Bridge to Asia - Jun 21

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June 2021

RsA asia

June 2021


Numbers and figures

Investing in Shandong

Latest World Economic Outlook growth

China's Small Company Tax 2.5%


Investing in Jiangsu

China international trade in 2019 and

IMF confirms China's record growth


Investing in Guangdong



Hainan: space base, freeport, and consumer expo Yuan global currency Investing in Zhejiang VAT and duties changes for China's steel industry


RsA asia

June 2021

Numbers and figures


Latest World Economic Outlook growth



consumer expo

Annual percent change real GDP

China arrived on Mars with the Tianwen-1

Source: World Economic Outlook, April 2021, International Monetary Fund.

mission, which landed on May 15 on the red

Region World United States Euro Area Germany France Italy Spain Japan United Kingdom Canada China India ASEAN-5 Russia Brazil Mexico Saudi Arabia Nigeria South Africa

2020 -3.3 -3.5 -6.6 -4.9 -8.2 -8.9 -11.0 -4.8 -9.9 -5.4 2.3 -8.0 -3.4 -3.1 -4.4 -8.2 -4.1 -1.8 -7.0

2021 6.0 6.4 4.4 3.6 5.8 4.2 6.4 3.3 5.3 5.0 8.4 12.5 4.9 3.8 3.7 5.0 2.9 2.5 3.1





planet and departed from the Wenchang space

2022 4.4 3.5 3.8 3.4 4.2 3.6 4.7 2.5 5.1 4.7 5.6 6.9 6.1 3.8 2.6 3.0 4.0 2.3 2.0

base on the island of Hainan. The island province is increasingly vital in Beijing's strategies: technology, space research, free trade, luxury tourist destination, and free port to














international travel, Hainan has become the leading Chinese luxury tourism destination. It is generating the most significant turnover in the world in local stores of major international brands. In 2021, China organized the first consumer fair, right on the island of Hainan in the capital city of Haikou. The China International Consumer Products Expo was scheduled from 7 to May 10 by the provincial government and the Ministry of Commerce to promote the Hainan project as a new free trade zone.

China international trade in 2019 and 2020 Source: UNCTAD, China Customs

According to Xinhua, the fair saw the participation



World %


(USD bn)







abroad, and Italy participated with more than 50





brands, including Armani, Valentino, Sergio



World %


(USD bn)



The fair featured yachts, high-end products,





clothing, cars, and every main consumer product.





During the Expo, the Hainan Design Week of

of 2,500 brands, including over 1,300 from

Rossi, Etro.


RsA asia

June 2021

November 2021 was announced, with Italy as a

Economic activities that will guarantee an added

partner country. It estimated that over 100,000

value produced locally of at least 30% in the

visitors would be in the city by Haikou.

processing of goods will also ensure zero duties

The province was launched as a Free Trade Port

on imports from Hainan to mainland China.

and aimed to liberalize and facilitate trade, investment, international financial transactions to

Taxation for highly skilled, talented foreign

become a model free trade area.






guaranteeing the most advantageous individual China has built its growth with long-term strategic

tax regime in mainland China.

plans, accurately calculating sectors, regions, and methods ideal for its development. The

Hainan is adjacent to Guangdong, the province

investment plan in Hainan province confirms

with the highest population and GDP in China. In

Beijing's attention to the entire area, which

2020, the province of Hainan recorded a gross

includes the southern provinces, and the sectors

domestic product exceeding 553 billion yuan (80

promoted in the development of the island are:

billion dollars), equal to the economy of Sri Lanka.

high technology, tourism, agriculture, medical,

An increase during the pandemic period by 3.5%,

education, culture, logistics, construction, finance,

higher than the national performance confirmed

and energy.

at + 2.3% for China in 2020.

China has promoted the island as a new Free

Yuan global currency

Trade Zone from June 1 2020, with a long-term

The implementation of the fourteenth Five-year

project that will lead the entire province to be a

Plan (2021-2025) through which China decides

free port by 2025. The purpose of providing

future economic and political strategies is

preferential policies for cross-border investments,

approved on the occasion of the "Two Sessions"

lower taxation, and requirements for the simplest

of the Chinese People's Political Consultative


Conference and by the "National People's

Companies registered in the territory and active

Congress” held in March 2021.

in sectors incentivized by the government can benefit from an income tax rate of 15%, lower

The key issues include sustainable development,

than the ordinary rate of 25%. In addition, by 2025,

the dual-circulation strategy, promoting internal

the entire island will be duty-free, as is the case

consumption and the Belt and Road initiative,

for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

attention to the environment, technological

Today, the special policies are tested in the

innovation, security and the role of the Chinese

Yangpu Bonded Port area and then extended to

currency. In relation to the yuan, the “Two

the entire territory of the island.

Sessions” confirms the objective relative to the


RsA asia

June 2021

internationalization of the RMB, through weighted

the new Silk Road, with infrastructure projects

measures that aim to spread the Chinese

aiming to an increase of the trade flow from China

currency on foreign markets.

to the rest of the world. The Belt and Road

China has been awarded the role of second

initiative has among its lenders the Silk Road

largest economy after overtaking Japan in 2010

Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment

and, consequently, the United States, in terms of

Bank (AIIB) with projects that include the use of

GDP at purchasing power parity, in 2018. In 2019

RMB in many regions.

it was confirmed as the first economy in terms of trade and export volume while in 2020 Beijing has

Beijing first tested the use of its own currency in

overtaken Washington as a foreign investment

Southeast Asian markets and hypothesized with

destination. The economic acceleration is also

the African Union its use in the entire continent.

accompanied by a greater role of the national

In the domestic market, China has promoted the

currency: the yuan (CNY / RMB) or "People's

creation of 12 Free Trade Zones, from Hainan


Island to the Lingang district, in the municipality of Shanghai; these Free Trade Zones serve to

In 2020 China trade in goods accounted for 4.646

test new fiscal and financial reforms including

billion and, even though the pandemic outbreak,

more efficient ways of converting and using

the total volume of trade increases by 1.5%

foreign currency. The best known among the

securing the country the role of first global trading

special administration regions of the People's

economy, this leads the currency to increase its

Republic of China, is Hong Kong, which has

influence, although it is not fully convertible and

always represented a robust pillar among the

negotiable on the markets.

financial markets of the world and in addition to the stock exchange, it counts on one of the major

Since 2016, the International Monetary Fund has

ports for exchanges and on the most widely used



hub for investments to and from mainland China.

accelerating the spread of the Chinese currency.

European countries have helped promoting the

China has pegged the yuan to the dollar in an

development of the largest yuan market outside

adjustable way. This floating peg has seen a

Hong Kong since they comprehended the trade

downward trend, implying that the yuan has

benefits of an increasing use of the Chinese

depreciated against the dollar, making Chinese

currency. In recent years, an average of 40% of

exports relatively more competitive against dollar

global yuan transactions have been authorized in

prices around the world.

Europe. The central role of the old continent in






economic relations with China is witnessed by the Among the strategies through which Beijing

special agreements in the 17 + 1 association,

promotes the global circulation of its currency is

which includes the Central-Eastern European


RsA asia

June 2021

countries under the coordination of Beijing, by the

Zhejiang province accomplished 40.191 foreign

Comprehensive Agreement on Investments,

investment companies with total exports of USD

confirmed in December 2020, and by the number

334.6 billion and total imports of USD 112.6 billion.

of countries that have joined the Belt and Road

In addition to an average urban salary of USD

Initiative (including Italy, Luxembourg, Austria,


Greece, Hungary). Despite the increase in global use, the yuan is still

In terms of GDP, the Province of Zhejiang ranked

limited by restrictions on capital flows and


currency control typical of the country. Therefore,

reaching USD 995 billion in 2020 and USD 896

the US dollar remains the reference currency and

billion in 2019 with a GDP per capita of USD

many Chinese projects are carried out in USD but

15.311. Along with GDP growth of + 6.8% in 2019

the growing trend of investments towards China

and +3.6% in 2020.






still promotes a greater use of the RMB. In fact, in 2020, Beijing surpassed the US in the number of

Main Economic Centers (GDP) in Zhejiang

Foreign Direct Investments and signed the

Hangzhou (USD 221 billion)

largest free trade agreement in the world; with the

Ningbo (USD 172 billion)

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,

Wenzhou (USD 95 billion)

China enhances its role in trade and finance in

Shaoxing (USD 83 billion)

the world market.

Jiaxing (USD 77 billion)

Investing in Zhejiang

Main Sectors in Zhejiang

Zhejiang is an eastern coastal province of China.

Industrial machinery

Well-known for its entrepreneurial initiative. Also,


acknowledged for a strong concentration of IT


and High-tech companies as well as a strong


presence of non-state-owned companies. The Province of Zhejiang is an important production

Main Industrial Areas in Zhejiang

and logistics hub providing a key manufacturing

Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone

center for the automotive, textile, clothing, and

Hangzhou Economic and Technological

machinery manufacturing sectors. Hangzhou is

Development Zone

the capital and the largest city in Zhejiang. With a

population of 58.5 million inhabitants covering a





Development Zone

total surface area of 101.800 km2, Zhejiang

province ranks the 10th most populous among



Development Zone





RsA asia

June 2021





VAT and duties changes for China's steel

Development Zone ▪









Development Zone ▪









Administration of Taxation jointly issued on April


26th, the Announcement [2021] No. 16, “On the

Development Zone ▪


Cancellation of Export VAT refund for Certain and


Steel Products” starting from May 1st, 2021.

Development Zone ▪

Hangzhou High-tech Industrial Development

The implementation of the new policy will

Zone ▪


increase Linjiang






steel products in the international markets. The

Ningbo High-tech Industrial Development

cancellation will affect goods belonging to 146

Zone ▪


exporters and consequently raise the price of

Development Zone ▪


different items classified in HS chapters 72 (Iron

Wenzhou High-tech Industrial Development

and Steel) and 73 (Articles of Iron and Steel).

Zone ▪

Zhoushan New Area

In addition, on April 27th, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council issued the

(Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Announcement [2021] No. 4 “On Adjusting the

Established in 2017 (expanded in 2020) known

Tariff of Certain Steel Products”, which will

as the Global center for trade of commodities.

guarantee a better supply of steel materials by

With a purpose to promote the integration and the

reducing the import duty rates of certain steel

development of the Yangtze River Delta and the

products starting from May 1st, 2021.

allocation base for commodities, oil and gas, and

In particular, the import duty rate for iron raw

build an international shipping and logistics hub. The




materials and recycled steel is lowered to a


provisional rate of 0%

manufacturing industries, trade services, logistics, digital




In 2020, China exported USD 33.4 billion of iron


and steel materials and USD 71.1 billion of

resources. Besides, the functional areas include

articles made in iron and steel, accounting

Zhoushan Offshore area (79.0 sq. km), Zhoushan

together for more than 4% of the total exports. In

North area (15.6 sq. km), Zhoushan South area

the same period, the import of iron and steel

(25.3 sq. km), Ningbo area (46.0 sq. km),

materials amount to USD 36.2 billion, while the

Hangzhou area (37.5 sq. km), and Jinyi area

import of articles in iron and steel totaled USD 9.5

(36.0 sq. km).

billion, accounting together for 2.3% of total imports.


RsA asia

June 2021

billion. In addition to an average urban salary of China imports and exports of iron, steel, and

USD 11.122.

articles thereof in 2020 In terms of GDP, the Province of Shandong HS Chapter 72

ranked third in China after Jiangsu province,

Iron and steel: Exports 33.4 Billion USD / Imports

reaching USD 1,126 billion in 2020 and USD

36.8 Billion USD

1,021 billion in 2019 with a GDP per capita of USD 10.138. Along with GDP growth of +5.5% in

HS Chapter 73

2019 (5.5%) and +3.6% in 2020.

Articles of iron or steel: Exports 71.1 Billion USD / Imports 9.5 Billion USD

Main Economic Centers (GDP) in Shandong ▪

Qingdao (USD 169 billion)

Chapter 72 + Chapter 73: Exports 104.5 Billion

Jinan (USD 136 billion)

USD / Imports 46.3 Billion USD

Yantai (USD 110 billion)

Weifang (USD 82 billion)

Linyi (USD 66 billion)

Percentage of annual trade: Exports 4% and Imports 2.3%

Main Sectors in Shandong

Investing in Shandong Shandong is a coastal province located in Eastern China. An illustrious hub for the maritime economy and one of the largest producers of


Domestic appliances


Industrial machinery

agricultural, livestock, and fisheries goods. Main Industrial Areas in Shandong

Shandong province is also known as the most important production center for light and heavy industry in China. Jinan is the capital and the

Shandong Pilot Free Trade Zone

Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone

second-largest city in Shandong province after

Qingdao. The Province of Shandong ranks as

Jiaozhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

China's second most populous with a population

of 100.7 million inhabitants covering a total

Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone

surface area of 157.100 km2.

Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone

Shandong province accomplished 30.73 foreign

investment companies with a total export of USD

Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone

161.5 billion and a total import of USD 134.8


RsA asia

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

June 2021

Dezhou Economic and Technological

Implementation of the preferential income tax

Development Zone

policies for small and micro – enterprises and

Liaocheng Economic and Technological

individual industrial and commercial households”,

Development Zone

to further support the development of small

Jinan High-tech Industrial Development

businesses and to implement the decisions of the


State Council.

Qingdao High-tech Industrial Development Zone

The Announcement No. 12 slightly amended the

Yantai High-tech Industrial Development

previous Announcement No. 13 [2019] issued in


January 2019, by further reducing the tax burden

Weifang High-tech Industrial Development

for entities with a taxable income not exceeding


RMB 1 million.

Weihai High-tech Industrial Development

According to the Announcement No. 13 [2019],


small low profit companies with a taxable income

Jinan Comprehensive Bonded Zone

up to 3 million CNY, a number of employees not exceeding 300 and total assets not exceeding 50

(Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone

million CNY are eligible for a reduced tax rate of

Established in 2019 known as a major hub for

20% to be applied on 25% of the income up to 1



million CNY (leading to an actual tax rate of 5%


on the first 1 million CNY of profit) and on 50% of

international trade and cooperation between

the portion of income exceeding 1 million CNY

China, Japan, and South Korea.

and up to 3 million CNY (leading to an actual tax


with a

Japan strategic





rate of 10% on this portion). The target industries are marine and maritime, financial services, artificial intelligence, medical

The new Announcement No. 12 [2021] will halve

and health care, information technology, logistics,

the tax burden on the part of income not

shipping, high-end manufacturing. Besides, the

exceeding 1 million CNY, leading to an actual tax

functional areas include Qingdao area (52.0 sq.

rate of 2.5% on this portion.

km), Jilin area (38.0 sq. km), and Yantai area

The new measure will be applicable from January

(30.0 sq. km).

1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2022.

Investing in Jiangsu

China's Small Company Tax 2.5% The






Located in East China, Jiangsu is one of the most


economically developed provinces in China. With

Administration of Taxation have jointly issued the Announcement





its capital in Nanjing known as the second-largest



RsA asia

June 2021

city in the East China region. The Province of

Main Industrial Areas in Jiangsu

Jiangsu covers a total surface area of 102.600

Jiangsu Pilot Free Trade Zone

km2 alongside a population of 80.7 million

Suzhou Industrial Park

inhabitants. Jiangsu province is acknowledged to


be a strong production base of industrial machinery




The Province of Jiangsu is a hub for foreign▪

of FDI flowing into China. Accomplishing 59.308 ▪

of USD 394.8 billion and a total import of USD ▪

salary of USD 12.799. ▪

second in China after Guangdong province, ▪

1,431 billion in 2019 with a GDP per capita of ▪

2019 and +3.7% in 2020.

Main Economic Centers (GDP) in Jiangsu

Changzhou (USD 106 billion)








Lianyungang Economic and Technological

Yangzhou Economic and Technological

Nanjing High-tech Industrial Development





Zone ▪



USD 17,735. Along with GDP growth of +6.1% in

Nantong (USD 135 billion)

Taicang Port Economic and Technological

Development Zone

reaching USD 1,582 billion in 2020 and USD


Development Zone

In terms of GDP, the Province of Jiangsu ranked

Wuxi (USD 170 billion)


Development Zone

234.7 billion. In addition to an average urban


Development Zone

foreign investment companies with a total export

Nanjing (USD 202 billion)


Development Zone

invested enterprises among the main recipients


Development Zone ▪

Suzhou (USD 276 billion)


Development Zone

petrochemicals, textiles, and new materials.


Suzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone





Bonded Zone ▪

Wuzhong Comprehensive Bonded Zone

(Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone Established

Main Sectors in Jiangsu






integration and development.

New technologies

With a purpose to facilitate the cooperation with

Industrial machinery

provinces and cities along the Yangtze River

New materials

Economic Belt and the Yangtze River Delta.



RsA asia

June 2021

The target industries are high-tech manufacturing,

China + 5.6% compared to future estimates for

financial services, robotics, international trade,

the United States and Europe

and commerce. Besides, the functional areas include Suzhou Industrial Park area (60.1 sq. km)

Record China in 2020

Jiangbei area (39.5 sq. km), and Lianyungang

China in the year of the health emergency

area (20.3 sq. km).

recorded a number of records in its development. In 2020 it recorded the largest volume of exports and the greatest value in trade with other

IMF confirms China's record growth

countries and has established itself as the first

The new estimates of the International Monetary

destination for foreign investments.

Fund in April confirm the record growth of the Chinese economy in the two-year period 2020-

According to Chinese Customs data, total imports


and exports of goods increased in 2020 to over 4.600 USD billion. Exports increased by 3.6%

Growth of the Chinese economy

with a trade surplus of approximately 535 USD

China is the only one of the major countries that

billion. Beijing achieved the largest trade in 2020

in 2020 (+ 2.3%) marked positive growth, will

with the countries of South East Asia (+ 6.7%)

continue its trend with + 8.4% in 2021 (+0.3

and with the European Union (+ 4.9%)

compared to January data) well above the prudential estimate of over 6% confirmed by the

Foreign investments

Party in the Two Sessions of Beijing.

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in mainland China increased by 6.2% to a record high of

According to the latest data, the Euro-zone will

999.98 billion yuan in 2020, according to

see gross domestic product (GDP) grow by 4.4%

estimates by the Ministry of Commerce.

in 2021 (+ 0.2% compared to January data), while Italy should grow by 4.2% in 2021 (+ 1.2%

The main investments were made in the high-

compared to January data).

tech industrial sectors and in the tertiary sector. Foreign investment in the service sector is

In the two-year period, Beijing grows well above

estimated at 776 billion yuan in 2020, up 14%

the average of the world economy (-3.3% in 2020

year-on-year and showing the trend of an



economy aiming for mature development. The

development with a series of records during the

high-tech industry has seen an increase in capital

pandemic. Also, for 2022 the International

flow from abroad by 28% with investment in

Monetary Fund expects a greater acceleration for

research and development increasing by 79%.







RsA asia

June 2021

Cities and provinces with the greatest growth In the geography of Chinese growth, the

The pandemic has helped accelerate Chinese

provinces with the highest GDP in 2020 were

growth with a series of economic records

Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shangdong, Zheijiang, and

testifying to its rise. The same International

Henan, while those with the highest growth are

Monetary Fund, which today confirms this

Tibet, Guizhou, Yunnan, Anhui, and Hebei. The

development, is waiting to overtake the United

cities with the highest GDP according to data

States, a moment in which it could move from

from the regional statistical institutes were

Washington to Beijing, because according to its

Shanghai with 3.9 billion yuan, followed by Beijing,

statute it must be based in the largest economy.

Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Chongqing.






Investing in Guangdong

inhabitants reside, is one of the nation’s main

The People’s Republic of China consists of 34

manufacturing centers and recorded the highest


regional GDP in 2020 with over 11 trillion yuan

which the Guangdong Province is known to be

(1.7 trillion dollars). Guangdong’s GDP in 2020

the main economic area of Southern China for

exceeded that of South Korea (fourth largest

international trade, for the production of electronic

economy in Asia) and came very close to the


value of Italian gross product.

technological innovation. Holding the largest









number of FDI. With a population of 115.21 Air traffic and the new rich

million inhabitants covering a total surface area of

As evidence of the volume of trade and

177.900 km2, Guangdong ranks as the most

investment, Guangzhou Baiyun International

populous among all the provinces in China.

Airport was the busiest airport in the world in 2020,

Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong Province

recording a total of 43.768 million passengers. it

with a maritime heritage located on Pearl River.

is the first time that a Chinese airport exceeds the

The historical Guangzhou port is the most

passenger volume of Atlanta, a long-time airport

important foreign trading port in South China.

with domestic and international traffic records. Pearl River Delta Economic Belt is a key region If the country’s industry is based in the south,

for the development of the Southern area of

there is no shortage of wealthy entrepreneurs in

China. With a purpose to trade with Southeast

the north. Beijing, in fact, according to the Forbes

Asian countries. Attained 13.1% of the national

2021 ranking is the city with the highest number

GDP growth alongside 11.7% of the population of

of billionaires in the world, surpassing New York

Mainland China encompassing 4.4% of the

in the global ranking.

national territory.


RsA asia

June 2021

▪ Foreign investments are mainly located along the

Development Zone ▪

Eastern Coast and in Beijing. The Province of Guangdong



Zhuhai Economic and Technological


Zhanjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone

investment companies with total exports of USD 629.9 billion and total imports of USD 407 billion.

Huizhou Data Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone

In addition to an average urban salary of USD 13.395.

Guangzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone

Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park

In terms of GDP, the Province of Guangdong still

Guangzhou Export Processing Zone

leads in China reaching USD 1,706 billion in 2020

Guangzhou Bonded Logistics Park

and USD 1,547 billion in 2019 with a GDP per

Guangzhou Nansha Free Trade Port Area

capita of USD 13,425. Along with GDP growth of

Shenzhen Yantian Comprehensive Bonded

+6.2% in 2019 and +2.3% in 2020.

Zone ▪

Main Economic Centers (GDP) in Guangdong

Guangdong Shenzhen Export Processing Zone

Shenzhen (USD 387 billion)

Guangzhou (USD 339 billion)

(GUANGDONG) Pilot Free Trade Zone aims to

Foshan (USD 154 billion)

deepen (Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau)

Dongguan (USD 136 billion)

cooperation and open up to the world by creating

Huizhou (USD 60 billion)

an investment environment to comply with international standards. Also, promote the 21st

Main Sectors in Guangdong

Century Maritime Silk Road.


The target industries are shipping, logistics,


financial services, health, education, high-end

Industrial machinery

manufacturing, international trade. Besides, the


functional areas include the Nansha area (60.0 sq. km), Hengqin area (28.0 sq. km), and Qianhai

Main Industrial Areas in Guangdong ▪

Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone

Guangzhou Economic and Technological

Shekou area (28.2 sq. km).

Development Zone ▪

Guangzhou Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone


RsA asia

June 2021

China's Personal and Corporate Tax Planning


Apr 24

EU-China Cooperation. Green Transition and Digital Economy Between National Policies and Multipolarism.

Trends in Banking and Fintech: a new global scenario after Covid 19 Apr 10

Jul 19 - 24

Structuring Business in China

China-Italy New Tax Treaty and International Taxation

Apr 9

Jun 3 Cancellation of Non-taxable Allowances for Foreign Employees

China and America - economy, trade and finance in North, Central and South America

Mar 31

May 25

China's Five-Year Plan & Tax Policy 2021-2025 China: a different reality

Mar 30

May 18

Structuring Business in China and the Far East Individual Income Tax What To Expect In 2022

Mar 6

May 14

Tax Planning in China CSCC Summer School Introduction

Feb 22

May 13

Asia-Pacific A to Z: Discover Every Market of the Fastest-growing Region

Taxation and Cross border e-commerce

Jan 26

May 12

Journey into China

China's Changing Role in Global Supply Chains May 11

Jan 9

Belt Road Journey - Xi’an 30 Apr – 6 May


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