2012 September Insight

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Insight September 2012

Volume 5 Issue 7

A monthly publication highlighting the mission of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Welcome to Williams Welcome Welcome to Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. Our church campus is located at 4000 Moores Lane on the north side of Texarkana. Moores Lane is north of I-30 between Summerhill and Richmond roads.

Worshipping We invite you to worship with us. Our services are Christ-centered, Biblically grounded, and culturally relevant. The words, music, and means of grace are all designed to empower you to grow in your relationship with God and in ministry to the world. Sunday services are in the Sanctuary at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and the Xperience Service is in Wesley Hall at 10:30 a.m.

Learning Sunday school classes for all ages meet at 9:15 a.m. On Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. there are programs for your children and youth.

Believing We enter into the family of Christ through baptism. We recognize God’s action in baptisms in other faith communities; you do not have to be re-baptized to belong to Williams. If you have not been baptized, we will be honored to baptize you.

Growing Our goal is to be like Jesus Christ in this world. We are constantly growing in grace; we have not arrived. We grow through worship, prayer, and study of God’s Word. Through large meetings, small groups, and discipleship, we are changed from our old selves to our new selves.

Belonging We hope you will consider belonging to the Williams faith community. You can talk with us after church or come by during the week. We would be honored to assist you in belonging at Williams.

Find Out More...

Visit our visitors page at welcometowilliams.com/visiting or scan the code to the right with a smartphone QR Code reader

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

Submitting an Article We are always looking for great stories about how God is moving in and through the lives of our people and ministries. If you have such a story we ask that you send it to us!



Email your article of around 400-600 words to williamsenews@gmail.com. If you have one or more high quality photos, please send them. Include your contact information so we can get in touch with you if we have questions or need more information.



Articles must be submitted the first Friday of the previous month. So for the October Insight, the deadline is the first Friday in September. Submissions may be edited for space or used in other locations such as website or e-news. Inside this Issue: 2 Welcome to Williams





The Problem of Evil by Brian Brooks


Blue Sapphire Jubilee 65th Anniversary


Sunday School Classes


Adult Ministry

8 9

3rd Grade Bibles


Who is Williams



14 15



Student Ministry

13 VBS


Williams School Summer Scrapbook


College Ministry Community Cafe Music and Fine Arts The Race by Danny Wayman


Staff List


Mercantile Store


Upcoming Events


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

The Problem of Evil by Brian Brooks In light of present situations happening all around us, I thought that this would be a good time to talk about evil. What it is and why we have it?

and God is God. We just need to trust God and have patience. Yet, as citizens of the kingdom of God we must work against the forces and consequences of evil.

Evil is the malignant growth in our human nature. As human beings, we each carry the capacity for unspeakable evil. Yet, God is still with us. In fact, “God is no absentee landlord, but remains with us faithful, upholding, blessing, and guiding the creation to its appointed goal.” Let me be clear that evil is neither illusion nor mere appearance nor a gradually disappearing force in the world. We cannot try to minimize the power of evil, because evil is at work. Just in the 21st century we have destructive wars, horrible situations like Aurora, Darfur, and the reemergence of nuclear weapons.

Original sin, “the condition or state of captivity in which the whole of humanity finds itself after the Fall,” is still at work in the world as well. There is a constant struggle that we all must face as Christians. Can we truly lead the Christian life, or will we fail to achieve final victory like Adam & Eve failed to achieve? Yet, we cannot let original sin shape our lives in such a way that we are always sinning and constantly turning our backs on God. Original sin is different from divine punishment.

Furthermore, there is natural evil at work in the world. These are the things that happen simply because they happen, such as fires, earthquakes, heavy damaging rains/mudslides, floods, disease. Some things just cannot be viewed simply and should not be classified as evil. We cannot view vulnerability, finitude, and morality as evil when they are a result of our human nature. “To wish the world were immune from every form of struggle and every form of suffering would be to wish not to have been created at all.” One thing that we can be sure of is that God is in control, evil is under God’s control. Granted we may not know why there is so much evil in this world, but that is why we are humans

Divine punishment some believe is at work in the world as well. You particularly heard some of this after hurricane Katrina. Where some evangelists stood up and said that New Orleans was being punished for its debauchery and past discretions. I do not believe that this is the case. In fact, I think that this view makes one interpret God as a vengeful God and that is a road that I would rather not take. “The love of God the sanctifier is at work everywhere, preparing for the coming reign of God, planting seeds of hope, renewing and transforming all things.” Evil is both inside of us and outside of us. Our deepest hope for conquering evil is with God and not merely with ourselves.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

The Blue Sapphire Jubilee The Queen of England is celebrating the 60th anniversary of accession to the throne of England. The Williams faith community celebrated our Diamond Jubilee five years ago. You will remember the tent and Bishop Wilke worshipping with us for a wonderful day of remembrance and stretching forward to the future.

Birkman Method (http://www.birkman.com). Please call Mindy Zwirn at the Church office to make a reservation for the workshop and receive further information on preparing for the workshop. No reservation is needed for the Sunday morning worship service or meal afterwards. Invite your family and friends to attend.

That was five years ago! So now we are celebrating our Blue Sapphire Jubilee, 65th anniversary. I never knew that was what it was called, but google it and you may find the same answer.

The Jubilee will be a great celebration of our community of faith and the blessings we have from God as we remember our past and vision for the future.

The plan: On September 30, 2012 we will have one worship service – not the 8:15 or the two services at 10:30, but one service at 10:30 a.m. under the Pavilion (Tent) next to the playground behind our buildings. The Reverend Dr. Stan Copeland (http://www.facebook. com/stan.copeland.18), the senior pastor at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church in Dallas will be preaching. Stan is originally from Chandler in east Texas and has started a non-profit group called “Colinas Ministry, LLC”. The purpose of this group is to mentor and encourage development of leaders and congregations in following Jesus Christ, even in the face of obstacles or hills that get in our way. On Saturday, September 29, 2012, Dr. Copeland will lead a workshop with our congregation’s members and staff to develop a greater vision for the Williams community of faith. The workshop will be in Wesley Hall. Participating in the workshop requires advance planning as we will be using the



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Sunday School Classes Fall is the perfect time to start thinking about your own Christian education. If you are not already part of a Sunday School class, we want you to come and visit. In addition to a full complement of Sunday school classes for our children, we also have adult Sunday School classes for all interests and ages. No matter what age you are, from infants on up, at 9:30 on Sunday morning, there is a place for you.

Adult Sunday School

Christian Adults Class is a learning and caring fellowship for senior couples and singles. (Room 104) Fellowship Class is a learning fellowship for people in their fifties and up with good discussions of Biblical and social topics. (Room 103-105) Friendship Class is a discussion class for married and single adults of different ages. (Room 109)

Gleaners Class is a dynamic fellowship for “empty

nesters,” many of whom are enjoying becoming grandparents.(Room 131)

Joined in Christ Class is designed for young couples who want to relate their Bible study to building relationships to God and their families. (Room 133) Joy Class is a friendship group for women of all ages that offers Bible study, discussion and encouragement (Room 115) New Beginnings Class is for couples and singles in

New Horizons Class is a newer Sunday school

class for newcomers to the church, newly married couples, or anyone searching for a small group. (Room 130)

TNT Class is a fellowship experience for couples

in their thirties and forties with special interest in family issues and growth of spiritual life. (Room 107)

The Upper Room Class is a “caring and growing” group for senior ladies. (Room 106)

Williams College and Young Adults brings college students who are local or just home for the weekend together with other young adults who are just starting out on their path. (Room 132) Pastor’s Class, Pastor Danny Wayman periodically offers a class during the Sunday School hour that covers basic questions about Christianity and Methodists for newcomers. Keep an eye on the Insight and the bulletin to find out when the next session of this class will begin.

their Forties and Fifties. This class format is lecture with class participation and wide range of discussion topics. (Room 111)

Children’s Sunday School We offer classes for children of all ages. We have nursery for infants and toddlers, fun classes about loving God and exploring Christian faith for children from 1-4 and classes by elementary grade level for kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Our 6th-12th graders meet as youth groups and our college-age kids meet together in room 132.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

Adult Ministry eXtra Years of Zest

Every second Thursday at 9:30 a.m., “XYZ” shares joy, fellowship fun, and a catered meal in the Parlor. Come out and join a group of funloving seniors in a morning of games and enjoy a meal catered by a local restaurant with friends.

Williams Book Club

For its September meeting, the Williams Book Club will read “The Language of Flowers” Vanessa Diffenbaugh’s mesmerizing, moving, and elegantly written debut novel, which beautifully weaves past and present, creating a vivid portrait of an unforgettable young woman whose gift for flowers helps her change the lives of others even as she struggles to overcome her own troubled past. The Book club will meet on Monday, September 10th at 12:00 p.m. in room 103 to discuss this deftly powerful story. In October, we will be reading “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers, a story of redemption in California’s Gold Rush. If you’re looking for a great group of readers to share your thoughts with, join us on the second Monday of every month. Keep an eye on the Insight to find out what book we’re reading next.


Fine dining and great friends! Widows and Widowers, Let’s Eat Out goes out to enjoy dinner at local restaurants every second and fourth Tuesday. These widows and widowers (and married couples as well) love having food and fellowship together. If you would like to find out where they’re headed out to eat this month, call Larry Walker at 903832-5129 and get your name added to the mailing list.


Good Treasures Bridge Club

We meet every Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. in the Good Treasures Bookstore. We have some players with years of experience and some who are brand new to the game. We would love to have you join us. So if you would like to play with a fun, relaxed group of people, contact John Mercy at (903)832-3852.

Girls’ Night Out

Girls’ Night Out is Getting Back Together! They are a UMW group for women who are young at heart looking for Christian fellowship and fun. We meet every second Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in room 108. So join us on September 12th. Bring your favorite hors d’oeuvres. We can’t wait to catch up after a long and busy summer!

UM Women’s Groups

Williams Memorial has a very active United Methodist Women’s group. Come and join us for our monthly general meeting and luncheon, at 10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday of every month, and meet some of these wonderful women. You can also get involved in one of the smaller UMW groups that meets at other times during the month. Here are some examples!

Sowers and Doers

A mission-based subgroup of the UMW that meets at 10:00 a.m. on the third Tuesday of every month.

Betty Kelly Friendship Circle

They meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in room 108.

Spiritual Life Group

They meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Williams School Summer Vacation Scrapbook Summer is not only a time for family vacations but also Vacation Week at The Williams School. The children’s itinerary for this summer vacation included stops at several tourist locations around the world. Students started their vacation in Egypt and traveled through interesting places including Japan, Italy, Mexico, and ended their travels in Hawaii. At each destination they investigated the language spoken in that country, saw pictures of interesting sites, and even tasted food from the culture. The staff used engaging websites, including the National Geographic site, to bring these visits to life. The main attraction was the beach party held in the playspace. We are having a wonderful time at The Williams School this summer making summer memories and are looking forward to seeing all our students in the fall. Please take note of important dates listed below. Lorie Son Williams School Director

Upcoming Eve n ts August

Sun. 26th - Meet the Teacher Mon. 27th - First Day of School


Mon. 3rd - Labor Day Holiday

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

3rd Grade Bibles

Bibles Presented to 3rd Graders At all three worship services on Sunday, September 9, all third-grade children will receive the NRSV Children’s Bible. Presentation of Bibles to third-graders is a tradition at Williams Memorial. For over 32 years, the Gleaners class has donated the money for the Bibles in memory of all of the deceased members of the Gleaners class. The third graders will use their Bibles on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. Here are the third graders that are in our church database right now:

Parker Brooks - Clark Edmonds - Clay Fant - Stephanie Jumper Christian Leach - Cooper McClure - Dalton McDonald - Landry Trammell Megan Warhurst - Carter Watson - Sydney Williams - Kason Wright If your 3rd grader is not listed, please contact Mindy Zwirn or Sue Camp at the church office at (903) 832-8663.

Alive@Five Alive @ Five is a fellowship that provides a safe, fun environment for your children, ages 4 through 6th grade, to build relationships and grow in their knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ. We meet at 5:00 every Sunday to share a meal, music and Bible activities. We will be kicking off our Alive@Five program for the 2012-2013 school year on Sunday, September 9th at 5:00 p.m. at Texarkana Fun Park! Come and have food and fun



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Who is Williams...

The Olympic Experience by Jennifer Day I have been pole vaulting year round since I was 13 years old and I am now 23. I really became active in pole vaulting in the 7th grade when Ben Idom, former Williams Memorial preacher Matt Idom’s son, started teaching me the basics. Pole vaulting not only taught me the meaning of hard work and determination but it also helped me get a division 1 college scholarship to Arkansas State where I trained with the former world record holder and Olympic athlete, Earl Bell. I was also so lucky to jump with several of the pole vault greats and many Olympic athletes. Even though I knew that I would fall short of my Olympic dream, I still wanted to experience the most amazing sporting event in the world.

London 2012 finally came and I was going to be a part of it, but not just me alone, my brother Matt and I were getting to go to the Olympics. The trip took over a year to plan since everything had to be done so far in advance. Olympic tickets were hard to come by for the US because everyone wanted to go watch what could be the best Olympic team to date. I applied for the first round of ticket selections but wasn’t chosen

men’s pole vault qualifiers which also included several other track events.

London 2012

Beijing 2008 was such a big Olympic year for the USA. Michael Phelps, Nastia Liukin, Brian Clay and so many others lit a spark deep inside many Americans including myself. Not long after Beijing was when I started planning the trip of a lifetime. I was going to London.

for any tickets at all. Second round pick was a first come first serve type of selection which just happened to fall on the same day as my very last college track meet. Everyone was trying to get tickets so my mom waited through the bogged down server and got us some amazing tickets. We were getting to go to the gold, silver, and bronze medal matches of men’s fencing, the semifinals of men’s table tennis, and the

The fact that we were actually getting to go hadn’t set in until the day our tickets came in the mail which was just two weeks before we left. August 3, Matt and I set out on what was our Olympic journey. Well, my Olympic journey because I just know Matt will make the Olympic team someday and have his very own journey, and you can bet I will be there watching him pole vault for the gold.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

When we arrived it was such an amazing time to be in London. Everyone was so excited and happy for those who did well, there were athletes with medals walking in the streets, and embassies throwing parties for anyone to join in. It was definitely a time of celebration and we were fortunate to see it first hand when Italy defeated Japan for the gold in fencing. The ExCel was silent

who would advance to the medal match. But that still wasn’t it for our Olympic experience, because we had one more event and we were saving the best for last. Walking into Olympic Park was so amazing with the massive number of people surrounded by five of the Olympic venues. Olympic Stadium was the most sought after because

Olympics until the last point and everyone cheered. It was great to experience that and I can’t begin to imagine the overwhelming feeling the Italian team felt. We went back to the ExCel the next day for the semi-finals of men’s table tennis between Germany and China. I had no idea table tennis could be so intense. The teams battled till China became the victor


only those with rare track and field tickets were able to see the famous torch. We found our seats inside Olympic Stadium that seated over 80,000 people and we couldn’t have asked for better seats. 20 rows back, just under the awning (which was good since London is know for it's random rain showers), and right next to the pole vault pits. Just close enough for the guys I know from Jonesboro, the USA vaulters and

the South Korean vaulter, to hear us cheering. We have been going to track meets almost our entire lives but this was definitely a different type of excitement. And even though our USA vaulters didn’t do as well as they expected, they still had their Olympic experience and Matt and I were able to share it with them. The Olympics is all about bring people together and now seeing it up close it truly does just that. The torch is a symbol of Olympic history and memories and I made my own memories that will last a lifetime. The Olympics is such a special world wide event which isn’t just about competing for a gold medal, it's about bringing hope to nations and then those nations together. It’s a wonderful experience and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity of been a part of the London 2012 Olympic experience.


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

How to Stay Connected


Williams Youth In today’s world there is no shortage of information flying around everywhere. Every day we are bombarded by thousands of messages, in hundreds of formats, coming from all directions. So how can we make sense of what is important, and filter out that which is not needed? How do we know what to let go of, and what to hold on to? With the Williams Student Ministry, our goal is to get the information you need to you in the simplest, most effective way possible for you. We are constantly looking at how to get the right messages and correct information out, into the hands of our youth, parents and volunteers. Youth Website

Parents Facebook

The youth have their own website,


Here we list the most recent youth update, photos, videos, forms, links and general information. If you are looking for anything related to our youth, this is the place.

Text Messages Text messages are a great way to stay informed. We send out reminders about upcoming events and when there is new information posted on the website. There is also a separate text list which will send a daily scripture to your phone. To recieve the texts, look for a link on the Youth Website!

The parents facebook page is specifically for our parents and volunteers. It is a closed group and allows for quick information and opportunities to be posted directly to our parents. Interested in joining the Williams Youth Parents facebook page? Send a message to Russell Martin and he will send you an invite.

Facebook Page Like us on Facebook at

facebook.com/williamsyouth. This page has links back to the website, photos, videos, and question. It is a great place to write on the wall and share your own thoughts, photos and comments

Email Updates You can sign up to recieve weekly youth updates sent straight to your email inbox. These updates are like those posted on our youth website, but are sent to you, wherever you are.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

September Insight

Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School was a great success! 228 amazing children came to Williams Memorial this year to learn about diving deep into their relationship with God. The kids brought in 1,460 food items for the food pantry. They also raised over $800 for Stuff the Bus, which gives school supplies to local children in need. Stephanie Reed and Martha Dunbar would like to express their gratitude for all of the help they received from church members, staff, family volunteers and youth volunteers to make this event such a great success.




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Ministry Opportunity

Community CafĂŠ is going strong and we are having approximately 200 people that come to eat every week. I feel like this signifies to all that this is a mission opportunity that we must continue to support. Support this ministry not only with your prayer, gifts, and witness, but also with your presence and service. I hope you reflect on your membership vows as you are reading this article and really wrestle with the presence and service part. After all, your presence and service are so essential.

As of the writing of this article, we have 7 cooking teams. Our goal would be to have at least 12 or more teams. In short, we need more help. We need you, your group, your family, your extended family to get involved and make a difference. If your Sunday school class, small group, or family would like to form a team, let me know so we can get you on the schedule. And, if you haven’t had the pleasure of joining our guests for fellowship and a meal at our Community Cafe, then plan on gathering in Wesley Hall on Monday nights from 5:30-6:30pm. See you soon, and come out and make a difference!

College Ministry

Hey college students! I am compiling a list of addresses so that Williams can send you some awesome surprises throughout the year. If you could email or Facebook message me your college address, you can be sure to receive your surprises. laila41589@gmail.com Facebook.com/laila41589

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

Music and Fine Arts

September starts our bell choirs. Wesley Ringers is for adults and meets at 8:30 on Monday mornings. See Sherri Waters if you are interested in playing bells. 903-278-0499

Ageless Handchimes is for any age player, but is focused on children going into 3rd grade through children going into 6th grade. In our lives, many times children only work and play with people their own age. When we have parents, grandparents and adult friends who work and play alongside young bell ringers, we all learn to work together with respect, and play freely within correct boundaries. It is a positive interaction between generations that benefits us all. Ageless Handchimes meets at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesdays in the bell room. September 30 we will celebrate the 65 birthday of our church. There will be great festivities and services to recall the days we worshipped in a tent. Make plans to participate in this great day!

Liturgical Dance will be meeting on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. Contact

Laila Al Dubais for more information.

The Williams Travelers are hitting the road again. . . Or rather, hitting the seas! The Williams Travelers will be headed out on October 13 for a 9 day, 8 night cruise with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. The Jewel of the Seas cruise ship will take the Williams Travelers around the ports of New England and Canada, including stops in Boston, Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The Williams Travelers will be meeting to discuss this trip on Monday, September 17 at 5:00 p.m. in the Williams Parlor. All Travelers who are joining in on this adventure will need to be at this meeting. Please contact Sue Camp at (903) 832-8663 if you won’t be able to make it. The Williams Travelers organize trips every year to fun and interesting places. We’ve gone from just visiting around the corner in Fredericksburg, Texas, to cruising in Alaska. Watch for news in the insight and the weekly bulletin to find out where these adventurers are headed next and how you can join in the journey.



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

September Sermons and Scriptures 9-2-12

“Appearing Religious” Song 2:8-13 Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9 James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 9-9-12

“The Lord is Maker of All” Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 Psalm 125 James 2:1-17 Mark 7:24-37 9-16-12

“Security in Insecure Times” Proverbs 1:20-33 Psalm 19 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 9-23-12

“Who is Wise and Understanding?” Proverbs 31:10-31 Psalm 1 James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37 9-30-12

“Stan Copeland Preaching”

The Race by Danny Wayman Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:12, NRSV)

“God calls and empowers us to accomplish God’s purpose for our lives.“ The Olympics capture our attention and imaginations. Even though we do not have the skill to compete at Olympic level we cheer for our team and feel the emotions of victory and defeat. The Book of Hebrews calls us to Olympic commitment to run the race set before us. God calls and empowers us to accomplish God’s purpose for our lives. How can we do this? Is it too difficult for us? Gymnasts doing amazing flips and landings,

I wonder how do they learn to do these impossible feats? Learning one small step at a time! So with that in mind we accomplish our race for God: 1. Be aware of the great cloud of witnesses. Your ancestors and friends who continue to be with us spiritually. Don’t you want to make your grandmother proud of you? 2. Lay aside every weight and sin. Trim down. Not just the physical weight, but the spiritual weights of grudges, prejudices, and selfishness. Yes, they do cling close and it will take an ongoing laying aside these things. 3. Run with perseverance. Do not give up when you fall or fail. Part of our race is getting back up and continuing. We do get knocked down, our breath is taken away, but the race is still before us. 4. Most important: Look to Jesus. Jesus is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Jesus is where trust in God originates and is completed. You are in the race, how are you running? Join with others in the journey of faith, hope, and love. Remember the greatest of these is love. See you in the worshipping community of faith.

Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 Psalm 124 James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

Pastoral Staff Danny Wayman - Senior Pastor danwayman@gmail.com - 903.701-2946 (Cell) Brian Brooks - Associate Pastor bb6589@hotmail.com - 903-399-4750(Cell) Sherri Waters - Music and Fine Arts sherriwaters7@gmail.com - 903-278-0499 (Cell) Dale Vickers - Associate Pastor Velad303@aol.com - 903-244-6213 Ron Drye - Evangelism rondrye@msn.com - 903-701-1310 (Cell)

Pastors’ Class Fall 2012

Do you have questions about Methodist beliefs and practices? Do you want to learn more about Williams? This class is designed to help you with these questions and get you better connected to your community of faith. Questions are welcome. If you will not be able to attend all the sessions, attend the ones you can. The Pastors’ Class will meet six times during the Sunday School hour (9:15-10:15 a.m.) on the following dates: September 9 – How do I know I am a Christian? What does assurance mean to faith? How do I grow closer to God? September 16 – Why do we Baptize? How does Communion work? Why are these things important to me? September 23 – What do Christians believe? What do United Methodists believe? October 28 – Continuation of “What do United Methodists believe?” What are the unique emphases of faith of the people called Methodists? November 4 – Why are there different Christian denominations? Where do Methodists fit into the Christian family? November 11 – What about Williams UMC, where did we come from? Where do I belong in the family here at Williams?


Fred Smith - Associate Pastor 903-908-0891 (cell) Ministry Staff Laila Al-Dubais - College and Young Adults Ministry laila41589@gmail.com - 903-276-7206 (cell) Vickie Al-Dubais - Church Organist vickiea@txkisd.net - 903-276-7207 (cell) Sue Camp - Children and Adult Ministries suecamp32@gmail.com - 903-277-6504 (cell) Jennifer Day - Communications jenday212@gmail.com - 903-277-3925 (cell) Jolena Hays - Business Administrator jolenahays@gmail.com - 903-293-8726 (cell) Lorie Son - Williams School lorieson@gmail.com - 903-824-7553 (cell) Jacci Johnson - Director of Housekeeping 903-832-8663 Amy Kirk - Children’s Music and Evangelism amykirkmusic@gmail.com - 903-276-8576 (cell) Chris Loveall - Xperience Worship 903-832-8663 Russell Martin- Director of Student Ministries rgmmusic@gmail.com - 903-701-7181 (cell) Brenda Reed - Nursery Coordinator and Bookstore Manager brendareed@valornet.com - 903-748-0386 Karen Marrufo - Housekeeping 903-832-8663 Jimmy Sparks - Xperience Worship 903-832-8663 Mindy Zwirn - Admin. Assistant mindymoon@gmail.com - 310-871-8678 (cell)


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


September Insight

Upcoming Events

September 16

Transformational Workshop with Dr. Stan Copeland

Dog Training Class

The workshop will be held September 29. We will be using the Birkman Method so please preregister by calling Mindy Zwirn at the church office.

APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR FALL 2012 DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING COURSE (dog must be at least 3 months of age) ORIENTATION 7:00 PM, Tuesday, August 28, 2012 WMUMC room 104 Blue Sapphire Anniversary TRAINING Williams Memorial is celebrating their 7:00 PM, Tuesday, September 4, 2012 Training held in church parking lot 65th anniversary. The one service will each Tuesday at 7:00 PM be held at 10:30 am outside in the COST pavilion on September 30 and will be $50.00 (all proceeds go to WMUMC) followed by a potluck picnic.

Come in and visit

Good Treasures

Christian Book Store

Harry D. White & Barbara Cole have many years of dog training experience. Both are certified AKC CGC/AKC Puppy STAR Test Evaluators & Certified TDI Test Evaluators. In addition to basic obedience training the course includes AKC CGC & AKC Puppy STAR training and testing. It also includes “therapy dog training” and an introduction to the AKC CD (Companion Dog) test. Training Applications and information may be obtained at the church Welcome Center or by contacting Harry D. White 903-792-6142 e-mail: harry@vandermeir.com or Barbara Cole 903-831-5788 903-748-0460 e-mail: eloc9427@cableone


4000 Moores Lane Texarkana TX 75503 903.832.8663 welcometowilliams.org

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