OFFICIAL PROGRAM wodonga.vic.gov.au
Official program
Welcome to Australia Day 2019 We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we are meeting. We pay our respects to their Elders and to Elders from other communities who may be here today. On behalf of Wodonga Council and my fellow councillors, I am pleased to welcome you to Wodonga’s Australia Day celebrations for 2019. The national day has evolved over the years but the concept remains the same. Today is about bringing the community together to celebrate our great country and reflect on what it means to be an Australian. We are part of a wonderful country, a country of opportunity, and this celebration helps to unite us all. Australia Day is also a time to recognise those in our community who volunteer their time to many important organisations, groups and events, making our city a great place to live. We have some terrific Australia Day award winners who are great role models for our city. These recipients have displayed great qualities such as passion, commitment, leadership and a general positive attitude to thrive in their chosen endeavours. These winners deserve a pat on the back, well done. 2
I would also like to acknowledge and welcome the 33 Wodonga residents who will become Australian citizens today. It is a privilege to be part of our great nation, and this city, and we wish you all the best on what will surely be a memorable day for you and your families. Let us all join together as proud Australians and celebrate our national day.
Cr Anna Speedie Wodonga Mayor
Official program
Today’s program 7am
Free barbecue breakfast
Provided by Wodonga Council, Wodonga APEX Club. (Two Swans coffee available for purchase)
7.10am Wodonga Brass Band and Sing Australia Choir 8am
Grooveyard Hammond Combo
8.20am Officials, guests and audience to be seated 8.30am Citizenship ceremony ∙ Welcome speech and introduction of officials ∙ Raising of the flag by Wodonga Scouts ∙ Preamble to the Australian Citizenship Act 1948 ∙ Introduction of citizens and Pledge of Commitment ∙ Presentation of posies by Wodonga Girl Guides ∙ Public affirmation ∙ National anthem - Advance Australia Fair
Keynote Speaker by 2018 Wodonga Citizen of the Year, Uta Wiltshire
Australia Day awards ∙ Announcement and presentation of Wodonga’s Citizen
of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Organisation of the Year ∙ Closure of ceremony
Closing music by Grooveyard Hammond Combo ∙ Serving of Anzac biscuits
Official program
Activities 7am to 8.30am and 9.30am to 10.30am Face-painting Temporary tattoos Outdoor games for all ages Cricket, Totem Tennis, Badminton and Hula Hoops Little Kickers Soccer The Sustainability Activity Centre Interactive activity Thong throwing competition Old Kentucky mobile animal farm Make your own Vegemite and Fairy Bread Out Native Garden nursery: Plant your own seedlings and education talks Hand wavers and free fresh fruit Best dressed spot prizes (Prizes provided by Enviro Culture)
Displays Australia and Wodonga’s history SES Antique Car Club Albury Wodonga 4
Official program
To the Australian Citizenship Act 1948 Australian citizenship represents full and formal membership of the community of the Commonwealth of Australia; and, Australian citizenship is a common bond, involving reciprocal rights and obligations, uniting Australians, while respecting their diversity. Persons on whom Australian citizenship is conferred, enjoy these rights and undertake to accept these obligations:
∙ By pledging loyalty to Australia and its people, and, ∙ By sharing their democratic beliefs, and, ∙ By respecting their rights and liberties, and, ∙ By upholding and obeying the laws of Australia.
Today’s new citizens Today we acknowledge 33 residents of Wodonga who will be welcomed as new citizens of Australia. These new Australians hail from Hungary, India, Bhutan and further afield.
Official program
Public affirmation The affirmation is a statement of commitment to the values that all Australians share. It is based on the citizenship pledge, which all our new citizens have made this morning. The affirmation pledge is a voluntary statement. The Mayor will invite all those in attendance to read the affirmation as a way of expressing our national pride and spirit. Non-Australian citizens can join in at the second line.
Affirmation As an Australian citizen, I affirm my loyalty to Australia and its people, Whose democratic beliefs I share, Whose rights and liberties I respect, and Whose laws I uphold and obey.
Official program
Advance Australia Fair Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gift, of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair. Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, we’ll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours, renowned of all the lands; For those who’ve come across the seas, we’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine to Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Official program
Australia Day 2019 awards Citizen of the Year - Rupinder Kaur Highly regarded in the Wodonga community as a local hero, Rupinder encourages and empowers women of all backgrounds to speak up for their rights and confront domestic/family violence. After 13 years of an abusive marriage, Rupinder is an inspiration for other victims after gathering great courage to leave that situation and build a new life. Now the nursing graduate and second year law student is a community advocate for the prevention of family violence. Her dedication to the cause extends to rescuing girls and women exposed to family/domestic violence, providing them with shelter and food by allowing them to stay at her home until government services are made available. Rupinder always stays in touch to ensure their wellbeing. Rupinder does all of this on a volunteer basis. She has dedicated countless hours and efforts to overcome tough situations that victims find themselves in and works hard to link these women with service organisations which can help. Born in India, Rupinder came to Australia and settled in Wodonga in 2007. She became a proud Australian citizen in 2013. Rupinder believes women need a strong voice in the community and she is this voice as a White Ribbon advocate and a guest speaker on domestic/family violence issues at local events. As a graduate of Wodonga’s New Emerging Community Leadership Program in 2017, she took a pledge to dedicate her vision and mission to promote welfare within the community.
Official program
Young Citizen of the Year - Sheldon Smith Sheldon is an amazing young man who directs his considerable energy to helping others and serving his community. The 20-year-old is a great role model with his commitment to helping young people. His dedication to the local scout movement saw him receive the Queen Scout Award in 2017, the highest possible award in venturer scouting that requires more than 300 hours of service. Sheldon devoted nine years with the 3rd Wodonga Scout Group (and from now on as a cub leader). Each week, Sheldon can be found volunteering with Interchange where he spends time socialising and helping children with disabilities. For the past nine years, Sheldon has been heavily involved in fundraising for Red Shield appeals, cooking meals for Carevan and collecting donations for McHappy Day. In 2016, he was a finalist in the RED Carpet Youth awards for the Advocacy and Action category, and Individual Community Service category. The following year he won the Individual Community Service Award at the RED Carpet Youth Awards. Each week during school term, Sheldon is leading youth groups with the Thurgoona Community Centre and serving as a committee member with the Thurgoona Toastmasters to further develop his public speaking and leadership skills. In 2016, Sheldon received the Thurgoona Lions Club Community Young Person of the Year Award.
Official program
Community Organisation of the Year - 3rd Wodonga Scouts The 3rd Wodonga Scout Group has been an active member of the community for the past 48 years. Boasting more than 100 members, the scout group provides dynamic, challenging and adventurous programs which equips young people aged between five and 26 with life skills, including team work, responsibility and leadership. Group Leader Chris Pollard says being a part of the scouting movement gives young people the tools to develop into strong and resilient adults that have a strong focus on community participation. Originally opening at St Augustine’s School site, extensive fund-raising resulted in a hall being built on land leased from the council and the group moved to its current location in Lawrence St. Youth across all sections have achieved the highest level awards in their respective section. Most recently the group has had four Queen Scout recipients in the past two years. Another large achievement has been a 50 per cent increase in membership over the past ten years. The group has a strong focus on community service for both the youth members and the adult leaders. They have assisted many community organisations, such as acting as marshals for the Albury-Wodonga Motorcycle Club. They have also been involved with the Good Friday appeal for the past five years and helped the wider community raise much-needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital. They are also active participants in the Relay For Life, last year alone there was more than 40 members who raised more than $3000 to benefit the Cancer Council.
Official program
Proud supporters Wodonga Council thanks the following organisations Major sponsor
Specialists in all facets of environmental management
Supporting organisations
∙ Wodonga APEX Club ∙ Wodonga Girl Guides ∙ Wodonga Scouts ∙ Wodonga Brass Band ∙ Sing Australia Choir ∙ Wodonga SES ∙ Council volunteers The council acknowledges their support and sincerely thanks these groups for making the ceremony special. PLEASE NOTE: Photography will occur during the course of this event. Please inform a member of staff if you or your child does not wish to be photographed.
On 26 January 2019, the Australian Government will mark 70 years since Australian citizenship was introduced into law, creating for the first time a legal status of being uniquely Australian. For 70 years, citizens have been working together to build a strong, united and prosperous Australia. All citizens commit to Australia and its people, working together to increase the prosperity of our nation. In 2019 we celebrate the diverse stories of our citizens, the values that we share and the history we create together. Find out more at www.homeaffairs.gov.au/auscitz70