Internship report foo wei min 0321577

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I could not be more grateful to be chosen to perform my internship practicum in Taipei, Taiwan. Adding to the fact that my company is relative smaller and it is in the transition stage preparing to enter the China market, i am exposed to a different working environment, gaining more experience in handling works other than the practical tasks given in a typical architecture firm. Throughout this period of internship, the 4 main tasks I am assigned to are as follow: 1) Demonstration Material & Design Proposal 2) Company Profile Presentation 3) Tao Yuan International Airport MRT Campanile Proposal 4) Indoor Renovation and Permit Application

Demonstration Material (DM) & Design Proposal Firstly, we are briefed and given a task to prepare a Demonstration Material (DM), recording the selected projects done by the company and compile them for better presentation. I am given a task to revise and update the mission, vision, as well as new business model of the company. This is to assist the development of the company and to seek for more opportunities in the China market. Along the process, I am glad that i am given a chance to join the meeting with founder of Total Brand + Total Solution, a graphic design company, before we finalize our company profile brochure. Advices are given against the font type, thickness of lines, size of brochure, and over presentation to be used, based on the founder's knowledge and over 30 years-experience in graphic designing. For design proposal, parallel with the trend of global and the top industries in Taiwan, we are to do researches focusing 3 different theme, which are, ‘The Leisure & Health Industry’, ‘Adaptive Reuse’, and ‘Sightseeing Industry’. This will lead us to the next task, which we need to prepare a proposal based on the theme selected. The theme I have selected is ‘The Leisure & Health Industry’ in dual language. Attached below are the case studies prepared at the first attempt. Further editing are done by the other intern, Koh Kar Yi, following the selected template.

Figure 1. Precedent Studies prepared for further editing.

According to Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba from China, the so-called double H industries, Health and Happiness will soon become the leading factor of the world economy. This explains the reason behind the selected theme to be focused on. Little amendments are made from the previous rhinoceros 3D file for the new proposal, suggested my mentor, Ar.Cj Chen. The project relates to the Yilan Sports Centre which designed to be located at Yilan Sports Park in Taiwan. Using the same concept and idea, this design relies on the surrounding context, shaping a new district for leisure and sports industry, integrating with the comprehensive services such as cultural tourism, healthcare and sports. This getaway offers an environment of total calmness with refined aesthetic to various group of user. Among are the Sports and Recreation center for the sports enthusiasts, pool and spa for relaxation, accommodation for moments of well-being & bonding for friends and families, as well as puppets to escape from the stressful city life. Upon completing this project, I have broaden my knowledge in these 3 fields, both in business and architecture point of view. I have gained a lot through the brainstorming and discussion session held for problem solving. Also, I have a better idea on how architecture plays its role in these industries to serve the users from all groups based on the existing strength on site and a better understanding on the importance of the proposal preparation in order for more project opportunities before meeting the clients.

Figure 2. 3D Rhinoceros model of the Yilan Sports Centre.

Figure 3. Revit 3D model for design proposal.

Figure 4. Cover page design for 3 themes.

Figure 5. Finalized Design Proposal (Front)

Figure 6. Finalized Design Proposal (Back)

Company Profile Presentation Secondly, I am given a task to prepare presentation slides for the Company Profile. Both the presentation slides are prepared for a conference held among the small and medium enterprises, involving partners from various fields such as marketing design consultancy company, Great Elite Integrated company, International law firm, Spine Exercise of TPM etc.. The main intention is to introduce the company along with the new mission and vision, goals, previous work and performance, and to promote the design services provided.

First presentation: Brief introduction of Individual, Small and Medium enterprises Second presentation: Introduction of LOCI group

Figure 7. Presentation slides 1

Figure 8. Presentation slides 2

The biggest challenge i have overcome upon completing this task is to simplify, summarize and translate the information into diagrams so that it is more eye catching and it is easier to be understood. I am thankful for the advices given by our mentor and the suggestions given by the peers.

Tao Yuan International Airport MRT Campanile Proposal Next, I have participated in preparing the proposal for a campanile at the main entrance of Tao Yuan International Airport MRT, a rapid transit line that connects downtown Taipei and Taoyuan International Airport. I am glad that I was given a chance to participate in the meetings with clients. On 12 February, together with the architect, Mr.CJ Chen and Ivy, we paid a visitation to the site. Site measurements, circulation as well as site condition are recorded and analysed. The proposal is completed in a team of 3. I am tasked on the site measuring, physical model making, 3D model making, and lastly photo editing in Photoshop. The first proposal is quite challenging as the task is given verbally, to construct a unique campanile carrying a LED advertisement screen without any requirements given. We are tasked to explore for more possibilities through model making. The whole process is fun and challenging.

Figure 9. Site Visitation at Tao Yuan International Airport MRT

We came out with a sculpture with 12m height in ratio 1:100, and explore its relationship with the human scale, positions of the clock as well as the LED screen through model making. In the first proposal, we suggested to have a clock illusion projected by the LED for crowd attraction. However, it was not received well in concern with the light pollution issue happening in Taipei City. We are updated with a new brief after the second client-consultant meeting. The second proposal is completed within a very short period of time. This would not be possible without the encouragement from my mentor, the effort from the team, and the advices from the consultant. According to the feedback, the related department are preparing for the permit application for this project, whereby everything is still pending.

Figure 10. 3D model in making Rhinoceros

Figure 11. 3D model in making in Rhinoceros

Figure 12. 3D model in making Rhinoceros

Figure 13. 3D model in making in Sketch Up

Figure 14. Rendering in 3Ds max

Figure 15. Model making

Figure 16. First Proposal for campanile design

Indoor Renovation & Permit Application I also involved in a renovation project in Xin Zhuang, New Taipei city. This project provide me an eye opening experience when I visit to the authority office. Unfortunately, the renovation site visitation is carried out with the plumbing and electric consultant before I start working as an intern in this company. Using the information and photos taken during their site visit, my task is to draw the indoor plan according to the as-built drawing provided by the owner, and a new renovation plan with the design detail based on the owner’s request. On 16th February, I am tasked to send the related documents for renovation permit application which involves, Indoor Renovation Construction Permit, Renovation Manual, Building Registration Certificate, owner’s identification documents, licenses, suite room principle reviews and lastly the plan drawings with the following information in ratio 1:100: building material, dimensions, fire rating and ceiling height. This task allows me to come across the different regulatory context according to the Building Code By-law in Taiwan and broaden my knowledge in a relatively more practical field.

Figure 17. The authority Office in New Taipei City.

Figure 18. The photos I use for reference while preparing the CAD drawings.

Figure 19. The retouched-drawings prepared in CAD.

Figure 20. The documents required for permit application.

Other than that, I also helped in some paper work and the construction supervision documents. These allow me to have an idea of the core operation of an architecture office and will definitely benefit me in future later.

Reflection After this 10 weeks if internship, i realize that a constant upgrade in architectural knowledge is essential to survive in this competitive field. Due to the typhoon and earthquakes that happen frequently in Taiwan, I have understand the basic knowledge in structural system, and the importance of having different building codes, regulations, and by-law in different region. Apart from the designing and solving issues, it is also important to look at things from different perspective, especially those who comes from the other industry. In my point of view, the true value of architecture isn't just the quality of the design solution but the social contribution as well as the benefits and the potential of the design to create for more economic opportunities. I have indeed gained a lot within this 10 weeks and looking forward to the coming challenges in semester 6.

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