2012 August Insight

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Insight August 2012

Volume 5 Issue 6

A monthly publication highlighting the mission of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Welcome to Williams Welcome Welcome to Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. Our church campus is located at 4000 Moores Lane on the north side of Texarkana. Moores Lane is north of I-30 between Summerhill and Richmond roads.

Worshipping We invite you to worship with us. Our services are Christ-centered, Biblically grounded, and culturally relevant. The words, music, and means of grace are all designed to empower you to grow in your relationship with God and in ministry to the world. Sunday services are in the Sanctuary at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and the Xperience Service is in Wesley Hall at 10:30 a.m.

Learning Sunday school classes for all ages meet at 9:15 a.m. On Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. there are programs for your children and youth.

Believing We enter into the family of Christ through baptism. We recognize God’s action in baptisms in other faith communities; you do not have to be re-baptized to belong to Williams. If you have not been baptized, we will be honored to baptize you.

Growing Our goal is to be like Jesus Christ in this world. We are constantly growing in grace; we have not arrived. We grow through worship, prayer, and study of God’s Word. Through large meetings, small groups, and discipleship, we are changed from our old selves to our new selves.

Belonging We hope you will consider belonging to the Williams faith community. You can talk with us after church or come by during the week. We would be honored to assist you in belonging at Williams.

Find Out More...

Visit our visitors page at welcometowilliams.com/ visiting or scan the code to the right with a smartphone QR Code reader

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


August Insight

Shining Your Lights



Submitting an Article We are always looking for great stories about how God is moving in and through the lives of our people and ministries. If you have such a story we ask that you send it to us. Email your article of around 400600 words to williamsenews@ gmail.com.




If you have one or more high quality photos, please send them. Include your contact information so we can get in touch with you if we have questions or need more information. Articles must be submitted the first Friday of the previous month. So for the September Insight, the deadline is the first Friday in August. Submissions may be edited for space or used in other locations such as website or e-news. Inside this Issue: 2 Welcome to Williams



Music and Arts


Welcome Brooks Family


Children’s Ministry


Williams School





Back to School Concert


Adult Ministery


VBS Kickoff Party


Welcome New Staff


Fine Arts Camp


Student Ministry


Sufficient Grace


Staff List


VBS Registration


VBS Volunteer Card


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Music and Arts



Wed 6/6 at 7:00 pm

Our Chancel Choir will be on vacation for the month of July, but we will sing in June, and will start rehearsals again August 1.

The Texas Annual Conference ordination service will be held in Galveston, TX. Brian Brooks, our new associate pastor, and I will be ordained at 7:00 p.m. You are all invited to attend, but I know Galveston is a long way from here. I ask that you keep Brian and me in your prayers as we celebrate this milestone in our ministries. Brian will be ordained an Elder, and I will be ordained a Deacon in the United Methodist Church.

Sun 6/24 at 2:00 pm


Wed 8/1 at 7:00-8:30 pm

Vickie Al-Dubais will perform an organ concert of our favorites. She will also show us a little of how the organ works. We will move the organ to the center of the chancel, so you can see her feet and hands in action. It will be a fun summer afternoon, with an artist reception to follow.

Mon-Wed 6/25-27 at 9:00-11:30 am

We have scheduled Fine Arts Camp for children going into 2nd - 6th grade. Fine Arts camp is Monday-Wednesday, June 25, 26, 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will sing, do crafts and play instruments. It is a great summer activity for those who love the arts, or would like to explore new activities. Please register with Amy Kirk or Sherri Waters. The registration forms are in the welcome center. There will be other art events through the summer with more information to come.

Our Chancel Choir will start rehearsals again August 1. We have a great time in rehearsal, and we are grateful to share God’s love in worship. Choir begins rehearsal Wednesday night, August 1 at 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. If you have not been there before, come to the courtyard with the fountain, located between the Sanctuary and Wesley Hall. The entrance to the Chapel area includes the entrance to the choir room. All singers are welcome! We do not audition, but we do sing four part harmony. This is a great time to join the choir, as we begin the fall worship preparation. We will also start the Christmas Cantata, “Tapestry of Light, A Celtic Christmas Celebration” by Joseph Martin. We provide child care for rehearsals. Please join us and sing praise to God!

September Mon 9/10

Wesley Ringers practice begins Monday, September 10.

Wed 9/12

Ageless Handchimes begin rehearsals September 12.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


August Insight

Confirmation Welcome Retreats Brooks

Brian Brooks I am 34 years old. I was born and raised in Longview,

My name is

Texas. I grew up attending Wesley United Methodist Church which is now Wesley-McCabe United Methodist Church, in Longview. I was very active in the church during my childhood and youth, serving as a co-youth director, liturgist, choir member, sound technician, youth president, and general volunteer. I started dating Hannah in 1995 while we were both still in high school. She followed me two years later to Howard Payne University in Brownwood, Texas. It was at this small Baptist University (Why Baptist? They are the only ones that gave me a scholarship), that I further examined my call while attending and interning at the local United Methodist Church. I received a degree in Bachelor of Science in Exercise Sport Science with a minor in Computer Information Systems from Howard Payne in May of 2000. Hannah and I got married shortly after on June 10th. I began serving the Hardin/Morton United Methodist Churches in Missouri in July of 2000. We moved back to Texas with our new son Trace in November of 2002 and served the Soules Chapel/ Harmony United Methodist Churches in Gilmer, Texas. I enrolled in Brite Divinity School in the fall



of 2006 with much encouragement from my DS at the time, Jerry Neff. My wife and I moved to Fort Worth with our three kids Trace 10, Parker 8, Audrey 6 (present ages) so that I could fully concentrate on school. We attended a church in south Fort Worth, Genesis UMC, that averages about 425 on Sunday morning, and I had the opportunity to serve in various roles there. On October 1st 2009, I was appointed full time to White Oak UMC in White Oak, Texas. We traveled back and forth to Fort Worth until moving to White Oak in June of 2010. Shortly after arriving at White Oak, Trinity UMC in Longview was added to my charge. This spring I got the call to move to Williams Memorial UMC as an Associate Pastor. I have heard great things about Williams Memorial throughout the years and from everyone that I have told about my new appointment. My family and I look forward to living in Texarkana. I am excited to be working with all of you as we strive to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. I know that there are many great opportunities for ministry at Williams Memorial, and I look forward to being in ministry with you!


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Children’s Ministry Parents Meeting There will be a parent meeting for all Alive@Five parents on Sunday, August 19th at 5:00 p.m. in the chapel. This meeting is for all parents of children 4 years of age through 6th grade who will be attending our evening program. This is a very important meeting. Mark your calendar!! Daycare will be provided and please bring your calendar.

Alive@Five Menu Sept. 9th – Kick-off Party Sept. 16th – Pizza Sept. 23rd – Tacos Sept. 30th – Chicken

3rd Grade Bibles Bibles will be presented to 3rd graders at the 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. worship services on Sunday, September 9th. They will receive the NRSV Children’s Bible. Presentation of Bibles to 3rd graders is a tradition at Williams Memorial. For over 33 years the Gleaners class has donated the money for the Bibles in memory of Bob McGraw. The 3rd graders will use their Bibles on Sunday morning and Sunday night. 3rd grade students: AnnaBelle Bolton, Parker Brooks, Clark Edmonds, Clay Fant, Stephanie Jumper, Christian Leach, Cooper McClure, Dalton McDonald, Landry Trammell, Megan Warhurst, Carter Watson, Sydney Williams, Kason Wright. If you know a 3rd grade child who attends Williams but is not listed, please call the church office (903-832-8663) and ask for Sue Camp.

Blessing of the Backpacks Summer is flying by and it will soon be time to start heading back to school. Before school begins we would like to send your children back to school with a blessing. Bring your child’s backpack and lunch box on Sunday, August 26th to have them blessed in our 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. worship services. These backpacks and lunch boxes are our children’s constant companions as they go about their school days. Therefore, it is very important to have them blessed, along with reminding our children of God’s presence in our lives. This blessing is not limited to backpacks or lunch boxes. Bring anything your child uses that is important to him or her so these too can be blessed. You can also be a blessing to someone else’s child by purchasing a new backpack and bringing it to the church that day. The new backpacks will be distributed to kids who need them.

Promotion Sunday Coming Soon On August 26th, we will be promoting our children to their next grade of Sunday School. Please check the list below to see where your child’s new class will be. Please feel free to come by during the week and show your children where their new class will be. This way they will feel more comfortable when Promotion Sunday comes. We provide childcare for children through Kindergarten at all three worship services.

Crib – Room 202 1 year olds – Room 204 2 year olds – Room 208 3 year olds – Room 226 4 year olds – Room 224 K & 1st grade – Room 205 2nd & 3rd – Room 209 4th & 5th grade – Room 215 Students will need to be this age on or before September 1.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


August Insight

Williams School

Williams School

If you had an opportunity to visit the preschool halls during Independence Week, I’m sure you couldn’t help but notice all the red, white and blue crafts and decorations bringing our halls to life. Our children recently celebrated and explored the concept of freedom by participating in an Independence Parade and learning more about how our flag is a sacred symbol of the many freedoms American citizens enjoy every day. We discussed a variety of freedoms, including such things as the freedom to come to church and worship, the freedom to choose what we want to be when we grow up, and even the freedom to choose what books we read and toys we play with everyday. www.welcometowilliams.org

Not only did our students learn about the various types of freedoms that our American flag represents, but during our chapel time they also discovered that freedom is not actually free. We explained to our children that many Americans have been willing to bravely serve for our country to secure the many freedoms we have daily access to as American citizens. Most importantly, we discussed with our children that the greatest freedom that we celebrate as Christians every day of the year is the freedom we have through Jesus Christ. Although the penalty for sin is death, we explored the teachings of the Bible that reveal how Jesus loved each of us so much that he sacrificed himself and

suffered death on the cross to pay the price for our sins. We talked about how the cross serves as a symbol to remind us daily of this freedom. Due to this tremendous sacrifice, as Christians we have the freedom of eternal life in Heaven instead of everlasting death. As our children at Williams grow and mature, it is our hope they will rejoice in the freedoms of both country and eternal life, appreciate the tremendous sacrifices that have been made to pay for such freedoms, and carry a passionate love for both country and Jesus Christ deep in their hearts. Happy Fourth of July to all from the Williams School!!!


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


August Insight

Back to School Concert Shane & Shane is a Texas based, Christian band known

for acoustic praise and worship music. The band consists of Shane Barnard and Shane Everett. They will be performing at Williams

Friday August 24th 24th for a back to school concert. Doors open at 6:30 The doors open at 6:30 and the concert will start at 7:00 pm. Concert 7:00 p.m. RSVP on Memorial Friday August

WMUMC Facebook or WMUMC Youth Facebook page

Tickets Tickets $10 in advance $10 in advance $12 at the door $8 groups 10 or more $12 at the door $8 with college ID $ 8 groups of 10 or more $ 8 with college student ID




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Adult Ministries eXtra Years of Zest

Every second Thursday at 9:30 a.m., “XYZ” shares joy, fellowship fun, and a catered meal in the Parlor. Come out and join a group of funloving seniors in a morning of games and enjoy a meal catered by a local restaurant with friends.


Fine dining and great friends! Widows and Widowers, Let’s Eat Out goes out to enjoy dinner at local restaurants every second and fourth Tuesday. These widows and widowers (and married couples as well) love having food and fellowship together. If you would like to find out where they’re headed out to eat this month, call Larry Walker at 903-832-5129 and get your name added to the mailing list.

Good Treasures Bridge Club

We meet every Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. in the Good Treasures Bookstore. We have some players with years of experience and some who are brand new to the game. We would love to have you join us. So if you would like to play with a fun, relaxed group of people, contact John Mercy at 903-832-3852.

United Methodist Women’s Groups

Sowers and Doers-

A mission based subgroup of the UMW that meets at 10:00 a.m. on the third Tuesday of every month.

Betty Kelly Friendship Circle-

Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in room 108.

Spiritual Life Group-

Williams Memorial has a very active United Methodist Women’s group. Come and join us for our monthly general meeting and luncheon at 10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday of every month and meet some of these wonderful women. You can also get involved in one of the smaller UMW groups that meet at other times during the month. Here are some examples!

Meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Cornerstone.

Volunteer Luncheon 40% off coupon

Good for ONE regular price item. Excluding consignment merchandise. Expires: Aug. 31, 2012

We appreciate all that our volunteers do and to express our appreciation we are having a luncheon for all volunteers and their families. Please join us for lunch in the Youth Center Sunday, August 19 after church.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

August Insight

V acation B ible S Chool

Kick-Off Party Sunday July 22 - 10:30 a.m. COmbined Service in Wesley Hall Food and Fellowship Following www.welcometowilliams.org



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Welcome New Staff

Laila Al-Dubais

Jennifer Day

Jennifer Day - Communications I have grown up at Williams, so it is great to be not only a part of this wonderful church family, but now to be a part of the staff. I graduated from Arkansas State in December with a graphic design degree and I must say that this job opened up at the perfect time. That’s when you know God is listening and does answer prayers. I am working in communications and will be in charge of the Insight magazine, the WMUMC website, facebook and twitter updates, and the weekly sermon podcast on iTunes. Follow WMUMC for news, upcoming events, and great things that are happening in our church. Twitter - @wmumc Facebook - WMUMC, WMUMC Youth, Williams School Website - www.welcometowilliams.net Insight (website) - http://tiny.cc/s85ngw iTunes Podcast - Welcome to Williams

Laila Al-Dubais - College and Young Adults I graduated from Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana in May of 2011 with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology and Dance. I am currently attending Texas A&M- Texarkana working on my Master’s of Science in Counseling Psychology. A main goal of mine is to create a place where young adults can go to worship and have fun. I believe that being at Texas A&M- Texarkana will help students from the college feel comfortable attending our church. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this ministry and will do my best. I am thrilled to step in as the new Director of College Ministries and honored to have been chosen to lead our college group in the church that I have called home for the past 23 years. The connections I have made throughout my years at Williams have shaped me to become the person I am today.

Russell Martin

Russell Martin - Director of Student Ministries You may be looking a the photo and be thinking, “Wait... I know that guy!” Yes, yes you do. For the past 6 years I have been serving as the Xperience Service director and Director of Communications here at Williams. As of June 5th I accepted a new position as the Director of Student Ministries. I have been involved in youth ministry for over 18 years and have worked with camps, retreats, churches and youth ministries. Here at Williams, I have led the youth band, traveled on trips, and helped with the youth group small groups. I am looking forward to working with our students as the Director of Student Ministries, and am excited about the possibilities and plans that are in our future.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


August Insight

Fine Arts Camp Photos

Fine Arts Camp was a great success. “Music Around the World” was our theme. Thirty children participated and ten adults helped Amy Kirk and Sherri Waters celebrate all the ways we celebrate God through music and all the arts. We learned Psalm 100, played Orff-Kodaly instruments, danced, learned about the Williams Food Pantry, learned manners as hosts of our church so new folks can be comfortable when they are here. Vickie Al-Dubais played organ and explained how the organ works. Eleanor Boyd played accordion and shared music from many countries. We also made prayer boxes with reminders inside to help us remember things we would like to pray for. We have buttons to remember specific people, butterflies for nature, or to represent our transformation into relationship with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are many more items in the boxes. Ask your child to explain what is in their box, and assist them if they want to add other things to represent prayers they are praying. Please help your child with remembering Psalm 100. They can show you the motions that help them remember. The scripture stored in our minds and hearts can help us through good times and bad. We learned songs from Nigeria, South Africa, and Korea, as well as one of the songs that will be part of Vacation Bible School, so these children can be leaders on July 22 as we do the Kickoff to VBS. I will be Mrs. Noah for that morning’s worship service, and Pastor Brian will be the story teller. I can barely wait to see what Sue Camp does this year with Operation Overboard. We will have a great time! See you there!


Sherri Waters & Amy Kirk


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Student Ministry So Far This Summer The youth have been busy this summer. We started off by hosting the District Youth Rally and SYNC youth mission trip. During the mission trip, we built a wheelchair ramp and painted 4 other ramps. We also built modules to be used for future ramps. During June we also went to district camp at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center. While there, our youth had a blast meeting new friends, learning in Bible study small groups, sliding down the water slide, hanging out at the ropes course and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. We enjoyed our weekly activities during June. These include Sunday morning Sunday School, our Monday Lunch Bunch where we meet at a local restaurant, and Thirsty Thursdays at Sonic. The next page has just a few of the photos from our adventures so far this summer. For more photos check out our new youth website, www.williamsstudentminsitry.org VBS Helpers Needed VBS is right around the corner, and we need your help. If you are interested in helping with VBS, contact Ms. Sue Camp suecamp32@gmail.com and let her know when you are available. It will be an awesome week. VBS Lunch Bunch all Week Long Every day after lunch the youth will go eat together at a local restaurant. Monday - McAllister’s, Tuesday - Jimmy John’s, Wednesday - Amigo Juan’s. We will meet in the Welcome Center and leave by 12:30 VBS Helpers Swim Party Thursday after VBS we will go swimming from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Location TBA Sr. High Day At the Lake Ready to show off your skills on the water? Saturday, July 28th, all Senior High (going into 9th-12th next year) will load up and head to Lake DeGray for a day of water skiing, wake boarding, tubing and hanging out on the lake.

Bring your swimsuit, towel, clothes and $15 to help cover the cost of lunch and snacks. You may bring a friend but everyone MUST have a liability release form. To sign up, bring a “Sr. High Day at the Lake” form and $15 to the youth office before Wednesday July 25th. All forms are available on our website. www.williams studentministry.org or www.welcometowilliams.org.youth

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

August Insight




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Sufficient Grace July-August Sermons and Scriptures 7.29.11

“Community Cafe” 2 Samuel 11:1-15 Psalm 14 Ephesians 3:14-21 John 6:24-35 8.5.12

“Bread of Life” 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13 Psalm 51:1-12 Ephesians 4:1-16 John 6:24-35 8.12.12

“Imitators of God” 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 Psalm 130 Ephesians 4:25-5:2 John 6:35, 41,-51 8.19.12

“Bread That Gives Life” 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14 Psalm 111 Ephesians 5:15-20 John 6:51-58

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. - (2 Corinthians 12:9 NRSV) Do you ever feel weak? I do. It is not a good feeling. Strength, ability and power feel much better. Paul writes to the church in Corinth telling them “power is made perfect in weakness.” The church felt weak most of the time. They were a small community in the midst of ancient and powerful societies. They probably felt life was stacked against them, and facing lions did not feel safe at all. Paul identified with them in that feeling. Life did not seem just or forgiving. Paul’s weaknesses were obvious. His prayers were not always answered “yes” by God. Sometimes he felt disappointed but not destroyed. He may have been knocked down, but he was not knocked out. It is supposed to be that way. It is not our power or our strength. It is God’s grace and God’s power. When we put our weakness and inability together with God’s overwhelming grace, our weakness is completed or made perfect. God’s grace is sufficient for every hurt and failure in your life. Let God’s love be made perfect in your heart and life. See you in worship this Sunday in the community of faith.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

August Insight

Williams Staff Listing Pastoral Staff Danny Wayman - Senior Pastor danwayman@gmail.com - 903.701-2946 (Cell) Brian Brooks - Associate Pastor bb6589@hotmail.com - 903-399-4750(Cell) Sherri Waters - Music and Fine Arts sherriwaters7@gmail.com - 903-278-0499 (Cell) Dale Vickers - Associate Pastor Velad303@aol.com - 903-244-6213 Ron Drye - Evangelism rondrye@msn.com - 903-701-1310 (Cell) Fred Smith - Associate Pastor 903-908-0891 (cell) Ministry Staff Laila Al-Dubais - College and Young Adults Ministry laila41589@gmail.com - 903-276-7206 (cell) Vickie Al-Dubais - Church Organist vickiea@txkisd.net - 903-276-7207 (cell) Sue Camp - Children and Adult Ministries suecamp32@gmail.com - 903-277-6504 (cell) Jennifer Day - Communications jenday212@gmail.com - 903-277-3925 (cell) Jolena Hays - Business Administrator jolenahays@gmail.com - 903-293-8726 (cell) Lorie Son - Williams School lorieson@gmail.com - 903-824-7553 (cell) Jacci Johnson - Director of Housekeeping 903-832-8663 Amy Kirk - Children’s Music and Evangelism amykirkmusic@gmail.com - 903-276-8576 (cell) Chris Loveall - Xperience Worship 903-832-8663 Russell Martin- Director of Student Ministries rgmmusic@gmail.com - 903-701-7181 (cell) Brenda Reed - Nursery Coordinator and Bookstore Manager brendareed@valornet.com - 903-748-0386 Karen Marrufo - Housekeeping 903-832-8663 Jimmy Sparks - Xperience Worship 903-832-8663 Mindy Zwirn - Admin. Assistant mindymoon@gmail.com - 310-871-8678 (cell)




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Williams Memorial UMC

Going Overboard VBS Registration Form July 22th - 26th 9 a.m. –12 p.m. Please Print Legibly: Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________ Email Address: ______________________ Work Phone: _______________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________ Date of Birth: _________________ Age: ___________ Grade as of Sep. 2011: __________ Home Church: WMUMC ______ Other: ___________________________________________ Allergies/Medical Information or Other Concerns: _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts: Name: ____________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Name: ____________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Dismissal Information: : All Children will be picked up in Wesley Hall. (Unless they are in Williams School) Persons who may pick up child from VBS each day: __________________________________

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ _ ____________________________________________________________________________________


August Insight

Vacation Bible School Volunteers Vacation Bible School is just around the corner and will be here before you know it. Now is your opportunity to let us know where you will be helping this year We need teachers, helpers, cooks, decorators, registrars, sound operators, musicians, computer operators, photographers and more to help make this the best Vacation Bible School Ever! The theme this year is “Operation Overboard.”

vibrant coral reef, and take a personal submarine to the ocean floor, where eels and octopi play. Through interactive lessons that are easy for kids to apply to their lives today, they will “go deep” into God’s Word, exploring Bible stories of people who revealed deep faith by knowing how to: Depend on God, Dare to care, Claim Jesus, Choose to follow, Change the world” -Cokesbury Website

“Our kids will dive in and discover God’s underwater universe! Explore the depths of God’s Word at VBS 2012 with Cokesbury’s Operation Overboard – Dare To Go Deep With God!

To sign up to help, please take a moment to fill out the card below, tear it out, and place it in the offering plate on Sunday Morning, or bring it by the church office during the week.

In this action-packed adventure, they will swim with humpback whales and seahorses, scuba through a

If you have any questions you can contact Sue Camp at suecamp32@ gmail.com or call the church at 903.832.8663

2012 VBS Volunteer Card

Sunday, July 22nd - Thursday July 26th 9 a.m. till Noon Name_________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________

I wish to help with VBS in the following ways: Before VBS Begins: ____ Prepare props and Decorations____ Make Pre-craft Items ____ Help with Pre-Registration During Vacation Bible School: ___ Group Leader ___ Helper www.welcometowilliams.org

4000 Moores Lane Texarkana TX 75503 903.832.8663 welcometowilliams.org

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