2013 April Insight

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Insight April 2013

Volume 6 Issue 4

A monthly publication highlighting the mission of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Welcome to Williams Welcome Welcome to Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. Our church is located at 4000 Moores Lane on the north side of Texarkana. Moores Lane is north of I-30 between Summerhill and Richmond roads.

Worshipping We invite you to worship with us. Our services are Christ-centered, Biblically grounded, and culturally relevant. The words, music, and means of grace are all designed to empower you to grow in your relationship with God and in ministry to the world. Sunday services are in the Sanctuary at 8:15 am and 10:30 am, and the Xperience Service is in Wesley Hall at 10:30 am.

Learning Sunday school classes for all ages meet at 9:15 am. Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm there are programs for your children and youth.

Sunday Worship Schedule 8:15 Early Service in Sanctuary 9:00 Gathering Time


9:15 Sunday School

We enter into the family of Christ through baptism. We recognize God’s action in baptisms in other faith communities; you do not have to be re-baptized to belong to Williams. If you have not been baptized, we will be honored to baptize you.

10:15 Gathering Time


4:00 Cornerstone Worship

Our goal is to be like Jesus Christ in this world. We are constantly growing in grace; we have not arrived. We grow through worship, prayer, and study of God’s Word. Through large meetings, small groups, and discipleship, we are changed from our old selves to our new selves.

5:00 Alive @ 5

Belonging We hope you will consider belonging to the Williams faith community. You can talk with us after church or come by during the week. We would be honored to assist you in belonging at Williams.

10:30 Xperience Service in Wesley Hall 10:30 Sanctuary Service in Sanctuary 3:30 Youth Band

5:00 U.M.Y.F.

Find Out More...

Visit our visitors page at welcometowilliams.com/visiting or scan the code to the right with a smartphone QR Code reader Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Submitting an Article


We are always looking for great stories about how God is moving in and through the lives of our people and ministries. If you have such a story we ask that you send it to us!


Email your article of around 400-600 words to williamsenews@gmail.com. If you have one or more high quality photos, please send them. Include your contact information so we can get in touch with you if we have questions or need more information.



Articles must be submitted the first Friday of the previous month. So for the May Insight, the deadline is the first Friday in April. Submissions may be edited for space or used in other locations such as website or e-news.

Inside this Issue: 2




Holy Hospitality by Brian Brooks


Texarkana College by Jennifer Day


Adult Ministry Williams Book Club

7 8-9




College Ministry Williams School News Childrens Ministry Pictorial Directory Youth Ministry

14 Music and Fine Arts Sermons


10-11 12-13


Welcome to Williams


Upcoming Events Staff List


Spring Gardening


Planning for Ministry by Danny Wayman

18-19 Williams 2013 Budget


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Holy Hospitality by Brian Brooks In one of my first churches, a man named Billy was a well-known figure in town. Of indeterminate age, he walked the streets at all hours of the day and night carrying a large portable radio on his shoulder and singing to the music at the top of his tuneless voice. Sometimes his elderly mother walked with him. When she did, they argued. Nights when the arguments got violent, Billy slept in the church doorway. Billy and his mother began to come to church. The first Sunday they sat in someone else’s accustomed seats. Billy enjoyed the hymns and sang lustily, but he talked during the sermon, walked up and down the aisles, and had no money for the offering. Regular worshipers began to wait to see where Billy and his mother would sit so as not to get too close. After a few months, Billy and his mother became an issue in the church. They’re disruptive. They smell. They don’t give, people said. Billy and his mother were blessedly oblivious to this firestorm. A year or so later, Billy found an independent church that had a bus ministry; so he and his mother began attending elsewhere. My congregation was relieved

of coping with Billy. I, however, was deeply shaken. The church, where people like Billy should have been welcome, was no different from anywhere else. Serious questions were raised in that church about telling Billy to stay away. And what if others like him began to attend? “Didn’t Jesus come to be among the Billie’s?” I asked myself. “Didn’t Jesus extend hospitality to people who were otherwise outsiders? Didn’t he heal when he wasn’t supposed to and touch when no one else would?” Twelve years later, I am still ashamed, for we all - including myself - missed the point of holy hospitality. Holy hospitality… Here at Williams Memorial we have a golden opportunity to practice holy hospitality, not just on Sunday’s but particularly on Monday’s… Monday’s when Williams Memorial truly becomes the community center it is meant to be with Community Café and the food pantry. I hope you will get involved. If you are a little curious about these ministries before you come ask someone about their experience working or attending. I promise that they will tell you a story of love and grace and hope. Come and discover Community Café and the food pantry and help this church make a difference and change the world.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Texarkana College by Jennifer Day There are many generous people in the Texarkana community. Those who have very little to give still find a way to help others. Maybe volunteering your time at the Randy Sams shelter or Community Café is how you can help those in need, or maybe you volunteer your heart by starting a small group to help others get through a rough spot in their lives. Either way you are making a huge difference in someone’s life. Not everyone can give money to help others, but like you, Ross Perot cares about the Texarkana community and he was willing to give $5 million to Texarkana College. Last year Mr. Perot gave $1 million to support the financially failing college and told TC’s president, James Henry Russell, that he would give $4 million more if the local community would support the institution. Mr. Russell, the TC staff and many people like you aided in the needs of TC and with the extremely generous gift from Ross Perot the Texarkana College is back on its feet striding towards its goal to give kids a brighter tomorrow. On February 25, TC hosted an event in honor of Mr. Perot and his gift of $5 million. I went to take pictures of the event for our church and felt so lucky to be there. Personally meeting Mr. Perot before the event was an


honor because never have I met such a generous man who seems to truly care about everyone around him. If him going out of his way to talk to me for less than a minute about horses, something he knew I loved by the boots I was wearing, made me feel so special I can only imagine how the students and faculty of TC feel. Mr. Perot grew up here in Texarkana and after high school he attended TC before transferring to the US Naval Academy. TC was a very important part of his life so he knows what the school means to all its current students. And whether it is his experiences of attending college or his stories about training horses, Mr. Perot will relate to you in a way that makes you feel special. Over 400 people and dignitaries from not only the Texarkana community but from surrounding areas attended this special event including our very own Methodist Bishop Janice Huie. She was invited to do lead us all in prayer before and after the luncheon. Our heart-felt thanks goes out to Bishop Huie for joining us for this special event and to Mr. Perot for continuing to remember his Texarkana roots and for establishing the quality of education which TC has provided for past, present and future generations.


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Adult Ministries Fellowship

United Methodist Women’s groups UMW Meets for a general monthly meeting with lunch in the parlor at 10:00am on the first Tuesday.

UMW Girls Night Out

Meets on the second Wednesday of the month in room 108.

Sowers and Doers

Meets every third Tuesday at 10:00 in Room 108.

Betty Kelly Friendship Circle

Meets every second Wednesday at 10:00 in Room 108

United Methodist Men

We’re gearing up for regular meetings and events. Contact Mark Williams at 903-278-1373 for more information.

eXtra Years of Zest

Come join us Every second Thursday at 9:30 in the parlor. “XYZ” -Shares joy, fellowship fun, games and a meal.


Windows and Widowers, Let’s Eat Out (singles and couples) meets every month at a local restaurant. Check the bulletin for where we’re headed

Good Treasures Bridge Club

Every Wednesday Night at 6:00 in the bookstore. Everyone is welcome. Contact John Mercy at 903-832-3852

Williams Book Club In April, the book club will be reading Thomas L. Friedman’s “The World Is Flat.” In this brilliant new book, the award-winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman explains how recent historical events have worked together to create a level playing field in global commerce. Pick up your copy at the Good Treasures Bookstore and join the Williams Book Club at noon on April 8th to compare thoughts and ideas on this international bestseller. The Williams Book club meets on the second Monday of each month. Keep an eye on the Insight to find out what book we’re reading next.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

College Ministries

A part of the college ministry is to help serve the Community Cafe. Community Cafe is a ministry at Williams Memorial where people come for a hot meal and groceries each Monday. The college group helps serve dinner and take groceries to people cars. Come be apart of this ministry and join the college group for dinner and a devotional afterwards. Our next time to help with Community Cafe is April 8th.

Party through the Decades April 11th in Wesley Hall at 6:00pm $18 donation fee Come reminisce about your college years and “party through the decades� at the college ministry fundraiser! - game night, music, silent auction -child care provided by reservation Sign up today at the Welcome Center desk or in your Sunday school room.



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Williams School News - “We’ve got skills” Gross motor and fine motor skills are important terms in a child’s development. Understanding what those terms mean are very important and key to children’s successful progression. Gross motor skills are movements of the large muscles in the body; such as arm and leg muscles. These types of movements are easier for a child to control and usually develop faster than fine motor skills. Some of the movements that are considered gross motor are running, walking, skipping, climbing, crawling, ball throwing and dancing to name just a few. Fine motor skills are movements of the small muscles in the body such as hands. These are the hardest for a child to develop because in order to have fine motor skills you have to have really good control over your body. Some of the movements that are considered fine motor are writing, pointing, grasping, holding and reaching. Here at the Williams School, our activities foster the development of both! Exercise and play are a big part of our day Every Day. All students have a set time each day to visit the playground and play space where they can run, jump, play with balls and just be kids! Little do

our children know that their “play time” is improving their gross motor skills! Each classroom also has movement incorporated into it’s daily lesson plans. Students get to dance and sing to children’s tunes, go on imagination journeys and even participate in children’s yoga. Our teachers here at the Williams School get really creative when it comes to ways to strengthen fine motor skills. Even our two-year-old students begin using scissors after Christmas to strengthen these much needed skills. Other activities that all classes participate in include coloring, drawing, playing with play dough, stringing beads, picking up and sorting small objects… and the list could go on and on! Each day I am amazed at how our little ones have grown this year. Not only are they taller, they also have gained so much knowledge, come a long way socially, and have strengthened gross and fine motor skills.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

April Insight




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Childrens Ministry

Waterspring’s Ranch

SCHEDULE & MENU April 7th - Pizza(BB) April 14th – Mission Lunch and meal (No activities at Night)

2nd-5th graders Meet: At the Welcome Center When: Sunday, April 21st Time: 3:45 pm Return :7:00 pm Parents are welcome to come. We will be grilling hambugers and hot dogs!! The 5th graders raised $350 for Waterspring’s Ranch with the help of everyone eating at the pancake supper. Thank you for your support!

April 21st – Hot Dogs 2nd - 5th graders (Waterspring Ranch) April 28th – End of the Year party

Vacation Bible School DIRECTORS NEEDED July 21-25, 2013 It is going to be a fun year at VBS and we hope you will join us. If you are interested in being a VBS director please contact Sue Camp at 903-832-8663 or email suecamp32@gmail.com

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

April Insight

Confirmation Sunday On April 21st 10 students will be confirmed at the 10:30 am worship service. We will all be celebrating this important time in the lives of each family as the confirmands are welcomed into full membership. Listed below are the confirmands:

Craig Crawford, Lora Davis, Hannah Griffis, Patrick McMillan, Laura Maddox, Mary Katherine Old, John Powell, Carleigh Scates, Kara Smith and Peyton Trammell This has been an exciting year. These students have prepared for their confirmation through weekly classes, trips to worship with other denominations, a retreat, mission projects, feeding Randy Sams, and Youth Fellowship on Sunday nights. We are so proud of these Confirmands.

Church Pictorial Directory If you haven’t heard, this summer we will be publishing a new church Pictorial Directory! You may choose to submit your own family picture via email or come get your picture taken by our photographer any Sunday in April.

How to get your picture taken by our photographer: All you have to do is stop by! There is no need for an appointment so just come by the parlor with your family any Sunday in April from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm, fill out a purple information form and get your picture taken. How to submit a family photo: Email a high resolution (large file size) photo of your family to Jennifer Day

at wmumcdirectory@gmail.com with the following information: names of all family members, home address, primary phone number, primary cell number (optional) and an email address (optional). The deadline to submit a picture is May 1st. If you do not submit a picture via email or come by to get your picture taken your picture will not be in the pictorial directory just your information, so please fill out a purple information card so we can have all the corect information. Thanks! www.welcometowilliams.org



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

April 2013 Youth Calendar Monday 1

Sunday 7

Monday 8

Tuesday 2

Tuesday 9

Monday 15

Tuesday 16

Mission Lunch

Sunday 21

Monday 22

Tuesday 23

Confirmation & Youth Congrats Confirmands Party Sunday 28

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Saturday 6

Wed. Youth (April Fools Part 1)

3 in 1 Tour Concert at Trinity

Confirmation Retreat

Wednesday 10

Thursday 11

Friday 12

Saturday 13

Wednesday 17

Thursday 18

Friday 19

Saturday 20

Wed. Youth (April Fools Part 3)

Casting Crowns Concert at FBC

Confirmation Rehearsal Dinner

Wednesday 24

Thursday 25

Friday 26

Wed. Youth (April Fools Part 2)

Youth Kickball

Sunday 14

Wednesday 3

Wed. Youth (April Fools Part 4) Monday 29

Saturday 27

30 Hour Famine

Tuesday 30

30 Hour Famine

New Wednesday Night Series “April Fools” Our April Wednesday night series is called April Fools. This will be a 4 week series of fun themed nights. Whether it is “glow in the dark” night, “messy game” night, or “backwards” night, you are guaranteed to have a blast. This series will also be a great opportunity for you to bring as many friends as possible. Keep watching our website and text updates to see what the first theme night will be.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Upcoming Concerts

Winterjam did not work out as planned, but did you know there are several great concerts coming up right here in Texarkana? We will be purchasing 20 tickets for each concert and they are available on a first come first served basis. If more want to go we will continue to get tickets as available. 4/4 - 3 in 1 Tour - Mandisa, Brandon Heath and Jamie Grace Trinity Baptist Texarkana 4/18 - Casting Crowns at FBC Texarkana I am also on the look out for other concerts in our surrounding area, and will try to make plans so we can attend as many as possible. If you know of a concert you would like our group to go to, please let Russell know.

30 Hour Famine

Every 13 seconds a child dies of hunger related causes. We want to do something about that. 30 Hour Famine is a nationally honored experience for youth groups. The idea is simple: students fast for 30 hours and participate in unique activities that help them learn about the realities of world hunger. In the 30 days leading up to the Famine, they’ll raise funds to help save kids’ lives, changing the outcome of futures across the globe. On April 27-28 we will be participating, along with others across the nation, in the 30 hour famine. On Saturday April 27, students will be asked to begin their fast at 1:00 pm. We will gather at the church at 5:00 pm to begin our night together. This night will include games, worship, opportunities to learn more about hunger. We will attend church together on April 28, and then stay through Sunday Night Youth where we will “break the fast” with a meal and finish out our night. Youth will be raising money to help combat hunger, and awareness about hunger on a global scale. Signup for this event in the Youth center or from our events page on the website.

Mission Lunch

The mission lunch is a great opportunity for your family to get an awesome meal, and support our youth ministry at the same time. The meal will be followed by some entertainment, presentations from some of our youth about our program, and an opportunity for you to invest in the ministries by our youth, and to our youth. This year we are serving smoked brisket with all the extras. Tickets for the mission dinner are a suggested donation of $12. They can be purchased from the Good Treasures Bookstore, Youth Ministry office or on our website events page. A limited number of briskets will be available for youth to purchase and take home with you. These briskets will be fully cooked, ready for you to eat. More information coming soon. www.welcometowilliams.org


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Giving becomes Extravagant Generosity

April 7, 2013 Through Believing You May Have Life John 20:19-31 Acts 5:27-32 Psalm 150 Revelation 1:4-8

April 14, 2013 Do You Love Me?

John 21:1-19 Acts 9:1-6, 7-20 Psalm 30 Revelation 5:11-14

April 21, 2013 Tell Us Plainly

John 10:22-30 Acts 9:36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9-17

Blood D

April – Love rEVOLution


Blood Drive at Williams July 21, 2013 All blood types are needed. Sign up now at welcome center front desk!

Good Treasures Bookstore Don’t know exactly what they want, get them a gift card! Gift cards are now available for sale at the bookstore counter.

Maybe you do know what they want, take advantage of the free gift wrapping on purchases over $40!

Bookstore Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am - 10:30 am

April 28, 2013 A New Commandment? John 13:31-35 Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1-6

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Music and Fine Arts “Sing, Ring, Play” Fine Arts Camp, 2nd - 6th grade August 5, 6 & 7 9:00 am - 11:30 pm Fine Arts Camp, “Sing, Ring, Play” is August 5, 6, and 7; Monday Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 11:30 pm. It is for children going into 2nd grade through 6th grade. The older children are great helpers to the younger ones. We will sing God’s praise, ring handchimes, play Orff instruments and drums, make crafts, and have great fun and fellowship. August will bring Fine Arts events, so watch for upcoming events on the website and facebook.

Pastoral Staff Danny Wayman - Senior Pastor danwayman@gmail.com - 903-278-6120 (cell) Sherri Waters - Associate Pastor sherriwaters7@gmail.com - 903-278-0499 (cell) Brian Brooks - Associate Pastor bb6589@hotmail.com - 903-399-4750 (cell) Dale Vickers - Associate Pastor Velad303@aol.com - 903-244-6213 Ron Drye - Evangelism rondrye@msn.com - 903-701-1310 (cell) Fred Smith - Associate Pastor 903-280-6794 (cell)

Ministry Staff Laila Al-Dubais - College and Young Adults Ministry laila41589@gmail.com - 903-276-7206 (cell) Vickie Al-Dubais - Church Organist vickiea@txkisd.net - 903-276-7207 (cell)

Attention Williams Travelers! On August 7th, we are planning a special trip to see “South Pacific” at Murry’s Dinner Playhouse in Little Rock. Tickets are $31 plus the cost of transportation. Your ticket includes the show and a meal. We have a limited number of reservations available, so let us know that you want a seat now! If we get enough people going, we will be able to reserve more tables.

RECAP: South Pacific Musical August 7th Murry’s Dinner Playhouse in Little Rock, AR Tickets $31


Sue Camp - Children and Adult Ministries suecamp32@gmail.com - 903-277-6504 (cell) Jennifer Day - Communications Director jenday212@gmail.com - 903-277-3925 (cell) Jolena Hays - Business Administrator jolenahays@gmail.com - 903-293-8726 (cell) Jacci Johnson - Director of Housekeeping 903-832-8663 Amy Kirk - Children’s Music amykirkmusic@gmail.com - 903-276-8576 (cell) Chris Loveall - Xperience Worship 903-832-8663 Karen Marrufo - Housekeeping 903-832-8663 Russell Martin- Director of Student Ministries rgmmusic@gmail.com - 903-701-7181 (cell) Lonna Nunn - District Administrative Assistant 903-278-6910 Raymond Petty - Sunday Morning Facilities 903-824-1208 Brenda Reed - Nursery Coordinator and Bookstore Manager brendareed@valornet.com - 903-748-0386 Lorie Son - Williams School lorieson@gmail.com - 903-824-7553 (cell) Jimmy Sparks - Xperience Worship 903-832-8663 Wendell Teddleton - Evening Greeter, Security Mindy Zwirn - Admin. Assistant mindymoon@gmail.com - 310-871-8678 (cell)


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Spring Gardening Starting a vegetable garden is not as difficult as it seems. You only need to follow a few simple guidelines in order to have a successful garden.

Clear the area of weeds and other debris, such as rocks, sticks, etc. Work the soil with a tiller or other appropriate garden tools.

Starting a Vegetable Garden

Organic matter within the soil is vital for healthy vegetable gardens. If your soil does not contain sufficient amounts of organic material, then you will have to work some into it using compost or manure. Compost helps improve texture, fertility, and drainage of the soil.

The first and probably the most important step is deciding what crops you want to grow and where you will be growing them. A 16×20 foot plot is a sufficient size for a family of three or four. If space is limited consider growing your garden in small beds or containers. Draw it out on paper and list the vegetables you would like to incorporate into your garden. Beets, carrots, lettuce, radishes, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans are all good choices for beginners. Research these crops beforehand to make sure they are suitable for your particular area.

After the soil in your desired location has been properly worked, you are ready to begin planting your vegetable garden. You’ll want to set the tallest crops at the furthest point back so they won’t block the sun from the smaller plants. Place each crop into the garden at its appropriate planting time. Check seed packets or other resources for when to plant.

Choosing a Location for your Vegetable Garden

Enjoying Vegetable Gardening

Once you have established the layout, scan the surrounding landscape for a location to make sure it will fit . For example, make note of sun and wind patterns. Successful gardens need at least eight hours of full sun. Wind can both damage crops and dry them out. A fence or other structure could provide adequate protection. Plus vegetable gardens need plenty of water to thrive as well. Make sure your garden is going to be placed near an ample water source.

Improving the Soil in your Vegetable Garden

Another very important consideration before you begin is the condition of your soil. Without proper soil preparations, your garden will have difficulty thriving. Fall is typically the best time to prepare the soil for your vegetable garden.

Yellow Squash

Why we love them: Squash is a brilliant source of vitamin C, A and magnesium which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. What you get: One cup of squash is only 36 calories. Squash is a prolific producer so be prepared for a lot of squash! In your garden: Start your seeds inside and then transfer to the garden when soil is 65°F or higher. Once planted in the garden “plant” a pot near the roots for deep watering.

All that is left now is the general maintenance of the garden, which is just as important. Water your garden often, at least once a week, with a good soaking. You may need to water more frequently during heat spells. Keep weeds down and help retain moisture in the garden by adding mulch. Doing so also will mean less work for those gardeners with busier schedules. Once harvesting season begins, pick ripened crops frequently to encourage more production. Depending on the types and amounts of crops you have chosen, they can be easily preserved by freezing or canning. Nonetheless, eat up and enjoy your newfound success as a gardener! written by Nikki Phipps (Author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden)



What you get: The pigment that makes carrots orange - beta carotene - is the same compound the body converts to vitamin A, a vitamin essential for vision, healthy skin and the immune system.

What you get: While the cucumber isn’t known as a nutrition powerhouse, it does provide refreshment. At 95% water content, a cup of cucumber slices is nearly as thirstquenching as a glass of water.

Why we love them: Carrots are a perennial favorite - delicious raw or cooked, and they can be prepared in a variety of ways.

In your garden: Plant carrots as soon as the soil can be worked. They thrive in fertile sandy soil.

Why we love them: Cucumbers are a tasty addition to salads, add crunch to your plate and even taste good cooked.

In your garden: Give your cucumber plants generous amounts of organic matter and good fertilization and they will respond with lots of crunchy cucumbers; harvest them regularly to increase production.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Planning for Ministry in 2013 The Community of Faith called Williams cares and gives sacrificially to show the presence of God in our local communities and around the world. Williams began in a tent in the Beverly neighborhood. From those locations we have expanded into the incredible facilities on Moores Lane. We have a beautiful sanctuary, fellowship hall, youth center, educational rooms, offices, bookstore, and functional outdoor spaces. All these are possible because of the gifts from the members and friends of Williams. Our budget for this area of ministry is almost $400,000. This ministry forms the base on which all our other ministries become possible here in Texarkana. The Williams School, a top-rated preschool, also functions in these spaces through its classes, library, and play areas both indoor and outdoor. The funds to run the programs and salaries of the school come from the tuition parents pay for their children to attend. All this considerable expense is not included in the 2013 budget. Our local programs for education, children, youth, worship, evangelism, and communications is included in the budget at just under $100,000 per year. This investment makes possible all the ministries that occur in our facilities and in Texarkana and does not include any salaries which provide for people who lead the congregation in these ministries. The salaries for clergy, program staff, support staff, child care, maintenance, and security is over $625,000. These persons earn their salaries as they provide vision,

organization, and empowerment as the congregation works in ministry here in Texarkana. The Connectional Benevolences are over $200,000. This provides the salaries and support for our Bishop, District Superintendent, and other Conference and District personnel. Included in this amount are the missions and ministries of the people called Methodists around the world. These benevolences are evidence of our working together with other believers to bring God’s grace to bear in a hurting and lost world. We are proud of God’s work taking place through this community of faith called Williams. These works of God are possible through our faithfulness of prayer, presence, service, and witness. Please make a commitment to also be faithful in giving financially supporting these ministries. The enclosed “Estimate of Giving” card helps the Finance Committee to be good stewards of the resources the congregation intends to give through Williams. Please fill out your card and place it in the offering plate or turn into the Finance office sometime during the month of April. Thank you for your faithfulness to God.


Snap Peas

Lettuce Mix

What you get: Bonus! A radish has 1 calorie.

What you get: With one-third of your daily value of vitamin C and 3 grams of fiber in every cup.

What you get: Although nutrients differ with each variety of lettuce, leafy greens are a great start to any meal, supplying vitamins A, C, K and folate.

Why we love them: They are spicy, crunchy and are packed with flavor. And radishes are more versatile than you may think: add them to a salad or temper their heat by cooking them in a veggie stir-fry.

In your garden: Radishes are easy to grow in containers and gardens; spring radish varieties are often ready in just three weeks and are more mild in flavor - hotter summer soil produces spicier radishes.


Why we love them: These sweet peas with edible pods make a great snack on their own, and are just as good cooked into a satisfying side dish.

In your garden: Snap peas are hardy legumes that germinate in soil temperatures as low as 40°F, but don’t do so well in hot and dry weather. Plant your peas so that they can mature as early as your planting schedule allows and sow more seeds when cooler fall days return.

Why we love them: Lettuce is easy to grow, making it a great choice for container gardening. This mix of greens tastes great in a salad or on a sandwich.

In your garden: Lettuce thrives in cooler weather so plant it in the spring and fall, sowing every few weeks for a continuous harvest.


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Williams Memorial 2013 Budget 2013 Budget Connectional Benevolences $ 217,392 93,486 Program Ministries 396,158 Buildings and Operations 625,000 Local Salaries Total $1,332,036

Ministerial Ministries Pension for Pastors 35,757 Conference Claimants 3,556 Medical Benefits Program 17,113 Hospitalization Insurance Pastor 41,970 District Superintendent 9,709 Episcopal 4,978 Equitable Salaries 1,067 Total Ministerial Ministries 114,149 Conference Apportionments General & Jurisdictional Administration 2,073 World Service 17,177 Ministerial Education 5,897 Black College 2,352 Interdenominational Cooperation 461 Africa University 526 Jurisdictional Ministries 1,278

Connectional Benevolences

Local Salaries

Program Ministries

Center for Congregational Excellence New Church Transformation Center for Clergy Excellence Center for Missional Excellence Center for Connectional Resources Total Conference Apportionments

4,708 9,398 5,343 9,440 18,330 76,983

District Apportionments District Administration 16,524 District Missions 9,736 Total District Apportionments 26,260 Worship Ministry Worship Supplies 2,387 Flowers 1,488 Liturgical Dance 568 Instrument Maintenance 3,373 Music Supplies Choral 6,183 Music Supplies Handbells 1,411 Music Supplies - Brass 420 Music Supplies Children 1,476 Worship Supplies for Tribe of Dan 9 Volunteer Training 165 Music Special Events 2,653 Hanging of the Greens 132 Sound Equipment 16 Total Worship Ministry 20,282 Xperience Ministry Xperience Band 2,238 Xperience Licenses 1,169 Xperience Stage Decorations 1,302 Xperience AV Equipment 1,365 Xperience Sheet Music/MP3 409 Total Xperience Ministry 6,483 Communications Ministry Subscriptions 638 Software and Upgrade 120 Advertising 2,838 Hardware 6,524 Publications 16,360 Total Communications Ministry 26,480

Buildings and Operations

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Adult & Singles Ministry Adult Education Adult/Family Life Ministries Total Adult & Singles Ministry

6,774 310 7,084

Children’s Ministries Curriculum 2,697 Sunday School Materials 660 Nursery/Preschool Supplies 741 Special Events 233 Vacation Bible School 4,580 Alive @ 5 926 Confirmation 1,376 Total Children’s Ministries 11,212 Youth Ministries Curriculum 600 Church Camp 7,827 Randy Sam’s Outreach Center 509 Spring Break Trip 1,245 Graduating Senior Celebration 761 Sky Ranch Retreat 246 Youth Advertising 400 Youth Summer Programs 714 Youth General 2,230 Total Youth Ministries 14,532 Evangelism Pastor’s Discretionary 400 Membership & Staff Development 2,066 Advertisement 300 Total Evangelism 2,766


Other Church Ministries Stewardship & Finance 1,036 Nurturing & Equipping 60 Gathering Time Food 1,885 Outreach & Missions 1,166 Witness Training 500 Total Other Church Ministries 4,647 Church Operation Texarkana Chamber of Commerce 300 Office Postage 5,231 Program & Administration 26,624 Parsonage Maintenance 3,000 Church Maintenance 57,836 Technology Repairs & Maintenance 44 Church Utilities 75,567 Insurance 38,220 Custodian Supplies 7,758 Kitchen Supplies 2,318 Annual Conference Expenses Delegates 2,163 Debt Retirement 149,664 Van Maintenance 3,174 Grounds Maintenance 24,258 Total Church Operation 396,158 Payroll Related Expenditures 625,000 Total Budget for Ministry $1,332,036

4000 Moores Lane Texarkana TX 75503 903.832.8663 welcometowilliams.org

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