active West Lothian Festival of Sport
in partnership with West Lothian Sports Council
Sport/Club/Group name
Website address
Contact Details
Usual Traning venue/time
St Margaret’s Academy & James Young High School
Tuesday th th 5 & 12 August
St Margaret’s Academy & James Young High School
Thursday th s 7 & th 14 August
Mosswood th 6 August Whitburn th 7 August Acad th 13 August Dedridge th 14 August Craigsfarm
Type Event
Age Group
Start Time
End Time
Brief outlne of the type of event
Basketball West Lothian Wolves
basketballdevelopment@westlothianwol (Grant Dickson) 07770 350336
St Margaret’s Academy
James Young High School
Basketball coaching sessions for beginners and experienced players alike.
Basketball Training
Boys born in 2001 & 2002
Basketball Training
Girls Born in 2001, 2002, 2003
Basketball coaching sessions for beginners and experienced players alike.
Free football for young people aged 12 to 17. The scheme is run in partnership with West Lothian Council and the Scottish Football Association. Sessions are run by qualified SFA coaches. No need to book, just turn up with a team or as an individual and be guaranteed free football!
Football Street Football N/A 07825431300
Turn Up
Football Whitburn Girls FC N/A
(Andrew Cowan) 07794903336
Bathgate SC Every Wednesday 18:00-19:00
Wednesd th ay 13 August
Bathgate Sport Centre
Turn up
Whitburn Girls are a girl’s only, football team with various age groups and are keen to develop any young female player with an interest in football. Any youngsters from the age of 6, are welcome no matter if they have any experience or not. You will meet new friends and learn lots of new skills! Our open night is free of charge, just turn up on the night.
Martial Arts
(Raymond Kaczmarek)
Livingston Units 1/2 Firth Road, Houston Ind Est EH54 5DJ 17:30-21:30
Bathgate 21A Mid Street Bathgate 18:00-21:00
Studio 23, Brewster Square, Brucefield Industrial
4-17th August 2014
Livingston : Units 1/2 Firth Road, Houston Ind Est EH54 5DJ Bathgate : 21A Mid Street Bathgate
Turn up
4yrs+ Adults welco me
Come along and train in any MSBA class during the festival of sport for FREE. Offer applies to new members and all age groups, from 3.5 years up to our adult classes. 17:30
21:30 After the 2 weeks you decide if you want to continue training on a month to month basis (no 12 month contract)
Gymnastics Astro Gymnastics
(Nicola Doig) 01506 237072
Wednesd th ay 13 August
Studio 23, Brewster Square, Brucefield Industrial
Come and Try
18 months +
Preschool 3-5 yrs 9:30
Preschool 3-5 yrs 10:15
Preschool The preschool programme is centred around the fundamentals of movement. Children learn to balance, roll, swing, jump, turn, throw, catch and climb all in a safe environment with qualified coaches. The session is delivered
Estate, Livingston, EH54 9BJ (Various Times)
Estate, Livingston, EH54 9BJ
18mnt hs-3 yrs 10:30
18mnths3 yrs 11:15
Tumbl e 16:30
Tumble 17:30
Boys Freest yle 5-8 yrs 17:30 9-16 yrs 18:15
Boys Freestyle 5-8 yrs 18:15 9-16 yrs 19:45
as a structured session with music and action songs, hand apparatus and large specialist gymnastics equipment such as beams, trampette and bars. The programme also teaches the basic skills required for physical development – motor skills, co-ordination, strength, posture, discipline and it’s fun!! Times: 3-5years 9:30-10:15am 18months – 3years (Parent and toddler) 10:30-11:15am Tumble Cartwheels, roundoffs, backflips, handsprings and somersaults. Use our sprung floor and inflatable track to learn new skills and perfect sought after ones! Time: 4:30-5:30pm Boys Freestyle Freestyle Gymnastics is a rapidly developing sport which incorporates aspects such as parkour, free running and urban gymnastics. The session is structure based for the first part. Coaches will take the boys through some vaults, kicks and floor skills. Then they have the chance to get the equipment out and try moves and skills out for themselves, with the help of the coaches. Time: 5-8years – 5:30-6:15pm 9-16years – 6:15-7:45pm * Please note that the boys classes must be booked in advance.
WL JABS 07770 825286
Bathgate Academy Tuesday’s school term 5.30 – 9.30pm
Delivered by Badminton Scotland qualified coaches this Come and Try taster event will start by introducing the basic skills and rules of the game within a fun environment. Tuesday 12 Aug 2014
Xcite Bathgate Sports Centre
Come and try session
Primary 1 to Primary 5
This session is free to all pupils in the primary 1 to primary 5 age group who live in the West Lothian area. There will also be Opportunities for those who are interested in joining the club membership where you can take part on a weekly basis. All equipment is provided!
Handball WLHDG 07590848679
Inveralmond Community High School Thursday – 6 :30pm – 8 :30pm
Thursday th 14 August
Inveralmond Community High School
Xcite Linlithgow Leisure Centre Saturdays
Saturday th 9 August
Xcite Linlithgow Leisure Centre
Turn up
The West Lothian Handball Development Group are holding a free come and try handball event, allowing everyone 16+ who want to come along and try out handball. The sessions are coached by current GB and Scotland under 19 Coach.
Multi-sport disability No Limits 01506855914
Turn Up
The No Limits Sports Club for children and young people with a disability. The club exists to promote sport for disabled children living in
or around West Lothian from recreational activities to full Olympic or Paralympic standard. Multisports on offer include : ClubFootball/Badminton/Table Tennis/Carpet Bowls/Hockey/Boccia/Darts/Soft Play/Hockey
Livingston & District Dolphins (Thomas Harkins)
St Margaret’s Academy. The Swim School operates each Saturday from 11am4pm
This event is aimed at those that are keen to Learn to Swim and want to find out more about swimming. The swimming taster sessions will last for 30 minutes (places are limited and have to be booked in advance please email to book a place). Sunday th 17 August
St. Margaret’s Academy
Book in advance
1.15 to 1.45: Pre School/Non Swimmers 1.45 to 2.15: Beginner 1/Beginner 2 2.15 to 2.45: Improver/SD1 2.45 to 3.15: SD2/SD3/Advanced
Martial Arts Tenkai
(Alex Lyall) 01506415613
Inveralmond Community High School Tuesday & Thursday 7pm-8:30pm
Sunday th 10 August
Inveralmond Community High School
Beginners Class/com e and try
Session 1 18 months – 5years
Sessio n1 11:00
Session 1 12:00
West Lothian Artistic Gymnastics Club uk (Ruth Griffin) 07462 152691
Craigwillow Centre, classes run 7 days per week
Craigwillow Centre, classes run 7 days per week
Thursday th 14 August
Sunday th 17 August
Craigwillow Centre, Craigshill Road Livingston EH54 5JH
Craigwillow Centre, Craigshill Road Livingston EH54 5JH
Come and Try gymnastics classes
Come and Try gymnastics classes
Session 2 5years and over 18 months – 5years
Sessio n2 14:00
Session 2 15:00
Try Gymnastics! – Swing like Beth Tweddle, Circle like Louis Smith. If you enjoyed the Commonwealth Games you will love this. A great opportunity to try our wonderful sport in a fully equipped full time gymnastics facility with fully qualified and experienced gymnastics coaches. Make sure you book your Try Gymnastics! Session today
Try Gymnastics! – Swing like Beth Tweddle, Circle like Louis Smith. If you enjoyed the Commonwealth Games you will love this. A great opportunity to try our wonderful sport in a fully equipped full time gymnastics facility with fully qualified and experienced gymnastics coaches. Make sure you book your Try Gymnastics! Session today