Active Schools Coordinator Induction Pack

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Active Schools Coordinator Induction Pack


Contents Welcome 4 What is Active Schools? 4 Induction Checklist 5 Operational Information 6 n Annual Plans/Reports n Cluster Areas n Child Protection and First Aid n Coaches n Complaints Procedure n Contact Information n Data Protection n Flexi, Absence and Holidays n Impensa, Pool Cars and Meeting Rooms n Incident Reporting n Photographs/Social Media n PRPDP n PVGs n Qualifications, Training and Personal Development n Recruiting, Retaining, Recognising and Rewarding Volunteers n Risk Assessments n Termination n Uniform and ID n Work Base Primary and Secondary Responsibilities n Active Schools West Lothian Primary Overview n Active Schools West Lothian Secondary Overview


Extracurricular 12 n School Clubs n Community/Commercial Club Links n CPD n Volunteers n School Sport Partnership Events Curricular 14 n Festivals and Events n Clubgolf n Early Years Provision n Cluster PE Planning n Taster Sessions n Champions in Schools n Sports leaders/Lead 2014/YA n School Sport Partnership Events


Monitoring and Reporting n ASMO n Curricular Monitoring n Clubgolf n Cluster Updates n Individual Action Plans


Finance 19 n Account and Cost Codes n Business Objects n Coaches Timesheets n Invoices n Journal Transfers n PECOS n Receipts and Credit Posting Slips Additional Responsibilities 21 n Apprenticeship n Champions in Schools n Coaching n Commercial/Community Clubs n CPD n Dance n Disability n FE/HE- West Lothian College n Holiday Programmes n Media/Promotion n Monitoring and Evaluation n School Sport Partnership- Gymnastics/Golf/Cross Country/Track and Field n Sport Development- Gymnastics/Hockey/Netball/Golf/Cricket/Tennis n Sports Leaders/Lead 2014/YA n Volunteering and PVGs


Welcome Welcome to Active Schools in West Lothian. This resource pack has been developed to aid your transition into the team and to provide information relating to your role. It is not intended to dictate how you work but to provide relevant information enabling you to ‘hit the ground running’. This resource will explain the responsibilities of your position including any additional responsibilities undertaken by ASCs within the team. If you have any questions on any aspect of your role, please do not hesitate to ask your Active Schools mentor or line manager. Congratulations on securing your Active School Coordinator (ASC) post.

What is Active Schools? sportscotland works in partnership with all 32 local authorities to invest in, and support, the Active Schools Network of managers and ASCs who work with primary, secondary and additional support needs schools across Scotland. Active Schools aims to provide more and higher quality opportunities for children to participate in school sport and to increase capacity through the recruitment of volunteers who deliver the activity sessions. The Active Schools Network works together with organisations and individuals, including PE staff and Sports Development officers, to provide a wide range of opportunities connected to physical education, school sport and club sport. What do we do? Active Schools creates opportunities for children and young people to participate in sport before and after school, during lunch time and at weekends. Active Schools also assists with the transition from school sport into club sport by working closely with clubs to highlight the opportunities that exist in the local community and encourage children and young people to get involved. This integrated way of working creates and develops pathways into sport that in turn, encourages longer term participation. There are two national outcomes that all Active Schools teams work towards. These are: • Increased number of children and young people participating in school and community sport • Increased capacity through the recruitment, retention and development of a network of volunteers to deliver sport in schools and the wider community. Active Schools West Lothian strives to achieve these outcomes through a well planned, integrated approach involving our key partners- Schools, PE Specialists, Sports Development Officers and Clubs. To fulfil your role effectively, it is important that you are aware of your responsibilities as an ASC. If you are unsure about how to undertake any aspect of your role, please ask your mentor or line manager for support. Their role is to ensure you can successfully achieve yours.


Induction Checklist This checklist aims to ensure all the relevant information and additional documents have been provided so that you are clear about your role and responsibilities. Please tick of each section as completed with your mentor/line manager. Induction Area

Additional Information/Training Required


Individual Action Plan


Child Protection/First Aid Requirement? If not, please indicate the date to be renewed: Child Protection: ___/___/____ First Aid: ___/___/____


Coaches Induction Pack


Contact information for all AS, SD, OE and Admin Staff


Flexi/Annual Leave




Incident Report Forms


Coach Database information




Volunteer Induction and Procedures


Risk Assessments


Uniform and ID


Commercial Club Checklist


CPD Calendar




Coaches/Volunteers Template


Curricular Monitoring Template


Clubgolf Monitoring Template


Weekly/Monthly Update Templates


Business Objects


Coaches Timesheets/Dates for Submission


Invoice Template


PECOS Order Form and Instructions


Receipt Book/Credit Depositing Slips


Additional Responsibilities Overview


Primary and Secondary Responsibilities


Additional Responsibilities



Operational information Annual Plans/Reports ASCs are required to complete a School and Community Sport (S+CS) Individual Action Plan. The S+CS team consists of the Active Schools and Sports Development teams and the S+CS plan identifies how both teams will work together to fulfil local and national outcomes and achieve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You will be given an Individual Action Plan (IAP) to complete by the Active Schools Manager and will be required to submit your plan at the start of each academic year to indicate what activities you will undertake in your cluster area to meet local and national objectives. Progress within IAPs is reported quarterly to the Active School Manager to identify successes or areas that may require additional support. You will be provided with a date by the Active School Manager for the completion and quarterly submission of your IAP. Cluster Areas Active Schools West Lothian is organised around the 11 secondary schools. There are 11 FTE ASC positions in West Lothian and each ASC is responsible for activity within their designated secondary school and associated primaries. The only exception to this are the two Catholic secondary schools, St Kentigern’s and St Margaret’s, who have a part-time ASC post as their associate primaries lie within the geographical cluster areas of the other 9 secondary schools. The Active School Operational Lead and School Sport Partnership positions are also part–time posts within the team. Child Protection and First Aid If you do not currently hold a valid First Aid qualification or have not attended a Child Protection training event within the last three years (e.g. Safeguarding and Protecting Children), please inform your line manager. Coaches Although we strive to ensure that the majority of our opportunities are delivered by volunteers, there may be situations where a paid sessional coach would be advantageous e.g. holiday programmes. West Lothian Council employs a range of multi-sport and sport specific coaches. Please contact the Active Schools Coaching Lead for a copy of all our current coaching staff, qualifications, pay rates and contact information (see ‘Additional Responsibilities’ section below). All coaches are paid through the submission of a coaching timesheet. It is your responsibility to provide timesheets to coaches and ensure they are submitted to the Sport and Outdoor Education office at Low Port in Linlithgow before the cut-off date each month. More information about how to complete timesheets is contained in the ‘Finance’ section below. West Lothian has produced a Coaches Induction Pack to ensure all coaches are aware of their responsibilities. In addition, S+CS staff are also ‘responsible officers’ for designated coaching staff to ensure latest and best practice across coaching activities and relevant training and qualifications are up to date. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a copy of the Coaches Induction Pack. More information regarding coaches can be requested from the Active Schools Coaching lead Complaints Procedure If you receive a complaint relating to any aspect of West Lothian’s Active Schools, inform your line manager in the first instance for guidance. Contact Information Your mentor/line manager will provide you with the latest contact information for all Active Schools, Sports Development, Outdoor Education and Administration staff. Data Protection The Data Protection Act 1998 provides a legal basis to ensure that personal information, and in particular information of a sensitive nature, is treated in an appropriate manner by councils and other organisations. The most common form of personal information that ASCs have access to is medical and contact information supplied by parental consent slips (primary) and EE2s (secondary) for after school clubs. ASCs are also able to access pupil information within the Education Service’s SEEMIS system. ASCs are likely to use personal information (e.g. medical conditions inc. asthma and parental contact numbers/email addresses) to produce registers for extracurricular activity for school staff, volunteers or casual coaches. 6

The Data Protection Act 1998 states that manual records (e.g. registers) must be physically locked in a secure cabinet when unattended to prevent misuse. Electronic records must be held in computer systems provided by the authority and password protected. Only encrypted pen drives provided by the authority should be used to transfer information of a sensitive nature. If you are unsure of your responsibilities regarding Data Protection, please consult your line manager. Flexi, Absence, Holidays and NAW Days ASCs are contracted to work 36 hours per week and are required to record the hours of work within an electronic template (Flexi) that will be provided by your mentor/line manager. This system will record your hours each day and should be submitted to your line manager at the end of each month. You are required to have a lunch break of 30 minutes each working day (7 hours 12 minutes) as per the Flexi system guidelines. You also have the opportunity to work flexibly although core council hours are between 10am –12pm and 2pm - 4pm. On occasion, you may be required to work late or at weekends due to the nature of your role. If you are unwell and are unable to attend work, please contact the Sport and Outdoor Education reception on 01506 775390 at your earliest convenience. The office staff will inform your line manager. It is not appropriate to send a text or email. A Self Certificate Absence Form must be completed to cover absence from the first day. Where the absence continues beyond seven calendar days, you must obtain a GP’s medical certificate and submit to your line manager within 2 working days. Dependent on length of service, staff receive an allocation of either 25 or 30 days annual leave plus 7 public holidays. Your line manager will issue you with an Annual Leave template which must be completed and approved by your line manager before any holidays are taken. If you require any assistance to complete your Flexi or Annual Leave submissions, please ask your mentor/line manager. In addition to Flexi and holiday time, coordinators can also request Not At Work (NAW) days. NAW days are generally used when coordinators are working a day over a weekend (e.g. at a sporting event) and would like to trade that day for a weekday without utilising holidays or Flexi. Please contact your line manager for more information if you would like to request a NAW day. Impensa, Pool Cars and Meeting Rooms Impensa is West Lothian Council’s employee expenses system. As a car user, you are entitled to claim your mileage used as part of your duties as an ASC. Your line manager will issue you with the necessary paperwork to complete in order to submit expenses. Proof of a valid licence, MOT and insurance will be required each year. Please note, that as part of West Lothian Council’s Green Travel Strategy, there are a number of pool cars in various locations for use both within and out with West Lothian to fulfil your travel obligations. Pool cars should be booked in the first instance and use of your own vehicle only undertaken where no pool cars are available. Your mentor/line manager will show you how to book pool cars using the council’s intranet. If you require a meeting room and cannot find a suitable venue within your place of work, you can book a meeting room through the council’s online room booking system. Meeting rooms are available to be booked electronically at a number of locations across West Lothian. Your mentor/line manager will show you how to request a meeting room using the council’s intranet. Incident Reporting West Lothian Council has a generic Incident Reporting template to be completed after each and every incident. It is imperative that even the smallest of incidents are reported as this could prevent something more serious. Incident report forms will be available at the office/reception within the venue or facility. It is important that all accidents are reported for the following reasons: • To prevent reoccurrence of similar accidents • To fulfil legal obligations to report certain incidents • To reduce the cost incurred by the council as a result of incidents. Your mentor or line manager will go over the instructions on how to complete the form with you.


Photographs/Social Media ASCs must not take photographs or videos for their personal records. Any ASC wishing to take photographs or videos of any Active Schools event should obtain the necessary permissions for all pupils from schools via the council’s photograph consent form or from the parental consent form for all extracurricular activities. Consent forms must be obtained before taking any photographs and the wishes of the parent or guardians strictly adhered to. The aim of this policy is to ensure participant privacy is not compromised. If you do see someone taking photographs at your sessions without consent, please explain the need for approval before any photos are taken and ask them to desist. ASCs will be informed in advance if a council representative or other approved person will be visiting to take photographs. PRPDP and CPD Managing individual performance and personal development is at the centre of West Lothian Council’s people strategy. In particular the PRPDP (Performance Review and Personal Development Plan) gives managers and employees the opportunity to communicate and review that all training, development and learning opportunities meet the individual’s needs within the context of achieving the aims of the team, service area and council. Your line manager will provide you with a copy of a PRPDP to complete and will guide you through the process, as appropriate. Any continuing professional development (CPD) needs, identified as part of the PRPDP process, will be agreed by both ASCs and line manager and suitable development opportunities identified. ASCs who wish to undertake an additional CPD opportunity within the Sport and Outdoor Education CPD calendar, wider CPD provision for council staff or through an external provider, should contact their line manager in the first instance. PVGs Every child that participates in an activity in West Lothian should be able to do so in a fun and safe environment where he or she is protected from any form of abuse. This is part of the reason why we perform Disclosure checks. Under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 it is an offence for an individual to do, or to seek or to agree to do, any regulated work from which the individual is barred. It is also an offence for an organisation to offer regulated work to an individual barred from that work. An organisation which dismisses an individual or removes an individual from regulated work with children and/or protected adults, where the grounds for referral have been met, are legally obliged to make a referral to Disclosure Scotland. If they fail to do so, they will be committing an offence. An individual will have met the grounds for referral if that individual has: • harmed a child, • placed a child at risk of harm, • engaged in inappropriate conduct involving pornography, • engaged in inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature involving a child, or • given inappropriate medical treatment to a child. For PVG forms and guidelines for volunteers, please see the Active Schools Volunteer lead. For more information on the PVG Act please refer to the Scottish Executive website at or Qualifications, Training and Personal Development A copy of all current qualifications will be required by HR before you start your role as an ASC in West Lothian. Regular opportunities to continue your personal development will be provided through the School and Community Sport CPD calendar and also through the council’s CPD courses. If you wish to attend any training course or other personal development opportunity offered either within or out with West Lothian, please contact your line manager for approval before you reserve a place on the course. Recruiting, Retaining, Recognising and Rewarding Volunteers The recruitment of volunteers is a key area of work within Active Schools. As such, the S+CS team have produced a Volunteer Induction Pack for potential volunteers and Volunteer Procedures for all S+CS staff to ensure a coordinated and consistent approach in line with national best practice. You can request a copy of these resources from the Active Schools Volunteer lead.


Risk Assessments ASCs are responsible for increasing the participation of school-aged children in sport and physical activity. ASCs have a statutory responsibility to ensure that opportunities for participation have been risk assessed to prevent injury or illness. ASCs will complete a risk assessment for each curricular/extracurricular activity for which they are responsible. How to assess risk: Step 1- Identify the hazards Step 2- Decide who might be harmed and how Step 3- Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Step 4- Record your findings and implement them Step 5- Review your assessment and update if necessary


Active Schools have produced three generic risk assessment forms to cover all eventualities. The appropriate risk assessment should be selected and completed before any activity is undertaken. Each risk assessment is specific to the location of the activity. These are: • Indoor Games Hall • Outdoor Grass or Pitch • Outdoor Open Space Your mentor/line manager will provide you with copies of the generic risk assessments and will show you how to complete. If you require additional assistance/support in completing risk assessments, please contact your line manager. Termination If you wish to resign from your post, you must provide confirmation in writing to your line manager. You will find the notice period specified in your contract with West Lothian Council so please ensure that you notify your line manager as early as possible in this event. Uniform and ID Although ASCs work independently within a designated cluster, we are first and foremost a team. To ensure that this image is projected within West Lothian, all ASCs are provided with a uniform. We encourage ASCs to wear the uniform provided for all activities undertaken as part of Active Schools to promote and strengthen our brand and image within schools and the community. As you will be working within schools, it is also essential you are identified as a member of council staff. Your line manager will arrange for you to obtain an ID badge which should be worn at all times (as appropriate) within schools. Work Base ASCs are based within their respective Secondary Schools. Most ASCs are based in the PE department however some are based within another office in the school. Your mentor or line manager will take you to your work location and introduce you to relevant staff members. Your work base will contain a designated desk space and computer for your use. ASCs work on the corporate rather than schools network so you may not be able to access some aspects of the schools IT system. Your line manager will provide you with the necessary paperwork for you to access the council’s corporate IT system. If you have any questions or issues relating to your IT setup, please contact your line manager. You will also be provided with a mobile phone for work use. This should be used exclusively for your role as an ASC however we understand it is sometimes necessary to make or receive personal calls. We would ask you keep these calls to a minimum. You will be given your mobile phone account statement each quarter to highlight and reimburse any personal calls.


Primary and Secondary Responsibilities Active Schools West Lothian Primary Overview

Extracurricular Activity

Translates into extracurricular activity

School Clubs

Monitoring (National)

Community/ Commercial Club Links

Monitoring (National)




Monitoring (National)

Champions in Schools

Monitoring (Local)

Primary Festivals/ Events

Monitoring (Local)


Monitoring (National)

Early Years Provision

Monitoring (Local)

Cluster PE Planning


SDO/Community/ Commersial Club Tasters

Monitoring (Local)

Curricular Activity


Active Schools West Lothian Secondary Overview

Extracurricular Activity

School Clubs

Monitoring (National)

Community/ Commercial Club Links

Monitoring (National)




Monitoring (National)

SSP Events

Monitoring (National)

Champions in Schools

Monitoring (Local)

Sports Leader Input/Lead 2014/YAs


SDO/Community/ Commersial Club Tasters

Monitoring (Local)

Cluster PE Planning


SSP Events

Monitoring (Local)

Translates into extracurricular activity

Curricular Activity


Extracurricular School Clubs (Primary and Secondary) Extracurricular school clubs can take place at any point during the school day when pupils are not in class although it is common for the majority of these opportunities to be offered after school. In line with sportscotland guidance, opportunities provided or supported by Active Schools should focus on ‘sport’ rather than on ‘activity’. ASC Role: • Email/meet with school staff/senior pupils/clubs/volunteers to encourage them to deliver/support the extracurricular programme. • Ensure any necessary PVGs forms/checks are completed before the start of an extracurricular activity (non-teaching staff only). • Ensure all relevant permission slips are completed (parental consent forms (primary) EE2s (secondary). • Pull together an extracurricular timetable and distribute/advertise activities as widely as possible. If printing information, please ensure it includes the relevant logos and is in line with current Active School’s literature. • Recruit, Retain, Recognise and Reward Volunteers (see ‘Volunteers’ section below). • Provide a pathway from extracurricular clubs to local clubs, where appropriate. • Source and manage a sessional sports coach, where appropriate. • Ensure a risk assessment is carried out for each after school club for which you are responsible e.g. employment of a sessional coach. • Ensure registers are completed and collected for all extracurricular clubs to monitor participants (see ‘Monitoring and Reporting’ section below). Community/Commercial Club Links (Primary and Secondary) Active Schools West Lothian work in partnership with a large number of commercial and community clubs. However, there are certain standards that a club will have to meet for us to signpost them as a suitable provider of activity. Community Community clubs generally operate on a not-for-profit basis and are governed by a committee. West Lothian Council operate a Club Accreditation Scheme to ensure clubs have the appropriate qualifications and structures in place to ensure they meet the necessary requirements for partnership working. ASCs can request a copy of the accredited clubs in West Lothian from the Active Schools Club lead. Any club which has fulfilled the requirements to meet the Access, Development and Community level award will be qualified to provide taster sessions within primary schools. Any ASC who is approached by a community club who wishes to provide taster sessions for schools should contact the Active Schools Club lead in the first instance. Commercial Commercial clubs may operate as a business model to generate revenue or exist to provide an income for individuals. As such, commercial clubs are not able to be considered for the Club Accreditation Scheme. However, Active Schools work with a range of professional commercial clubs, including Danceworld and Destination Judo, who provide important links between school and community activity. ASCs are responsible for ensuring a commercial club meets the minimum standards expected by Active Schools in order to access schools during curricular time. Active Schools West Lothian have produced a Commercial Club Checklist to identify if commercial clubs meet minimum requirements. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a copy of the Commercial Club Checklist. If you require more information on commercial or community clubs, please contact the Active Schools Club lead in the first instance. ASC Role: • Ensure that all clubs have the appropriate accreditation either through the Club Accreditation Scheme or through the Commercial Club Checklist. • Ensure relevant club members hold a current PVG. • Advertise/promote club involvement with schools widely as possible. Promote clubs community sessions. • Ensure taster sessions/club input is recorded within curricular time. • Ensure registers are completed for all school-based extracurricular clubs to monitor participants.


CPD (Primary and Secondary) Active Schools provide a wide range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities for school staff and volunteers. All CPD opportunities are detailed in the S+CS CPD Calendar produced at the start of each academic year. You may be required to deliver, support or shadow CPD sessions taking place over the course of each year. If you are tutor trained or qualified to deliver certification in any activity, please inform your line manager. ASC Role: • Attend, support, shadow or deliver CPD opportunities as agreed with line manager. • Advertise S+CS CPD opportunities as widely as possible and encourage school staff to attend. • Discuss and agree suitable training/qualifications for volunteers to attend. • Monitor and record attendance at CPD opportunities. Volunteers (Primary and Secondary) Volunteering can help provide opportunities to: • Gain practical experience • Develop transferable skills and learning • Foster key relationships with local partners- potential references /future employers • Access training and qualifications. • Make a difference and have fun! Key outcomes of becoming involved in volunteering are to develop confidence through communication with groups, listening to individuals and supporting young people to become more physically active. Volunteering can provide a real sense of personal fulfilment and achievement, with the opportunity to make friends, establish new contacts, and reward you by developing new skills and mastering fresh challenges. ASC Role: • Recruit, Retain, Recognise and Reward non-teaching staff. The S+CS team have produced a Volunteer Induction and Procedures resource to ensure a comprehensive and consistent approach by all team members. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a copy of this resource. • Recruit, Retain, Recognise and Reward teaching staff. Teaching staff comprise the largest percentage of volunteers within Active Schools West Lothian. ASCs can utilise the Volunteer Induction and Procedures resource to guide their support of school volunteers although they will need to utilise common sense as some aspects of the Volunteer Procedures are not necessary for school staff e.g. undertaking an additional PVG. • Monitor the number of volunteers and qualifications provided. School Sport Partnership Events (Secondary only) Active Schools West Lothian manage and support a very successful secondary school sports programme which is organised in partnership with secondary school PE staff. A secondary schools sporting calendar is produced each year detailing the events that will be held both within and out with curricular time. Schools receive points based on attendance and performance across all SSP events with the updated league tables sent out to schools after each event. The SSP programme is managed by the Active Schools SSP lead. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a copy of the latest SSP calendar. ASC Role: • Distribute information relating to, and encourage staff to engage with, the SSP programme. • Support schools involvement with individual SSP events, as appropriate. • Support the Active Schools SSP lead with any individual requests relating to school(s). • Monitor the participation of pupils attending SSP events for local and national monitoring.


Curricular Festivals and Events (Primary only) Festivals and events are the key elements of pupil engagement with Active Schools in West Lothian and serve as the starting point for the curriculum to community pathway. Primary events take place throughout the academic year and link to both regional and national events and community clubs. Each ASC is responsible for the coordination of primary SSP events within their cluster. Primary festivals and events also provide an excellent opportunity to strengthen primary-secondary links through the use of sports leaders or other senior pupils to deliver/assist activities. ASCs generally do not attend other area festivals and events unless there are specific reasons for attendance e.g. additional sport development responsibility. ASC Role: • Meet with primary school staff and PE specialists to decide on format and events for upcoming year and to review previous year’s events to identify successes/areas for development. • Ensure a risk assessment is carried out for each individual festival or event. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a copy of a template risk assessment. • Distribute all information relating to each event to all partners, as appropriate. • Ensure relevant resources are purchased in good time prior to the event e.g. cross country medals (see ‘Finance’ section below). • Coordinate input by secondary senior pupils, as appropriate. • If taking photos at the event for weekly updates (see below), please ensure all children have the necessary photo permissions before the event. Children who do not have photo permission must be identified at the event to prevent images being published. • Distribute flyers to pupils highlighting after school and community/commercial club links. • Record results and inform relevant development officer if event links to regional and national events e.g. cross country. • Monitor the participation of pupils attending SSP events for local and national monitoring (see ‘Monitoring’ below). • Update all schools regarding participation and points allocated to cluster SSP league tables, as appropriate. Clubgolf (Primary only) Every primary school in West Lothian has received Clubgolf equipment for the delivery of the clubgolf programme. P5 pupils in each school should have the opportunity to experience Clubgolf and to encourage pupils to take up the sport. The Clubgolf programme is a national initiative and was one of the main legacy proposals to secure the Ryder Cup for Scotland in 2014. ASC Role: • Identify Clubgolf trained staff in primary schools. • Encourage and support the delivery of Clubgolf within cluster schools. • Link with local golf club to ensure a pathway from school to community clubs running the Level 1 Clubgolf award. • Monitor the delivery of Clubgolf within schools for local and national monitoring. • Provide further information as requested by the Active Schools Golf lead, as appropriate. Early Years Provision (Primary only) Active Schools work in partnership with Danceworld to provide age-appropriate dance input to nursery and P1-3 children in West Lothian. Danceworld deliver free taster sessions for early years pupils during curricular time and health weeks in return for promoting Danceworld clubs within the local area. Active Schools also utilise Danceworld instructors for all other dance input (e.g. after school clubs). ASC Role: • Identify suitable schools for Danceworld input in partnership with the Active Schools Dance lead. • Contact school to discuss purpose and provision of potential input. • Coordinate Danceworld input with school. • Monitor the delivery of Danceworld within schools for local and national monitoring. • Provide further information as requested by the Active Schools Dance lead, as appropriate


Cluster PE Planning (Primary and Secondary) West Lothian is committed to improving the Health and Wellbeing of all pupils within the authority. One of the areas identified within Health and Wellbeing is to improve the planning and delivery of curricular PE across secondary and associated primary schools. ASCs provide a link to all schools within a cluster and facilitate the partnership working between primary and secondary PE specialists and school staff. ASC Role: • Identify PE specialists within secondary and associated primary schools in addition to relevant member of school staff and senior management. • Facilitate the meeting of relevant staff through clear communication. Responsibilities include identifying potential meeting dates, booking facilities, drafting agenda, chairing meeting, taking minutes etc. Please note: the specific role within each cluster area may vary according to cluster needs. • Liaise with PE support officer for West Lothian regarding the aims, outcomes and progress of cluster PE planning group. • Provide further information as requested by the Active Schools Manager, as appropriate. Taster Sessions (Primary and Secondary) Taster sessions play an important part in providing pupils with the opportunity to experience different sports and activities and are very popular with schools during health weeks. As such, we welcome clubs who are keen to promote their sports by providing taster sessions for schools. However, it is the responsibility of the ASC to ensure that input is relevant and appropriate and that club personnel have the appropriate qualifications to deliver activities. There are two main types of clubs- community and commercial (see ‘Community/Commercial Club Links’ above) although a key requirement for accessing the school estate during curricular time is that there will be no charge for taster sessions. ASCs are also expected to work closely with the relevant SDOs for specific sports to ensure a holistic approach across the S+CS team. ASC Role: • Assist school in the planning of a health week, as requested. • Ensure that the club meets the minimum requirements for partnership working with Active Schools either through the Club Accreditation Scheme or Commercial Club Checklist. Contact the Active Schools Club lead to identify if a club has already met the requirements for either of these standards. • Discuss potential input with the club and identify suitable pathways for progression. • Liaise with school contact to identify suitable times for taster session input. Note: it is not the responsibility of the ASC to produce flyers/information promoting community or commercial clubs. • Monitor the delivery of taster sessions within schools for local monitoring. Champions in Schools (Primary and Secondary) Champions in Schools is a role-model programme from the Winning Scotland Foundation that places Scotland’s top international athletes in the classroom to deliver a series of inspirational workshops on the topics of goal-setting, fitness, nutrition and winning attitudes. ASC Role: • Encourage schools to engage with the Champions in Schools (CinS) programme and to indicate interest in any CinS opportunities that may be provided within West Lothian. • Support schools in the organisation and delivery of the CinS programme including liaising with school staff, CinS staff and athlete to ensure successful delivery of the programme. • Monitor the delivery of taster sessions within schools for local and national monitoring. • Provide further information as requested by the Winning Scotland Foundation, as appropriate. Sports Leaders/Lead 2014/Young Ambassador (S) There are a variety of programmes and initiatives within the secondary school that ASCs are expected to lead or support. These include: Sports Leaders/Sport and Recreation (SL/S+R) Most senior pupils within West Lothian have to opportunity to access either the Sports Leader or Sport and Recreation course within their schools. Although there is no requirement for ASCs to be involved with either programme, SL/S+R pupils can prove to be a valuable volunteer resource. SL/S+R pupils can lead or assist additional extracurricular clubs within secondary or primary schools and provide invaluable in the running of cluster primary festivals and events.


ASC Role: • Liaise with secondary PE staff to discuss potential input by ASC and links with extracurricular and curricular activity sessions. • Provide training and support, as appropriate within SL/S+R courses. • Identify training and qualifications that would assist in the delivery of curricular/extracurricular activity. • Liaise with the wider School and Community Sport team to provide indentified training opportunities for SL/S+R pupils. • Monitor and record input, qualifications, participation and delivery for local and national monitoring. Young Ambassadors The Young Ambassador (YA) programme seeks to develop young leaders and volunteers further by providing them with the responsibility of being an ambassador for PE and school sport. A YA’s role is to: • increase participation and healthy lifestyles in their school • promote the positive values of sport in and through sport • be a role model in advocating PE and school sport • be the young people’s voice on PE and school sport in their schools and communities YA are generally identified by PE staff from outstanding senior pupils within schools. Lead 2014 Lead 2014 is a partnership between Youth Sport Trust, sportscotland, and Glasgow 2014. It is aimed at harnessing the enthusiasm of our young people to help create the next generation of sports leaders. ASC Role: • Liaise with PE department to identify suitable YAs/Lead 2014 pupils within the secondary school. • Ensure YAs/Lead 2014 pupils can attend the relevant conference. • Meet regularly with the YAs/Lead 2014 pupils to assist/support them in their role (indicated above). • Monitor and record input, qualifications, participation and delivery for local and national monitoring. School Sport Partnership Events (S) See ‘School Sport Partnership Events’ above.


Monitoring and Reporting It is essential ASCs accurately record and evaluate their work to ensure Active Schools is as effective and efficient as possible. All activities undertaken by ASCs should be monitored and recorded using the appropriate monitoring templates. ASMO Active Schools Monitoring Online (ASMO) can be found at: ASMO is the online monitoring tool for the Active Schools Programme. It focuses on: • Participation in Active Schools activities • The number of deliverers who are involved in Active Schools activities • School/Club Links You will find detailed user guides and guidance notes relating to how to input information and what information is required on the ASMO website. Your line manager will provide you with an ASMO log in and password and will inform all ASCs of the deadline date for completion. ASMO information is required to be submitted three times each academic year. Term 1 runs from Summer to Christmas, Term 2 from Christmas to Easter and Term 3 from Easter to Summer. Your mentor/line manager will oversee the submission of data during your first term. The ASMO system also requires ASCs to identify individual participants for both pupils and also coaches/volunteers etc. The Active Schools Manager will also provide a separate monitoring template to identify individuals/coaches within each cluster. ASCs will therefore need to ensure accurate records are kept for all activity sessions to prevent doublecounting of participants and coaches/volunteers. ASC Role: • Collect and collate information relation to all extracurricular activity within cluster areas each term. • Input information relating required by ASMO by date identified by the Active Schools Manager. • Identify individual participants. • Identify individual coaches/volunteers etc and submit that information to the Active Schools Manager by the date indentified. • Disseminate information relating to extracurricular participation within the cluster to stakeholders, as appropriate. Curricular Monitoring The S+CS team monitor all activities delivered by the service. Active Schools therefore undertake monitoring in addition to ASMO ensuring all activities of the Active Schools team within West Lothian are recorded. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with the latest version of the curricular monitoring template and will oversee the submission of data during your first term. To provide information relevant to the needs of the service, curricular monitoring is submitted four times during the academic year. Term 1 from Summer to October, Term 2 from October to Christmas, Term 3 from Christmas to Easter and Term 4 from Easter to Summer. Holiday programme information is also submitted within the curricular template. The information required by the curricular monitoring template is indicated on the template itself. Please contact your mentor/line manager if you require support in completing and submitting this information. ASC Role: • Collect and collate information relation to all curricular activity within cluster areas each term. • Input information by date identified by the Active Schools Manager and submit to the Active Schools Monitoring lead. • Disseminate information relating to extracurricular participation within the cluster to stakeholders, as appropriate. Clubgolf The clubgolf initiative (as described above) places an expectation on schools to deliver the programme within primary schools within West Lothian. Although Clubgolf delivery will be included within curricular monitoring information each term, Clubgolf also require this information to be submitted annually. The Active Schools Golf lead will provide ASCs with the Clubgolf monitoring template (usually in Term 4 Easter- Summer) and will also identify a date for submission. Your mentor/line manager will oversee the submission of data for your initial submission.


ASC Role: • Collect and collate information relation to all Clubgolf activity within cluster areas each term. • Input information by date identified and submit to the Active Schools Golf lead. • Disseminate information relating to extracurricular participation within the cluster to stakeholders, as appropriate. Cluster Updates Festival/Event Articles Articles are a great way of promoting the good work of the Active Schools team within council and local publications. These can be concise reports of festivals or events that would be suitable for publication for the general public. If you are submitting articles for publication, please try to attach jpeg photo after ensuring photo consent (see ‘Festivals and Events’ above) Termly Updates Termly updates highlight previous and future events for all stakeholders within a cluster. These can be produced from your articles and can include all information relating to Active Schools provision within a cluster. There are various ways in which ASCs can inform partners of progress within a cluster but your mentor/line manager will provide you with a template that could be used. Return this information to your line manager each month. ASC Role: • Complete articles for all festivals/school sport events. Include, where possible, jpeg pictures of the event and submit to Active Schools Media lead. • Complete Termly Update and distribute to stakeholders, Active Schools media lead and line manager, as appropriate. Individual Action Plans (IAP) IAP information can be found under ‘Annual Plans/Reports’ in the Operational section, above. ASC Role: • Complete a draft IAP during Term 4 in preparation for next academic year. • Discuss draft IAP with stakeholders, as appropriate. • Submit final IAP to line manager by date identified. • Report on progress within IAP quarterly by date identified by line manager. Distribute to stakeholders, as appropriate.


Finance Account and Cost Codes ASCs are allocated an Active Schools account they manage for their cluster areas. Each account has a specified code, as follows: Armadale- 33115 2020 Bathgate- 33115 2021 Broxburn- 33115 2022 DCHS- 33115 2023 ICHS- 33115 2024 Linlithgow- 33115 2025 St Kentigerns- 33115 2026 St Margarets- 33115 2027 JYHS- 33115 2028 West Calder- 33115 2029 Whitburn- 31115 2030 These codes are important as most financial activities will make reference to them in some form or another. ASCs need to be aware which code refers to their cluster account. In addition to account codes, there are several codes that refer to specific financial transactions. ASCs need to be aware which code is relevant to their financial transaction. These code include: 020201- Local Government Basic Pay (Coaches Timesheets) 380100- Equipment and Furniture 563000- Income (and only to be use for income) 315000- Premises hire 356000- Travel and Transport 230300- Training If in doubt, please ask your mentor/line manager to inform you of the relevant code to be used. Business Objects Each Active School cluster account can be accessed online through the council’s Business Objects, which is similar to accessing a private bank account online. Your line manager will provide you with information allowing you to access your cluster account through Business Objects. Your mentor/line manager will help you navigate the Business Objects account to ensure you can accurately track your finances. ASC Role: • To accurately monitor income and expenditure within the designated Active Schools account. • To ensure all West Lothian Council financial proceedures are followed appropriately. • To report on finances, as appropriate, to your line manager. Coaches Timesheets If you recruit a coach to deliver activity within your cluster, it is your responsibility to ensure accurate payment. Coaches are required to submit a timesheet each month for each cluster area. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a copy of the coaches timesheet and will show you how to complete and submit timesheets once they have been received from coaches. Your mentor/line manager will also provide you with a copy of the dates for submission for timesheets. ASC Role: • Distribute timesheets to all coaches within your cluster. • Ensure timesheets are submitted by coaches for each calendar month. • Complete and submit coaches timesheets for processing and payment. • Ensure appropriate payments have been deducted from cluster account via Business Objects. Invoices ASCs can structure after school provision within a cluster as they see fit. If a coach has been employed to deliver activity sessions on behalf of a school, it may be necessary to issue the school with an invoice at the end of each term for payment of coaches. Your mentor/line manager will issue you with a template that can be used for this purpose. Invoices can also be received from other organisations after a submission for goods or services through PECOS (see below). In this instance, ASCs should scan/send a copy of the invoice to the administration team at Low Port to ensure payment. 19

ASC Role: • Monitor expenditure for coaches and invoice schools, as appropriate. • Confirm delivery of goods/services and send invoices to administration team, as appropriate. Journal Transfers Journal transfers refer to the transfer of money between West Lothian Council internal accounts. Journal transfers can be used for the payment of invoices from schools or other internal transfers. ASC Role: • Ensure account holder has agreed to journal transfer for specified amount. • Inform Financial Management Unit of account codes and journal transfer amount. • Ensure appropriate payments are made/deducted from cluster account via Business Objects. PECOS PECOS is the name for the procurement system in West Lothian. Any good or services that are required must be ordered through PECOS from accredited suppliers of goods and services to West Lothian Council. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a copy of the PECOS order form and instructions for use. If you are unsure which companies to use for an order, please ask your mentor/line manager. ASC Role: • Identify the good and/or services required. • Complete a PECOS order form including the reference number for items, if appropriate. • Send PECOS order to Low Port administration team and copy your line manager in for approval. • If appropriate, confirm order with supplier. • If appropriate, confirm delivery of goods/services and send invoice to administration for payment. Receipts and Credit Deposting Slips Receipts Where possible cash handling should be avoided, however it may be necessary to collect money for a cluster or other club that is run by a sessional coach outside of school hours. It this situation requires the handling of cash or cheques, receipts must be written to evidence each individual payment. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with a receipt book. To prevent ASCs having to attend each individual activity session, payment is generally taken for a term or block at the start of a block. The standard charge for any Active Schools activity led by a sessional coach is £2 per hour so ensure appropriate information is provided to parents/guardians in advance to ensure they are aware of the cost per block. Cheques can be accepted and should be made out to ‘West Lothian Council’. ASCs must write their name and cluster area on the back of cheques before paying into cluster accounts. Credit Depositing Slips ASCs will need to bank monies (cash and cheques) as soon as possible after collection at the nearest council CIS (customer information service) office or submit to Low Port for processing. If this is not possible during the same working day, monies should be stored in a secure location (e.g. school safe). ASCs can use any council payment office to deposit cash and cheques into their account. Credit depositing slips should be used to identify the payments deposited. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with examples of credit depositing slips and will explain how to complete them. All deposits will be evidenced through the Business Objects account for your cluster, although they may not show up immediately. ASC Role: • Ensure receipts are provided for all cash/cheque payments. • Deposit monies as soon as possible into cluster account using credit posting slips. • Monitor Business Objects account for any discrepancies. • If there are discrepancies, inform your line manager. 20

Additional Responsibility In addition to the core areas of work outlined above, ASCs also take on additional responsibilities to help progress various projects or programmes. Your mentor/line manager will provide you with an updated list indicating the ASC who is responsible for the areas of work outlined below. Apprenticeship The School and Community Sport team in West Lothian run a successful apprenticeship programme in partnership with the Sports Academy of Scotland. This scheme is managed by the Active Schools Apprenticeship lead who also manages the day-to-day activities of the Sports Development Apprentice (SDA). The SDA can be requested to support Active Schools activities although any request must be made through the Active Schools Apprenticeship lead for approval. Champions in Schools Champions in Schools (CinS) is a role-model programme from Winning Scotland Foundation that places Scotland’s top international athletes in the classroom to deliver a series of inspirational workshops on the topics of goal-setting, fitness and nutrition, and winning attitudes. The Active Schools CinS lead is responsible for the organisation of the programme across the authority and linking with the CinS manager. Coaching Although Sports Development lead on coaching within West Lothian, Active Schools have a designed Coaching lead who works in partnership with the Sports Development Officer responsible for the coaching programme. The AS Coaching lead can provide information relating to all the coaches available for sessional activity sessions, including contact details. ASCs and SDOs are ‘responsible officers’ for allocated coaches to ensure they have the necessary paperwork and attend the relevant training courses. Please contact the Active Schools Coaching lead for more information. Commercial/Community Clubs As described above in the Commercial/Community Club Links section, ASCs work with a variety of clubs to promote activity within West Lothian. The Active Schools Club lead is the first port of call for an ASC looking to work with a club as they will be able to find out if that club is on the Sports Development Club Accreditation Scheme or has already been verified through the Commercial Club Checklist. The Active Schools Club lead will also provide information relating to the ‘next steps’ for an ASC if a club is on neither database. CPD Continuing Professional Development is not only an obligation for teachers under the McCrone agreement, but is something that should be encouraged for all ASCs, school staff, coaches and volunteers. After consultation with primary and secondary staff, the Active Schools CPD lead produces a comprehensive CPD calendar each year. Coaches and Volunteers can also access these, and additional, CPD sessions led by the wider Sport and Outdoor Education team (Active Schools, Sports Development and Outdoor Education). Dance Active Schools has a very successful partnership with Danceworld West Lothian who are the first choice provider for Dance activities within West Lothian. Each year, Danceworld not only deliver Early Years provision free of charge but also deliver a number of free dance sessions for primary and secondary pupils. Danceworld also provide a school-club link and are involved with both the primary and secondary Active Schools dance events. Please contact the Active Schools Dance lead if you wish any curricular or extracurricular dance provision for your schools.. Disability It is the responsibility of ASCs to ensure every opportunity provided, or supported by, Active Schools is inclusive for children with a disability. Active Schools West Lothian also host a disability Sportshall Athletics event each year and regularly host the regional event. If you require information or advice relating to disability training, inclusion or events, please contact the Active Schools Disability lead. 21

FE/HE- West Lothian College Active Schools link with many Further and Higher Education centres including West Lothian College. Partnership working with the college has resulted in many positive outcomes for both Active Schools and students who are involved in running festivals and events on behalf of the School and Community Sport team (e.g. disability Sportshall event). Students can also request placements with Active Schools as part of their course requirements. The Active Schools FE/HE lead is the main point of contact for all FE/HE centres and students and can help in recruiting volunteers for cluster festivals and events. For more information, please contact the Active Schools FE/HE lead. Holiday Programmes In addition to providing opportunities to participate in sport and activity during curricular and extracurricular time, Active Schools also run a range of multi-sport (e.g. Active Fun, Active Feet) and sport specific (e.g. netball, girls football) holiday programmes. ASCs are encourage to plan for programmes in the October, Easter and Summer holiday periods for their cluster areas and also assist in the planning and delivery of our partnership holiday programmes. The Active Schools Holiday Programme lead should be informed of all proposed holiday activities to ensure a coordinated approach across the authority. ASCs should ensure participant numbers are recorded (see ‘Curricular Monitoring’ above) and that relevant evaluations are completed for each holiday programme delivered (See ‘Monitoring and Evaluating’ below). Media/Promotion Promotion of Active School activities is essential. As an externally funded service, we need to ensure that all our good work does not go unnoticed. Activities are recorded internally through our monitoring procedures and Termly Updates (see ‘Monitoring and Reporting’ section above) however it is also good practice to bring activities to the notice of a wider audience. To highlight and raise awareness of Active Schools events and activities, articles should be sent to the Active Schools Media lead for council and local publication. Monitoring and Evaluation As indicated above in the ‘Monitoring and Reporting’ section above, it is essential ASCs accurately record and evaluate their work to ensure Active Schools is as effective and efficient as possible. All activities undertaken by ASCs should be monitored and relevant evaluation forms completed. If you have any questions regarding monitoring or evaluating of your activities, please contact the Active Schools Monitoring and Evaluating lead. School Sport Partnership- Gymnastics/Golf/Cross Country/Track and Field Since 2008 the SSP has revolutionised the nature of competitive secondary school sport in West Lothian. Participation in SSP curricular and extracurricular event has continued to increase year on year thanks to the partnership working of secondary PE staff and the Active Schools SSP lead. The SSP lead is responsible for producing the Primary and Secondary Festival and Events calendars (based on information submitted by ASC(s) and the planning and delivery of all SSP events in partnership with Secondary PE staff. Individual ASCs also have responsibility for major events within the SSP calendar including gymnastics, golf, cross country and the track and field championships. You will find the details of the relevant lead ASCs in the ‘Additional Responsibilities’ overview provided by your mentor/ line manager. Sport Development- Gymnastics/Hockey/Netball/Golf/Cricket/Tennis Active Schools work closely in partnership with our colleagues in Sports Development and some ASCs have also taken on additional responsibility to assist the development of specific sports in West Lothian by liaising with clubs, SDOs, Regional DOs and SGBs. If you require additional information or assistance promoting Gymnastics, Hockey, Netball, Golf, Cricket or Tennis, please contact the relevant lead ASC.


Sports Leaders/Lead 2014/YA Information relating to these programmes and initiatives can be found within the ‘Curricular’ section above. The AS lead for this area provides support, advice and information relating to the planning and delivery of these programmes and coordinates activities, where appropriate, across the authority. ASCs provide information relating to these programmes to the Active Schools Sports Leaders/Lead 2014/YA lead for monitoring purposes and to ensure a coordinated approach within West Lothian. Volunteering and PVGs The Active Schools Volunteer lead will provide information relating to PVGs and will assist ASCs gain PVGs for volunteers within their cluster. The Active Schools Volunteer lead will also help by providing ASCs with information relating to potential volunteers who have gained their PVGs and who may be able to assist with after school clubs, festivals, events and holiday programmes. All questions regarding volunteers or PVGs should be referred to the Active Schools Volunteer lead.


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