602 AZ MAGAZINE MEDIA KITS – 2021/2024
602 AZ MAGAZINE | 2021/2024
DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Average Quarter Unique Visitors0 (online) Average Page Quarter Views (online) Average Unique Mobile Visitors Average Quarter Readers (print)
TBA TBA TBA 10,000
18-34 35–44 Median age
38% 21% 41
24% 24% 46
65% 59% 48%
49% 40% 27%
HOUSEHOLD INCOME $60,000+ $75,000+ $100,000+
EDUCATION College Grad/Post Grad Any College
EMPLOYMENT Employed (Full/Part Time) Re]red
HOME OWNERSHIP Own Home (Primary)
26% 54%
35% 40%
CHILDREN Any Children
90% 25% $9.95 $25.00
602 AZ MAGAZINE | 2021/2024
Black Entrepreneur Edi]on /Celebra]ng
602 AZ MAGAZINE | 2021/2024
602 Magazine Advertising Rates 2019/2020/2021 Display Ad Rates Spread/ Double Page
1 Issue
4 Issues
6 Issues
12 Issues
Full Color Spread
Full Page
Half page
¼ Page
1/8 page
Market Place/ Business card
Premium Posi]ons 1x
Inside Front Cover (Fourcolor)
Inside Back Cover (Fourcolor)
Back Cover Spread Two Page (Fourcolor)
Front Cover Inside Two Page Spread
Front Cover Nego]able
All premium posi]ons are on a first-come, first-served basis. Premium posi]on and spread pricing is for four-color. Premium posi]on pricing for the November 602 Magazine Holiday Issue TM differs. Specific page placement within the magazine is also available at a premium. Contact 504 Mul]-Media adver]sing sales department for details.
602 AZ MAGAZINE | 2021/2024
SPECS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS The following informaTon specifies the size and type of file formats, proofs and media we accept, general guidelines and contact informaTon. 602AZMAG’s printed offset; perfect-bound. Please confirm due dates in advance of adverTser/agency/ engraver producTon planning. All materials should be uploaded into www.602azmag.com/602az mag no later than the closing dates unless you have been given an extension by Doc Jones. All extensions must be confirmed in wriTng. Extensions are given for individual adverTsers on an annual issue basis. If in doubt about an extension, please call your account representaTve ASAP. Virtual proof technology is used following SWOP standards uTlizing TR005 output profile. Color guidance proofs are no longer required.
Page Size
Live Safety/ NonBleed
Full Page
8.25” x 10.75”
8” x 10.5”
2/3 VerTcal
5.25” x 10.75”
4.25” x 10”
5” x 10.5”
1/2 VerTcal
4.125” x 10.75
3.75” x 10”
3.875” x 10.5”
1/2 Horizontal
8.25” x 5.375”
7.125” x 4.625”
8” x 5.125”
1/3 VerTcal
2.875” x 10.75”
2.125” x 10”
2.625” x 10.5”
1/3 Square
5.25” x 5.25”
4.5” x 4.5”
5” x 5”
1/6 VerTcal
2.25” x 4.875”
5.25” x 6.625”
4.625” x 5.875”
5.125” x 6.375”
16.25” x 10.75”
15” x 10”
16” x 10.5”
1/2 Hor. Spread
16.25” x 5.375”
15.25” x 4.625”
16” x 5.125”
4.1875” x 5.25”
3.3125” x 4.875”
Gueer Safety is 0.25” on each side (0.5” in total)
602 AZ MAGAZINE | 2021/2024
602 AZ Magazine Advertising Rates Discounts and Payment • A 15% discount on space and color will be earned on display ads for electronic files submieed within our specificaTons. Gross rate will apply to ads which need alteraTons or reformamng. (See ad specs for acceptable formats.) • Net due within 30 days of billing to receive discount. • Ad creaTon services available • New adver]sers will be required to prepay for their first two ads at ]me of inser]on order. • Ad creaTon services available
General Rate Policy Frequency discounts are available and are based on the number of inserTons run within a 12-month period from the date of first inserTon. Any adverTser who does not fulfill a contract will be subject to short rates. Ad contracts may be cancelled provided noTce is given before the closing date. Credits and rebates are earned by increasing frequency during a contract. Orders subject to rate change upon 90 days noTce from publisher. • Publisher reserves the right to hold the adverTsing agency and the adverTser jointly and severally liable for payments due to the publisher. In the event that an adverTser has paid the agency, the adverTser is fully responsible for paying all invoices due to publisher. • AdverTsing rates, terms and condiTons set forth in this rate card shall govern all transacTons and supersede any other informaTon published in previous rate cards, directories, media guides or rate and data services. Uniform rates apply to all adverTsers at all Tmes. • Neither the adverTser nor its agency may cancel adverTsing aoer the issue closing date. When change of copy is not received by closing date, copy furnished or placed in previous issue will be printed. • The publisher shall not be subject to any liability whatsoever for any failure to publish or circulate all or any part of any issue due to strikes, work stoppages, accidents, fires, acts of God, or any circumstance not within the control of the publisher. • In the event of an error in the prinTng of a display adverTsement, the publisher will re-run the correct version of the same ad material in the next available issue published. • Publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of the adverTsement’s space. • Publisher reserves the right to add the word “AdverTsement” to or reject adverTsing that simulates editorial. All Checks must be made out to Interna]onal Jazz Day AZ Founda]on. All funds from the sale of adver]sements go to sponsor the NextStudent Academy Summer Music and Aner-School Scoosdale program. Dona]ons are appreciated and are tax-deduc]ble. hops://nextstudentacademyonhearts.com/
MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES 602 AZ MAGAZINE offers a full calendar of mulT-plaqorm programs with a deep consumer connecTon that can help your brand influence what millions of Jazz & Blues lovers must have now. For more informaTon, please contact your Jazz Day AZ Partner Director, Linder Stanley or Doc Jones at jazzdayaz@gmail.com.
602 AZ MAGAZINE | 2021/2024
MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES 602azmag.com offers custom soluTons through our strategic and creaTve adverTsing opportuniTes § Editorial Alignment § NaTve IntegraTon at Events § Video, Digital and Social ExecuTons § Podcast Sponsorships § Mobile App Experience
602 AZ MAGAZINE | 2021/2024
ADVERTISING OFFICES & CONTACTS NATIONAL President of Sales P 480-720-5251 Linder Stanley @ jazzdayaz@gmail.com
602 AZ MAGAZINE 2021/2024 ADVERTISING TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following are certain general terms and condiTons governing adverTsing published in the U.S. print and digital ediTons of 602AZ Magazine (the “Magazine”) published by 602AZ Mag CommunicaTon Inc. (the “Publisher”). 1. Rates are based on average total audited circulaTon, effecTve with the issue dated January/February, 2021. Announcement of any change in rates and/or circulaTon rate base will be made in advance of the Magazine’s adverTsing sales close date of the first issue to which such rates and/or circulaTon rate base will be applicable. The 602az Magazine Rate Card specifies the publicaTon schedule of the Magazine, and its on-sale dates. 2. The Magazine is a member of the 504mulT media for Audited Media. Total audited circulaTon is reported on an issue-by-issue basis in Publisher’s Statements audited by 504 mulT media. Total audited circulaTon for the Magazine is comprised of paid plus verified. 3.
An adverTser running a full-run qualifying adverTsement in the Magazine will automaTcally run in the print and digital ediTon of the Magazine, unless the adver]ser explicitly, in wri]ng, opts-out of running in the digital edi]on, either on the inser]on order or via email, by no later than the ad close date. In the event adverTser opts-out of running in the digital ediTon of the Magazine for any reason other than legal or regulatory consideraTons that adverTser reasonably believes would prevent the adverTsement from running in the digital ediTon, such adverTser’s ad placement will no longer be deemed a “full-run” buy, and adverTser would therefore not be enTtled to the benefits of adverTsing on a full-run basis. (For example, and not limitaTon, the adverTsement would not be eligible for Jazz Day AZ credits and may not be considered for premium placement.) If an adverTser elects to opt out of the digital ediTon, such opt-out will apply to all devices and plaqorms. The digital ediTon of the magazines may be viewed in one of two formats depending on the storefront (i.e,. App Store, Google Play, Amazon, Apple News+, etc.): (i) a digital replica of the print version, which is an exact reproducTon of the design and content of the print version of the magazine; or (ii) a digital replica of the print version combined with a touch-acTvated “reader view,” which allows the user to scroll the arTcle text. Please consult a magazine representaTve for details of format availability. Certain adverTsements that are not standard run-of-book adverTsements may not qualify to run in the digital ediTon. These include, but are not limited to, special units such as pop-ups, scent strips, die- cuts, special effects and business reply cards. Please consult a magazine representaTve for details. Qualifying adverTsements, depending on various factors, including but not limited to the device and/or plaqorm on which they are viewed, may appear in one of two formats: (i) print replica, where the page on screen looks exactly like the adverTsement appearing in the print ediTon; or (ii) custom design, where the same creaTve has been reformaeed and resupplied for opTmal reading on a digital device and/or plaqorm. Qualifying adverTsements running in the digital ediTon of the magazine will automaTcally run in a print replica format. If an adverTser wishes to include its qualifying adverTsement for the digital ediTon in a format other than print replica, it must indicate so prominently on the inserTon order by the ad close date. Custom designs may not be available on all plaqorms or devices. Please consult a magazine representaTve for details. URLs featured in adverTsement print creaTve are not currently acTvated in the digital ediTon. Please consult a magazine representaTve for further details on URL acTvaTon.
AdverTsers may not cancel orders for, or make changes in, adverTsing aoer the closing dates of the Magazine.
The Publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions in any adverTsing materials provided by the adverTser or its agency (including errors in key numbers) or for changes made aoer closing dates.
The Publisher may reject or cancel any adverTsing for any reason at any Tme. AdverTsements simulaTng a magazine’s editorial material in appearance or style or that are not immediately idenTfiable as adverTsements are not acceptable. In such cases, the Publisher may refuse copy OR insert “AdverTsement” to protect Publisher’s adverTsing and editorial integrity.
In consideraTon of the Publisher’s reviewing for acceptance, or acceptance of any adverTsing for publicaTon in the Magazine, the agency and adverTser agree not to make promoTonal or merchandising reference to the Magazine in any way without the prior wrieen permission of the Publisher in each instance.
No condiTons, printed or otherwise, appearing on contracts, orders or copy instrucTons which conflict with, vary, or add to these Terms and CondiTons or the provisions of the Magazine’s Rate Card will be binding on the Publisher and to the extent that the Terms and CondiTons contained herein are inconsistent with any such condiTons, these Terms and CondiTons shall govern and supersede any such condiTons.
All adverTsements, including without limitaTon those for which the Publisher has provided creaTve services, are accepted and published in the Magazine, subject to the representaTon by the agency and adverTser that they are authorized to publish the enTre contents and subject maeer thereof in all applicable ediTons, formats and derivaTons of the Magazine, and that such publicaTon will not violate any law, regulaTon or adverTsing code or infringe upon any right of any party. In consideraTon of the publicaTon of adverTsements, the adverTser and agency will, jointly and severally, indemnify, defend and hold the Publisher harmless from and against any and all losses and expenses (including, without limitaTon, aeorney’s fees) (collecTvely, “Losses”) arising out of the publicaTon of such adverTsements in all applicable ediTons, formats and derivaTons of the Magazine, including, without limitaTon, those arising from third party claims or suits for defamaTon, copyright or trademark infringement, misappropriaTon, unfair compeTTon, violaTon of the Lanham Act or any rights of privacy or publicity, or any unfair commercial pracTce or misleading adverTsing or impermissible comparaTve adverTsing or from any and all claims or regulatory breaches now known or hereaoer devised or created (collecTvely “Claims”). In the event the Publisher has agreed to provide contest or sweepstakes management services, email design or distribuTon or other promoTonal services in connecTon with an adverTsing commitment by adverTser, all such services are performed upon the warranty of the agency and adverTser that they will, jointly and severally, indemnify and hold the Publisher harmless from and against any and all Losses arising out of the publicaTon, use or distribuTon of any materials, products (including, without limitaTon, prizes) or services provided by or on behalf of the agency or adverTser, their agents and employees, including, without limitaTon, those arising from any Claims.
10. The Publisher has the right to insert the adverTsing anywhere in the Magazine at its discreTon, and any condiTon on contracts, orders or copy instrucTons involving the placement of adverTsing within an issue of the Magazine (such as page locaTon, compeTTve separaTon or placement facing editorial copy) will be treated as a posiToning request only and cannot be guaranteed. The Publisher will aeempt to keep the same running order of adverTsements in the digital ediTon as they appeared in the print ediTon, but the Publisher does not make any adjacency guarantees or other promises regarding compeTTve separaTon of the posiTon in go fannies adverTsements. 11. In the digital ediTon, the Publisher's inability or failure to comply with any condiTon shall not relieve the agency or adverTser of the obligaTon to pay for the adverTsing. 12. The Publisher shall not be subject to any liability whatsoever for any failure to publish or circulate all or any part of any issue(s) of the Magazine because of strikes, work stoppages, accidents, fires, acts of God or any other circumstances not within the control of the Publisher. 13. Agency commission (or equivalent): up to 15% (where applicable to recognized agents) of gross adverTsing charges aoer earned adverTser discounts. 14. Invoices are rendered on or about the subscriber mailing date of the Magazine. Payments are due within 20 days from the billing date. Publisher reserves the right to impose a 15% fee for late payments (defined as not received by adverTser or agency within 21 days from billing date. 15. The Publisher reserves the right to charge interest each month on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5%, or if such rate is not permieed by applicable law, at the highest rate so permieed by applicable law, determined and compounded daily from the due date unTl the date paid. The Publisher further reserves the right to change the payment terms to cash with order at any Tme. The adverTser and agency are jointly and severally liable for payment of all invoices for adverTsing published in the Magazine. 16. All pricing informaTon shall be the confidenTal informaTon of the Publisher and neither adverTser nor agency may disclose such informaTon without obtaining the Publisher’s prior wrieen consent. 17. Any and all negoTated adverTser discounts are only applicable to and available during the period in which they are earned. Rebates resulTng from any and all earned adverTser discount adjustments must be used within six months aoer the end of the period in which they were earned. Unused rebates will expire six months aoer the end of the period in which they were earned. 18. Neither creaTve fees nor special adverTsing print producTon premiums earn any discounts or agency commissions. 19. Publisher reserves the right to modify these terms and condiTons. These Adver]sing Terms and Condi]ons were issued October 1, 2019 and revised July 22, 2021.
2021/2024 POSITIONING GUIDELINES POSITIONING GUARANTEES 20. If a posiTon has been guaranteed, an inserTon order or leeer of intent must be received by the ad close date in order to hold that posiTon. PosiTons not confirmed by their scheduled date will be released and posiToning will need to be re-negoTated. 21. Percent of book - guarantees are calculated using the total book size. This includes 4 pages for the covers. 22. 1st in Category- 602 AZ Magazine does NOT guarantee 1st in category. POSITIONING FOR RUN OF BOOK ADS WITH SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS • FracTonal ads - are not guaranteed placement. They are only guaranteed edit equivalent to their size (i.e., half page adverTser is guaranteed no more than a half page of edit). • Spreads - are not guaranteed edit in OR out unless previously negoTated. • Regional ads - are not guaranteed placement. They may be opposite full or parTal edit and must be RHP/LHP flexible. . • Disclaimers - are not guaranteed edit and will run opposite a promoTonal page, house ad or PSA. • MulT Product ads - AdverTsers with mulTple products within their creaTve will not be guaranteed posiToning. • Advertorials – — Advertorials should be a 1:1 raTo and must run opposite their brand ad — Advertorials and promo pages are not guaranteed posiToning — Edit in or out is not guaranteed for any advertorial unit. • Coupon AdverTsers - If an adverTser’s creaTve has a coupon or any kind of cut-out; all posiToning guarantees will be re-negoTated. • Inserts: — Insert posiToning is unique to the type of insert it is and will be guaranteed placement as to year. — Inserts are guaranteed edit in only a promoTonal page, house ad or PSA, will SEPARATION • Insert separaTon – 602 AZ Mag does not guarantee separaTon from inserts. Any request must be made prior to posiToning guarantee and may affect posiToning. • CompeTTve separaTon will be waived for all posiTons within the 1st 10% of book. We can only guarantee that the compeTTve products will not touch. Six pages of product to product (i.e., lip to lip) separaTon will be provided in the balance of the book with the excepTon of hair adverTsers. — Hair adverTsers will only be guaranteed 3 pages of compeTTve separaTon. The separaTon is only from like product to like product i.e., hair color to hair color, relaxer to relaxer. — MulT-product ads – § Single product adverTsers are not guaranteed compeTTve separaTon guarantee from mulT product ads. § MulT product ads are not guaranteed compeTTve separaTon for the products on their page. — PromoTonal pages – There is no compeTTve separaTon from the products or logos listed on promoTonal pages — AdverTser logos – there is no compeTTve separaTon from adverTser logos that appear on an adverTsement CREATIVE APPROVAL • AdverTser creaTve is subject to Publisher and Editorial Approval. • 602 AZ Magazine reserves the right to request that an ad be moved due to creaTve conflicts or if the adverTser’s product is featured on the opposite page. • ComparaTve ads are subject to 602AZ MAG ComparaTve Ad Policy. COVERS • Cover upgrades are a one-Tme only offer and do not carry over from year to year. • If a franchise adverTser passes on a cover 2 years in a row 602 AZ MAGAZINE reserves the right to
602AZ MAGAZINE • Magazine Adver]sing Contract • • The undersigned (“AdverTser”) agrees to adverTse in this Special 10th Annual InternaTonal Jazz Day ediTon • Feature Cover 602AZ Magazine. www.602azmag.com • • Business & Owner’s Name: ______________________________________ • Billing Address: _______________________________________________ • Business Address: _____________________________________________ • Phone: business: __________________________________ • E-mail address: ___________________________________ • Start Month:_________________ • Ad Size: • ( ) 1/8 page ver]cal ( ) 1/8 page horizontal ( ) ¼ page • ( ) ½ page horizontal/bleed ( ) ½ page ver]cal/bleed ( ) full page • ( ) full page bleed ( ) front inside cover ( ) back inside cover • ( ) back cover ( ) double page/Spread • • • 602 Magazine Adver]sing Rates