Active Schools GIRFEC Strategic Self-Evaluation Active Schools work closely with key partners including the PE Lead Officer, Sports Development, community clubs and other organisations to provide a wide range of high quality opportunities connected to physical education, school sport and club sport. This is a working document designed to support schools reflect on the service provided by Active Schools through the GIRFEC Health and Wellbeing Indicators.
What are we doing?
Sport and Activity Taster Sessions Offering primary, secondary and ASN pupils the chance to experience high quality sport and activity sessions delivered within curricular time by qualified volunteers, clubs, coaches and organisations. Ensure the following is checked and verified before any activity takes place: • Child Protection • First Aid • PVGs • Appropriate Coaching Qualifications
SAFE How do we know? All verified volunteers, clubs, coaches and organisations are recorded on: • Active Schools Club/Organisation Checklist • West Lothian Club Accreditation Scheme • Volunteer PVG Database • CLPL Registers kept
How does your school know?
What are we going to do? Continue to utilise our existing procedures to record which volunteers, clubs, coaches and organisations can deliver this activity. Ensure Active Schools staff follow correct procedures through the use of: • Active Schools Club/Organisation Flow Chart • School and Community Sport Volunteer Procedures and Guidelines • Active Schools Coordinator Induction Pack
School-Club Links Establish, maintain and develop primary, secondary and ASN school-club links in order to provide a pathway for continued participation from the school to the community. Ensure the following is checked and verified before any club or organisation takes place: • Child Protection • First Aid • PVGs • Appropriate Coaching Qualifications
All verified volunteers, clubs, coaches and organisations are recorded on: • Active Schools Club/Organisation Checklist • West Lothian Club Accreditation Scheme • Volunteer PVG Database
How does your school know?
Continue to utilise our existing procedures to record which volunteers, clubs, coaches and organisations can deliver this activity. Ensure Active Schools staff follow correct procedures through the use of: • Active Schools Club/Organisation Flow Chart • School and Community Sport Volunteer Procedures and Guidelines • Active Schools Coordinator Induction Pack
What are we doing?
Champions in Schools Promoting the Champions in Schools programme to primary, secondary and ASN schools. This programme places Scotland’s top national and international athletes in the classroom for three inspirational visits coving the topics of goal-setting, fitness and nutrition and winning attitudes.
How do we know?
What are we going to do?
The impact and relevance of the programme is evaluated by pupils and staff on behalf of both Active Schools and Winning Scotland Foundation.
Continue to promote and support schools to successfully deliver the programme in partnership with the Winning Scotland Foundation.
How does your school know?
Changes to the programme will be made based on the evaluations.
School Sport Award Support primary, secondary and ASN schools in their application for the national School Sport Awards to achieve the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health and to recognise schools commitment to PE, Physical Activity and Sport.
Schools are making changes to PE and physical activity provision with support from Active Schools based on the recommendations from the outcome of the School Sport Awards.
How does your school know?
Continue to provide assistance and support to help schools achieve the maximum award possible.
What are we doing?
VocationalQualifications Provide opportunities for secondary senior pupils and staff to gain vocational qualifications to develop their skills, confidence and self-esteem so they can support curricular/extracurricular active schools programmes which may lead to employment opportunities.
How do we know? Active Schools provide opportunities for pupils to use vocational qualifications to assist and deliver at clubs in school and in the community.
How does your school know?
What are we going to do? Continue to offer senior pupils opportunities to gain and utilise non-academic qualifications within the school estate.
Recognise Volunteers Outstanding contribution to volunteering in schools and the community by senior pupils is recognised through nominations for ‘Celebrating Sport ’ and ‘Stellar’ Award s or other relevant recognition event/award.
Active schools support the pupil volunteers in developing their skills and confidence by providing appropriate training and opportunities to assist and deliver in clubs in school and the community.
How does your school know?
Improve the recognition of all pupil volunteers who give up their time and talents in working with school and community clubs.
What are we doing?
To avoid duplication, each key area of Active Schools work has been aligned under only one indicator. However schools may consider this indicator more appropriate for specific activities.
How do we know?
What are we going to do?
What are we doing?
Extracurricular Activity Sessions Providing opportunities for primary, secondary and ASN pupils to take part in regular extracurricular activity within the school estate in partnership with primary, secondary and ASN schools.
How do we know? Number of pupils and activity sessions are monitored and recorded termly through the SEEMIS and Active Schools Extracurricular Monitoring systems.
How does your school know?
Clubgolf Provide training, support and equipment to support schools in the delivery of the Clubgolf programme for all primary five pupils. Work with the Clubgolf Regional Development Officer to ensure pathways for participation exist from primary schools to local golf clubs.
Training and resources are provided for primary school staff so they can deliver an active golf programme to the pupils. Active schools monitors number of pupils participating in programme and numbers of pupils progressing to local golf clubs.
How does your school know?
What are we going to do? Continue to promote and encourage participation of primary, secondary and ASN pupils in extracurricular activity sessions. Use monitoring information to highlight strengths and weaknesses of activity provision and amend the programme accordingly.
Continue to support schools in delivering the programme as a legacy to the 2014 Ryder Cup.
Active Girls Support schools increase the engagement of secondary girls within curricular and extracurricular sport and activity sessions through the related YDance and Fit for Girls programmes.
Primary School Sporting Calendar Providing multiple opportunities for primary schools within cluster areas and across West Lothian to take part in fun, safe activity sessions and festivals that provide a pathway to extracurricular participation.
Active Girls action plans are produced by all schools who wish to access national funding in support of this initiative.
How does your school know?
Primary Schools Sporting Calendar is produced and number of schools attending the activity sessions and festivals is monitored.
How does your school know?
Encourage and support secondary school engagement with the Active Girls programme to access funding in support of girls participation in PE and sport.
Continue to work with schools and partner organisations to produce a range of relevant and appropriate activities that provide pathways to local clubs.
Secondary School Sporting Calendar Work in partnership with all West Lothian secondary schools to produce a programme of competitive school sport events for secondary pupils. Schools are provided with opportunities to compete in one-off, series and league events.
Secondary Schools Sporting Calendar is produced and number of schools attending the activity sessions and competitions is monitored.
How does your school know?
Work in partnership with schools to develop and extend the West Lothian secondary school sport competition model.
What are we doing?
To avoid duplication, each key area of Active Schools work has been aligned under only one indicator. However schools may consider this indicator more appropriate for specific activities.
How do we know?
What are we going to do?
What are we doing?
Young Ambassadors (YAs) Supporting secondary schools to recruit train and retain young leaders to be an ambassador, playing an active and responsible role for PE and school sport in their school, associated primary schools and in the community.
How do we know?
What are we going to do?
A minimum of two YAs are recruited for each West Lothian secondary school and are supported and guided by their Active Schools Coordinator.
Support schools identify and recruit YAs through a formal/informal process. Ensure YAs attend all training events. Mentor YAs throughout the academic year to ensure maximum impact from programme.
How does your school know?
What are we doing?
Disability and inclusion Identified Active Schools Coordinator takes additional responsibility for liaising with ASN schools within West Lothian to ensure opportunities for ASN schools are relevant and appropriate and support ASN involvement at all Lothian Disability School Sport events. Ensure all Active Schools opportunities are inclusive.
How do we know? School and Community Sport disability plan produced in partnership with the Sport Development team linking the ASN provision from the school to the community.
How does your school know?
What are we going to do? Engage with ASN establishments to inform them of new arrangements within Active Schools team. Support ASN involvement at all relevant events.