JUNE, 2016
Speci M 4al
Term 4
Saturday, September 22 Sessions running 9am, 10am, 11am, Noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm Belvoir Park, Wodonga Let your children have the times of their lives whilst getting active and testing their physical abilities these school holidays. Obstacool is an exciting event that travels the country sharing the fun and getting Aussie kids active! The Obstacool Course is made up of a mix of inflatable’s including our feature attraction, Big Bopper which is 40m long! Along with this, there are walls, tunnels, commando nets and more! Sessions run hourly giving participants 45 minutes of not stop action. Numbers are limited, so be quick to book your kids in early.
Kids Cooking Club
Tuesday, October 2, 10am to 12.30pm Felltimber Community Centre Ignite your child’s passion for cooking and allow them to build skills while they cook up a storm inside while it’s frosty and cold outside! $20 per child, $15 per additional sibling. Phone: (02) 6043 4550
Please wear suitable shoes for running and comfortable clothes Bookings essential: (02) 6022 9311 or thecubewodonga.com.au/ tickets Cost: $20 per child OR 3 children for $50 Ages: 5 to 12 years No payments taken on the day as bookings must be processed by Friday, April 13 with tickets collected from The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St, Wodonga.
Join the fun!
Kids Tool Boxes with Bunnings
Tuesday, September 25, 10am to 11.30am, Baranduda Community Centre Bring the kids along to learn how to build their own tool box. Bunnings supply all materials and will guide your child through the workshop. Bookings essential, limited places, phone (02) 6020 8643
Free, 5 to 14 only
Bunnings workshop
Thursday, October 4 10am
Felltimber Community Centre Paint and design your rocks to brighten up your garden or join the ‘Albury Wodonga Rocks’ craze, by hiding them around the local parks for someone else to find. Our local artist Linda Keevers will be there to assist with designs. Bookings essential, phone (02) 6043 4550, Free
Self-defence for kids Krava Maga
Tuesay, September 25, noon to 2pm Baranduda Community Centre
A fun and interactive workshop for children in a supportive environment. Please wear comfortable clothes.
Booking essential, phone (02) 6020 8643 $10
SPRING, 2018
GRANTS FOR PROJECTS, EVENTS CityLife is Wodonga Council’s monthly publication and is delivered around Wodonga. Approximately 20,000 copies are printed each month by Newsprinters, Shepparton. CityLife is delivered by Australia Post. CONTACT US Office: 104 Hovell St, Wodonga Post: PO Box 923, Wodonga, VIC 3689 Phone: (02) 6022 9300 Fax: (02) 6022 9322 Email: info@wodonga.vic.gov.au Website: wodonga.vic.gov.au
/wodongacouncil /wodongacouncil /wodongacouncil /wodongacouncil wod.city/wod-enews
Arts Space Wodonga Cnr Lawrence and Hovell St (Mon to Fri, 10am to 5.30pm, Sat 9am to noon)
Council meetings are open to the public. The next meetings are scheduled for September 17, October 15, November 18 and December 10. Meetings are held in the council chambers, ground floor, city offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga and livestreamed via YouTube and commence at 6pm. Agendas can be downloaded from the council’s website the Friday prior to the meeting.
Baranduda Community Centre 3 Sage Court, Baranduda (Mon to Fri, 9am to 2pm) Belgrade Ave Community Centre 12 Belgrade Ave, Wodonga Felltimber Community Centre 189 Melrose Dr, Wodonga (Mon to Fri, 9am to 3pm) The Cube Wodonga 118 Hovell St, Wodonga Mon to Fri, 10am to 4pm Wodonga Library 126 Hovell St, Wodonga (Mon to Fri, 10am to 5.30pm, Sat 9am to noon) CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Interested in applying for a position with the council? Register your details at wodonga.vic.gov. au/vacancies to receive job alerts about current vacancies. SUSTAINABILITY CityLife is printed on recycled paper, which is made up of 20 to 40 per cent of recycled fibre from old newspapers. It can also be re-added as a recycled fibre after use.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY In the spirit of reconciliation, Wodonga Council acknowledges the traditional owners of this land on which it stands, and pays its respects to their Elders past, present and future, for they hold the memories, the traditions and the culture of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. CITYLIFE ONLINE Read and share CityLife online at wod.city/CurrentCityLife To subscribe to the online version, register at wod.city/wod-enews. CITYWATCH Pay any council bill or report a problem online 24/7 with our mobilefriendly service CityWatch: wod.city/WC-CityWatch
To contact the CityLife editor, please email citylife@wodonga.vic.gov.au
Reserve signage, garden tools, theatre and a community Christmas lunch are just some of the projects to benefit from the latest round of Wodonga Council’s Community Impact Grants. In the July round of the community impact grants, almost $30,000 was awarded to 12 groups to deliver a range of programs and events. The successful projects from the July round were the following. • Rotary Club of Bellbridge Lake Hume for the Lake Hume Cycle Challenge • Association of Ukranians in Victoria for the Back to Bonegilla event
• University of the Third Age for the Basic Concepts in Economics course • Life Saving Victoria for the Open Water Learning Experience program for young people aged between 8 and 18 • Birallee Park Neighbourhood House for the Our Table to Your community cooking program • Services for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors for the development of a Congolese Women’s support group.
It’s your first stop Wodonga Council is excited to deliver a new place where you can read more about what our city has to offer, as well as the people and places that make Wodonga a great place to live.
their media releases to media@wodonga.vic.gov.au.
In July, Council launched its new news website called Platform 3690, where we are publishing stories daily from Monday to Friday.
The change was informed by the Community Satisfaction Survey and the council’s user and events surveys which shows the community prefers to get its information from other channels such as social media and e-newsletters.
Platform 3690 is your first stop to find out what is happening at council and in the community. There is a section for community groups and organisations to send in media releases about their events or programs. Community groups can send
• Rotary Club of Wodonga Central for the Senior Citizens Christmas luncheon
CityLife changed to quarterly editions after councillors voted for the change at May’s council meeting.
You can also stay up to date on Facebook, download our WotsOn app or sign up for e-newsletter at wod.city/e-news. PLATFORM 3690 news.wodonga.vic.gov.au
• Murray Conservatorium for a music education and performance program • Speedforce Sessions for Speedforce on Screen • Our Native Garden Nursery for equipment and tools to use at the garden • Clyde Cameron Reserve Group for interpretative signs • Wodonga Urban Landcare for start-up support for new focused “Friends of” groups The next round of grants will be open in February next year. MORE INFORMATION wodonga.vic.gov.au
CUP HOLIDAY REMINDER Wodonga will mark a public holiday on Friday, November 30 for the Wodonga Gold Cup. The Gold Cup public holiday aims to support the Wodonga and District Turf Club in creating a premier event for the city and allows residents to enjoy their local race meeting. This year the council voted for a extension in lieu of Melbourne Cup Day. No shop trading restrictions apply to Melbourne Cup Day or to public holidays appointed in lieu of the day.
SPRING, 2018
Wodonga’s Senior Celebrations from October 8 to 21 is fast approaching. From dancing and croquet lessons to a tribute show featuring Nikki Nicholls honouring Carole King songs – Wodonga Senior Celebrations has something for all tastes. Make sure to check the program inside this edition of Citylife to see if you need to book for the event you wish to attend.
Works progressing on WAVES tiling
The tiling is being done in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and is subject to the weather, in that it can’t be too cold or too hot.
Bookings can be made via The Cube Wodonga by calling (02) 6022 9311 or visit The Cube Wodonga box office at 118 Hovell St from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
Once the tiling is complete, there will be a period of curing ahead of the pool set-up procedure getting under way including filling, chlorination and heating which takes up to 20 days.
Alternatively, go to thecubewodonga.com. au/tickets
The decision to undertake the works in the off-season was to minimise the disruption to community and groups.
Wodonga Senior Celebrations coincides with the Victorian Seniors Festival each year in October and recognises the wonderful contribution older people make to our community.
Four facility access in new membership
For more information call the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre on (02) 6058 2555 or visit alburywodongaaquatics. com.au.
Bookings for all events open on Monday, September 17.
Belvoir Park
#loveWodonga #wodprojects #cityheart
rn St
y lley Hw
Albury Wodonga Community College
South St
BLUE: CBA access road GREEN: Inner ring road St
h St
Chur ch St
Hove ll
Shopping Centre (Mann Central)
Elgin Blvd
n Bl vd
Department of Human Services Huon Hill Tavern P
Liverpool Ln
Shopping Centre (Wodonga Plaza) P
Visitor Centre
Boronia Pl
Railway St
Quest Apartments
Council Office
l St
The Cube Wodonga P
Residential area
Stanley St CFA
n St
Hume St
Motorists are encouraged to take advantage of the inner ring road network (right) for the quickest and easiest movement around the city.
Smythe St
Water tower
WC Senior Citizens’ Library Centre Arts TAFE Space Space
Commercial area Main shopping area Civic / Community
Lawrence St
Lawrence St
Alternate parking
Hume St
William St
Suggested walking route
Residential area
FOR MORE INFORMATION cityheart.wodonga.vic.gov.au
Nilmar Av
4mins 200m
Woodland St
Beechworth Rd
The community is encouraged to continue to support local businesses –
familiar faces, great service, support local.
High St
This final stage of works includes the reconstruction of High St from Lawrence St to Banovic Lane and will take place from January 15, 2019 to May 30, 2019.
This works period is the shorter construction option that was available of the two that were presented in the tender and the preferred option of traders who were surveyed earlier this year.
Watson St
The tender for the final stage of construction of High St has been awarded.
The popularity of the festival has grown in recent years.
Murra y Va
“There are different price points for the various ages
If you have visited the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre recently you may have noticed the new and improved change room facilities opposite the health club area.
New, non-slip flooring was installed in the aquatic change rooms, with visitors and members also set to benefit from ongoing renovations to the upstairs fitness and gym facilities.
Chur ch St
Albury Wodonga Aquatic Facilities Transition Manager Ben Tudhope said one membership across all four facilities was a positive for the community.
and circumstances, so we encourage people to contact us so that we can help them choose the right one for them,” he said.
The company will manage the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre, Wodonga WAVES, Albury Swim Centre and Lavington Swim Centre for the next five years
and has incorporated one membership across the four facilities.
Aligned Leisure, the new manager of the four Albury Wodonga aquatic facilities, has been flooded with positive feedback since its takeover in July.
Have lock
Aligned Leisure are working with all user groups regarding the start of season
In the event WAVES is unavailable, users will be able to use the Albury Swim Centre which will open on September 17 or the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre.
Stringent assessments and intensive testing are being undertaken as the tiles are laid.
Anne St
Works are moving at a good rate but rain had slowed progress and could mean a slightly later start for the regular season opening.
and available space across the Albury Wodonga Aquatic Facilities.
Ethe l Ln
Wodonga Council is aiming to open the WAVES outdoor pool in time for the start of the swim season following the retiling works that are taking place over the break.
Mit ch
Accessible toilet Signalised crossing
Accessible parking
SPRING, 2018
LOGIC SOLAR FARM INTEREST Wodonga Council will enter into the legislative process to lease land at Logic to Wodonga Solar Power. The company has been working with the council for the past 12 months to identify a site for the development of a solar farm. It wants to lease the land at the corner of Tom Tanners Rd and Eames Rd, and Lady Franklin Rd for 25 years with a further option of 24 years.
Speed limit changes adopted Following 24 submissions and almost 100 Facebook comments to the speed limit review this year, the council will be applying to VicRoads for approval for five speed limit changes across the city.
The effect of the proposed changes to travel times for each of the proposals can be measured in seconds, however, the positive effect of improved safety for other road users is significant.
The changes came from advice from the Traffic Liaison Committee that considers all matters relating to road safety, including speed limits.
The adopted changes are:
Road safety in the Wodonga community is a significant focus and the review of speed limits is a key factor in maintaining high road safety requirements.
• To extend the existing 60km/h speed limit 400m westwards on Huon Creek Rd. This will also require the existing 80km/h speed limit to be moved an equal amount in a westerly direction; • To extend the 70km/h speed limit on Felltimber Creek Rd, which currently
terminates west of the McGaffins Rd intersection, a distance of approximately 800m to south of Coyles Rd; • To extend the existing 50km/h speed limit 300m past the new intersection of Hampshire Blvd; • To extend the existing permanent 60km/h speed limit 1200m to the end of the Westmont aged care facility; and, • To implement a timed 40km/h speed zone in Lawrence St from Campaspe St through to Drage Rd. Parkers Rd from 100m
south of Lawrence St into Moorefield Park Drive to the intersection with Ambrose Court and Drage Rd from the roundabout to the existing 40km/h timed school speed zone east of Iron Way. Council officers will also seek approval from VicRoads for the “End 80” sign on Baranduda Boulevard to be replaced with a 100km/h sign following feedback that showed confusion on what the sign meant. An application will now be made to VicRoads to install new signage for the changes.
Under the Local Government Act, the council is required to undertake a process to notify its community of the intention to lease the land and accept submissions on the proposed lease. The chosen site is of significant size to cater for such a facility and a long-term lease will enable the company to invest significant capital for this venture. Wodonga is a highly suitable location for solar photovoltaic developments, due to its solar irradiance levels and proximity to grid infrastructure. TO KEEP UP TO DATE VISIT news.wodonga.vic.gov.au
0417 138 938 aspeedie@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0466 731 179 kbennett@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0466 731 180 lhall@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0466 731 181 dlowe@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0466 731 182 rmildren@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0466 731 183 tquilty@wodonga.vic.gov.au
0428 325 377 jwatson@wodonga.vic.gov.au
COUNCIL MEETINGS Council meetings are open to the public. The next meetings are scheduled for September 17, October 15, November 18 and December 10. Meetings are held in the council chamber, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga and livestreamed via YouTube and commence at 6pm. Agendas can be downloaded from the council’s website the Friday prior to the meeting. 4
SPRING, 2018
Cinema plans revealed Junction Place has hit several key milestones, including the lodgement of a planning application for a $70 million cinema and entertainment facility. The proposed development comprises a 10-screen cinema offering in excess of 2000 seats, an amusement centre, restaurants and national food and beverage operators. Subject to the council’s planning approval process, Central Place will deliver Wodonga’s first cinema in partnership with United Cinemas – which has an established presence in NSW, WA and QLD. The cinema and entertainment facility is
will double the size of Wodonga’s central business district. The project will also deliver a four-star hotel and conference centre, commercial office space, residential housing and a market hall.
United Cinemas Sam and Roy Mustaca, Central Place’s Clinton Williams, Jaclyn Symes and Cr Anna Speedie with the cinema plans.
expected to commence construction in mid to late 2019, subject to planning and finance approval. Junction Place is being delivered by the Victorian Government through Development Victoria, in partnership with local
developer Central Place and in collaboration with Wodonga Council. The project is bringing new life to the former historic railway station and rail yards in central Wodonga. When completed, the project
The first stage of the precinct revitalisation saw the delivery of public open spaces (The Promenade and Junction Square) and refurbishment of heritage buildings on site, which now feature award-winning restaurants and cafes, creating a food and beverage precinct in the city centre. FOR MORE INFORMATION development.vic.gov.au/ projects/wodonga
Family mark Jack Hore Way opening
Bond St in the Junction Place development was renamed in honour of the late Shire President after the realignment of Elgin Boulevard.
The new green space fronting Elgin Boulevard will be the reinstatement of the Richardson name to the city centre and is fully funded by the federal and state governments and delivered by the council. Richardson Park will join Junction Square and The Promenade as open spaces in Junction Place. ALIVE WITH POSSIBILITIES
The five community members and a representative from the Department of Water, Environment, Land and Planning met with Chief Executive Officer Patience Harrington representing the council; with apologies from the CFA and the Aboriginal community. The group spent the first meeting undertaking some administrative tasks, confirming the Terms of Reference and agreeing on the schedule for future meetings, which will be held fortnightly for the next few months.
Chair Colin Elliott said the group was looking forward to getting on with the task at hand.
Cr Anna Speedie and Jaclyn Symes are joined by Ross and Colin Hore while members of the Hore family look on to officially open the newly named Jack Hore Way. Pictures: PETER CHARLESWORTH | Development Victoria
Central green space works start Works on Richardson Park have begun after the tenders were awarded to contractors at the July council meeting.
The Wodonga Hills Advisory Group met for the first time last month to start the process of implementing the Wodonga Hills Strategy and Master Plans.
The next several meetings will be rigorous review of documents and workshops with council officers, followed by a series of visits to individual hill sites.
Jack Hore’s family joined Wodonga Mayor Cr Anna Speedie and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes for the official renaming of Jack Hore Way.
Mr Hore received an MBE for his service to the community and held a council seat for 32 years as well as being involved in many community organisations.
City Hills Advisory Group under way
The park will further add to the amenity where families are able to gather and enjoy and include green space, trees, seating and an interactive water feature. Replacing the current parking, new car parking will be available behind the rail building and off the new Aurora Way, accessed via Smyth and Watson streets. The project is expected to be completed by December, subject to weather.
“I am really look forward to working with my colleagues to bring about some great outcomes for the protection and enjoyment of our hills,” Mr Elliott said. “Everyone around the table is passionate about the hilltops and each of them bring a range of skills and perspectives to our discussion. “Over the next two months we will be about getting our heads around the strategy, around the landscape and then getting down to what our key role is in this strategy; to advise council about priorities.” A motion to form an advisory group was part of the resolution adopting the strategy and plans in October 2017. Mr Elliott is joined by Lucy Widdup, Isuru Gamage, Joy Sloan and Adam Dyde. CITYLIFE
WHAT’S ON Regular events
Foundry658 Roadshow Thursday, September 6 6pm Wodonga Library
Just Paint
Wednesdays, Vic school terms 4pm to 5pm Age: Primary and secondary Cost: $10 per child per session Arts Space Wodonga
Archetypes and Land: Spiritual Belonging
Fern print, 2017, Bärbel Ullrich, mixed media on paper, 53cm (H) x 53cm (W).
Art Buzz
Bärbel Ullrich Exhibition Opening Saturday, September 8 2pm Arts Space Wodonga
Wodonga Skate Park Comp
Fridays, Vic school terms 10.30am to 11.30am Age: Three to five year olds Cost: $5 per family Arts Space Wodonga
Sunday, September 9 From 11am. Cost: Free James Scott Memorial Skate Park Pearce St, Wodonga
Red Racing Hood
Neighbourhood Barbecues
Friday, September 14, 5.30pm Saturday, September 15, 11am Bookings essential The Cube Wodonga
Tuesdays and Thursdays during daylight savings months 6pm to 8pm. Free To host a barbecue in your street contact (02) 6022 9356
CreateAbility Workshop
Wednesday, September 19 10am to 2pm Cost: Free The Cube Wodonga
Hub 126
Tuesdays, September 4 and 18, October 16 and 30, and November 13 and 27 4pm to 5pm Wodonga Library
Artist Talk - Bärbel Ullrich
Book of Creation (detail), 2017, Bärbel Ullrich, mixed media and print on calico, 350cm (H) x 180cm (W).
Saturday, September 15 10am Cost: Free, morning tea provided Arts Space Wodonga
Pirates Ahoy!
Wednesday, September 19 10.30am and 3.30pm to 5pm Wodonga Library
Young Writers
Thursdays, September 6 and 20 4pm to 5pm Age: 8 to 14 Wodonga Library
No Hands
Monday, September 10, October 8 and 22, and November 5 and 19 4pm to 5pm. Age: 7+ Wodonga Library
Tuesday, September 11, October 9 and 23, and November 6 and 20 4pm to 5pm. Age: 7+ Wodonga Library
Anime and Manga Club
Thursdays, September 20, October 18 and November 15 5.30pm to 7.30pm Age: High school Cost: $5 for pizza Wodonga Library
Pop Culture Club
Thursdays, September 13 and November 8 5.30pm to 7.30pm Wodonga Library
Christine Sayer/Castlemaine State Festival
Thursday, September 20 7.30pm Bookings essential The Cube Wodonga
Spring School Holidays Tours
Saturday, September 22 to Sunday, October 14, 11am and 2pm daily Ages: All Bonegilla Migrant Experience
Cosmic Curios
Space slime Tuesday, September 25 Investigating craters Thursday, September 27 Wodonga Library
Bärbel Ullrich inspired holiday printing workshop Wednesday, September 26 2pm to 4pm Arts Space Wodonga
Wednesday, September 26th, 8pm, Thursday, September 27th, 8pm Friday, September 28th, 8pm, Saturday, Sept 29th, 2pm and 8pm The Cube Wodonga
Special Term 4
9am, 10am, 11am – 5 to 12 years Noon - 12 and over 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm - all ages
Saturday, September 22 Belvoir Park, Wodonga The amazing physical challenge for kids returns, and this time it is open to grownups as well. Can you challenge your child? Obstacool is an exciting event that travels the country sharing the fun and getting people active! The obstacool course is made up of a mix of inflatable’s including our feature attraction, Big Bopper which is 40m long! Along with this there are walls, tunnels, commando nets and more! Sessions run every hour giving participants 45 minutes of non stop action. Face painting, food and entertainment on the day. Numbers are limited, so be quick to book in early.
Kids Cooking Club Tuesday, October 2, 10am to 12.30pm Felltimber Community Centre Ignite your child’s passion for cooking and allow them to build skills while they cook up a storm inside! Cost: $20 per child, $15 per additional sibling. Phone: (02) 6043 4550
Please wear suitable shoes for running and comfortable clothes Bookings essential: (02) 6022 9311 or thecubewodonga.com.au/ tickets Cost: $20 per child OR 3 or more for $16.50 each Ages: 9am to 11am: 5 to 12 years. Noon: 12 and over. 1pm to 4pm: All ages Book online to reserve your tickets. Limited tickets available on the day.
Join the fun!
Spring gardening with Bunnings Thursday, October 4, 10am Felltimber Community Centre Lean what is in season and how to care for them in an easy hands on workshop. This is an all ages and abilities session. Bookings essential, phone (02) 6043 4550 Cost: Free
Kids Tool Boxes with Bunnings Tuesday, September 25, 10am to 11.30am Baranduda Community Centre Bring the kids along to learn how to build their own tool box. Bunnings supply all materials and will guide your child through the workshop. Bookings essential, limited places, phone (02) 6020 8643 Cost: Free Ages 5 to 14
Physical Fun with Amity Fitness Tueday, September 25, noon to 2pm Baranduda Community Centre Have fun, get active and learn some martial arts in a safe and friendly environment. Wear comfortable clothes, bring a snack and drink bottle. Bookings essential, phone (02) 6020 8643 Cost: $10 - Ages 8 to 12
Baranduda Term 4 Key Word Sign Saturday, October 27, 9am to 4pm Always wanted to learn Key Word Sign? We have a qualified trainer coming to Baranduda! Key Word Sign is the combination of manual signs and natural gesture, used to support communication. It is designed for use with children and adults who have communication difficulties. Bookings essential
Responsible Service of Alcohol (VIC) Monday, October 1, 6pm to 10pm
Cost: $150 (Includes Getting started with Key Word Sign Resource (Auslan Edition). Full payment must be recieved to secure your place. Payments are refundable until Thursday, October 25, cancellations after this date will occur a $50 fee.
Sunday, October 21, 9am to 1pm, Sage Court, Baranduda Spring has Sprung!!! Join us for our Spring Markets in Sage Court Baranduda Food, Music, Entertainment and Stalls! Great day out for families and kids! Free entry, alcohol free event
This course is for anyone who works in hospitality and requires their Victorian Responsible Service of Alcohol. All participants will obtain an RSA certificate and be able to serve alcohol legally in Victoria. Bookings essential Cost: $70
BoomShakaBoom Early Childhood Music Wednesdays during school terms October 10 to December 12 10am to 11am
Connect with Technology Tuesday’s during school terms October 9 and 23, November 6 and 20, December 4 and 11, 11am to 12.30pm Do you want to feel empowered in the digital world we live in? Are you someone who wants to learn about your device? Bring along your laptop, mobile phone or smart device. Bookings essential Cost: $5 per session
These music classes are fun and vibrant, bursting with creativity and imagination. Mums and dads will discover the joy of all the old nursery rhymes and learn some fun, interactive songs you can share with your children. Bookings essential Cost: $5 per family, 0 to 5 years.
Sip and Splatter Friday, November 16, 6.30pm to 9.30pm Join us for some messy fun at our Sip & Splatter evening class. A social night out to create and make your own piece of artwork! All materials supplied. BYO drinks.
Tai Chi
Bookings essential Cost: $40 per person
Tuesdays, October 9 to December 11 9.30am to 10.30am
Monday Playgroup at Baranduda Community Centre
Clear your mind, energise your body, build core strength and learn breathing techniques to slow down the ageing process. Our qualified tutor Carol Smith will teach you how to benefit from traditional Yang style Tai Chi and Qi Gong to assist you in living a full and healthy lifestyle.
9.30am to 11.30am Mondays during school terms
Bookings essential Cost: $10 per session
For more information or to make a booking, please visit us at: 3 Sage Crt, Baranduda. Phone (02) 6020 8643 or email cbaranduda@wodonga.vic.gov.au. Opening hours: Office open from 9am to 2pm, Monday to Friday.
The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St. Sunday 21st at 2pm. Special price of $20 for Seniors Card holders. Bookings required. By popular demand the I.G. Big Band is back for it’s 5th year. With big music and big stars this is a must to close the celebrations for 2018. Join us at The Cube Wodonga after you’ve enjoyed the Sunday Lunch. 8
The Cube Courtyard, 118 Hovell St. Sunday 21st at 12pm. $10. Bookings required. Complete the celebrations with a delicious BBQ lunch and sweet treats catered by Life Activities Club. Prizes, drinks at bar prices and music by Gavin Slater. Limited seats, so hurry! Want more? See below for a special rate available for I.G. Big Band after lunch.
Willow Park, Pearce St. Sunday 21st at 9.30am. FREE. For info call 0410 074 900. Friends of Willow Park are a community group that loves our parks and open spaces and look to involve others in preserving our park. This is a morning of light gardening followed by a delicious morning tea. Bring gardening gloves and meet at the BBQ next to Pearce St. car park.
Wodonga Masonic Centre, 15 Elgin Blvd. Sunday 21st from 9am to 4pm. $5. For info call 0413 188 375. Come along and bring your friends and be amazed at the award winning irises on display. Morning or afternoon tea on offer. Iris rhizomes will be on sale and members available to answer questions. Presentations and raffle drawn at 3pm.
The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St. Saturday 20th at 11am and 1pm. Special offer for Seniors Card holders - all tickets $18 if purchased in one transaction. Live on Stage! Seniors and their young friends, join Mouse and let your imagination run wild with songs, laughter and fun. Ages 3+
Les Stone Park, Lawrence St. Saturday 20th at 10am. FREE. Call 0490 432 424 for more information. Tour our bicycle paths with an easy 15km ride through Wodonga’s most picturesque parks and public areas. You will need to bring your own bicycle. Afterwards enjoy a BBQ and social chat with other bicycle riders at Les Stone Park.
Wodonga RSL Club, 29 Reid St. Friday 19th at 12pm. $15. Bookings required on (02) 6024 2023. Enjoy time with friends, over a two course lunch with Jim Parker, a local identity speaking about Wodonga’s history. Tea/coffee supplied, drinks at bar prices.
IN O Senior Citizens’ Centre, Havelock St. Thursday 18th from 7.30pm to 10pm. CTO BER $5. Bookings required on (02) 6024 2865. New vogue and old time dance, bring a friend or just yourself. Music by Adie and supper included. Every Thursday.
Supporting sponsors
ful u to the wonder A huge thank yo o facilitate wh s er te volun this service.
tion by gold coin dona
th for October 8th to 19 a d ga an Barandud events in Wodon ntial e bookings esse 48-hour advanc ai 530 or em l Phone 1300 704 u ttingthere.net.a amwodonga@ge pm 30 2. 30am to Operating from 9.
Major sponsor
Gettin g yo u there!
Community partner
Monday, September 17th
October 8th to 21st
2018 Program
OCTOBER 8 to 21* Keep this program handy to plan your celebrations wod.city/Senior-Celebrations *Wheels at Westmont, October 27
Thank you!
bookings for the event are to be made via The Cube Wodonga. Call (02) 6022 9311 or visit The Cube Wodonga box office at 118 Hovell St from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Or go to thecubewodonga.com.au/tickets
This symbol means
Key - your guide to the events
Bonegilla Migrant Experience, 82 Bonegilla Rd, Bonegilla. Tuesday 16th at 10am. $16. Bookings required via The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St, Wodonga. An illustrated talk by historian Bruce Pennay from Charles Sturt University, reviewing the kind of stories people bring to or take from the former reception centre. You are invited to come, hear and join in the discussion. Also take a guided tour to discover the reasons Block 19 is on the National Heritage List and conserved as a public memory place.
St. Ives Hotel, Lincoln Causeway. Wednesday 17th at 12pm. $12. Bookings required on (02) 6041 2626. Get a group together and come along to enjoy good food and great fun with comedy shows of yesteryear on the big screen. Bill Williams hosts the luncheon, with anecdotes to keep you entertained.
Wodonga Library, Hovell St. Wednesday 17th at 10.30am. FREE. Enquiries on (02) 6022 9330. Remember those nursery rhymes you used to sing with your children? Come along to re-sing them with your grandchildren. With stories and craft!
The Hume Bank Butter Factory Theatre, Gateway Village. Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th and Friday 19th, all 8pm. $49, conc., $40 (plus $3 booking fee). Bookings required on (02) 6021 7433. An epic tale of adventure and redemption, ingeniously exploring a subject matter close to the hearts of families the world over – the state of dementia. Created through a stunning blend of puppetry, mask, animation and live performance, it has played to critical acclaim in Australia, Japan, Taiwan and the UK.
14 Riversdale Place, West Wodonga. Wednesday 17th from 9am to 6pm. FREE entry for seniors, gold coin entry for public. For group bookings contact Maria on 0413 188 375. See the biggest iris display in Victoria and Southern NSW. There’s new introductions and future releases by local hybridiser Tim Taylor and plants available to purchase. Free tea and coffee.
Felltimber Community Centre, 189 Melrose Dve. Tuesday 16th at 7.30pm. FREE. Enquiries on 0447 035 725 or email secretary@wodongafamilyhistory.org Ann Copeland, Senior Librarian at the State Library of Victoria talks about what they offer to help you trace your family history, and how to access things like British newspapers online free of charge.
Westmont Aged Care Services, 265 Baranduda Boulevard. Saturday 27th from 10am to 2pm. FREE. Call (02) 6043 9999 for further information. Enjoy a display of classic vehicles, along with stalls and entertainment. Partake in refreshments that are available for a small fee and join a guided tour of our villas.
HIGH TEA AND OPEN DAY Conway Funeral Home, 20 South St. Wednesday 10th at 1pm. $25. Bookings required on (02) 6024 1093. Visit us and enjoy a delicious high tea in the garden catered by Geoffrey Michael Patissier. Look around and ask the staff any questions.
WODONGA TRAVEL WINE AND CHEESE INFORMATION NIGHT Wodonga Travel, 86 High St. Wednesday 10th at 5pm. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6024 3422. Enjoy fabulous local wine and cheese. Use our expertise to get the best value holiday. Discover how to get a free holiday if you get a group of friends to travel together. Our team looks forward to meeting you.
HEARING 101 - BY ESSENCE AUDIOLOGY The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St. Monday 8th at 12.15pm. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6060 2666. An informative session about ears, hearing and how to access local hearing services. You can speak to an Audiologist, ask questions and get useful tips. Don’t miss this opportunity, limited seats available!
THE SONGS AND STORIES OF CAROLE KING The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St. Monday 8th at 11am. FREE. Book via The Cube Wodonga. Morning tea at 9.45am. Be welcomed by Sing Australia, Creative Learners and the Fruit Bats. Then former John Farnham backing singer Nikki Nicholls will honour Carole King with her tribute show, presenting a collection of legendary songs - the soundtrack of our lives.
Gateway Village, Lincoln Causeway. Wednesday 17th from 10am to 2pm. FREE entry. Enquiries on (02) 6022 9281. Come and explore! There’s delicious special offers from La Maison Café. Find out about HotHouse theatres latest show. Discover the Sustainable Activity Centre and join the Boomerang Bags working bee at 10am. Visit Burraja - a cultural heritage and environmental centre. Performances by Musikids. Sausage sizzle from 11am. Shop for quality art and craft gifts or just browse through the galleries including Creator’s Artspace, GIGS Fine Art Gallery and the Woodcrafters Cottage. Meander along the Murray River, plus much more.
Belvoir Park, Reuss Rd. Sunday 14th at 11am. FREE. Enquiries on (02) 6022 9300. Bring the family, your own chairs and your pizza ingredients and Apex Wodonga will cook your pizza creations for you.
Sumsion Gardens, Sunday 14th at 10am. Please bring a $5 donation. Enquiries on (02) 6051 7440. Come and join our annual walk at Sumsion Gardens. Help support people living with Parkinson’s and their families, and raise much needed funds towards research.
The Cube Courtyard, 118 Hovell St. Monday, Oct 15, 1.30pm. $2. Enquiries to Senior Citizens’ Centre on (02) 6024 2865. Join local musicians and singers from Wodonga Entertainment Group. Pop in between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Song books are available so you can follow along.
Belvoir Park, Huon St. Monday, October 15, 11.30am. $10. Bookings required via The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St. Book this into your calendar now! Invite a friend or two, come and enjoy a picnic in the park with background music, views of the lake and gardens. Wear a splash of gold and enjoy a lovely afternoon with good company. Seats limited so hurry. Regent Cinemas Albury, Dean St, Albury. Tuesday, October 16, 10am. $2. Bookings required via The Cube Wodonga, 118 Hovell St. Enjoy a cuppa in the foyer with friends, then catch the movie together.
Lauren Jackson Sports Centre, North St, Albury. Monday, Oct 15, 9.30am. $2. Bookings on 0409 245 112. For fun and fitness try badminton. Never played? Come and see what it is all about with the Albury Wodonga Badminton Association. Please wear white soled runners and exercise clothing.
Flying Fruit Fly Circus Building, Hovell St, Albury. Monday, October 15, 9.30am. FREE. Enquiries on 0429 861 261. Do you want to get fitter? Build up your core strength? Keep your brain active? Have lots of fun and laughs? We’re a group of welcoming, over 40s that achieve all the above. No prior fitness or skills are needed. Come and try - fun is guaranteed!
Wodonga Gardens Retirement Estate, 2 Flinders Way. Sunday, October 14, 12pm: FREE BBQ lunch, with a glass of wine. Inspect the villas and meet our friendly residents. Tuesday, October 16, 2pm: Afternoon tea with fashion parade from Perls, meet our residents and inspect the villas. Enjoy a glass of bubbly on arrival. Make a gold coin donation to the Country Fire Authority. Bookings required for both or either event on 0409 115 824.
Albury Entertainment Centre Theatrette, Swift St, Albury. Saturday 13th at 7.30pm. $45, conc., $42, member $40. Bookings on (02) 6043 5610. Christine Manetta performs a dynamic concert of the musical magic of Nina Simone. With jazz, folk, pop and blues and interwoven with heartfelt stories of her life and loves.
Senior Citizens’ Centre, Havelock St. Tuesdays 9th and 16th from 10am to 12pm. $2. Bookings required on (02) 6024 2865. Indoor fun, whatever the weather!
Felltimber Community Centre, 189 Melrose Dve. Tuesday 9th at 5.30pm, Thursday 11th at 10am, Tuesday 16th at 5.30pm and Thursday 18th at 10am. First session free, then $10 per session. Bookings required on (02) 6043 4550 or email cfelltimber@wodonga.vic.gov.au Carol Smith will teach you how your mind and body will benefit from Tai Chi.
Westmont Ray Snell Centre (Recreation Centre) 265 Baranduda Blvd, Baranduda. Tuesday 9th at 2pm. $10. Bookings required on (02) 6043 9832. Have a glass of bubbly on arrival and watch the fashion parade by Noni B. Enter the hat competitions with prizes and enjoy afternoon tea.
Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre, Hedgerow St. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6058 2555. Our free classes are about getting active while having fun! Monday 8th at 10.30am Yoga. Tuesday 9th at 10.30am Aqua. Wednesday 10th at 10.30am Pilates. Thursday 11th at 10.45am Tone. Friday 12th at 10.50am Restorative Yoga.
Community Centre, Westmont Aged Care Services, 265 Baranduda Blvd, Baranduda. Monday 8th from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. $5 to pay at the door. Bookings required, so be quick! Call (02) 6043 9832. Enjoy a social dance with music by Russell Leskie.
Wodonga RSL clubrooms, 27 Reid St. Monday 8th at 10.30am. $9, includes a light lunch. Bookings required on (02) 6024 5787 or email kev_ann1@bigpond.com Hoy is a card game played in groups of four. The first to turn all their called cards over wins a gift. Many games are played throughout the day.
Senior Citizens’ Centre, Havelock St. Monday 8th, Friday 12th, Monday 15th and Friday 19th, all 9am. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6024 2865 or email scwodonga@outlook.com Strength training improves balance and builds up bone and muscle. It is suitable for all abilities. Please arrive early. Morning tea afterwards.
Wodonga Tennis Centre, Lawrence St. Sunday 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, all 10am. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6024 4292 or email novor@bigpond.com Croquet - the best game you’ve never played! It’s easy and fun. Free lessons for all ages with balls and mallets supplied.
MULTICULTURAL SENIORS EXPO Felltimber Community Centre, 189 Melrose Dve. Tuesday 9th from 10am to 2pm. FREE. Seniors and their families are invited to join activities with residents from migrant and refugee backgrounds in a fun day for all. Showcasing community activities and services for seniors. Enjoy morning tea and a cultural lunch at 12pm.
RED HATTING FUN FOR SENIOR LADIES Cafe Grove, 198a High St. Tuesday 9th at 10am. FREE, buy your coffee and cake. Call 0447 731 307 for more info. Ladies, do you want more fun and frivolity in your life? Queen Pam and the Purple Power Surge Girls invite you to find out about growing old disgracefully. You can’t miss us, we’ll be wearing red and purple.
PLANNING FOR YOUR END OF LIFE Birallee Park Neighbourhood House, 39-43 Emerald Ave. Wednesday 10th at 10am, Friday 12th at 2pm, Wednesday 17th at 10am and Friday 19th at 2pm. Bookings required on 0407 273 605. Entry by gold coin. Learn about wills, power of attorney, advanced care plans, directives and more in this seminar.
DANCING LESSONS Senior Citizens’ Centre, Havelock St. Wednesdays, 10th and 17th from 10am to 12pm. $3. Bookings required on (02) 6024 2865. Learning, brushing up on your skills or just for fun. All abilities welcome and light refreshments available.
RESTORATIVE YOGA AND SOUND HEALING Felltimber Community Centre, 189 Melrose Dve. Wednesdays 10th and 17th, at 6.30pm. Thursdays 11th and 18th at 12pm. First session free, then $10 per session. Bookings required on (02) 6043 4550. Calm the mind and body through mindful meditation. Soothing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls restore your harmony.
HOW CAN NORTH EAST WATER HELP YOU North East Water HQ, 83 Thomas Mitchell Drive. Thursday 11th at 10am. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6022 0583 or email kimlach@newater.com.au Learn how to reduce your water consumption and about rebate programs. See if you qualify to have us engage a local plumber to do a free water audit for you. Also join an optional tour through our water treatment plant (5 minute drive from HQ) at 11am.
BOOMERANG BAGS WORKING BEE Sustainable Activity Centre, Lincoln Causeway. Wednesdays 10th, 17th and 24th from 10am to 2pm. FREE. Call 0406 943 436 for more info. Get together and make fabric bags from second hand material. Have a ball sewing, meeting likeminded people and saving our environment.
SANDY CREEK RAIL BRIDGE WALK - 6KM Huon Reserve, Murray Valley Highway, Huon. Wednesday 10th at 1.30pm. Bookings required on 0447 332 260. A leisurely walk along the shores of Lake Hume to the iconic Sandy Creek rail bridge viewing platform. Enjoy spectacular views and an indulgent afternoon tea.
WODONGA INDOOR BOWLS CLUB 3rd Wodonga Scout Hall, 264 Lawrence St, Wodonga. Thursday 11th at 1.30pm. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6040 1594. Enjoy the social aspect and make new friends! Please bring a pair of flat shoes and stay for a cuppa after the games.
The Hume Bank Butter Factory Theatre, Gateway Village, Lincoln Causeway. Thursday 11th at 1pm and 7pm, Friday 12th at 7pm. $35, $30 conc., $20 child (U12), $96 family of 4 (plus $3 booking fee). Bookings required on (02) 6021 7433. Using puppetry, music and animation, Alvin explores our oldest frontier: the deep blue sea. With rave reviews this beautifully crafted family show is loved by all ages.
Arts Space Wodonga, Cnr Lawrence and Hovell Sts. Fridays 12th and 19th at 10.30am. $5 per family. Enquiries on (02) 6022 9600. Calling all grandparents: create and have fun with your grandkids, aged 3 to 5 years with printmaking during the exhibition Archetypes and Land: Spiritual Belonging by Bärbel Ullrich, October 12. Then try your hand at recycled sculptures at Wanton, Wild and Unimagined by Alison McDonald, October 19.
Wodonga Library, Hovell St. Fridays 12th and 19th from 10.30am. FREE. Enquiries on (02) 6022 9330. Join us for coffee/tea, discussion and activities with special guest ‘TAZ’ from the Delta Society. An inclusive, respectful environment for people to connect with one another.
Albury Wodonga Community College, 63 High St. Friday 12th at 10.30am. FREE. Call 0499 895 117 for more info. Hear about local University of the Third Age’s take on active retirement, positive ageing and mental and social health.
Wodonga Bowling Club, 64 Hovell St. Thursday 11th at 11.30am. $10. Bookings required on (02) 6024 1554. Enjoy a BBQ lunch with your mates.
Senior Citizens’ Centre, Havelock St. Thursday 11th from 7.30pm to 11.30pm. $10 includes supper. Bookings required on (02) 6024 2865, before Friday 5th. Limited numbers. Dance the night away with a live band. Raffles and prizes to win too.
(with Seniors Card).
The Cube Wodonga Courtyard, Hovell St. Friday 12th from 10am to 2pm. FREE. Enquiries on (02) 6022 9311. Organise a car to complete the course, earn points for answering questions and collecting treasure on your way. It’s not a race, so take it steady. Register and begin between 10am and 11.30am. Return to the courtyard by 2pm for prizes and presentations. Have fun! $6 coffee and cake offer at The Cube Café
Felltimber Community Centre, 189 Melrose Dve. FREE. Bookings required on (02) 6043 4550. Friday 12th at 11am. Home fire safety with hazard kitchen fire simulator. Tuesday 16th at 1pm. Fire season safe travel tips, alerts and how to read them, fire danger ratings and a quiz with prizes.
Felltimber Community Centre, 189 Melrose Dve. Fridays 12th and 19th, both at 12.30pm. FREE. Call (02) 6043 4550 for info. A relaxing afternoon to get crafty with others while sharing or learning new skills. Feel free to bring your own craft project and enjoy a cuppa with friends. This program runs weekly throughout the year and we invite all ages and abilities.
Felltimber Term 4
First Aid level 2
HLTAID003 through VIC First Aid Saturday, October 6 9am to 3pm
CFA workshops for seniors
Complete your First Aid in a caring and educational setting. If you need to renew, up-skill or require this certificate for your workplace, this course will help you get there.
Home Fire Safety - Friday, October 12 11am to noon Country Fire Authority will be visiting Felltimber with their interactive hands- on kitchen with the aims of educating the community on home fire safety and what do to in the event of a fire. This is a great workshop that could potentially save yours and your family’s life, don’t leave it until it’s too late.
Cost: $145 per participant. There will be a reduction in the course fee if class numbers are over 12. Bookings essential. Please note that a PDF booklet for pre-reading is required to be completed before the session. This will be sent out when booked into the program.
Bushfire season safety - Tuesday, October 16, 1pm to 2pm CFA will provide hints on how to travel safely, understanding warnings and alerts and how to read them, fire danger ratings and a quiz with prizes. Cost: Free, please note children are welcome
Multicultural Senior Expo Tuesday, October 9, 10am to 2pm, Felltimber Community Centre The Multicultural Seniors Expo invites seniors and their families to enjoy and share activities with residents from migrant and refugee backgrounds in a fun day for all. The expo will showcase community activities and services for seniors and provide a morning tea and cultural lunch from noon for all the community to enjoy together. Cost: Free Please RSVP by Friday, October 7 for catering purposes to acrisp@wodonga.vic.gov.au For more information please contact Amanda at Felltimber Community Centre (02) 6043 4550 or Lucie from the Albury Wodonga Ethnic Community Council on (02) 6024 6895.
Kids First Aid Monday, September 24 10am to 2pm
Barista course Saturday, November 3 and Saturday, November 10, 9am to 4pm Two-day accredited training in Barista Course. You will learn how to prepare and serve espresso coffee, (SITHFAB005) including prerequisite course use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA001).
Do your children know how to apply first aid to a friend, family member or even you? This basic first aid program will teach them how to assess an emergency situation, apply basic first aid and assist until emergency services arrive. Certificate of attendance will be supplied on completion of the course. Cost: $35 per person
Bookings essential on (02) 6043 4550 Cost: $249
Djembe drums with Joseph Closing the gap on Information Technology Wednesdays, October 10 to 31 11am to 11.45am
Adults and Children - Wednesday, October 10 to December 12, 4.30pm to 5.30pm Adults – Friday, October 12 to December 14, 2pm to 3pm
Do you struggle to understand new technology? Bring your laptop, mobile phone or smart device and learn some tips from Catholic College Wodonga students. Receive one-on-one tutoring and learn at your own pace.
Join Joseph as he shares his knowledge of playing the Djembe drum! Joseph has many years’ experience teaching children and adults the art of drumming and originates from Ghana in West Africa – the home of Djembe drumming.
Bookings essential Cost: $5 per session
Cost: $10 per session, $5 per additional sibling for families. Bookings essential on (02) 6043 4550.
Just breathe... Fridays, October 12 to December 14 6.30pm to 7.30pm Come along and learn how to move into stillness through deep relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques. Cost: $10 per session Bookings essential
Tai Chi Tuesdays, October 9 to December 11 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm Thursdays, October 11 to December 13 from 10am to 11am
Grandparent Knowhow
Clear your mind, energise your body, build core strength and learn breathing techniques to slow down the ageing process. Our qualified tutor Carol Smith will teach you how to benefit from Tai Chi.
Do you have skills such as knitting squares to create beautiful blankets to donate to those in need, tending to herb gardens, sewing, cooking or others? Could you assist in teaching these skills to Catholic College Wodonga students? If you feel you could support our community in this way please contact the centre.
Bookings essential Cost: $10 per session
Wednesdays, October 10 to 31 from 11am to 11.45am
Felltimber Term 4 Community Cooking Wednesday, October 10 to December 12, 5pm to 7pm
Craft’n’Cuppa Friday, October 12 to December 14, 12.30pm to 2.30pm Enjoy a relaxing afternoon and get crafty with others while sharing or learning new skills. Feel free to bring your own craft project and enjoy a cuppa with friends. Program is designed for all ages and abilities. Bookings essential Cost: Free
Kids Fishing Fun Wednesdays, November 7 to November 21, 5pm to 6pm Felltimber Community Centre lake
Supported by the Albury Wodonga Regional Food Share, Community Cooking provides a relaxing environment where individuals are provided with a free meal, while learning new cooking skills with great company. Please note this is a food relief program. Bookings essential Optional gold coin donation
Children can learn the art of fishing in a hands on and interactive way. The sessions will lead up to the Fish-a-thon where participants put into practice what they have learnt. Cost: Free Funded by Fisheries Victoria
FISH-A-THON Saturday, November 24, 10am to 1pm Felltimber Community Centre lake
Gentle Flow Yoga Wednesdays weekly, October 10 to December 12, 6pm to 7pm Gentle Flow Yoga is perfect for those new to yoga as well as experienced students desiring a slower, softer pace. Instruction on foundation, alignment, breath and purpose will be included in every class. Please bring your own yoga mat. Cost: $10 per session
Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing Wednesdays weekly, October 10 to December 12, 7.15pm to 8.15pm Calm the mind and body whilst giving yourself permission to rest deeply through the gentle practice of restorative Yoga, soothing sounds and mindful meditation
Come and join in the fun at this free event, open to all ages. A free bbq lunch and drinks will be provided along with workshops to teach you how to fish. BYO fishing gear if possible, there will be some available to borrow on the day. Fishing licenses not required. Funded by Fisheries Victoria. Cost: Free
Laughter Yoga Thursdays, October 11 to December 13 9.30am to 10am A great opportunity to de-stress and gain a more cheerful attitude and feel so much lighter for the experience. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. Bookings essential Cost: Gold coin
Relaxation Meditation Wednesday, November 7 to November 21 6.30pm to 8pm (newcomers 6.30pm to 7pm, Meditation 7pm to 8pm) Be guided through simple meditations that relax the mind and body and enjoy the journey to a deep level of relaxation and contentment. Each session will start with a relaxing ‘stillness’ meditation followed by a different topic. Bookings essential. No experience is needed, all levels are welcome. Cost: Free
Albury Wodonga Music Group Wednesdays weekly, 6pm to 8pm Bring along your guitar or other musical instrument and have some fun. Learn new skills and songs with other musicians. All welcome. Cost: Gold coin donation
Cost: $10 per session Please bring a mat and pillow. Multiple birth Playgroup 10am to noon Wednesdays during school terms.
For more information or to make a booking, please visit us at: 189 Melrose Drive (cnr Melrose Drive and Felltimber Creek Rd), Wodonga, phone (02) 6043 4550 or email cfelltimber@wodonga.vic.gov.au.
Opening hours: Office open from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.
Cosmic Curios
It’s a Wave Tuesday, October 2 Into Orbit Thursday, October 4 Wodonga Library
Music of the Oceans Saturday, October 27 7.30pm Bookings essential The Cube Wodonga
All Aboard
Thursday, October 4 8.30am to 4pm Age: 9 to 18. Cost: $20 Various venues
Wodonga Children’s Fair Sunday, October 28 10am to 3pm Wodonga Racecourse
Fridays on My Mind
Friday, October 5 5.30pm to 8.30pm Age: All The Cube Wodonga Courtyard
Senior Celebrations
Monday, October 8 to Sunday, October 21 Various activities wod.city/Senior-Celebrations
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Wednesday, October 12 10.30 to 12pm Wodonga Library
Make and Grow
Thursday, November 1 3pm to 5pm Age: All. Cost: Free Wodonga Library
Fridays on My Mind
Friday, November 2 5.30pm to 8.30pm Age: All The Cube Wodonga Courtyard
Bonegilla Reunion Belvoir Park Community Wood-Fired oven Sunday, October 14, 11am
Girls Write Up
Thursday, October 18 8.30am to 3.20pm Wodonga Library
Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3 Bonegilla Migrant Experience wod.city/BMEReunion2018
Saturday, November 3 7.30pm Bookings essential The Cube Wodonga
Wanton, Wild and Unimagined Alison McDonald Exhibition Opening Friday, October 19 5.30pm Arts Space Wodonga
Book Sale
Friday, October 19, 3.30pm to 5.30pm and Saturday, October 20, 9am to 11am Wodonga Library
The Gruffalo
Saturday, October 20 11am and 1pm Bookings essential The Cube Wodonga
International Games Week Monday, November 5 to Saturday, November 10 (Storytime with games, Minecraft, Chess, Wii sports, Cards, Board games)
Sinbad the Sailor
Saturday, November 10 7.30pm Bookings essential The Cube Wodonga
Remembrance Day Garage Sale Trail
Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 21 garagesaletrail.com.au
I.G. Big Band
Sunday, October 21 2pm Bookings essential The Cube Wodonga
Aussie Backyard Bird Count Monday, October 22 to Sunday, October 28 aussiebirdcount.org.au
Sunday, November 11 11am Woodland Grove, Wodonga
Write Freely
Tuesdays, November 13, 20, and 27 1pm to 4pm Wodonga Library
Belvoir Park Community Wood-Fired oven
Sunday, November 18, 11am
SPRING, 2018
Sustainable Living Festival returns
Pineapple on your pizza? You can decide this month when the outdoor, Belvoir Park Community Wood-fired Oven fires up for action.
Is your existing swimming pool or spa fence still safe, well maintained and compliant?
Members of the community can access the oven on Sunday, October 14 and November 18 from 11am to 2pm with the Wodonga Apex Club cooking the pizzas for you.
If you are unsure, Wodonga Building Services can inspect, advise and issue a compliance certificate. Phone (02) 6022 9300 to find out more. INFLATABLE AND ABOVEGROUND SWIMMING POOLS Inflatable and aboveground swimming pools are becoming increasingly popular with families as, initially, they appear to be an inexpensive alternative for swimming entertainment especially for toddlers and young children. Consumers need to be aware that any pool capable of holding 300mm (30cm) of water requires a building permit and must be designed, constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with building regulations and the Australian Standard (AS 1926.1-2007). Seven toddlers have died because of drowning in the past 12 months. Small paddling pools are often not regarded as dangerous but children can drown in as little as a few centimetres of water.
2018-2019 RATES AND VALUATION NOTICES The Albury Wodonga Sustainable Living Festival is on again from November 1 to 30.
and conversation around sustainable living for the casual, committed or curious.
The festival is based on inspiration, innovation
There will be popup workshops, talks,
demonstrations, exhibits, film and performances at various locations. MORE INFORMATION facebook.com/ AWSustainableLivingFestival/
Don’t hoard old tech, be smart, recycle Wodonga Council is teaming up with Sustainability Victoria to help reduce the amount of e-waste sent to landfill sites.
precious materials can be recovered to be reused and for the nasty bits to be captured before it can do harm.
Australians are able to responsibly recycle televisions, phones, batteries, whitegoods and computers at dedicated drop off locations such as the Wodonga Waste Transfer Station, which is a recycling/ reuse centre located at 29 Kane Rd, Wodonga.
More than 1 million mobile phones and 16 million televisions are discarded in Australia every year.
E-waste, which refers to any item with a plug, battery or cord that is no longer working or wanted, is the fastest-growing category of waste worldwide.
It is estimated that just for televisions and computers, the amount of e-waste generated in Australia will grow from about 138,000 tonnes in 2012-2013 to 223,000 tonnes in 2023-2024.
E-waste is better going to a place where the
MORE INFORMATION ewaste.vic.gov.au
Responsible owners make for happy pooches We all love our furry four-legged friends but no one loves it, especially neighbours, when a dog barks constantly. To help minimise barking, Wodonga Council Acting Team Leader Compliance Peter Fraser has some tips for dog owners. “Dogs generally bark for territorial reasons, including movement or noises, sensing other animals or loud vehicles near the property,” Mr Fraser said. “Alternatively, they could be bored or lonely.” Some simple solutions to minimise barking include the following. • Restrict your dog’s view to inside the yard. If your dog cannot see the person or vehicle on the other side of the fence, it may not bark.
• Provide regular exercise and enrichment activities for your dog. • Brighten your dog’s environment with toys and balls. • Ensure your dog has a secure, well maintained sleeping area. • Leave a radio going inside when you go out, so that your dog thinks that you are still home. • Take your dog to obedience training. Local service providers offer help to train your dog. You can also consult with your vet as helping to minimise barking which is a part of people’s responsibilities of owning a dog.
There are measures residents can take if a neighbourhood dog barks a lot. “Firstly, you should notify your neighbour that their dog is barking,” he said. “Residents can contact council for a friendly letter notifying them of a barking dog. Sometimes the owner is unaware that their dog is causing a disturbance. “If the barking continues, you can contact council and ask for a log sheet and then accurately record the dates and times the dog barks. “Council will then ask the owner to do something about the situation. “If council and the owner of the dog can’t resolve the problem, the matter can be referred to court.”
The annual rates and valuation notices for the 2018-2019 rating period were issued in August 2018. The valuations shown on the notices have been returned by Wodonga Council’s valuation contractor based as at the level of value at January 1, 2018. These values will be used for this 2018-2019 rating period only. The 1st instalment notice will be due October 1, 2018. PENSION CONCESSIONS A rate concession is granted to eligible pensioners who have full entitlements for the rating period. This concession increases annually according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and is shown as a government concession in the financial area of the rates notice. If you hold a card that grants you full entitlements and have not received a concession for the property that is your sole place of residence, you need to fill in and return the application form for a rates concession. You must return to us in person at the Hovell St office and bring your card to be sighted. Forms are also available at customer focus. MORE INFORMATION wodonga.vic.gov.au/rates
ca r pet Yo u t h A w a r ds
RED Carpet Youth Awards
Yo u t h f o r t h e f u t u r e
Wodonga Council’s RED Carpet Youth Awards night held in August shone a bright spotlight on 31 finalists who achieve and volunteer behind the scenes. Up to 170 invited guests and nominees filled The Cube Wodonga for a special night of celebration and recognition of these brilliant young people. The awards, which marked their 10th year, featured a variety of young people who are making a difference, excelling in their chosen field and putting others first. There were 72 young people nominated this year, which was narrowed down to 31 finalists. The winners across the nine categories were: • Individual Community Service Award – Jye McBurnie • Apprenticeship/Traineeship Award – Bryce Tracey • Advocacy and Action Award – Patrick Sibomana • Endurance/Persistence Award – Tayla Sjorgren • Music and Performing Arts Award – Meg Newton • Visual Arts and Media Award – Tyler Conlan • Sport and Recreation Volunteer Award – Gemma Thorneycroft • Young Carer Award – Alexandra Michael • Youth Ambassador Award – Atosha (Natasha) Birongo
SPRING, 2018
Daughter’s journey to discover family history Plans to attend November’s Bonegilla Reunion will be an emotional journey for Janine Arkinstall whose late father (Milos Tvrznik) arrived at the camp in 1950 and, ultimately, began a new life. Mrs Arkinstall knows little about her father’s early life in Czechoslovakia or his time at Bonegilla but hopes to uncover more on her upcoming visit that she hopes to attend with her sister Elizabeth. The Mildura resident does know Milos put his date of birth up by two years so he could go into the adult camp. He was 16 years old when he left home, telling his mum he was going fishing with a friend – he never got to see his family again. Milos drifted for almost two years before getting on board the ship to Australia. Following his death in 2004, due to his date of birth correction, Mrs Arkinstall discovered he has a third daughter who lives in Finley. “Looking into my father’s journey to Australia has been an emotional experience for me,” Mrs Arkinstall said. “Several years ago I started looking on the Bonegilla website to see where dad first arrived. “I had been planning to visit Bonegilla on Father’s Day but I can’t get there then, so I am determined to attend the November reunion.”
With further research, Mrs Arkinstall has located one direct living relative in Czechoslovakia and plans to visit in 2021.
around Australia, including picking grapes in Mildura, he settled in the Victorian town of Red Cliffs, just south of Mildura.
“I have made contact with some of his Czech family because my mum kept in contact with them but when she passed away last year that tie was broken,” she said.
It was in Red Cliffs where he met his wife, Lorraine Lanyon, who was working at the picture theatre. They married in 1964.
“I sent off three letters to random addresses and got one response and plan to catch up with them.”
Mrs Arkinstall completed a history assignment on her dad in year 10.
Milos was the last one left out of his friendship group to leave the camp after waiting for work.
“I have got a bit of background on him but obviously there’s a lot more to his life than I knew, which is really sad to find out after the fact he has gone,” she said.
After numerous jobs scattered
Mrs Arkinstall ordered a plaque in
memory of her father, which has been included among the names listed on The Arc memorial sculpture. “I saw you could order plaques in memory of family, so I didn’t think twice about starting the process,” she said. The Bonegilla Reunion on November 2 and 3 will celebrate 71 years since the Bonegilla Migrant Reception and Training Centre was established. There will be guided tours, cultural performances, food and music. MORE INFORMATION bonegilla.org.au
Baking up a storm at Block 19 Popular micro-bakery The Bicycle Baker has found a new home, nestled among some magnificent gum trees and adjacent to Bonegilla’s Block 19. Set up in the commercial kitchen adjoining the function centre at Bonegilla Migrant Experience, the aroma of freshly baked bread now wafts through the place. Bonegilla Migrant Experience Team Leader Bernadette Zanet welcomed the unique business on board, especially with school holidays around the corner. “We are pleased to support a traditional sourdough micro-bakery to continue to provide great bread throughout the region,” she said. “We are looking at talking about ways we can help raise the profile and bring this food experience into our site through workshops and activities here. “It would be a nice follow on to our popular sausage making workshops we have had in the past, so we know it works here.”
The Bicycle Baker owner and operator Nicky Bruce, a former environmental scientist, is thrilled with the bakery’s new home. “We have found a new home in an amazing setting, surrounded by great views and wildlife,” she said. Nicky, who operates the business with husband Tim Alexander, will implement some of her environmental conservation into the business. “My dream is to use native seeds in some of our breads. I have experimented with wattle seed and it’s really yummy,” Nicky said. The couple started the business three and a half years ago and wanted to run baking classes but never had the space. “This new space will allow us to expand and move into a new direction,” Nicky said. The business will operate Tuesdays to Saturday at Bonegilla and bread will be available at the site on Saturdays.
Fridays just got better Dreaming of warmer weather, live music and gourmet food? Well there’s only a few weeks to go until Fridays on My Mind returns on October 5, promising to be packed with entertainment and a selection of gourmet food and wine. The Cube Wodonga Courtyard will light up with the sounds of The Cope Street Parade from 5.30pm to 8.30pm.
You can also visit the Wodonga Library for themed activities on The Rainbow Fish. Otherwise, pop into Arts Space Wodonga for The Sounds of Vinyl. Fridays on My Mind will be on again November 2 and in 2019 on March 1 and April 5.
MORE INFORMATION facebook.com/ WodongaFridaysOnMyMind/
SPRING, 2018
No Hands an unexpected flight of fancy No Hands is a poetic reimagining of Isak Dinesen’s short story, The Diver. Set in an Islamic culture somewhere in the timeless past, it tells the story of a young man obsessed with the flight of birds.
Right place, right time for write up The successful Girls Write Up returns to Wodonga Library in October with a stellar line up of speakers. Girls Write Up is for anyone who has felt limited by gender and wants to understand how language can be used to liberate and empower. It is open to all teens. Over the day, authors, journalists, activists, artists,
poets and other creative thinkers will share the ways they have used their writing to define their identities and shape the world around them. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from writer, speaker and feminist thinker Clementine Ford, novelist and playwright Claire Christian, poet Laniyuk Garcon, critic and author Brodie Lancaster, lawyer and spoken word artist Sara
Mansour, author Christie Nieman and activist Nevo Zisin. The program of panels and practical workshops explores the relationship between language, gender and power, and the effects of unconscious bias on our sense of self. Girls Write Up gives participants the opportunity to discover their own creative voice, equipping them with
the skills and the confidence to use it. The day will run from 8.30am to 3.20pm at various locations at The Cube Wodonga and Wodonga Library. Participants should all arrive no later than 8.30am to register. They will be escorted to workshop venues over the course of the day as required.
What happens next is unexpected and questions our striving to achieve, our obsessions and even our attachhment to hope. No Hands will show at The Cube Wodonga on Thursday, September 20 at 7.30pm. CreateAbility will be hosting a free performance-making workshop on devising with an inclusive approach on Wednesday, September 19 from 10am to 2pm for ages 15 and over. Bookings essential. TICKETS thecubewodonga.com.au
Choose to reuse with Garage Sale Trail It’s time to register your garage sale to be part of the bigger picture and save the environment. Wodonga Council is proud to be part of Australia’s biggest community and sustainability event Garage Sale Trail, and is joined this year by the other Halve Waste councils and Wangaratta.
Exploring connection, unity Bärbel Ullrich’s ongoing exploration into representations of land and place will be at Arts Space Wodonga during September with her exhibition Archetypes and Land: Spiritual Belonging.
Taking place on October 20 and 21, this jam-packed weekend is a great way to declutter, earn some money and meet locals in your area. Households, schools, community groups and individuals are invited to host a sale or shop the Trail; joining more than 400,000 Australians in this nationwide movement. Now in its eighth annual year, ALIVE WITH POSSIBILITIES
Ullrich aims to present land as spiritual and reflective of an interconnectedness of life on the planet. Her focus on microcosms, reflecting particularities of a place are juxtaposed with universal qualities, drawing from archetypes that hail from diverse mythologies. Garage Sale Trail expects 2018 to be its biggest event yet. Every garage sale has a unique name and its own sale page that provides clues
to who’s involved, what’s on offer and anything else that’s going down. MORE INFORMATION garagesaletrail.com.au
Ullrich’s methodology has included the development of imagery and concepts through art making, research and experimentation. There will be a holiday printing workshop inspired by the works of Ullrich on Wednesday, September 26, 2pm to 4pm. $15 per person with materials provided. CITYLIFE 19
Wodonga Children’s Fair Sunday, October 28, 10am to 3pm Wodonga Racecourse, Hamilton Smith Drive, Wodonga
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