Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine December 2018

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THE MAGAZINE December 2018 - Issue 20

Jamie Rasberry Page 19 Coping with the Holidays Page 14 A Christmas Carol Gone Right Page 22

Cover Story

Leisha Pickering Page 5



CEO, Publisher & Editor Joanne Bell Consulting Editors Tonja Murphy Dr. Talya Straughter Cover Photo Mark Jake Estremos Contributing Writers Patricia Sandifer Tonja Murphy Roikensha Craig Dr. Talya Straughter Layout Design Michelle Zischke Facebook Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine Website womantowomanwithjoanne.org Subscribe! Visit: bit.ly/joannemag Contact us at: woman2woman.joanne@ yahoo.com 601-398-6733 P.O. Box 2031 Ridgeland, Ms 39158 All rights reserved. No portion of Woman to Woman with Joanne may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The management of Woman to Woman with Joanne is not responisble for opinions expressed by its writers. Woman to Woman with Joanne maintains the unrestricted right to edit or refuse all submitted material. All advertisements are subject to approval by the publisher. The production of Woman to Woman is funded by advertising and sponsorship.





is the season to be jolly! It’s almost Christmas time and I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. There is a song that starts out, “It’s the most wonderful time of they year,” and though that may be true for some, it doesn’t hold true for others. During the Holidays, so many people suffer from depression because they have lost loved ones and this is their first Holiday without them. Some people spend the holidays alone because they have no family and some spend the holidays on the street or in shelters because they have no home at all.

coming out of prison, people with special needs and people in general who have had a hard time and are trying to get back on their feet. They are faithful in unselfishly serving others in need.

This month we focus on women that give back to the community in their own way. They have businesses that employ women

Sometimes, we may be the only Jesus someone will ever see. Let your light shine so that our Father may be glorified.

This Holiday season, lets think about those less fortunate and lend a helping hand. We can help serve food, collect coats and shoes, there are so many different ways we can be of assistance to someone else. But, we must be willing to take our minds off of us and what we may be going through to help someone else.

Love ya much!

Joanne In This Issue


Cover Story: Leisha Pickering...............................................................................5-9 Roikensha Craig: Oh Mother, Thou Art Blessed.....................................12-13 Dr. Straughter: Coping with the Holidays ........................................................14 The knights of Pillar Nurses Association .........................................................16 Spotlight: Jamie Rasberry ...................................................................................19-21 Tonja Murphy: A Christmas Carol Gone Right...............................................22 International Day of Persons with Disabilities........................................25-27 Patricia Sandifer: That's You........................................................................................30 Mya Bell: Abstract Study.........................................................................................32-35 Recipe: Cheesy Monkey Bread..................................................................................36 Upcoming Events for 2018............................................................................................38


Cover Story

Leisha Pickering


Leisha Pickering President and CEO of Musee Bath Inc.

“Musee, Changing the world one bath at a time.”


eshia Pickering was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee and lived there until she was 18 years old. After graduating from high school, she attended the University of Mississippi, Ole Miss, as she felt a love for Mississippi. She is a single mother of five boys and the President and CEO of Musee Bath, Inc. She started Musee Bath in 2011 after she suffered a devastating divorce. She didn’t think divorce would be a part of her story, but she realized with everything in life, if you fall, you have to pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. “I think when you go through difficult situations, it makes you feel very vulnerable and you wonder if you have a hope and a future, and you also wonder if there is a hope and a future for your children. You find yourself trying to figure it all out. A divorce, I think, is a situation that happens sometimes in life and you know you need to keep moving forward, but I

really didn’t want to. At that time, I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and cry, but I had five children depending on me. I had to get up and keep moving forward.

discarded and it can affect how you view yourself and your worth. It can make you question whether you are worthy of value. I also realized there were a lot of women, not just me who feel like they didn’t have value and worth and they aren’t treated with dignity. I wondered what it was that we could do as people to help restore that in each other and as women to walk along side each other. This is where Musee was born.”

One of the beautiful things that came out of the divorce was Musee. I knew what it was like to be vulnerable. Going through that situation gave me real compassion for other women, primarily women who are vulnerable and are in difficult circumstances and are trying to figure I think when we take our it out and move eyes off of ourselves and forward.

Musee is a word derived from the word muse, and she focus and invest into the used to call one of her Even though I’ve lives of other people, joy sons “my little musee.” always been a One day she was trying comes from that. person who had a to figure out what tender heart and was compassionate, she would call the company and he I think for the first time in my life I jokingly told her to name it after him felt vulnerable and I realized that a and his birth name, but she decided lot of women have lived with that on the name Musee, her nick name for vulnerability all of their lives. him. Musee is also a word made up to communicate the idea of things that I think as a woman, when you go bring joy to your life, something that through a divorce, you can feel very makes your heart sing.


“I was really blind-sided and I was so sad, so I started to think about the things that brought me joy, and there are a few things that give me joy. One of them is creating and the other is giving and serving. I think when we take our eyes off of ourselves and focus and invest into the lives of other people, joy comes from that. The work of my hands gives me great joy and serving helped me to restore my joy. All of this has become a part of my story, not a part of my story that I was planning, but the beautiful thing is, like in any great piece of literature, there is always a conflict, and what determines whether it’s a great story is not the conflict, but how the character responds to the conflict. I realized that our lives are just stories and we have to decide how to respond to the things we don’t want? Whether it’s a divorce, an illness, the loss of a spouse or a child, things that make life very complicated. The beauty is that God lets us help write the story and write the end of the story.” Leisha started Musee in 2011 by making bath balms in her kitchen in Flora, Mississippi. She sold the balms at the Livingston Farmer’s Market and quickly developed a following of people who wanted more. Musee is now housed in the old Canton Film Office in Canton, Mississippi. They hold Bible Studies and different trainings on financial planning

and more for their employees. It is their desire to care for the community and help alleviate poverty by creating jobs through the development of excellent handmade products. They hire women in recovery, individuals with disabilities and people that have not had the opportunities

“My belief is that if you create an environment where people feel loved and encouraged and you create a community around them, they can flourish. We try to create stability and allow people to see that there is a hope and a future. Often when people come out of prison, they may be estranged from their family, they may not have a place to live or resources, most are starting over. If you can be provided work and a steady income, you can have stability, and that can be the difference in a person falling backwards or moving forward.” Musee’s mission is to provide jobs, so when they were approached by other companies to make their products, it was a great opportunity to provide more jobs. The mission is to

of education. It is their belief that everyone has value. Their hope is to create an environment of selfdignity where people feel loved and encouraged. At Musee, everybody is a part and everybody plays a role. Musee has partnered with Crossroads Ministries also. Crossroads is a place of refuge where women can put the pieces of their lives back together after spending time in prison, treatment centers or abusive situations. Crossroads provides a safe and positive environment while encouraging their women to find jobs and live on their own. Musee partners with Crossroads in their efforts by providing jobs for their women as they enter their last stage of recovery. WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •7

employ more individuals and I think it’s very important for a company to stay true to their mission so that when you have questions, you can go back to the mission and see if it lines up with it. Musee never really did a lot of advertising or marketing, the quality of our work spoke for itself. People told other people and we just grew organically all over the country. Now we are one of the largest wholesalers of bath balms, if not the largest in the country. Stores are coming to us as fast as we are making them. We service boutique shops and spas, but we also have other large stores like Nordstrom’s. Each bath balm has its own

ingredients that soften and moisturize your skin and they create wonderful aromatherapy. All the bath balms are named after a song and we put little surprises in each bath balm. Everything washes down the drain and doesn’t stain the tub or your skin. The idea of putting little treasures in it was just to remind you that you are special and that you are loved.

is working together instead of against each other to accomplish one goal.

We can think out of the box and we have the freedom to make Musee whatever we want it to be. We consider ourselves a social enterprise company and we have a strong social component. We try to see what the needs of the people are and how we can address them. Musee Have a belief in yourself has bought cars for They are all made and know that your value several employees and from natural doesn’t come from people, allowed them to pay it ingredients, but it comes from God. back interest free. We it takes hands to have paid for college for do it. The African some of our employees and more. Proverb, Ubuntu means we are better together. Rather than the spirit of competition, we put everyone together At Musee we don’t yell, berate or demean people, that is not acceptable. in teams of six. Therefore, everyone Everyone plays a part and their part is vital to make the system run. Everyone is treated with dignity and respect and this is what makes Musee a success. I advise you to know your strengths and be persistent. With persistence and hard work, you can do just about anything. I don’t think there has ever been more opportunity in the marketplace for women as there is now. Have a belief in yourself and know that your value doesn’t come from people, it comes from God. Don’t believe the lies of other people. Believe the truth and walk in truth. God created us all with a purpose and Musee’s purpose is to change the world one bath at a time. Changing the World One Bath at a Time.


We started Musee to help shed a little light in what sometimes is a dark and scary world. We hope that our products bring beauty into your everyday, while inspiring love and joy in your life too. Musee’s profits are invested into helping build and restore people’s lives and communities in

hopes that we inspire change in the world. Help us change the world one bath at a time. Musee bath balms remind us to enjoy the simple pleasures in life that serenade the heart and comfort the soul – good books and long naps,

fireflies and bonfires, handwritten letters and unexpected presents, a spring rain or the first snowflake of winter, owls on fences and wise people, and especially…..hot baths and cool tunes. At Musee, we believe its time to soak in life.


10 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018


Oh Mother, Thou Art Blessed: A Portion of My Journey By Roikensha Craig


s the year is rapidly coming to an end, I have been reflecting over the 2018 year. Some memories were painful, unbearable, some full of hurt and brokenness, while others were melancholy, uplifting, joyful and refreshing. And of course, there were those that I wish could be erased from my brain altogether. While in devotion, one morning, I ran across the following scripture: “Blessed are the poor in spirt, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:3-10(NIV) No matter the season of our lives, we are blessed. Regardless of the emotions we are experiencing, we are blessed. Oh how wonderful…Oh how marvelous for Him to ensure we are blessed no matter our current situation. In June 2018, our daughter received a formal diagnosis of Autism. As a mother, it was an extremely challenging time for me. It was hard for me to accept the diagnosis. Having an undergraduate and graduate degree in Early Childhood Education did not help the situation much. For the past years, I have been pulling from my formal education to navigate

community resources and various She is saying more words, speaking therapy options for our daughter. and greeting people more every However, it was not until June 2018, day. Looking back, I thank and praise that I had to come face-to-face with God for blessing me throughout the Autism. I questioned God in every way journey we have traveled via the world possible. I was confused. I felt betrayed of Autism. The most important thing by Him. Despite my daughter’s twin is for my daughter to know and feel not surviving the full-term pregnancy, the love I have for her. My daughter resulting in a miscarriage during the will be mighty in the Lord and she will 3rd month, the remaining pregnancy fulfill the calling He has on her life. I was healthy and no harmful risks or am reminded of God’s word….Love indicators were identified otherwise. bears all things, Love endures all….the I ate healthy and made sure my greatest of these is Love. environments were healthy. Every time I questioned God…silence. I could In August 2018, I decided to return to not hear Him….until June 2018. In the world of Mary Kay Cosmetics, as an June 2018, He told me to “Love her.” Independent Beauty Consultant. It was Confused, I replied, “I already love time. This has given me the opportunity my daughter.” He said, “No, love her to enrich and empower the lives of overwhelmingly.” “Love her and shower women, as well as mine. It has given her in hugs and kisses.” Again, I was so me the opportunity to promote selfconfused because I felt I was already care – a necessity for all women, and in doing those things in abundance. He particular, mothers. Being able to see then made it clear, “Go overboard!” I the smile and confidence on a woman’s begin to weep for my daughter. I begin face after seeing an improvement in to weep for my helplessness. I begin to her appearance is so rewarding. It weep at the thought of not having my encourages and strengthens the spirt daughter in my life. I begin to weep for of servanthood that is within me. finally being able to receive guidance from God. I made a In October 2018, I Every time I questioned accepted my spiritual decision that I needed to be home with my God…silence. I could not call to Women girls. My biggest fear was hear Him….until June ministry, and in that the organization particular to mothers. 2018. In June 2018, He I worked for and gave It is my belief that told me to “Love her.” as mothers, we play the majority of time and energy to, would a crucial and vital consistently maintain stellar status role in shaping the world we live in. (as I would make sure it did!) and my When we are charged with the divine daughters would be left behind. It was assignment of motherhood, we have simple. I made a choice to be a stay-at- the God-given power to transform home mom. My husband and I downthe world via the children we birth, sized and relocated to a small suburban nurture, mold, shape and support. W. R. area to ensure our daughters were in a Wallace quoted, “The hand that rocks high ranking, top notch school system. the cradle, is the hand that rules the My daughter is improving each day. world.” Do you believe this? Can you

12 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018

truly comprehend the very essence of this quote? To say the least, it is indeed mind-blowing and astonishing. Take one minute to simply think about what kind of world we would live in if “every” child was able to receive all of the needed consistent discipline, nurturing, unconditional love, neverending guidance and support from their mother? What if each mother took their roles and responsibilities of motherhood as if their life depended on it? What would this world look like? What would this world feel like? Being a mother myself, I often quote, “Mothers do the best they can with what they have. Sometimes what you have to give can be the only thing you have left to give.” We can be encouraged because God’s word tells us that the poor in spirt are blessed, those who mourn are blessed, the merciful are blessed, the peacemakers are blessed, and those who are persecuted because of righteousness are blessed.

challenges come and go, but nothing will ever exceed the goodness of God and His everlasting love, everlasting mercy and His amazing grace He bestows upon us.

wrong we experienced in 2018. We lay it all at Your feet, as You told us to cast our burdens and cares on You, for You care for us. Father, we ask that in 2019, help us to be able to quickly see the blessings You bestow upon us daily as we go forth in our daily lives fulfilling our many roles and responsibilities. In these things we ask, and pray…we give You thanks. We give You praise. Amen.

Prayer: Father God, we come to You in thanksgiving and with praise. You are our strength. You are our peace. You are most powerful and we cannot live without Your Roikensha Craig is the You are blessed. Founder and President of presence. “The M Life”, Inc. The M Father, we ask that You forgive us. Life is an organization committed to Forgive us for not forgiving others enhancing and strengthening the lives during times of misunderstandings, of mothers from all walks of life. Our experiencing being wronged or taken motive is to honor God’s Holy word advantage of. Forgive us for not as the foundation and only source of realizing the many blessings You pour everlasting strength for mothers. into our life each and every day. Forgive us for taking You for granted during You can follow Roikensha on times of trouble in life. Forgive us for Facebook @TheMLife, Twitter @ taking You for granted during the good TheMLife1, Instagram @themlife_ times of life. Forgive us for not taking managingeverything. The website is care of ourselves emotionally and www.themlife.org. Email: yourmlife@ For all of the mothers who sacrificed physically. Forgive us for not seeking gmail.com. Roikensha is married to your last for the sake of your family… your guidance before making decisions Keith Craig. They have two daughters – you are blessed. When you felt you that will ultimately have an impact on McKenzie Brooke and Madison Grace. were not strong enough to support our family and friendships. She resides with her family in the your family mentally or physically… Washington, DC area. you were blessed. For the mothers We thank You Father for Your mercy. who feel like you are not enough…you We thank You for Your grace. We thank are blessed. For the working mother, you for Your blessings that are poured struggling to meet upon us in every season the needs of children, For all of the mothers of our lives. We thank family and work...you who sacrificed your You for smiling upon us are blessed. last for the sake of your day after day.

family…you are blessed.

We who are His, Father, we ask that are blessed beyond When you felt you were You guide us as we measure. We receive not strong enough to reflect back over the His abundance of year. We ask that You support your family blessings daily. I wish mentally or physically… help us to guard our each of you a Happy thoughts. Help us you were blessed. New Year for 2019! to discern right from I pray that you will wrong throughout be able to reflect over 2018 and know our reflections. Help us to identify you were blessed. Blessed despite Your strength and Your blessings the circumstance. Blessed whatever throughout every encounter we have your lot in life. Blessed during times been fortunate to have in our life. We of sorrow and rejection. No matter ask that You never take Your presence the season or experiences, you are away from us, for we are nothing blessed. Seasons come and go, and our without You. Help us to forgive the WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •13


With The

Holidays By Dr. Talya Straughter


efore we have completed Thanksgiving dinner, we begin the process of adorning our homes with Christmas decorations and hunting for discounted holiday deals. The final days of the year can bring a few weeks of constant motion for many along with feeling overwhelmed. Depending on which lens you are viewing from, the holiday season can be a happy and joyous time, enriched by reuniting with family and friends or the year's end can be very stressful. Although the holidays are supposed to be a time full of joy, good cheer and optimistic hopes for a new year, many people struggle during the holiday season when expectations are high and routines are disrupted. With some mental preparation and planning, everyone can cope with the season and even enjoy it. Here is a short list of things that you can implement to create and maintain a less stressful time during the holiday season. • Set limits: You do not have to stay at a function from the time it starts until the end. Decide how long you can stay at a party or your family member’s house, and stick to your plan. • Set and maintain a daily schedule: Planning your day by balancing activities between when you are with

others and activities when you are alone. Also, maintaining a consistent sleeping schedule in order to ensure that you are at your best physically and emotionally. • Keep your expectations manageable: Setting realistic goals for yourself during the holiday season will allow you to pace yourself. During this season organize your time by making a list and prioritize the important activities. • Discover your own meaning for the holidays: Ask yourself what you appreciate most about the holidays. You can also celebrate the holidays in a new way by trying something new.

Save time for yourself! Recharge your batteries! Let others share in the responsibility of planning activities. • Fun, not perfection: Resist the urge to do everything you can to make the season perfect for everyone. Just have as much fun as you can and do not expect it to be perfect. Anticipate stress. Plan ahead of time what your strategy will be when times get stressful. Is it possible to take a walk outside for 15 minutes when a family gathering gets stressful? How about a trip to your favorite store if your schedule gets you down? Don’t allow the Grinch to steal your joy during this holiday season.

• Create a safe space: Choose people and places to spend most of your time with that add to your overall mental well-being, rather than deplete and challenge it. You can withstand difficulty for short periods, but prolonged periods of stress can quickly compromise your recovery. • Take care of yourself: Self-care is important at all times; however, during the holiday season refrain from moodaltering substances; take medication as prescribed; connect with others; rest; and find enjoyment in your activities.

Talya Straughter is a licensed professional counselor in private practice in Ridgeland, MS. She can be reached at 601-952-0515, ext. 4 or talyastraughtercounseling@ gmail.com. 14 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018

Merry Christmas! Designed by Nicole Zischke





PNA was established in January of 2015 under the leadership of Bertha McGruder, who had a mission and purpose to support nurses in need with health problems and to invite other nurses to be a support for each other. All too often, we as nurses were witnessing too many Homegoings Celebrations of our co-workers and peers due to health related issues. We, as nurses always take care of other people. I felt like it was time for us to take care of each other.

Within a year, we had accomplished all the necessary paper work to be classified as a 501-C non-profit group. As the years go by, we not only take care and assist our peers, but we’ve managed to assist thus far seven students with JCASF to further their studies in nursing. JCASF was established in April 2015 in honor of Joyce Conway Adams, one of our peers who passed away on the morning of our first banquet. The night was cherished in her honor.

We also hold a Memorial event each year for those who have passed on to a new life for all their years of service as nurses and nursing assistants. We host an Angel Tree event each year for gifted child/ren or family/ies in need. Each year we have our Nurses Banquet (JCASF) to award students in their 2nd year of nursing to assist with their studies. “We do our best to give back to the community.”

Bertha McGruder, President

Photo Credit: Thomas Douglas 16 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018

Life Insurance If someone you love relies on your income, you need life insurance.

Call Joanne for a free quote at 601-398-6733.

Photo Credit: eugenesergeev/Adobe Stock

18 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018


Jamie Rasberry

Jamie served in the student ministry at Pinelake Church Madison Campus teaching the 6th grade girls, all of which are now in college. She had also been on several mission trips. Part of the ministry was service, so they would go to downtown Jackson and serve at We Will Go Ministries either every other month or one Saturday a month. “That was kind of our cadence and I think the Lord birthed a passion for ministry and missions that I didn’t know at the time. I just knew that every time He sent me somewhere, whether it was Russia or Africa or downtown Jackson, it ignited something within me that I had never experienced before. And when you ignite a fire it’s hard to put it out, so that fire continued to burn and get bigger.

Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine had the privilege to sit down and talk with Jamie Rasberry and to hear a part of her story. We are delighted to share her story with you:


University, but realized I didn’t like the Delta so I came back to the Jackson area and went to Holmes in Ridgeland, Mississippi. I finished at Belhaven University with my Undergrad. I went back and got my Masters at Mississippi State in Public Health.”

I knew that I either had to do something about it or just let it keep building, and I chose to do something about it. It’s funny because I was actually in Ethiopia in October of 2010, which was a pivotal moment for me. The moment in my life where I knew I could stay in Ethiopia. I literally did not have to return to America, I could stay right there and be just fine. Or if I went back to America, I had to do something different. I could not just keep living the mundane.

I mean life was good. I was serving in church, I was in student ministry, I was serving on the weekends, I was doing She works for Tivity Health where all the stuff, but I was so unhappy their primary focus is on physical because I fitness, physical activity Through this, the Lord knew there products and programs. The taught me how to love was more premier product is Silver people, from the ones that I was Sneakers “That was kind of our who knocked on the door called for. I I went to a small cadence and I think the which is needing something, to didn’t want to private school in West Lord birthed a passion for a fitness those that knocked on the keep checking Mississippi called East program for ministry and missions that I door giving something. off the Holmes Academy. It older adults. didn’t know at the time...” boxes. I was was actually closed young and going home by myself in an several years ago and Jamie has a heart apartment and I was just not happy. doesn’t exist anymore, but I went there for helping young boys and girls in her There was this missing piece of me from kindergarten to 9th grade, then community, giving them shelter, food that the Lord was calling me to. I finished school at Canton Academy. and prayer and so much more. From there I went to Delta State amie Rasberry was born and raised in Kosciusko, Mississippi on her grandparent’s farm that was started in 1849. “My grandfather passed away earlier this year in 2018, but my grandmother and family still live there, that’s home for me.”

Photo Credit: Mark Jake Estremos


I came back from Ethiopia and I called Amy Lancaster at We Will Go Ministries and told her I needed to talk to her, because I was back from Ethiopia and the Lord told me to move in with her at We Will Go Ministries. In March of 2011, I moved in to We Will Go Ministries which is in the heart of downtown Jackson, Mississippi. I worked full-time but was a full-time missionary there with the Ministry as well.

into one of those houses.

these kids that come from tragedy and grief, abandonment, neglect and trauma, and mix that into a teenage boy, it’s a lot.

It’s funny how the Lord can do something in an instant and it change the whole course for the rest of your life, whether it is a positive or a difficult We Will Go Ministries had bought thing. At that point, I was doing some the YMCA on Farish Street, so the ministry out of the Youth Unit Prison in kids would go and play basketball Rankin County. We would go and teach there and they’d come by my house. a Bible class to the youth offenders, I started giving out water and freeze but this particular day I was tired and pops or the granola bars. They knew I didn’t want to go to the prison. I that was my house and if my car was didn’t want to answer the door. I just parked out front that I was home, and needed some time by they could knock on the door and I served there for It’s funny how the Lord can myself somewhere. get snacks and food or whatever they the first two years do something in an instant I was sitting on my needed that I had. and it was primarily and it change the whole front porch having a middle aged African I began building relationships with course for the rest of your moment and I heard American men that some noise down the them and that went on for about two were on the streets or life... street. years. By then, I knew that my time lived in the area that at We Will Go Ministries was coming would come and knock on our doors to an end, but my time here, in this looking for help. So, here’s these young There were about five teenage boys walking down the street being loud community was just beginning. I didn’t white females answering the doors to and spitting and cussing and just being know what was on the other side of these middle aged African American boys. As they got closer to my house, that but I knew I couldn’t just go back homeless men. I thought, I really don’t want to deal to an apartment in Madison. with them. I just needed a minute of Through this, the Lord taught me silence before I had to go to the prison. I knew this Midtown Community how to love people, from the ones At that moment, the Lord reminded was where most of the kids that I had who knocked on the door needing me that I had just randomly baked invested in lived, so I began to spend something, to those that knocked on more time in this neighborhood, riding the door giving something. There were some chocolate chip cookies the night before. I heard Him tell me to go in through, praying, connecting with a lot of churches and individuals that more kids, really trying to get to where wanted to come and donate and serve, the kitchen, get the cookies and give and you had to learn how to love them them to the boys. So, I went inside, got they were. I started looking at houses cookies, walk down the but there weren’t all. Sometimes church people were That was like taking a street to the boys and many available houses harder to deal with than the street invited them to come people. step of faith and the Lord because they were all sit on the porch. boarded up and run provided the whole. down, and it was not He also taught me how to worship Something shifted in me that day, a pretty neighborhood. Him and to serve Him, because you to see these kids in a different light. To think when you start doing ministry see the needs that were so apparent Every year Millsaps College hosts or serving as a missionary, it’s about after a five-minute conversation. They a block party for the Midtown you doing something. But it was really live in the neighborhood, some of Community, and they open up the back about the Lord doing something them on that street, and everything gate, that’s the only time of the year through me to teach me, and I started from there. that gate is opened. I came over with wouldn’t trade that time for anything some of the kids and I parked in the in the world. Eight years later, I’ve taken in nine parking lot of the apartment complex young men and given time, money down the street. As we were leaving the I lived there and served there for and energy and a lot of prayers to block party the Lord stopped me in the four years as a full-time missionary. 100 kids in the neighborhood and middle of the street, and I saw all these That’s when I went back to school and the community. It’s not for the faint kids and all these people coming down got my Master's Degree. After they of heart since teenage boys are a the street. The Lord said, “These are my finished restoring the houses on Cohi challenge in itself. But when you take people crossing over,” that’s all He said. Street, in Jackson, Mississippi, I moved 20 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018

I had no idea what that meant. From April until August, I drove around all the time looking at houses and praying, but I never noticed this house before. One day I was on the street and parked in front of the house and the Lord said, this is your house, this is it. It was boarded up with plywood on the windows and not pretty.

saw they needed most was a mother. Many of them had lost their mothers and were being raised by aunts or grandmothers or other family members, and they longed for the mother they didn’t have. I have taken in nine boys, and I have one here with me now. There are definitely house rules, guidelines and expectations. I will do my part but they have to do their part. You wash your own dishes, you clean up after yourself and you keep a clean room.

water? Can I take a nap? I share cooked meals so they can sit down and eat a good healthy, hearty meal. I give rides to basketball practice and haircuts. I find a way in every situation to point them to Jesus and share a scripture or stories or my experiences. If I leave Jesus out, I have failed miserably and there’s no point in me even being here. Helping to get them on the right track and pointing them to the one who can really and truly change their lives forever is the most important mission. My goal is for them to get saved and to do what God’s given them the gift to do.

The numbers on the house were 317 and the Lord told me those numbers meant something. I went to the Bible and I started in every The Lord has protected us, These are not just book and went to and if we weren’t supposed strangers off the chapter 3 verse 17. I What advice would you give to a got to Joshua 3:17 and to be here, He would make street. These are it clear for us. So, I’m going kids that I’ve been young lady who felt led to follow in it read; There they to teach my daughter how investing in for years. your footsteps? stood, the priests carrying the ark of the to love people and to serve I’ve got some that are doing great and When I first started this journey, covenant stood firmly and share the gospel. have exceeded any there was a day where the Lord and I planted on dry ground expectation I could have ever imagined had a really long, deep conversation in the middle of the Jordan and all of for them, and there are some that are about fear, and the Lord said, you can Israel crossed over on dry land. trying to figure it out. There are also a go in fear or you can go in faith, you’re few that have royally messed up, and going either way. I had to decide how I I had seen the Lord confirm things as a mother, it just was going to go, and and show me things, but this was just I find a way in every situation breaks my heart. it wasn't a one-time one of those ok moments. The house to point them to Jesus and decision. It’s a daily was owned by Midtown Partners, so share a scripture or stories decision. There are There are many I called and told them I wanted the or my experiences. If I leave still days where I have days where I think, house. They told me $12,000 and it I don’t have to do to choose how I’m is yours. I didn’t have the money but Jesus out, I have failed this anymore. I’ve I asked if I could start cleaning and miserably and there’s no point going to go today? got my daughter, I’m And it may not be working on it and they said I could. in me even being here. tired and stressed fear of getting hurt On September 15, 2014, a group from or fear of something happening as Pinelake came in and took the plywood out, I work full time and have to travel, and it’s gets to be way too much. much as it is fear of failing because I off the windows and started working And I think, I can sell my house and don’t have money to do all the things and we made it a demo day. The next move back to the suburbs and be ok, that I’m willing to do. day, someone gave me $12,000 to buy but it never fails. I get a knock on the the house. door and it may not be a, Ms. Jamie Be wise about the choices you I need your help. It may be someone make and keep God first. Involve That was like taking a step of faith coming to check on me, to see if I Him in every decision and every and the Lord provided the whole. It need anything. It refreshes me and situation in your life. took me a year and a half to get the house renovated, and every step of the encourages me to keep going. The way He provided. The cool part of it all Lord has protected us, and if we weren’t supposed to be here, He would was that a lot of my boys helped along make it clear for us. So, I’m going to the way. They had hammers and tools teach my daughter how to love people knocking down walls and everything and to serve and share the gospel. and I loved that they were a part of it. The House was finished in April of A real-life day to day situation is 2016, so I’ve been here almost three where kids call me, they knock on the years. I’ve had boys and girls, but door and ask if they can get some mostly a bunch of boys, and what I WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •21

A Christmas Carol Gone Right By Tonja Murphy


few years ago, I participated in an icebreaker that involved asking everyone to name their favorite Christmas song. As everyone named their favorite, I anxiously awaited my turn to name not one but two songs. The songs I chose were “Oh, Holy Night” and “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas.” A few of the festive partygoers gave me curious looks. So, I explained my choices. When I was younger, one of my sisters caught me singing “Oh Holy Night” and decided this was an excellent time to try out my dad’s tape recorder. She caught me singing it loud, strong, and wrong. I didn’t know it was “fall on your knees” not “fall on your sleeves.” Needless to say, my debut solo did not make it to the Billboard 100, and the fact that I enjoy “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas” is equally puzzling to folks who know me, since I have had at least one child at home on Christmas for nearly 30 years. Maybe it’s because of the dramatic “what do they do” part at the end. Now, if you have ever enjoyed karaoke, I am the off-key person proudly singing these songs, and I humbly accept my karaoke card suspension and permanent revocation review. Well, I got a few laughs during the icebreaker, but deep down I knew talking about those songs were all for fun. To be honest my favorite Christmas song is “The Little Drummer Boy.” This

holiday favorite is about a little boy who was asked by the Magi to visit the Christ child. Unlike the Magi he has no expensive gift for Him. So, he offered all he had by playing his drum. This reminds me how important it is to use what we have-even when we feel as if it’s nothing-to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. I played my drum for Him. We all have a drum that represents our purpose in the world, and sometimes playing your drum can be difficult. Drums look and sound differently. From the snare to the bass, the sound of each drum is essential to setting the beat and rhythm. The size doesn’t matter. What matters is when it is struck with appropriate timing and in beat to the music. The same applies to the drum in you. There are times when all you can see, hear, or feel, is God and His drum inside you. What you’ve been called to do seems insignificant compared to those around you, and day-in and day-out, menial tasks or thankless jobs go unnoticed. My advice to you: Keep pushing. I played my best for Him. How do you play when you are unsure if the powers-that-be will notice? How do you continue when you question whether or not you will get

22 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018

an increase in pay, award, or just an acknowledgement? Discouragement and feeling insignificant attempt to settle in, and you want to give up on what God has purposed in you because of how the world may respond to it. Just like the drummer boy, play your drum. Play the drum of assigned purpose. You, my dear, play your best. Then, He smiled at me. God doesn’t require perfection. He only asks for a sincere heart and genuine effort. This is what makes God smile. It doesn’t matter if you’re the person at the receptionist desk or the one who ultimately signs off on a decision. What matters is how you prepared in the best way possible to fulfill your assigned duty. Playing your drum is a part of something that is so much bigger than your instrument itself. You are part of an orchestra filled with instruments and, when played together, make a beautiful sound. This sound is connected to a sweet melody of a beautiful song and serves as a reminder that you’re on track and to keep playing even as your eyes are on God, the Conductor. In His infinite love He gave you a gift that you’re required to return daily in the best possible way. When you do; He smiles. Play, not so the world will honor you, but so God smiles.


24 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018

International Day of Persons with Disabilities By Joanne Bell-Wright



ntonetta Maurishay Bell is the daughter of Joanne Bell-Wright, Founder of Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine. Antonetta was diagnosed with a developmental delay early in her life, but she has never allowed that to stop her. She has achieved almost everything she has thought in her mind to achieve. She wanted to be a cheerleader. We weren’t sure how that would happen, but I always told her, “one day you can,” whenever she asked could she do something. We found a special needs cheer team when her brothers were competing in a cheer competition and that was it. She was a competing cheerleader for 3 years with The Outlaws cheer team. She has played Top Soccer, Challenger Baseball, Hoops Basketball, and so many other things. She goes to

two Proms every year and a Valentine’s Dance, so she gets to dress up too. The biggest thing she has talked about since being a little girl was getting her own apartment and working at McDonalds. In 2016, she moved away from home and moved into her own apartment with two other roommates. That was the hardest for me, because I thought she would always be with me. She is thriving and living her own life with her own friends and having a ball. This year, she started her first job at Zaxby’s and then took on a second job at, guess where, McDonalds! She is so excited to be working and making her own money and I am so proud of her. She has shown me and her brothers and sisters and everyone around her, that if you believe and never give up, anything is possible.

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330 Edgewood Terrace, Ste. C, JACKSON 601-982-3336 stevenjames2@allstate.com

In my lifetime, I’ve developed A lot of issues with trust And in trusting people Somehow or another;

That’s You By Patricia Sandifer

You made me trust you Love you as my own Mother, You have developed a thing A strong thing in me That makes me want to live And love; The thing is this No one in my lifetime Was able to break the shell But you did. That superwoman in you. At this age in my life I don’t want to feel Love are anything else; But with you I’ve gained the mindset To feel everything, Including all of my insecurities;. But that’s you How is it? In your spirit to develop me To mold me, to shape me And make me feel better; That’s you Whenever I need a hand to hold, That’s you To be the one to put a Smile on my face That’s you To love me. Even though I am a stranger to you. All l can say now is that, That’s you and I love you for that.

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Abstract Study - By Mya Bell

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Photo Credit: KCULP /Adobe Stock


Cheesy Monkey Bread Coat pieces of dough with garlicky butter, cheese and herbs before layering 'em into a Bundt pan.

Yields: 10 servings Prep Time: 0 hours 10 mins Total Time: 1 hour 0 mins Ingredients 2 (1-lb.) balls pizza dough 1 clove garlic, crushed with press 4 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. dried onion flakes 1 tbsp. sesame seeds 2 green onions, finely chopped 1 c. coarsely grated Gruyere cheese 1 tbsp. melted butter 2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley Marinara, for serving Directions On lightly floured surface, shape pizza dough into 8-inch squares. Microwave garlic and butter 1 minute; brush generously onto dough. Sprinkle 1 square with dried onion flakes and sesame seeds. Sprinkle the other with green onions. Cut each square into 1-inch pieces. Layer one-third of each flavored dough, buttered side down, onto bottom of greased and floured 10- to 12-cup Bundt pan. Top with 1/2 cup Gruyere; repeat to make second layer. Top with remaining dough pieces, brush with 1 tablespoon melted butter and sprinkle with parsley. Cover pan with kitchen towel and let rise 20 minutes. Bake at 400°F until top is golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes. Cool in pan 5 minutes, then serve with marinara for dipping.

36 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018

Are you putting more money into bills than you are into savings? Could your family financially survive without your income? Would an extra $1000 a month make a significant difference in your household? Would you like to learn more about the answer to these questions? Contact us for more answers to these questions and a free financial analysis. Paxton Payton - (601) 942-2386 Shinita Payton - (601) 594-0382 WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •37

Woman To Woman With Joanne’s Let’s Talk Sessions provide a safe environment for women to come and share whatever is on their heart - burdens, struggles, joys. We invite women to share openly without fear of being judged, talked about, or broadcast all over social media.

Upcoming Events for


Let’s Talk Sessions are held at the Mantle once a month.


January 17th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


February 21st - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


March 16th - Woman to Woman with Joanne presents the Third Annual Mississippi Legends Ball March 21st - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


April 18th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


July 18th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


October 17th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


May 16th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


August 30th-31st - Annual Empowerment Conference, Friday Night-A Night of Worship 6pm - 9pm Saturday-Conference Speakers 1oam - 2pm Location To Be Announced


November 21st - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216

38 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 20•December 2018


June 20th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


September 19th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


December 19th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216

A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS State Bank & Trust Renasant Bank Allstate Steven James Agency Sanjo Security Systems CNC Integrated Payment Systems


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