Fast Weight Loss Fast Weight Loss - Do not let last minute preparations for year-end celebrations that rapidly approaching. To remove any remaining doubt about the surprises that may arise regarding the outfit, it’s time to act even now. Short-term diets promise much, but the reality is different. Therefore, changing lifestyle and diet is not only a prerequisite. Oana Zarnescu gives you some tips and fitness instructor Adriana Nicolae specially designed for you an exercise program that will help you achieve your dream figure. Here are the hottest rules to be in enviable shape. Fast Weight Loss - decrease weight must not exceed 500 g / week. Any treatment must be combined with exercise practiced regularly. This for two reasons: they not only lose weight lose fat but muscle mass and physical appearance is lacking. A second reason is that a person with a trained muscles will burn more calories than untrained one, even in moments when not a sport. Ideally, the exercise will be supervised by a coach – so alternate exercises with weights with cardio type. realistic attitude, but confident is the key to achieve desired silhouette! Fast Weight Loss forbidden foods, but not in excess in your Rate a notebook what you eat / drink every day, and how much / what type of exercise you do. This book will become in time a “second consciousness” and will help you diet . And in terms of portion size is good that they are about half of the previously consumed. shall be prohibited: pork, potatoes, sugar, white bread, fried foods, meats, cheeses, breads, and dairy fat, trade juices, margarine, fast food, excess salt. Food can be seasoned with herbs and spices, lemon juice, olive oil can be used. Try to be creative, you can prepare delicious, but with a low calorie. Fast Weight Loss - Experiment with new foods or dishes every week. Fluid intake is very important (1,5-2 l / day). Warning: Alcohol is very high in calories. Any rule may be violated occasionally, you can eat a slice of cake or a food that is your desire, as long as the next day to do more exercise than usual. Also, rest is essential, clinical studies have shown that people who are resting 8 hours / day lose weight more easily than those who sleep less. rules that do not deviate, Do not weigh yourself too often, once every 7-10 days is enough, the results will slowly but surely, over several months. Do not skip breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do not start moving without eating anything before. It is best to take a snack after you’ve finished exercising. – Do not make a secret of the fact that going through a period when you change your lifestyle, so others will be more understanding and will not tempt you! Do not start your Fast Weight Loss diet if going through a difficult emotional period or simply stressful. – Do not go shopping hungry, it will be much harder to resist! – Do not eat after 7:00 at night. Buffet breakfast – a boiled egg, a slice bread, a slice of ham (or lean ham, chicken, turkey), a bowl-fat cheese, a tomato, a pepper, 2 teaspoons of jam, a glass of skim milk, a yogurt, 2-3 tablespoons of cereal whole, a glass of fresh fruit, green tea / black coffee.
Fast Weight Loss - snack – a fruit – apple, peach, banana, small, orange, pear, pineapple slices, 2-3 plums, 2 kiwi, a small bunch of grapes, a fresh fruit or tomatoes, a handful of seeds, hazelnuts, pistachios (roasted), a handful of figs, a yogurt, a glass of skim milk. lunch – soup / cream / vegetable soup, soup of lean beef or chicken skinless, chicken, fish, beef, turkey, seafood, chicken liver, baked in aluminum foil, salad (cabbage, lettuce, carrots and celery, tomatoes), fruit, whole rice boiled sauteed vegetables, baked (root, zucchini, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, green beans, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms) integraleo pasta pita sandwich or small. Dinner – fish, meat, grilled vegetables with a tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese, omelet from an egg and an egg, salad (canned tuna / chicken diced ham), cheese poor (cheese, mozzarella, cottage cheese lean), fruit salad. Get Rid Of Extra Pounds Fast Most of us dream of getting rid of extra pounds in record time. If today we saw mirrored dressing room until the end of the week we go away. Impossible, shouting in unison experts worldwide. And especially dangerous! Fast Weight Loss Most important aspect you should keep in mind when you want to lose weight threshold by which fat is accumulated in the body are deemed necessary and over what are called “excess” can be removed. Unfortunately, very few people take account of this and that because of too intense promotion of unrealistic models and some dangerous rapid weight loss methods . specialists recommend us? To have more patience! When we gain weight, weight does not accumulate in a few days or weeks. It takes a much longer time for them to settle, especially when talking about an excess of at least 10 kg. So if in recent years was full, do not expect to lose weight fast within days or weeks. It is so absurd to make your plans and especially dangerous for your health. Research shows that the most successful fast weight loss programs are those that do not promise brilliant results than eliminating a pound a week. This way you will not deplete your body and keep yourself chances are greater weight obtained. Magic Diets They are neither more nor less than the mere trifles that satisfy egos of women add fat , convinced that they can at any time to obtain a dream figure. Diets that promise amazing results in the shortest possible time are unrealistic, not to mention that long have disastrous results. Once completed such a diet, lost weight (and sometimes more) will be handed back just as quickly as they disappeared. Fast Weight Loss Sound familiar yo-yo? It happens when you lose weight and then gain weight
repeatedly. You should stay away at all costs from this vicious circle! Otherwise, the metabolism is messed up and in the future will be increasingly difficult to lose weight. Lose Weight Overnight? Fast Weight Loss Some pills, which usually operates by diuretics, you could get rid of 1-2 kg overnight. Do not get too excited, weigh less because you lose a lot of water. Besides this leads to dehydration when you replenish your body water, you put weight back on. So, not only do not help you lose excess weight nestled on the waist, thighs and buttocks, but can affect pills and kidneys work. Weigh Yourself Once A Week If you get on the scale every day, you’ll be stressed absolutely useless. weight varies from day to day , sometimes even vary throughout the day, and this is normal . example, most of us weigh less in the morning when getting out of bed, but evening. To maintain your health during a diet, make a golden rule of climbing on the scale once a week preferably in the morning and wearing the same clothes every time. World Wide Diets Fast Weight Loss Mediterranean diet, diet Asian diet famous French women always in shape … seems that all women belong to a people that culinary traditions bequeathed to the health and beauty of their body. All but Romanian women. certainly know that every day doctors confirms increased heart disease , cases of diabetes or obesity, and cancer remains incomprehensible enemy. In Romania, more so! ‘s time to build our own culture and educate our children to continue them. Difficult process that requires time, but before he takes time to answer a few questions for us to bring some light: “What we do not eat others?” , “What we call evil good and cataloged in their diet?” and important, “what we eat and what contributes (in our diet) to our physical and mental problems?” Fast Weight Loss Firstly, when we look in the neighbor’s yard would be healthy to see not only wonderful desserts, pasta, pizza and fast food . Then, if we examine overall diet will find that it is composed of many diets, however, contain largely the same food. Whether you are in Spain, Minnesota, Bucharest and Paris, the menu is made up of poultry, beef, pork, fish, dairy, grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and so on curiosity is only when we understand that ” does not matter so much what we eat but how we eat matters ” , that mentality around food culture. Here begins the difference. deplane and how you walked the earth Spanish, Greek, French
remain amazed: all these people who say that are more relaxed and detached from daily problems considered mealtime a particular joy, relaxation, flavor. Even when eating, they celebrate. If for most of us, like Americans, many hours around a table is, by itself, more food for them is, on the contrary, eating more slowly on the principle of “the you eat slower, you eat much less ” . Fast Weight Loss Your brain needs about 20 minutes to realize that the stomach is full, and if you eat quickly add many unnecessary items in the 20 minutes that there is “someone” to warn you. peoples around the Mediterranean for a meal of two hours or more, and yes! eat much less than us. They savor, taste, experience piece by piece. People living in Scandinavia, Asia, Africa, France does not eat between meals or if so very little, thus giving (mostly) in pastries, candy, sugar, soda, ie mainly all contribute to weight gain. Fast Weight Loss From Asia to Africa, the Middle East to the Mediterranean food rations dimensions are smaller than the American and Romanian dish. In the book “Why franţuzoiacele do not get fat”, Mireille Guiliano remember that they walk to the bakery, butcher shop or stall with vegetables and not ever park their car close to the front door of your supermarket opposite attitude sound familiar? too, ladies nostalgic French cities to form walking legs, to form the abdomen , but also as an exercise for the mind’s their time dedicated to relax, to think, to dream and look at the sky.