Whistleblower -- November 2019

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The Democratic Party’s ultimate coup d’etat


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TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 CLIMATE CONTROL The left’s ultimate power grab By David Kupelian

7 ‘ANOTHER ICE AGE?’ Time magazine’s dire warning of global cooling

24 UNIVERSITY DUMPS PROF WHO REVEALED POLAR BEARS ARE ACTUALLY THRIVING Committed the unpardonable sin of expertly refuting a major claim of global-warming activists By Art Moore

NEW DEAL’ IS ALL ABOUT SOCIALISM, NOT CLIMATE CHANGE Confessed the radical plan is actually ‘a how-do-you-changethe-entire-economy thing’ By Art Moore


AND IT’S HAPPENING NOW Weirdest and most totalitarian parts are already becoming law in California


16 THE TRAGEDY OF GRETA THUNBERG ‘Half of voters under 35 believe it is likely we are on the edge of extinction’ By David Harsanyi




34 THE 4 FEARS USED TO HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING? For decades, ‘grossly wrong’ catastrophic forecasts have been ‘made by respected scientists and government officials’ By Walter Williams

44 THE RELIGION OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE NEW DOOMSDAY SCENARIO Contrasting Christianity’s endof-the-world scenario with that of warming scaremongers By Michael Brown

MEANS FOR MEDICINE Head of physicians’ group shows how Dem solutions to supposed ‘climate crisis’ will create a massive healthcare crisis By Jane M. Orient, M.D.

By David Kupelian


EXTREMISM Union Theological Seminary: ‘Today in chapel, we confessed to plants’ By David Limbaugh


By Curtis Ellis

Whipping people up into a frenzy is ‘to the left what oxygen is to biological life’ By Dennis Prager

DIGGING OF FOSSIL FUEL ‘There is 1 energy source ... with no carbon emissions: nuclear’ By John Stossel




MANIPULATE AMERICANS Noted scientist warns against giving ‘our freedom and resources to the environmental-industrial complex’ By Art Robinson, Ph.D.

38 SCAREMONGERING LEFT: FROM ‘POPULATION CONTROL’ TO CLIMATE CHANGE According to many past ‘experts,’ we all should have starved to death long ago By Laura Hollis



David Kupelian

Janet Falkenstein



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IMPORTANT NOTE TO WHISTLEBLOWER SUBSCRIBERS: Due to circumstances beyond our control,

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WHISTLEBLOWER (ISSN 1539-7440) Vol. 28 No. 10 November 2019 • Whistleblower is published monthly by WND.com, Inc., 580 E Street, PO Box 100, Hawthorne, NV 89415-0100. Joseph Farah Publisher and Chief Executive Officer. Subscription Prices: USA $39.95 for one year. Canada: $60.00 for one year. International orders: $75.00 for one year. © 2019, WND.com Inc. All rights reserved. Periodical postage paid at Medford OR and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Whistleblower, c/o WND.com, Inc., 580 E Street, PO Box 100, Hawthorne, NV 89415-0100. For service related to your subscription (renewals, address changes, account status, etc.) access WBhelp@WND.com.




the left’s ultim


and focus on the real ongoing coup

radioactive cloud engulfing Washington, D.C., the really big issue preoccupying

d’etat—the attempted overthrow not

America’s governmental and media elites was “climate change,” characterized

just of President Donald Trump, but

by ever-more-apocalyptic predictions of extinction and planetary destruction.

of America.

To most Americans, the climate change issue revolves around a scientific

Right now, millions of American

and political debate over global climate trends and the role of carbon dioxide

school kids are terrified, anxious and

emissions generated by human activities.

depressed as a result of being indoc-

In reality, climate change and its proposed solutions comprise the far left’s secret weapon—its atomic bomb—for destroying capitalism and America’s

trinated via sensational “news stories” quoting “experts” who insist

existing social and economic order and replacing it with an entirely new uto-

human-caused global warming will

pian, globalist, socialist order.

soon lead to the end of life on earth

So let’s look beyond the current smokescreen of impeachment mania



as we know it.


mate power grab By David Kupelian

Perhaps these unfortunate children, scared out of their wits, would relax a little if they realized that the news media have been utterly enthralled with tales of catastrophic climate change for well over 100 years. Way back in 1895—when Grover Cleveland was president, “America the

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“billions will die.” Those early concerns over a new ice age “lasted well into the late 1920s,” report R. Warren Anderson

Beautiful” was first published and the sport of volleyball had just been created—

and Dan Gainor in “Fire and Ice,” an

the New York Times announced the coming of a new ice age. Americans were

in-depth historical retrospective of

in danger of freezing to death.

media obsession with climate change.

But that was just the beginning.

Then suddenly, the “climate experts”

Incredibly, since then, top U.S. journalism organizations have been swept

changed gears:

up into four different eras of near hysteria over supposedly imminent climate


crises, each prediction citing “scientists” and “climate experts” authoritatively warning that seas will rise, entire nations will be wiped out and




But when the earth’s surface warmed less than half a degree, newspapers and magazines responded with stories about the new threat. Once again

Moreover, despite all the hysteria over fires in the Amazon rainfor-

the Times was out in front, cautioning “the earth is steadily growing

est, the earth, ironically, is getting


greener every day. As Village News

After a while, that second phase of climate cautions began to fade. By 1954, Fortune magazine was warming to another cooling trend and ran

Publisher Julie Reeder explained in late September:

an article titled “Climate—the Heat May Be Off.” As the United States and the old Soviet Union faced off, the media joined them with reports of a more dangerous Cold War of Man vs. Nature. The New York Times ran warming stories into the late 1950s, but it

The world is literally greener than it was 20 years ago, and data from NASA satellites has

too came around to the new fears. … In 1975, the paper reported: “A


Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable.”

source for much of this new



That trend, too, cooled off and was replaced by the current era of

foliage. A new study on NASA’s

reporting on the dangers of global warming. Just six years later, on Aug.

website shows that China and

22, 1981, the Times quoted seven government atmospheric scientists

India are leading the increase

who predicted global warming of an “almost unprecedented magnitude.”

in greening on land. The study

In all, the print news media have warned of four separate climate

shows it’s partly the result

changes in slightly more than 100 years—global cooling, warming, cool-




ing again, and, perhaps not so finally, warming. Some current warming

ing programs in China and

stories combine the concepts and claim the next ice age will be triggered

intensive agriculture in both

by rising temperatures—the theme of the 2004 movie “The Day After



Ranga Myneni of Boston University

With the repeated swings between warnings of the earth burning up and







freezing over, no wonder the “global warming” label has more recently given

phenomenon in satellite data

way to the much more flexible all-purpose phrase, “climate change.”

from the mid-1990s, but they did not know whether human



A few key questions that never seem to be objectively and honestly discussed

They set out to track the total

in public, at least not by climate alarmists and socialist revolutionaries:

amount of Earth’s land area

What about the actual science? Is climate change (or global warming) actually real—and if so, how real? How much is the earth warming and over what





covered by vegetation and how it changed over time.

period of time? Is that necessarily bad? What negative effects can reasonably

The research team found

be anticipated from this warming trend? To what degree is global warming

that global green leaf area has

caused by human activity, and how much do all the fantastically expensive and

increased by 5% since the early

disruptive “Green New Deal”-type human efforts to drastically reduce carbon

2000s, an area equivalent to all

dioxide emissions actually help? And is the trade-off worth it?

of the Amazon rainforests. At

One more question: How is it that only people on the left—those scientific

least 25% of that gain came

geniuses who believe a man is a woman and a baby isn’t a baby five minutes

in China. Overall, one-third

before birth—can understand and expertly sort out the complicated, incon-

of Earth’s vegetated lands are

clusive and sometimes contradictory science of long-term climate prediction?

greening, while 5% are grow-

Let’s go back one more time to the late nineteenth century when our elite class’s panic over climate change first surfaced in the major news media. Since 1880, according to both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA, the earth’s overall temperature has reportedly increased by—drum roll, please—approximately 2 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s 1 degree Celsius.



ing browner. The study was published Feb. 11, 2019, in the journal Nature Sustainability. C O N TI N UE D O N PAGE 8


ALMOST A HALF CENTURY AGO, in its June 24, 1974 edition, Time magazine featured a frightening analysis predicting near-term global climate catastrophe—and, like today, blaming it at least in part on man’s releasing of pollutants into the atmosphere. C O N TI NUE D O N PAGE 9




It gets even more surreal. As Reeder notes, geologist Gregory Wrightstone in

uncertainties and exaggerations in

his acclaimed new book “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t

their predictions of global warming,

Want You to Know,” “points to a greener earth because of higher carbon emis-

while politicians should dispassion-

sions, which plants feed on, causing plant growth at a greater rate.” She adds:

ately count the real benefits as well as the imagined costs of adaptation

According to Wrightstone, this additional greening causes greater mois-

to global warming, and the real costs

ture in the air through transpiration, also aiding in the growth of plants

as well as the imagined benefits of

and trees. Wrightstone said that this greening is partly the result of


fossil fuel emissions and that, in fact, the earth can handle six times more carbon dioxide emissions than there is right now.

The scientists added: “There is no statistical evidence that global

Almost 27 years after the United Nations adopted the U.N. Framework

warming is intensifying hurricanes,

Convention on Climate Change, many scientists now say there is no crisis

floods, droughts and such like nat-

caused by climate change and it’s actually a deliberate misrepresentation

ural disasters, or making them more

of facts.

frequent. However, CO2-mitigation

Indeed, in late September, more than 500 scientists and professionals in

costly. For instance, wind turbines

measures are as damaging as they are climate and related fields signed a letter to the United Nations saying “There

kill birds and bats, and palm-oil

is no climate emergency.”

plantations destroy the biodiversity

“Climate science,” their declaration reads, “should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address the



of the rainforests.” C O N TI N UE D O N PAGE 10


Except back then, the threat of mass extinction was not from global warming, but rather—as Time headlined its report—“Another Ice Age?” Here’s an excerpt: In Africa, drought continues for the sixth consecutive year, adding terribly to the toll of famine victims. During 1972 record rains in parts of the U.S., Pakistan and Japan caused some of the worst flooding in centuries. In Canada’s wheat belt, a particularly chilly and rainy spring has delayed planting and may well bring a disappointingly small harvest. Rainy Britain, on the other hand, has suffered from uncharacteristic dry spells the past few springs. A series of unusually cold winters has gripped the American Far West, while New England and northern Europe have recently experienced the mildest winters within anyone’s recollection. Noting what it called “the bizarre and unpredictable weather pattern of the past several years,” Time cited “a growing number of scientists” who are “beginning to suspect that many seemingly contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part of a global climatic upheaval.” It seemed that whatever the weather variations on planet earth, “when meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades.” More ominously, fretted Time, “the trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age.” After all, reported Time: Telltale signs are everywhere—from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F. Although that figure is at best an estimate, it is supported by other convincing data. When Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and his wife Helena analyzed satellite weather data for the Northern Hemisphere, they found that the area of the ice and snow cover had suddenly increased by 12% in 1971 and the increase has persisted ever since. Areas of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic, for example, were once totally free of any snow in summer; now they are covered year round. And scientists had found “other indications of global cooling” as well, Time detailed: For one thing there has been a noticeable expansion of the great belt of dry, high-altitude polar winds— the so-called circumpolar vortex—that sweep from west to east around the top and bottom of the world. Indeed it is the widening of this cap of cold air that is the immediate cause of Africa’s drought. By blocking moisture-bearing equatorial winds and preventing them from bringing rainfall to the parched sub-Sahara region, as well as other drought-ridden areas stretching all the way from Central America to the Middle East and India, the polar winds have in effect caused the Sahara and other deserts to reach C O N TI N UE D O N PAGE 11




Since there is no “climate emergency,” they conclude, “there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.” “If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to

designed to bring about a full-scale socialist revolution in America? It turns out, that’s exactly what Ocasio-Cortez’ own former chief of

reflect and adapt. The aim of international policy should be to provide reliable


and affordable energy at all times, and throughout the world,” they state.

acknowledged as the brains behind

The scientists say the climate models on which virtually all the apocalyptic predictions are based are utterly flawed. “It is cruel as well as imprudent,”



the socialist New York congresswoman—revealed during a recent

they say, “to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from

media interview: The real purpose

such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly, grievously under-

of the Green New Deal is to turn

mine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to

America socialist.

affordable, continuous electrical power.” The 500 scientists signing the declaration end with this: “We urge you to







Washington Post, Chakrabarti stun-

follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine

ningly admitted: “The interesting

concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation.”

thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing


at all. Do you guys think of it as a

Journalists have long gravitated toward sensational end-of-the-world stories

climate thing?” asked Chakrabarti.

for one banal and obvious reason; it increases viewership. “If it bleeds it leads.” But what about the motivations of politicians and climate activists, especially in our increasingly “progressive” modern era, when powerful collectivist and globalist impulses secretly animate so many of our elected and unelected officials?

“Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entireeconomy thing.” We are beholding one of the greatest hoaxes in world history.

Such leftwing politicians—including not only unabashed socialists like Rep.

Make no mistake. It may be

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders, but virtually the entire

tempting to dismiss Ocasio-Cortez,

lineup of Democratic Party 2020 presidential hopefuls—have a much more

whose arrogance is exceeded only by

grandiose and revolutionary, almost religious, motivation for continually

her ignorance. But just beyond this

terrifying Americans about the imminent doom they predict will result from

colorful public character with the

climate change “unless you do as we say.” Their plan is for the forces of the progressive left to take total control

bright red lipstick is the entire elite globalist left, which for decades has

of America and wipe away what they regard as the greedy, capitalist, racist,

been dreaming and scheming about

Christian, constitutionally limited nation state, so rife with inequality—in

implementing their precious socialist

reality the freest, most enlightened and successful governmental system in

new world order.

history—and to replace it with an entirely new and alien system, namely socialism, which has always, with zero exceptions, failed miserably. Does this sound hyperbolic? Consider that the person who has done more

And they think now is finally their time. But first, they have to get rid of

than anyone else to propel climate change to the forefront of recent news

the great disrupter of their plans:

cycles and who introduced the “Green New Deal” to America, Alexandria

President Donald J. Trump. ■

Ocasio-Cortez, posted a document online explaining the program. It is nothing short of a blueprint for a complete socialist, globalist new world order. Such a radical transformation of America—from rebuilding every structure in the country to crippling America’s fossil fuel industries—is necessary to save us from extinction in the near term, claim true believers in the “Green New Deal.” Or so we’re told. But wait. What if the Green New Deal is not about remedying the supposed catastrophic effects of climate change? What if it’s all just a ploy, a Trojan horse



David Kupelian is an award-winning journalist, vice president and managing editor of WND, editor of Whistleblower magazine and widely read columnist. He is also the bestselling author of “The Marketing of Evil” (2005), “How Evil Works” (2010) and most recently, “The Snapping of the American Mind.”


farther to the south. Paradoxically, the same vortex has created quite different weather quirks in the U.S. and other temperate zones. As the winds swirl around the globe, their southerly portions undulate like the bottom of a skirt. Cold air is pulled down across the Western U.S. and warm air is swept up to the Northeast. The collision of air masses of widely differing temperatures and humidity can create violent storms—the Midwest’s recent rash of disastrous tornadoes, for example. But there’s more. Time showed that the coming ice age was messing with earth’s relationship with the sun! The changing weather is apparently connected with differences in the amount of energy that the earth’s surface receives from the sun. Changes in the earth’s tilt and distance from the sun could, for instance, significantly increase or decrease the amount of solar radiation falling on either hemisphere—thereby altering the earth’s climate. Some observers have tried to connect the eleven-year sunspot cycle with climate patterns, but have so far been unable to provide a satisfactory explanation of how the cycle might be involved. Of course, human beings were to blame for catastrophic global cooling. “The University of Wisconsin’s Reid A. Bryson and other climatologists suggest that dust and other particles released into the atmosphere as a result of farming and fuel burning may be blocking more and more sunlight from reaching and heating the surface of the earth,” Time revealed. Then, as now, cows always seem to be at fault. “Whatever the cause of the cooling trend,” explains Time, “its effects could be extremely serious, if not catastrophic. Scientists figure that only a 1% decrease in the amount of sunlight hitting the earth’s surface could tip the climatic balance, and cool the planet enough to send it sliding down the road to another ice age within only a few hundred years.” True to form, the 1970s version of looming climate catastrophe was predicted to end up with— what else?—mass starvation. Warning that “there is a peril more immediate than the prospect of another ice age,” Time concluded: Even if temperature and rainfall patterns change only slightly in the near future in one or more of the three major grain-exporting countries—the U.S., Canada and Australia—global food stores would be sharply reduced. University of Toronto Climatologist Kenneth Hare, a former president of the Royal Meteorological Society, believes that the continuing drought and the recent failure of the Russian harvest gave the world a grim premonition of what might happen. Warns Hare: “I don’t believe that the world’s present population is sustainable if there are more than three years like 1972 in a row.” ■ —Whistleblower editors





Confessed the radical plan is actually ‘a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing’ By Art Moore

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THE “GREEN NEW DEAL,” popularized and co-sponsored by Rep. Alexandria

The Post said Ricketts “greeted

Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is promoted by its supporters—including virtually all

this startling notion with an atten-

of the top Democratic presidential candidates—as a means to save the planet

tive poker face.”

from catastrophic “climate change.”

“Do you guys think of it as a cli-

But Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti, widely regarded as

mate thing?” Chakrabarti continued.

the “brains” behind the superstar freshman congresswoman, admitted before

“Because we really think of it as a

resigning his post in August what is readily apparent to anyone who examines


the Green New Deal’s prescriptions: The plan’s true objective is to radically

economy thing.”

transform America’s free-enterprise economy into a socialist system. The acknowledgment by Chakrabarti came in an exchange reported by the


Washington Post with Sam Ricketts, who directs climate policy for Washington


Gov. Jay Inslee.

Washington Examiner, Philip Klein

The Post explained that Ricketts met with Chakrabarti during the spring after Ocasio-Cortez called Inslee’s climate-change plan the “gold standard” in policy. “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” Chakrabarti said.








contended that the Green New Deal “has always rested on deception.” “Ocasio-Cortez and her backers have argued that we are facing catastrophic emergency and that if we

don’t act immediately the looming devastation will be unavoidable,” he wrote. “But at the same time, the plan is a wish list of ideas that American socialists would be pushing regardless of the climate issue, and they are in no way necessary to address the global emergency: free college, more union jobs, free healthcare for all, economic security, and ‘guaranteeing a job with a familysustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States.’” Klein noted that a Senate resolution on the Green New Deal was co-sponsored by six 2020 presidential candidates: Sens. Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Amy Klobuchar. He argued that while Ocasio-Cortez and her allies are free to make the case for why the U.S. should move toward a socialist economy, they don’t have a right to use the pretext of a global emergency to do so. “You can make a case that scientists have warned of disastrous conse-

Art Moore, co-author of the best-selling book “See Something, Say Nothing,” entered the media world as a PR assistant for the Seattle Mariners and a correspondent covering pro and college sports for Associated Press Radio. He reported for a Chicago-area daily newspaper and was senior news writer for Christianity Today magazine and an editor for Worldwide Newsroom before joining WND and Whistleblower shortly after 9/11. He earned a master’s degree in communications from Wheaton College.

quences without action to curb carbon emissions, and try to shame those who are blocking action,” he said. “But it’s another thing to define ‘serious action on climate change’ as requiring people to embrace AOC’s economic vision.”



If you can’t sell yo hysteria to adults,

Whipping people up into a frenzy is ‘to the left what By Dennis Prager

© 2019 Creators.com

THE ENTIRE AMERICAN LEFT —the mainstream media, the environmentalist movement and Democratic politicians in particular—are celebrating the involvement of teenagers and even younger children in protesting the world’s “inaction” with regard to global warming. And not just the American left, of course. The left throughout the world is

society doesn’t get its act together. “’I





apocalypse-type thing happening,’ Arielle said. “Many young people say they can’t

celebrating. A 16-year-old Swedish girl whose contempt for adults is breath-

fathom bringing kids of their own

taking is an international hero. Congressional Democrats invited her to testify

into the world. ...

in Congress, and the United Nations likewise invited her. The mayor and city council of New York City further politicized their city’s public schools by allowing students to skip school to actively participate in a global warming protest. The message of young climate change activists is: “You adults aren’t doing your job. As a result, we have no future.” As a sympathetic reporter—are there

“’It’s not ethical. It’s literally a burning house,’ Lana said. “’That’s




realistic,’ agreed her twin sister, Yena. “And how can they even think

any non-sympathetic reporters?—for the Los Angeles Times put it, “(T)eens

about college or contemplate their

are still waiting for a sign that their elders get it.”

careers when faced with so much

The Times’ coverage is typical. It reported: “Underneath the activism lies a


simple truth: Young people are incredibly scared about climate change. They

“’It’s something I feel every single

see it as a profound injustice and an existential threat to their generation and

day,’ Yena said. ‘I work really hard at

those that will follow. ...

school and I do all these things, and

“’They do worry, and they worry kind of a lot,’ said Maria Ojala, an environmental psychologist at Orebro University in Sweden. ...

I’m like, What am I working for? Do I have a future?’”

“Arielle Martinez Cohen”—an 18-year-old Los Angeles activist with the youth

It is critical to remember that

climate group Zero Hour—“remembers reading a report from an Australian

hysterias—such as Russian collusion

think tank that warned the human species could face extinction by 2050 if

with the Trump campaign, “endemic



our , try kids

t oxygen is to biological life’

and systemic racism in America,” the heterosexual AIDS “crisis” in America

This is but one more way in which

and the “rape culture” on American college campuses—are to the left what

the left abuses children (along with

oxygen is to biological life. No oxygen, no life; no hysteria, no left. Apparently, however, the left-wing hysteria about global warming leading

telling them they are neither boys nor girls but whatever they later choose to

to the virtual extinction of life on Earth has not moved enough adults. Many

be; teaching them contempt for their

adults who do not deny that the Earth is getting warmer—such as Danish

country; and depriving them of the

writer and environmentalist thinker Bjorn Lomborg—do deny that the threat

greatest source of morality, meaning,

is “existential” and do believe that the left’s solutions, such as the Green New

community and happiness—any of

Deal, will damage the world far more than will carbon emissions. Proof that the

the Judeo-Christian religions).

left is hysterical is its unwillingness to promote nuclear power—a completely clean, non-fossil fuel-based source of power. It provides France with 70 percent of its energy. Anyone who really believes life on Earth is endangered

It’s depressing, and it’s frightening. The scariest movies are those

would grasp at the nuclear power lifeboat. That they do not proves what many


of us have believed from the beginning: The “existential threat” scenario is

This horror show is happening in



another leftwing falsehood used to whip up hysteria that will lead to the left’s

real life. ■

control of the economy and society. And that takes us back to the children: If you can’t sell your hysteria to adults, try kids. And that is what the left has done. After all, no one is as malleable or as easily indoctrinated as children. Consider this: If the left didn’t tell them the world is going to end, they wouldn’t worry about it. They’d be enjoying their young lives, maybe even learning to appreciate that they live in the freest country at the most prosperous time in human history. Instead, thanks to leftists (who are children in adult bodies), they live in their grip of “existential eco-anxiety.”

Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His second volume of Bible commentary, “The Rational Bible— Genesis: God, Creation, Destruction,” is published by Regnery. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at dennisprager.com.



T he tragedy of Greta T hunberg

‘Half of voters under 35 believe it is likely we are on the edge of extinction’ By David Harsanyi

© 2019 Creators.com

SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg lives in the





healthiest, wealthiest, safest and most peaceful era humans have ever known.

polling, nearly 30% of voters now

She is one of the luckiest people ever to have lived.

claim to believe that it’s “at least

In a just world, Thunberg would be at the United Nations thanking capitalist countries for bequeathing her this remarkable inheritance. Instead, she, like

somewhat likely” that the earth will become uninhabitable and human-

millions of other indoctrinated kids her age, act as if they live in a uniquely

ity will be wiped out over the next

broken world on the precipice of disaster. This is a tragedy.

10-15 years. Half of voters under 35

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” Thunberg lectured the world. And maybe she’s right. We’ve failed her by raising

believe it is likely we are on the edge of extinction. Is there any wonder

a generation of pagans who’ve filled the vacuum left by the absence of faith, not

why our youngest generation has a

with rationality, but with a cultish worship of Mother Earth and the state.

foreboding sense of doom?

It’s not, of course, her fault. Adults have spent a year creating the 16-yearold because her soundbites comport with their belief system. It was “something

It’s the fault of ideologues who obsess over every weather event as

about her raw honesty around a message of blunt-force fear (that) turned this

if it were Armageddon, ignoring the

girl from invisible to global,” said CNN in a news report about a child with a

massive moral upside of carbon-

narrow, age-appropriate grasp of the world.

fueled modernity. It’s the fault of

It should be noted that “blunt-force fear” is indeed the correct way to

the politicians, too cowardly to tell

describe the concerted misinformation Thunberg has likely been subjected

voters that their utopian vision of a

to since nursery school. There probably isn’t a public school in America that

world run on solar panels and wind-

hasn’t plied the panic-stricken talk of environmental disaster in their audi-

mills is a fairy tale.

toriums over and over again. New York City and other school systems offered


millions of kids an excused absence so they could participate in political cli-


mate marches in September, as if it were a religious or patriotic holiday.

evidence that, on balance, climate

We’ve finally convinced a generation of Americans to be Malthusians.




fault ignore





change isn’t undermining human

flourishing. By nearly every quantifiable measure, in fact, we are better off

radical environmentalist plans of

because of fossil fuels.




Thunberg might do well to sail her stern gaze and billowing anger to India

Green New Deal, one supported by

or China and wag her finger at the billions of people who no longer want to

leading Democratic Party candidates.

live in poverty and destitution. Because if climate change is irreversible in the

It’s authoritarianism. There is no

next 10-12 years, as cultists claim, it can be blamed in large part on the historic

other way to describe a regulatory

growth we’ve seen in developing nations. China’s emissions from aviation and maritime trade alone are twice that of the United States, and more than the entire emissions of most nations in the world. But, sure, let’s ban straws as an act of contrition.

regime that dictates exactly what Americans can consume, sell, drive, eat and work on. One imagines that most Americans,

Boomers, of course, have failed on plenty of fronts, but the idea that an

through their actions, will continue

entire generation of Americans should have chosen poverty over prosperity

to reject these regressive ideas. One

to placate the vacuous complaints of privileged future teenagers is absurd.

reason they should is so that Greta

No generation would do it. Until recently, no advanced nation has embraced

Thunberg’s generation won’t have to

Luddism. Although these days, Democrats who advocate for bans on fossil

suffer needlessly. ■

fuels and carbon-mitigating technologies such as fracking and nuclear energy are working on it. Climate activists could learn something from Thunberg’s honesty, though. She argues that “money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth” have to come to an end. The emission cuts environmentalists insist are needed to save the earth would mean economic devastation and the end of hundreds of years

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist and the author of the book “First Freedom: A Ride Through America’s Enduring History With the Gun.”

of economic growth. This is a tradeoff progressives pretend doesn’t exist. And Thunberg’s dream for the future means technocratic regimes will have to displace capitalistic societies. We can see this future in the





Crisis creation: The left’s go-to technique for gaining power and control By David Kupelian

© 2019 WND.com

ONE OF THE MOST COMMON METHODS power-hungry socialists have for bending a population to their will is to conjure up an immediate and dire crisis. Indeed, anyone even superficially familiar with the history of the political left has heard references to this strategy of creating crises as a means of transforming society. You’ve probably heard of the “Hegelian dialectic,” a key Marxist technique whereby an idea (“We need more gun control laws!”) generates its opposite (“No, we don’t need more gun laws, we just need tougher sentencing of criminals!”), which leads to a reconciliation of opposites, or synthesis (“OK, we’ll compromise by passing new gun control laws, but watering them down somewhat”). C O N TI N UE D O N PAGE 20




Likewise, maybe you’ve heard of the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”—inspired






by leftwing radical organizer Saul Alinsky, whose methods Barack Obama

important point: A crisis throws us

adopted—which openly advocates the creation of crises to destroy capitalist

off our guard, upsets and emotion-

society. This is how socialist progress is achieved “peacefully”: through con-

alizes us, and inclines us to make

flict or crisis, which always is resolved in the direction of greater socialism.

decisions and accept “solutions” we

The problem is, this “crisis creation” talk just sounds so crazy, so foreign to us, that it’s hard to believe our fellow human beings, no matter how confused

normally would reject. Politically, the strategy is to cre-

or deluded, could actually engage in such a practice. But it’s not only true, it’s

ate a crisis, or exploit a real one, by

actually a common part of everyday life.

throwing people into a mode where

Consider this nonpolitical example and note how it illustrates the power

they can be redirected toward a pre-

of a crisis to mold people to the deceiver’s will: In one sad child abduction


case, a little girl was approached after school by a man she didn’t know. He

it’s imposing “carbon penalties” on


claimed her house was burning down, that her parents were busy putting out

businesses in response to fears of

the fire, and that he was a friend of the parents, who had asked him to pick up

global warming, or a trillion-dollar

their daughter and take her to them. The crisis—and the emotional upset the

taxpayer-funded corporate bailout in

girl experienced over the thought of her house being on fire and her parents

response to a dire “financial crisis,”

in danger—drowned out her normal caution about getting into a car with a

or totalitarian gun control laws in

stranger. You guessed it: The stranger was a predator who had concocted the

response to a rash of school shoot-

lie for the sole purpose of upsetting and thereby tricking the girl into going

ings. We’re talking about solutions

with him so he could brutalize and murder her.

that people would normally reject,



but now in a crisis accept, and that establish as a result a new baseline of

with Ph.D.s, have signed a petition

what is normal—which becomes the starting point for pushing the nation still

stating, “There is no convincing sci-

further leftward in response to the next “crisis.”

entific evidence that human release

The radical environmental movement’s primary modus operandi has long

of carbon dioxide, methane, or other

been the creation of crises where none exist. The “spotted owl” crisis in my

greenhouse gases is causing or will,

home state of Oregon is a great example. Environmentalists claimed the northern spotted owl was dying out because






catastrophic heating of the Earth’s

of commercial logging of old-growth forests where the birds nested. So in 1991

atmosphere and disruption of the

a compliant judge halted logging in Oregon’s national forests, causing the loss

Earth’s climate.” (See the petition

of about 30,000 jobs, an 80% reduction in timber harvesting, a consequent

online at PetitionProject.org)

decrease in the supply of lumber, and sky-high prices. I remember—I was

Another legacy of phony environ-

there. However, it wasn’t owls that environmentalists were in love with; they

mental crises is our fear of nuclear

were in love with stopping loggers from harvesting any trees in Oregon’s old-

power. In truth, nuclear energy is

growth forests. The owls just provided the needed “crisis.”

clean, homegrown and abundant,

Here’s the rest of the story. Long after Oregon’s timber-based economy

and its safety record is extremely

was utterly decimated by the court-ordered logging ban, causing widespread

good. Many other nations—includ-

unemployment, disruption and human suffering, the northern spotted owl

ing France, which currently produces

population inexplicably continued to decline. Surprise! New research showed

more than 70% of its power from

logging in old-growth forests wasn’t the problem at all. The real problem, it

nuclear—have long taken advan-

turned out, was competition from another larger and more aggressive species

tage of this amazing power source.

of owl that liked the same habitat and food as the northern spotted owl.

But irrational fear, in response to

The truth is, ever since “socialism” lost its luster as the salvation of man-


environmentalist-created mentality,



kind (because it has never actually worked as promised anywhere—ever), the




environmental movement has become one of the most powerful, modern

American consciousness for decades

battering rams of the left for advancing the exact same socialist agenda. And

and contributed greatly to what was,

of course, the biggest environmental cause of all is global warming—now

at least until the Trump presidency,

renamed “climate change.”

America’s dangerous dependence on

Today, a generation of children worldwide is being brainwashed into believing they face imminent doom—monster hurricanes and tornadoes, polar ice

foreign energy sources. Bottom line: Crisis is the cen-

melting and raising ocean levels, leading to catastrophic flooding, tidal waves

tral operating principle of the left.

and other cataclysmic events. A decade ago, many children were forced to sit

Everything is a crisis, an emergency,

in classrooms and watch Al Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” in which

and has to be fixed right now—all

he claimed the oceans may rise by 20 feet, leading to worldwide devastation.

for the purpose of vastly increasing

Not to be outdone, NBC reporter Meredith Vieira warned on national TV of the

government power and control over

oceans rising—are you ready?—200 feet. Today, in the age of the Green New

citizens’ wealth, behavior, their very

Deal, America’s children are being indoctrinated in a whole new set of terri-

lives. ■

fying apocalyptic predictions. Thousands of children are even signing pledges that unless their government “takes action against climate change,” they will refuse to have children when they grow up. Thus, both grown-ups and children, under the sway of doomsday nightmares, respond to the “crisis” by clamoring for “solutions” offered by the crisis creators. And yet, not only is there no scientific consensus for either NBC’s 200 feet or Gore’s 20-feet figure, or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s assertion that we have only 12 years to left live, in reality tens of thousands of scientists have

David Kupelian is an award-winning journalist, vice president and managing editor of WND, editor of Whistleblower magazine and widely read columnist. He is also the bestselling author of “The Marketing of Evil” (2005), “How Evil Works” (2010) and most recently, “The Snapping of the American Mind.”

gone on record stating their belief that man-caused global warming is a fake crisis. Indeed, more than 30,000 American scientists, including over 9,000

Adapted from “How Evil Works” by David Kupelian. NOVEMBER 2019


THE COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE has published a new paper, “Wrong

avoid climate chaos.”

Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions.” Keep in mind that many

Peter Gunter, professor at North

of the grossly wrong environmentalist predictions were made by respected

Texas State University, predicted in

scientists and government officials. My question for you is: If you were around

the Spring 1970 issue of The Living

at the time, how many government restrictions and taxes would you have


urged to avoid the predicted calamity?

almost unanimously on the follow-

As reported in the New York Times (August 1969), Stanford University biol-



ing grim timetable: By 1975 wide-

ogist Dr. Paul Erhlich warned: “The trouble with almost all environmental

spread famines will begin in India;

problems is that by the time we have enough evidence to convince people,

these will spread by 1990 to include

you’re dead. We must realize that unless we’re extremely lucky, everybody will

all of India, Pakistan, China and the

disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.”

Near East, Africa. By the year 2000,

In 2000, Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at University of East

or conceivably sooner, South and

Anglia’s climate research unit, predicted that in a few years winter snowfall

Central America will exist under

would become “a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to

famine conditions. ... By the year

know what snow is.” In 2004, the U.S. Pentagon warned President George W.

2000, thirty years from now, the

Bush that major European cities would be beneath rising seas. Britain will be

entire world, with the exception of

plunged into a Siberian climate by 2020. In 2008, Al Gore predicted that the

Western Europe, North America and

polar ice cap would be gone in a mere 10 years. A U.S. Department of Energy

Australia, will be in famine.”

study led by the U.S. Navy predicted the Arctic Ocean would experience an ice-free summer by 2016.

Ecologist Kenneth Watt’s 1970 prediction was, “If present trends

In May 2014, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius declared during a

continue, the world will be about 4

joint appearance with Secretary of State John Kerry that “we have 500 days to

degrees colder for the global mean



Idiotic environmental predictions: Have we learned nothing? For decades, ‘grossly wrong’ catastrophic forecasts have been ‘made by respected scientists and government officials’ By Walter Williams © 2019 Creators.com

temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder in the year 2000.” He added, “This

as yesteryear’s. The major difference

is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

is today’s Americans are far more

Mark J. Perry, scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and professor of

gullible and more likely to spend

economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus, cites 18

trillions fighting global warming.

spectacularly wrong predictions made around the time of the first Earth Day

And the only result is that we’ll be

in 1970. This time it’s not about weather. Harrison Brown, a scientist at the

much poorer and less free. ■

National Academy of Sciences, published a chart in Scientific American that looked at metal reserves and estimated that humanity would run out of copper shortly after 2000. Lead, zinc, tin, gold and silver would be gone before 1990. Kenneth Watt said, “By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate ... that there won’t be any more crude oil.” There were grossly wild predictions well before the first Earth Day, too. In 1939, the U.S. Department of the Interior predicted that American oil supplies would last for only another 13 years. In 1949, the secretary of the interior said the end of U.S. oil supplies was in sight. Having learned nothing from its earlier erroneous energy claims, in 1974 the U.S. Geological Survey said the U.S. had only a 10-year supply of natural gas. However, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated that as of Jan. 1, 2017, there were about 2,459 trillion cubic feet of dry natural gas in the United States. That’s enough

Walter E. Williams, Ph.D., is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. He holds a Doctor of Humane Letters from Virginia Union University and Grove City College, Doctor of Laws from Washington and Jefferson College and Doctor Honoris Causa en Ciencias Sociales from Universidad Francisco Marroquin, in Guatemala, where he is also Professor Honorario.

to last us for nearly a century. The United States is the largest producer of natural gas worldwide. Today’s wild predictions about climate doom are likely to be just as true



THE CANADIAN ZOOLOGIST who led the way in debunking the claim that climate

bureau received a complaint of a “lack

change is endangering polar bears says the University of Victoria bowed to

of balance,” which, she said, “poisoned support I might have expected

“outside pressure” and fired her. Susan Crockford, an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Victoria

from colleagues in the department.”

in Canada for 15 years, said her renewal application was rejected without

In an email to the Times, Crockford

explanation in May, despite her high profile as a speaker and author due to her

said the speakers’ bureau incident

polar bear research and expertise in mammal bone identification, as reported

“made it clear the administration had no intention of protecting my aca-

by the Washington Times. Her research showed polar bear populations are stable and even thriving, contrary to the claims of climate activists that their numbers are plummeting due to shrinking Arctic sea ice.

demic freedom against complaints from outside the university.” University of Victoria Associate

Crockford, who earned a Ph.D. in biology and anthropology in 2004,





described her expulsion as “an academic hanging without a trial, conducted

responded with a letter insisting

behind closed doors.”

there is “no evidence to suggest that

In a post on her popular Polar Bear Science blog in mid-October, she wrote: “When push came to shove, UVic threw me under the bus rather than stand up for my academic freedom.”





ment was not renewed for ‘telling school kids politically incorrect facts

She noted on her blog that she was in London preparing to lecture on her 2019 book, “The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened.” The university was supportive of her, promoting her interviews and work, she said—until two years ago.

about polar bears.’ The University of Victoria, in both word and deed, supports academic freedom and free debate on academic issues,” she said.

In May 2017, her lectures were shut down after the university’s speakers

However, the Times noted that


Committed the unpardonable sin of expertly refuting a maj



the university did not deny in its statement that Crockford’s dismissal was

which temperatures were warmer

linked to her polar bear scholarship.

than they are at present.

Crockford has pointed out that the International Union for Conservation

Georgia Tech professor emeritus

of Nature’s “2015 Red List of Threatened Species” puts polar bear numbers at

Judith Curry, the Times noted, called

22,000 to 31,000, despite the common belief that the population has dwindled

the Mann paper slamming Crockford

to a few thousand.

“absolutely the stupidest paper I have ever seen published.” ■

‘CANCEL CULTURE’ AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM Marc Morano, editor of the Climate Depot website and author of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” said in a statement to the Times that Crockford is one of many professors who have been “hounded, silenced, censured or fired for speaking out against the approved man-made climate crisis narrative.” “The message to any climate dissenters in academia is once again reinforced: Stay silent with your skepticism or risk endangering your career.” Crockford’s website was denounced as a “denier blog” in a 2017 study in the journal BioScience by 14 academics, including Penn State climatologist Michael E. Mann. Mann is known for producing the “hockey stick graph,” popularized by Al Gore, which represents world temperatures as flat or slightly declining for more than 900 years—before rising sharply in the 20th century era of human carbon dioxide emissions. Critics pointed out, however, that Mann’s graph

Art Moore, co-author of the best-selling book “See Something, Say Nothing,” entered the media world as a PR assistant for the Seattle Mariners and a correspondent covering pro and college sports for Associated Press Radio. He reported for a Chicago-area daily newspaper and was senior news writer for Christianity Today magazine and an editor for Worldwide Newsroom before joining WND shortly after 9/11. He earned a master’s degree in communications from Wheaton College.

doesn’t show the Medieval Warm period between about 1000 and 1300, during


jor claim of global-warming activists

By Art Moore

© 2019 WND.com




justice” on society.

catastrophic global warming has confessed the true objective of his movement.

“We’re facing imminent societal

Hint: It’s not about drastically curbing carbon emissions to save the planet.

collapse,” says Basden, “both around

It’s about destroying the “delusion” of “heteronormativity,” the idea that

the world and in the UK. All of our

heterosexuality is normal and other forms of sexuality abnormal. And also the

lives are soon going to radically

“delusion” of “white supremacy,” “eurocentrism,” “patriarchy” and “class hierarchy.” Stuart Basden, a founder of the Extinction Rebellion movement, boasts he was one of 15 people in 2018 who launched the “rebellion.”

change. “None of this is particularly controversial,” he claims. “When a bus is driving with a certain momentum

“I was a coordinator of one of the original five working groups, and I’ve

towards a person, it gets clearer and

been organizing with XR day-and-night since then (frugally living off my

clearer that it will hit the person.

savings so I don’t have to work, having quit an industry that paid me £1000/

After a certain point, it’s inevitable.

week),” he said.

And that’s where we stand now, with

The organization claims to be a nonviolent global environmental movement with the stated aim of using “civil disobedience to compel government action.” The group has delivered a list of “demands” to the United Kingdom, includ-

regards to the momentum of climatic change.” But his “rebellion” movement

ing one that the government there “declare” a climate emergency, eliminate all

really isn’t about climate, he says,

greenhouse gas emissions and let a “Citizens’ Assembly” impose “ecological

because that’s just a symptom of a




© 2019 WND.com

system he believes has to be destroyed.

Explains Basden: “We need to cure

Destroyed because society is bedeviled by various “delusions,” which he lists:

the causes of the infection, not just

“The delusion of white-supremacy centers on whiteness and the experience

alleviate the symptoms. To focus on

of white people, constructing and perpetuating the myth that white people

the climate’s breakdown (the symp-

and their lives are somehow inherently better and more valuable than people

tom) without focusing attention on

of color,” he writes.

these toxic delusions (the causes)

“The delusion of patriarchy centers on the male experience, and excludes/

is a form a denialism. Worse, it’s a

hinders female assigned people from public life (reducing them to a possession

racist and sexist form of denialism,

or object for ownership or consumption). Patriarchy teaches dominating and

that takes away from the necessary

competitive behaviors, and emphasizes the idea that the world is a place of

focus of the need for all of us to de-

scarcity, separation and powerlessness.

colonize ourselves.”

“The delusions of Eurocentrism include the notion that Europeans know what is best for the world,” he writes. And, he adds, “The delusions of hetero-sexism/heteronormativity prop-

He warns the “insanity” of colonizers continues today, but then explains he means no disrespect

agate the idea that heterosexuality is ‘normal’ and that other expressions of

to those “who have been labeled

sexuality are deviant. The delusions of class hierarchy uphold the theory that

‘insane’ by a normative system, nor

the rich elite are better/smarter/nobler than the rest of us, and make therefore better decisions.”

who identify as being ‘insane.’” ■

— Whistleblower editors



Green New Deal: It’s here and it’s happening now Weirdest and most totalitarian parts are already becoming law in California By Curtis Ellis

© 2019 WND.com

BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA has banned gas stoves and grills in all new homes. Let that be a warning to presidential wannabe Sen. Amy Klobuchar who dismissed the nutty Green New Deal as merely “aspirational.” Klobuchar and her fellow Democrats quickly embraced the Green New Deal, one of the nuttier ideas of socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

economy. Berkeley adopted a Climate Action Plan in 2009 that aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 33 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. The city committed to using

In the name of saving humanity from (alleged) catastrophic climate change,

100 percent renewable electricity by

the Green New Deal would have the government ban gasoline, oil, natural gas

2035. Should the state of California

and coal; replace air travel with trains; substitute kale salads for hamburg-

adopt even more stringent building

ers; and provide housing, health care and jobs for everyone, including those

energy codes, Berkeley’s regulations

“unwilling to work.” After realizing that signing this societal suicide pact was tantamount to signing their own political death warrants, some of the “moderate” Democrats sought to dismiss the project as empty words. But the latest dispatch from the front lines in Berkeley confirms the Green New Deal is not just happy talk. It’s not talk—and it’s not happy It is the radical transformation of American society, and it’s already begun, now, not some time in the distant future. The Berkeley City Council voted unanimously to require all new single-

will automatically update. So much for local rule. With each new, more ambitious goal they set, the politicians scramble to clean up the mess they made with their previous schemes. In 2007, at the urging of environmentalists, the U.S. government required refiners to mix palm oil into

family homes, town homes and small apartment buildings to have electric

diesel to make “renewable” biofuels.

infrastructure. No gas stoves, no gas grills, no gas water heaters.

Now, palm oil is blamed for defor-

Berkeley will pay an enforcement officer $274,000 a year to ensure everyone stays in line. This is the first step in the left’s long march to “decarbonize” the entire



estation, child labor, species extinction, high greenhouse gas emissions and human rights violations.

The EPA also mandated adding ethanol to gasoline to make automobile fuel

This is why Nancy Pelosi can’t

more environmentally friendly. Now environmentalists say ethanol actually

speak out against Rep. Ilhan Omar’s

produces more greenhouse gases than the gasoline it replaces.

blatant anti-Semitism and why the

In 2014, President Obama credited natural gas with helping the United States

Odd Squad runs the Democratic Party.

reduce “our total carbon pollution more than any other nation on Earth.” He

Remember that the next time Joe

added, “It’s the bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the carbon

Biden or some other self-described

pollution that causes climate change.”

moderate Democrat tells you they

But today, Berkeley doesn’t want you to use natural gas to grill a hot dog. And tomorrow, the green jihadis will try to turn off the 46 percent of California’s electricity generated by natural gas. Already, the environmental fundamentalists seek to shut down pipelines that have been in place for over half a century and dynamite dams that provide water, power and food to millions. Should they succeed, the immediate effect will be to increase the cost of energy and everything energy goes into—virtually everything. Those least able to afford it will pay more to alleviate the guilty conscience of the rich.

will moderate the Green New Deal. They can’t. They won’t. What happens in Berkeley won’t stay in Berkeley. If the Democrats take the White House, it will come to Washington, D.C.—and your backyard. Have a happy barbeque while you still can! ■

There are several morals to this story. 1. The revolution always moves in a more radical direction. Banning coal power plants becomes banning backyard grills. What is considered radical and unthinkable today becomes tomorrow’s “moderate position.”

Curtis Ellis is a political communications consultant and senior policy adviser with America First Policies.

2. The “reasonable people” you might expect to keep things in check— those “mainstream liberals”—are incapable of criticizing or stopping anyone or anything to their left.



What the G New Deal m medicine THE TRUTH HAS BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s own





chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti. The Green New Deal is not primarily about

about “our children and our grand-

greening the planet or controlling the climate. It’s about socialism, as the

children,” though they may work to

people from whom she plagiarized it have said all along. It’s a fundamental

assure that many of us don’t have any.

transformation of our way of life. Since everything you do leaves a “carbon footprint,” the GND encompasses literally everything—especially your medical care.





said to account for around 10 percent of the CO2 generated in the U.S. and

The first question is whether you should be alive at all. In his sensational

thus “could be implicated” in 10%

1968 book, “The Population Bomb,” entomologist (insect specialist) Paul

(20,000) of the nearly 200,000 pre-

Ehrlich predicted that hundreds of millions of people would starve to death in

mature deaths attributable to air pol-

the 1970s. That bomb fizzled, but he still believes that civilization is doomed

lution annually in the United States.

within decades, as humanity places inexorable burdens on our planet’s

(There are about 3 million annual

life-support systems. The optimum population of the planet is less than 2

deaths in the U.S., and it is impos-

billion, he thinks, or 5.6 billion fewer than we have now.

sible to identify even one as being

Once you’re here, Ehrlich and his acolytes would apparently tolerate your

premature because of air pollution;

presence, although the decline in U.S. life expectancy for the third consecutive

the argument is purely statistical.)

year would likely be good news to them. Having children, however, is another

Thus, hospitals are supposedly kill-

matter. The demographic legacy of one person, calculated over the average

ing people, albeit indirectly, by using

time for that person’s lineage to die out, is about six person-lifetimes in the

carbon-based energy for heating,

U.S., with eventual emission of 9,441 tons of carbon dioxide. So, “reproductive

air conditioning, elevators, lighting,

health” ideally means no reproduction for most people, and many millenni-

ventilators, etc.

als (and celebrities) seem to embrace that idea. Predictably, unrestricted or






even free abortion is an article of faith among Democratic candidates. And the

beyond the use of electricity, because

LGBTQ agenda, also favored by all, tends to contribute to the goal of popula-

anesthetic gases that might have a

tion reduction.

greenhouse effect are vented to the



Green means for Head of physicians’ group shows how Dem solutions to supposed ‘climate crisis’ will create a massive healthcare crisis By Jane M. Orient, M.D. © 2019 WND.com

atmosphere. So, are anesthesiologists to worry about a hypothetical tiny effect

of living be affected? And how will

on the climate 50 years from now, instead of the best treatment for the patient?

Americans’ actual medical care and

“Social determinants of health” are the trendiest subject in “healthcare

health—as opposed to their health

reform.” GND prescriptions would profoundly affect those. Diet would be




mostly plant-based foods, with meat limited, ultimately to one ounce per day. Living space would be restricted, some propose to 320 square feet per person, with no single-family homes allowed except for trailers. Energy efficiency standards would entail restrictions on entry of outside air, without regard to effects on indoor air pollution, including bacteria and viruses. (More than 300 people in a huge Hong Kong apartment building were infected with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome [SARS] because of this.) Transportation would be mostly walking, bicycling or public transport. Private vehicles, except possibly electric, might be banned entirely, with roads converted to parks and walkways. It is not clear what emergency responders would do. If electricity came mostly from wind and solar, it would be scarce, unreliable and many times more expensive than now. (Already tens of thousands of deaths in the UK are attributed to inability to afford adequate heating, as costs of “renewable” electricity soars.) The Democratic presidential debates, except for some squabbling over things like alleged racism, have been a display of groupthink. Everybody raised a hand in favor of the GND and universal healthcare. Some are more radical than others; Kamala Harris insists that we have a “climate crisis,” not just “climate change.” What Americans need to know is the gritty detail behind the virtuoussounding platitudes. How will our choices be constrained? How much will costs

Jane M. Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has been in solo practice of general internal medicine since 1981 and is a clinical lecturer in medicine at the University of Arizona College Of Medicine. She received her undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Arizona and her M.D. from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She is the author of “Sapira’s Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis”; the fourth edition has just been published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. She also authored “YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Health Care,” published by Crown.

go up—for rent, utilities, fuel, food and, of course, taxes? How will standards




For some strange reason climate disasters alway

IN SEPTEMBER, socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claimed in passing that in just a few years Miami would disappear … because of global warming.

That didn’t happen either. In 1970, the New York Times reported on a threat from “pollu-

Not likely, says one of Washington, D.C.’s top think tanks, the Competitive

tion expert” James P. Lodge Jr., who

Enterprise Institute, in a new report. In fact, the organization has compiled a

claimed a new ice age would be upon

comprehensive list of every foreboding prediction of global climate catastro-

us by 2000.

phe made over the last half century. “Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today,” the report said.

Also in 1970, NASA’s S.I. Rasool insisted that over the next five to 10 years, there would be “such a tem-

But not a single one of them has come true.

perature decrease [that it] could be

The CEI pointed out that while the predictions grab media headlines, “the

sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

failures are typically not revisited.” A sampling of the many doomsday failures:

In 1972, Brown University scientists wrote to President Nixon that

The Los Angeles Times reported in 1967 that Stanford University’s Paul

“very soon” there would be “a global

Ehrlich was warning it already was too late for the world “to avoid a long

deterioration of climate, by order of

period of famine.” The famine would be “most disastrous by 1975,” added the

magnitude larger than any hitherto

Times report.

experienced by civilized mankind.”


The experts had reportedly looked at

Ehrlich, a “population biologist,” had several others beauties. In 1969 he

the bottom of the ocean to determine

warned that by 1989, “everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam.”





n, the left’s forecasts of ys turn out to be wrong By Bob Unruh

© 2019 WND.com

Then in 1974, the London Guardian picked up the cause, warning that a new ice age was “coming fast.”

town halls, interviews and stump speeches with lurid claims of near-

In 1976, according to a New York Times review of a book by Stephen

term global catastrophe if some

Schneider of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado,

version of their multi-trillion-dollar

insufficient food reserves existed to offset the coming famines. And two years

“Green New Deal” socialist wish list

later, in 1978, the Associated Press reported that there was “no end in sight”

isn’t enacted. ■

for global cooling. But a decade later, in 1988, the Lansing State Journal warned Americans to prepare “for long, hot summers.” That year, the Environmental Affairs director for the Maldives, Hussein Shihab, said the island nation would be totally underwater by 2018. Likewise, the Associated Press reported in 1989 claims that New York City’s West Side Highway would be underwater by 2019. It’s still there. Al Gore, famed for his wildly inaccurate predictions while profiting handsomely from climate hysteria, said in 2008 that the Arctic would be ice-free during the summer by 2013.

Bob Unruh joined WND and Whistleblower in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially.

But that’s nothing: In 2009, Prince Charles said there were only eight years left to save the world. Fast-forwarding to the present, today’s Democratic presidential hopefuls are continuing the long doomsday tradition by regaling voters during debates,



The 4 fears used to m

Noted scientist warns against giving ‘our freedom and resources to the environment By Art Robinson, Ph.D.

© 2019 WND.com

EDITOR’S NOTE: Dr. Art Robinson is a scientist, former Cal Tech professor and co-founder of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine.

HAVING ESTABLISHED IN THE PUBLIC MIND that, regardless of the rules of our constitutional republic, voters can elect politicians who will ignore those rules (and their oath of office) and give the people anything they want (including the lives, liberty and property of their fellow citizens), miscreants in our media and political establishment need only to influence Americans to vote their way. C O N TI N UE D O N PAGE 34



manipulate Americans

tal-industrial complex’




Having failed in this in the presidential election of 2016, they are doing

expenditures go to a vast assembly

everything they can to ruin this presidency and to make sure the people do not

of special interests, empowered by

do this again.

licensing and regulation. We are

Advertising professionals know that people can be manipulated through

told that we will lose our medical

their virtues and through their faults. The two most effective faults to use

care unless we give our freedom and

are fear and greed. Fear is stronger. Four principal fears are being used to

resources to this medical-industrial

manipulate Americans today.


First is fear of war. The U.S. “defense” budget is now $750 billion per

Fourth is fear of energy. Most

year, but little of this is spent for homeland defense. It is spent on actual and

people do not understand energy, but

potential wars abroad, with the hollow promise that military wars can always

they know that it is powerful, and

be fought on the soil of other nations—if enough resources are given to the

they can be led to fear it—especially

military-industrial complex.

nuclear energy. The elite who seek

Second is fear of the Earth itself. Climate change, resource depletion and

to diminish individual freedom also

environmental pollution—all exaggerated far beyond common sense—are said

fear energy because it is the currency

to “existentially” threaten us. So we are told that we must give our freedom

of technology. Unrestricted, low-cost

and resources to the environmental-industrial complex.

energy in the hands of free people

Third is fear of personal illness. Many wonderful medical discoveries have

enhances their liberty. So, we are told

been made, and many fine doctors and their assistants dedicate their lives

to support the regulations that place

to medical care. Yet, most of our medical dollars do not go to these people

control of our energy in the hands of

and their equipment and materials. An estimated 75 percent of our medical

the energy-industrial complex.



The use of our nation’s resources in the service of these four fears amounts

“Yet, in holding scientific research

to many trillions of counterproductively spent dollars each year. All four imi-

and discovery in respect, as we

tate justified concerns, but absorb far more resources than needed, extracted

should, we must also be alert to the

through exaggerated fear.

equal and opposite danger that public

This waste of resources significantly weakens individual Americans and our entire nation in the ongoing and truly existential war we do fight every day—worldwide economic warfare. Warfare? Yes. Our primary economic competitors do not live in consti-

policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” President Eisenhower was right on both. The educational-industrial

tutional republics. Many live under tyranny. If we lose out in the economic

complex has largely been co-opted.

competition with them, we too will live under tyranny.

We must work on alternatives to

Yet, there is much to be gained by trading with everyone. America’s found-

this complex and on post-graduate

ers favored control of trade sufficiently to protect us from trade abuses and

education. We have many princi-

maintain our economic independence, and they opposed entangling alliances.

pled allies. WorldNetDaily, which

President Trump is now working to rebalance our trade so that we are not at a disadvantage with regard to our competitors. Our personal liberty, privacy, property and our very lives are at stake in this contest. These things far transcend the relative wealth within our nation. That some Americans are rich, some are affluent, some are average and some are poor does not diminish us. American liberty has made possible a

publishes Whistleblower, tries to be useful in this way. We have no reason to feel unusually misused. Tyranny has always plagued mankind. It is a perpetual opponent of liberty. ■

situation wherein even our poor are wealthier than most people in the world, and all can work to rise. Another man’s wealth surely does not diminish me. In fact, his wealth makes possible advances, some of which will benefit me. How can we, however, effectively diminish the river of fear the media wash over our fellow citizens every day? So many lies are being told and amplified with vast financial resources that most voters do not know what to think. So they tend to follow the majority of “thought,” which the manipulators assure them is on the side of fear—every day. In this situation, our thoughts logically turn to education, but what do we find there? We find the same fear and manipulation, where only 30 percent of property taxes reach the classrooms and the rest goes to the non-teaching educational-industrial complex. President Eisenhower addressed two of these dangers in his Farewell Address.

Art Robinson, Ph.D., is a biochemist and research professor at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. An expert on energy, medicine and emergency preparedness, he was educated at the Cal Tech and the University of California at San Diego, where he served as a faculty member until co-founding the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine with Pauling in 1973. A five-time Republican nominee for Oregon’s 4th congressional district, he also served as chairman of the Oregon Republican Party.

First, Ike said, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” Second, Ike said, “Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades. “In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government. “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.



Scaremongering left: From ‘popul According to many past ‘experts,’ we all should have

A LITTLE MORE THAN TWO YEARS AGO, I wrote a column titled “What margarine

1987 exposé of the anti-population

can teach us about climate change.” Inspired by a book excerpt in National

crusade. ... Millions of people were

Geographic, that column summarized just one example—the U.S. govern-

sterilized, often coercively, some-

ment’s promotion of margarine and synthetic oils over actual dairy products to

times illegally, frequently in unsafe

reduce heart disease—of how politicizing science can have devastating results.

conditions, in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru,

As the “climate crisis” wunderkind have been “striking” all over the world,

Indonesia and Bangladesh. ...

led by grumpy guru Greta Thunberg, I couldn’t help but think of that column

“In the 1970s and ‘80s, India, led

and the many other “crises” we’ve been warned about over the years that

by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and

never panned out. Take Paul Ehrlich, for example. Ehrlich wrote “The Population Bomb.” Published in 1969, it made shocking and foreboding pronouncements like, “The battle to feed all of humanity is over,” and “(H)undreds of millions

her son Sanjay, embraced policies that in many states required sterilization for men and women to obtain water, electricity, ration cards, med-

of people are going to starve to death.” While researching Ehrlich, I came

ical care and pay raises. Teachers

across a 2018 article in Smithsonian Magazine that was sharply critical of

could expel students from school

Ehrlich and his book, which Smithsonian describes as having “fueled an anti-

if their parents weren’t sterilized.

population-growth crusade that led to human rights abuses around the world.”

More than 8 million men and women

I remember that Ehrlich’s predictions were absurdly, insanely wrong. What

were sterilized in 1975 alone. ... For

I didn’t know was how much damage they actually did. Ehrlich may have

its part, China adopted a ‘one-child’

given “a huge jolt to the nascent environmental movement” in the United

policy that led to huge numbers—

States. But outside the U.S., people paid a horrible price for his irresponsible





jeremiads. Smithsonian described in detail the global impact of Ehrlich’s half-

abortions, often in poor conditions

cocked hysteria:

contributing to infection, sterility

“The International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Population Council, the World Bank, the United Nations Population Fund, the Hugh Moore-backed

and even death. Millions of forced sterilizations occurred.”

Association for Voluntary Sterilization and other organizations promoted and

What the Smithsonian article does

funded programs to reduce fertility in poor places. ‘The results were horrific,’

not address—but a 2010 cover story

says Betsy Hartmann, author of ‘Reproductive Rights and Wrongs,’ a classic

in The Economist did—is that the



lation control’ to climate change starved to death long ago

By Laura Hollis

© 2019 Creators.com

overwhelming majority of those victims of abortion and infanticide were girls.

the power to do so. Those dusty old

The subhead of that article, titled “Gendercide,” is shocking: “Killed, aborted

terms from the long-forgotten civics

or neglected, at least 100 million girls have disappeared—and the number is


rising.” How many times do we have to learn this lesson? (Maybe that’s why today’s



federalism, unalienable rights—have saved us many times from the worst

hysterics have teenagers leading the charge. It’s much easier to persuade peo-

kinds of tyranny. And, as our found-

ple that the sky is falling when they aren’t old enough to remember other such

ers knew, the worst forms of tyranny

failed predictions.)


As it happens, National Review’s Kevin Williamson also touched on Paul Ehrlich recently. In his article “China’s Population Problem,” Williamson calls Ehrlich “the wrongest man in the history of modern American thought”




tyranny.” In other words, the very things that most infuriate our own aspiring

when he recounts that China’s workforce has declined by 25 million people in

central planners (not to mention

just eight years. This poses a serious problem for the country’s productivity,

grievance-peddling Swedish teens)

not to mention the social safety net the community government promises.

are those principles of limited gov-

Williamson’s assessment is blunt: “’(P)opulation control’ ... isn’t about popu-

ernment that protect us from zealots

lation: It is about control. The same is true of gun control. ... In the progressive

and the excesses brought about in

imagination, the perfection of society—and the perfection of man—is only a

pursuit of their inevitable errors. ■

matter of control, and choosing the right controllers.” Ronald Reagan once said, “(T)he trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant. It’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” Reagan was addressing the point in his inimitable, humorous style. But the underlying principle is quite serious. You’d think, given their history of failed predictions, progressives would have a little more humility and a lot less hubris. Not so. In that vein, another

Laura Hollis is associate professor of teaching, Department of Accountancy at Mendoza College of Business, and concurrent associate professor of law at Notre Dame Law School, University of Notre Dame.

quote from Williamson’s essay is particularly salient: “The main reason the modern United States has not, for all its errors and failures, pursued something as destructive as China’s one-child policy is that no one actually has



Green N more di

THE GREEN NEW DEAL’S GOAL is to move America to zero carbon emissions in 10 years. “That’s a goal you could only imagine possible if you have no idea how

“They hit physics limits. In comic books, Tony Stark has a magic power source, but physics makes it impos-

energy is produced,” James Meigs, former editor of Popular Mechanics maga-

sible to make solar 10 times better

zine, says in my latest video.


“Renewable is so inconsistent,” he adds. “You can’t just put in wind tur-

The dream of “green” causes us

bines and solar panels. You have to build all this infrastructure to connect

to misdirect resources. Even after

them with energy consumers.”


Because wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine, “renewable” energy requires many more transmission lines, and bigger batteries. Unfortunately, says Meigs: “You have to mine materials for batteries. Those mines are environmentally hazardous. Disposing of batteries is hazardous.” “Batteries are a lousy way to store energy,” adds physicist Mark Mills, senior




solar still makes up less than 1 percent of America’s energy—wind just 2 percent. And even that energy isn’t really “clean.” “We use billions of tons of hydrocarbons to make the windmills that

fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Also, the ingredients of green energy, like

are already in the world, and we’ve

battery packs, are far from green.

only just begun to make them at the

“You have to consume 100 barrels of oil in China to make that battery pack,”

level people claim they would like

he explains. “Dig up 1,000 pounds of stuff to process it. Digging is done with

them to be built,” says Mills. “Pursue

oil, by big machines, so we’re consuming energy to ‘save’ energy—not a good

a path of wind, solar and batteries,

path to go.”

we increase how much we dig up and

Still, wind turbines and solar batteries are 10 times more efficient than when they were first introduced! That’s not good enough, writes Mills, to make “the new energy economy” anything more than “magical thinking.”



move by a thousand-fold.” “You gotta clear-cut the forest. These machines kill a lot of birds,”

New Deal means igging of fossil fuel

‘There is 1 energy source ... with no carbon emissions: nuclear’ By John Stossel

says Meigs. “I agree that we should bring down our carbon emissions ... but


we should also make sure we’re spending money on stuff that really works.”

state, ultra-liberal Vermont, went

There is one energy source, though, that efficiently produces lots of power with no carbon emissions: nuclear. But people fear it. They point to the Chernobyl plant accident in Ukraine and Fukushima in Japan. “The Chernobyl plant design was idiotically bad,” says Meigs. They don’t make nuclear plants like that anymore. What about Fukushima? “Fukushima helps prove how safe nuclear power really is. No one was killed.” I pointed out that people were killed during the evacuation. “Fear of radiation killed people,” responded Meigs. They evacuated older people who didn’t need to go. People fear what they don’t understand and what they can’t see. “A dam breaks, and hundreds of thousands of people die. Nuclear plants? Their safety, ironically, is actually evident in their accidents!” says Mills.


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backwards.” If a Green New Deal is ever implemented, says Mills, it would rob the poor by raising energy costs, while “giving money to wealthy people in the form of subsidies to buy $100,000 cars, to put expensive solar arrays on their roofs or to be investors in wind farms.” “It’s upside down Robin Hood,” he adds. “That’s a bad deal.” Yet a majority of Americans— including Republicans surveyed—say they support some version of it. ■

“More people have fallen off of roofs installing solar panels than have been killed in the entire history of nuclear power in the U.S.,” adds Meigs. Yet after Fukushima, Germany shut down its nuclear plants. That led to higher electricity prices and increased carbon emissions because Germany burned coal to make up for the loss of nuclear power. Likewise, “in Bernie Sanders’ home state of Vermont, they shut down their nuclear plant. Guess what happened? Carbon emissions went up,” recounts

John Stossel is a longtime award-winning broadcast journalist who hosts “Stossel” on the Fox Business Network. His newest book is “No, They Can’t: Why Government Fails, but Individuals Succeed.”



The Idolatry of environmental ext Union Theological Seminary: ‘Today in chapel, we confessed to plants’ By David Limbaugh

© 2019 Creators.com


Is it not pantheistic to confess to

Christians believe that internal forces, not external ones, represent the great-

plants, as if they were holy? Is it not

est threat to the church.

blasphemous for Christians to declare

Students at this seminary prayed to a collection of plants in its chapel, which triggered a raft of criticism on Twitter. The school defiantly defended its action in a series of tweets. “Today in chapel, we confessed to plants,” the school tweeted. “Together,

that plants “sustain us” and provide us a gift that we should honor? The Bible emphasizes that God created and sustains all things: “The

we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them

Son is the image of the invisible God,

to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What

the firstborn over all creation. For in

do you confess to the plants in your life?” Some Twitter respondents observed that the seminary and its students have

him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and

lost their minds, but I think it’s worse than that. Insanity might mitigate this

invisible, whether thrones or powers

sacrilege, but deliberately perverting theology is another matter.

or rulers or authorities; all things

Pastor Greg Locke tweeted, “This is utter nonsense. Absolute theological

have been created through him and

bankruptcy in every way. Your Seminary is a cemetery.” Another Twitter user

for him. He is before all things, and

quipped, “What kind of penance did the plants give after the ‘confession’?”

in him all things hold together”

What possesses this misguided institution to refer to plants as “beings”?

(Colossians 1:15-17); “The Son is the

What gross theological error leads them to pray to and encourage others to

radiance of God’s glory and the exact

pray to them? Idolatry is no trifling matter, which is underscored by at least

representation of his being, sustain-

two of the Ten Commandments and the entirety of Scripture. God repeatedly warns His people against chasing after false gods and pun-

ing all things by his powerful word” (Hebrews 1:3).

ishes them for disobeying, including their being taken into captivity by the

In its tweets the school piously

Assyrians and Babylonians. The Apostle Paul warned, “They exchanged the

asserted, “We are in the throes of a

truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than

climate emergency, a crisis created

the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen” (Romans 1:25). To the Corinthians

by humanity’s arrogance, our disre-

he said, “Therefore my dear friends, flee from idolatry” (1 Corinthians 10:14).

gard for Creation.” It said we must




create “new spiritual and intellectual frameworks by which we understand

to suit their own desires, they will

and relate to the plants and animals with whom we share the planet.”

gather around them a great number

Notice the school capitalized the term “creation,” another deferential nod

of teachers to say what their itching

to created things instead of the Creator, an attitude it reinforces when saying

ears want to hear. They will turn

we must create spiritual and intellectual frameworks to “relate to” plants.

their ears away from the truth and

Similarly, the school went on to boast of its deep commitment to “inter-

turn aside to myths” (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

religious engagement,” saying: “Union’s daily chapel is, by design, a place

People in a sacred position as

where people from all the wondrous faith traditions at Union can express their

teachers of God’s Word have an even

beliefs. And, given the incredible diversity of our community, that means wor-

higher duty not to lead their stu-

ship looks different every day!”

dents astray, as those who teach will

Of course Christians should be responsible stewards of the environment,

be judged more strictly (James 3:1).

and of course they should love people of all faiths and treat them graciously

There are many things reasonable

and respectfully. But it is astounding that in the name of “diversity” and “tol-

Christians may differ on, but wor-

erance” the school encourages the worship of other gods—and especially in its

shiping and serving other gods is not

houses of worship. As the prophet Jeremiah said, “The people of Judah have

one of them. It is sad that an institu-

done evil in my eyes, declares the LORD. They have set up their detestable idols

tion ostensibly dedicated to teaching

in the house that bears my Name and have defiled it.”

Christianity would give itself over to

The seminary admonishes humanity for its arrogance in dealing with the

blatantly false doctrine. ■

environment, but how much more arrogant are we to pretend we have as much control over the global thermostat as proselytizing environmentalists claim? How much more arrogant are we to ignore God’s clear scriptural commands in both testaments against worshiping idols? Sadly, among those idols are the high priests of political correctness and man’s desperate efforts to please them above God. Just as Paul cautioned against idolatry, he warned about false teachers: “For

David Limbaugh is a writer, bestselling author and attorney. His latest book is “Jesus is Risen: Paul and the Early Church.” Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at www.davidlimbaugh.com.

the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead,



WHEN I CAME TO FAITH as a 16-year-old, drug-using, hippie rock drummer, I was told that Jesus was returning very soon. The end of the world was near. Very near. Today, there is a new religious narrative, especially among young people, with a new “end of the world” scenario. But this one is depressing and grim, with nothing redemptive about it. I’m talking about the new religion of man-made global warming. It has its unique gods (like Mother Earth). It deifies the created world (with seminarians confessing to plants in a chapel service). It has its high priests and religious leaders (the climate change gurus and

radical environmentalists). It has its patron saints (like Sweden’s Greta Thunberg). And it has its own doomsday scenario: The end of the world is near. Very near. To be clear, I do not have the credentials to comment on scientific questions related to global warming. But I do have the credentials to

The religion of C and the new doo

Contrasting Christianity’s end-o



comment on the effect environmental activists are having on our culture, especially the younger generation. An Australian website offers counsel to help people (especially young peo-

A recent headline on Science News for Students states, “Climate change poses mental health risks to chil-

ple) deal with stress and anxiety related to climate change. It notes, “There are

dren and teens.” And an article on

lots of reasons why young people might feel stressed about climate change.”

Conversation.com warns, “Ignoring

These reasons include: 1) They feel like planning for the future is hopeless. 2) They are angry that the people around them aren’t doing anything to help.

young people’s climate change fears is a recipe for anxiety.”

3) They are frustrated that there’s nothing they can do now to change things.

In fact, as far back as 2016, the

4) They are worried about whether it’s responsible to have children. 5) They

American Psychological Association

feel like everything is out of their control.


Climate Change omsday scenario

of-the-world scenario with that of warming scaremongers

By Michael Brown

© 2019 WND.com




claimed, “Climate change is threatening mental health. A federal report that tapped psychologists’ expertise outlines the ways climate change affects us all.”

life because of fear for tomorrow. The innocence of youth is being

But herein lies the rub. It is not “climate change” that is “threatening

robbed from them, and everyone

mental health.” It is the apocalyptic way it is being reported that is threatening

is to blame. Yet an article on the

mental health.

Teaching Tolerance website urges

After all, when I was told in 1971 that Jesus was coming back soon, it was an exciting prospect: The end of the age is fast approaching, and we will be with the Lord forever! This world is falling apart, but God will come to redeem us!

that, “Teachers’ Silence on Climate Change Violates Students’ Rights.” I would urge instead that there

But there is no such hope in today’s gloom-and-doom climate change

needs to be a lot of soul searching and

reporting. Instead, it produces fear and provokes frustration, especially for

circumspection, from our children’s

young people: “Our world is being destroyed, and you’re not doing anything

educators to the popular media. Are

about it! Don’t you care?”

you sure the information you are

To quote Greta Thunberg, “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. … We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and

sharing is accurate? Are you positive the fears you are instilling are

all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth—

warranted? Are you certain that you

how dare you!”

are not playing with the emotions of

But there’s a reason for her fears. An October 2018 headline proclaimed: “We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns U.N.” Six months later, in March 2019, the U.N. website echoed these sentiments:

impressionable young people? From my perspective (and leaning into my areas of expertise), I would rather say this: It’s true that this

“Only 11 Years Left to Prevent Irreversible Damage from Climate Change,

world will not endure forever. One

Speakers Warn during General Assembly High-Level Meeting. Ambition,

day, Jesus will return and make a

Urgency Needed to Address Global Emergency, Secretary-General Says.”

new heaven and earth. So, live your

No wonder teenaged Greta and her generation are up in arms. No wonder

life here with passion, in expectation

they are so stressed. No wonder they are angry. “It is your policies and your

of His return, making every moment

greed and your selfishness that have stolen our future!”

count. That way, whether you live to

As reported Sept. 26, “Around climate-change protests, tears linger. Youthful activists cite all-too-depressing science and develop angst. They grieve for a future they worry they’ll never have. “Many young climate activists say they feel hopeless and overwhelmed. … ‘It’s really hard to grow up on a planet full of ifs,’ said This is Zero Hour

be 100 or if He comes back in 10 years, your life will be full and blessed. I





religionist to come up with a better message than that. ■

co-founder Jamie Margolin, a 17-year-old from Seattle, who is finding it hard to buckle down and apply to colleges. ‘There’s always been a sense that everything beautiful in this world is temporary for my generation.’” How very, very sad—but not because it’s all true. Instead, as journalist John Nolte pointed out, “For more than 50 years Climate Alarmists in the scientific community and environmental movement have not gotten even one prediction correct, but they do have a perfect record of getting 41 predictions wrong. “In other words, on at least 41 occasions, these so-called experts have predicted some terrible environmental catastrophe was imminent … and it never happened.” Consequently, he asks, “Why would we completely restructure our economy and sacrifice our personal freedom for ‘experts’ who are 0-41, who have never once gotten it right?” So, young people are being stressed about something that may never happen. They are growing up waiting for the shoe to drop, not being able to enjoy



Dr. Michael Brown (askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated “Line of Fire” radio program. His latest book is “Jezebel’s War With America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide.”

“David Kupelian is one of the most thought-provoking and iconoclastic writers I know.” — S E A N H A N N I T Y





To order your autographed copy of The Snapping of the American Mind by David Kupelian call (816) 220-0359, or go to Superstore.WND.com.

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