Are you representing your sport at Regional, National or International level? You could be entitled to a Sports Scholarship Pass. Ensure your application is completed and returned by 30 September 2014
active West Lothian
Sports Scholarship Pass
Application Form 2014/15 PERSONAL DETAILS Name........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address (if full time student, please give permanent home address)......................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Post Code............................................................... Home Tel no............................................................................. Daytime Tel no ................................................................................. DOB .................................................................................. Email address.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SPORTS DETAILS National Governing Body of Sport ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sport in respect of application ...................................................................................................... Recent Standard ................................................................................................... Name and contact address of Sports Club of which you are a member ................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Are you a Sportscotland Institute Athlete? Yes
or East IS? Yes
Sports Scholarship
Passes for talented athletes
Please include proposed events for year 2014/15. Attach additional sheet if required. Date
Organising Body & Events (main events only)
Application Form 2014/2015
I verify that all information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. I understand that I must comply with any requirements stipulated by West Lothian Council. Signed ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Date ....................................................................... TO BE COMPLETED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF SPORT (Please refer to guidance notes overleaf) i) I certify that the above applicant has/has not obtained the standard required to be eligible for an award. ii) Grade of Applicant A B C Coach (circle appropriate letter) iii) I certify that details given on this form are correct.
Signed.......................................................................................................................... Name .......................................................................................................................... Date .................................... Designation............................................................................................. Address........................................................................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Post Code..............................................................
Sports Scholarship Pass
Application Form
The Sports Scholarship Pass is for:
Notes for Guidance 1) National Governing Body of Sport: please give the name of the Governing Body. 2) Sport in respect of application: give specific details where applicable e.g. Athletics 200m, Fencing – Foil. 3) Recent Standard: e.g. Member of Scottish Team, East of Scotland, British Junior Team. 4) Competitive/Coaching Record – Please complete section in as much detail as possible. Only MAIN EVENTS should be detailed. Do not include local club events or those organised by schools, colleges or universities, but do include any national schools/ university events. 5) Please also include proposed events and your training schedule for 2014/15 6) Performance will be measured against appropriate scales, i.e. AAAs.
a) Individuals who are currently representing, or have represented, their sport at Regional or National level. b) Sports performers who can demonstrate that they have the potential to compete at these levels. The Scholarship Pass allows talented athletes free use of facilities that are controlled by West Lothian Council/West Lothian Leisure. The pass primarily entitles the holder to all benefits as detailed in the Gold Membership Scheme, excluding fitness classes. Usage will be reviewed quarterly. If it is deemed the pass is of limited use to an athlete, it will be transferred to the next athlete on the reserve list. Coaches of athletes will be issued with a pass which will allow access specifically for training athletes in their sport. They will not be entitled to free use of facilities.
Introduction Sport & Outdoor Education are responsible on behalf of West Lothian Council for the administration of Grant Assistance to Sport. Any funding distributed is for the development of the sport and/or athlete. West Lothian Council will have certain expectations from successful applicants. These include regular reports and acknowledgement of WLC support where possible. There is a limit to the number of individuals who can be supported with a Sports Scholarship Pass. Allocations are dealt with on a year by year basis; there is no guarantee that successful applicants will continue to receive support in future years. Please note that athletes competing at a national/international level will be given priority. However, athletes competing in sports which already receive direct funding from the Voluntary Organisations Grants budget will be given less priority for Scholarship Passes.
2014 Application Procedures Completed applications must be returned to Sport & Outdoor Education, having first been signed by the appropriate sportscotland recognised Governing Body, by 30 SEPTEMBER. Applications received after this date or without Governing Body authorisation will not be considered.
An additional sheet may be used if required. Notes for Scottish Governing Bodies This scheme requires SGBs to grade applicants in order to support the athlete’s application. We aim to support talented individuals. The athlete must be an active competitor and graded at a level on the following scale: A Established British International B Established Scottish International C Member of Regional Squad D Registered Coach *coach only The above criteria may not fit exactly to your sport but can be used as guidance in establishing your own criteria. If you have any queries please contact: Grants, Sports Development, 19/21 North Bridge Street, Bathgate, EH48 4PJ. Tel: 01506 775390 email: