2012 April Insight

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Insight April 2012

Volume 5 Issue 4

A monthly publication highlighting the mission of Williams Memorial United Methodist Church


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Welcome to Williams Welcome Welcome to Williams Memorial United Methodist Church. Our church campus is located at 4000 Moores Lane on the north side of Texarkana. Moores Lane is north of I-30 between Summerhill and Richmond roads.

Worshipping We invite you to worship with us. Our services are Christ-centered, Biblically grounded, and culturally relevant. The words, music, and means of grace are all designed to empower you to grow in your relationship with God and in ministry to the world. Sunday services are in the Sanctuary at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., and the Xperience Service is in Wesley Hall at 10:30 a.m.

Learning Sunday school classes for all ages meet at 9:15 a.m. On Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. there are programs for your children and youth.

Believing We enter into the family of Christ through baptism. We recognize God’s action in baptisms in other faith communities; you do not have to be re-baptized to belong to Williams. If you have not been baptized, we will be honored to baptize you.

Growing Our goal is to be like Jesus Christ in this world. We are constantly growing in grace; we have not arrived. We grow through worship, prayer, and study of God’s Word. Through large meetings, small groups, and discipleship, we are changed from our old selves to our new selves.

Belonging We hope you will consider belonging to the Williams faith community. You can talk with us after church or come by during the week. We would be honored to assist you in belonging at Williams.

Find Out More...

Visit our visitors page at welcometowilliams.com/ visiting or scan the code to the right with a smartphone QR Code reader

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Shine Your Light Shining Your Lights Submitting an Article We are always looking for great stories about how God is moving in and through the lives of our people and ministries. If you have such a story we ask that you send it to us. Email your article of around 400600 words to williamsenews@gmail. com. If you have one or more high quality photos, please send them. Include your contact information so we can get in touch with you if we have questions or need more information.

“Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no secondguessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I’ll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You’ll be living proof that I didn’t go to all this work for nothing.” Philippians 2:14-16 The Message “Community Cafe” continues to reveal the history of Williams Memorial. This community of faith has always cared for those in need, and has always been willing to provide food to the hungry. I recently spoke with Rev. Jack Matkin, and he asked me how things were going. It gave me an opportunity to brag on this congregation, and to tell how honored I am to serve here. After a brief discussion about “Community Cafe,” Jack informed me that in 2000 this congregation set and met the goal of distributing 70 food boxes. Upon my appointment here in June of 2009, this congregation was distributing 20 food boxes each week. On Monday January 23, 2012 we fed approximately 150 guests and approximately 50 families shopped in our food pantry.


Each week this congregation, through “Community Cafe,” feeds approximately 75 to 100 guests, and has approximately 30 to 45 families shop in our food pantry. The hungry are being fed, relationships are being built, and this community of faith is revealing “...a glimpse of good living and of the living God.” This community of faith is truly shinning its light! My prayer is that this congregation would continue to shine its light, that the hungry would be fed, that even more relationships would be built, and that God would get the glory! Amen!

Articles must be submitted the first Friday of the previous month. So for the May Insight, the deadline is April 6, 2012. Submissions may be edited for space or used in other locations such as website or e-news. Inside this Issue: 2 Welcome to Williams 3

Shine Your Light


Holy Week at Williams


Easter Egg Hunt


Youth Ministry


Williams School


Jesus Christ Superstar


Music and Fine Arts


Good Treasures Sale

In Christian love;


UMW Plant Sale

Tommy Earl Burton

12 College and Young Adults 13

Williams Staff


Adult Ministries


October Cruise


We Wish To See Jesus


Children’s Ministry


VBS Save the Date


VBS Volunteer Card


Upcoming Events


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Holy Week at Williams

We invite you to join us in celebrating Holy Week with Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Palm Sunday April 1, 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning services of celebration as we prepare our hearts and minds for Holy Week Maundy Thursday April 5, 7:00 p.m. A service of remembrance and reflection with Choir Cantata and Communion in the Sanctuary Good Friday April 6, 7:00 p.m. A service of darkness held at St. Lukes United Methodist Church. Easter Egg Hunt April 7, 10:30 a.m. Toddlers and children through 4th grade are invited to hunt for easter eggs. Easter Sunday April 8, 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Special services of Celebration in the Sanctuary and Wesley Hall. Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

Easter Egg Hunt April Insight

Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Saturday April 7th

10:30 a.m. - Door Prize Sign Up 11:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt

Toddlers thru 4th Grade

Separate hunting areas will be designated for Toddlers, Preschool and Elementary Don’t forget your egg basket. Williams Memorial United Methodist Church is located at 4000 Moores Lane, Texarkana, Tx, 75503. For more information visit www.welcometowilliams.org or call 903-832-8663




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Youth Ministry

Weekly Events

True Freedom “Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone, and he puts these rulers in their places of power. People who oppose the authorities are opposing what God has done, and they will be punished.” Romans 13:1-2

Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 5:00 p.m. - Youth Group Wednesday 5:00 p.m. - Sr. High study 7:00 p.m. - Sr. High meet at Subway

Special Events April 1st - Passion Play at Redlick UMC April 7th - Mission of the Month Wheelchair Ramp Build April 8th - Easter Sunday No UMYF April 15th - Youth Missions Lunch April 18th -Randy Sams - Meet at 4 p.m. April 22nd- North District Youth Rally in Gilmer April 29th - Youth Bowling at Holiday Bowl

When I was growing up, all I could think about was being able to make my own decisions. I couldn’t wait until that day when I could decide things for myself. I wanted to be free! My parents picked up on this, after all they were school teachers and had been around hundreds of kids before I came along, so daddy started something that has stuck with me till this very day. Whenever we would see someone hitch hiking along the interstate, daddy would say, “Now he’s free son! No one is telling him what to do. He doesn’t have his parents telling him when to get up, and they aren’t telling him he has to take a bath. He doesn’t have a boss telling him when to show up for work. He doesn’t have anybody telling him where he can and can’t go. He doesn’t have to go to school. He’s got it made! He’s free! Do you want to be free?”

I made my mind up really early that I didn’t want to be free! I loved my parents, and didn’t mind when they told me to get up or get a bath. I loved working for my parents, and didn’t mind them telling me when they needed me to work. I loved school. Loved my teachers. Love my preacher. I loved the authority that God placed in my life! I know that some of you are struggling with the transition from being a youth to becoming an adult. You want to be free! Make your own choices! Want to know a little secret? Everyone has someone in authority over them! Think about it; even Jesus was under the authority of God the Father. Are you submitting to the authorities that God has placed in your life? Are you submitting to God’s will? My prayer is that you would find “True Freedom” under Gods authority! In Christian love; Tommy Earl Burton

Find Out More... Visit the youth website at welcometowilliams.com/youth or scan the code to the right with a smartphone QR Code reader

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Williams School

FROM THE DIRECTOR: As many of you know, I will be leaving at the end of this school year. I have had an awesome experience here at Williams School for the past 8 years. We are so blessed to have wonderful children, nurturing staff and involved, supportive parents. I could not have worked at a better place. We offer so many great programs plus our innovative curriculum. We work continuously to provide the best learning activities for our children. We have just finished with our 2012 – 2013 registration. There were so many comments from new parents about the wonderful program we have at Williams School. Parents and grandparents also like that we are Christian based, and our church staff and members help with chapel, music and other events. What blessings we have here!

Lorie Son was selected to take my place as Williams School Director. She and her family are active members of Williams Memorial UMC. She currently serves as the XLT (gifted and talented) teacher at Pleasant Grove Intermediate School. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science and Interdisciplinary Studies Degree and a Master’s of Science and Interdisciplinary Studies Degree from Texas A & M, Texarkana. She began her career in education at Pleasant Grove Elementary in 2002. She and her husband, Scotty, have a four-year old daughter, Addie, and nine month old twin girls, Laney and Piper. Addie has attended Williams School since she was in the two’s, and Laney and Piper will begin Mother’s Day Out this summer. Lorie shares the same philosophy that I have of high expectations for Williams School. She will carry on the same tradition that makes this school such a wonderful place to be. I will miss being at Williams School. I do plan to come back and volunteer so that I can get those hugs that I get daily from our children. Thanks for all the support you have given me over the years. Paula Hawkins, Director

Lorie Son will begin as the Director of the Williams School beginning at the 2012 Summer term.



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Jesus Christ Superstar The Downtown Youth Theater will be presenting Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Jesus Christ Superstar” at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church during the first full weekend in April. Jesus Christ Superstar tells the story of the week before the crucifixion through the eyes of Judas Iscariot. The character of Judas begins by singing that he is worried that Jesus has really set his followers on fire and that “they think they’ve found the new Messiah.” Frightened by the rising tide of followers, Judas finds himself swept onto a path that leads ultimately to his betrayal of Jesus. Kenny Barnes, who is one of the two men cast to play Judas, says, “Judas is the average person reacting to a situation far out of his grasp, and that within all of us is a little Judas.” Brandi Woods, who has been with the DYT since its first show, says that Jesus Christ Superstar will give audience members a deeper insight into the character of Judas. “When I was little, I had absolutely no understanding of how he could betray his friend so badly,” she says. “I think that most people don't realize that he had a struggle, too.” The auditions for Jesus Christ Superstar drew people ranging in age from 5 to over 70, but especially a large number of young adult men and women. DYT newcomer Caleb Sparks says “It is such a great experience to interact with musically gifted people and be a part of something so moving. This show is really pushing me to accomplish things that I never imagined myself doing.” The casting has caused changes in the initial direction of the show. “God sent us this cast,” says Forrest Garrett, the director of the DYT and pastor of St. Luke’s Methodist. “Young, talented musicians that are fun to watch on stage.” As a result, many of the characters will be playing instruments live. Cast member Michelle Miller describes the staging as “Brilliant, engaging, and dynamic. What the DYT is attempting to accomplish in this show will bring tears and remind us why we honor and celebrate the Lenten season. It will be a fantastic show with moving experiences for all.” The Downtown Youth Theater is a community outreach ministry created by Pastor Forrest Garrett in 2006. This will be its eleventh production. Jonathan Zoric, who plays a disciple, is new to the Downtown Youth Theater, which he says is “very energetic and friendly. It’s like hanging out with friends every time they get together. I look forward to every rehearsal.” The rehearsals for Jesus Christ Superstar began with a workshop presented by a group of Covenant Players from Dallas, who put the cast through acting and

April 12, 13, 14, and 15

St. Lukes United Methodist Church downtownyouththeater@gmail.com team-building exercises. “The rehearsal process has been both demanding and fun. I don't know how Forrest does it,” says Wesley Neff, who is playing Simon the Zealot. “I am so blessed to be working with such a faith based group of people who have the same love for the theater as I do.” The show will be performed in the weekend following Easter Sunday. “I believe this will be a powerful production for people to see at Easter,” says Sheila Jackson, whose grandchildren, Alexis and Brianna Thurman, are involved in the show. “I think they will leave with very little talk and much reflection! I can't wait.” Showtimes for Jesus Christ Superstar will be April 12, 13 and 14 at 7:00 p.m. with matinees on April 14 and 15 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church of Texarkana, Texas. Seating is limited, but tickets are available in advance for a suggested donation of $10 or reserve a pew in advance for $65. You may call the St. Luke’s church office at (903) 793-3464 or email for tickets to downtownyouththeater@gmail.com.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

April Insight

Music and Fine Arts

Holy Week Services Palm Sunday, April 1, our children will sing for the Xperience Service and Sanctuary Service at 10:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday, April 5, at 7:00 p.m. will be a service of communion and special music by the chancel choir. “No Stone Could Hold Him, a Dynamic Witness to the Living Rock of Our Salvation” written by Lloyd Larson, is a story of Jesus life until the time he spent in the Garden of Gethsemane. Much of the music is dynamic and upbeat, with a quiet finish as we listen to God’s word proclaimed and share in Holy Communion together. Good Friday, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. is a joint service at St. Luke’s UMC. It is a Service of Darkness with youth from both St. Luke’s UMC, and Williams Memorial UMC involved. I encourage you to attend this meaningful service. Easter Morning, April 8, we will have extraordinary worship services and Sunday School at our ordinary times. Sanctuary worship is at 8:15 am. and 10:30 a.m. with bells, choirs and organ. In Wesley Hall Xperience worship, with band, worship song leaders is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school begins at 9:15. Come and join the worshipping community as we sing praise, pray and share God’s incredible gift.




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Present this Coupon at the Good Treasures Bookstore for

25% off

all Demdaco Products in the Month of April

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight


Plant Sale April 14th 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. Williams Memorial UMC Front Parking Lot Our BIG plant sale date is fast approaching. This will be our 7th year to offer a huge variety of hanging baskets, ferns, pots, geraniums, flats for bedding plants, etc. This year we will have some new items connected to outdoor gardening. Erma Short wil be displaying various bird feeders, decorative bird houses, yard signs, and plant hangers. The Friendship Circle Plant Sale is known as a great place to get beautiful plants and also help out some worthy causes. All proceeds will be donated to church and community charities. Our church youth will be helping out with displaying the plants and loading your vehicles. They always receive part of the funds earned in order to support their summer missions. Be sure to come to the front church parking lot on April 14th. We guarantee you will be glad you came. www.welcometowilliams.org


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

College and Young Adults

Upcoming Events Monday, April 2nd Bible Study - Room 132 6:30 p.m. Tuesday April 3rd Young Professionals 7:00 p.m.

Greetings from Appalachia!

Thursday, April 5th The Mix - 8p.m. - A&M Bringle Lake - Eagle Hall Monday April 9th NO BIBLE STUDY - Easter Thursday, April 12th The Mix - 8p.m. - A&M Bringle Lake - Eagle Hall Monday April 16th Bible Study - Room 132 6:30 p.m. Tuesday April 17th Young Professionals 7:00 p.m. Thursday, April 19th The Mix - 8p.m. - A&M Bringle Lake - Eagle Hall Monday April 23rd Bible Study - Room 132 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26th The Mix - 8p.m. - A&M Bringle Lake - Eagle Hall Monday April 30th Bible Study - Room 132 6:30 p.m.

There is a common misconception about mission work in the world today. When most people think of missions and missionaries, they think of people flying off to the plains of Africa or the jungles of South America. Not to say that those places don’t need to hear the gospel of Jesus. But they aren’t the only ones. So how many people reading this would think of a missionary to… McCreary County, Kentucky? If you didn’t, don’t feel bad. A year ago, I wouldn’t have either. But then I heard the Lord calling me to this part of the country. After hearing his call for me to be a missionary, I was very worried. I’m convinced that the song “Please Don’t Send Me to Africa” was written about me. I started thinking about the quickest way to get my hands on a passport and some foreign language phrase books. But then, He led me to the Christian Appalachian Project. It was my mother who first mentioned it to me. I was telling her of my woes, and she said I should check out their website. I did. And before I knew it, I was handing in an application. Ten months later, I was packing everything that I owned and moving to Parker’s Lake, Kentucky.

Where is that, you may ask? It’s in Eastern Kentucky, right in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains. It’s quiet. I don’t hear sirens or loud music at night. Sometimes, elk walk right up and start eating my backyard. And I’m lucky if I get one bar of service on my cell phone. It’s like another world up here in the mountains. Now, what does a person in rural Kentucky need a missionary for? That’s an excellent question. There are a few reasons. The number one thing that we are working on here at CAP is the level of poverty. It’s through the roof. I thought that I had seen it all, but when I came up here and saw what people have to live with and live without, it amazed me. All those people who think of poverty as being a foreign problem, including myself, never looked right out their own front door. There are other problems here. Illness is rampant, and mostly

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Williams Staff Listing Pastoral Staff Danny Wayman- Senior Pastor danwayman@gmail.com - 903.701-2946 (Cell) Tommy Earl Burton- Associate Pastor to Families with Youth tommyearlburton@gmail.com - 903-701-7407 (Cell) Sherri Waters - Music and Fine Arts sherriwaters7@gmail.com - 903-278-0499 (Cell) Dale Vickers- Associate Pastor Velad303@aol.com - 903-244-6213 Ron Drye - Evangelism rondrye@msn.com - 903-701-1310 (Cell) Christian Appalachian Project Orientation class of 2012

because the water is contaminated. The coal mining industry is big up here, since it provides the cheapest form of energy, but mountain top removal causes minerals to build up in the water sources. Minerals like copper, arsenic, and chlorides. And the people who get well water have to cook in it. They have to bathe in it. They have to drink it. I work in the Child and Family Development Center as a preschool teacher. We have about twenty kids in the class, but on average, we only have about fourteen due to illnesses and other problems. I ride the bus to help pick up the kids. Seeing the state of the homes that most of these four year old children live in makes me want to cry. But their parents do the best that they can with what they have. There is a lot of pride in the people of Appalachia. I suppose that’s all I can tell you for now. When I was asked to write this article, I was told to tell you what I might need. Letters from home would be wonderful. You can send letters and packages (if you so desire) to: Tricia Bush 108 Eagle School Road Parker’s Lake, KY 42634

Fred Smith- Associate Pastor 903-908-0891 (cell) Ministry Staff Vickie Al-Dubais- Church Organist vickiea@txkisd.net - 903-276-7207 (cell) Sue Camp-Children and Adult Ministries suecamp32@gmail.com - 903-277-6504 (cell) Jolena Hays-Business Administrator jolenahays@gmail.com - 903-293-8726 (cell) Paula Hawkins- Williams School hawks@cableone.net Jacci Johnson- Director of Housekeeping 903-832-8663 Amy Kirk- Children’s Music and Evangelism amykirkmusic@gmail.com - 903-276-8576 (cell) Chris Loveall- Xperience Worship 903-832-8663 Russell Martin- Xperience Worship and Communications rgmmusic@gmail.com - 903-701-7181 (cell) Kaitlin McMichael- College and Young Adults Ministry, kaitlin.mcmichael@gmail.com - 903-276-7857 (cell) Stacey Pool - College and Young Adults Assistant stace07ag@gmail.com Brenda Reed- Nursery Coordinator and Bookstore Manager brendareed@valornet.com - 903-748-0386 Bryant Simpson- Maintenance Assistant 903-832-8663

Thank you, and blessings!

Jimmy Sparks - Xperience Worship 903-832-8663


Mindy Zwirn - Admin. Assistant mindymoon@gmail.com - 310-871-8678 (cell)



Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Adult Ministries

Williams Book Club The Williams Book club will meet this month to discuss the book “Love is a Wild Assault” Elithe Hamilton Kirkland. Come and join the Williams Book Club for a discussion of this historical fiction novel on Monday, April 9th at 12:00 p.m. in room 103. If you’re looking for a great group of readers to share your thoughts with, join us on the second Monday of every month. The Book Club will read “True Women” by Janice Woods Windle in May. Keep an eye on the Insight to find out what book we’re reading next. eXtra Years of Zest Every second and fourth Thursday at 9:30 a.m., “XYZ” shares lunch, joy and fellowship with each other in the Youth Center. Call Billy Roberts at 903-838-7639 to join a group of funloving seniors in a morning of games and fellowship.

United Methodist Women’s Groups Williams Memorial has a very active United Methodist Women’s group. Come and join us for our monthly general meeting and luncheon, at 10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday of every month, and meet some of these wonderful women. You can also get involved in one of the smaller UMW groups that meets at other times during the month. W2LEO On the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, “Widows and Widowers, Let’s Eat Out!” goes out to enjoy dinner at local restaurants. They love having food and fellowship together, and they would love to have you join them! If you would like to find out where they’re headed out to eat this month, call Larry Walker at 903-832-5129 and get your name added to the mailing list.

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ

April Insight

Williams Travelers Cruise to New England and Canada in October Williams Travelers met for their initial information meeting in February, and since then, people have been signing up for this October cruise to New England and Canada! It is not too late to join in the adventure, but you need to get started soon. Space is running out! The Williams Travelers will be in Boston for one night, and then will head out on October 14 for a 9 day, 8 night cruise with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. The Jewel of the Seas cruise ship will take the Williams Travelers around the ports of New England and Canada, including stops in Boston, Bar Harbor and Portland, Saint John in New Brunswick and Halifax in Nova Scotia before returning to Boston on October 21st. An initial deposit of $350 per person double occupancy or $700 per person single occupancy is required to secure reservations and assign cabins. We need your deposit by the end of April. The final balance of all costs is due June 30, 2012. Those who book early get the best cabin locations and their preferred dining times. Call Sue Camp today at (903) 832-8663, ext. 17 and make your reservation! You don’t want to miss this beautiful journey!




Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

We Wish to See Jesus April Sermons and Scriptures 4.1.12

“Highly Exalted” Isaiah 50:4-9 a Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Phillipians 2:5-13 Mark 14:1-15:47 4.8.11

“Jesus is Lord of All” Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 John 20:1-18 4.15.12

“God is Faithful and Just” Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 4.22.12

“We are God’s Children Now” Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36 b -48 4.29.12

“Believe in Jesus Christ” Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 23 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18

Now among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” (John 12:20-21 NRSV) What do you wish to see? What is most important in your life? Seeing Jesus should be our greatest ambition. The Bible tells us the time will come when every eye will see Jesus. Are we able to see Jesus now? Yes, if only we look. We can see Jesus in the face of our neighbor. We can see Jesus in the hands of aid workers giving food and water. We can see Jesus in the baptism of a newly born Christian. Jesus Christ is all around us. Pray God will open our eyes, our hearts, and our minds so Jesus may be made visible to the whole world. Jesus took the event of Greeks seeking him as a sign his earthly ministry was fulfilled. Through his death and resurrection the message of God’s universal love was announced to the whole world. On Sundays we gather as a community of faith to receive grace together. Jesus will be there. You are invited. See you in worship. Danny Wayman

Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Children’s Ministry

Confirmation Sunday On Sunday, April 20th, eighteen students will be confirmed at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. They are Connor Anderson, Landon Bartholomew, Blaire Bledsoe, Ryan Bradley, Caroline Cooper, Hunter Druhan, Yates Floyd, Joseph Gordon, Sophie Lower, Anna Morgan, Daniel Nichols, Will Norton, Cole Slade, Logan Snell, Sarah Stark, Jordan Steed, Ryan Townsend and Ashley Wyrick What an exciting year it has been! These students have prepared for their confirmation through weekly classes, trips to worship with other denominations, a retreat, mission projects, feeding Randy Sams and Junior Youth Fellowship on Sunday evenings. Pastor Danny Wayman led the study retreat and Susan and Roger Waldrep conducted classes for the nine weeks prior to Confirmation. The Confirmands will become a part of the United Methodist Youth Fellowship for seventh through twelfth grades on Sunday, May 6th. During the Sunday School hour, Lisa Pearlman has been teaching them. Leading the 5th and 6th grades on Sunday evenings at Junior Youth Fellowship are Joe and Bettie Lynn Stark. Sixth graders and their families appreciate the dedication and leadership of each person. On April 22nd, we will all celebrate this important time in the lives of each family as the confirmands are welcomed into full membership.

Alive @ Five

Schedule and Menu

April 1st Pizza (Mission lunch rehearsal) April 7th Easter egg hunt (10:30 a.m.) April 8th Easter Sunday (No Activities) April 15th Mission Lunch and meal

Children’s Choirs Sing at Missions Lunch The children’s choirs are eager to participate in the Youth Missions Lunch on Sunday April 15 right after church. Our songs are all themed around helping people. We have some exciting soloists lined up, and the kids are chiming in on a couple of songs all their own. If your child has participated in Alive @ Five, I expect them to stay and help us with this event. Parents can buy a ticket for lunch in the Youth Center while the kids will eat separately in the parlor. It will be a great day in the life of this church!! In His Love, Amy Kirk, Director of Children’s Music


(No activities at Night) April 22nd Hot Dogs 3rd – 6th graders (Waterspring Ranch) April 29th End of the Year party


Williams Memorial United Methodist Church

Save the Date July 22-26, 2012 Glorify God, Inspire Others to Follow Christ, Make Disciples of Jesus Christ


April Insight

Vacation Bible School Volunteers Vacation Bible School is just around the corner and will be here before you know it. Now is your opportunity to let us know where you will be helping this year We need teachers, helpers, cooks, decorators, registrars, sound operators, musicians, computer operators, photographers and more to help make this the best Vacation bible School Ever! The theme this year is “Operation Overboard.”

vibrant coral reef, and take a personal submarine to the ocean floor, where eels and octopi play. Through interactive lessons that are easy for kids to apply to their lives today, they will “go deep” into God’s Word, exploring Bible stories of people who revealed deep faith by knowing how to: Depend on God, Dare to care, Claim Jesus, Choose to follow, Change the world” -Cokesbury Website

“Our kids will dive in and discover God’s underwater universe! Explore the depths of God’s Word at VBS 2012 with Cokesbury’s Operation Overboard – Dare To Go Deep With God!

To sign up to help, please take a moment to fill out the card below, tear it out, and place it in the offering plate on Sunday Morning, or bring it by the church office during the week.

In this action-packed adventure, they will swim with humpback whales and seahorses, scuba through a

If you have any questions you can contact Sue Camp at suecamp32@ gmail.com or call the church at 903.832.8663

2012 VBS Volunteer Card

Sunday, July 22nd - Thursday July 6th 9 a.m. till Noon Name_________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________

I wish to help with VBS in the following ways: Before VBS Begins: ____ Prepare props and Decorations____ Make Pre-craft Items ____ Help with Pre-Registration During Vacation Bible School: ___ Group Leader ___ Helper www.welcometowilliams.org

4000 Moores Lane Texarkana TX 75503 903.832.8663 welcometowilliams.org

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