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~Chamber Connection~ 2010 Events Calendar Each year the Chamber provides an events Calendar for the Community online and in print. We are asking everyone that has a community event they want listed in the 2010 calendar to please get your information into the office soon, as we would like to have it printed and ready for distribution by the first of the year. Include your event title, date, time and a contact person with phone number before our deadline on:

TUESDAY, DEC. 15 NEWLY ELECTED Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber of Commerce executive board members for 2009-2010 include (l. to r.): treasurer Hartwig Vatheuer, president Dave Bowen, and vice-president Ryan Munsey.

Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber of Commerce

2009 - 2010 Board of Directors

401 W. First St. • Cle Elum, WA • (509) 674-5958 Brian Cullinane - Ellensburg Chevrolet David Bowen - Puget Sound Energy http://cleelumroslyn.org/ Derek Vaughan - RE/MAX Alpine Real Estate Diane Ewing - Daily Record President’s Message Our annual Fall Gary Kurtz - Windermere Real Estate It is an exciting time to be President of the Cle Elum/Roslyn Membership Drive Hartwig Vatheuer - Retired Chamber of Commerce. It truly is an honor to serve and with eight is underway, if you know Jamie Lunstad - Jaime’s Depot new board members bringing new ideas, energy and perspective to of a new business in our organization we can all expect new things from your Chamber. Jim Gallagher - Tight Lines Fly Shop the area or you would like Communication is one area we are focusing on this year. UpLita Chambers - Mac-A-Bee Gifts of the SW grading our website, expanding our e-mail messaging and a monthly more information on Chamber page informing the community of all the great things hapNancy Bronk - The Crazy Quilt Shop becoming a member, pening in the area in support of our membership are some of the new please contact the Nathan Weis - Inland Networks programs you will see. Thank you to the NKC Tribune for Chamber Office, Ron Dalle - Aamerica Engineering your generous assistance and our board members for vol(509) 674-5958 unteering their time in these projects. I hope you all like Ryan Munsey - Sterling Savings Bank what you see -watch for more- and support our local busior any of the Sean Northrop - Sapphire Skies nesses as we adjust to these changing economic times. Board of Directors Steve Locati - Stewart Title David Bowen President, Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber Wendy Smith - Sister Moon Spa Executive Director Here we go again! I’m excited to start another “Chamber year”. First I would like to thank the out going officers and Board members for all of their help and assistance over the last several years. Volunteering for the Chamber takes additional time from other responsibilities and please know we are aware of your commitments and do appreciate everyone efforts. Our New Year has started with a bang and the new Officers and Board members have already hit the ground running. We have a Board that has personal and business attributes that will be a real bonus to our organization. We are excited and look forward to working with all of them. The businesses they represent have been active and supportive members of the Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber for many years and we are honored to have them serve on the Board of Directors. We look forward to a productive year. We encourage our members to get involved. It is “your” Chamber and we are only as good as you make it. Seize this opportunity and become a part of the group efforts to make the Upper Kittitas County a great place to live and do business. Judy Tokarsyck

Come one, come all in costume to downtown Cle Elum on

Saturday, Oct. 31

For the annual Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber Halloween Parade! COSTUME JUDGING BEGINS AT 3:30 P.M. with five categories being judged (infant to 12 years old) The judging will be held in the 200 block of North Pennsylvania Avenue. Please don’t park in the judging area for the safety of everyone.

PARADE STARTS AT 4:00 P.M. Parade route runs: Pennsylvania Avenue east onto First Street down to Wright Avenue. After the PARADE, some of the business owners will be providing treats for those in costume. “We again ask that none of the TRICK OR TREATING begin until AFTER THE PARADE the street will not be closed until then”. We are asking parents and adults to please cooperate and also urge you to attend the the event with your children.

Executive Director, Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber

Christmas in Cle Elum

Saturday, Dec. 5 The Chamber is planning the annual Light Parade and other activities for the Dec. event. We would like to include all Community events that are being planned on that date to be added to our flyers and promotional materials. We ask that you get your event information with start/finish times and location to the Chamber office as soon as possible.


Plum Creek

Cottage Café

Windermere Real Estate

Best Western SnowCap Lodge

The Spirit Mine Liquor Store

521 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-2551

202 East Pennsylvania Ave. Roslyn • 509-649-2166

911 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-2922

807 West First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-4431

809 West Davis Street Cle Elum • 509-674-0200

705 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-1675

Lorin D. Peterson D.D.S.

Cle Elum Dairy Queen

All Season Cabin Rentals

Ellensburg Chevrolet

Whispering Pines RV Center

Cone Gilreath Law Office

101 Harris Avenue Cle Elum • 509-674-5153

302 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-7172

Upper Kittitas County 509-649-3099

1008 Canyon Road Ellensburg • 509-925-6985

100 Whispering Pines Dr. Cle Elum • 509-674-7278

105 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-5501


~Chamber Connection~ Why Join the Chamber?

President’s Message What a pleasure it is to work with so many talented local business owners and community members. The Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber Board and the overall membership take on so many projects, volunteering their time to not only bring economic activity into our communities but to enhance the sense of community we share. The Halloween Parade was a huge success attended by hundreds of people of all ages, thank you to those volunteers who took on the task of judging those great costumes. We had our first Chamber luncheon at the Depot Café with 20+ members in attendance to listen to a presentation regarding the Washington State Horse Park. Our next luncheon will be after the holidays on January 21st 2010, keep your eyes open for information on speaker and location. If you aren’t a Chamber member, now is a good time to join and gain the benefit of referral business, networking with your peers and the seasonal promotional activities we conduct throughout the year. Please remember as you think of holiday gifts take a look in the local businesses, you may be surprised at what you find and your support of the local economy helps us all. I hope you all enjoy a safe Holiday Season with friends, family and lots of fun memories to share for generations to come. David Bowen President, Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber

Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber of Commerce 401 W. First St. • Cle Elum, WA • (509) 674-5958


Whether it is business advocacy, Internet exposure, marketing or networking the chamber is an active and strong advocate for you and your business. With an ever-growing membership base the Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber is an organization your business can be proud to be a part of. Joining Chamber is an investment in the future of our, your, local economy and as a member of a well established business organization it will increase your customer’s confidence. Members are welcomed and encouraged to provide flyers, brochures, and information to the office for dispersal. Our Chamber Visitor Center provides information, refers callers and directs visitors from our office to our member businesses. The Chamber is a group of dedicated volunteers who strive to remain aware of local and state issues that are pertinent to our membership and work on those key business and community issues that directly impact us all. The Chamber publishes a membership directory listing your business name, contact numbers and addresses. Members have the opportunity to advertise in this publication which is provided to visitors, new residents and other organizations for reference. The Chamber provides an excellent local area map of the Upper County which includes our Cities and Towns in addition to an overview of the entire area. The map has advertising space for members and is one of the top requests of people visiting the office. Our membership receives marketing exposure and networking opportunities through participation in the wide variety of seasonal events the Chamber sponsors and organizes.


Saturday December


❆ 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Breakfast with Santa Upper County Seniors –Cle Elum Eagle –220 Pennsylvania Ave.

❆ 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Kiwanis Christmas Tree Sales Lot Pioneer Lot –First Street and Pennsylvania Avenue

❆ 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ~ Upper Kittitas County Senior Center

Craft Bazaar & Lunch Cle Elum Eagles’ Club –220 Pennsylvania Avenue

❆ 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Pictures with Santa Christmas Store –100 West 1st Street - Cle Elum Farm & Home

❆ 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ~ ARRF Animal Rescue

Santa “Paws” Pictures 402 E. 1st Street, Suite 105 ~ US Bank Office

❆ 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ~ Upper Kittitas County Young Life

Lunch & Music Booth 201 E. 1st Street –Sterling Bank Lot

❆ 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. ~ High Country Artists

Old Fashioned Holiday Open House Carpenter House Museum West Third St. & Billings Avenue

❆ 1:00 –3:00 p.m.


(Activities scheduled from 8am-8pm)

Snowman Making Contest

(Weather permitting) –Back lot at Cle Elum Farm & Home 100 West 1st Street

❆ 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Downtown

Christmas Caroling

~Strolling Carolers ~

❆ 4:30 p.m. Open

House with Refreshments

Masonic Hall - Eastern Star Ladies (Watch the parade from the hall above the Post Office)

❆ 4:30 p.m. Open

House with Refreshments

Vogue Theatre Project, Community Builders –208 Pennsylvania

❆ 5:00 p.m.


Judging at 4:30 p.m.West on First Street to Oakes Avenue

Santa Visit w/TREATS ~ Cle Elum Fire Dept.

Following parade at First Street and Pennsylvania Avenue

❆ 6:30 p.m.

‘Tree of Love’ & Lighting Ceremony

South Cle Elum Depot –Friends of Hospice (reception to follow)

❆ 7:00 p.m. ~ High Country Artists

An Evening of Tea & Poetry Reading

Internet Exposure, our current Home page receives over 2000 hits on the low months, and 5000-6000 during the summer. We are currently upgrading our website which will increase that activity on the web. The home page is an excellent opportunity for you to get your site known and be included with other established businesses and official local information. The Chamber has a direct link to the “Discover Outside Seattle” marketing program and provides other statewide tourism promotion of our area throughout the year with our members enjoying the benefit of those efforts. We promote our area at the Winter Snowmobile Expo each year, publish an Events Calendar for all Community events, facilitate, publish and distribute a winter Recreational Snowmobile Map of all groomed trails in the area. An important aspect of the organization is our board. This organization brings together a group of people that have a wealth of information and leadership. They represent a variety of businesses, bring their personal attributes, and provide a strong foundation for the Chamber organization. So don’t wait any longer, come join us now as we promote our area and build the local economy.

Executive Director As we enter this Thanksgiving Season, I do want to take some time to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the people that volunteer their time. Rather it be for the Chamber, City Councils, Mayors of all three cities, Fire Departments, School Boards, Hospital Boards, County Committees. A lot of volunteer time is spent on each of the above mention groups, and at times they can be thank-less positions to be in. But everyone need to remember their efforts and commitments are focused on making this a better place now and for our future generations. The Chamber Board is making efforts to reach out even further to get more involvement from our members. The first monthly luncheon meeting was held recently and many attended and enjoyed the informational presentation on the Horse Park. Each month a short presentation will accompany the luncheon or a topic will be presented for open discussion. I urge everyone to participate in the Annual Christmas in Cle Elum event which is the kick-off of our holiday Season. Take the time to visit our many area businesses for your holiday shopping they have stores full of unique and interesting gifts and some even gift-wrap. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and continue to be thankful for living in this area we call home…I Am ! Judy Tokarsyck Exec. Director Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber


The Chamber Board recently e-mailed a survey questionnaire to Chamber members. The reason for the survey is to help the us serve the members better and to take additional steps to fully engage the membership in their organization. We are interested in addressing as many issues as possible and to the best of our ability. Members were asked to answer questions and to rate several topics and activities in which the Chamber is currently involved. Thank you in advance for everyone’s quick response in returning the completed surveys. If you are a current Chamber member and for some reason you didn’t get the e-mail, please stop at the Chamber office.

Parade of Lights Entries Please stop at the Chamber office (401 West First St., Cle Elum) to sign-up for the Christmas in Cle Elum Light Parade. We have to have a hold Harmless Agreement signed by each entry. The judging will start at 4:30 p.m. and parade at 5:00 p.m. We ask that you line-up in the 500 block of East First Street facing west. The parade route is from First St. and Peoh Ave. to Oakes Ave. Only criteria: you have Lights on your entry –and have fun!

Chamber Board

Carpenter House Museum West Third St. & Billings Avenue


Derek Vaughan is starting his third year as a Chamber Board member. He has owned property here since 1981 and moved over full time in 2002. In 2003 Derek became manager of RE/MAX Alpine Realty and then in 2007 he bought it and became the current owner/broker. “I joined the chamber to help organize and promote our local events especially 4th of July and Christmas. I think this is a great place to live and I love working with the local business and trying to get them more involved in local events and promoting our area so we get more visitors.” Derek is the reason the City of Cle Elum has the current Christmas Decorations in the downtown area. The Chamber board purchased the decorations last holiday season and Derek worked with the City Crew and a City Council member to place the decoration throughout the downtown area. He is an active Board member and always willing to help with a variety of events.

Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber (509) 674-5958

Provided by City of Cle Elum Hotel Motel Funds


Claffey’s Painting

Cle Elum Dental Clinic

Fitterer’s Furniture

Life Support

Stewart Title of Kittitas Co.

711 S. Main Street Ellensburg • 509-925-1366

204 Ballarat Ave. North North Bend • 425-888-3634

311 East First St. Cle Elum • 509-674-2307

4th Ave. & Main Street Ellensburg • 509-925-9828

P.O. Box 264 South Cle Elum • 304-5055

208 West 9th St. Ellensburg • 509-933-4324

Alnita Engravers

Cle Elum Chiropractic

Comtronics Systems

Ellensburg Cement Products

Pioneer Coffee Roasting Co.

The Copy Shop

4240 Vantage Highway Ellensburg • 509-962-2866

120 East First St. Cle Elum • 509-674-4448

205 N. Harris Ave. Cle Elum • 509-674-7000

2121 Hwy. 97 Ellensburg • 509-933-7050

121 Pennsylvania Ave. Cle Elum • 509-674-4100

724 E. University Ave. Ellensburg • 509-962-2679


~Chamber Connection~ Upper Kittitas County Brochure Unveiled! We did it! The first Chamber tourism brochure produced in over twenty years was shown to the Board at the February meeting. It received many favorable reviews, comments and a round of applause. This promotional piece is an area overview that depicts Upper Kittitas County’s attributes as a “land of adventure”. Designing this custom brochure wasn’t an easy task with all the great things we have to promote here. We wanted this handout to offer great information to point visitors to local resources for more information without specifically promoting any business or activity over another. Rather than including dated information, like the separate annual calendar of events, its long range view extends its shelf life for many years. If you haven’t received copies of the “Land of Adventure” brochure and would like to have some to distribute in your business, at your event or send outside the area, please contact the Chamber office at (509) 674-5958 or stop by the office (410 W. First St., Cle Elum). We hope you enjoy and appreciate the efforts that are being made to promote our Upper County communities. A Big Thank You goes out to Chamber Executive Director Judy Tokarsyck and Terry Hamberg and Jana Stoner of Tribune Office Supply & Printing for the many hours they put in to create this awesome award-worthy brochure.

President’s Message Business After Hours is back!!! On February 10th we had our first event of 2010 at Gunner’s Coffee Cabin and Dolce Vita Face and Bodyworks, Candice and her team did a fantastic job hosting the event. As host, they had the opportunity to showcase their business to the 45-50 community members who were in attendance. Thanks to everyone that stopped in, we hope to see you and others at our next event. If you are interested in hosting a Business After Hours event please contact the Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber office or any Chamber board member. In other areas of activity; we are increasing the use of available technology and communication methods to provide faster, more frequent, relevant and up to date information to our membership. We continue to monitor the activities in Olympia and provide feedback in per-

son, by phone and via email to our legislators as the session moves along. The Chamber Board is also leveraging opportunities for coordination between community organizations and co-sponsorship of events to help stretch limited resources, the end result will be a brighter economic future for our community. If you are not currently a Chamber member I encourage you to come check us out, membership dues are $100/yr. That is less than $10/month to have your business included in the marketing, networking and special events that create activity, bring visitors and provide revenue for our community. Thank you for supporting our local businesses, we all benefit from it.

March Luncheon and Business Expo “Economic Development Seminar and Business Expo” co-sponsored by the Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber, UKC Rotary, Kiwanis and the Economic Development Group of Kittitas County. On Wednesday March 10, Tom Hudson one of the Principals from Collins Woerman, a 100 person architecture, planning and design firm in Seattle will be coming over to Suncadia to talk with the local community. Tom has an extensive background in rural development as well as working with and serving on many Main Street Boards. He will be presenting from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. using his past experience and knowledge to relate to our specific area. Tom will cover situations that he has encountered over the years and relate them to the Upper County. He will discuss raising funds in small communities and how he has worked with communities like ours and overcome obstacles of growth. Admission to the event will be $20 for the seminar and lunch. Also, business expo tables will be available for a $50 fee to promote your business during the seminar. Please buy your tickets now, or RSVP by Friday March 5. A no-host bar social will follow from 4:30-6:30 p.m. and take advantage of Suncadia’s Local Love 20% discount on dinner at the Lodge. To register and prepay, please go to www.brownpapertickets .com/event/99958 or send an e-mail to: swapluncheon @inlandnet.com to RSVP and pay at the door.

Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber of Commerce 401 W. First St. • Cle Elum, WA (509) 674-5958

www.cleelumroslyn.org Executive Director

David Bowen President, Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber

Feathernester Dinner & Auction Saturday, April 17 • The Lodge at Suncadia

Tickets $35.00 each The Committee is off and running with this year’s Feathernester Auction to be held April 17th at the Lodge at Suncadia. This is Chamber’s 27th Annual Feathernester Auction, and for those that may not know this auction was started by Gene Sandona (Mr Feathernester) as we called him, who sadly past away in 2009. We all miss him terribly, but we will continue to enjoy the event and have a good time in his memory, which is what he would want all of us to do. Gene was all about everyone having a good time. The Committee has picked “Price is Right” for the theme and have some great ideas and surprises planned. Tickets are available at the Chamber office, or from Committee and Board members. We encourage everyone to purchase your tickets early as we usually sell out before the event and they may not be available at the door. The donation request letters have been sent and the Committee will be contacting everyone soon. We do provide a printed program that evening so we encourage everyone to get your information in as soon as possible, we do want you to be in the program. The Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber of Commerce depends entirely upon donations from businesses and individuals. With membership dues $100 a year we have to rely on the auction as the funding source that keeps the Chamber in operation. The Chamber has expenses the same as every business, utilities, wages, insurance and taxes, and the auction proceeds are also used to fund the events that draw tourist and shoppers to our area. The Feathernester is an excellent opportunity for you to support our efforts in Upper Kittitas County. And we hope you will be able to join us this year.

BRAVO! CIAO!to Renee Hill, Patti Nicholson, Ron Dalle, the committee, and servers for all the work on last weekends Bagna Caulda festival. Bagna is a lot of preparation work and when you’re doing it for that kinda crowd it’s overwhelming. Many people have to be involved to make it all work and they had a good group of volunteers to make it happen. If you want to help next year get in touch with Patti, Renee or the Chamber office; you don’t have to be Italian - you can be an honorary Italian for the afternoon. It was reported everyone seemed to have a good time and had their fill of garlic for the year. It was said you could smell it down the street from the Eagles Hall. The dinner, music and drawings are Chamber sponsored and the Cle Elum Eagles Lodge provides the hall, which includes their bar. Thanks to all! For a job well done.

Chamber Board


home five years ago, and have lived here full time since 2008. This is her first year as a Board member. “The Chamber of Commerce provides a great opportunity to help promote businesses and


owner of The Crazy Quilt Shop located in downtown Roslyn, joined the Chamber of Commerce in 2008. Nancy and her husband Steve have owned property in the area since 1998, began building their


events in Cle Elum and Roslyn.” The Crazy Quilt Shop hosts Roslyn’s annual Crazy For Quilts show during the weekend prior to Labor Day weekend. The 2010 show will be the 2nd annual event, this year titled It’s a Family Tradition . “I encourage area business owners to join the Chamber and enjoy meeting new friends and getting involved in the community.”

At a recent Chamber Board meeting representatives of the W.S.D.O.T. updated the Board on the major reconstruction of Interstate 90. The project is slated to begin in April. Because of the Upper County being adjacent to I-90 any road construction always is of great interest. Last summer, I like many of you received the blunt comments from the traveling public concerning the delays and other problems they experienced while traveling over I-90. And there were many times I took a deep breath, smiled and stated “But it will be so nice when it’s done”. And the majority of the time they would end up agreeing. The state has broken the project into several phases with multiple construction contracts. Due to the weather-related short construction season the contracts are designed to overlap and reduce the impacts of the truck traffic and the traveling public. A Spokane based construction firm (Max J Kuney Co.) has recently been selected to do the work with a bid of $76 million, for the second construction phase. The bid came in lower than the engineering estimates by 30 percent. We can hope the Eastern Washington Company will hire at least some of the workers from our local area, which will assist in our local economy. Even if they are from out of our area, our local businesses do benefit because they do eat in our restaurants, stay in our motels, and buy gas at our stations while they are working here. With the current situation with our State economy, I, for one, was wondering what would really happen with this major construction project. I was aware this project had been approved many years ago but, with a lot of other cuts being made through-out the state budget, one never knows. So I feel we are fortunate that this project is still on track. W.S.D.O.T. personal reassured the Board that every effort will be made to limited the delays and they are planning to keep two lanes open in each direction during peak travel times. Drivers may experience single-lane closures during offpeak hours. They are encouraging travelers to check the WSDOT site www.wsdot.wa.gov/ traffic for up-to-date travel information. Also you can call 511 and or tune into 1610 am for the highway advisory radio station. At the meeting, they were reminded to make sure the Seattle news media is made aware that “Eastern Washington is open for business” during the project. At times in the past, the television stations have made the traffic and /or weather issues, on I-90 worse than they really are which discourages visitors to travel. And when you are out their being a traveler yourself, please remember to “Give Them A Break” as they say. They are all just trying to do their job the best they can, and remember how “nice it will be when it’s completed”. Judy Tokarsyck Executive Director, Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber


Airporter Shuttle

Cascade Rail Foundation

High Country Artist

Iron Horse Inn Bed & Breakfast

N. Kittitas County Tribune

Sapphire Skies

1416 Whitehorn Street Ferndale • 866-235-5247

801 Milwaukee Road South Cle Elum • 674-5939

302 West Third Street Cle Elum • 509-674-9766

526 Marie Avenue South Cle Elum • 674-5939

807 West Davis St., ste A101 Cle Elum • 509-674-2511

206 West First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-6828

––––––––– Cascade Funeral Home

––––––––– Gib’s Lodge

––––––––– Intermountain/RadioShack Dlr.

––––––––– John L. Scott Real Estate

––––––––– Roslyn Café

––––––––– Structural Designs Associates

201 N. Harris Avenue Cle Elum • 509-674-4445

231 White Fir Drive Ronald • 509-949-6633

208 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-5859

114 West First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-4495

201 West Pennsylvania Ave. Roslyn • 509-649-2763

2210 Hewitt Ave., ste. 401 Everett • 425-339-0293


~Chamber Connection~ Chamber Board


One of our newest Chamber Board Members Ron Dalle was born and raised in Cle Elum. Ron’s grandparents came from Italy and had one of the first grocery stores in Cle Elum in 1898. The Dalle roots are deep in the Upper County and they have been a part of the local business community for many years. After High School Ron was in the excavating business with his father for over 16

Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber of Commerce

years. But decided to venture out and so he went back to college And got a degree in civil engineering in 2003, and starting his own engineering firm Aamerican Engineering of course based in Cle Elum. Ron has been an active member of the Community. For 33 years he was a member, officer and EMT of the Cle Elum Fire Department. Currently he chairs the annual Sons of Italy Spaghetti Feed (April 10th) He also is a member of the Cle Elum Kiwanis and the Bagna Caulda Festival Committee. The Chamber is fortunate that he was elected to serve as a Board member and appreciates his sense of community and willingness to assist in many projects and events.

401 W. First St. • Cle Elum, WA (509) 674-5958


‘THE Join u s fo fun an r a night o PRICE f d fello wship game show d uring IS RIGHT!’ 27 our

Seminar and Biz Expo a BIG Success! Chamber After Hours Event

AFTER HOURS Our April “After Hours Gathering” will be held on


APRIL 22 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

On the tenth of March, the Chamber, Economic Development Group of Kittitas County, UKC Rotary Club and the Kiwanis hosted another great event – an Economic Development Seminar and Business Expo at Suncadia Lodge. We were privileged to have Mr. Tom Hudson, a veteran in rural economic development and Main Street programs conduct a four-hour seminar aptly titled, “Rural Economic Development – Main Street and Beyond.” His presentation, enjoyed by nearly 50 attendees, encompassed insights and “lessons learned” from Tom’s national experience – all which exuded relevance to the challenges and opportunities faced by our communities, especially Cle Elum and Roslyn. Post-seminar feedback was extremely positive and many commented on its timeliness with the VISION Cle Elum process. Tom was equally impressed with the gathering and level of membership and the community, including business after hours, luncheons and a continued speaker series. If you have suggestions for upcoming events, speakers, or business news, please contact the Chamber office. Thanks to all who participated in the seminar and expo and we look forward to seeing you and others at the next Chamber event. Our next Speakers Lunch is planned for May 5th. Details announced soon!

807 W. Davis St. suite 101-A

Cle Elum, WA Come tour Upper Kittitas County’s very own newspaper office and meet the Tribune staff as they guide you through the process of news and advertising production of this awardwinning community newspaper. Join us in helping them celebrate the one year anniversary in their new location at the Davis Street Center Plaza (near Safeway). Learn more about Tribune Office Supply & Printing services along with their niché area publications – Cascades MountainEcho magazine, annual Builders’ Planning Guide and Explore! Vacation Planner Guide of Kittitas County. Refreshments also served.

Feather l nester A


Although it may seem early to be mentioning it. But the Committees are starting to work on the Fourth of July celebration. Pioneer Days will be held on Saturday and Sunday July 3-4. Many of the events are already scheduled such as the Parade 10:00 on Saturday, Street Fair Saturday and Sunday, Bocci Ball and the Breakfast on Sunday to name a few. And if enough donations are received the fireworks with be at dark on the 4th. We would really like to encourage other groups and or organization to get involved with additional events that will enhance the weekend. The Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber organizes the Pioneer

T 3450 SUNCA SUNCADIA ★ 5:3 DIA T 0 p.m RAIL . ★ 6:3 0 p.m - No-Host S . - Din ner & ocial Aucti on



IL 17

avai EACH Cle E lum-R lable at the o s lyn 401 W . First Chamber o or fro m Fea ffice St., C ther Ryan Muns nester Com le Elum e Lita y( mit chairm t Cham an), N ee member Maggie bers, Ron s ancy D Bronk : alle, J Nelso am n, , and Ju Claudia Os ie Lunstad , m dy To karsy onovich, ck.

Executive Director

Days within the Upper County and provides the programs, advertising and help with the promotion. But, several other organization already participates with their own events throughout the week-end. We are very interested and encourage everyone to think about adding additional events to the festivities we can’t do it all! We would be elated to have additional activities for people, to enjoy as we celebrate our Nations Birthday. Please give it some thought, see what your group could do, and let us know at the Chamber office so we can include it. Help us make this the Best Fourth of July ever!

Board member efforts by engaging more community members were among the highest ranking suggestions. Sponsored events like Business After Hours, seminars and luncheons were also common requests. The messages are received, we are relaying ideas to the organizations most likely to be interested and able to follow through. To our credit we had began several efforts prior to receiving your advice. Increasing communication through enhanced e-mail messaging, a monthly newsletter in the Tribune, and events like luncheons and business after hours are well under way with great attendance. Joint ventures such as the Economic Development Seminar and Business Expo last week have been a success with 45+ attendees, made possible by the collaborative efforts of the Economic Development Group of Kittitas County, Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber, Cle Elum Rotary and Kiwanis International. Some things have remained constant, be proud of your community remembering the past but embracing the future, keep it clean, don’t fight amongst yourselves and be open for business. The underlying pride in the community was obvious and as always a pleasure to witness. Enjoy the change in weather and Thank You again for supporting your local businesses. David Bowen

President, Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber

As I enter another chapter of my life this year. I can’t help but think back to when I was a child and some of the “Pearls Of Wisdom” that was shared by relatives that are still so true. Living a frugal lifestyle isn’t about going back to a simpler time. Sure, some old-school common sense comes into play, but it’s more a way to live within your means and to waste less. And with the current situation of our economy probably many should give that some thought. What life-long lessons do you remember? I was fortunate to be raised close to both Grandma’s and some of these I remember all too well. Not saying I listened or understood them then, but all of a sudden they seem to ring true. I should have listened! Here’s a few you might recall – Save for a rainy day: Set some money aside or when you need it later such as an emergency or retirement. More importantly pay yourself first. Waste Not, Want Not: Think before you spend. Don’t be greedy. Take what you will use and not more then you need. Make the most of your resources. The Grass is not always Greener: Don’t compare yourself to others, often other situation look better than your own but, rarely are they any better. Appreciate what you have. Be content with who you are. Never forget where you came from: We are all in this world together. Help boost someone else when you can, and stay true to yourself. Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees: You have to work to earn money, it takes effort and isn’t instantly available and shouldn’t be taken for granted. A Stitch in Time saves Nine: Its better to handle issues early rather than later when it could get worse. A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned: Save some money. Saving small amounts of money bit by bit adds up and is as beneficial as earning it. Were you born in a Barn? Close the door. This was a reminder to close whatever door you had opened, house door, refrigerated door. Don’t let the heat or cold escape through an open door. And don’t leave a mess behind you no matter what it is. ~I know most of you heard the last one, especially my fellow 1950- born classmates. So that is my quick reflection into some of the past. Happy 60th Birthday to all the members of the CHS Class of 1968! Please accept my heartfelt good wishes to each of you as you also take this step into our next journey. Judy Tokarsyck Executive Director, Cle Elum/Roslyn Chamber



Barton Vacation Cabin

Cle Elum-Roslyn School Dist.

127 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-9797

101 Tom Write Road Ronald • 509-649-3386

2690 State Route 903 Cle Elum • 509-649-4850

––––––––– Bank of America

––––––––– Cavallini’s Pharmacy

––––––––– Flying Horseshoe Ranch

103 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-4406

106 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-2571

3190 Red Bridge Road Cle Elum • 509-674-2366



President’s Message The results are in!!! Thank you to those business owners and community members who completed our Chamber Survey. The timing was perfect as the Cle Elum Vision effort, fully endorsed by the Chamber, is now in full gear with several of our members joining the 120+ community volunteers and city staff determined to make a difference. Survey questions ranged from which community events do you feel are most important to what improvements would you like to see in our cities. We reviewed your answers and compared them with past years … as many of you know the same questions have been asked and answered for at least 25 years through various surveys and planning efforts. What is different this time? Many things, for one the Cle Elum Roslyn Chamber Board is determined to communicate the results to interested organizations and have began to follow through with many of your suggestions. Last week we shared the results with City of Cle Elum at their March 9th meeting – working our way through the list. The national and state economy was heavy on peoples minds with requests to focus efforts on influencing policy and being a stronger voice for the economy. Updated technology, increased communication and focusing the Chamber






th Annu a

High Country Outfitters & Camp Wahoo!


Jamie’s Depot

Stewart Lodge

110 East First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-5497

805 West First Street Cle Elum • 509-674-4548

––––––––– Inland Networks

––––––––– Jerrols’ Book & Supply Co.

––––––––– Upper Kittitas Co. Senior Cntr.

103 South Second Street Roslyn • 509-649-2211

111 East University Way Ellensburg • 509-925-9851

719 East Third Street Cle Elum • 509-674-7530

31711 Teanaway Rd., Cle Elum • 674-9554

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