2011 Better Newspaper Contest Results

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2011 Better Newspaper & Advertising Contest

Results & Judges’ Comments

Congratulations to the 2011 daily and weekly division winners! Best Daily Division A: Green Bay Press-Gazette Best Daily Division B: The Janesville Gazette Best Daily Division C: Portage Daily Register Best Weekly Division D: Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River Best Weekly Division E: Ripon Commonwealth Press Best Weekly Division F: The Brillion News

On the cover From left to right Daily Spot News Photo, Division A winner: Kenosha News, by Sean Krajacic.

Table of contents

College Photography winner: The Clarion, Madison College, Ryan Wetley.

Weekly Editorial................................. 3 Weekly Advertising.......................... 14 Daily Editoral................................... 17 Awards listing by newspper.............. 23 Daily Advertising............................. 33 Collegiate winners............................ 38

Weekly Spot News Photo, Division F winner: Clintonville Chronicle, Clintonville, by Nikki Sasse.

The 2011 Better Newspaper Contest included 2,869 total entries from 135 newspapers!

Bottom photo Weekly Sports Photo, Division F winner: Reedsburg Times Press, by Brady Ambrose.

Branen Scholarships reward high school newspapers William E. Branen, former publisher of the Burlington Standard Press and a past president of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, died in 1988 but his legacy lives on. One way is through an annual scholarship presented by his wife, Nan, through the family foundation. Initially awarded to a Burlington High School student, the Branen scholarships took a new focus in 1999. Since that time the scholarship has honored each school earning first place for General Excellence in the WNA Foundation High School Better Newspaper Contest.

Special thanks to Gannett Company, Inc. and The Post Crescent for printing the 2011 BNC results tab.

The William E. Branen Scholarships honoring excellence in high school journalism will be presented to three Wisconsin student newspapers for 2010-11. School newspapers receiving a $1,000 Branen Scholarship are: • Sevastopol High School (Door County), The Pioneer Chips (Group A – Fewer than 500 students); • Wauwatosa East High School, Cardinal News (Group B – Extra Curricular Activity – more than 500); • Stoughton High School, The Norse Star (Group B – In-Class Activity – more than 500).

Daily General News Photo, Division B winner: Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire, Andi Stempniak.

Need duplicate plaques or award certificates? Additional plaques and certificates are available for purchase from the WNA Foundation. Plaques are $80 each and certificates are available for $6 each. Tax, postage and handling are included in the price. Deadline to order is Monday, March 26. Order forms are available at the convention registration desk or online at www.WNAnews.com.

General Excellence Division D First Award – River Falls Journal, River Falls: (Editor Phil Pfuehler and the news staff): This may not be the prettiest paper in the division, but my gosh, it offers readers an enormous amount of local news. Big, thick editions just chock full of wellwritten news, features and sports content. Great team effort serves this community very well. (Please do, though, consider some general design cleanups, particularly related to photo display.) Second Award – Brookfield Elm Grove NOW: Wow, this is impressive. In terms of photography, design and alternative story forms, the newspaper is one of the most sophisticated publications in any class of weeklies or dailies. A very comfortable, magaziney feel. Artful advertisements were also plentiful. Curiously, though, no strong editorial voice. That is disappointing. Third Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: Excellent outdoors coverage in all submitted editions. (FYI, I’ve judged a lot of contests over the years, and I don’t recall seeing this many photos of dead animals across virtually every circulation division. A bang-up job covering a statewide passion that I know is right up there with Packer fandom.) Strong opinion page. Love the “Voices” feature. Lovely, clean reproduction. Division E First Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (Dunn County News staff, La Crosse Tribune copy desk staff): Good news writing throughout. Snappy and attractive layout. This newspaper has the feel of a daily (even has comics!) with the local charm and texture of a weekly that cares deeply about its community. Solid journalism is being done in Dunn. Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press, Ripon: (Tim Lyke, Ian Stepleton, Aaron Becker, Wes Lungwitz): Great photo report throughout. No other entry presented as many feature, sports and spotnews photos front to back. Endless parade of local faces in each edition. Some nice chances were taken with headlines. A fine product. Third Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: Another newsy paper. Overall presentation is definitely a cut above. (Do watch

Editorial: Weekly Division occasional juxtaposition of stand-alone photos near hard-news stories, eg. Green Bay man arrested for marijuana’ headline immediately beneath a photo of a deer hunter dude, Nov. 11 edition.) Also, trying anchoring obits in same space each week readers will love you. Division F First Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: Nice, crisp feel front to back. Writing is consistently well-crafted. Very strong mix on the opinion page. Best editorial voice in the class. Second Award – Reedsburg Times Press: Absolutely wonderful design work. This paper has a lot of heart and is loaded with strong local reporting. Nice work. Third Award – DeForest Times-Tribune: (James Debilzen, Scott De Laruelle, Sam Rodriguez): A very sophisticated newspaper. Front page looks like that of a larger daily. Good, strong local editorial voice and sharply honed sports coverage.

Special Projects Division E First Award – Living Oconomowoc Focus, Oconomowoc: (“Destination Oconomowoc” - Amy Nixon, Lisa Leonard, Entire Staff): Beautiful publication full of helpful and interesting information for readers and visitors as well. Incorporating the profiles of a few residents was a very nice touch. Made me want to go for a visit. Second Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: (“Why not a better burger?” - Peter Weinschenk): Interesting story, obviously took a lot of reporting and research. This is an important story that would have a great deal of reader interest. Nice accompanying editorial. Third Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“News to highlight century of Stout football” - Brett Hart, Layne Pitt, Chuck Backus, James Gorecki): Interesting way to mark the 100th anniversary. Great file photos from the early decades. Nice writing and research for the articles. Division F First Award – The Woodville Leader: (Woodville Lions 60 years of Service and the 60th Syttende Mai Celebration Series): The Woodville Leader, through a series of stories, paid a very nice, fitting tribute to the 60th anniversary of its local Lions Club.

Complete with historic photos, the series showed the value of the organization to the community and how it changed the town. The front page Lions logo attached to the flag each day was a nice touch.

Editorial Award Division D First Award – Living Mukwonago Chief, Mukwonago: (“Contempt for town citizens” - Scott Peterson): The editorials, particularly the one on the open meetings act, are strong and don’t pull punches. They offer specifics and approach issues from the viewpoint of the readers. Second Award – The Tomah Journal and Monitor Herald, Tomah: (“Funding justice center irritant, not hardship” - Steve Rundio): The editorials are crisp and to the point. They provide a cogent argument and support for their editorial positions in logical, easy to understand manner - even when that position might be unpopular, as in the editorial for a justice center.

3 were well-organized and presented their position in an easy-to-follow manner. Division F First Award – Poynette Press, Poynette: (James Debilzen, Scott De Laruelle): The editorials contain crisp writing that gets to the point and doesn’t pull punches. The editorials have a bite - and that’s good. Positions are stated clearly, with explanations to back them up. Second Award: Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: The writing is clear and concise. Arguments are presented well. The editorial on flooding, in particular, gave readers good detail and a behind-the-scenes perspective that could easily be overlooked. Third Award – Westby Times, Westby: (“What’s the Point” -Dorothy JaspersonRobson): The final entry of the three was the strongest. Addressing the former recycling station worker, it really seemed to speak as a voice for the community. It acknowledged the problems involved but also noted that the situation was handled poorly and how it could have been handled differently.

Third Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Cut the money and clean up politics” “Use creativity in the face of challenges” “Let’s cut to the chase on mission of voter ID bill” - Brian Wilson): The editorials are to the point and don’t mince words. The editorial on voter IDs uses sarcasm effectively. The editorial on an innovative teacher grabs the attention of readers with a local example, then applies it to the bigger picture. Division E First Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: The editorials have meat to them (no pun intended, as it relates to one entry). They use direct words and are appropriately harsh. The editorials are well-organized, informative and offer solutions and alternatives. Second Award – The Tribune-Phonograph, Abbotsford: (Kevin O’Brien , Ben Schultz, Carol O’Leary, Kris O’Leary): The editorials are punchy and to the point, with facts to back up what they say. They also provide readers with suggestions on what they can do to improve a given situation. Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press, Ripon: (“Fewer die on WI roads, thanks to Ripon boy” “Sincerity: An antidote to political commercials” “ Police, school response was top-notch” - Tim Lyke): The first paragraph of each editorial was written in a way that grabbed the reader’s attention and set the stage for what was to follow. They

The Dunn County News, First Award, Group E, General Excellence.


Editorial Page(s) Division D First Award – River Falls Journal, River Falls: (Editor Phil Pfuehler and the news staff): Pluses include local cartoon, lots of letters and officals’ addresses. Columnist writes about folks in town instead of own kids. Editorials include photos, and make a point. Second Award – The Star News, Medford: (Brian Wilson): Very strongly written local editorials. Not as many letters or other features as some other entries, but the writing commands attention. Third Award – Vilas County News-Reviews, Eagle River: Liked photos. Editorials are strong. Inquiring photographer. Lots of reader comment and feedback, but perhaps too lengthy. Good cartoons. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Our Views/Your Views” - Tim Lyke, Ian Stepleton): Pictures. A community almanac. Local History photos. Clear invitation for readers to comment. Musical issue not the most earth-shattering event, but thoroughly discussed. Good reader comment. Clearly in touch with community. Second Award – The Richland Observer, Richland Center: (Ryan Billingham): I liked the Richland Ramblings, found it good reading. The items needed subheads or boldface - something to break up the type. Like the community leaders columns many papers have these. This entry was better organized than most. Third Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“Opinion” - Barbara Lyon, La Crosse Tribune copy desk team): Tribute editorial was well done. Paper edged on the basis of the editorial writing. Division F First Award – Crawford County Independent & Kickapoo Scout, Gays Mills: (Many lights have gone out” “My brother, Wa Kanga Hoohega” “Eulogy to a road now bulldozed” - Howard Sherpe, John Gibbs, Erin Martin, Charley Preusser): Writing is very creative. Liked Sherpe column and the drift piece. Compelling writing with a sense of place. Is there an editorial? Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: Sometimes an editorial, sometimes not. Editorial on long grass cries out for a photo.

Editorial: Weekly Division Third Award – Clintonville Chronicle, Clintonville: (Opinions): Is there an editorial? Two columns by the same two folks. City administrator position cries out for informed analysis, position.

Special SectionEditorial Division D First Award – Inter-County Leader, Frederic: (“10 Stories of courage, hope and survival from the 2001 tornado” - Staff): Wellplanned and designed; outstanding blend of narratives, snapshots and details in easy-toconsume portions. Strong photos, but more thought should have been given to how they were used; e.g., mortising on bottom of p.9. Second Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (“Salute to Emergency Personnel 2011” - Staff): Comprehensive, exhaustive, well-designed, well-reported. Not a bit of filler in 72 pages. Third Award – The Star, Sun Prairie: (“Dine In - Dine Out” - Staff): Excellent variety of content, story ideas - more creative choices than most dining sections. Generally, very good use of photos. Division E First Award – Living Oconomowoc Focus, Oconomowoc F: (“Destination Oconomowoc” - Amy Nixon, Lisa Leonard, Entire Staff): An area guide that’s actually a guide - i.e., very user-friendly and actually helpful. Design of calendars and lists is first-rate. Feature stories fit well into flow of section. This section shares a weakness with many others in the competition in its use of photos – could be much stronger with a little more planning. Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Marcus Cinema 75th Anniversary: A commemorative supplement” - Staff): Great job on a very distinctive section. Brief reader recollections of theater was an outstanding idea that could be applied to other types of sections. Generally good use of art, but not a fan of tilted “photo album” look in doubletruck. Third Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: (“Rural Living” - Kristen Marie Winter, Peter Weinschenk, Kevin O’Brien, Ben Schultz): Clean, classy, readable design, great use of photos. Headlines need more

work, and photo essay on back page really does need cut lines. Division F First Award – De Pere Journal: (“Celebrate De Pere” - Staff): Clear winner in category. Lots of information in a small package - outstanding use of space. Maybe next year with more ad sales, you can increase type size, make better use of your excellent art. Revisit headlines; tombstoning across doubletruck is awful – confusing even to an untrained eye. Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“Home & Garden/ Go Green”): Great variety of content, appropriate to the theme. This section deserved better design, treatment as a special section rather than just a B section of the paper. Third Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“Fair Preview”): Same general comments as second-place winner; good variety of content, needed better design. Page 1 photo is OK, but not good enough to run that large and carry a section cover; space could have been better used by including schedule, teasers, at-a-glance.

Open Records/ FOI Award Division D First Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“A Department in Disarray” - Jim Stevens) Second Award – Lake Geneva Regional News, Lake Geneva: (“Court will review Fesenmaier’s e-mail” -Lisa Seiser) Third Award – Living Mukwonago Chief, Mukwonago: (“Vernon fire dept. report made public” - Amy Nixon) Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press, Ripon: (“Boca fund nearly drained” “So, where did the money go?” “Connelly: Spa still will be done on time” - Ian Stepleton) Second Award – The Edgerton Reporter: (“Improper Notice to Public” - Diane Everson) Third Award – Juneau County StarTimes, Mauston: (“Newspaper will appeal ruling” “Newspaper sues county second

time” “County paid French-Czys $29,500” “County releases Scully settlement” - Peter Rebhahn) Division F First Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: (“E-mails show growing frustration with trail inaction” -Jeremiah Tucker) Second Award – County Line, Ontario: (“Backtalk” - Karen Parker) Third Award – The Brillion News: (“Stenklyft’s courage did the public a favor” – Andrew Pantzlaff, Ed Bryne)

Breaking News Coverage Division D First Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (“G-man draws a crowd (with jump)” - Lisa Curtis): Great human interest piece with good public feedback in the article. Great photos too! Second Award – County Post West, Waupaca: (“Kuenzi on trial” “Kuenzi found guilty” “Kuenzi to spend 23 years in prison” - Robert Cloud): Great coverage from start to finish of case Third Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (“Man jailed in deaths of parents” “Murder motive allegedly $5” - Gary Achterberg): Division E First Award – The Richland Observer, Richland Center: (“Fire destroys Oakwood Fruit Farm” - Dawn Kiefer): Very good focus on community support during a tragic event. Second Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“02/20/11 Bells ring, protesters sing” - Barbara Lyon) Third Award – Times Herald, Oconto Falls: (“Football club scores big with 100K donation, Memory lives on” - Joan Koehne) Division F First Award – The Brillion News, Brillion: (“Goodbye Ryne, Brillion boy’s sudden death ends a beautiful life, In loving memory” - Andrew Pantzlaff, Ed Byrne): Very well-written story focuses on community outreach. Very moving.

Editorial: Weekly Division Second Award – Poynette Press: (“Woman rescued from fire” - Scott De Laruelle) Third Award – Clintonville Chronicle, Clintonville: (“Erickson Farm Suffers Devastating Fire” - Liz Hoffman)

Local Column Division D First Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“Political campaigns a high form of bullying” “Ready for ‘Real Housewives of Sturgeon Bay’” “ Learning is students’ responsibility” - Heidi Hodges): Clever, personal, without becoming the columnist’s public diary entries. Second Award – Vernon County Broadcaster, Viroqua: (“An Outsider Looking In” - Matt Johnson): Interesting and varied, but still localized. Third Award – The Portage County Gazette, Stevens Point: (“Light of Day” Scott Steuck): Fun, seasonal, and relatively softball - matches the theme of the column. Division E First Award – Wisconsin Dells Events, Wisconsin Dells: (“Write a memoir in six words” “Find your karma in fridge” “Rabbit worth cost of care” - Erika Gerhardt Obois): Second Award – Tribune Record Gleaner, Loyal: (“The Born Lesar” - Dean Lesar): Third Award – The Tribune-Phonograph, Abbotsford: (Ben Schultz): Division F First Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (“Hartje apology” “Times-Press on the move” “Get a taste of history” - Jason Maddux) Second Award – The Brillion News: (“A good dog is great asset for a kid” “John Brice: He captured spirit in wood” “Wild bash turns Brillion into Partyville” - Ed Byrne) Third Award – The Brillion News: (“My first - and final - Black Friday experience” “Lions shine on and off the field during remarkable season” “Cookies nearly crumble Packers’ championship” - Andrew Pantzlaff):

Local Outdoor Column Division D First Award– Hudson Star-Observer: (From the Dockside: “The thrill of a successful cast” “Grandpa’s fishing pole” “Saying goodbye to an old family member” - Mike Yurk): Simple, fresh writing style. Fun, easy read. Second Award – Superior Telegram: (“Youth duck hunt stirs youthful memories” “When winter grows long, summer can be found in the utensil drawer” “Fishing White River is opener tradition” - Darrell Pendergrass): Interesting topics, well-written. Third Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (Kurt Krueger) Division E First Award – Times-Journal, Chilton: (Bob Wilberscheid) Second Award – The Valders Journal: (“Delivery of bait nets lots of fish” - Joe Gintner) Division F First Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“Ridge runner Reports” - Jim Solberg): Very informative columns. Second Award – Clintonville Chronicle, Clintonville: (“In my Sights” - Justin McAuly)

Sports Page(s) Division D First Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Power matchup winds up one-sided” - JR Radcliffe, Matt Colby, Chuck Delsman, Chris Schuck, Scott Ash, Carol Spaeth-Bauer, Todd Ponath, Russ Pulvermacher): Good game stories, a couple of nice features. Regular column adds to the mix. Good photography, decent page designs and good reproduction. Also good mix of headline typography and use of subheads in longer stories. Second Award – The Chronotype, Rice Lake: Clean design, some nice features, good pics and nice to see sports coverage beyond preps. Paper needs to add some life to headlines.

Third Award – The Lakeland Times, Minocqua: (Douglas Etten): Good breadth of coverage; good features and opinion column. Some different photos. Work on spacing around heads and between stories and headline hierarchy. Main heads on the page should pop. Division E First Award – Middleton Times-Tribune: (Rob Reischel): Good photos, good headlines, good page design. Some good leads, some just OK. Try to limit jumps. No columns. Second Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (A.J. Gates): Nice design work on covers. Good breadth of coverage. I’d like to see more in way of features and columns. Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (Wes Lungwitz): A good feature or two; one column. Some interesting layout efforts but photos are weak and not as much breadth of coverage. Division F First Award – The Brillion News: (“Brillion blanks Wolves” “Triple Threats” “State of Shock” - Andrew Pantzlaff, Ed Byrne, Darcy Zander-Feiauer, Lisa Sprangers): Lots of photos, some decent layout efforts. Mostly game stories, with a couple of notable exceptions. Good breadth of coverage. Second Award – De Pere Journal: (Staff): Design clean yet pancaked; some nice photos. Couple of nice features but also some very wordy writing. Third Award – Westby Times: (Dorothy Jasperson-Robson): Entry features some good work and some very average work. There is an effort to improve average photos with some creative collages. Some work and some don’t, but extra points for trying and getting lots of faces in the paper.

Sports News Story Division D First Award – Living Mukwonago Chief: (“Kings of Kohl” - JR Radcliffe): Lively writing - makes wrestling accessible to the non-fan and fan alike. Descriptions of action are detailed, but don’t bog down. Flow of story is more like real storytelling than just regurgitating stats. Second Award – The Portage County

5 Gazette, Stevens Point: (“Iverson flood doesn’t stop Pacelli Cross Country Invite” John Kemmeter): Good coverage of a news story that could have gone on front page just as well as sports page. Quotes and narrative work together to show coaches’ decisionmaking process. Story would have been better with some quotes from the runners themselves. Third Award – The Lakeland Times, Minocqua: (“Minocqua’s Ritchie claims world championship” -Douglas Etten): Very close to second place, but writing isn’t quite as crisp -- falls back into some old sportspage syntax and word choice. Division E First Award – The Edgerton Reporter: (“Albion Tigers Make History” - Robert Samuelson): Great blend of feature and playby-play puts you in the moment. Excellent use of quotes. Second Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: (“Third time is the charm for Raiders” - Kristen Marie Winter): Good job of sustaining interest and flow through a huge tournament-coverage story. Well-organized and readable. Third Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“Wild ride comes to an end in title game” - A.J. Gates): Once again, good job of managing a long story, but in this one, the quality of the quotes is what carries it, more than the organization and flow, which aren’t quite as sharp as the second-place winner. Division F First Award – The Brillion News: (“History for Heafy” - Andrew Pantzlaff): The first and second-place stories stand out because they focus on the athletes more than the coaches. It can be hard to get great quotes out of highschool kids, but Pantzlaff and Byrne do a phenomenal job - you can tell the writers are trusted by their sources, but yet they maintain their reportorial distance. Second Award – The Brillion News: (“Rising to the Top” - Ed Byrne): See comments for first-place story. These stories really put you at trackside. Third Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“Driving a Dream” Cassandra Colson): Well-done story makes readers care about Troy Rave - I want to know what happens with him next!

Editorial: Weekly Division


hometown newspaper. This is what a local sports writer should be writing about. Second Award - County Post East, New London: (Bert Lehman) Division F First Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (“Chilly surprise, Mazur snubbed, Packers” - Brady Ambrose) Second Award – Westby Times: (“2011 Snowflake Ski Jumping Tornament” Dorothy Jasperson-Robson): Third Award – The Leader: (“B-W Softball” - Ron Cipriano)

Sports Feature River Falls Journal; First Award, Group D, Sports Feature

Local Sports Column Division D First Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Matt’s Bleacher Shots” - Matt Frey): Have to be honest: Hate the name of the column, but was impressed by the content. Second Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“First-year CC runners make fast transition” “Waiting and waiting and waiting ...” “Bring back old format for football playoffs” - Jon Gast): A very solid second place finisher. Three good columns. Third Award – Germantown-Menomonee Falls NOW: (“Datka to help out at Brookfield Central this year” “Out of madness, maybe some good can come” “Former standout races toward a cancer cure” - Steven Tietz): Writing about the local Little League is what small-town columnists ought to be doing. I’m sure the column was the talk of the town. Well done. Division E First Award –Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Hold on Tiger fans! It’s not over just yet; Sixth graders come home with more than a trophy; State appearance adds to the legacy of Ripon baseball” - Wes Lungwitz): Nice job covering hometown news in the

Division D First Award – River Falls Journal: (“Everybody knew his name” - Sports Editor Bob Burrows): Really touching piece that pulled at the heart strings without going over the top. Showed the impact one man can make on a college community and the region it touches. Only piece I had to read twice because I liked it so much. (And I never heard of him). Second Award – Vernon County Broadcaster, Viroqua: (“Remembering their place in state sports history” -Dena Harris): Excellent lead, and truly appreciated the tool of keeping the final score “hidden” a little longer than expected. Went beyond the “Hoosiers” story and showed how there is very little difference between winning and losing at that level. Loved the inclusion of getting player input – that took work. Third Award – Wauwatosa NOW: (“Fighting the Battle” - Tom “Sky” Skibosh): Good lead to capture interest, but was tied together by a close that referred back to the lead headline - (I do that too) - nice. Showed true place for sports, and how competitors know there are things more important. Nice job. Division E First Award – The Oregon Observer: (“The man behind the lens” - Anthony

Iozzo): Outstanding tribute that showed the impact one man can make on a soccer “family” and their sense of loss. Pulled at emotions without getting sappy - was done with class, and that made the biggest difference. Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“How I got from Laconia to the NFL” - Ian Stepleton): I can see this as an eventual ESPN 30-30 piece. Was impressed by the thorough detail, but more importantly how you included the small town flavor throughout and “humanized” what many see as an untouchable executive. Nice. Third Award – The Platteville Journal: (“Living life in the fast lane” - Jason Nihles): Strong lead catches attention, and then you not only relay the technicals of an under appreciated sport, but include the friendships developed and introduce a human element. Would have liked a close that tied back to the lead, but still a good piece.

Second Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“Under Water on the Peninsula” “Home Sales Trend Up” Ramelle Bintz): Great research and good job on localizing a problem that has affected the nation. Sidebars were a good touch and filled with great information. Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“I know what it’s like to live in a car’” - Donna Frake): Beautifully written series on an issue that people in the community may not be aware of. Nice work! Division E First Award – The Edgerton Reporter: (“Protest against Walker plan” - Mark Scarborough): A huge effort and amount of time went into these stories on the protests. Great well-rounded coverage. Nice work!

Division F First Award – Living Kettle Moraine Index, Dousman: (“Academy Rewards” - Chuck Delsman): Strong piece that gets into how decisions can change, and we all end up eventually where we should. Could be a regular feature, the sports were very secondary to it, but nice lead and easy style made for an enjoyable read.

Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Boca fund nearly drained” “So, where did the money go” “Connelly: Spa still will be done on time” “Granite denied loan by city” “Unpaid property taxes surprise city” “Boca: Progress is behind the scenes” “Unpaid taxes another surprise for city” - Ian Stepleton): Great research and sidebars. This is an extremely interesting story and one that residents I am sure were thankful to read. When it comes to money these days, everyone would like to know where it is going. Good job!

Second Award – Voice of Wisconsin Rapids: (“The game can wait” - Jeff Williams): Did a really good job of taking difficult subject religion - and portraying commitment and faith without being preachy or over the top. Nicely done.

Third Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“02/20/11 Bells ring, protesters sing” “A new take on nursery taunt” “In all kinds of weather” -Barbara Lyon): Well-written story with several sources; great headline.

Third Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“Double Teamed” Cassandra Colson): Strong human interest piece that was probably a hit in small town school area where kids become stars in their own right. Enjoyed how you included life outside of sports – that’s what made this one a winner.

Division F First Award – Crawford County Independent & The Kickapoo Scout, Gays Mills: (“High capacity well proposal considered” - Andreas Transo, Erin Martin): Well-researched stories, good amount of sources and strong coverage. Good job!

Enterprise/ Interpretive Reporting

Second Award – Voice of Wisconsin Rapids: (“Element Mobile: A study in intensity” - Jeff Williams): Good story with great research... interesting read.

Division D First Award – Germantown-Menomonee Falls NOW: (“Dealing With Diversity” - Peter Bukowski): Fantastic series on diversity. Great use of research and sources.

Third Award – Sun-Argus, Spring Valley/ Elmwood: (“Crystal Cave/Bats-White Nose Syndrome” - Kaye Bird): Interesting read and great coverage.

Business Coverage Division D First Award – Hudson Star-Observer: (“Industry Leaders” “Larsen’s Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy Relocates, adds the Catalyst Institute” “Taco John’s reaches a milestone: 25 years in Hudson” “ Preco expands to Hudson facility” Margaret Ontl): Strong writing, interesting leads that take reader into a story. Especially liked “Industry Leaders” and “Preco expands.” “Industry Leaders” was very comprehensive. Second Award – Superior Telegram: (“Barbers move to Belknap” “One new business leads to another” “The Light keeps burning 48 years later” “Rumors put bite on thriving businesses” - Maria Lockwood): Well written, nice use of quotes. Especially enjoyed “One new business leads to another.” Third Award – The Portage County Gazette: Stevens Point: (“Packers’ win means big business for Point companies” “Politicians, others come together to help Skyward” “County in midst of bakery renaissance” “Alchemy Concrete makes Nelsonville its home” - Scott Steuck, Matthew Brown): Good reporting, thorough, especially liked bakery trend story. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Boca fund nearly drained” “So, where did the money go?” “Connelly: Spa still will be done on time” “Granite denied loan by city” “Unpaid property taxes surprise city” “Boca: Progress is behind the scenes” “Unpaid taxes another surprise for city” Ian Stepleton): Wow! Very comprehensive look at an important community issue. Nice job of staying on top of this and holding people accountable. Appreciated all the detail on how and where the money was spent - and the financial troubles Boca Grande developed. Nice graph on 4/28/2011. Second Award – The Stoughton Courier Hub: (“CEO bankruptcy hearing reveals delicate situation” “Feds close, reopen bank” “Moving forward after the merger” “Evergreen on the edge of ruin” - Mark Ignatowski, Jim Ferolie): Very nice job covering important community issue. Good job explaining the nuances of how a bank closure works, and the factors that influence it. Nice that you were telling the story of the bank’s troubles to readers before it actually closed.

Editorial: Weekly Division Third Award – The Verona Press: (“T. Wall gets green light” “Epic fires up solar array” “Chamber group talks public-private partnership” “City approves $5M more for downtown TIF” - Jim Ferolie): Thorough reporting on important community issues. Nice job explaining complex topics so that they are reader-friendly. Division F First Award – Voice of Wisconsin Rapids: Stevens Point: (“Element Mobile: A study in intensity” - Jeff Williams): Really enjoyed “Element Mobile” story - catchy lede, very thorough. Great job covering wind turbine issue, especially good explaining tax-free bonds in ECC story. Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“JCC Perenchio Business” - Matthew Perenchio): Strong writing, nice variety. Especially enjoyed housing market story, good trend piece. Also nice feature on Valentine’s Day. Third Award – The Courier, Waterloo: (“Concerted effort by city attracts new business” - Tyler Lamb, News Assistant): Nicely focused piece on how one business made a decision to relocate.


Second Award – The Verona Press: (“Pinpricks and patches” - Victoria Vlisides): Again, another really great article that educates the public on the subject matter, in this case juvenile diabetes. Personal stories are always winners, and this one is no exception. Nice work. Third Award – The Waunakee Tribune: (“Taking a challenge of a lifetime” - Ryan Dostalek): This is an inspiring series that draws the reader in. Great writing, great subject matter and a really fine job. Division F First Award – Westby Times: (“A stranger’s knock on the door saves Brueggen’s life, family dog perishes in blaze” - Dorothy Jasperson-Robson): What a great article! Well-written, nicely packaged. The individual whose life was saved by a stranger’s knock has much for which to be thankful and that shines through in this piece. An all-around winner. Second Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (“Oscar Mayer winner” - Ken Leiviska): Who doesn’t know the Oscar Mayer song? This article is well done. The writer does a great job of capturing the reader’s interest with this creative piece. Third Award – Poynette Press: (“Searching for Uncle Harley” - Scott De Laruelle): Nice article, great subject. A really fine job of connecting the past with the present.

Division D First Award – The Country Today, Eau Claire: (“A tough road” - Jim Massey): Well-written pieces that weave tragedy with hope. This was nicely packaged and organized. Fine job!

Lifestyle Page(s)

Second Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (“Welcome back Buddy” - Lisa Curtis): Heartwarming! This is a feel-good story that makes one want to keep reading. The entire package was appealing. Keep it up!

Division D First Award – The Country Today, Eau Claire: (Lifestyle pages - Danielle Endvick): Very nice work all the way around. This entry seems to have it all.

Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Christmas 1951: On a hill in Korea” - Joe Trovato): Very nice piece from start to finish. Unique story, nicely organized and packaged in a way that draws the reader in. Nice work!

Second Award – The Chronotype, Rice Lake: (Panorama): Love the layout and the cutouts. Good work.

Division E First Award – The Oregon Observer: (“’I was starving myself ’” - Bill Livick): This article rises above the competition in a category full of great entries. The writing is clean and creative, the subject matter – anorexia - is important, and the first-hand account drives home the message. A really great job. You should be proud!

Third Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (Staff): I can tell hard work goes into this paper. Division E First Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (Deb Anderson): I enjoyed this entry! Second Award – County Post East, New London: (“Mad Dog and Merrill - Three decades of the Midwest Grill’n Buddies” Lori Schneider)

7 Division F First Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: Nice stories and layout. Good work

Environmental Reporting Division D First Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“Know your pests” “What butterflies see in Door County” “Peninsular budget worries” “Two beaches closed Thursday” - Ramelle Bintz): Very compelling articles on environmental tourism. You have an engaging writing style that can boil down topics into something regular folks can relate to. Second Award – The Chronotype, Rice Lake: (“The natural look” - Ryan Urban): Superb reporting, covering all the bases in a straightforward yet interesting manner. Bringing in the “what you can do” element ties it all together. Third Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (“Muddy waters” - Lisa Curtis): Sidebar Q&A helps this ongoing coverage hit home. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Rosendale Dairy seeks to change alternate manure spreading plan” - Ian Stepleton): This entry clearly stood out as the best. Well-written and well-researched, its readability and local appeal are strong. The graphics do a nice job in helping to tell the story. Second Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“DTE Stoneman” - David Timmerman): The reporting was very thorough, and your ongoing attention to this important story is commendable - a true service to the community. Third Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“City gets OK to weed out bay” - Barbara Lyon): A talker, to be sure. Division F First Award – Crawford County Independent & Kickapoo Scout, Gays Mills: (“Comment sought on proposed well” - Erin Martin, Andreas Transo, Charley Preusser): Nice use of your entire publication, from the front page to the editorial page, to tell this story. A true forum for public discourse.


Editorial: Weekly Division

Second Award – The Brillion News: (“Judge’s decision may stop Fox River cleanup” - Ed Byrne): Good explanation of what this means.

All-Around Newspaper Photography

Third Award – Freedom Pursuit: (“Substance dumped in Greiner Road ditch gets fast DNR cleanup reaction” - Angie Griepentrog): Well-reported.

Division D First Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (Staff) Second Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (Mark Justesen)

Third Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (Tina M Gohr) Division E First Award – The Waunakee Tribune: (Roger Hamilton) Second Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (Dunn County News Staff) Third Award –Ripon Commonwealth Press: (Staff) Division F First Award – The Brillion News: (Andrew Pantzlaff, Ed Byrne, Staff) Second Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (Times-Press staff) Third Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City

General News Photo Division D First Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (“Ozaukee County Fair” - Mark Justesen): An artfully composed and beautiful image from a carousel at the county fair. Second Award – Superior Telegram: (“Close call” - Jed Carlson): A fascinating perspective from the cab of a locomotive of just how carelessly people approach railroad crossing. Third Award – Brookfield-Elm Grove NOW: (“Just a Pinch?” - Peter Zuzga): A high school student gets a shot for meningitis and her animated reaction makes it a lively scene. Division E First Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“Mutton Bustin’” - David Timmerman): A hilarious scene from a mutton bustin’ contest at the fair. The expression on the young guy hanging onto the sheep is priceless. Second Award – Living Sussex Sun: (“Annual chili cook-off good to the last drop” - Scott Ash): The photographer’s decision to concentrate on one person and wait patiently paid off with a nice moment.

The Brillion News; First Award, Division F, All-Around Newspaper Photography.

Third Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: (“Determined” - Kristen Marie Winter): Isolating one face in the crowd helps tell the story of the mood in the room during a hearing on a public referendum. Division F First Award – The Brillion News: (“Gone” -

Andrew Pantzlaff): The backlighting on the memorial helps reveal the texture of the wall, which has the names of soldiers killed during the Vietnam War. The approach is consistent with the somber mood. Second Award – Westby Times: (“Rommegrot is dog gone good” - Dorothy Jasperson-Robson): A humorous situation is captured when a dog beats his owner in a rommegrot eating contest. Third Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: (“Pvt. Novak gets hero’s goodbye” - Todd Krysiak): The awesome show of respect shown by military pallbearers at a veteran’s funeral creates a somber mood.

Spot News Photo Division D First Award – Hudson Star-Observer, Hudson: (“Lightning sets house ablaze” - Randy Hanson): Fire burns through the roof of a home while only three firefighters stand on the driveway to fight the blaze. The urgency of the situation is understated; readers must wonder when additional help will arrive. The photographer’s decision to stay back and include the entire house in the frame and the firemen on the driveway was the right choice – it helps present the situation accurately. Second Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (“Fire destroys Grafton home” “In honor of Chief Ritter” - Kathy Braun, Mark Justesen): The photographer must have been quickly on the scene of a house fully consumed by flames fed by high winds. Third Award – River Falls Journal, River Falls: (“To the rescue!” - Sports Editor Bob Burrows): Snow bogs down emergency vehicles too. A nice picture of good Samaritans pushing an ambulance through a snow-clogged intersection. Division E First Award – Living Oconomowoc Focus: (“Nerve-Racking Wait” - Todd Ponath): Excellent attention to detail by the photographer who sees the reflection of mothers waiting to see their children who had been passengers on a bus that was involved in an accident. Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Freight train slashes vehicle” - Aaron Becker): This photo brings all the components of the news situation into one frame, the train, the damaged vehicle and the driver being treated for his injuries. Nice work.

Editorial: Weekly Division Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Douglas Street four-plex scorched” - Tim Lyke): Framing the fireman against the raging fire creates a sense of urgency to this news photograph of an apartment building fire. Division F First Award – Clintonville Chronicle, Clintonville: (“Battling Blaze” - Nikki Sasse): A dramatic picture of a barn completely consumed by flames. A good news photo. Second Award – DeForest Times Tribune: (“Tangled up on Tanglewood” - Sam Rodriguez): Firefighters are captured as they cut away the roof of a vehicle turned on its side, before they pull the driver to safety. Third Award – Reedsburg Times Press, Reedsburg: (“Two men killed in airplane crash” - Brady Ambrose): The photographer arrived quickly on the scene of an ultralight plane crash while rescuers check for survivors.

Sports Photo Division D First Award – Vilas County NewsReview, Eagle River: (“Final Out” - Gary Ridderbusch): A really nice sports photo that captures the thrill of victory. The clean composition and background help isolate the emotion to tell the story of the game. Second Award – Barron News-Shield: (“Upended” - Mark Bell): The photographer captured the peak action of the moment. The composition would have benefited from the photographer being lower to the playing field to emphasize the catcher in mid-air. Third Award – North Shore NOW: (“Whitefish Bay’s Lindsey Agnew” - Peter Zuzga): The moment between the two players on the right tells the story of the game. It’s a simple dejection photo, but frame is a little too wide. Getting a little closer to the players and filling the frame more along with layering the players in the background would improve the photo greatly. Division E First Award – Republican Journal, Darlington: (“Brillion puts an end to Darlington’s state dreams” - Tom Gunnell): A peak action sports photo that captures the efforts of the athlete. Getting his face and eyes shows his concentration. Photo needs to be cropped in a little tighter and would have benefited

Photo Essay

from the photographer being lower. Second Award – Burnett County Sentinel, Grantsburg: (“Jubilation” - Todd Beckmann): Nice emotion from the finish line. The photograph needs to be tightened up as there is just too much dead space.

Division D First Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (“Spring Show” - Kurt Krueger): A nice group of images that make you appreciate the beauty and the power of nature. Second Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Cave Kiln” - Todd Ponath): A beautiful set of images that has a really nice mix of visuals.

Third Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“Running the ‘Stacked I’” - A.J. Gates): A quirky photograph from a football game that shows the photographer thinking a little differently. Division F First Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (“Beavers sit down and stand tall” - Brady Ambrose): A great reaction photo that goes beyond just sports action. Clean composition helps focus the viewer on all the different faces and reactions.


Third Award – Germantown-Menomonee Falls NOW: (“Shock and Awe” - Peter Zuzga): Photographer elevated a simple event into a story, with effective use of details and tight emotion. Textbook, but effective.

The Richland Observer, Richland Center; First Award, Group E, Breaking News.

Second Award – Clintonville Chronicle: (“WIAA State wrestling tournament” Lauren Lawson): Captures the intensity of the match. Would have liked to have seen it as a horizontal to see their legs. Third Award – Clintonville Chronicle: (“Fly like a bird” -Mike Johnson): A clean composition and peak moment with a clean view of the athlete’s face that shows his concentration.

Feature Photo Division D

First Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“Fourth of July festivities” Tina Gohr): Great photo; love the reflection in the sunglasses, and the smile is precious! Way to capture a great moment!

job getting that moment! Division E First Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“In the ‘Spirit’” - Brett Hart): This photo made me laugh... the facial expression is priceless... Second Award – Living Sussex Sun: (“Air time” - Scott Ash): Great expression on the face and way to capture that moment of fear/excitement! Third Award – The Tribune-Phonograph, Abbotsford: (“A slippery soap” - Kevin O’Brien): Great shot! Division F First Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: (“Home always will be recognizable” - Jeremiah Tucker): The devastation in this photo speaks volumes.

Second Award – Foto News, Merrill: (“Are dog days of summer ever coming?” - Kelly O’Day): Great photo! The dog’s expression does the work here.

Second Award – DeForest Times-Tribune, DeForest: (“Duck!” - James Debilzen): Great reaction and perfect timing!

Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Model A” - Todd Ponath): You can almost hear the history in the conversation by looking at the photo. Great

Third Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“A Treat For Two” - Scott Carey): Moments between animals and children always make for a great photo.

Division E First Award – The Valders Journal, Valders: (“School Days” - Brian Thomsen): Photographer found great moments and nice story-telling inside of the classroom. A simple subject, but photographed with a strong eye. Second Award – The Platteville Journal: (“Frozen in Time” - Dan Wackershauser, Tina Davies): Moments literally frozen in time. Good collection of the starkness of winter. Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“The pride of Ripon” -Wes Lungwitz): A great moment for the local team is captured for the history books. Division F First Award – Living Kettle Moraine Index, Dousman: (“Suite Performance” - Scott Ash): Nice clean images from a dramatic performance. Second Award – Crawford County Independent & The Kickapoo Scout, Gays Mills: (“Crawford County Dairy Days” Charley Preusser): Lots of community life captured in this wonderful event. Third Award – De Pere Journal: (“Redbirds’ Silver Streak” – Staff): Nice to see a behindthe-scenes moment in a competitive sports package.

Headlines Division D First Award – Living Mukwonago Chief, Mukwonago: (“Abby’s Road” - JR Radcliffe):


Editorial: Weekly Division

Nice concise headlines, using play on words without forcing it.

creative and catchy headlines and good looking design to boot!

Second Award – Greenfield-West Allis NOW: (“Third Time” “Toughness” “Walking In Winter” - James Riccioli): Loved the toughness headline. Not a lot of room for long headlines but writer managed to nail it.

Division E First Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“What tangled webbed feet they weave” “Hellmann of a game” “Islanders leave Vikings stranded” - Brett Hart)

Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Sole Train” - JR Radcliffe): Nice use of making the headlines meld into the pictures. Lots of

Second Award – Times-Journal, Chilton: (Jim Lundstrom)

Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Call the tow truck ... Wait, that is the tow truck” “Couponing: Has it become the new ‘extreme’ hobby?” “Check out the new bar, ____ (fill in the blank)” - Ian Stepleton) Division F First Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“Eyes of the Storms” “Will Power” “Ho-Chunk Language” Matthew Perenchio): Nice work telling the stories with the headlines. Second Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (“Day at the brr-aces” “Oscar Mayer winner” “From draining to training” - Art Kabelowsky): Headlines definitely made me want to read the stories. Well done!

Front Page Division D First Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (Staff): Clean layout, good story flow. Nice use of colorful photos. Good story choice along with good writing make the reader ready for the jump page. Top-notch job. Second Award – Brookfield-Elm Grove NOW: (“Resolve” - Scott Rieser): Wonderful, colorful photos. Nice, unobtrusive lower banner ads. Good use of header for story teases. Overall, very nice job. Third Award – Vernon County Broadcaster, Viroqua: (Matt Johnson): Good photo use. Shading makes nice contrast for story reads. Good writing, nice variety in story choice. Great job. Division E First Award – The Verona Press: (“Junking the Junk” “Harboring Memories” “The World From 2 Wheels” - Victoria Vlisides, Jim Ferolie): Really nice use of space, interesting layout. Great photos, nice balance of stories. Ads perhaps necessary, but unobtrusive. Good, tight writing. Overall, job well done. Second Award – The Oregon Observer: (Victoria Vlisides): Nice layout, good photos. Nice corner tease, useful shaded breakout box with brief info. Writing is succinct and engaging. Great job!

Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River, First Award, Division D, Front Page.

Third Award – Oconto County Times Herald, Oconto Falls: (Joan Koehne): Colorful and eye-catching front page. Nicely done “street talk,” and integrated with other left column info. Good photos,

interesting and tell a story. Good writing. A job very well done, folks! Division F First Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: Very nice layout, easy to read. Good photos and use of shaded boxes to break out information. Creative headlines. Good writing. Need I say more? Wonderful job. Second Award – DeForest Times-Tribune: (James Debilzen): Nice photos, engaging layout. Excellent integration of social media with print version. Like the index and story teases at bottom. Very nice job. Third Award – The Brillion News: (“Rising to the Occasion, Drawing to a Close, Special Deliveries” -Andrew Pantzlaff, Darcy Zander-Feinauer): Nice use of photos and overlaid heads, good writing, like the photo shadows in left column and teases. Overall, nice job.

Overall Page Design Division D First Award – Oak Creek NOW: (Dan Polley): Good composition of photos, nice clean layout. Second Award – Wauwatosa NOW: (Scott Rieser) Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“All-Area Team” - Matt Colby, Lisa Leonard) Division E First Award – Times-Journal, Chilton: (Jim Lundstrom) Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (Wes Lungwitz) Third Award – Living Oconomowoc Focus: (“A visit from the ballet” - Matt Colby) Division F First Award – The Brillion News: (Andrew Pantzlaff) Second Award – The Courier, Waterloo: (Alyssa Skiba) Third Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (Art Kabelowsky)

Editorial: Weekly Division

Page Design - Feature

with a lot of coverage and great to look at. What a combination! Good job.

Division D First Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Natural Talent, Natures’ Canvas, Greetings” - Brian Wilson): Pages designs are creative, wonderful compostiion of pages.

Third Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: (Kristen Marie Winter): Excellent job with graphics, photo clipping and runaround; very appealing to look at. Job well done! Another round of great design, photography, and powerful use of photo clipping and runaround.

Second Award – Hudson Star-Observer: (“Badger Honor Flight; Immersed in Alaska; Going back to the battle” - Rebecca LaMar): Great use of dominate photos. Third Award – Muskego-New Berlin NOW: (Dan Polley) Division E First Award – Times-Journal, Chilton: (Jim Lundstrom) Second Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (Brett Hart) Division F First Award – Westby Times: (Dorothy Jasperson-Robson) Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“YIR” “Community Covers” - Matthew Perenchio)

Page Design - Sports Division D First Award – Living Mukwonago Chief: (“Gold Ettl” - Matt Colby): WOW! Congratulations on a great sports layout. Great use of design elements coupled with tremendous photography. Well done! Second Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Sole Train” - Matt Colby): One of the best uses of image clipping and copy runaround I’ve seen. Excellent job! Third Award – The Lakeland Times, Minocqua: (Bryan Rose): The sports page layouts are simple, clean and very good. The use of boxed items on the bottom of the page is a great option to sidebar copy. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (Wes Lungwitz): This is a top-notch sports layout with much to be proud of. The quality of design, photos and content layout is excellent! Second Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (Brett Hart): Sports pages

Division F First Award – The Brillion News: (“Champions” “Medaling Men” “State of Shock”): Sports pages are perfect: readerfriendly, balanced, great photography, excellent all-around package!

redistricting process” “Building committee explores changes to health care center remodeling plan” - Barbara Lyon): Very thorough coverage. Reporter knows her beat well. Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Excessive taxes cause refunds” “Lawsuit targets Green Lake official” “Request to switch board chairman gets diverted” “GL County courthouse could become arts center” “First reaction to proposal is mixed” - Aaron Becker): Diverse coverage, good narrative writing style.

11 Third Award –The Stoughton Courier Hub: (“Radio tower makes waves” “Rutland keeps stance on tower” “Towns could be next to allow ‘backyard chickens’” - Seth Jovaag) Division F First Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: (“Troy residents vote to replace elected assessor” “Recycling expected to continue” “Stalemate threatens joint committee” Jeremiah Tucker): Narrative writing style helps make stories about local government issues better reads.

Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (Matthew Perenchio): Great sports package: positioning is good, content, layout, photos all flow together. Well done! Third Award – Crawford County Independent & The Kickapoo Scout, Gays Mills: (“Seneca stuns DeSoto 50-0”): Great black and white layout! Use of photo positioning, headline font, sidebars is good. Well done!

Reporting on Local Government Division D First Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Smoothing ruffled feathers” “Mayor says council will reconsider city chicken ban” “County eyes personnel to make up $350K shortfall” - Brian Wilson): Good reporting, good leads, sometimes humorous approach to ongoing municipal story. Second Award – Wauwatosa NOW: (“Mayoral salary bump again up for debate” “Some take dim view of streetlight savings” “Sewer system fixes could cost $50M” - Stefanie Scott): Good sourcing, particularly the use of ordinary citizens in government stories. Doesn’t allow officials to drive stories. Third Award– Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Consolidation not so simple” - Joe Trovato): Thorough coverage of consolidation issue. Division E First Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (“Council nixes intoxicated server ordinance” “County begins

Chilton Times-Press, First Award, Group E, Overall Page Design.

12 Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“JCC Perenchio Government” - Matthew Perenchio): Solid reporting, writing. Third Award – Crawford County Independent & The Kickapoo Scout, Gays Mills: (“Village relocation” - Charley Preusser)

Reporting on Local Education Division D First Award – Hudson Star-Observer: (“Young Adult Literature explodes with new project” “PENNIES FOR PATIENTS” “Everyday is Earth Day in the Hudson School District” - Margaret Ontl): Stories are well-written and reported; reporter has a firm grasp of the beat.

Editorial: Weekly Division Division E First Award – Middleton Times-Tribune: (“New contract for teachers proposed” “Union, BOE return to table” “MEA contract lists ‘seven sins’” - Matt Geiger): This was a well-reported, thorough job of exploring a local issue of obvious great reader interest. Very well done. Second Award – The Oregon Observer: (“New data may shed light on grading changes” “Healthy foods a financial risk?” “Students, teachers protest” - Seth Jovaag): The grading issues story stood out because of its obvious impact on so many readers students and parents alike. Third Award – The Waunakee Tribune: (Local Education - Ryan Dostalek): The story on the space constraints was excellent and made this group of entries stand out, too.

Second Award – News Graphic, Cedarburg: (“Local students excel on ACT but ...” “Targeting the ‘academic middle’” “Residents divided on trimester plan” Gary Achterberg): Solid reporting shown in all the entries; reporter is asking the right questions.

Division F First Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: (“Teacher protests force school closing” “Bracelet ban upsets middle school students” “Sauk Prairie generate heated discussion” - Jeremiah Tucker): Very good, all-around reporting on divergent issues of importance to both students and parents.

Third Award – County Post West, Waupaca: (“Price responds to accusations” “One band, one sound” “I-S School Board delays freshmen athletics decision” - Jane Myhra): Good mix of hard news and features in the entries shows reporter has a good grasp of the beat.

Second Award – DeForest Times-Tribune: (DeForest Schools/DeForest School Board - James Debilzen): A close second here; good, solid reporting in all entries that focus on hard news issues of concern to parents and students alike.

Third Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (“Listen to the music” “Blood, sweat and tears” “Voices of dissent” - Ken Leiviska): Good, overall coverage of education-related events; thorough, well-written stories.

to analyze Wall Street in depth, however, it can certainly help explain what’s happening on the larger, national stage to a local audience, and what all of this means to local folks.

Most Improved Newspaper

Division E First Award – County Post East, New London: (“Wolf River Experience” - Lori Schneider, Tim Beimal, John Faucher): Another nice outdoors section (page) featuring interesting and fun stories of life along the Wolf River. Pages, stories and photography have a “fun” feeling to them.

Division D First Award – Wauwatosa NOW, Wauwatosa: (“Tosa liquor store wants to open bar on site” “State Supreme Court issues ruling: Tosa loses tax dispute” “Plan in works for Hart Park playground costs” NOW staff): Division E First Award – Oconto County Reporter, Oconto: (Kent Tempus, Patti Rasmussen) Second Award – County Post East, New London: (John Faucher, Lori Schneider, Tim Beimal, Stacy Knueppel, Cody Popp, Bert Lehman, Terry Lodewegen, Jane Myhra) Third Award – Times-Journal, Chilton: (Staff) Division F First Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: Second Award – Reedsburg Times Press, Reedsburg Third Award – The Brillion News: (Andrew Pantzlaff, Ed Byrne, Darcy Zander-Feinauer, Lisa Sprangers)

Special Pages Division D First Award –Vilas County NewsReview, Eagle River: (Kurt Krueger, Gary Ridderbusch, Anthony Drew): Large variety of content throughout this substantial section. I would think a Wisconsin newspaper would need a serious outdoors section like this given the popularity of outdoor sports, and the importance of wildlife to Wisconsinites. Very good selection of stories, not all about hunting and fishing. Good advertising content mixed in.

Door County Advocate (Sturgeon Bay), First Award, Group D, Feature Photo.

Second Award – The Star News, Medford: (Your Money - Staff): Good section for a local newspaper to include, especially these days. A small town newspaper doesn’t have

Second Award – The Dunn County News, Menomonie: (MHS News - Barbara Lyon, La Crosse Tribune copy desk, Menomonie High School student contributors): Nice collaboration with a local school and the newspaper producing local content that likely appeals to both younger readers and adults. Also has the added benefit of teaching young people to express themselves through writing and photography. Strengthens relationship between school and community.

Investigative Reporting Division D First Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“‘Scourge of our Society” - Jim Stevens, Kelly Smith): A detailed look at an ongoing and growing problem in the community. Second Award – The Portage County Gazette, Stevens Point: (“Noel identified as mall’s $25,000 mystery donor” - Matthew Brown) Third Award – Dodge County Pionier, Mayville: (“High On Heroin In Dodge County” “High On Heroin - Part II” “High On Heroin - Part III” - Elizabeth Koeck) Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Boca fund nearly drained” “Much rests on success of TID 11” “Granite denied loan by city” “Progress report: Downtown development” “Unpaid taxes another surprise for city” - Ian Stepleton): This series of reports follows the old adage to “follow the money.” The financing of this project is complicated, but the series does a good job of explaining why taxpayers should be interested.

Editorial: Weekly Division Division F First Award – County Line, Ontario: (“A burgeoning industry: Sand mining coming to Monroe County” - Karen Parker): A good piece of reporting on an issue that’s sure to be controversial.

Entertainment Pages Division D First Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Ask Ed” - Brian Wilson): Provides strong sense of community and the variety of entertainment mediums in the area to choose from. Second Award – Hudson Star-Observer, Hudson: (“Now Playing” - Carole Rieg): Offers broad variety of material as well as a calendar of events. Third Award – The Tomah Journal and Monitor Herald: (“Freeze Fest plans taking shape” - Staff)

Graphics Division D First Award – The Lakeland Time, Minocqua: (“Packers headed to Super Bowl” - Matt Jordens, Raymond T. Rivard): Nice use of photos to create cover design. Division E First Award – County Post East & County Post West, New London (“All Stars: Heavy Hitters” “Heroes” “Top Guns” - Cody Popp): Very impressive submission; the clear-cut winner. The photos, headlines and concepts for each cover show great creativity and that great thought process went in to each section. To see the theme carried out throughout the section just adds to the message. Great job. Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“What is the status of Ripon’s newest developments” “Campus celebrates 75 years Thursday” “What do they look like?” - Ian Stepleton): Use of graphics to enhance editorial well implemented. Use of map a good way to breaking down large amounts of text. Photo illustration on campus very creative. Would have been nice to see it featured a little better on the page. Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“2010-11 Red Hawks: Putting the pieces together” “Red Hawk romp” “Road to the goal” - Wes Lungwitz): Creative use

of photo borders in “Putting the Pieces Together.” Might try feathering the edges of your clipped out photos a little to soften the lines. Division F First Award – Westby Times, Westby: (Front page Nisse and Cartoon - Evelyn Larson): Good job of utilizing a tradition in your newspaper and community.

General Web Excellence Division D First Award – New Richmond News: (Staff): Clean design and strong organization lead to easy navigation for this website. Image with each featured story on home page helps promote content, while area voices bucket offers easy access to blogs. Content presentation keeps the reader drilling for more. Second Award – Wauwatosa NOW: (WauwatosaNOW.com - Scott Peterson, Matt Newman, NOW Staff): Site offers readers easy navigation to breaking news, photos and stories. Weekly crime report with map is a winner as is the town square message board. Overall, a clean and attractive website. Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (LivingLakeCountry - Staff): Hyper-local coverage and presentation make for a winning site. Local watch box containing updates in the communities keeps readers informed throughout the day. Site has strong packaging of featured forum, staff blogs and video roundups. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (www.RiponPress.com - Ian Stepleton, Tim Lyke, Aaron Becker, Wes Lungwitz): Scrolling breaking news box keeps readers updated on local content. The site drives UGC with its tip, blog and photo buckets. Reader poll is prominently played on the page and offers readers a strong selection of answers. Division F First Award – Sun-Argus: (www. mygatewaynews.com - Web master: Ben Seeling, Publisher: Paul J. Seeling): Local news, weather, sports and events keep the communities this site serves up to date throughout the day. Photo galleries always a big draw for readers.

Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (Jackson County Chronicle website): Organization makes this a readerfriendly website. Design is clean and simple; allows for easy navigation.

Creative Use of MultiMedia Division D First Award – Wauwatosa NOW: (“Testing the Waters: NOW rates swimming hot spots” - Matt Newman, C.T. Kruger, Ian Yakob, Andrea Sielicki): Videos, photo galleries and interactive, 3D panoramas, coupled with charts and ratings, make this project on local swimming spots a winner. This project is an excellent example of gathering information and having fun with it. Second Award – Brookfield-Elm Grove NOW: (“All-Suburban Boys Basketball Team” - Matt Newman, Scott Rieser): This project will turn a prep basketball fan into a prep basketball junkie. Facts and stats are presented in a visually appealing fashion, and the content is organized in an easily digestible format. Interactive map of area school’s all-time leading scorers is fun to peruse. Third Award – New Richmond News: (“SOUNDSLIDE: Murderball” - Jeff Holmquist): Nice example of storytelling using sound slide. Sight, sound and the interview place the reader in the middle of the action.

Web Special Project Division D First Award – Wauwatosa NOW: (“Testing the Waters: NOW rates swimming hot spots” - C.T. Kruger, Matt Newman, Ian Yakob, Andrea Sielicki): Videos, photo galleries and interactive, 3D panoramas, coupled with charts and ratings, make this project on local swimming spots a winner. This project is an excellent example of gathering information and having fun with it. Second Award – North Shore NOW: (“Roundball Rankings” - Matt Newman, JR Radcliffe): This project will turn a prep basketball fan into a prep basketball junkie. Facts and stats are presented in a visually appealing fashion, and the content

13 is organized in an easily digestible format. Interactive map is fun to peruse. Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Construction updates (three major highways)” - Cynthia Luksich and other staff): Constuction update site offers useful information in a clean format. Project schedule is a nice touch, but really enjoyed the live traffic cameras with the interactive map.

Continuing Web Coverage Division D First Award- Brookfield-Elm Grove NOW: (“Push for the Playoffs” - JR Radcliffe, Matt Newman, David Cotey): Comprehensive football coverage of the playoffs with the help of video, fan forums, blogs, social media and photo galleries. Second Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Elections” - Cynthia Luksich and other staff): Maps, videos and stories populate this aggregate site. It is one-stop shopping for the elections. Third Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Roundball Rankings” - JR Radcliffe): Following local football player’s drive to the NFL is made easy with the aggregation of coverage. The page is clean and easy to navigate. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press, Ripon: (“Coverage of reaction to Gov. Walker’s budget bill, which led to Ripon Sen. Olsen’s recall attempt” - Ian Stepleton, Tim Lyke): Solid coverage of the tension at the Capitol is enhanced by web polls, blogs, editorials, documents, photo galleries and stories. Nice job of localization by focusing on the area’s state senator and how the controversy affected him.


Bill Payne Award

Advertising: Weekly Division

Division D First Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Ford Story” - Patricia Durham, Kelly Schmidt): Awesome design!!! Second Award - Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (”Emanuele & Haut, CPAs, SC - 25 Years & Counting” - Donna Dorau): Creative. Third Award – Pierce County Herald, Ellsworth: (“Family-fresh, quality values for generations” - Tracy Webb, Shelly Hansen): Lots of information, nice layout. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Mooove-on over to Save A Lot” - Kim Fischer, Tami Conlon) Second Award – Clintonville Chronicle: (“Trophies & Treasurers Best Kept Secret” – Tricia Rose) Third Award – The Platteville Journal: (“Snap Fitness Ad” - Ann Rupp Advertising, Carol Tyson – Design)

Best Adv Idea (Series) Division D First Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Paving Our Way” - Sarah Biermann, Mandi Ploeckelman, Kelly Schmidt): Very useful information provided in a creative way. Second Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“K.B. Miller Apparel” – Judy Steger, Sales Executive, Renee McAllister, Sales Assistant/liaison, Matt Erickson, Sales Manager): Sometimes simplicity is best. This series clearly shows what the store has to offer. Third Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“Hide Side Boutique” - Judy Steger, Sales Executive, Renee McAllister, Sales Assistant/liaison, Matt Erickson, Sales Manager): Nice use of color and design to create a cohesive series. Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Fat Bruce’s Bakery and Eating Kitchen” - Tami Conlon, Kim Fischer, Bob Chikowski): Great use of humor coupled with a clean and consistent design.

River Falls Journal, First Award, Division D, Best Multiple Advertiser Spread. Second Award – Clintonville Chronicle, Clintonville: (“Steinke Auto” - Staff): Whimsical, grabs your attention, fun. Third Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“Wegmann & Farmer Series” - Kevin Kelly, Jessica Brownell): Very recognizable ads that do a good job branding the practice.

Best Special Section

a smaller section, it’s so eye-catching. Each ad stands its ground. The text and artwork around the ads add so much visibly. Great use of color and art. Third Award – Lake Geneva Regional News, Lake Geneva: (“Holiday Gift Guide” - Jessica Franzene): Very nice section with pretty holiday art and great color. The pull-out section is a wonderful idea.

Division D First Award – Pierce County Herald, Ellsworth: (“Portraits In Pierce County” - Tracy Webb, Salesperson, Vicky Howe, Salesperson, Laura Howard, Designer): Great design work. Clean, attractive ads with great color. Very classy looking ads that are easy to read. The photos make all the ads very personal too. Super section!

Division E First Award - Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“Two-Thousand Eleven Wedding Guide” – Staff): It’s obvious that lots of creative talent and time went into these ads! I bet all the advertisers were thrilled with this section. Second Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“She” - Staff): Very attractive ads. Nice full color. Great job!

Second Award – The Portage County Gazette, Stevens Point: (“Places to go, People to see... Fish to Eat!” - Gary Glennon, Casey Sullivan, Matt Clucas, Paula O’Kray): Although it’s

Third Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“Family Business Generations” - Staff): This section is a great example of the fact that you don’t have to

have a lot of color to make a section shine. The ads were all the same size and similar in layout due to the headings, yet they all still look unique. Great idea for a special section!

Best Use of Color Division D First Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Kowalske Kitchen & Bath - Imagine Design Create” - Paddy Kieckhefer) Second Award – Pierce County Herald: (“Reuvers’ Nursery & Garden Center” Tracy Webb, Laura Howard) Third Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (“Open House” - Betsy Bleicher, Kurt Krueger): Division E First Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: (“Best use of color entries” - Cathy Morrow)

Advertising: Weekly Division Second Award– Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Flourish Grand Opening” - Tami Conlon) Third Award – The Tribune-Phonograph: (“Karen Taylor-Good” - Jami Kloth)

Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Division D First Award – River Falls Journal: (“13th Annual River Dazzle” - Mary Beth Kremer, Shelly Hansen, staff): Pretty pages. Great color, nice organization with the big ads together and the smaller ads around the list of events. It showcases the smaller ads more - a bonus for those advertisers. Superb creativity! Second Award – The Portage County Gazette, Stevens Point: (“Congratulations SPASH Softball” - Paula O’Kray, John Kemmeter): Great doubletruck layout. The ads and color are excellent. I like the ads down the side with photos and information in the middle. Those photos are great - you can feel the excitement just looking at them. Third Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Rib Lake Ice Age Days” - Tresa Blackburn, Perry Clausnitzer, Kelly Schmidt, Mandi Ploeckelman, Sarah Biermann, Pat Durham): What a fun ad! Great choice for color and chunky fonts that really make the ads pop. The design work in the informational part is awesome! Division E First Award – Burnett County Sentinel, Grantsburg: (“First Baby of the Year Contest” - Ashleigh Olson, Stacy Coy): I love this ad! What a unique promotion. Everyone loves babies and this ad is adorable just as the photos are. I like all of the ads having the same border, yet in different colors to set them apart from each other. Second Award – Tri-County Press, Cuba City: (“Congrats Wrestlers, Basketball & Gymnastics” -Brian Muldoon, Jessica Brownell): This is an awesome layout. Great display of the photos. Nice organization and very clever to switch up the look with variation in ad sizes. Well done! Third Award – County Post East, New London: (“The Big Buck Board” - Staff): Clever idea and such a fun ad! The photos on post notes looks fantastic. The

Snowflake Ski Jumping Tornament” Dorothy Jasperson-Robson): Action shot at top sets nice mood of ad. Use of photos and color blue creates for nice winter feeling.

individual ads are creative with great use of art to attract the eye.

Best Use of Art Service

Third Award – Campbellsport News: (“Congratulations CHS Wrestling Team” Andrea Hansen Abler, Rebecca Van Beek): Collage of team shows the group’s effort paired with team portrait. Nice use of yellow.

Division D First Award – The Star News, Medford: (“Introduction to Beer Brewing” - Kelly Schmidt, Mandi Ploeckelman): The bottle just pops off the page. The art works perfectly with the message of the ad.

Best Advertising Sales Tool

Second Award – The Tomah Journal and Monitor Herald: (“Breakaway” - Jan Gerke): Good art selection enhancing the message of the ad. The face works well within the entire layout of the ad.

Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Ripon Commonwealth Press & Express Advertising Information (Rate Brochure)” - Tami Conlon, Tim Lyke): Compact, but complete listing and explanation of advertising rates. Very nicely designed and user-friendly. This was made with the customer in mind.

Third Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (“Interest-Free Financing” -Betsy Bleicher, Kurt Krueger): It’s not easy making stock photos of flooring interesting and different. The layout and art do their job in this ad and enhance the overall message.

Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Get Green Lake News on your door step...” - Tami Conlon): Simple idea, solid results. Very nice.

Division E First Award – The Platteville Journal: (“Great American SmokeOut” -Ann Rupp, Carol Tyson, Design): This was the perfect choice of art for this type of ad. Second Award – County Post East, New London: (“Fresh Seafood Sale” - Jeff Hoffman): At first this looks like a grocery ad. As you look more closely you see how all the art elements work with the other elements resulting in an effective ad. Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Mooove-on over to Save a Lot” Tami Conlon, Kim Fischer): The use of the cow art elements really make this ad stand out. It works.

Best Use of Local Photography Division D First Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (“Open House” - Betsy Bleicher, Kurt Krueger): High quality photos, angles were well chosen and showed off the spaces for sale. Second Award – Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland: (“Lake Country Physicians - Good Harvest Market” -


The Star News, Medford; First Award, Division D, Best Use of Art Service. Michele Flanders): Nice resolution and color of photo. It’s clear that effort was put into the color of the ad as it relates to the photo. Plays off well between photo and headline. Third Award – Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River: (“Ace is the Place” - Betsy Bleicher, Kurt Krueger): Does a nice job showing the nature of the hardware store. Nice use of color overall. Resolutions in some of the photos could have been higher for better effect. Division E First Award – The Tribune-Phonograph, Abbotsford: (“Morgan Huber” - Cathy Morrow): Nice use of cutout figure. Juxtaposed nicely with action shot of athlete at the end of rainbow. Nice use of white space. Second Award – Westby Times: (“2011

Third Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: (“Tough Mudder” - Chad Brewer, Eric Hilton): Very dynamic, very eye-catching. Division E First Award – Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster: (“Baby’s First Christmas” -Jessica Brownell): Very cute and well-designed. I liked the “wave” design element that gets repeated throughout. Good font choices, great use of color. Wonderful! Second Award – The Record-Review, Edgar: (“Your hometown does it again!” Karen Gebelein): Good way to recognize the work of an employee. Very well done. Third Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“We Won’t Give You Any Lip!” Tami Conlon): Cute baby.

Best Niche Pub -In Paper Division D First Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“Showcase of Homes” -


Advertising: Weekly Division

Advocate Staff, Kristy Gnadt, Graphic Designer): Stylish cover image and interior. Great use of typography throughout issue. Fantastic to have all of that info at one’s fingertips.

Third Award – The Star News, Medford: (“2011 Fingertip Directory” - Tresa Blackburn, Kelly Schmidt, Patricia Durham, Mandi Ploeckelman, Sarah Biermann): Nicely done.

Second Award – Dodge County Pionier, Mayville: (“Dodge County Fair” Kathy Dobbratz, Jessica Petri, Danielle Wiedmeyer): Good section detailing all events surrounding fair activities.

Division E First Award – County Post East, New London: (“New London Calendar - A Brief History of Business” -County Post East Staff): Very Creative.

Third Award – Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay: (“Souvenir Program Door County Fair” - Christopher Clough, Special Sections Editor, Kristy Gnadt, Graphic Artist): Good typography in this program. Nice, appealing cover design and interior pages well-designed.

Second Award – County Post East, New London: (“2011 New London Wisconsin Directory & Community Guide” - Lori Schneider, Alison Garrigan, John Faucher, Stacy Knueppel,Tim Bemal): Great from cover to cover. Nice use of full color, ad layout and design.

Division E First Award – County Post East & County Post West: (“Top Guns” - County Post Staff): Great cover. Very interesting concept exemplifying local athletic talent. A great section to keep forever!

Third Award – The Tribune-Photograph, Abbotsford: (“Around Town Directory” – Staff): Great small ads, clean.

Second Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“Marcus Cinema 75th Anniversary Commemorative Edition” - Staff): Fantastic nostalgic look at local theater and its impact on the community through the years. Nice layout and very engaging photos and editorial. Third Award – Living Oconomowoc Focus: (“Destination Oconomowoc” - Amy Nixon, Michele Flanders, Lisa Leonard): Great local “keeper”. All local information easily accessible in a stylish section that is well-designed and functional.

Best Niche Pub -Out of Paper Division D First Award – Hudson Star-Observer: (“Discover Historic Downtown Hudson, Wisconsin” - Melissa Peloquin, Laura Howard): Very creative. Nice clean look. Ad design clean and elegant. Second Award – Hudson Star-Observer: (“2011/2012 Hudson Wisconsin (Community Guide)” - Mary Beth Kremer, Douglas Stohlberg, Becki LaMar, staff): Very clean. Great ad design both color and black and white.

Best Circulation Promotion Division E First Award – Times-Journal, Chilton: (“Aye Matey!” - Sue Tollman, Jack): Good idea to get the reader engaged in finding the deal. Second Award – Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls: (“Graduation Gifts” Robin Noth, Brianne Booth): Very nice ad layout. Good idea to take advantage of graduation for a sales opportunity. Third Award – Tribune Record Gleaner, Loyal: (“TRG October Subscription Special” - Ashley Kadolph): Very nice use of art to attract attention.

Online Revenue Builder Division E First Award – Ripon Commonwealth Press: (“WOW! I Can’t Believe It’s Free!” - Tami Conlon)

Ripon Commonwealth Press, First Award, Division E, Online Revenue Builder.

Best Online Advertising-Single Ad-Animated Division D First Award – River Falls Journal: (“Sam Kedem Nursery Garden: It’s berry season!” - Pam Deutsch, Travis Schaefer): Well done! Second Award – Pierce County Herald, Ellsworth: (“AJs Express Lube and Car Wash” - Tracy Webb, Travis Schaefer) Third Award – Pierce County Herald, Ellsworth: (“Get Your Cheese for Game Day!” - Tracy Webb, Travis Schaefer): We were moooooved.

Best Online Ad -Single Ad-Animated Division E First Award – Juneau County Star-Times, Mauston: (“9th Annual Fly In” - Chad Brewer) Second Award – Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City: (“2nd Saturdays on the Riverway” Nick Ahles, Marcia Budde): Third Award – Reedsburg Times Press: (“Reedsburg Area Medical Center” - Chad Brewer, Nichole Foesch): Lock the logo into its own space. Rotate text as needed in remaining area.

General Excellence Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: Beautiful writing throughout. Strong, authoritative editorial voice, and good allowance for voices of others. Dramatic overall presentation in every edition …something compelling on every page, which is the tell-tale sign of a good, old-fashioned, butt kickin’ daily newspaper. Kudos entire WSJ staff. In these days of challenged resources you have much to be proud of. Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: Super day-after Super Bowl edition. Honestly, if the general excellence award was given for best, single edition, that Feb. 7 Gazette would be a clincher. These folks know how to blow out a big, honkin’ story. A shout-out to the work done by Gazette photo staff on Super Sunday. Marvelous work.

Editorial: Daily Division Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: Smooth writing throughout. A neatly edited paper. Solid opinion page. Excellent local art, but might dial back the reverse heads in local photos a tad. Also, maybe strive for a little more design discipline on inside. Division B First Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: This newspaper is clearly maintaining a long, strong history of high-end journalism in Oshkosh. Good stuff on almost every page. Consistently strong front pages that feature terrific storytelling in words and design. Designers stick with the basics, and those designers prove that the basics can still make a page sparkle. Two exceptionally strong special sections (Living Here and Salute to Veterans). All in all, a wonderful product on the shores of Lake Winnebago Second Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: Excellent attention to local detail throughout this paper. It’s clear that the newspaper itself has a strong presence in the community. Compelling and daringly colorful opinion pages. Design could use some clean-up and updating in some areas. I also found the page flow a little awkward in places (Why, for example, place the Sunday weddings, engagements, etc. smack inside a newsy A section?) Overall, though, a very likable and certainly non-cookiecutter newspaper. Third Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: A satisfying overall presentation of news and features. However, an area that separates this newspaper from a crowd of similar entries is the incredible Sports sections. Great writing, great photography and great design. Hands-down best of class sports. Nicely done. Division C First Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (““Residents take in the damages”; “History no surprise”; “Increasing poverty challenges schools”” - Staff): An exceptionally well done, newsy piece on housing agency scandal. Good stuff. Strong local editorial page mix and consistently wide variety of sports coverage.

Oshkosh Northwestern; First Award, Group B, General Excellence.

Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: Very daring front-page presentation on the big Farm Tech Days event. Cool. This is a consistently newsy paper, I like the overall professional look and feel Third Award – Portage Daily Register: Outstanding coverage of the flood. Good art, good design, good heads and powerful


words. Nicely done. (It felt a little heavy on usage of Cap News Service content, but we can all relate.)

have helped to have a Web presence with video of some of the businesses actually making the products.

Special Projects

Editorial Award

Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“Super Bowl XLV” - Staff): Amazing amount of work and information, statistics, blogs, video, photos from the Super Bowl. Comprehensive, interesting mix of sports and human interest stories. These special sections and posters will be saved by Green Bay fans for years.

Division A First Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Records show need for public accounting” - Steve Lovejoy, David Steinkraus): This set of editorials not only takes a well-stakedout opinion, but does it in an entertaining way. Readers have to enjoy the variety of ways that this newspaper tackles the issues.

Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“On Target? Wisconsin’s Deer Management Policies” - Gannett Wisconsin Media): Great cooperative effort between four newspapers to take a look at the deer industry in Wisconsin. All sides are well covered. Great presentation using graphics, photos and maps in print to help tell the story, complemented further by the video and flash graphic online.

Second Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison (“Rise above ugly stalemate,” “Fitzgerald’s can only blame selves” and “Jack teensy beer tax to fight DUI”): The editorials are clear and well-reasoned. Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Kratz needs to resign; DA can no longer credibly do his job” -Sarah Riley): There is little doubt where the newspaper stands on these issues.

Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Do It! Community Challenges” 4 programs – Staff): Outstanding community service campaign. While many newspapers will undertake one campaign a year, The Post-Crescent took on four! Nice touch to provide the large plastic bag to subscribers to fill with items for Goodwill. Great job finding corporate sponsors and donors to improve the success of the campaigns. Could have used some multi-media entries - blogs, video, etc.

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (“Taking lessons from bad choices” “School board takes solid step” “Big dairy offers boon to region” - Greg Peck): A good set of editorials. These are well-written and take a clear stance.

Division B First Award – The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan: (“Public salaries” - Eric Litke, Janet Ortegon, Nhia Yang, Dave Lubach, Bob Petrie, Bruce Halmo, Bob Farina, Mike Knuth): Excellent use of FOI requests to get salary information on public officials during a time when public spending in Wisconsin is a national story. Great job personalizing the story and including the interactive Web graphic which allows readers to search for specific salaries and OT earned. The editorial on the first day of the series was also helpful.

Third Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“Distilling the news” “Wirth jury got it wrong” “No cop-out on K2” – Oshkosh Northwestern editorial board)

Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau: (“Made in Central Wisconsin” -Staff): Interesting look at all of the businesses in Wisconsin that create products. Easy to read, nice adjoining profile boxes about the businesses and highlighting employees. Very comprehensive print product. Would

Second Award – The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan: (“Mayor editorials” - Joe Gulig, Mike Knuth): This paper took a stand and then kept at it.

Division C First Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Mark Gunderman): The best things about these editorials is they take a stand. They are well-written and readable and it’s clear where the paper stands on the issues. Second Award – The Monroe Times, Monroe: (Mary Jane Grenzow, Carl Hearing): Good editorials that are written in a ready, friendly style. Third Award – Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson: (“Distilling the news” “Wirth jury got it wrong” “No copout on K2” - Christine Spangler)


Editorial Page(s) Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (Scott Milfred, Kris Crary, Jonathan Kleinow, Phil Hands): Superb Sunday packages were a clear winner among the entries in this category. Wellcrafted editorials and lots of space devoted to the voice of the reader. Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (Karen Lincoln Michel, Kelly McBride) Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Larry Gallup) Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (Greg Peck): No paper in any category did a better job than the Janesville Gazette of accommodating the voice of readers, who had multiple options for being heard. Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau: (Robert Mentzer, Peter Wasson, Sirena Mankins, Elissa Holtmeier) Third Award – The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan: (Joe Gulig) Division C First Award – Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson: (Christine Spangler): It ain’t pretty, but the Daily Jefferson County Union editorial page makes an unwavering commitment to local commentary, and to facilitating the voice of its readers. Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (Mystique Macomber) Third Award – Portage Daily Register: (Jason Maddux)

Special SectionEditorial Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Annual Report” - Staff): A thorough but lively look at the economy. Strong display, strong advertising support. The “On the Rise” vignettes offer welcome variety. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“An arts legacy” - Cheryl Anderson, Ed Berthiaume, Wm. Glasheen,

Editorial: Daily Division Kara Patterson): Designer understood the necessity of approaching this project with panache. Writers covered all the bases and answered the important questions. Excellent package. Glad you chose to feature some of the major works in the collection. Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“Super Bowl XLV” - Staff): Strong use of photographs complements clear writing and an unerring local voice. Graphics seal the deal. Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Welcome, Mr. President / Our Time To Shine” - Benjamin Wideman, Charlie Mathews, Sarah Kloepping, Suzanne Weiss, Cindy Hodgson, Russ Budzisz, Mike Knuth, Doug Sundin): There was never a false note as the newspaper fulfilled its obligation to chronicle a piece of community history that will resonate with generations to come. All angles were examined and the layout and reproduction were crisp and authoritative. Excellent job. Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau: (“Made in Central Wisconsin” - Staff): In a time of economic challenge, the effort to showcase local productivity is especially welcome. The breadth and thoroughness of reporting is impressive. Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“YOU” magazine (June 2011) - Amy Hanson): There are new ways to present a bridal section and to do so with intelligence and style. The layout of this product was a stand-out - light, clean, appropriate. Never too much. Division C First Award– Watertown Daily Times: (“Family & Friends” - Staff): Good features, clearly displayed. The Stand-out winner. Second Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Special section – Staff): The fact that stories are ad-related does not detract. Strong coverage of the local business scene. Third Award – The Monroe Times, Monroe: (“Fall Sports Preview 2011” - Adam Krebs, Mark Nesbitt): Exceptional use of color photography, nicely packaged.

Open Records/FOI Award Division A First Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Climate of Fear” - Christine Won, Steve Lovejoy): Attention to detail not just in the storytelling process, but also in relating to the reader the steps necessary to get at the information helped set this story apart. The posting of volumes of documentation was a plus for the reader. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Missteps in Africa end dean’s career” (Aug. 21, 2011) - Duke Behnke, Larry Gallup, Jamie Mara, Andy Thompson): Thorough reporting of a lot of interplaying issues without bogging the reader down in minute details. Writing helped bring the story alive. Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Bryan Stanley release records” - Anne Jungen, Chris Hardie, Rusty Cunningham) Division B First Award – Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau: (“Fight for city records in Merrill” - Karina Gonzalez, Peter Wasson): A great example of how exhaustive a good recordsbased story can be, and explained well to the readers to give the sense of “something is going on here.” Good use of plain, old on-the-street reporting blended with supporting records. Second Award – The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan: (“Public salaries” - Eric Litke, Janet Ortegon): A massive effort to collect information and bring context to a story. Strong reader elements, including an online database, that help show the magnitude of the story. Third Award – Oshkosh Northwestern, Oshkosh: (“Teachers union leader disciplined” “Herricks gets unpaid suspension” “Teachers split on union law response” - Adam Rodewald): A great job not letting the story rest with one document and report, following up on questions that are raised by each reporting. Division C First Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“History no surprise” “Housing Authority head resigns” - Nathaniel Shuda): A great example of how easy it becomes for things to be “overlooked” when swept from the attention of the public. A bulldog

approach in asking questions and seeking out documents found a story within a story, and unwove a series of cover-ups. Second Award – Baraboo News Republic, Baraboo: (“Inmate injured in work-release accident” - Tim Damos): When people won’t talk, turn to the records. Obviously something agencies would have preferred never see the light of day, but standing ground and fighting for the information shows something that was at best an error in judgment and at worst a matter of negligence. Shows that something as seemingly mundane as an accident can have a story waiting to be told. Third Award – Watertown Daily Times, Watertown: (“Fire department investigation” - Adam Tobias): Never take no for an answer when the public’s money and trust are involved. Otherwise, sordid abuses of those trusts can be easily covered up. Textbook example of that reasoning here.

Breaking News Coverage Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“State of Chaos” - Wisconsin State Journal staff): Head and shoulders the most complete entry in this category. It is very rare that a breaking news event is composed of so many breaking news events. The newspaper did a fantastic job navigating the national story with precision and strong writing. Second Award – Green Bay Press- Gazette: (“Marinette standoff ” - Doug Schneider, Steve Contorno, Paul Srubas, Charles Davis, Scott Williams, Alex Morrell): The best part of this entry is what the newspaper did beyond what the reader saw in print. These days, covering breaking news goes beyond a 20-inch print story. Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Storms rip Valley” “Cleanup begins” “Repairs needed” -Larry Avila, Michael Louis Vinson, Pete Bach, Steve Wideman, J.E. Espino, Michael King, Bernie Peterson): Impressive entry, especially Day One, given the short turnaround time. Division B First Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Policeman killed; second officer wounded; K-9 wounded; sniper kills self

Editorial: Daily Division

“ - Russ Plummer, Laurie Ritger, Colleen Kottke, Heather Stanek, Peggy Breister, news editor): The depth and breadth of this coverage gives it a slight advantage in a very competitive category. Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau: (“Students, teachers, Senate Democrats stage walkout” - Jake Miller, Kathleen Foody, Chad Dally, Elissa Holtmeier): Comprehensive report of a charged-up issue. Third Award – Oshkosh Northwestern – (“2 dead in lake crash; Plane crashes” - Oshkosh Northwestern, The Reporter staff): Tremendous details from the scene stand out in this story. Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register, Portage: (“Flooding 2010” - Daily Register staff): In a category dominated by flooding and storm coverage, this entry stood out as the most complete. Second Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“Storms cut through Wood County” “Cleanup effort begins” “Residents take in the damages” - Deb Cleworth) Third Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“Breaking its banks” “Flood recovery begins” - Nathaniel Shuda)

Local Column Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“On Wisconsin politics” - Scott Milfred): Interesting pieces, well organized with a clear and well-stated opinion. Second Award – La Crosse Tribune, La Crosse: (Kari Knutson): Nice writing style. Makes simple things seem important and relevant to readers. Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Father and son share bond over ball” - Julie Gilkay): Short, sweet and wonderful glimpses at life. In so few words you painted pictures in my mind! If only more could write like this. And who can’t identify with the topics? To be judged on reader appeal and clarity of writing - how can this not be a prize winner?

Local Column

Division B First Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Off Beat columns by Tom Giffey” - Tom Giffey): Nice variety of topics handled well. Second Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Would a New Year’s Eve drop fly in Eau Claire” “State government downright embarrassing” “Resisting secrecy key for media, democracy” - Don Huebscher): Good topical columns, but not necessarily strong points made. Focus more on that. Third Award – The Freeman, Waukesha: (“James Wigderson” - James Wigderson): Good variety of topics, a bit overwritten. Division C First Award– Baraboo News Republic, Baraboo: (“It’s A Funny Thing” - Ben Bromley): Nice variety, well written. Nice pace. Clearly the best of this class. Second Award – Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson: (“Living Rich on Less”, in logo) - Pam Chickering Wilson): Interesting approach - nice character development. A bit overwritten, but enhanced by photos. Third Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (“Local Columns for Mark Gunderman” - Mark Gunderman): Detailed reporting and an easy-going writing style result in some nice columns. Point is occasionally buried.

Division B First Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Casting Back for Memories” “Good Food, Good Cause” “Developing into a Disagreement” - Joe Knight): Knight takes the reader to the locale he’s writing about through descriptive observations of the environment around him. Second Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“How big a risk is too big?” “Backyard birds: Time well spent” “A nod to March” “A toast to Aldo” - Michael Mentzer, The Reporter managing editor) Third Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (“Keeping an eye on the mayfly” “Days of steel and sturgeon” “Native lawn: Troy couple champions plants over turf ” - Anna Marie Lux) Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register, Portage: (“Good times in deer camp” “Amber drops a droptine” “Going 2 for 2” - Travis Houslet): First person narrative gives reader a front-row seat. Second Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Mark Gunderman)

Sports Page(s) Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Staff): High-energy pages, deft writing and an overall sense of fun permeate the sections presented. Even if you aren’t a sports fan, you’d want to read these pages.

Local Outdoor Column

Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Sports staff): Effective and comprehensive coverage throughout. Impressive attention to what matters to readers.

Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“Outdoors: Patrick Durkin” - Patrick Durkin): Very down-to-earth writing style. Draws the reader in with good description, knowledge of topic.

Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (Susan Shemanske, Alan Nunn, Greg Giesen, John McNally, Robb Luehr, Peter Jackel, Gery Woelfel): Clear commitment to prep sports throughout.

Second Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Bowhunting at Crossroads” “Family Time in the Field” “Nice Introduction to Ice” - John Nolan): Very good narrative writing style. Has a good ear for quotes. Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“Outdoors: Dan Higgins” Dan Higgins)

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Super finish” - sports, photo and graphics staff): Nice balance of pro and local sports coverage. Nicely presented throughout. Second Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (John Casper Jr., Joe Ziemer, Adam Parks, Justin Harings) Third Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (The Reporter Sports Staff)

19 Division C First Award– The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (David Bossick, Brandon Berg): A nice retrospective blended the immediacy of daily coverage with a rich legacy of competition. Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (Staff) Third Award – Portage Daily Register: (Travis Houslet and Dan Larson)

Sports News Story Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“It’s all for this moment’” - Pete Dougherty): Complete coverage of a historic event. Good mix of game recap and quotes. Second Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“UW-L’s Terry calls exit his choice” - Joel Badzinski) Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Full of good cheer” - Tim Froberg) Division B First Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Unlikely champion: Chi-Hi’s Balsiger stays on his feet, wins state title” - Justin Harings): A compelling read about a state wrestling champion and his journey to the top. Good mix of event coverage with background and strong quotes. Second Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Gibbons resigns” - John Casper Jr.) Third Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Sorenson survives” - Adam Thompson)

Local Sports Column Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Column: Scott Venci” - Scott Venci): In a very difficult and deep class, these three columns were probably about the top 6 that were turned in. Really enjoyed the Raymonds column, the story about the kid who called the timeout was touching, and I’m sure there were a lot of readers for the lingerie football story. Excellent work. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Fan unfriendly” “Black Friday for area teams at state” “Rockets prove they belong” - Ricardo Arguello): The Fan Unfriendly column was outstanding.

20 Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Passing the last mailbox for Scott” “Santo’s legacy will endure” “I think he always had a good heart” - Peter Jackel): Passing the last mailbox for Scott was possibly the best column I read in the entire bunch.

Editorial: Daily Division Division B First Award – The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan: (“His father’s son” - Pete Barth): Excellent imagery. You weave a very nice narrative that’s not only wellreported but also captures the emotion of this player/son. A clear winner in this crowded category.

Division B First Award – The Sheboygan Press: (Adam Thompson): The column about the coach and his family life was fabulous. To get a coach to speak with such candor is a credit to the author.

Second Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“Living Nat’s Life Lessons” - Rob Ebert): A great approach to this difficult story. Very good narrative. Well-crafted.

Second Award – The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan: (Pete Barth): The fact that the top two columnists in this category are both from the Sheboygan newspaper is something that readers in that city should not take for granted. A very close call.

Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Faithful fans: Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity show support for Packers, Steelers” - Sarah Kloepping): A fun story and written in a way to capture that. Very nice.

Third Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (John Casper Jr.)

Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Chili’s back” - Dan Larson): An already compelling tale made all the more by your excellent lede drawing me into this young man’s personality. This entry clearly stood out within a crowded category.

Division C First Award – Baraboo News Republic: (“Down the line” - Pete Watson): Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Five divisions doesn’t equal more teams in Madison” “Sweep at Houston a big deal for Brewers” “A huge step forward” - Chris Schulte): Third Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Brandon Berg):

Sports Feature Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Man of steel” - Kareem Copeland): The color in this entry is outstanding. The writer allows the personality of his sources to create a unique picture of someone who is constantly in the spotlight. Second Award – The Capital Times, Madison: (“Can a winning Brewers season help heal a divided state?” -Mike Ivey): Illustrates how sport and real-life work with and against each other. Well-researched. Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Safe to run: Neal shining at Aquinas after scary upbringing in St. Louis” - Todd Sommerfeldt): Tells the story of an amazing journey without giving a syrupy illusion that the main characters are superheroes. The reader gets to decide.

Second Award – The Monroe Times: (“Weighing the 103 debate” - Mark Nesbitt): A thorough and well-sourced analysis of this issue facing wrestling. Very nice. Third Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Utility players: Engineers cover all the bases” - James Briggs): A fun and unusual story.

Enterprise/ Interpretive Reporting

Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Man to ‘monster’” - Ted Sullivan) Third Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Dark clouds of foreclosure” - Liam Marlaire) Division C First Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“History no surprise” “Housing Authority head resigns” - Nathaniel Shuda) Second Award – Baraboo News Republic: (“Prescription for Addiction” - Ed Zagorski) Third Award – Baraboo News Republic: (“Purebred dogs dumped off ” - Tim Damos)

Business Coverage Division A First Award – The Capital Times, Madison: (“Biz Beat” - Mike Ivey): Layman-term explanations and exploration of business issues and topics. Well-written and thorough. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“The business of giving” - Larry Avila): Strong reporting and writing of unique topics and how they relate to the region’s economy. Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Business - Nathan Phelps): Good storytelling and reporting.

Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Disabled worker wages” - Alex Morrell)

Division B First Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (Selection of Jake Miller stories - Jake Miller): Varied and interesting approaches to topics that show a good cross-section of economic and business issues. Thorough and detailed, but not overly complex.

Second Award – The Capital Times, Madison: (“How fast-tracked lawsuit ‘reform’ could cost you” - Steven Elbow)

Second Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (Business - Colleen Kottke): Solid writing and reporting throughout.

Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Racine’s Homeless Children” - Lindsay Fiori):

Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Can we bank on banks?” - Jim Leute): Strong focus on issues that resonate with consumers. Provides topics that draw in readers not typically interested in business news.

Division B First Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (““Walleye Wars evolve into peace on the lakes” - Jeff Starck, Xai Kha, Elissa Holtmeier, Brian Otten, Carrie Hutton, Peter Wasson, Mark Treinen)

Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Economic recovery painfully slow”

“Hotel’s liquor license on the line” “Restaurants to highlight healthy menu choices” “Vets keep pets smiling with new technology” - Ashley A. Smith): Good solid reporting on a variety of topics, boosted by strong writing. Second Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Roll your own” “Little drugstore that could” “The future of snowplowing?” “Supreme Court” - Michael Thompson): Nice slice of life stories that help illustrate the region’s business world. Third Award – The Monroe Times: (Tere Dunlap): Well-chosen stories that elicit a good discussion among the community while showcasing businesses in the area.

Feature Division A First Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Anthony Majzer” series - Anne Jungen): Riveting storytelling. Getting this level of detail from a source demands reporting skill and hard work. The writer takes us to a place we have reason to fear, but in the end leaves us with a message of hope. Great package. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Tough as nails: Darboy youngster faces uphill battle with rare disorder” - Michael Louis Vinson): Few stories have covered so much ground in so little space. Readers are sure to feel the pain of this child, and of the struggle his parents face on so many levels. This is one of those stories that touches you over and over as you read through it. Third Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Inside Out: A Puzzling Birth Defect” - David Wahlberg): Powerful storytelling. Through the writing, we journey along with this couple as they struggle through the ups and downs of a troubled birth. The parallel reporting on the news angle, plus the multimedia layering of coverage, make for a very strong package. Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Brothers in Arms” Benjamin Wideman): This is a model for what great Veterans Day stories should be: vivid storytelling, a history lesson, a tribute and reflection. The writer ably shows the character and contributions of these two brothers/veterans.

Editorial: Daily Division Second Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“Sign Lady sparks compassion, cruelty” - Patricia Wolff): Great insights into the life of a panhandler, written with a proper balance of sensitivity and discernment. The depth of reporting propelled this story to a win. Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Five years after accident, Dvorak lives to inspire” - Sarah Kloepping): The stylish writing contributes to this powerful story. Both the fact that the man was seriously injured helping others, and the fact that he has no regrets are touching and inspirational, and driven home by good writing. Division C First Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (“Program spurs friendships” - Candice White): This is a fun little story on a successful school program. The quotes help enliven the story, and the solid writing keeps readers engaged. Second Award – Portage Daily Register, Portage: (“Somebody you wanted to cheer for” - Jen McCoy): It has to have been tough to piece together a profile of a standout high school athlete from more than three decades ago. But the writer nicely fleshes out this wrestler and helps us understand why his legacy remains so vivid. Third Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“WWII vets take trip to the past” “I will never forget” “Submarine Killer helped first shot at Pearl Harbor” “Mail call provides an Honor Flight highlight” “Honored to help” “Admiration for peers outweighs veterans painful memories” - Liz Welter): Impressive roundup of coverage on an honor flight and the individuals on the flight. Some shining examples of writing along the way.

Lifestyle Page(s) Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Kendra Meinert): This was a close category, but the pictures and layout really put this entry at the top. Nice job. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Staff): A very close second. Some very good design elements going on here. Keep up the good work. Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Resolutions - or are they?” “Homespun

Garden Tips” “Unusual gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day” - Ann M. Walter, David Steinkraus, Lee B. Roberts, Marci Laehr Tenuta, Peter C. Koszyczarek Jr., Dan Talsky): Great information for the readers. Division B First Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (Lifestyles – “Lasting Lessons” “Giving Sanctuary” “Love Disconnection” Editor Blythe Wachter, Reporter Christena O’Brien, Reporter Alyssa Waters, Photographer Dan Reiland, Photographer Shane O’Brien, Artist Joe O’Brien): Very well thought out and well-rounded entry. Second Award – Herald Times Reporter: Manitowoc: (“Fear Factor” “An Eye for Nature” “Busy as a Bee” - Benjamin Wideman, Suzanne Weiss, Sarah Kloepping): This entry gives a lot to the readers. Nice job. Third Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Sunday/Summer” section - Bob Farina): Nice all around entry. Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (In Sync, Weekend - Craig Spychalla): An outstanding job all around. Second Award – Stevens Point Journal: (“Accent/Women’s Wellness” - Jamie Rokus): Lots of information provided for the readers. Third Award – Watertown Daily Times: (“Goslings gallop into new team sport” - Teresa Stowell): Nice work. Very informative.

Environmental Reporting Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Spilling over: Illegal sewage spills rarely bring fines” - Ben Jones): Superb investigation. Excellent narrative as well as use of complementary print and digital storytelling techniques. You’ve made a topic that’s hard to engage with very interesting. This is why journalism matters! Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“Biomass plant” - Steve Contorno, Tony Walter, Scott Williams, Joe Heller): Well-done stories, with rich explanation and diverse sourcing.


Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Recycling electronics” Larry Avila): Another winner from this publication. Nicely written mainbar follow-up to a new law. The breakouts really make this. Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Big Dairy on the Prairie” - Ann Marie Ames): Your explanatory journalism was well worth the trip! This is a fantastic package, covering all the angles of the story in a thoughtful and thought-provoking manner. Second Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Sand blasted” “Lawmakers take note of sand mines” “Sand mine deal hailed as a model for others” - Eric Lindquist, Joe Knight, Chris Vetter): Another excellent package that helped readers and residents understand this new trend and its potential impact. You really served the community here. Third Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (“Poisoned properties litter two counties” - Chad Dally): Very good writing and research on this important topic, with a variety of storytelling techniques that brought a good pace to the package. Very, very nice overall.

Green Bay Press-Gazette, First Award, Group A, Lifestyle Pages.

Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Greener pastures” - Lyn Jerde): Nice job painting the scene and describing the steps within the narrative on how this family accomplished what it did.

Appleton: (Staff)

Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Wolves’ impact on deer unknown” “Wolves might cease being endangered” Liz Welter): Good enterprise approach.

Division B First Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (Staff):

Third Award – The Monroe Times: (“Turtles in project path” - Tere Dunlap): Nice touch describing how people can recognize the turtles.

All-Around News Photography Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Jim Matthews, Corey Wilson, Evan Siegle, H. Marc Larson): Second Award – The Post-Crescent,

Third Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (Staff)

Second Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (Staff): Third Award – The Freeman, Waukesha: (Staff): Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (Laura Schmitt, Dan Young, Casey Lake) Second Award – The Monroe Times: (Anthony Wahl) Third Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Staff)

gannett wisconsin employees are award-winning! Congratulations to the following employees who received first - , second - and third - place honors in the WNA 2011 Better Newspaper and Advertising Contests. GreeN BAy Press-GAzette Laurie Bolle Joe Braunschweig Vicki Brown Chad Burkholder Geri Collette Kareem Copeland Charles Davis Pete Dougherty Sarah Dreikosen Jessica Gilson Joe Heller Dan Higgins Dana Kressig Alissa Langenberg H. Marc Larson Julie Larson Jim Matthews Kendra Meinert Karen Lincoln Michel Hannah O’Brien Lori O’Connor Tina Pearcey Nathan Phelps Stephanie Pleasants Marie Rayome Jim Reese Julie Riebe John Rowe Thomas Rozwadowski Maurine Saliger Doug Schneider Eric Schurer Linda Scott David Sielski Paul Srubas Erica VanBoxel Scott Venci Laurie Vicenzi Tony Walter Scott Williams Corey Wilson Door CouNty ADvoCAte Ramelle Bintz Christopher Clough Kristy Gnadt Tina Gohr Renee McAllister Judy Steger

HerAlD times rePorter (mANitoWoC) Kendra Aukamp Megan Bruckschen Russ Budzisz Amy Hanson Cindy Hodgson Sarah Kloepping Mike Knuth Dale Mahloch Charlie Mathews James Maurer Pat Pankratz Sue Pischke Patti Schack Rochelle Stubbs Suzanne Weiss Benjamin Wideman

tHe Post-CresCeNt (APPletoN) Cheryl Anderson Maureen Andrejeski Ricardo Arguello Larry Avila Duke Behnke Ed Berthiaume Sharon Cekada Joel Christopher Scott Daily Tim Froberg Larry Gallup Julie Gilkay William Glasheen Kristy Gnadt Elly Heuring Ben Jones Michael King oCoNto CouNty rePorter Dan Kohn Patti Rasmussen Terry Lipshetz Kent Tempus Jen Maertz Jaime Mara osHkosH NortHWesterN Nicole Mertes Donavan Atkinson Erin Murphy Jeff Bollier Kathy Walsh Nufer Amy Cary Ron Page Rob Ebert Kara Patterson Jim Fitzhenry Bernie Peterson Kristy Gnadt Dan Powers Karen Gogolewski Steve Purath Dan Higgins Rachel Rausch Jenny Jarecki Sarah Riley Jason Kramer Jim Rosandick Lisa O’Halloran Matthew Schmidt Marie Rayome-Gill Andy Thompson Adam Rodewald Gary Vossekuil Dave Wasinger Erin Wasinger tHe rePorter Patricia Wolff (foND Du lAC) Aileen Andrews mArsHfielD NeWs-HerAlD Peggy Breister Jeff Engel Patrick Flood Andrew Ernst Judy Groth Jonathan Gneiser Colleen Kottke Casey Lake Michael Mentzer Mystique Macomber Russ Plummer Laura Schmitt Laurie Ritger Chris Schulte Heather Stanek Steven Sitko Liz Welter Doug Wojcik Dan Young Jan Zettler

tHe sHeBoyGAN Press Pete Barth Dan Benson Bob Farina Joe Gulig Bruce Halmo Mike Knuth Eric Litke Dave Lubach Janet Ortegon Bob Petrie Jackie Stenson Adam Thompson Nicole Wolff Nhia Yang steveNs PoiNt JourNAl Elissa Holmeier Tim Langdon Elizabeth Nichols Jamie Rokus WAusAu DAily HerAlD Chad Dally Kathleen Foody Elissa Holtmeier Carrie Hutton Xai Kha Sirena Mankins Robert Mentzer Brian Otten Steve Sitko Jeff Starck Mark Treinen Peter Wasson Dan Young WisCoNsiN rAPiDs DAily triBuNe Deb Cleworth Tim Langton Jamie Rokus Nathaniel Shuda

thank you to all of our employees for their dedication to doing great work and making a difference in our readers’ lives.

The Tribune-Phonograph, Abbotsford First Award..............Best Use of Local Photography Second Award....................................Editorial Award Third Award..........................................Local Column Third Award.......................................... Feature Photo Third Award.................................... Best Use of Color Third Award.......................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper The Post-Crescent, Appleton First Award.........................Special Section-Editorial First Award............................................Sports Page(s) First Award.......................Environmental Reporting First Award................................ General News Photo First Award............................................ Feature Photo First Award.............................. Page Design - Feature First Award................................ Page Design - Sports First Award..........Reporting on Local Government First Award...............Reporting on Local Education Second Award....................Special Section-Editorial Second Award.................Open Records/FOI Award Second Award..........................Local Sports Column Second Award...............................Business Coverage Second Award................................................... Feature Second Award................................... Lifestyle Page(s) Second Award...................All-Around Photography Second Award........................... General News Photo Second Award...........................................Photo Essay Second Award............................................. Front Page Second Award............................Overall Page Design Second Award.....Reporting on Local Government Second Award.........................................Special Pages Second Award.......................Investigative Reporting Second Award.....................General Web Excellence Second Award............... Creative use of Multimedia Second Award.............................Web Special Project Third Award........................................Special Projects Third Award.......................................Editorial Award Third Award......................................Editorial Page(s) Third Award......................Breaking News Coverage Third Award..........................................Local Column Third Award.................................. Sports News Story Third Award.....................Environmental Reporting Third Award..............................Entertainment Pages Third Award.................. Creative use of Multimedia Third Award................... Continuing Web Coverage First Award.......................................Bill Payne Award First Award...............................Harrison MacDonald First Award............Best Multiple Advertiser Spread First Award....................Best Newspaper Promotion First Award... Best Niche Publication-Out of Paper Second Award.............................Best Special Section Second Award...............Best Newspaper Promotion Second Award......... Innovative Online Advertising Second Award.....................Online Revenue Builder Third Award................................Best Special Section Third Award.................................... Best Use of Color Third Award.......................... Best Use of Art Service Third Award...................Best Advertising Sales Tool Third Award..................Best Newspaper Promotion Third Award......... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Third Award................. Best Circulation Promotion Baraboo News Republic First Award............................................Local Column First Award.................................... Sports News Story First Award...............................Local Sports Column First Award................................................Photo Essay First Award............................Investigative Reporting Second Award.................Open Records/FOI Award

Awards listing by newspaper Second Award... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award...... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award................................................ Front Page First Award........... Best Niche Publication-In Paper First Award..........................Best Online Advertising .............................................................Single Ad- Static Second Award.....................Best Online Advertising .................................................... Single Ad- Animated Third Award...................Best Advertising Sales Tool

News Graphic, Cedarburg First Award........................Breaking News Coverage First Award................................ General News Photo Second Award................................................... Feature Second Award...................All-Around Photography Second Award..................................Spot News Photo Second Award..........Reporting on Local Education Third Award......................Breaking News Coverage Third Award.....................Environmental Reporting

Barron News-Shield Second Award......................................... Sports Photo

Times-Journal, Chilton First Award...........................Local Outdoor Column First Award.................................Overall Page Design First Award.............................. Page Design - Feature Second Award...............................................Headlines Third Award..................Most Improved Newspaper First Award................... Best Circulation Promotion

Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam First Award..................................Web Special Project First Award..............................Best Adv Idea (Series) First Award............Best Multiple Advertiser Spread First Award............................ Best Use of Art Service First Award.............. Innovative Online Advertising Second Award................................. Best Use of Color Third Award..................Best Newspaper Promotion Jackson County Chronicle, Black River Falls First Award...........................Local Outdoor Column First Award........................................ Lifestyle Page(s) First Award....................................................Headlines First Award.................................................. Front Page First Award....................Most Improved Newspaper Second Award....................................Editorial Award Second Award...................................Editorial Page(s) Second Award....................Special Section-Editorial Second Award...............................Business Coverage Second Award......................... Page Design - Feature Second Award........................... Page Design - Sports Second Award.....Reporting on Local Government Second Award.....................General Web Excellence Third Award.......................Special Section-Editorial Third Award.................................. Sports News Story Third Award..........................................Sports Feature Third Award.......................................... Feature Photo Second Award.............. Best Circulation Promotion The Brillion News First Award........................Breaking News Coverage First Award............................................Sports Page(s) First Award.................................... Sports News Story First Award........................All-Around Photography First Award................................ General News Photo First Award.................................Overall Page Design First Award................................ Page Design - Sports Second Award.......................................Local Column Second Award............................... Sports News Story Second Award..................Environmental Reporting Third Award....................Open Records/FOI Award Third Award..........................................Local Column Third Award................................................ Front Page Third Award..................Most Improved Newspaper Brookfield-Elm Grove NOW, First Award..................... Continuing Web Coverage Second Award..............................General Excellence Second Award............................................. Front Page Second Award............... Creative use of Multimedia Third Award.............................. General News Photo Campbellsport News Third Award............Best Use of Local Photography

The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls First Award.........................................Editorial Award First Award............................................Sports Page(s) First Award........................................................ Feature First Award..........Reporting on Local Government Second Award....................Special Section-Editorial Second Award......................Local Outdoor Column Second Award..........Reporting on Local Education Third Award..........................................Local Column Third Award.............................Local Sports Column Third Award......................All-Around Photography Third Award.............................. Page Design - Sports Third Award.............Reporting on Local Education Second Award....................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Clintonville Chronicle First Award.......................................Spot News Photo Second Award......................Local Outdoor Column Second Award......................................... Sports Photo Third Award......................................Editorial Page(s) Third Award......................Breaking News Coverage Third Award............................................ Sports Photo Second Award..................................Bill Payne Award Second Award.........................Best Adv Idea (Series) Tri-County Press, Cuba City Second Award.......Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Republican Journal, Darlington First Award.............................................. Sports Photo De Pere Journal First Award.........................Special Section-Editorial Second Award.......................................Sports Page(s) Third Award..............................................Photo Essay DeForest Times-Tribune Second Award..................................Spot News Photo Second Award....................................... Feature Photo Second Award............................................. Front Page Second Award..........Reporting on Local Education Third Award.................................General Excellence Living Kettle Moraine Index, Dousman First Award............................................Sports Feature First Award................................................Photo Essay Vilas County News-Review, Eagle River First Award..........................................Special Projects First Award........................All-Around Photography First Award.............................................. Sports Photo

23 First Award................................................Photo Essay First Award.................................................. Front Page First Award..............................................Special Pages Second Award....................Special Section-Editorial Third Award.................................General Excellence Third Award......................................Editorial Page(s) Third Award.........................Local Outdoor Column Third Award...................................... Lifestyle Page(s) First Award..............Best Use of Local Photography Third Award.................................... Best Use of Color Third Award.......................... Best Use of Art Service Third Award............Best Use of Local Photography Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire First Award............................................Local Column First Award...........................Local Outdoor Column First Award.................................... Sports News Story First Award........................................ Lifestyle Page(s) First Award................................ General News Photo First Award.............................................. Sports Photo First Award................................ Page Design - Sports Second Award.......................................Local Column Second Award.......................................Sports Page(s) Second Award............................... Sports News Story Second Award............................Overall Page Design Second Award........................... Page Design - Sports Third Award.................................General Excellence Third Award.............................Local Sports Column Third Award...... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award................................................ Front Page Third Award..........................Investigative Reporting Third Award..............................Entertainment Pages Second Award..................Environmental Reporting The Country Today, Eau Claire First Award........................................................ Feature First Award........................................ Lifestyle Page(s) The Record-Review, Edgar First Award.........................................Editorial Award Second Award.....................................Special Projects Second Award............................... Sports News Story Third Award.................................General Excellence Third Award.......................Special Section-Editorial Third Award.............................. General News Photo Third Award.............................. Page Design - Sports First Award...................................... Best Use of Color Second Award...............Best Newspaper Promotion The Edgerton Reporter First Award.................................... Sports News Story First Award........ Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Second Award.................Open Records/FOI Award Pierce County Herald, Ellsworth First Award..................................Best Special Section Second Award................................. Best Use of Color Second Award.....................Best Online Advertising .................................................... Single Ad- Animated Third Award.....................................Bill Payne Award Third Award...................... Best Online Advertising.................................................... Single Ad- Animated The Reporter, Fond du Lac First Award........................Breaking News Coverage First Award................................................ All-Around ..............................................Newspaper Photography Second Award......................Local Outdoor Column Second Award...............................Business Coverage Second Award..................................Spot News Photo

24 Second Award......................................... Sports Photo Second Award....................................... Feature Photo Third Award..........................................Sports Page(s) Third Award.............................. General News Photo Third Award.............................. Page Design - Sports First Award........... Best Niche Publication-In Paper First Award..............Best Use of Local Photography Second Award...... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Third Award......... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson First Award........................................Editorial Page(s) Second Award.......................................Local Column Second Award......................................... Sports Photo Second Award............... Creative use of Multimedia Third Award.......................................Editorial Award Third Award........................General Web Excellence First Award...................................... Best Use of Color First Award..............Best Use of Local Photography Inter-County Leader, Frederic First Award.........................Special Section-Editorial Freedom Pursuit Third Award.....................Environmental Reporting Crawford County Independent & The Kickapoo Scout, Gays Mills First Award........................................Editorial Page(s) First Award........ Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting First Award.......................Environmental Reporting Second Award...........................................Photo Essay Third Award.............................. Page Design - Sports Third Award.................................Reporting on Local ....................................................................Government Germantown-Menomonee Falls NOW First Award........ Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award.............................Local Sports Column Third Award..............................................Photo Essay Burnett County Sentinel, Grantsburg Second Award......................................... Sports Photo First Award............Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Green Bay Press-Gazette First Award..........................................Special Projects First Award...........................Local Outdoor Column First Award.................................... Sports News Story First Award...............................Local Sports Column First Award............................................Sports Feature First Award........ Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting First Award........................................ Lifestyle Page(s) First Award........................All-Around Photography First Award.............................................. Sports Photo First Award....................................................Headlines First Award..............................................Special Pages First Award................................Entertainment Pages First Award..........................General Web Excellence First Award.................... Creative use of Multimedia First Award..................................Web Special Project First Award..................... Continuing Web Coverage Second Award..............................General Excellence Second Award.....................................Special Projects Second Award...................................Editorial Page(s) Second Award...................Breaking News Coverage Second Award.......................................Sports Page(s) Second Award..................Environmental Reporting

Awards listing by newspaper Second Award......................................... Sports Photo Second Award...............................................Headlines Second Award................ Continuing Web Coverage Third Award.......................Special Section-Editorial Third Award.........................Local Outdoor Column Third Award..................................Business Coverage Third Award.....................................Spot News Photo Third Award..................................................Headlines Third Award...............................Overall Page Design Third Award.............................. Page Design - Sports Third Award........Reporting on Local Government Third Award..........................Investigative Reporting First Award..............Best Use of Local Photography First Award........... Best Niche Publication-In Paper First Award.............. Innovative Online Advertising First Award..........................Online Revenue Builder First Award................................................ Best Online ......................................Advertising-Single Ad- Static Second Award.........................Best Adv Idea (Series) Second Award.......Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Second Award.........Best Use of Local Photography Second Award................Best Advertising Sales Tool Second Award...... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Second Award....................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Second Award.............. Best Circulation Promotion Second Award........................................... Best Online ............................. Advertising-Single Ad- Animated Third Award.............................Harrison MacDonald Third Award............Best Use of Local Photography Third Award........................Online Revenue Builder Third Award........................Best Online Advertising .................................................... Single Ad- Animated Greenfield-West Allis NOW Second Award...............................................Headlines Living Lake Country Reporter, Hartland First Award......................Open Records/FOI Award First Award............................................Sports Page(s) First Award............................Investigative Reporting Second Award...........................................Photo Essay Second Award........................... Page Design - Sports Second Award................ Continuing Web Coverage Third Award...... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award...................................................... Feature Third Award.......................................... Feature Photo Third Award..................................................Headlines Third Award...............................Overall Page Design Third Award........Reporting on Local Government Third Award........................General Web Excellence Third Award................................Web Special Project Third Award................... Continuing Web Coverage First Award...................................... Best Use of Color Second Award..................................Bill Payne Award Second Award..........Best Use ofLocal Photography Hudson Star-Observer First Award...........................Local Outdoor Column First Award....................................Business Coverage First Award.......................................Spot News Photo First Award...............Reporting on Local Education Second Award......................... Page Design - Feature Second Award...........................Entertainment Pages First Award............................ Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Second Award....................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper

The Janesville Gazette First Award.........................................Editorial Award First Award........................................Editorial Page(s) First Award............................................Sports Page(s) First Award.......................Environmental Reporting First Award............................................ Feature Photo First Award..........................General Web Excellence First Award..................... Continuing Web Coverage Second Award..............................General Excellence Second Award... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Second Award...............................................Headlines Second Award......................... Page Design - Feature Third Award.........................Local Outdoor Column Third Award..................................Business Coverage Third Award.............Reporting on Local Education Third Award................................Web Special Project First Award..............................Best Adv Idea (Series) First Award...................................... Best Use of Color First Award............................ Best Use of Art Service First Award....................Best Newspaper Promotion First Award............................ Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper First Award................... Best Circulation Promotion First Award..........................Online Revenue Builder First Award................................................ Best Online ......................................Advertising-Single Ad- Static Second Award..................................Bill Payne Award Second Award.........................Best Adv Idea (Series) Second Award................................. Best Use of Color Second Award....................... Best Use of Art Service Second Award.........Best Use of Local Photography Second Award...............Best Newspaper Promotion Second Award.....................Best Online Advertising .............................................................Single Ad- Static Third Award.....................................Bill Payne Award Third Award............................Best Adv Idea (Series) Third Award..........Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Third Award.......................... Best Use of Art Service Third Award............Best Use of Local Photography Third Award..................Best Newspaper Promotion Third Award............ Innovative Online Advertising Third Award........................Best Online Advertising .............................................................Single Ad- Static Kenosha News First Award.......................................Spot News Photo Second Award......................... Page Design - Feature Second Award...........................Entertainment Pages Third Award.......................................... Feature Photo Third Award............................ Page Design - Feature First Award..................................Best Special Section First Award............................ Best Use of Art Service First Award.....................Best Advertising Sales Tool First Award................... Best Circulation Promotion Second Award..........................Harrison MacDonald Second Award....................... Best Use of Art Service Third Award............................Best Adv Idea (Series) Third Award............................................Best Multiple .......................................................... Advertiser Spread La Crosse Tribune First Award........................................................ Feature Second Award.......................................Local Column Second Award............................... Sports News Story Third Award.................................General Excellence Third Award....................Open Records/FOI Award Third Award..........................................Sports Feature Third Award.............................. General News Photo Third Award.............Reporting on Local Education

Second Award................................. Best Use of Color Second Award.....................Best Online Advertising .............................................................Single Ad- Static Third Award.......................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Third Award............ Innovative Online Advertising Third Award........................Best Online Advertising .............................................................Single Ad- Static Lake Geneva Regional News Second Award.................Open Records/FOI Award Third Award................................Best Special Section Grant County Herald Independent, Lancaster First Award................................ General News Photo Second Award.......................................Sports Page(s) Second Award..................Environmental Reporting Third Award.................................. Sports News Story Third Award............................................ Sports Photo First Award..................................Best Special Section First Award....................Best Newspaper Promotion Second Award.............................Best Special Section Third Award............................Best Adv Idea (Series) Third Award................................Best Special Section Tribune Record Gleaner, Loyal Second Award.......................................Local Column Third Award................. Best Circulation Promotion Wisconsin State Journal, Madison First Award...................................General Excellence First Award........................................Editorial Page(s) First Award........................Breaking News Coverage First Award............................................Local Column First Award................................................Photo Essay First Award.................................................. Front Page First Award.................................Overall Page Design First Award............................Investigative Reporting Second Award....................................Editorial Award Second Award......................Local Outdoor Column Second Award..................................Spot News Photo Second Award....................................... Feature Photo Second Award........................... Page Design - Sports Third Award...................................................... Feature Third Award......................All-Around Photography Third Award..............................................Photo Essay The Capital Times, Madison First Award....................................Business Coverage Second Award.......................................Sports Feature Second Award... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc First Award.........................Special Section-Editorial First Award........................................................ Feature First Award................................................Photo Essay First Award....................................................Headlines First Award............................. Page Design – Feature First Award...............Reporting on Local Education First Award.................... Creative use of Multimedia First Award..................................Web Special Project Second Award................................... Lifestyle Page(s) Second Award........................... General News Photo Second Award...........................................Photo Essay Second Award.....Reporting on Local Government Second Award...........................Entertainment Pages Third Award.......................Special Section-Editorial Third Award..........................................Sports Feature

Awards listing by newspaper Third Award...................................................... Feature Third Award.....................................Spot News Photo Third Award............................................ Sports Photo Third Award..............................................Photo Essay Third Award........Reporting on Local Government Third Award........................General Web Excellence Third Award................... Continuing Web Coverage First Award......................................Bill Payne Award. First Award............Best Multiple Advertiser Spread First Award..........................Best Online Advertising .................................................... Single Ad- Animated Second Award.......Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Second Award................................Innovative Online ......................................................................Advertising Second Award.....................Online Revenue Builder Marshfield News-Herald First Award....................................Business Coverage First Award........................All-Around Photography First Award............................................ Feature Photo First Award.................................Overall Page Design First Award...............Reporting on Local Education First Award..................................................... Graphics First Award..........................General Web Excellence First Award.................... Creative use of Multimedia Second Award..............................General Excellence Second Award...................................Editorial Page(s) Second Award.......................................Sports Page(s) Second Award..........................Local Sports Column Second Award..................Environmental Reporting Second Award........................... General News Photo Second Award..................................Spot News Photo Second Award...........................................Photo Essay Third Award.................................. Sports News Story Third Award...................................................... Feature Third Award.............................. General News Photo Third Award..............................................Photo Essay Third Award..............................Entertainment Pages Juneau County Star-Times, Mauston Third Award....................Open Records/FOI Award First Award............. Best Online Advertising-Single ................................................................ Ad- Animated Dodge County Pionier, Mayville Third Award..........................Investigative Reporting Second Award....................... Best Niche Publication ............................................................................In Paper The Star News, Medford First Award...............................Local Sports Column First Award.............................. Page Design - Feature First Award..........Reporting on Local Government First Award................................Entertainment Pages Second Award...................................Editorial Page(s) Second Award.........................................Special Pages Third Award.......................................Editorial Award First Award.......................................Bill Payne Award First Award..............................Best Adv Idea (Series) First Award............................ Best Use of Art Service Third Award..........Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Third Award................................................ Best Niche .............................................Publication-Out of Paper The Dunn County News, Menomonie First Award...................................General Excellence First Award........................................ Lifestyle Page(s) First Award............................................ Feature Photo First Award....................................................Headlines

First Award..........Reporting on Local Government Second Award...................Breaking News Coverage Second Award..................All-Around Photography Second Award......................... Page Design - Feature Second Award........................... Page Design - Sports Second Award.........................................Special Pages Third Award........................................Special Projects Third Award......................................Editorial Page(s) Third Award...... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award.....................Environmental Reporting Foto News, Merrill Second Award....................................... Feature Photo Middleton Times-Tribune First Award............................................Sports Page(s) First Award...............Reporting on Local Education The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee First Award....................................................Headlines First Award..............................................Special Pages First Award..................... Continuing Web Coverage Second Award.....Reporting on Local Government Third Award..........................................Sports Feature First Award..................................Best Special Section First Award.....................Best Advertising Sales Tool Second Award.............................Best Special Section Second Award....................... Best Use of Art Service Third Award................................Best Special Section The Lakeland Times, Minocqua First Award..................................................... Graphics Third Award..........................................Sports Page(s) Third Award.................................. Sports News Story Third Award.............................. Page Design - Sports The Monroe Times Second Award....................................Editorial Award Second Award.......................................Sports Feature Second Award...................All-Around Photography Third Award.......................Special Section-Editorial Third Award..................................Business Coverage Third Award.....................Environmental Reporting Third Award.....................................Spot News Photo Third Award............................................ Sports Photo Third Award........Reporting on Local Government First Award....................Best Newspaper Promotion First Award... Best Niche Publication-Out of Paper First Award..........................Online Revenue Builder Second Award...... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Second Award......... Innovative Online Advertising Third Award.......................... Best Niche Publication ............................................................................In Paper Living Mukwonago Chief First Award.........................................Editorial Award First Award.................................... Sports News Story First Award....................................................Headlines First Award................................ Page Design - Sports Third Award....................Open Records/FOI Award Muskego-New Berlin NOW Third Award............................ Page Design - Feature New Richmond News Third Award.................. Creative use of Multimedia North Shore NOW Third Award............................................ Sports Photo

Second Award.............................Web Special Project Oak Creek NOW First Award.................................Overall Page Design Living Oconomowoc Focus First Award..........................................Special Projects First Award.........................Special Section-Editorial First Award.......................................Spot News Photo Third Award...............................Overall Page Design Third Award......... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Oconto County Reporter, Oconto First Award....................Most Improved Newspaper Oconto County Times Herald, Oconto Falls Third Award......................Breaking News Coverage Third Award................................................ Front Page County Line, Ontario First Award............................Investigative Reporting Second Award.................Open Records/FOI Award The Oregon Observer First Award............................................Sports Feature First Award........................................................ Feature Second Award............................................. Front Page Second Award..........Reporting on Local Education Oshkosh Northwestern First Award...................................General Excellence First Award.................................................. Front Page First Award..........Reporting on Local Government Second Award.......................................Sports Feature Second Award................................................... Feature Second Award...................All-Around Photography Third Award.......................................Editorial Award Third Award....................Open Records/FOI Award Third Award......................Breaking News Coverage Third Award.................. Creative use of Multimedia Second Award.............................Best Special Section Second Award....................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Third Award................................Best Special Section Third Award.................................... Best Use of Color The Platteville Journal Second Award...........................................Photo Essay Third Award..........................................Sports Feature First Award............................ Best Use of Art Service Third Award.....................................Bill Payne Award Portage Daily Register First Award........................Breaking News Coverage First Award...........................Local Outdoor Column First Award............................................Sports Feature First Award........................................ Lifestyle Page(s) First Award.......................Environmental Reporting First Award................................ General News Photo First Award.............................. Page Design - Feature First Award................................ Page Design - Sports First Award................................Entertainment Pages Second Award............................... Sports News Story Second Award...............................Business Coverage Second Award................................................... Feature Second Award...............................................Headlines Second Award............................Overall Page Design Second Award........................... Page Design - Sports Second Award.....................General Web Excellence

25 Second Award.............................Web Special Project Second Award................ Continuing Web Coverage Third Award.................................General Excellence Third Award......................................Editorial Page(s) Third Award..........................................Sports Page(s) Third Award..........................Investigative Reporting Third Award.................. Creative use of Multimedia First Award..........................Best Online Advertising .................................................... Single Ad- Animated Second Award.......Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Second Award................Best Advertising Sales Tool Second Award...............Best Newspaper Promotion Third Award..........Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Third Award................................................ Best Niche .............................................Publication-Out of Paper Third Award.............................................. Best Online ............................. Advertising-Single Ad- Animated Poynette Press First Award.........................................Editorial Award Second Award...................Breaking News Coverage Third Award...................................................... Feature The Journal Times, Racine First Award.........................................Editorial Award First Award......................Open Records/FOI Award First Award....................Most Improved Newspaper First Award..................................................... Graphics Second Award..........Reporting on Local Education Second Award................................................ Graphics Third Award..........................................Sports Page(s) Third Award.............................Local Sports Column Third Award...... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award...................................... Lifestyle Page(s) Third Award............................................ Sports Photo Third Award................................................ Front Page Third Award................................................... Graphics Third Award........................General Web Excellence Third Award................................Web Special Project First Award..............................Best Adv Idea (Series) First Award...................................... Best Use of Color First Award................................................ Best Online ............................. Advertising-Single Ad- Animated Second Award..................................Bill Payne Award Third Award.....................................Bill Payne Award Reedsburg Times Press First Award............................................Local Column First Award...............................Local Sports Column Second Award..............................General Excellence Second Award................................................... Feature Second Award...................All-Around Photography First Award.............................................. Sports Photo Second Award...............................................Headlines Second Award...............Most Improved Newspaper Third Award.....................................Spot News Photo Third Award...............................Overall Page Design Third Award.............Reporting on Local Education Third Award.............................................. Best Online ............................. Advertising-Single Ad- Animated The Chronotype, Rice Lake Second Award.......................................Sports Page(s) Second Award................................... Lifestyle Page(s) Second Award..................Environmental Reporting The Richland Observer First Award........................Breaking News Coverage Second Award...................................Editorial Page(s)

26 Ripon Commonwealth Press, First Award........................................Editorial Page(s) First Award......................Open Records/FOI Award First Award...............................Local Sports Column First Award....................................Business Coverage First Award.......................Environmental Reporting First Award................................ Page Design - Sports First Award............................Investigative Reporting First Award..........................General Web Excellence First Award..................... Continuing Web Coverage Second Award..............................General Excellence Second Award....................Special Section-Editorial Second Award.......................................Sports Feature Second Award... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Second Award..................................Spot News Photo Second Award............................Overall Page Design Second Award.....Reporting on Local Government Second Award................................................ Graphics Third Award.......................................Editorial Award Third Award..........................................Sports Page(s) Third Award......................All-Around Photography Third Award.....................................Spot News Photo Third Award..............................................Photo Essay Third Award..................................................Headlines Third Award................................................... Graphics First Award.......................................Bill Payne Award First Award..............................Best Adv Idea (Series) First Award.....................Best Advertising Sales Tool First Award..........................Online Revenue Builder Second Award................................. Best Use of Color Second Award................Best Advertising Sales Tool Second Award...... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Third Award.......................... Best Use of Art Service Third Award..................Best Newspaper Promotion River Falls Journal First Award...................................General Excellence First Award........................................Editorial Page(s) First Award............................................Sports Feature Third Award.....................................Spot News Photo First Award............Best Multiple Advertiser Spread First Award................................................ Best Online ............................. Advertising-Single Ad- Animated Sauk Prairie Eagle, Sauk City First Award...................................General Excellence First Award......................Open Records/FOI Award First Award............................................ Feature Photo First Award..........Reporting on Local Government First Award...............Reporting on Local Education Third Award......................All-Around Photography Third Award.............................. General News Photo Second Award.....................Best Online Advertising .................................................... Single Ad- Animated Third Award...................Best Advertising Sales Tool Shawano Leader Second Award....................................... Feature Photo The Sheboygan Press First Award..........................................Special Projects First Award...............................Local Sports Column First Award............................................Sports Feature First Award............................Investigative Reporting First Award................................Entertainment Pages Second Award....................................Editorial Award Second Award.................Open Records/FOI Award Second Award..........................Local Sports Column Second Award.....................General Web Excellence

Awards listing by newspaper Second Award............... Creative use of Multimedia Second Award................ Continuing Web Coverage Second Award..........Reporting on Local Education Third Award......................................Editorial Page(s) Third Award.................................. Sports News Story Third Award...................................... Lifestyle Page(s) Third Award.......................................... Feature Photo Third Award............................ Page Design - Feature Third Award................................................... Graphics First Award.............. Innovative Online Advertising Second Award........................................... Best Online ............................. Advertising-Single Ad- Animated Third Award.......................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Sun-Argus, Spring Valley/Elmwood First Award..........................General Web Excellence Third Award...... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Stevens Point Journal First Award.................................................. Front Page Second Award................................... Lifestyle Page(s) Third Award..................................................Headlines The Portage County Gazette, Stevens Point Second Award............................... Sports News Story Second Award.......................Investigative Reporting Third Award..........................................Local Column Third Award..................................Business Coverage Second Award.............................Best Special Section Second Award.........................................Best Multiple .......................................................... Advertiser Spread

The Verona Press First Award.................................................. Front Page Second Award................................................... Feature Third Award..................................Business Coverage Vernon County Broadcaster, Viroqua Second Award.......................................Local Column Second Award.......................................Sports Feature Third Award................................................ Front Page The Courier, Waterloo Second Award............................Overall Page Design Third Award..................................Business Coverage Watertown Daily Times First Award.........................Special Section-Editorial First Award.............................................. Sports Photo Second Award......................... Page Design - Feature Third Award....................Open Records/FOI Award Third Award...................................... Lifestyle Page(s) Third Award.......................................... Feature Photo Third Award........................... Page Design – Feature The Freeman, Waukesha Third Award..........................................Local Column Third Award......................All-Around Photography Third Award...............................Overall Page Design The Waunakee Tribune First Award........................All-Around Photography Third Award...................................................... Feature Third Award.............Reporting on Local Education

The Stoughton Courier Hub Second Award...............................Business Coverage Third Award........Reporting on Local Government

County Post East & County Post West First Award..................................................... Graphics First Award........... Best Niche Publication-In Paper

Door County Advocate, Sturgeon Bay First Award............................................Local Column First Award.......................Environmental Reporting First Award............................................ Feature Photo Second Award..........................Local Sports Column Second Award... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting Third Award......................All-Around Photography First Award........... Best Niche Publication-In Paper Second Award.........................Best Adv Idea (Series) Third Award............................Best Adv Idea (Series) Third Award......... Best Niche Publication-In Paper

County Post East, New London First Award..............................................Special Pages Second Award...............Most Improved Newspaper Second Award..........................Local Sports Column Second Award................................... Lifestyle Page(s) First Award............................ Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Second Award....................... Best Use of Art Service Second Award....................... Best Niche Publication ....................................................................Out of Paper Third Award..........Best Multiple Advertiser Spread

The Star, Sun Prairie Third Award.......................Special Section-Editorial

County Post West, Waupaca Second Award...................Breaking News Coverage Third Award.............Reporting on Local Education

Superior Telegram Second Award......................Local Outdoor Column Second Award...............................Business Coverage Second Award........................... General News Photo Living Sussex Sun Second Award........................... General News Photo Second Award....................................... Feature Photo The Tomah Journal and Monitor Herald Second Award....................................Editorial Award Third Award..............................Entertainment Pages Second Award....................... Best Use of Art Service The Valders Journal First Award................................................Photo Essay Second Award......................Local Outdoor Column

Wausau Daily Herald First Award......................Open Records/FOI Award First Award........ Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting First Award....................................Business Coverage First Award.......................................Spot News Photo First Award.................................Overall Page Design First Award..................................................... Graphics Second Award.....................................Special Projects Second Award...................................Editorial Page(s) Second Award....................Special Section-Editorial Second Award...................Breaking News Coverage Second Award............................................. Front Page Second Award.......................Investigative Reporting Second Award................................................ Graphics Second Award.............................Web Special Project Third Award.....................Environmental Reporting

Third Award..................................................Headlines First Award..................................Best Special Section Wauwatosa NOW First Award....................Most Improved Newspaper First Award.................... Creative use of Multimedia First Award..................................Web Special Project Second Award............................Overall Page Design Second Award.....Reporting on Local Government Second Award.....................General Web Excellence Third Award..........................................Sports Feature Westby Times First Award........................................................ Feature First Award.............................. Page Design - Feature First Award..................................................... Graphics Second Award..........................Local Sports Column Second Award........................... General News Photo Third Award.......................................Editorial Award Third Award..........................................Sports Page(s) Second Award.........Best Use of Local Photography Wisconsin Dells Events First Award............................................Local Column Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids First Award...................................General Excellence First Award......................Open Records/FOI Award First Award........ Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting First Award.......................................Spot News Photo Second Award...................Breaking News Coverage Second Award............................................. Front Page Second Award.......................Investigative Reporting Second Award...........................Entertainment Pages Third Award......................Breaking News Coverage Third Award...............................Overall Page Design Voice of Wisconsin Rapids First Award....................................Business Coverage Second Award.......................................Sports Feature Second Award... Enterprise/Interpretive Reporting The Woodville Leader First Award..........................................Special Projects Third Award.............................Local Sports Column

Editorial: Daily Division firefighter carrying an elderly resident from an apartment building fire that injured 8 people and left 35 homeless. Flames showing in the background add context to the urgent situation. Second Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Heavy Storms” - John Hart): The photographer is in the right place when protesters at the Wisconsin state capitol are suddenly caught in a dangerous storm. The photographer’s commendable effort to stay in the thick of it with the protesters yields a dynamic picture. Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Rainfall” - H. Marc Larson): Kids making the most of a flooded street after a heavy rainfall is captured in this fun and informative picture.

Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire, First Award, Group B General News Photo.

General News Photo Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“2010 images to remember” - Ron Page): A wonderfully touching moment of a mother caring for her son who suffers from a disfiguring disease. Second Award – The Post Crescent, Appleton: (“Picking up pieces” - Dan Powers): Body language shows the gravity of the situation confronting a suspect who is being held in a hit and run accident, during a courtroom hearing. Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Walker Protest” - Peter Thomson): The collective face of angry voters confronting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s motorcade sums up the governor’s uneasy relationship with Wisconsin citizens. Division B First Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Troops enjoy happy reunion” - Andi Stempniak): The sweet moment when a mother, just returned from military duty in Iraq, is reunited with her daughter. Second Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“President Obama visits Orion” - Doug Sundin): What a thrill to have the president in your hometown, visiting a local manufacturer. Excellent job of capturing President Obama inspecting a local product. The lighting puts the

spotlight on the president. Third Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Family breaks ground for Habitat for Humanity Homes” - Patrick Flood ): An engaging portrait of a young boy who helped break ground on what will be his new home, thanks to the Habitat program. Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (“A fair time was had by all” - Lyn Jerde): What says summertime fun more than a greased pig contest, captured in this frame. The photographer puts it all together in this picture: the faces, body language and the mayhem. Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“I will never forget” - Dan Young): Artfully captured, a water cannon is used to salute an airliner full of WWII veterans departing in the morning sunlight for Washington on an Honor Flight. Third Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Snow Blows In” - Laura Schmitt): The bitterness of winter’s cold and snow comes through clearly in this winterscape scene.

Spot News Photo Division A First Award – Kenosha News: (“Krajacic Spot News Photo” - Sean Krajacic): An excellent news photograph showing a

Division B First Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (“Boy, 5, crashes van” - Dan Young): This picture makes your heart go out to a five-year-old boy who hides behind his mother while she explains to a police officer how he got into her van and drove it into a neighbors car. The boy’s body language says everything about the situation. It’s a great picture. Second Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Policeman killed; SWAT response A1” - Patrick Flood): The dramatic moment when a SWAT team storms a house where a fellow police officer has been killed. Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Fire guts St. Nazianz foundry” - Doug Sundin): A fire at an industrial facility captured on deadline. Good visual reporting of a breaking event. Division B First Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“Breaking its banks” - Nathaniel Shuda) Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“’Unreal’ Destruction” - Laura Schmitt) Third Award – The Monroe Times: (“1 dead after robbery” - Adam Krebs)

Sports Photo Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Packers vs. Detroit” - Corey Wilson): Great moment that is peak action and storytelling all rolled up into one

27 photograph. Doesn’t get much better than this. Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“WIAA soccer” - Jim Matthews): A solid photo that contains both aspects of sports the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Would have liked to see a little more of the goalie in the bottom right. Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Leaping Catch” - Scott Anderson): Solid peak action sports photo. The concentration in their eyes makes the photo. Division B First Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Standing Tall” - Steve Kinderman): Peak action sports photo with the ball on the tips of his fingers. Getting underneath their helmets so the viewer can see their eyes helps bring the photo up a level. Second Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Prep Boys Soccer, Page B1” - Patrick Flood): Nice sports action with the added layer of the secondary player on the left. The action is missed by just a few moments, would have liked to see the player’s head on the ball. Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Roncalli routs Kiel” - Sue Pischke): Clean action photo, would have been better if shot from a lower angle. Would also like to know in the caption if the player was fouled or not. Division C First Award – Watertown Daily Times: (“Eagles hurdle Lakeside” - Adam B. Burdsall): Great moment from a baseball game in which there usually aren’t many great moments to be found. A lower perspective would help the photograph and take it up a notch. Second Award – Daily Jefferson County Union: (“Wenkman Interception” - Josh Smith): Peak action football photo, but the background is hurting it. Shot with a longer lens and getting lower might have cleaned it up a bit. Third Award – The Monroe Times: (“DeForest ends Monroe’s hopes” Anthony Wahl): Nice basketball action with good lighting.


Editorial: Daily Division

Feature Photo

Photo Essay


Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Really?” - Wm. Glasheen): Image brings humor to the frustration of winter driving. Good moment.

Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Inside Out: a puzzling birth defect” - Craig Schreiner): Good selection of photos from a tough story to document.

Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Hannah O’Brien)

Second Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Midwives deliver maternity solution” - Craig Schreiner): Nice to see a documentary moment that reminds us what the joys of life are about.

Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Pack stuffs Bears” - Dan Powers): Nice selection of action and reaction photos from the Packers title game over Da Bears.

Third Award – Kenosha News: (“Arctic blast: Kenosha faces the cold” - Brian Passino): Simple, graphic, and chilling.

Third Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“A Championship The Size Of Texas” - Steve Apps): Another wellexecuted essay on the Super Bowl game.

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“When Farm Animals Attack” - Dan Lassiter): Cute kid and the best moment of the bunch makes it a winner. Second Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Hooked on Fishing” - Aileen Andrews): This is one way to freshen your breath, but don’t try this at home. What a great expression! Third Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Reflections in the rain” - Bruce Halmo): Great eye for design. This is how to make a mundane image so much better. Great features come down to great faces and moments and most of the winners had that. Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Hangin’ on at Farm Tech Days” - Laura Schmitt): How can you go wrong with kids and livestock? This photographer combined a great moment with nice framing. Second Award – Shawano Leader, Shawano: (“Sunset fishing lesson” - Cory Dellenbach): Norman Rockwell is rolling over in his grave. Classic interaction between the generations in a beautiful image. Third Award – Watertown Daily Times, Watertown: (“Scientific surprises at St. Bernard’s” -Teresa Stowell): Great expression and a good decision shooting tight. It’s a performance situation, but the kid makes the image.

Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“History on Display” - Sue Pischke, Doug Sundin): Great selection of photos in essay. Good storytelling throughout. Second Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Our Time to Shine” Benjamin Wideman, Sarah Kloepping, Doug Sundin): Good access to the president, and a nice variety of close and wide views of the community and the president interacting. Third Award - Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Fear Factor” - Benjamin Wideman): Another example of great choice in image selection. We could tell the photographer spent some time on this one. Division C First Award – Baraboo News Republic: (“Truck breaks lake ice” - Tim Damos): A dramatic news event told in a multi-picture context. Each image adds to the story. Second Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Found art” - Dan Young, Mystique Macomber): Striking images from the commonplace are elevated through the photographers keen eye. Third Award – Marshfield NewsHerald: (“Yipes, stripes!” - Dan Young, Laura Schmitt, Doug Wojcik, Mystique Macomber): Great concept for linking together events to create a graphic mix of striking image.

Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Jason Bailey) Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Eric Schurer): Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Brothers In Arms” “Taking A Stab At It” “Our Time To Shine” - Benjamin Wideman) Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Blast from the pasture” “Drawn together” “When farm animals attack” - Andrew Reuter) Third Award – Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau Division C First Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Breaking the bank” - Chris Thompson) Second Award – Portage Daily Register: (“It wasn’t for lack of tri-ing” “Feeling the need for seed” “Written on the wind” Jason Maddux) Third Award – Stevens Point Journal: (“Tapped for success” - Tim Langdon)

Front Page Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Turning right” “Capitol Shocker” “Walker plans border war” Staff): Excellent work here. Clean, eyecatching designs really draw the reader in – both to inside stories and to online materials. Teases are nice and tight. Nice use of graphics and alternative storytelling formats (“How the bill was passed” on the March 10 front page is especially strong). Only quibble is that the Jan. 13 Packers skybox makes the “Wisconsin” on the nameplate difficult to read. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Staff): Kudos for a nice batch of front pages. Good use of color, heads and photos. Pages have clear hierarchy. The

“State of Anxiety” package also shows that a bunch of small file photos can carry a big impact when presented correctly. You pack a ton of information on the front, but some is a little dense. On the tease bar below the nameplate, for example, the text is difficult to read and follow. Overall, excellent work. Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (Roger Anderson): Nearly second place here. Very nice designs. A ton of alternative storytelling tools in use - boxes, pull quotes, etc. Some elements could be written lighter. The Mount Pleasant development box, for example, could have true bullet points, like this: Land cost: $4.5 million; Anchor store: New Pick ‘n Save; Construction jobs: Up to 350. In this case, less is more. Could go without full sentences. Division B First Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (Erin Wasinger): Very nice front pages. Clean, simple designs that showcase stories and art perfectly. Excellent use of typography. The “Miracle on hold” package is wonderful! Nice one. Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald, Wausau: (Staff): Great use of big headlines and big art. The storm photo is stunning. Great call on making that so prominent. Solid use of alternative storytelling and good teases inside and to online features. The “Walleye wars” package is good, although the intro takes away from the story a little bit - it’s a bit hard to figure out where the story starts. Third Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (Tom Gunderson): All three designs are good examples of how to get readers into a product, both print and online. (On the March 2 A1 alone, there are 27 teases to inside stories/elements!) The designs also highlight solid alternative storytelling techniques, mostly in the form of boxes and blurbs, and your very thorough reporting. The risk of this, of course, is that some pages seem cluttered. There’s so much good information there, the focus can get muddled. In some cases, a bigger impact would come from pulling back a bit, writing more tightly, and embracing some white space. Division C First Award – Stevens Point Journal: (“Knockout Storm” - Tim Langdon, Elissa Holtmeier, Elizabeth Nichols): Very solid A1 designs here. The July 21 coverage of the storm is especially strong. Lots of small

Editorial: Daily Division elements to get readers into the paper and online. Nice use of color. The “Wisconsin in Turmoil” logo/bug is excellent. Skyboxes are clean and clear. Good job all around. Second Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“Rising water” “Residents take in the damages” “Port Edwards understands plight of Whiting mill employees” - Staff): Great use of headlines and big photos. (The “Rising water” head/photo is a great example.) Nice teases and graphic elements, including the “Road to recovery” element. Some cut lines are a bit unclear (mainly because too much information is being crammed in) or don’t offer enough context to the story. A small issue. Otherwise, nice work. Third Award – Baraboo News Republic: (Todd Krysiak): Good use of white space and clean, crisp design. The shelter package is especially strong.

Overall Page Design Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Where they stand” “A rare scare” “Stealth primary” - Dean Witter): All-around excellent entries that come out ahead of the pack. Fresh, clean and creative. A really fine job. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Ed Berthiaume): Strong entries and nice work that draws the reader in. Keep it up! Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Page design - Dan Higgins): Great pages, great design, great work! Division B First Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (Elissa Holtmeier): These are really impressive page designs. Excellent use of photos. Creative, clean and contemporary. Nicely done. Second Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (Mike Klees): Great page designs that really grab the reader. Nice use of photos and various design elements. Third Award – The Freeman, Waukesha: (“Snow emergency” “Bin Laden’s demise” “Powerful storm packs a punch” - Shana Duffy): Page designs are nicely done.

They’re contemporary but not over-thetop. Great work. Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (Andrew Ernst): Really impressive, clean and fun page design that grabs attention and makes a person want to turn the page to see what’s next. Second Award – Portage Daily Register: (Jason Maddux): Nice consistent design. Clean, sharp and professionally done. Third Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“Preview to the ˜Revue” “On the beach” “Dueling dads” - Tim Langton): Great design that incorporates various elements for an attractive finished product.

Page Design - Feature Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Ed Berthiaume): Outstanding work on all three layouts. I had a difficult time deciding which was my favorite. Each page was extremely creative and unique, and they all effectively presented an abundance of information cleanly and in a wellorganized design. All while maintaining a true newspaper feel. Very difficult to accomplish, which makes the layouts even more impressive! Second Award – Kenosha News: (Julie Vander Velden): Very nice designs overall. Each one was creative, stylish and wellorganized. I was impressed with the way the data was structured on the first layout, the “schoolhouse” feel on the second layout, and the extremely creative heading and imagery on design three. I also liked the way you presented the recipes on the third layout. My only negative comment: there was a typo on one of the name lines on the first page, which, for me, detracted a little from the layout as a whole. Third Award – Kenosha News: (Julie Vander Velden): I was impressed by the creativity and individuality between the three entries. On the first design, I loved the heading and the way the theme was maintained. Also, the way the fasteners were displayed and organized was very well done. I enjoyed the way the main artwork was used as a background for the rest of the layout on the second page. On the third layout, you did a nice job with pullouts and

artwork, especially with the before and after photos at the top and the shoe section at the bottom, but I thought more could have been done with the overall layout and the color scheme. Overall, great work on all the designs! Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Big, Bold & Beautiful” “Pet Primer” “An Eye For Nature” - Benjamin Wideman): It is very difficult to effectively place a lot of photos without the layout becoming busy, but all three designs succeeded at this. The first layout had a “wow” factor and was a great, creative concept. The other layouts were creative, unique, cleanly designed, and very reader friendly. Outstanding work! Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Devouring Wisconsin” - Ann Fiore): Coming up with unique designs is always a challenge, but all three were very creative and different. The use of the map with photo pull-outs was very well done on the first layout. I liked the black and white color scheme on the second design, and the photos on the third layout really popped. Overall, great job! Third Award – The Sheboygan Press: (Bob Farina): Excellent job working several stories into a single page while coming up with unique, creative layouts. This is a difficult feat to accomplish successfully. Some of my favorite features included the Arabian Nights, where the copy was placed over the photo as a background in the first layout, the overall story positioning on the second design, and the interacting elements on the third. Very well done! Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Fit to be king” “Alfred Hitchcock” “Roses are red” - Craig Spychalla): Each design was unique and quite creative, and they were themed perfectly. I was impressed with the second layout in particular, with the rose, because with the amount of information and elements, this could have very easily become busy. Instead, excellent use of white space and artistic elements made it attractive and organized. Overall, very well done! Second Award – Watertown Daily Times: (“Monsters can be...Soft and huggable” - Heidi Schwoch): The designer made creative choices with fonts and colors. All the layouts were unique and tailored to

29 the story theme. Use of white space and photo placement made the designs readerfriendly. Nice work! Third Award – Watertown Daily Times: (“Battlefield brothers reunite” - Samantha Christian): I really liked the letter placement in the first design; it added a historic feel. Also, using the numbers to tie the photos with the map on the second layout was a nice touch. While the designs could have utilized white space a little more to make them more open, they were nicely done overall.

Page Design - Sports Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent: (Ed Berthiaume): The Packers’ run to the Super Bowl was great subject matter to do great things and the Post-Crescent hoisted the Lombardi Trophy, so to speak, when it comes to displaying it for readers. Superb mix of images, type and white space. The photos of Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews were especially striking, which makes complementary elements around them even more effective. Fantastic effort. Second Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Flying High” “Know Your Packers” “Honor Guards” -Laura Nolan): The Wisconsin Game Day package is an eye-catcher. Nice treatment of the main art and a sharp chart with the Badgers’ point totals. The basketball players of the year were nicely displayed, as well. The photos let you look right into the players’ eyes. And speaking of eyes, the Packers’ illustration was a great idea and I’m sure a reader favorite. While I think a dominant, singlesubject photo is better at carrying a page, this package is still an eye-opener, literally. And the nicely placed stories and art at the bottom of the page help bring it all together. Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Julie Larson): The Packers training camp package took a good idea and turned it into a great page. Very nice use of art and illustration without clutter. The girls track package might have been a bit crowded, but was still attractive and wellexecutedn and I’m sure it was appreciated by readers. Good headline treatment on the Packers tight end package.

30 Division B First Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (Joe Ziemer): Good prep football centerpiece. Like the score graphic and the action photo is dominant without overpowering the page. The women’s basketball preview is well done with good use of cutouts to complement the package. The faded photo at bottom has a nice effect, as well. Second Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (John Casper Jr.): High school football package has a great centerpiece photo. It really carries the page, which has nice balance throughout. And the girls state hoops preview is an eye-catcher as well. Third Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (Paul Keup, sports editor): Great high school football advance centerpiece with dominant photo and smaller cutout to offer nice balance. Nice state softball package as well. And I like the wire package at bottom. Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (Travis Houslet): Liked the prep football preview package at top of third page with a nice, dominant photo. Packers package in middle very nice with cutout of the punter. Helps provide balance to the page. And the NL Central breakout with the Brewers story on bottom is nice touch. Second Award – Portage Daily Register: (Dan Larson): Eye-catching basketball player of the year page. Very well done with cutout photos. Not a big fan of reverse type but I think it worked in this case. Third Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Dan Larson): State softball preview page well-packaged, and the dominant photo with the two teams lined up has a nice effect.

Reporting on Local Government Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Michael King): Good job making sense of municipal debt levels- a dry subject that really costs taxpayers. All articles in this entry were well written. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Most liability claims denied” - Duke Behnke): Liability claims- a topic

Editorial: Daily Division that’s rarely handled in a comparative way. That article gives real insight into the situation. Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“City of Green Bay” - Scott Williams): A very thorough job on the license plate story. I’m sure every driver in town read it carefully. Division B First Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“City Center frustration continues” “Hotel renovations at standstill;” “Inside City Center hotel” - Jeff Bollier): The reporter’s stay at the hotel in question really adds to the understanding of the situation. Well written, with input from a number of good sources. Second Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“County plan for overtime endorsed with changes” “County highway department lays off 17” “Cleveland road project put on hold” - Sarah Kloepping): Thorough look at many facets of public roads, who maintains them and what it costs to improve them.

Reporting on Local Education Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Homeless but not helpless” “Staying in school” “Homeless parent, child grow roots in Fox Cities” -Kathy Walsh Nufer, Rachel Rausch): Excellent look at the hidden problem of homelessness, how it affects students and their schools. Well-reported, well-written and thorough. Second Award – The Journal Times, Racine: ( Lindsay Fiori): This entry touches on many facets of education- the teachers, the finances and an exceptional student. Well-rounded and well done. Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Speechlanguage, special education teachers in big demand due to retirements” - Patrick B. Anderson): Wonderful look - from many angles - at a problem for local schools.

Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Wastewater plant rate hike may be needed” “’Scandal sheet’ guides work force” “Less use may mean higher rates” - Charlie Mathews): Concise lead lets readers know exactly what the problem is right away. Nice follow through explaining why rates are increasing.

Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Mock crash at TRHS results in ‘fatality’” “Role reversal” “Beating the odds” - Cindy Hodgson): The story about the elementary students teaching teachers about technology really is a story of how we’re all “learners.” Also an excellent story on a girl’s success at a charter school. Good explanation of what made it work.

Division C First Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Rod Stetzer): Good leads and good follow through in a variety of stories.

Second Award – The Sheboygan Press: (Janet Ortegon): Very thorough look at how technology is changing classroom learning and a very clear look at the retirement decision facing teachers.

Second Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Local preference lives in Milwaukee market” “City swapping houses for pond” “City streetcar scoots through council vote” - James Briggs): A nice job explaining a couple of complex issues.

Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“A feeling of family” “Newark gets 1-year reprieve” “Parkview’s transfer rate improves” - Gina Duwe): Nice look at the emotional and financial problems facing a small school.

Third Award – The Monroe Times: (Tere Dunlap): A well-balanced job of covering a divided council.

Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Finding common ground” “Schools teach more ESL students” “Waiting for ratings” Ashley A. Smith): Excellent. These stories really gave clear explanation of programs that are probably little-known. Wellwritten and thorough. Second Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Alayne Perrine): Well

done, especially the look at the need for free and reduced price lunches and the possible budget cuts. Third Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Rod Stetzer): Good story on the use of iPads. But I wanted to know some of the steps in the Rube Goldberg device.

Most Improved Newspaper Division A First Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (Staff)

Special Pages Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (Thomas Rozwadowski) Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“The Buzz” “P-C Watchdo” “Good Neighbors” - Staff) Division B First Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“What’s On My Desk” - Caley Clinton, reporter and editor, Jayne Laste, designer, Kevin Harnack, photographer): Very unique idea that would certainly appeal to readers. Easy to read and look at. Nice design, high quality portraiture and detail photography. Unusual approach to featuring local content.

Investigative Reporting Division A First Award – Wisconsin State Journal, Madison: (“Burning questions: Arson or Accident?” - Dee J. Hall, reporter, Phil Brinkman, city editor): A well-written series that looks at a problem from all sides. A thorough report about the crime of arson and how it’s investigated. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Spilling over; Illegal sewage spills rarely bring fines” - Ben Jones): Good work obtaining public documents to illustrate a problem that isn’t being publicly revealed.

Editorial: Daily Division Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“ATF records” - Scott Williams): Good work at keeping after the public documents. Division B First Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Mayor scandal” - Eric Litke, Dan Benson): This newspaper got onto the story of the alcoholic mayor suffering a relapse and didn’t let go. Excellent work at sourcing a difficult story. Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (“Blasto blankets metro area” - Kathleen Foody): This piece is admirable for the determination to get records that the public health department didn’t want released. Third Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Bumpy ride” - Julian Emerson, Eric Lindquist) Division C First Award – Baraboo News Republic: (“Homeless Haven: Non-profit’s foundation crumbles” - Tim Damos): A lot of legwork went into this series of stories, detailing the closing of a homeless shelter. Second Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (“History no surprise” “Housing Authority head resigns” - Nathaniel Shuda): A solid piece of journalism, showing a lack of due diligence by the housing authority. Third Award – Portage Daily Register: (“How does Portage sell land?” - Michael Thompson)

Entertainment Pages Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Weekend pages” - Kendra Meinert): Good energy, punchy design throughout from cover to back. Engaging writing. Offers plenty to choose from among entertainment stories, reviews, listings and more. Second Award – Kenosha News: (Elizabeth Snyder, Brian Sharkey, Bill Robbins): Clean, classic typography; like the page headers cuing reader to the topic at hand. Great rundown on haunted houses. Calendar highlights engaging and eye-catching. Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Staff): Dynamic cover and cover story design. Terrific breakdown of how to be a super fan -- a super fun read. Format of box office feature a fast, easy read, as is the calendar.

Division B First Award – The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan: (Weekend - Bob Farina): The section offers a wide variety of entertainment news, stories and listings for the area. Second Award –Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Get In The Game” “Lights, Camera, Action” “Songs of Salomon” Benjamin Wideman): Dynamic cover design, but loses energy on jump page, largely due to lack of space. Would prefer shorter read to leave room for more entertainment listings in the area. Third Award – Leader-Telegram, Eau Claire: (“Out of the woods” - Rob Hanson): For broadsheet - and mostly single page - offers strong sense of visual arts in the community. Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Fortunate sons” “A Fish Tale” “Bona Fide Country” - Craig Spychalla): Of all the entries, this had a surprising and engaging New York Times, old-school feel. It’s rare to find a newspaper today that offers longform reads, especially in the entertainment sections. The design was clean and simple, but it popped. Altogether a refreshing change from cookie-cutter presentations found elsewhere. Second Award – Daily Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids: (Go! - Jamie Rokus): Pretty good variety of material. Well-presented, and design takes advantage of the energy conveyed in the cover art. Third Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (Jan Zettler)

Graphics Division A First Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Made for Shade” - Katie Kupper): This is what editorial graphics is all about. Clearly compliments the article and entices the reader to read on. Great job. Second Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“We’re All In - Brewers Ante Up” - Peter Koszyczarek Jr., Graphics Artist, Katie Kupper, Graphics Artist, Daniel Talsky, Graphics Artist): Good job of illustrating a column topic. Talented group of designers. Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine:

(“Out and About - Fourth of July” - Peter Koszyczarek Jr., Graphics Artist): Nice photo montage and use of color. Division B First Award – Wausau Daily Herald; (Elissa Holtmeier): The Pump Friction graphic is clean and to the point, yet creative with use of signs, road and colors.

31 Wiedholz, Donna Mueller, Gina Falaschi): Great play of videos, photo galleries, reader polls, and most-read and most-commented bucket. Organization of site makes it easy for readers to find content of interest.

Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (Steve Sitko): Impressed with the moon graphic being so well designed in black and white. The use of the bars on the jail being the bars of the graph was a special touch. Community growth graphic was rather lacking but the moon graphic and jail census graphic more than made up for it.

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Gazettextra” - Jon Lindquist, Dave vonFalkenstein, Kyle Geissler, Gazette reporting staff): A clean and simple website that keeps the reader entertained and informed. The color palette is brilliant and adds to the warm and engaging appeal. Organization of content is excellent, including the two-tiered navigation bar. Reader-friendly and inviting from start to finish.

Third Award – The Sheboygan Press: (Nhia Yang): The Crowded Market graphic was a good tool to enhance the editorial on how over-saturated the market is. The district maps on that story were a little large but no doubt easy for the readers to identify where they are within it.

Second Award – The Sheboygan Press: (Nhia Yang, Dave Lubach): User-friendly navigation and clean approach are strong elements of this site. Submenus keep the content organized and easy to find for readers. ‘Most popular’ tab is a giant plus, as are the numerous photo galleries.

Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Budget cut proposed” “Ready for all weather” “Roads to be rebuilt” - Steven Sitko): Good way to add some interest to numbers. (Taxes is spelled with an e though). Love the forecast graphic.

Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (www.htrnews.com - Staff): Visually appealing and full of local and timely content. Organization of content is excellent starting with top headlines. Packaging of world, national and state content adds to strength of site.

General Web Excellence

Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (marshfieldnewsherald.com - Jeff Engel, Jonathan Gneiser, Mystique Macomber, Laura Schmitt, Chris Schulte, Ashley A. Smith, Liz Welter, Jan Zettler): Clean site with excellent organization of content. Tremendous job with the design and presentation of the numerous photo galleries by topic.

Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: reenBayPressGazette.com - Staff): Clean, easy-to-navigate site has something for everyone. Home page has it all, including stories, blogs, video and photo galleries by staff and readers. Niche sections are wellorganized with strong content. Use of social media and text alerts helps drive traffic. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (www.postcrescent.com -Staff): Local content anchors this solidly designed site. Content buckets are easy to follow. Excellent display of photo galleries and play of niche topics. Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (journaltimes.com - Bridget Thoreson, Greg Giesen, Roger Anderson, Rob Golub, Ann Walter, Brenda Wishau, Jerry Boehme, Dennis Chars, Steve Lovejoy, Clint

Second Award – Portage Daily Register: (www.portagedailyregister.com - Staff): Top story bucket and deep list of latest local news give readers a steady diet of happenings in their community. A clean and content-rich website. Third Award – Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson: (“Daily Union Online” - Staff): Big photo display in carousel grabs readers’ attention. Clean approach in presentation of stories, and strong presentation of video content.


Creative use of Multimedia Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“N.E.W. Wineries” - Joe Heller): Classy presentation for a classy subject. Nice use of Flash to create an easy-to-use, informationpacked graphic. The rich use of linking to photo galleries and social media sites added to it nicely. May have considered increasing the size of those links and the text info relative to the size of the interactive map. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Elite 11 football” (August 2011) - Richardo Arguello, Jim Rosandick): Fun mix of video, text information and Flash to tell us more about these outstanding football players. Had a nice ESPN feel to it, and we mean that in a good way. Mixing in a little B-roll of the kids moving around in practice or a game would make this feature even more eye-catching. Third Award - The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (Sharon Cekada): This video made the print version of this story much better. There is so much to tell about the relationship between these sisters and the role dancing plays in their lives, and this video captured it nicely. Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Our Time To Shine” - Amy Hanson, Charlie Mathews, Benjamin Wideman, Sarah Kloepping, Cindy Hodgson, Suzanne Weiss, Pat Pankratz, Russ Budzisz, Mike Knuth, Doug Sundin): This is the definitive multimedia experience in storytelling. Articles, photo galleries, user-generated photos, Cover It Live and video of the president’s visit drive page views through the roof. Second Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“The Samplers” - Nhia Yang, Janet Ortegon): The Samplers takes restaurant reviews and storytelling to a new and fun level. Janet Ortegon and Nhia Yang wanted to do “something outside the box and beyond the boring story profile.” They have succeeded. Third Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“Letters leave a legacy” - Dave Wasinger): Excellent use of multimedia to enhance and localize coverage of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. The reading of the letters written by local family members to their loved ones in the Union Army is an attention grabber.

Editorial: Daily Division Division C First Award – Marshfield News-Herald: (“Colby show choir finds its own ‘Glee’ through performance” - Laura Schmitt, Ashley A. Smith): Excellent job of capturing the hard work, intensity and talent of the show choir members. Nice addition to the multipart series in print. With a subject like this, where dance movement is such a large part of the activity, perhaps consider inserting some video clips of the performances and practices amid the still photos. Second Award – Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson: (“Daily Union Online videos” - Josh Smith, Ryan Whisner, Jeff Seisser, Paris Knox): Good use of video to enhance the coverage of local sporting events. The podcasts reviewing the past week in sports is an excellent touch. Third Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Curtis talks about his game-winning homer” - Dan Larson): The interview process becomes more engaging when readers can view and hear local athletes talk about their accomplishments.

Web Special Project Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Dawn to Dusk” - Staff): Photos, videos and stories help cover the dual events involving the Bellin Run and Kenny Chesney’s concert at Lambeau Field. The coverage really comes together with the use of Twitter and Facebook to keep readers informed throughout the day and night. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Drunken driving in Wisconsin” - Staff): A Web page designed to focus and cover the state’s culture of drinking. Stories, video and interactive maps help readers develop a clear understanding of the topic. Third Award – The Journal Times: (“Racine’s Homeless Children” - Lindsay Fiori, Brenda Wishau, Dennis Chars, Bridget Thoreson): Project studies the homeless problem among students in the county. Stories are reinforced by videos, podcasts, interactive maps and PDFs of documents. Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“New Orleans: A City With Heart & Soul” - Sarah Kloepping, Benjamin Wideman, Doug Sundin): Travel

package on New Orleans comes to life with multimedia effort that is easy to navigate. Numerous photo galleries, videos, slideshows and music all bring the heart and soul of New Orleans to Wisconsin. Second Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (“Walleye Wars evolve into peace on the lakes” - Xai Kha, Brian Otten, Carrie Hutton, Jeff Starck): Online section does a great job of focusing on American Indian spearfishing with the help of interactive maps, audio slideshow, video, galleries of current and past images, and a live conversation between readers and the reporter. Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Rock Aqua Jays celebrate 50 years” - Shelly Birkelo, David Brazy, Marcia Nelesen, Jim Leute, Kyle Geissler, Dave vonFalkenstein): Video, photo gallery and podcasts give readers in-depth coverage of the 50th anniversary of the Rock Aqua Jays in Janesville. Division C First Award – Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam: (“Living through hate: Holocaust survivor speaks to MMS students” - Megan Sheridan): Print presentation of Holocaust survivor speaking to students is enhanced with video and comment capability. Second Award – Portage Daily Register, Portage: (“Fog Bowl 2011 on Lake Columbia” - Shannon Green): Online photo gallery complements print storytelling of kayaking on New Year’s Day.

Continuing Web Coverage Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Training camp” - Staff): Packers fans get all the training camp news they can use on this page. Cover It Live offers interaction with readers. Text alerts keep readers informed throughout the day as do the practice reports through Twitter. Stories, blogs, columns, photo galleries, archived content and schedules complete the comprehensive coverage. Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Playoffs to Super Bowl” - Staff): The use of photos, videos, blogs, social media and RSS feeds picked up speed as the Packers marched to the Super Bowl. Using Twitter

and Facebook for breaking news helped draw additional traffic to the page. Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Rev. Amy DeLong’s United Methodist Church Trial” -Sharon Cekada, Joel Christopher, Terry Lipshetz, Michael Vinson): Web-first coverage of local reverend under scrutiny for performing same-sex union. The landing page includes stories, videos, photo galleries and tweets by the reporter. A bucket called “About this case” is a great explainer for first-time readers. Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (“Wisconsin budget protests” Gazette reporting staff, Kyle Geissler, Dave vonFalkenstein): Excellent landing page for continuous coverage of budget repair bill. Stories, videos, podcasts, polls, PDFs of documents and photo gallery provide indepth look at the events at the Capitol. The user-submitted photo gallery and “your thoughts” bucket are great ways to draw readers into the content. Second Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Mayor scandal” - Nhia Yang, Dave Lubach): Videos, photo galleries and current and archived stories give readers everything they need to know about the problems facing local mayor. Third Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Manitowoc Marine Justin Cain Killed” - Amy Hanson, Pat Pankratz, Charlie Mathews, Sue Pischke, Russ Budzisz): Strong, continuous coverage of death of local Marine keeps readers informed of his death in Afghanistan, return of his body and the funeral. Division C First Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Project Profile Page on the Hoan Bridge in Milwaukee” -Joe Yovino, Rick Benedict): Project profile page provides one-stop shopping for ongoing coverage of the bridge construction project. Blogs, polls, construction-related documents, photos and stories keep readers informed. Second Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Clough Building comes down” - Michael Thompson, Julie Cutsforth, Jen McCoy, Shannon Green): Video and photo galleries help accent daily coverage of demolition of old school building. Memories generated by UGC is an excellent way to engage readers.

Advertising: Daily Division Bill Payne Award Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“I Love MyLes Stumpf Ford” - Steve Purath, Central Design Team): Great idea, nice way to stand behind those Packers and encourage residents to check the paper every day. Would be curious to know how the advertiser benefited.

Best Advertising Idea (Series) Division A First Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Inside Out Gift Shop” - Amanda Steberl, Artist, Kelly Wiedholz, Sales Rep): These ads do a great job branding the client.

Second Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Danny’s Meats Easter Specials” - Amanda Steberl, Artist, Sarah Neff , Sales Rep): Nice coloring, great layout, cute.

Second Award - Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Pioneer Credit Union” - Laurie Vicenzi, Stephanie Pleasants, Amy Hermann): A cohesive campaign that delivers a simple message well.

Third Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Come Hear Jeff Skiles” - Amanda Steberl (Artist), Ken Davis (Sales Rep): Got my attention. All the right information and great coloring. Nice job.

Third Award – Kenosha News: (“Wisconsin Neuropathy Center Foot & Ankle” - Nicole McQuestion, Sales Rep, Jamie Serpe, Designer): Clean design and a good choice of art make these ads stand out.

Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Maritime Ford” - James Maurer): Awesome layout, nice blend of color. I liked the detailed letter.

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Fuji Sushi & Steak House - Sushi & Martini Night / 1 Free Hibachi Kids Meal” - Julie Daun, Donna Hanson): Creative and eyecatching design. Effective use of color and art to create a cohesive series.

Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“K&W Greenery - For all the Moments in life!” - Dan Bothun, Holly LaChance): Fun play on words, colorful, eye catching. Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Rock County Honda -Presidents’ Day” - Trish Edwards, Holly LaChance): Nice display, easy to read, not crowded, colorful.

Second Award– The Janesville Gazette: (“Fitness Together - Seize The Summer” - Nina Perona, Sara Van Galder-Miller): The use of a local customer in this series is effective. Good photos and relavant customer quotes togehter with an appealing design make these ads work.

Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Spring Tour of Homes” “Summer Tour of Homes” - Jen Maertz, Jim Hoslet): Sure to be a success for a few more years.

Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Fitness Together - Rollin Pin Bakery - Famous Sale” - Dan Bothun, Donna Hanson): The use of the face on different characters is fun. Readers will have no trouble finding Rollin Pin’s ads in the paper. Half the battle is attracting reader attention. This series does this well.

Second Award – Kenosha News: (“Tag and Tent Sales Event” - Nicole McQuestion, Sales Rep, Anna Bauer, Designer): Great ad. I sure hope the dealer continues to use you with that hard work going into the layout and ad.

Division C First Award – Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam: (“Columbus July 4th Celebration” - Missy Boehler, Designer, Kara PremoRake, Sales): Well-organized and cohesive campaign.

Harrison MacDonald

Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Super Sunday” - Laurie Bolle, staff): Very nice program.

Best Special Section Division A First Award – Kenosha News: (“108 Years of Auto Making” - Kenosha Sales Team, Telemarketing Team, Bryce Ulmer,


Designer): This section was very well done. Judges could see the large amount of work that went into producing the section. Lots of original content. Surely was well-received by readers in such an auto industry-heavy area. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Best of the Valley Voting Ballot” “Best of the Valley Results Edition” “Special Advertising Edition” - Jen Maertz, Kristy Gnadt): Best of the Valley section featured a very successful blend of two sections, one that focused heavily on advertising (and by the looks of things was quite successful), and the other section that featured the “best” choices. Third Award The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Super Bowl Legends” Jen Maertz, Nicole Mertes, Dan Kohn): Can’t go wrong with a section featuring full-page photographs of Green Bay Packers famous players. Would be nice to see this done as an annual production, albeit with different content each year from the Packers storied history.

Kenosha News, First Award, Division A Best Special Section.

Division B First Award – Wausau Daily Herald: (“Made in Central Wisconsin” -Staff): Well done and interesting project focusing on what local newspapers do best: feature local content.

Second Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“2011 Airventure Oshkosh” - Jim Fitzhenry, Jason Kramer, Marie RayomeGill, Donavan Atkinson, Oshkosh Northwestern Sales Staff): With the Oshkosh Air Show being one of the most famous in the world the local newspaper obviously has to rise to the occasion of publishing an airshow guide equal to the importance of the event. Excellent and well-written local content about the performances; outstanding ad sales and guide to other local attractions.

Third Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“Grand Journey” - Lisa O’Halloran, Erin Wasinger, Dan Higgins): Nicely executed project on a famous local/state landmark. Division C First Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Top Projects” - Jayne Laste): Slick magazine presentation was a nice complement to the subject matter. Second Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Greater Milwaukee” - Jayne Laste): Very high-quality report with beautiful design consistency throughout. Elegant and professional. Third Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Education” -Jayne Laste): Since


Advertising: Daily Division

The Daily Reporter won all three places in this category, the consistency in quality was quite obvious throughout the entries. Good content, clean and simple design, a winning combination no matter what the subject matter may be.

Andrejeski, Central Design Team)

Best Use of Color

Second Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (“Hhffrrrggh Inn Restaurant & Bar - Great Food / Banquet Facilities” Mary Hamlin, Donna Hanson):

Division A First Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Free Family Friendly Park Expo” - Daniel Talsky, Artist, Molly Schmaling, Sales Rep) Second Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Festival Foods” - Karrie Schuldt) Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Nick Collins’ Dog Coco Loves Shopping at Lucy’s Closet” - Maureen

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (“Choice Cleaners - 30% Off Sale” -Nina Perona, Donna Hanson)

Third Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“The Animal Hospital of Oshkosh” Karen Gogolewski, Jenny Jarecki) Division C First Award – Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson: (“Blodgett’s Garden Center” - Denise Derry)

Second Award – Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam: (“Women’s Expo” - Mary Nordquist, Designer)

Best Multiple Advertiser Spread Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“The Crave” - Nicole Mertes, Jen Maertz, Kristy Gnadt): Very attractive design. Love the use of of the “top 5 picks” by businesses getting to select their items to feature. This must be a great tool to drive people into their stores.

Best Use of Art Service Division A First Award – Kenosha News: (“Remount Event” - Marty Navarro sales rep, Jamie Serpe designer): Effective use of multiple art service elements in a very attractive design.

Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“YOU Gift Guide” - Erica VanBoxel, Dana Kressig, Staff): The design of these pages is much more reader friendly than traditional gift guides with ads at the bottom, “canned” editorial at the top. The use of white space and color is appealing. Very chic.

Second Award – Kenosha News: (“Lakeshore Urology” - Jim Rasmussen Sales Rep, Francis Perdomo Designer): I liked the use of half a face with a surgical mask. The use of this art element clearly lets the reader know this is an ad for medical services.

Third Award – Kenosha News, Kenosha: (“Enjoy an Art Venture in Downtown Racine” - Elizabeth Lund): A great way to drive people into an area. I like how they all have a similar design recognizable to readers as “downtown Racine”.

Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Clubhouse Live” - Elly Heuring, Rep, Gary Vossekuil, Artist): The use of the football and basketball art draws in the reader’s attention.

Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“National Pizza Month” Rochelle Stubbs, Dale Mahloch): Creative, eye-catching design. Good concept. Second Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Shop Manitowoc County” Patti Schack): Good idea and nice design. Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“What’s On The Menu This Week?” Marci McCarten, Staff): I think that this is a great tool for readers, and attractively arranged. Division C First Award – Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam: (“Take a road trip to” - Staff): Love the design of the page. Very eye-catching and appealing.

Green Bay Press-Gazette, First Award, Division A Best Use of Local Photography.

Third Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Back 2 School Safety” - Dusty Zajda, Tamara Violetto): Cute idea. I like the consistency of the borders on each of the ads. Very eye-appealing design.

Second Award – Portage Daily Register, Portage: (“Catch the Bus” - Chad Brewer, Tamara Violetto): What a fun way to display advertisers and deliver important information.

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Frank Boucher - Free iPad” - Trish Edwards, Donna Hanson): I liked the creative use of art service materials. It really draws the eye. Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Hhffrrrggh Inn Restaurant & Bar - Great Food / Banquet Facilities” - Mary Hamlin, Donna Hanson): There are a lot of art elements in this ad but it works. I can tell at a glance what this business has to offer. Third Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (“Fuji Sushi & Steak House” -Julie Daun, Donna Hanson): The various art service elements pulled together well and create a look that is very pleasing to the eye. Division C First Award – Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam: (“This Valentine’s Day...Let Your Imagination Take Flight” -Mary Nordquist, Designer, Susan Procise, Sales): The heart-shaped cloud worked perfectly with the plane and the message from the advertiser. Second – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Subcontracting” - Jayne Laste): The use of the dartboard caught my attention.

Advertising: Daily Division Repeating that element inside the piece really helped create continuity.

Best Use of Local Photography Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Tammy’s Tack and Feed” - Jessica Gilson, Stephanie Pleasants, Mike Peters): Green Bay Press-Gazette did an amazing job with this category. This entry is perfect in quality, design, photo quality and message. It rivals top-notch ad agency design!

and people is a great way to remind readers of the upcoming event.

Best Advertising Sales Tool Division A First Award – Kenosha News, Kenosha: (“KN Advertising Proposal - In Print - Online - In Mail” - Nicole McQuestion, Anna Bauer, designer) Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“2011 Best of the Bay” - Stephanie Pleasants, Dana Kressig, Amy Hermann)

Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“Ultimate Closet” -Alissa Langenberg, Erica VanBoxel, Jesse Payant, Dana Kressig): Again, Green Bay PressGazette created an outstanding “artsy” ad using clipped photo images, which is perfect. The feel of this ad matches the image selection and quality.

Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Shop Fox Cities First Sales Binder” - Jen Maertz, Nicole Mertes, Advertising Team)

Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette, Green Bay: (“Get in Shape for Women” Geri Collette, Dana Kressig, Tina Pearcey): Green Bay Press-Gazette, you’ve done it again. The photo quality, unique angles and cropping make this an over-all great package.

Second Award – Portage Daily Register, Portage: (“Ghostly Legends on Society Hill” - Dusty Zajda, Missy Paulson)

Division B First Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Schreiner’s Restaurant” - Judy Groth): Photo usage is superb in this banner ad. A nice design with large corner photo balances space well with copy-intense banner. Good job!

Best Newspaper Promotion

Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“The Italian House - The Grandfather of Catering!” - Jenny Neuville, Donna Hanson): What a great, creative take on this “Godfather” ad! Good pictures, great theme, all-over good job!


Division C First Award – The Daily Reporter, Milwaukee: (“Daily Reporter Publishing Company Media Information” - Jayne Laste)

Third Award - Baraboo News Republic: (“Spring Home Improvement” - Dusty Zajda, Julie Brown)

Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Green Bay Press -Gazette, The Sheboygan Press, The Reporter, Oshkosh Northwestern, Wausau Daily Herald, Stevens Point Journal, Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune, Marshfield NewsHerald, Appleton: (“Consumer Branding Campaign” - Gary Vossekuil, Artist):

Third Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (“Richards Construction Find Your Way Home” -Julie Daun, Holly LaChance): It is difficult to take quality photos of both an interior and exterior view of a home. Great picture usage and welldesigned ad!

Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Green Bay Press -Gazette, The Sheboygan Press, The Reporter, Oshkosh Northwestern, Wausau Daily Herald, Stevens Point Journal, Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune, Marshfield News-Herald, Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter, Appleton: (WisconsinOutdoorFun. com Campaign -Gary Vossekuil, Artist):

Division C First Award – Daily Jefferson County Union, Fort Atkinson: (“Gemuetlichkeit Days” Nancy Radloff): Nice community-oriented layout. Photographs of community events

Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Green Bay Press-Gazette, Wausau Daily Tribune: (Weekend/Hub Campaign - Gary Vossekuil, Artist):

The Monroe Times, First Award, Division C Best Newspaper Promotion. Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Taste of Home Cooking School” - Tom Bradley, Terry Fleig, Staff) Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Renaissance Experience Expo” - Tom Bradley, Terry Fleig, Staff): Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“12

Hours of Bringing” -Tom Bradley, Dan Bothun, Terry Fleig, Staff): Division C First Award – The Monroe Times: (“100th Boy Scouting” - Steve Allen, Tai Ruegsegger, Laura A Hughes, Diane Albright): Tremendous amount of time and effort was put into this promo which should have created a lot of interest all year.

36 Second Award – Portage Daily Register: (“’Tis the Season” - Dusty Zajda, Julie Brown): Very good testimonial. Keep up the good work Third Award – Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam: (“Try Us On!” - Mary Nordquist, Designer): Good heading and design.

Best Niche Publication-In Paper Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (MomsLikeMe Magazine - Marie Rayome, Erica VanBoxel, Dana Kressig): Modern, engaging layout. Section has good shelflife, and serves as an excellent local guide to activities! Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Seniors” - Erica VanBoxel, Sarah Dreikosen, Linda Scott, Dana Kressig): Well-designed section with great editorial and helpful info. Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“An Art Legacy” - Nicole Mertes, Ed Berthiaume): Great tribute section highlighting local art and community.

Advertising: Daily Division Division B First Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Revue” - Staff): Great, well-designed section. Engaging concept highlighting local photographers. Nice cover! Second Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“A Measure of Success” - Staff): Great local “‘Salute” section with clear, welldesigned layout and interesting stories! Third Award – The Reporter, Fond du Lac: (“Outlook” - Staff): Awesome “keeper” section with tons of local community information. Good-looking design. Division C First Award – Baraboo News-Republic: (“What’s on the Menu” - Dusty Zajda, Chad Brewer, Andrew Nussbaum, Staff of Capital Newspapers - Portage Division): Enticing cover design with nice food photography! Great to keep around the house! Second Award – The Monroe Times: (“Source” - Tai Ruegsegger, Diane Albright, Steve Allen, Laura Hughes): Useful “keepsake” section. Dynamic cover design. Useful interior listings. Third Award – The Monroe Times: (“MTG 40th Anniversary” - Tai Ruegsegger, Diane Albright, Steve Allen, Laura Hughes): Great community review of local arts institution.

Best Niche Publication Out of Paper Division A First Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“A List” - Nicole Mertes, Kristy Gnadt): Very creative concept. Layout and design nicely done. Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“College 101” - Dana Kressig, Erica VanBoxel): One of the best local college guides I’ve seen. Ad design, layout and content all great.

Baraboo News Republic, First Award, Division C, Best Niche Publication - In Paper.

Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Scope Magazine” - Lisa Faulkner and staff): Nicely done, chock full of ads and great content. Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Parade of Homes - Plansbook” - Tom Bradley, Donna Hanson, Staff): Very clean, elegant piece.

The Post-Crescent, Appleton First Award, Division A, Best Niche Publication - Out of Paper. Second Award – Oshkosh Northwestern: (“Waterfest 2011” - Amy Cary, Kristy Gnadt, Oshkosh Northwestern Staff): Great use of full color. Layout and the use of small space was very impressive. Proves small ads can be effective if done right. Third Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Fall Planting is Here!” - Nicole Wolff): Nicely done. Division C First Award – The Monroe Times: (“Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member Directory and Newcomer’s Guide” - Tai Ruegsegger, Steve Allen, Diane Albright, Laura Hughes): Very inviting cover. Nice and clean on the inside with plenty of white space. Ad design simple and elegant throughout. Second Award – The Chippewa Herald, Chippewa Falls: (Mark Gunderman , Brian

Maki): Clean look, easy-to-read. Design and ad layout flow nicely. Great job on all ad designs throughout. Third Award – Portage Daily Register: (“Bridal Planner” - Chad Brewer, Julie Brown, Staff of Capital Newspapers Portage Division)

Best Circulation Promotion Division A First Award – Kenosha News: (“Membership” - Management Team, Bryce Ulmer, Designer): Good idea to reward long-term subscribers. Shows value in being a long-term subscriber.

Advertising: Daily Division Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Super Bowl Promotion” - David Sielski, Joe Braunschweig): Very good graphics. Good quick strike sales action on a breaking news item. Third Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“The Ultimate Waterpark Getaway” - Scott Daily, Matthew Schmidt, Erin Murphy): Good use of a family get-away premium to attract young families. Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“The Gazette - Consumer Digital Sales & Marketing Platform” - Lon Haenel, Sara Van Galder-Miller): Good tie-in with the daily deal.

Innovative Online Advertising Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Phoenix Connect” - Tina Pearcey, Dana Kressig, Amy Hermann): Clean and professional. Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Lunch on the go/Try our Quick Calzones” - Elly Heuring, Central Design Team) Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Paradise Pool” - Jeremy Harnisch) Division B First Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Bitter Neumann” - Jackie Stenson) Good use of using traditional ad space to serve a nontraditional ad unit. Second Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Manitowoc County Fair” Rochelle Stubbs): Clean not overbearing. Got to the point quickly. Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Kiwanis Pancake Day” Tile Ad - Adam Zellmer): Love pancakes! Division C First Award – Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam: (“McKinstry’s Parking Lot Sale” - Mary Nordquist, Lead Designer print/online, Susan Procise, Sales Associate) Second Award – The Monroe Times: (“New! Local Online Alternative To Yellow Pages” - Laura A. Hughes)

Online Revenue Builder Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“College 101” - Jim Reese, Dana Kressig, Erica VanBoxel, Maurine Saliger, Chad Burkholder) Second Award – The Post-Crescent, Appleton: (“Best Of The Valley” - Jennifer Maertz, Rep, Gary Vossekuil, Artist) Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Smaller YOU Weight Loss Challenge” Erica VanBoxel, Dana Kressig, Jim Reese, Chad Burkholder, Julie Riebe, Maurine Salinger) Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette, Janesville: (Gazlo.com - Kacey Kaderly, Donna Hanson) Second Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“MCCA Krazy Daze” - Megan Bruckschen, Kendra Aukamp) Division C First Award – The Monroe Times: (“New! Local Online Alternative to Yellow Pages” Laura A Hughes)

Best Online Ad -Single Ad- Static Division A First Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Festival Foods” - John Rowe, Lori O’Connor) Second Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“Dahl” - Jeremy Harnisch) Third Award – La Crosse Tribune: (“BRMH” - Jeremy Harnisch)

“Leaderboard” - Tom Bradley, Terry Fleig) Division C First Award – Baraboo News-Republic: (“Toys - Just Imagine” - Nick Ahles, Kerry Hilton)

Best Online Ad Single Ad-Animated Division A First Award – The Journal Times, Racine: (“Chocolate Fest” - Daniel Talsky, Artist, Kelly Wiedholz, Sales Rep): Best ad we had of all categories up to this point. Second Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Triple J Wing & Clay” - Adam Ropson, Amy Hermann, Jason Zoch, Crystal Henrichs): Very creative Third Award – Green Bay Press-Gazette: (“Shop the Pig - Piggly Wiggly” - Stephanie Pleasants, Vicki Brown, Tina Pearcey, Dana Kressig): Division B First Award – Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc: (“Masquers Theatre – Chicago” - Rochelle Stubbs) Second Award – The Sheboygan Press: (“Cedar Valley Cheese” - Nicole Wolff) Division C First Award – Portage Daily Register: (“The Corner Pocket” - Chad Brewer, Missy Paulson): Simple, yet effective. Second Award – Baraboo News Republic: (“Size up your situation - Pizza Ranch” Melissa Klang, Nancy Moyer) Third Award – Portage Daily Register: (“New Year’s Eve” - Chad Brewer, Marcia Budde)

Division B First Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“AirFEST” “Facebook” - Terry Fleig): All three were well done! Second Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Sweet Somethings” “Leaderboard” - Tom Bradley, Marci McCarten, Terry Fleig) Third Award – The Janesville Gazette: (“Best of Walworth County (BOWC)”

At right: The Janesville Gazette, First Award, Division B, Online Revenue Builder.



Collegiate Contest Winners

General Excellence

oriented content. Sports pages would benefit from a higher ratio of commentary to games.

Group A, published twice per week or more.

Second Award - The Clarion, Madison College: Excellent editions, solid writing and editing with clear, attention-grabbing ledes. The writing tends to be a bit formulaic; find ways to get more people into the stories. The paper does a nice job of localizing state issues. Headlines are clear, accurate and succinct and displayed well. Photo composition is good, but some photos a bit muddy. The graphic treatments are eye-catching. Outstanding editorial pages, with good analysis and presentation, particularly with the Capitol protests. The entertainment and sports pages are well-designed, with interesting and lively topics. A few annoying typos: “shear determination”, receive spelled wrong in a page 1 cutline; headline blow on page 3 of the same edition. Overall, this is a quality newspaper that hold its own with some of the state’s weekly publications.

First Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison

General Excellence Group B, published once per week or less. First Award - Advance Titan, UW-Oshkosh: The paper’s bold approach to page one helped push it to the top in this category, where there was stiff competition. Overall there is excellent photography, but reproduction suffers a bit. The writing could be strengthened, with news stories pretty straight and the features would be more lively. As mentioned, the bold design is a plus but the typography could be more consistent from issue to issue. Opinion pages have many local voices. Excellent entertainment pages, with a good mix of student-

Third Award - The Spectator, UWEau Claire: Quality of writing and reporting is solid, with clear ledes and multiple sources. Good job by the sports editor to jump from a cross country story to election coverage. Headlines are straightforward but are all pretty much thes ame size. The front page is newsy with a nice vareity of topics, but the page would be much stronger if the designers created a visual hierarchy. The main art could often be bigger. Opinion has a healthy amount of student writing, but could be split up with more pull quotes or subheads. Feature pages have creative design and something for most readers. The “dream” package was great. Sports has a good variety. Jumping a story to another cover is tough. Try a big promo on A1 and save the story for B1. An impressive amount of ads -- nicely done. Overall: Establish a page hierarchy, clean up some of the headline issues and this is a solid paper.


Ryan Rainey of The Badger Herald, UWMadison; First Award, General Reporting.

First Award - The Badger Herald, UW-Madison: (“Flawless” - Eric Wiegmann): Great job on showing how strong the Wisconsin football and basketball teams were this year with nice mix of photos, one single word “Flawless” that said it all, the combined record at home. Very clean, easy to understand and what is being highlighted. Second Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison: (“2011 Wisconsin Football Preview” - Alex Laedtke): I like the roster at the top, followed by the depth chart and key reserves -- the depth chart could be bigger, it was very difficult to read. Nice double-truck layout. Third Award - Arches, Mount Mary College: (“Spring-Scopes” - Nostassia Putz): I like the rain drops with the horoscopes in them with the flower and stem with wording in those. It gets your attention and keeps it. Nice work


The Clarion, Madison College; First Award, General Web Excellence.

First Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Madison Protests Continue” - Ryan Wetley): Loved the photos in the Madison Protests Continue photo essay, especially the main one with the duct tape over the mouth. Good job putting in different scenes and getting up close to some of the subjects. Nice clean images, not too busy either, which keeps the reader’s eye focus on the subject.

Second Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison: (“Snowpocalypse” - Lukas Keapproth): The image was full of action with the snow flying around and great expression on the student’s faces as they take part in the snowball fight. The only thing I would have changed -- and it’s a minor change -- is cropping in just a little bit tighter. Great job on getting close to what was going on instead of staying back. Looks like a fun event to be a part of! Third Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison: (“UW Students march for LGBT support” - Zhao Lim): Nice, vibrant colors in the photograph, nice job making the reader feel like they are right there along with the students taking part in the march. The photo could stand cropping from the top a bit more to make it a touch tighter of a photo.

General Reporting First Award - The Badger Herald, UW-Madison: (“Goodbye to The Fruit Stand” - Ryan Rainey): Strong lead captures the essence of the Fruit Stand’s longevity through years of change around it. Good use of quotes throughout to document Eric Roang’s spirit.

Collegiate Contest Winners Second Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Inmates Start Over” - Kim Ellingson): Another good lead. Who wouldn’t want to spend time away from jail? You also captured Nathan’s commitment to his success by detailing that he walks to class each time. A good look at a beneficial program. Third Award - Arches, Mount Mary College: (“Professionals debate benefits of wearing rocker-bottom shoes” - Danielle Goetz): Good strong lead. We’re all looking for the easy way to shape up. You move effortlessly to the point of your story: If those shoes are the cat’s meow, why aren’t we all walking in them? Great question. You get the manufacturer’s line on benefits and balance that fairly against the medical experts who understand how a body works and exerts energy leading to better health shape.

Sports Reporting First Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Age gap does not slow down Yahnke” - Joseph Dorschel): Nice story to find and Joseph Dorschel takes it and develops it nicely. Good insight into who the player is and what he has gone through to get back to the court. Very good job. Second Award - Arches, Mount Mary College: (“Jordan Osley leads on and off the court” - Rodolfo Piana): Good insight into what appears to be a very special player and person. Good job of going into depth. Can’t think of anything missed here except maybe some of her stats and a little about her precollege career in basketball. Overall a very good story and effort. Third Award - Fourth Estate, UW-Green Bay: (“Phoenix women’s basketball breaks school record as 12/13 in nation” - Allie Reinikainen): Very good wrap up of a very good season. Good use of photos to illustrate. Impressive writing and attention to detail. Honorable Mention - The Spectator, UW-Eau Claire: (“Student wants baseball back” - Frank F. Pellegino): Well-written story about bringing baseball back at UW-EC. Would have been improved by more detail from the students playing on the club team and discussion of successes the program has had. But, factual and that is what a story should be.

Sports Column First Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison: (“Time to stop overlooking Badgers cross country” - Ian McCue): Good job of building a story from a great start to a great


finish. You prove “this group deserves it.” Well written, factual and overall very interesting. Second Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison: (“In Madison, pasadena memories do not fade” - Mike Fiammetta): Column was very well written and brought out what the writer wanted. Good view of what “The Roses” mean to a program that has been there. Good depth from the various interviews. Third Award - The Spectator, UW-Eau Claire: (“Mcllroy falters at Masters; Schools getting around TitleIX;” - Sam Rosenberry): Wellwritten column of opinion. makes points about how good mcllroy can become nd attempts to explain why. Interesting piece on golf. Honorable Mention - The Spectator, UW-Eau Claire: (“A tale of two brackets” - Sam Rosenberry): Well done with a touch of humor worked in. Good comparison of both games. well written and presented.

Investigative Reporting First Award - The Spectator, UW-Eau Claire: (“Complainant speaks out” - Debora Biasutti): Great job with the interview of the complainant and telling her story. Reporter flows the story well with the sub-heads in the story. Clear, easy to read, interesting piece that keeps the reader going. Second Award - The Spectator, UW-Eau Claire: (“Frat faces sexual assault allegations” - Debora Biasutti and Frank F. Pellegrino): Nice job on this piece. Tough subject to write about and at times get quotes for. Reporters do a nice job stating what happened and what is next. Clear writing, easy to read. Third Award - Fourth Estate, UW-Green Bay: (“Tough times for UW-Green Bay faculty” - Erika Bonnell, Sadie Wilson, Lindsey Puls, Lea Spude, Kari Falcaitis): Great job with a complete staff effort, nice use of quotes throughout the story mixed with facts about what is happening and what it’ll be tough times for the staff. Maybe a few quotes from students perspective of how they feel would be a nice addition to the story. Honorable Mention - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Prescription for addiction” - Sarah Blaskey): Nice piece for a college paper with quotes from students and experts in the field. Nice job of the reporter finding a source that has an addiction to a drug.

The Clarion, Madison College; First Award, Photography.

Feature Writing

respect. Very well written. Very good job.

First Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“The Unusual Writer” - Cristalyne Bell): Nice job telling this compelling story about continual struggle -- and the occasional triumph.

Third Award - The Spectator, UW-Eau Claire: (“Redefining ‘people’” - Carolyn Tiry): Very passionate column. Very straightforward and factual. Asks questions after the reader gains a wealth of information and brings the point home. Good job.

Second Award - Royal Purple, UW-Whitewater: (“The Cancer Fight” - Carley Rymkus): Portrait of a student driven to live life despite cancer diagnosis. Decent lead, lots of good quotes, You had great material to work with, and you did a nice job.

Honorable Mention - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Budget cuts waging war on women’s rights” - Sarah Blaskey): Passionate piece with strong writing. Carries opinion in the right direction throughout. Would stand on its own in any paper.

Third Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Eco-Friendly Education” - Sarah Blaskey): A fine story on an important topic. You need to tighten your lead.

Best Editorial

Column Writing First Award - Advance-Titan, UW-Oshkosh: (“Virtual reality becomes replacement for human interaction” - Elise Stuebs): Guest columnist? Very good treatment of a concern of many, especially those wondering how Facebook can become “addictive.” Raises some very good points and brings everything home nicely. Excellent column. Second Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison: (“Mayor Dave no more” - Kevin Bargnes): Good look at Madison’s former Mayor. I liked the presentation, an interview with no real agenda other than a study in

First Award - The Badger Herald, UW-Madison: (“Give Mifflin Back”): Grabs attention right away and develops the thought the rest of the way. Offers suggestions in a positive way and supports them. Very good presentation of a problem and offers strong solutions to solve it. Second Award - Royal Purple, UW-Whitewater: (“Campus must push sustainability” - Kellen Olshefski): Good editorial. It stays on course throughout. Arguement/problem starts right away and theme carried through to the end. Makes a strong point with a solid ending.


Collegiate Contest Winners

Third Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Cutting up education” – SarahBlaskey): Good points made throughout. Convincing writing with strong use of background. Type of editorial that could be used in all areas of editorial journalism wanting to make a statement. Honorable Mention - Royal Purple, UWWhitewater: (“Obama’s jobs bill raises questions” - Zach Hicks): well written and makes the point it intended. Liked the way in local (Whitewater) along with the national perspective. Good thinking clearly portrayed. Honorable Mention - The Forum, UWMarathon County: (“Our view: Students are inadequately represented on UWMC’s collegian” - UWMC editorial board): Good job but the editorial board. The editorial presents the issue and ends with a proposed solution. It is lengthy but perhaps the subject calls for that. Lots of information presented clearly and fairly.

Best Advertisement First Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“Save some green” - Vishmaa RamsaroopBriggs): Great color to the ad, easy to read and see what is being advertised. Second Award - The Spectator, UW-Eau Claire: (“You have 10,784 friend requests” Brian Miller: Creative ad to try and get more to the paper’s social networking sites Third Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (“The Bookstore Grand Opening” - Hannah Fass): Gets the reader’s attention. Easy to read and tell what is happening.

Freedom of Information Award First Award - The Badger Herald, UWMadison: (Complaints show common health service issues” - Adelaide Blanchard: This is an example of how newspapers can perform a public service through the use of an open records request. Adelaide Blanchard of the Badger Herald obtained the health complaints that have been filed against University Health Services, obviously an important topic for college students. The reporter does a good job analyzing the records and presenting an easy to understand and thorough look at how Health Services is performing -- its strengths and weaknesses. Excellent job and well deserving of First Award.

The Advance-Titan, UW-Oshkosh and The Badger Herald, UW-Madison; First Award, General Excellence.

General Web Excellence First Award - The Clarion, Madison College: (website): The Clarion site offers a very clean design with easy navigation. The “Recent posts” box on every article page keeps other clickable options available to the reader, making the page a bit “stickier.” The homepage includes a nice functional “slider” with five or six stories rotating through, showing the top offerings of the day (or week). The search function works well when seeking a specific topic. The news was fresh and updated. Each page gave the reader the option to follow The Clarion (on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or

RSS) and/or to share with others the content via Facebook, Twitter or email. The multimedia page offers the reader a chance to turn a photo gallery into a photo slideshow (and vice versa), which is a nice feature. Also, the Clarion uses the “issuu” photo-book add-on to give depth to its content. One of the key negatives was the presentation of the photos themselves. All the photos on the site looked as if they were stretched horizontally, skewing the image (especially people) so that it was slightly off-putting to look at. Second Award - Arches, Mount Mary College: (web site): A solid web site, but lacking in overall content. Navigation is simple and straightforward, and perhaps there are too many categories for the amount of content

that is currently available online. The homepage offers the reader a good variety of the content in several different templates. (However, on this particular day, the top story was about books and had three large photos of book covers on top of each other that pushed the rest of the page way down and basically “broke” the design of the page.) Much of the content is old (by news site standards), with only one new article posted in the past 11 days.

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