Fast Weight Loss

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Fast Weight Loss Fast Weight Loss - Do not let last minute preparations for year-end celebrations that rapidly approaching. To remove any remaining doubt about the surprises that may arise regarding the outfit, it’s time to act even now. Short-term diets promise much, but the reality is different. Therefore, changing lifestyle and diet is not only a prerequisite. Oana Zarnescu gives you some tips and fitness instructor Adriana Nicolae specially designed for you an exercise program that will help you achieve your dream figure. Here are the hottest rules to be in enviable shape. Fast Weight Loss - decrease weight must not exceed 500 g / week. Any treatment must be combined with exercise practiced regularly. This for two reasons: they not only lose weight lose fat but muscle mass and physical appearance is lacking. A second reason is that a person with a trained muscles will burn more calories than untrained one, even in moments when not a sport. Ideally, the exercise will be supervised by a coach – so alternate exercises with weights with cardio type. realistic attitude, but confident is the key to achieve desired silhouette! Fast Weight Loss forbidden foods, but not in excess in your Rate a notebook what you eat / drink every day, and how much / what type of exercise you do. This book will become in time a “second consciousness” and will help you diet . And in terms of portion size is good that they are about half of the previously consumed. shall be prohibited: pork, potatoes, sugar, white bread, fried foods, meats, cheeses, breads, and dairy fat, trade juices, margarine, fast food, excess salt. Food can be seasoned with herbs and spices, lemon juice, olive oil can be used. Try to be creative, you can prepare delicious, but with a low calorie. Fast Weight Loss - Experiment with new foods or dishes every week. Fluid intake is very important (1,5-2 l / day). Warning: Alcohol is very high in calories. Any rule may be violated occasionally, you can eat a slice of cake or a food that is your desire, as long as the next day to do more exercise than usual. Also, rest is essential, clinical studies have shown that people who are resting 8 hours / day lose weight more easily than those who sleep less. rules that do not deviate, Do not weigh yourself too often, once every 7-10 days is enough, the results will slowly but surely, over several months. Do not skip breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do not start moving without eating anything before. It is best to take a snack after you’ve finished exercising. – Do not make a secret of the fact that going through a period when you change your lifestyle, so others will be more understanding and will not tempt you! Do not start your Fast Weight Loss diet if going through a difficult emotional period or simply stressful. – Do not go shopping hungry, it will be much harder to resist! – Do not eat after 7:00 at night. Buffet breakfast – a boiled egg, a slice bread, a slice of ham (or lean ham, chicken, turkey), a bowl-fat cheese, a tomato, a pepper, 2 teaspoons of jam, a glass of skim milk, a yogurt, 2-3 tablespoons of cereal whole, a glass of fresh fruit, green tea / black coffee.

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