, and an optimistic attitude during time on the Hill. You are well prepared for the next step in your journey. Don’t forget to stay in touch with us. Best wishes!”



Congratulations to the class of Spring 2023. Celebrate your time on the Hill with these special messages and photos from your loved ones in the pages ahead!



Bachelor of Science Nursing


Bachelor of Science Special Education (LBD) and Elementary Education

Tessa Ann Duncan we are so proud of your accomplishments at WKU! You have demonstrated that hard work and determination yield success in and out of the classroom. We know that you are going to be a compassionate, caring, and empathetic nurse! Thanks for being an awesome big sister and daughter! We all love you to the moon and back! Go make all your dreams come true!

Love, Mom, Dad, Lucas, Ella, Cooper, River, Honey and Scout


Bachelor of Arts Psychology

Our hearts are full! We are beyond proud of you. Your drive and perseverance is an example to all. You have worked so hard. I know it wasn’t easy, but you did it. You fought every obstacle that came your way, and now it’s time to celebrate. We salute you our sweet angel and can’t wait to see your bright future. You are loved beyond measure!

Mom and Dad

We are all so proud of you Loren. Your drive and dedication has brought you so far. You are so determined to be successful and with everything life has thrown your way you have shown such grace and courage. Dad and Grandma are extremely proud of the person you are, and I know they are always watching over you. Your future is so bright my girl!!!

We love you very much!

Mom, Emily, Carson and all your family.


Bachelor of Arts History Social Studies

Today is just one of life’s many sweet victories. Be sure to stop and savor this incredible moment that you have worked so hard to achieve. We are so extremely proud of you!

“God has more in store for you than you can even imagine.” Ephesians 3:20

Love, Dad, Mom and Kimber



Bachelor of Fine Arts Film Production


Bachelor of Arts English for Secondary Teachers

Kerston, you are going to make such a great teacher! Always remember Philippians 4:6-7. Congratulations on this achievement! We are so proud of you and love you beyond measure!!

From, Mama and Pop


Bachelor of Science Management

Congratulations. We are so proud of you. You worked hard and made your dreams come true. We are excited to see where life takes you next. You will be amazing.

We love you, Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Science Communication Disorders

MJ!! You did it! Keep up the hard work as you enter grad school at WKU. You are going to make a fantastic speech pathologist! We will always be your biggest fans! We love you!


Bachelor of Science Marketing

Congratulations! Wow! We are so very proud of you. You are beautiful inside and out and we can’t wait to see what your future holds!

All our love, Mom, Dad, Chase and Bo

JT, your whole family is so proud of you!!!! Your last four years have been the hardest in your life, and you have persevered.

Love, Mom, Blake and Katelyn


Bachelor of Science Finance

We are so proud of the young woman you have become. You have worked so hard and accomplished so much. You have honored God in your decisions and have been a great friend to many. It has been such a blessing to watch you grow and mature into the woman God has called you to be. We love you and are so proud of you.

From, Mom, Dad, Mallory, Chase, Kelly, Owen, Carly, Quentin and Tierra.



Bachelor of Science Computer Science, Honors Self-Designated Studies


Bachelor of Science International Business

Congratulations Michaela! I can’t believe that you’re graduating today. It seems like only yesterday that we were moving you into The Mahurin Honors dorm. We are so proud of you! You are a talented young woman, and we can’t wait to see the accomplishments that await you in your future.

Love, Mom, Michael and Alex


Bachelor of Science Elementary Education

Congratulations Hope, we are so proud of you and all the hard work you have put in to reach your goals. You will be an amazing teacher; your students will be blessed to have you.


Bachelor of Science Psychological Science

Congratulations Sidney, you did it! Nothing can dim the light which shines from within. Now go forth and set the world on fire!

Love Mom, Dad, Reagan, Jake, Zoey and “Step-Weapon”

Congratulations! Your family celebrates your success today and admires your aspirations for the future. Remember you will always have our love and encouragement. Today is a great day. Tomorrow can be even greater!

Love from Mom and Dad and scores of family members both present and past.


Bachelor of Music

Loved beyond measure, talented beyond expectation, fierce as a flame ... God’s gift to us. Time to fly my dear one. May you always have enough. Let God be your guide and all will be well. Daddy’s pride, Momma’s joy, Trevor’s sister and friend Love, Mom, Dad and Trevor



Bachelor of Science


We still remember the first day we left you at college. We were so excited as you embarked on a new adventure. We knew that you would approach your academics with tenacity just like you approach all things with grit! You a such an amiable person that we know you’ll go far! Remember, a great sense of humor is the best defense against minor troubles. Go get ‘em coach! We LOVE you!

Mom, Dad, Preston and Skylar


Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual Arts

Bachelor of Arts Journalism

I am so incredibly proud of you. I cannot wait to see where life takes you! I love you so very much teacup. - Momma Rock Star! I am so proud of you! Way to go Sis! - Pops My role model and best friend. You are my reason to live. I love you! - Laney


Bachelor of Science Accounting

Abby, Your hard work and perseverance have paid off!!

Congratulations on your welldeserved success! We are so proud of you!

Love Mom and Dad

Congratulations JT!! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you. We love you!!

Love, Mom and Dad



Bachelor of Science

Middle Level Education Social Studies and Language Arts


Bachelor of Arts


You have done it!

Congratulations and we are so proud of you! This is the stepping stone to unlock all your dreams. May you have the clear vision to see, the Divine wisdom to choose and the personal courage to act as you go from here. Godspeed!

Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Science Agriculture

May you always take pride in remembering the hard work that brought you to this day. And may you always find joy and happiness. In all that you will do. With all our love and congratulations.

Nana and Grampa

Congratulations on reaching this milestone! All of your hard work, dedication, and attending every class helped you reach your goal. Keep setting high goals and work to achieve them. We are so proud of you! Earning a degree in Criminology and a minor in Sociology would have made Aja beam with pride if he were here.

Love, Mom, Sanjay and Aiee


Bachelor of Science Management

May you always cherish the memories and friendships you have made. We are so very proud of you, and all of your accomplishments!

We love you! Love, Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Science

Middle Grades Mathematics

Congratulations, we love you! From, Mom, Josh, Taylor and Harrison



Master of Arts Organizational Leadership


Master of Arts Organizational Leadership

All the credit goes to your hard work and dedication for making this graduation possible for yourself my love. Happy Graduation!


Bachelor of Science Accounting

Congratulations! All of your hard work has paid off. We are so excited for you to take your next big step. You continue to make us proud beyond measure.

We love you, Mom, Dad and Nan

From The W and SSSAS in the 703, to the Horseshoe and the Gamecocks in the 803, and now getting your masters as a Hilltopper — you’ve never taken the flat path, but have always inspired to climb higher and now — you should take a moment to enjoy the view from the top and know … That life at the top is worth the climb! We are always so proud of you!

Love you, Mom, Dad, Gma S, Gma L and Ricky


Bachelor of Science Finance

Congratulations Zach! We are so proud of your accomplishments over the last four years! You have a bright future ahead of you, we can’t wait to see what comes next!

Love, Mom, Dad and Brandon


Bachelor of Social Work

Congratulations on your well deserved success while on The Hill. So happy to share in the excitement and we are so very proud of you.

We love you! Dad, Alesa, Trey, Eva and Chett



Bachelor of Arts Broadcasting

CONGRATULATIONS MATTHEW You are a quiet storm that has exceeded all of my expectations! I know that you will achieve greatness in all of your future endeavors.

Love you always, Mom


Bachelor of Arts

Corporate and Organizational Communication

We are so incredibly proud of all you have overcome and achieved. Your work ethic is unmatched and we have no doubt you will continue to accomplish amazing things.

Wildly proud, Mom, Dad and gang


Bachelor of Science Sport Management


Bachelor of Arts Sociology

We are so proud of you and your accomplishments at WKU! You have strived for greatness in all you do, and you never disappoint. Keep reaching for your goals and never settle for less. Oh the places you have been … oh the places you will go!

Love, Mom, Dad and Kayla

Sarah, We continue to be beyond proud of you!! We’ve watched you grow into a strong, smart, beautiful, fierce young woman. With your talent and determination, the sky’s the limit on what is next! Continue to challenge yourself, lead with passion and have fun!! We love you so much! Always our baby girl. With every ending comes a new beginning! Way to go!

Love you, Dad, Mom and Adam


Bachelor of Science Finance

Hadley, God has blessed your past four years. From the moment you stepped foot on campus, through the admissions process, and while attending, your goals at WKU dreams have been fulfilled. Words cannot describe how proud we are of you. WKU has a special place in your heart, and you will never forget the times spent and friends made while there.

Love, Dad, Mom and Janie



Bachelor of Science Communication Disorders

Congratulations, JD. We are so proud of you. We can’t wait to see what you do next.

Love, Dad, Mom and MeiLin


Bachelor of Arts


We are SO incredibly proud of you! Your hard work and dedication have paid off. We are so excited to see what you will accomplish next.

Love, Dad, Mom, Emily, Joseph and Lyndsey


Bachelor of Social Work


Bachelor of Science

Computer Information Technology

It is with great pride that Jim and Teresa Eastridge present Kasey Austin Eastridge, Western Kentucky University Graduate, graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree. Pursuing a Major in Computer Information Technology and demonstrating the same tenacity and dedication to education as during his 12 years of homeschooling, Kasey achieved the Honor of Summa Cum Laude, remaining on the President’s List at both WKU and ECTC throughout his college career. Kasey also successfully educated himself proficiently in the Japanese Language.


Bachelor of Arts


We are so proud of you, but not surprised. You have always accomplished what you set out to do. We have really enjoyed watching you grow at WKU!

Love you, Mom, Dad and the Brothers



Bachelor of Science

Recreation Administration

We are so proud of you Embry! You have always been such a special blessing to our family, and we know you will continue to be a blessing to all of the people you will be serving wherever the Lord leads you. Always remember John 14:23.

Love, Daddy, Mother, Aubry and Macey

Congratulations on the completion of this grand collegiate adventure! We cannot wait to see what’s next. We are so proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Veva and Nina



Bachelor of Science Exercise Science

Congratulations on your big day. We are so proud of you. On to the next big adventure.

Love Mom, Dad and Matthew


Bachelor of Science Exercise Science

Congratulations! We are so proud of all the hard work these last four years. Madelynn you are an amazing young woman, and we look forward to seeing all your future accomplishments.

Love, Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Fine Arts Film Production


Bachelor of Science Psychological Science

You have been a blessing to everyone that you have touched with your life. You’ve accomplished so much and positively affected the lives of so many people. It has been amazing watching you grow up and swing that Topper Towel all of these years! We are so proud of you and love you so much. We can’t wait to see what adventures life has in store for our daughter and beautiful seester next!

Love, Mom, Dad and Reegan


Bachelor of Science Agriculture

Jillian, We are so proud of you. From writing your first screenplay in kindergarten, to being selected for Film and Photography at Ky GSA as a student and a teacher assistant, to earning your BFA in Film, you have accomplished your dreams. There is no limit to your success. Keep working hard and fulfilling those dreams. We can’t wait to see where this next chapter in life takes you!!

Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations! We are so very proud of you Baby Chick! Wishing you the best in all that you do.

Love you always, Mom, Dad and Clay



Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual Arts


Bachelor of Science Marketing

Congratulations on your graduation, we are so proud of you!

Love Mom and Dad


Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning. Juliana, as you step out into the world, follow your heart and your dreams. You can accomplish anything you desire. So, dream big!


We love you! Mom, Dad, Nathan and Jonathan


Bachelor of Science Health Sciences

Your dad and I are so very proud of you! You have grown to be such an amazingly smart, strong and independent woman and we love you so much.

Love you, Mom, Dad, Maddie, Miley


Bachelor of Science Dental Hygiene

Congratulations Jacey! You’ve made us so proud! You have worked so hard for this! We look forward to seeing all that your future holds and cheering you on along the way!

Love, Mom & Dad

Bachelor of Science Engineering Technology Management

Payne, we are so proud of you and all you have accomplished the past four years. Congratulations!

Love, Dad, Mom and Graycen


Bachelor of Arts Public Relations

Taylor, we are so proud of you! You have worked so hard to achieve your dreams. This world is a better place with you in it! We can’t wait to see what you will do in life! Whatever it is, you will do amazing! Look out world, here she comes!!!

We love you!!! Mom, Dad, Memaw and your whole family!



Bachelor of Science

Physical Education


Bachelor of Science

Mechanical Engineering

We are proud of the mountains you have conquered to achieve your goals and honored to have been a part of this journey. Your biggest supporters, Love Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Science

Psychological Science

We are so very proud of you and your accomplishments! Love, Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Science

Sport Management

May all your dreams come true! We are so proud of you! As you go to your next adventure — be safe … and know — you are loved Angel Face!

Congratulations Aleksey! Your entire family is so very proud of you! All of your hard work has paid off. Looking forward to seeing what your future holds.

Love, Dad, Mom, Drew and Shannon



Master of Science



Bachelor of Science

Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising


Dad & I are so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are strong but kind, wise yet still learning, a leader among your peers, professional, personable and an absolutely brilliantly beautiful young woman who I believe will help change the world for the better! Stay humble and kind yet remain resilient because you are needed in this world!! We love you and will always be your biggest fans!!!

Love Mom and Dad


Master of Science

Recreation and Sports Administration

Lindsey, you fully embraced your college opportunities and have shone so brightly throughout your time at WKU. Memories made with fellow students, unforgettable professors that encouraged you and all the moments marching for BRMB have been the best investment of time. Cherish those memories and let them encourage you along this new exciting chapter of your life.

All our love, Mom, Will, Grandmommy, Callie, the Brawners, Moores, Reynolds and so many more fans.

Congratulations Meghan on all of your hard work and dedication on getting your bachelor’s degree! The future is so bright for you, and we couldn’t be any prouder of you. Enjoy celebrating!

Love, Mom, Dad, Mikaila, Grandma and Papaw


Bachelor of Arts

Public Relations, Advertising

Congratulations on your graduation! It seems like yesterday we were dropping you off at WKU and now you are a graduate. We are so proud of the beautiful young woman you have become and are so excited to see what the future holds for you!

Love, Mom and Dad



Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Science

Elementary Education


Congratulations Emilie! You are a true example of perseverance and knowing what defines you as a person. You have grown in strength, and you continue to understand what brings you joy. It has been amazing watching you learn, mature to be fearless, confident, live your dreams, love hard and the hard to love, never quit, and find your true Joy, which is all built on faith. We love you, and we are proud of you!

Dad, Mom and Carl Paul.


Bachelor of Music

Bachelor of Science

Environmental, Sustainability and Geographic Studies

Bachelor of Arts

Journalism, Spanish

We have never been more proud of you! What an achievement being a first generation student to graduate and with three degrees! You are one of the hardest working people I know. We love you, and can’t wait to see what you accomplish next.

Love always, Mom and Dad


Master of Science

Speech-Language Pathology

We are so very proud of all your accomplishments! We love you bunches! We can’t wait to see what you do next!

Love Mom and Dad, Erika, Jonathan, Silas, Stella, Ethan and John

Hannah, We are so proud of you! It has been a journey with bumps and turns, but you did it! “In his heart a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9. Keep the passion you have, and always let God guide you to where you need to go and what you need to do! We love you. We are proud of not just what you do but WHO you are!

Love Mom and Dad



Bachelor of Science Management


Bachelor of Music

Toria, you did it! Through good times and hard times, you hung in there until the end. We are so very proud of you and all of your hard work. It seems as though just yesterday you were a fragile newborn, and now you’re a strong, beautiful, intelligent woman. We know you will do amazing things in the years to come. We hope you are as proud of yourself as we are of you. Congratulations!

Love, Mom and Sean


Bachelor of Science Marketing

The biggest congratulations to you! You’re the most hard working, dedicated person we know, and we couldn’t be any more proud of you! Thank you for everything you do for us.

Love, Taylor, Levi and Nala


Bachelor of Arts Political Science, History

To my brilliant, beautiful and funny daughter Bridget, congrats on completing your college degree. I know you will rock whatever you choose to do in the future. Be Happy!

Love Mom

Congratulations to Katie, who is graduating with honors from Potter College of Arts and Letters with a Piano Performance Major and a Vocal Minor. Katie is an outstanding accompanist for University Singers and for Holy Spirit Parish, where she also directs the children’s choir. She plans to begin her Master of Piano Pedagogy this Fall. We are so very proud of your hard work and dedication!

Love, Mom, Dad and Peter


Bachelor of Science Construction Management

From the first time we drove through campus and heard the bell tower chime, we could see it in your eyes. Your North Carolina heart was pulled to Western Kentucky … and what a good choice you made. It’s been a joy to watch you climb high as a Hilltopper and leader in Kappa Sigma. Near or far, we’ll always be your biggest fans!

With love and many blessings for your next chapter, Mom, Dad and Annie



Bachelor of Arts English


Bachelor of Science Healthcare Administration

We are so happy your college experience has been so fulfilling and are very proud of the woman you have become. We look forward to seeing what comes next and want you to know we will always be there to love and support you.


Love, Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Science Finance

We are so proud of you! Your incredible focus, hard work and positive attitude have paid off. You made it look so easy. You are truly beautiful inside and out! Now on to your masters. We love you so much!

Mom, Dad, Jerrica and Jalen

Khazzy we are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Graduating from university is no small feat! Your hard work, dedication, studying late nights and perseverance have paid off. We know your future is extremely bright. We are elated to see you reach this incredible milestone and can’t wait to see the next chapters in your life. It has been an amazing journey, congratulations on your incredible achievement!

We love you, Sears, Taylor and Clarke family


Bachelor of Science

Health Sciences

YOU DID IT! You have accomplished so much in so little time and we are very proud of you. You are a strong woman. Never doubt yourself and always believe anything is possible with hard work. Always remember: “Nothing worth having comes easy and nothing easy is worth having.” We love you now and forever. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Love, Mom, Dad and Bueller



Bachelor of Arts Communication Studies


Bachelor of Science Exercise Science

Congratulations Bailey! You did the hard work, got through any obstacles thrown your way, and accomplished your goals! We’re so excited for the next chapter of your life! We love you!

Love, your moms!


Dear Allie, we are so happy for you and all that you have accomplished. It seems like we just moved you in and that long trip home was never ending. You took off and thrived with your new beginnings. It was always entertaining standing back and watching you decide on the path you wanted to take. Excited to see where your choices take you. We are so proud of you Al.

Love Mom, Rick, Sid and Jett


Master of Arts Psychology

I am so incredibly proud of your diligence, determination and perseverance not only in your educational pursuits, but in life. You inspire me! I love you! Mom

I am so very proud of you! Dilly Dilly! Steve

Congratulations! We’re so proud of you and excited to see where you go! We love you very much! Kyle & Claire

We are extremely proud of your educational accomplishments and are confident you will be successful in your professional career! From, Memaw & Papaw

Bachelor of Science Chemistry

Your “HILL” climb started during the pandemic. That didn’t stop you from climbing to your goals. It’s time to… Go make a difference. Live your dream. Make a mark. Today, let’s celebrate!!

Love, Dad, Mom n Bubba


Bachelor of Science Marketing

Lawson, you did it! Congratulations on your big day. We could not be more proud of you. We look forward to seeing what your future holds. We know that you are going to accomplish big things. Always strive to do your best and let your light shine. We love you so much!

Mom and Dad



Bachelor of Science Agriculture


Bachelor of Science Healthcare Administration

Congratulations we are so proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad and Jack


Congratulations Jaycie on your big day! We are so proud of you and the strong, determined, amazing young woman you have become. You will be successful in the agriculture field doing what you love, and we look forward to watching your future grow. We love you and we know that Kayla is celebrating alongside with you in heaven.

Love, Dad, Mom and Jaxson


Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Congratulations, Devin! You did it!! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. We are so happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day. And there are still so many adventures ahead of you. No matter where life takes you, your family will always be there for you. We love you!!

Dad, Cole, Kaleb, Grandmother, and all your aunts, uncles and cousins

Bachelor of Arts Psychology, English

Felicia today we celebrate your hard work. I am so proud of all you have strived for and achieved. I cannot wait to see what you accomplish on your new journey. Congratulations Graduate.

Love Mom


Bachelor of Science Marketing

From a 5lb 13oz angel to a beast on the field. Keep up your positive attitude, and the world will be in your hands. Always lean on your faith and family. Everything may not be easy, but it will always work out in the long run. The whole family is so proud of you.

Love, Pappy and Nana


CRISTINA BETZ Bachelor of Arts Photojournalism


Bachelor of Science Healthcare Administration

Congratulations we are so proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad and Jack


Bachelor of Arts


Congratulations kid we are so proud of you! Now the real work begins, so know that we will always be here for you. We can’t truly express how we feel at this moment in your life. We have all had the pleasure of getting to watch you grow into the wonderful young lady you have become. May our Father in Heaven bless and watch over you as you begin your journey!

Love you! Dad, Melody, Gma, Gpa, Darion, Ayiana.

Cristina, congratulations on your graduation! We love you very much, and it is a blessing to be part of your life. We are extremely proud of all your hard work, and we have enjoyed getting to see all you have learned and accomplished at WKU. We are excited for you as you begin your career, and we wish you the best in all that you do.

Love, Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Arts

Dance, Psychology

Congratulations Julia! You have accomplished so much; you are a beautiful person inside and out, and we are so very proud of you!! Your future is bright! We love you!

Mom and Dad


Bachelor of Science Marketing

Congratulations! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. The future is bright for you, we are so excited to see you move forward in your purpose.

Love, Mom, Dad and brothers



Bachelor of Science



Bachelor of Arts Broadcasting

Bachelor of Science Sport Management

This is the beginning of your life. You can do anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself as much as we believe in you. Congratulations sweetie! We are so proud of you. Go Tops!!

Love, Mom, Reed and Christian


Bachelor of Science

Exercise Science

Your fortitude and determination has ultimately led you to pursue Occupational Therapy. Your tender heart and sweet spirit will serve you well. We have seen you work so incredibly hard and we know it hasn’t been easy. Now here you are GRADUATING! We are so very proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad and Amelia

YOU DID IT! You TOPPED the Hill! Remember to put God first, believe in yourself, and your dreams. I’m always here if you need me. I’m extremely proud of all that you have accomplished. Congratulations & may God continue to bless you! “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11

Love, Momma and Daylen


Master of Science Biology

From the first day I stepped my feet on the cliff of the Hill, I knew that through the assistance of my advisor, professors, friends and acquaintance, that my aspiration to breathe in the spirit that makes the master will be easy. My experience at Western Kentucky University has shaped me into what the bright future demands and will remain part of me forever. I dedicate this success to almighty God and to my late grandma.

From, Me



Bachelor of Science Marketing


Master of Social Work

We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in four short years. We know you will go on to great things in your life!!

We love you, Mom, Dad, Caitlyn and Murphy


Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Congratulations! Graduating college is an outstanding achievement. This is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and commitment.

To say we are proud of you is an understatement. Remember to always keep learning and growing. Behind you, all of your memories. Before you, all of your dreams. Around you, your family. The next chapter of the story is yours to write. We can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Love, Dad, Mom, Marissa, Moie, Grandpa and Grandma

You have truly been a blessing. You are the most magnificent daughter I could have ever imagined. I’m not just proud of your many accomplishments, but I am proud of the person you are. You are the most amazing person that makes the world a better place.

Love, Daddy


Bachelor of Science

Middle Grades Mathematics

Congratulations Alyssa on this monumental achievement! We are so proud of you and love you so much! You are going to be an amazing teacher! Many Blessings, Love Mom, Dad and all of your family


We proudly congratulate our Spring 2023 graduates for their achievements in earning their WKU degrees and for the outstanding work they put into making WKU Student Publications the home of uncommon excellence.

Cristina Betz

Gabi Broekema

Michael J. Collins

Tucker Covey

Michael Crimmins

Maya Dobelstein

Jolie Finley

Brittany Fisher

Megan Fisher

Bree Gravatte


Téa Jones

Jake Moore

Abby Neltner

Audrey Plescia

Allie Schallert

Grace Stephens

DaShaun Van Cleave

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