School and Community Sport Volunteer Proceedures

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School and Community Sport Volunteer Procedures


Contents Introduction and West Lothian Volunteer Pathway


Volunteer Procedures Tick Sheet


Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme


Appendix A Volunteer Description


Appendix B Volunteer Application Form


Appendix C Volunteer Reference Forms


Appendix D Volunteer Rejection Letter A


Appendix E Volunteer Interview Form


Appendix F Supervision Record Sheet


Appendix G Volunteer Rejection Letter B


Appendix H Volunteer Exit Questionnaire



Introduction The purpose of this document is to explain the volunteering process in relation to the teams within School and Community Sport (Active Schools and Sport Development) and the roles and responsibilities of those involved. This is an operational guide that must be used in conjunction with the Volunteer Handbook. This document outlines the voluntary recruitment process from a chronological perspective and provides a tick-box approach to ensure procedures are followed consistently.

Filing and Organisation Prior to recruiting volunteers it is important that coordinators and officers receives the appropriate guidance from the Volunteer Lead within the School and Community Sport team. Coordinators and officers are required to keep a file for each volunteer. This file should be kept in a secure location in compliance with the data protection policy. This file will include the following documentation: • Photocopies of ID documents for PVG • Volunteer Application Form • Volunteer Referee Form x 1 • Volunteer Rejection Letter A (if relevant) • Volunteer Interview Form • Volunteer Placement Form • Volunteer Rejection Letter B (if relevant) • Supervision Record Sheets • Exit Questionnaire A copy of all the above documents can be found in the appendices of this document. School and Community Sport Volunteer Pathway


Volunteer Procedures Tick Sheet Please complete this tick sheet to ensure you follow the School and Community Sport procedures for engaging, recruiting, supporting and rewarding volunteers. You will find all the documents in the Appendices section.


Volunteer Procedures

Tick Box


Recruitment Is your volunteer a school pupil who is assisting within curricular time only?

Yes o - This resource does not apply to your volunteer. No o - Go to No. 2.


Disclosure and Reference Check Meet with volunteer to provide them with: • Volunteer Description (Appendix A) • Volunteer Application Form (Appendix B) • Volunteer Reference Form (Appendix C) • PVG Form and PVG paperwork (read page 5 and request documentation from S+CS Volunteer Lead)

Yes o - Go to No. 3.


Once all forms have been received from volunteer, photocopy original ID documents twice. Submit PVG, PVG paperwork and one set of ID photocopies to S+CS Volunteer Lead, file remaining set of documents in Volunteer File.

Yes o - Go to No. 4.


Ensure volunteer is suitable on receipt of clear PVG from S+CS Volunteer Lead and appropriate reference.

Yes o - Go to No. 5. No o - Volunteer given rejection letter A (Appendix D).


Induction and Placement Meet with volunteer to: • Provide them with a copy of the West Lothian Volunteer Handbook. Discuss volunteer responsibilities. • Agree, and complete, Volunteer Interview form (Appendix E) • Send information from Application form to S+CS Volunteer Lead for Volunteer Database.

Yes o - Go to No.6.


Ongoing Training and Support Volunteer starts placement. During placement coordinator or officer completes Supervision Record Sheet (Appendix F) with volunteer to identify success of placement and/or training needs.

Yes o - Go to No.7.


Volunteer deemed unsuitable for position and no other opportunity available.

Yes o - Volunteer given rejection letter B (Appendix G). No o - Go to 8.


Placement finishes or volunteer leaves.

Yes o - Complete Volunteer Exit Questionnaire (Appendix H). No o - Go to 9.


Volunteer provided with training/qualification from S+CS CPD Calendar at coordinator/officers discretion. Volunteer must attend/be rewarded with one qualification after 6 month placement.

Yes o - Go to No.10.


Placement support provided by coordinator/officer. Additional opportunities identified by Supervision Record Sheet (Appendix F).

Yes o - Go to No. 11. No o - Volunteer leaves, see 8.


At coordinator/officers discretion, volunteer put forward for a volunteer award.

Yes o - Please provide details of application submitted:


No o - Volunteer leaves, see 8.

Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (Disclosure Scotland) Every child that participates in an activity in West Lothian should be able to do so in a fun and safe environment where he or she is protected from any form of abuse. This is part of the reason why we perform Disclosure checks. Under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 it is an offence for an individual to do, or to seek or to agree to do, any regulated work from which the individual is barred. It is also an offence for an organisation to offer regulated work to an individual barred from that work. An organisation which dismisses an individual or removes an individual from regulated work with children and/or protected adults, where the grounds for referral have been met, are legally obliged to make a referral to Disclosure Scotland. If they fail to do so, they will be committing an offence. An individual will have met the grounds for referral if that individual has: • harmed a child, • placed a child at risk of harm, • engaged in inappropriate conduct involving pornography, • engaged in inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature involving a child, or • given inappropriate medical treatment to a child. For PVG forms and guidelines for volunteers, please see the S+CS Volunteer Lead. For more information on the PVG Act please refer to the Scottish Executive website at or


Appendix A Volunteer Description Post Title: Sports Coach (Volunteer) Directorate: Education & Cultural Services Service: Sport & Outdoor Education Reports to: Sports Development Officer/Active Schools Co-ordinator Location: Various Hours of work: Various Job Purpose: To help plan and deliver quality coaching sessions in a specified sport or activity. Qualifications Essential: Interest in Sport and Physical Activity Qualifications Desirable: TOPs/Basic Moves/Level 1-4 Scottish Governing Body Award Major Tasks:



Comply with West Lothian Council Policies and Procedures


Assist with general administration of sessions


Maintain links with relevant Officer via Monitoring & Review


Principal Accountabilities/Key Tasks 1. Deliver/support quality coaching sessions taking into account individual and group needs. 2. Assist in the design/planning of sessions. 3. Coach in accordance with the Scottish Governing Body training and guidelines. 4. Maintain and update qualifications and provide copies of certificates to responsible officer/coordinator. 5. Keep and update a register of all participants in sessions. 6. Report any incident or accident occurring during sessions and complete West Lothian Council Incident Report Book. 7. Maintain communication with Sports Development Officer/Active Schools Co-ordinator. 8. Attend agreed Coach Education or In-service training days.


Appendix B School and Community Sport Volunteer Application Form Name: Tel No(s): (Day): Address: (Eve): E-mail: 1. Please state why you are interested in volunteering with us?

2. Do you have any particular skills or experience that you feel would be relevant to this type of voluntary work?

3. When are you available to volunteer? Please specify days of the week that are suitable and indicate whether you are available during the day or in the evenings.

4. Is there any other relevant information that you feel we should know at this stage?


5. Please give the name, address and telephone number of a referee who would be willing to comment on your suitability as a volunteer with us (not relatives). Name: Address: Tel No: Email: In what capacity do you know this person?

6. Volunteering roles with children, young people and vulnerable adults will require you to undertake a PVG check. Please tick this box to confirm you understand and consent to a PVG check. o Yes, I give consent to undertake a PVG check Please sign and date below:



Return the form to your contact Active Schools Coordinator/Sports Development Officer or to the address below: Sport and Outdoor Education Low Port Centre 1 Blackness Road Linlithgow EH49 7HZ Thank you for completing this form. We will be in touch as soon as possible.



Dear Sir/Madam POST: CANDIDATE’S NAME: RESPOND DATE: The above named has applied for a voluntary position with West Lothian Council and has given your name as a referee. It would be appreciated if you could return your comments by the above respond date. Please note that this report is not requested in confidence and, in accordance with the council’s policy on Access to Personal files, the candidate may view your report if requested. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Yours faithfully 9


Has this reference been discussed with the candidate?


o NO

If there is insufficient space in any part of the reference form for you to complete your reference, you can use an additional page. Please ensure that the page is headed up with the employee’s name and post applied for, and that you sign and date it and attach to the main section.

Please return the completed form to:


Reference Non-employer

POST: CANDIDATE’S NAME: 1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

2. Please provide examples of how the applicant has demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience relevant to the post applied for.

3. Any additional relevant information.

REFEREE Print Name: Signed:





Following on from your recent interview, I am sorry to tell you that at this moment in time, the West Lothian School and Community Sport team do not have any volunteering opportunities which would complement your profile. I would like to take this opportunity however to wish you well in your endeavours in the voluntary sector.

Yours faithfully 13

Appendix E Volunteer Interview Form Staff Interviewer:


Responsible Officer/Coordinator: Name of Prospective Volunteer:

1. What attracted you to volunteering with the School and Community Sport team in West Lothian?

2. What would you like to get out of volunteering here?

3. Have you had previous volunteer experience? If so, what did you enjoy most about your previous volunteer work?

4. Would you rather work on your own? With a group? Or with a partner? Why?

5. What skills do you feel you have to contribute?

Match with Volunteer positions Discuss potential positions and check match of interests, qualifications and availability.


1. 2. 3.



Appendix F Supervision Record Sheet Please record the key points of the supervision session, drawing on comments made by both the volunteer and supervisor. Agree on any action to be taken, with timescales if appropriate. Key points of discussion

Action to be taken/Training needs identified (S+CS CPD Calendar)




(AS Coordinator)






I am sorry to tell you that at this moment in time, the West Lothian School and Community Sport team do not have any further volunteering opportunities which would complement your profile. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in volunteering with us and wish you well in your endeavours in the voluntary sector. Yours faithfully 17


Appendix H Exit Questionnaire We are always striving to improve the volunteering experience at West Lothian Council. As one of our volunteers, we would appreciate your help in identifying areas where we might do better. Please be as complete and honest as you can in answering the following questions – all the information collected will be kept strictly confidential, but it will help to ensure that others who volunteer receive the best possible treatment.


How long did you volunteer with us?


Volunteer position(s) held:


Why are you leaving? (tick all that apply)

o Job accomplished

o Didn’t feel well used

o Need a change

o Didn’t like the job I was given

o Starting college

o Moving house

o Starting paid employment

o Change of circumstances

o Can no longer meet time commitments



What did you like best about volunteering with us?


What suggestions would you make for changes or improvements in our work with volunteers.


Overall, how would you rate your experience in volunteering with us?


2 3


Thank you for your comments. Please return this form to:




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