[8] December 30, 2009
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I want a loan to remodel my house, but I’m not sure if I need a home equity loan or home equity line of credit. Can you explain the difference? While both use the available equity in your home, a typical Home Equity Loan provides funds in a one-time lump sum and has a fixed rate, term, and payment. A Home Equity Line of Credit generally has an adjustable rate and comes with a set limit that you draw upon as needed. The payment is based on the amount advanced. As you pay down the balance, those funds become available again.
253.925.6800 woodstonecu.org
My third grader is still not reading at grade level. Should I be concerned? A. Yes. Research has shown that a child not reading at grade level by the third grade is not likely to ever “catch Susan Asbell, Area Director up.” Around this age, classroom work shifts from a Club Z! In-Home Tutoring focus on “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” A 253-752-6117 child with poor reading skills will face significant educawww.clubz.com tional challenges for the remainder of their school years. sasbell@clubztutoring.com Often these students become behavior problems in the classroom. One-on-one tutoring will give specialized reading assistance to these students while boosting their confidence and motivation.
Alicia Talley Alicia Talley Hypnotherapy 900 S 336th St. Federal Way, 98003 In the Federal Way Naturopathy Clinic
253.297.3699 www.aliciatalleyhypnotherapy.com
What is the popping sound when I get adjusted?
When you are adjusted by a chiropractor they take the pressure off the joint space that has synovial fluid (the oil to the joint) in it. Nitrogen gas is under pressure and when it is released it makes a POP sound, getting rid of the “sewage” to the joint. If you don’t get rid of the “sewage” then degenerative joint disease can occur. It is a healthy sound when it is done properly.
253-838-6909 www.ballchirocenter.com
Dr. Summers 2201 SW 356th St., Ste. A Federal Way, WA 98023
I hear a lot about Vitamin D these days. Why is it important and what is the right amount of it? Vitamin D plays many important roles in our body. It helps improve bone density, protects the heart, reduce inflammation in the body, has anti-cancer properties, is supportive for immune system and cardiovascular system. Make sure your doctor checks your Vitamin D levels once a year and, depending on the result, take 1000-5000 IUs daily in the form of D3.
My experience finds it to be a perfectly natural state of relaxation. When we are relaxed, we are less resistant to change and more open to suggestion … provided the suggestions will help us achieve our goal. Once the client has approved the wording of the post hypnotic suggestion, we can begin the relaxation process. The client is in complete control throughout. Please let me help you with your New Year’s resolutions. Call 253-297-3699 to make an appointment.
Stephen W. Ball, D.C., P.S. Ball Chiropractic Center
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What is hypnosis?
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If I am pregnant, can I still go to the chiropractor?
Yes, current medical literature supports chiropractic care during pregnancy. 56% of pregnant women experience low back pain. An astounding 96% of these women get relief through chiropractic care. The literature also shows that women experience 39% shorter labor time, easier pregnancy & delivery, and require less medication. Due to changes in posture and rapid weight gain, mothers can have a very uncomfortable 3rd trimester. This is when many women seek out care. Whether walking in or crawling in, we can help.
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The Federal Government has issued a down payment assistance program targeted for the Federal Way area. First time buyers (no home ownership / 3 yrs) who are under the income limits ($48,300 / 2 person household) may qualify for up to $50,000 in down payment assistance. This is a zero payment, 0% interest 2nd mortgage, Lisa Cooke Tinsley deferred for 15 years. After 15 years it is forgiven. State Associate Broker bond money is available if you do not wish to purchase Windermere Real Estate in Federal Way, or have higher income. A First Time 253.332.8220 Homebuying Class is offered at Windermere R/E South, LisaCookeTinsley@windermere.com 33405 6th Ave S, on 1/2/10 from 9-2. Call to register.
Mel West Vice President of Operations
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How do I take advantage of the First Time Home Buyers Down Payment Asstistance Program?
Dr. Nina Walsh, Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist Flow Natural Medicine & Acupuncture 32123 1st Ave S., Ste A-1 Federal Way
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1414 So. 324th St., Suite B210 Federal Way