Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine Fall Issue 1

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Fall 2017 - Issue 1



Mayor Ryshonda Harper Beechem on page 6 Mayor Marion Smoot Pages 14-15

Judge Toni Walker Terrett Pages 10

Valencia Reynolds Beamon

Pages 26-28

The Strength of a Woman by Timothy Quinn

Page 13




Joanne’s Desk

CEO, Publisher & Editor Joanne Bell Contributing Writers Dr. Timothy Quinn Patricia Smith Salmeilia Stewart Layout Design Michelle Zischke Cover Photo West Photography Facebook Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine Subscribe! Visit: bit.ly/joannemag Contact us at: woman2woman.joanne@ yahoo.com 601-398-6733 P.O. Box 2031 Ridgeland, Ms 39158 All rights reserved. No portion of Woman to Woman with Joanne may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The management of Woman to Woman with Joanne is not responsible for opinions expressed by its writers. Woman to Woman with Joanne maintains the unrestricted right to edit or refuse all submitted material. All advertisements are subject to approval by the publisher. The production of Woman to Woman is funded by advertising and sponsorship.


Foundation. As I looked up the meaning of the word foundation, out of the 9 definitions I found, the one that stood out the most was, “the act of founding, setting up, establishing.” Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine was established in May of 2016 with a leap of faith. I heard God say go and I went, and the magazine grew by leaps and bounds. So much and so fast that the foundation started to crack and needed some repairs. As we started to reconstruct the company, we had to take a few steps back to secure the foundation. We are now ready to share more new stories of powerful and unrelenting women of Mississippi with you. We want to share stories that the everyday ordinary woman can relate to. We are in the business of inspiring and encouraging women beyond their circumstances.

It doesn’t matter what you may be going through, there is someone close by going through or coming out of the same situation. We want to empower you past your pain! As you read the stories of the women that we share and see yourself in the pages, share the stories with someone else that you think will be touch and helped by it. Let’s all take a step back and look at our foundation and see if there are a few cracks that need to be sealed. Let’s pray for each other daily that we will find the strength we need to continue to move forward inspite of the cracks. I love you guys and I am so excited to be able to share with you, every month the stories of Mississippi women doing great things!

Love ya much!


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In This Issue

Cover Story: Mayor Ryshonda Harper Beechem.............................6-8 Spotlight : Judge Toni Walker Terrett................................................10-12 The Strength of a Woman...........................................................................13 Spotlight : Mayor Marion Smoot.......................................................14-15 The Importance of HIV Testing..................................................................17 Mya’s Corner..................................................................................................18 New Magazine Photograper!.............................................................19-21 News Release..........................................................................................22-23 Fashion Spotlight : Valencia Reynolds Beemon..........................26-28 Don’t Look Back, Move Forward............................................................30 Stilleto’s On The Pavement’s...............................................................32-33 New Era Fashion Show........................................................................34-36 Remembering Emmett Louis Till & Others .....................................38-41 Our Sponsors..................................................................................................43 WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •5

Mayor Ryshonda Harper Beechem by Joanne Bell



oman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine was so honored to be able to sit down and talk with Mrs. Ryshonda Harper Beechem who is the newly elected Mayor of Pelahatchie, MS. She is actually the first African American to take the Office of Mayor in Rankin County as well as the first Female Mayor in Pelahatchie. We are grateful to have the privilege to share a part of her story and her passion with the world. Ryshonda Harper Beechem was born and raised in Pelahatchie, MS where she currently resides with her husband Roderick Beechem and her beautiful daughter little Miss Ramzey Beechem. She graduated from Pelahatchie High School in 1998 and went on to Jackson State University where she received a degree in Accounting. She has owned her own business since she was 21 years old and she was very active in her community before being elected Mayor. Ryshonda and her husband Roderick now own the accounting firm HBG & Associates Inc., HBC Academy Inc., which is a Jackson Childcare Center and StaTuned Multimedia which creates commercials. This is her story: Growing up in Mississippi has been a great experience for me because it’s home. Mississippi is very comfortable, everybody knows everybody or they know a friend of a friend. People are very friendly as well. I was raised by three of the strongest women I know, My mom, with the help of my

Grandmother and my Aunt. My mom has been my strength. She has always exemplified herself as a strong woman and I believe her strength lies within me. I grew up in church and was baptized at 11 years old. I remember my grandmother telling me everyday to “get your education,” and that has stuck with me more than anything. The night before she passed away she asked me, “are you walking across Jackson State’s stage?” I said, “yes ma’am.” She passed away the next day but her words still live through me. During the Summer, my Aunt Jearleen and Uncle Robert Holly made sure we had school work before we could go out to play everyday and on Friday our parents would check our work. Our family taught us structure. I decided to run for Mayor after the former Mayor decided he wasn’t going to pursue another term. He had been the Mayor of Pelahatchie for sixteen years and had done an awesome job. My plan is just to pick up where he left

Milltown Park baseball field

are addressed and any enhancements or changes needing to be made can come to pass. Pelahatchie is home for me and I am overjoyed that the people chose me to be their Mayor. My ultimate goal is to bridge our community together for the betterment of the town. To some this may appear to be a huge responsibility, but to me it is now my job and I am working to do my best to complete the task at hand. One of my first priorities was to work on

I think it was destined for me to be Mayor because when God says go, you have to go and that’s what happened for me. off and enhance some things. During the campaign, I held a meeting and invited everyone in town to come and express their concerns and issues so that we could try and work together. I’m merely the person that’s leading, but it will take everyone in the community to come together to make sure that their concerns

Milltown Park which is a recreational baseball field and possibly soccer field for our youth. This was something that a great deal of residents expressed concerns about. They wanted to have somewhere for our children to play and have tournaments so that other people could come.

Photo Credit: West Photographer and StaTuned Media WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •7

I also decided to run for Mayor to show our girls a better way. To blaze a trail for them to see that you can be anything you set your mind to. I have a dance team called The Prancing Ivyz and Ivyz Misses and it was designed to give the girls who have a passion for dance a different avenue to achieve her goals and dreams. Growing up I was always told that dancing would not provide an avenue for me and to always have something to fall back on. Well now there are scholarships being offered for majorette dance. Just the thought of this being able to provide an avenue for a girl to attend college is great! The campaign trail, I was never nervous about. I purchased about twenty signs because initially I had only planned to put some in a few places. Then I started getting phone calls from people asking me to put a sign in their yard. So I order sixty more, then I got more calls, so I order more and all of them were in someone’s yard. That surprised me. I think it was destined for me to be Mayor because when God says go, you have to go and that’s what happened for me. Any opposition that came my way, I had to keep walking and I kept walking. I think my journey inspired others as well. So many people came to me and encouraged me saying that no matter what happened, no matter what came your way, you kept going. My main

focus was to run a clean race and I did that. I didn’t focus on anything that my other opponents were doing. I wanted to keep it very positive and very clean and I had to stay focused to do that, and it worked for me. I would advise any young woman that desires to run for any political office, that you have to be ready for the good and the bad. I didn’t go and search for anything bad about anyone, I wasn’t interested in it, but you have to be prepared for them to search for bad things about you. We all have life situations that we go through from high school to college and you have to be prepared for some of those things to be presented. Everyone doesn’t feel the same way you feel and everyone doesn’t campaign the same way. If you’re okay with that, if it doesn’t bother you, then you will have a strong campaign. It didn’t bother me because there wasn’t anything that was so bad, it was life and you can’t control everything. Things happen, you handle it and you move on. I would tell the next person to be strong, stay prayed up and keep God first in everything that you do. Remember who you are, why you are walking and stay focused on the journey. I have my dance team recite this scripture after every practice; Proverbs 3:6 which says, “In all thy ways


acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.” I chose that scripture for my young girls because I want them to not only learn it but to digest it, because as they grow up they are going to need it. I want them to remember this scripture whenever they go through any hard times in life, to just acknowledge God in all their ways and He will make their pathway straight. Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine loves the heart of Mayor Beechem and her love for her community and the young girls there. We love to see a light shining so that all the world can see and we are so happy we were able to share her light with you!



Toni Walker

Terrett Municipal Court Judge By Joanne Bell

Photo Credit: Alvin Coleman 10 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •Fall 2017


oman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine had the pleasure of sitting down with Vicksburg Municipal Court Judge Toni Walker Terrett. It was such a breath of fresh air to listen to her story and we are elated to be able to share a part of her with you. Born and raised in Vicksburg, Mississippi, she attended Elementary, Junior High and High School in her home town. She tried to get away several times but was always drawn back home. She is a graduate of Tougaloo College, she completed a year at Purdue University in Indiana and she completed Graduate School at The University of Memphis with a Master’s in Journalism. She received her law degree from the Mississippi College School of Law.

We lived in the country and my two sisters and I had the chance to ride our bikes and play outside until the sun went down, all the things that a childhood should be like. We were blessed; we did a lot of traveling with our parents when we were younger, so each summer and during spring breaks we would always be on the road going different places, even if it was somewhere close by like New Orleans or Atlanta. We even drove all the way to Michigan and California. So we were able to see the difference in cultures when we traveled outside of the state. We would see different things that we didn’t have in Mississippi. Travelling really broadened our perspective on life.

practice, I had been before a lot of different Judges throughout the state. This exposure helped me to determine ways to be more effective in the courtroom when it was my turn to be a Judge. The good Judges are the ones who listen and try to be receptive, who know and understand the law but also care about people. And so with me having a chance to have an affect on people’s lives, it showed me that it is important to have the right people in place as far as judgeships are concerned.

From personal experience, not only as an Attorney, but just as a person in general, I know what it’s like trying to talk to somebody about a traffic Becoming a Municipal Court Judge ticket, how it feels to be humiliated or apparently was just in God’s plan. dismissed by the court staff or even the When I was going through Law School Judge. I want to be more accessible to I had a church member who, whenever She and her husband Andre just people. A person’s social or financial she saw me, would always call me recently celebrated 20 years of status should not dictate how they are Judge, and that puzzled me because marriage and they have 5 treated by the court system. children, Gabrielle, Aaron, You can be firm and give defendants the The playing field has to be Samuel, Elysse and Ellis. in order for justice to sentence their crimes deserve, and still level Here is her story: prevail. I don’t think there treat them like human beings. is a formula, but so far “Growing up in Mississippi, this approach seems to I really and truly didn’t know how we be working. You can be firm and give I hadn’t even graduated and passed were perceived until I got older. I didn’t defendants the sentence their crimes the bar yet. Then, when I did graduate directly experience some of the things deserve, and still treat them like and passed the bar, she was still in my that people talk about as far as racism human beings. ear saying judge, she is going to be a and discrimination are concerned or, if judge. But I just didn’t see how that was I did, I didn’t know I was experiencing I started off as Community Court Judge, going to happen because I was just it. My parents always had a good and then I was Judge Pro-Tem, which is getting my feet wet. In 2009, we had a relationship with my teachers and I did a part time or as needed judge. When new administration come forth with the well in school. I was an honor student the 2013 City Administration took office, city and I was offered the opportunity and I didn’t feel like I was denied any I was chosen and appointed to fill the to work as opportunities, so as a child I didn’t see position of full-time Community Court I pray daily and try to stay some of the more negative aspects of Municipal Court Judge which our state from a personal standpoint. focused and not get distracted. Judge. It was such deals with Code As an adult I have now seen things a blessing and I Enforcement. that other people have gone through have been truly It was part time so I was on the bench and I know that a lot of it has to do honored to serve in the capacity of maybe twice a month. It was a great with different mentalities and mindsets Municipal Court Judge. experience and great exposure as it that need to be challenged. It makes I was reappointed in July 2017 at the helped prepare me for the things that me more thankful for the positives that beginning of the current administration. would come up in the future. During I experienced and hopeful that those I would like to think that being that time I saw that there was a need in positions of authority will use their reappointed means that I have been an for certain perspectives on the bench. influence for the benefit of all people effective and fair jurist during my tenure. As an Attorney with a very busy law and not just a select few. Continued on page 4 WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •11

Being in such a position, I have to make a lot of tough decisions. Sometimes you have to say what needs to be said at the

to disappear - it has to get done. I pray daily and try to stay focused and not get distracted. At this point in my life

Keep your circle small as far as who you confide in and who you trust.

and do His will and learn how to have a personal life, even if that just means sitting in your bed reading a book, learn how to do some things for yourself! My favorite scripture is Matthew 6:33 which says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” It’s a scripture that helps me keep things in perspective. And it’s not all about going to church every Sunday but just keeping in mind that there is something greater than ourselves that we are working towards. So if you seek Him first, you don’t have to worry or guess where your blessings are coming from.

moment to try and encourage people I am learning what it really means to and pray that the parties involved take have a life outside of work – I have to to heart what you are saying. I have take time every now and then to relax had instances where people have come and focus on myself. I’ve always been back to me a year or two later to say a hard worker and it has paid off. that something I said changed their life I don’t plan to slow down, but I do look and made them want to be better and forward to having more balance. to do what’s right. Some of them have The advice I would give to a young even said, “that was the best thing you lady interested in becoming a Judge – could have done, giving the sentence Woman To Woman To Woman With first, make sure you have all the proper you gave.” Now, I am not trying to educational and licensing requirements. Joanne The Magazine has always take any credit for anything (to God be believed that if people were in the Keep your reputation in good standing, the glory!), it’s just good to know that position that they were really meant and pay your bills on time. Watch the people actually listen to what you say. people you associate with and don’t get to be in, this world be a much better With Vicksburg being a small town, place. If everyone were really living involved in a lot of garbage because you have to be careful of how you deal their calling and truly fulfilling their life’s with people and how you treat purpose, and not just taking them, even if you have to put “But seek ye first the kingdom of God a position for the money, this them in jail for a period of time. and His righteousness, and all these world would run a lot smoother. It’s good affirmation to know If police officers were living their that people think you’re doing things shall be added to you.” calling to be a police officer or the right thing even though Matthew 6:33 if doctors were really operating you have to make the tough in their calling to be a doctor…. decisions. it would be so much better. that reflects on you negatively. And It’s great to see and know someone Being a full-time mom, a full-time Judge, sometimes even if it doesn’t reflect on who is in a position that they have the a teacher and so much more, is a juggle you it can affect you in other ways if you heart to be in. Toni Walker Terrett has a but my answer to being able to handle associate with the wrong people. heart for people and her desire to see it all is simple, it’s by the grace of God. I don’t really have a big circle of friends. Some things you just can’t stop and I have my family and maybe two people people changed for the better, even if it means making the tough decisions, is think about. that I talk to on a regular basis. At one so encouraging to us and we pray her I know things have to get done. point it bothered me that I didn’t have story has encouraged you as well. We have to eat, we have to live, the a lot of people to talk to, but now it’s Her heart is truly in the right place and kids need clothes, so I think it’s just one probably good. Keep your circle small we applaud her for following her calling. of those things where you just dive in as far as who you confide in and who because the responsibilities and the you trust. Of course always trust God needs of the household are not going Background Photo Credit: Felix Mizioznikov/Adobe Stock




Woman by Dr. Timothy Quinn

Photo Credit: Konstantin Yuganov/Adobe Stock

“Women have demonstrated strength despite adversity since the beginning of time.” Strength is positively impacted by persistence. I often think of the fable, “The Tortoise and the Hare”, which demonstrated how perseverance beats speed. My mother worked two jobs while me and my brother were young. I remember her leaving for work six days a week, and taking us to church every Sunday. I remember asking her on many occasions if she ever got tired, and she would always remind me that

Dr. Timothy Quinn

making sure her boys had what they needed was more important. As a physician of over ten years, I have observed my female patients very often making personal sacrifices for their families when there was no help in the home. In many cases, these women may not have been the most physically strong, but exhibited a persistence that led to their undeniable success. There have been multiple occasions when these mentally strong female patients would come to our office with physical symptoms to include fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, and other symptoms. After a detailed history and many lab and clinical tests, these strong female patients would be diagnosed as being overworked in far too many cases. Women have persevered over time in many situations when we men would have not been able to. Less pay for the same job performance, work place sexual harassment and discrimination, and an unfortunate too often case of an unfair lack of welldeserved promotions are just a few of the obstacles women are forced to deal with every day. Despite all the less than optimal scenarios, women in general have a better ability to

see the desired outcome. Even more impressive are increasing scenarios of women taking on rolls of leadership in our society. Not surprisingly, most of us have known that women have been doing a great deal of the lifting for decades, but are now starting to gain recognition. Due to prejudices of our society, women have had to conceal many of their accomplishments in fear of lost opportunities. Many companies of the past would strategically place a male figure as the victor of the company’s objective to gain loyalty from the supporters. Women were told that they had to work from the shadows to maintain this confidence and loyalty. Our society has gained great momentum regarding improved work and social conditions for our women, but have a long way to go to reach the deserved equality. Like the tortoise from the fable, women are not always the fastest or physically strong, but have the ability and foresight to maintain the persistence which makes them our “true champions” For more on Dr. Quinn, like his Facebook page: Dr. Timothy Quinn and follow him on Instagram and Twitter: @askdrquinn WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •13


Mayor Marion Smoot by Joanne Bell

One of her favorite scriptures is

Phillipians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 14 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •Fall 2017

“For any young woman wanting to run for any political office, I would advise you to just be herself, be committed to living by the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12), and seeking God first in all her decisions.”


oman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine had the pleasure of sitting down with the newly elected Mayor of Scooba, Mississippi and we are so excited to share a part of her life, thoughts and views with you.

our town. And natives are continuously moving away because there is nothing here to keep them in the area other than family and friends. I believe Scooba has potential to be a place that provides those opportunities for people to be successful.”

I asked for their confidence in me, and now that I know they believe in me, I accept the challenge and will do my best to make our community a better place to live and want to continue to live. I would just like to work with the citizens and get everyone more involved.”

Marion Smoot is a native of Scooba, Mississippi and was Valedictorian of the Kemper County High School Class of 2000. In 2001 she graduated from East Mississippi Community College with an Associate of Arts Degree in Computer Science. In 2004 she graduated from the University of West Alabama with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Mathematics-Computer Information Systems. She is also a 2012 Graduate of the University of West Alabama with a Master of Arts Degree in Teaching Mathematics. She decided to take a leave of absence from Walden University where she is pursuing a Doctorate of Education in Higher Education Leadership and Management in order to get acquainted with the responsibilities and duties of a Mayor after becoming the Mayor-elect on June 6. She works as a Mathematics instructor at East Mississippi Community College in Scooba where she has been employed for 3.5 years. Marion is also the owner of Divine Touch, a salon and boutique and she has been a cosmetologist for over 15 years. Marion decided to run for Mayor of Scooba because she wanted better opportunities for her community. “ We have great individuals who are natives of Scooba that have moved away because of the lack of opportunities in

“Understanding that the impossible is possible when trusting in God to lead you, was my motivation to run for Mayor of the City of Scooba. In my mind, I believe it’s not the city that creates itself. It is the sacrifices made by people who are willing to volunteer their time and efforts in organizing Little League Teams, Beautification Committees, Community Events, etc... to attract people to want to visit and possibly move to their city. Beyond the entertaining side, you must have leaders with a vision who are willing to seek industries and companies to establish partnerships, and give them reasons to open their business in your city.”

We asked Marion for any advice she would like to share with a young woman wanting to run for a political office: “For any young woman wanting to run for any political office, I would advise you to just be herself, be committed to living by the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12), and seeking God first in all her decisions.”

On the campaign trail she wasn’t your typical candidate. She didn’t make any promises or give false hope. Marion personally went door to door and asked for votes. She asked, “what do you want me to try to do?” She wanted them to understand that she is listening to them and their needs. She wants the citizens to become more involved in making their community a better place to live and to know that they are on the team together. Marion doesn’t consider herself a politician. “I am just an individual who desires better for my community.

Mayor Marion Smoot Photo Credit: Stephanie Green Background Photo Credit: bbourdages/ Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •15


IMPORTANCE Photo Credit: gamjai/Adobe Stock

If you have read or seen any headlines concerning HIV lately, I’m sure you’ve seen one that says Jackson Mississippi ranks number four of HIV cases.


by Patricia Smith you have been exposed. You should get tested if you’ve ever had sex without a condom, shared needles when injecting drugs, or put yourself at risk of HIV in any other way or are worried you might have.

According to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control, Jackson ranks fourth of all major metropolitan The only way to know if you have HIV areas with a high rate of HIV infection is to get tested. A lot of people feel per 100,000 people. With that being nervous about it, but the reasons to test said, it is imperative that we all know far outweigh the reasons not to test. our HIV status. We look at the main It’s quick and easy and free at Why are these reasons why you rates so high? should get tested. several locations throughout Have you ever the city. It’s quick and easy walked upon a and free at several locations throughout conversation where people are saying the city. It’s also the only way to know things like “…somebody HIV positive for sure whether or not you have been can’t fix my food; they can’t stay with infected and involves a quick saliva or me; they can’t watch my children…?” blood test. It’s better to know it’s normal Well the fact of the matter is, people to feel worried about HIV. But why living with HIV not only fix food, many let yourself fear the unknown? Testing own food establishments, they do early for HIV can help put your mind live with you, and they are watching at ease and reduce the anxiety of not your children. But with those types of knowing. It can help you live a long and attitudes, why would one be willing to healthy life. If you do have HIV, being disclose such a personal and intimate diagnosed at an early stage means that piece of their story to open themselves you have a better chance of living a up to ridicule, discrimination, and long and healthy life. HIV attacks your treatment inhumane many times. immune system. With the right treatment We have to do a better job of being and care, people living with HIV can accepting of all persons and help to expect to live as long as the average destroy the stigma that many times person, so it’s important to take control causes people to die in agony many of your health by getting a test. times unnecessarily. It means you can access treatment. Getting tested for HIV can be scary; Being diagnosed early also means however, the condition is treatable so you can get treatment earlier and it is important to get tested if you think help protect your current and future

sexual partners. HIV treatment, called anti-retroviral drugs, help to lower the levels of HIV in your body, meaning HIV cannot attack your immune system. Testing for HIV means that you can access treatment earlier – this will help you live a long and healthy life. Once we can get to a place where we can normalize the conversations about HIV and eliminate the stigma associated to a manageable condition, we will then see more people accessing care and less people dying from this disease.

Patricia Smith, LSW Ryan White Part C Program Coordinator GA Carmichael Family Health Center and HIV Treatment Works Campaign Coordinator Background Photo Credit: xixinxing/ Adobe Stock



Vocalist, Song Writer, Actress, Author

Life Update by Joanne Bell

JaMya Bell has grown by leaps and bounds since she started writing for Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine. She is now 14 years old and currently she helps lead worship in the Student Ministry at Pinelake Church Madison and she volunteers in the Children’s Ministry on Sundays. She decided a couple weeks ago to be baptized and it was such a joy for me as her mother, to experience this with her. She is an inspiration to me and so many others because of her courage to be herself and her determination to succeed in everything that she does. Her passion is singing and writing songs. She loves acting as well, and she is truly great at it. I wanted to celebrate her and to let her know how proud I am of her and the accomplishments she has made. Keep moving forward and we look forward to hearing from you in our next issue of Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine. JaMya Elisabeth Bell Background Photo Credit: cameraman/Adobe Stock



: Madison Edwards Movement & Still Beauty

Madison Edwards is a 15 year old budding multi-talented photographer who intends on capturing the diverse world and all it’s culture from behind her camera’s lense. Her passions include expanding her knowledge on cinematography, pulling laughter out of people, and being as helpful as she can to whomever may need her aid.

Madison’s ultimate goal in life is to travel the world to war-torn countries and lend a helping hand by showing the living conditions of people and their backgrounds. Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine is privileged to have her working with us and helping us to share life stories of women in Mississippi.



Background Photo Credit: Zffoto/Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •21





Fashion Ora’ s Closet Spotlight

Valencia Reynolds Beamon of

Valencia Reynolds Beamon is the daughter of Larry Taylor and the late Ora Taylor. She is the wife of Carlton Beamon and together they have 3 children. She was raised in Yazoo City and graduated from Yazoo City High School in 1994. She attended Mississippi Valley State University and then furthered her education at the University of Mississippi Medical Center where she received a Bachelors of Science degree in Physical Therapy. She has been practicing as a Physical

Therapist for 17 years and began her own physical therapy contract company, “Let’s Move Physical Therapy” in 2010, allowing her to employ several other therapists and service disabled children and geriatrics. In 2014, her mother Ora passed away after suffering a lengthy battle with heart disease. Feeling so much grief and emptiness, Valencia with the help of her sister Kimwana Collins, decided to channel that pain into something positive for the community and opened

Photographer: Cory Clark Models: Kymberli Reynolds, Comelia Walker, Elizabeth Riley and Tiffany Coleman-McGee Stylist: Kenneth Marshall and Your Fashion Fairy

Valencia Reynolds Beamon 26 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •Fall 2017

Ora’s Closet Boutique in Yazoo City in memory of their mother. Since then, Ora’s Closet Boutique has expanded to other locations in Canton and Ridgeland and ships out daily fabulous clothing and accessories al over the United States and Canada. Mrs. Ora was a classy and fashionable woman known affectionately all over Yazoo City for her love of high heel shoes and her style. Through Ora’s Closet Boutique, her legacy lives on.




Don’t Look Back, Move Forward By: Salmeilia J. Stewart

“I’m not going back, I‘m moving ahead. Here to declare to you my past is over in you, all things are made new, surrendered my life to Christ, I’m moving forward” are the lyrics to my favorite song by Israel Houghton. There comes a time in everyone’s life when you must decide to move forward with your dreams and not look back. This can become a bit uncomfortable because it may require you to leave an area of familiarity to the great unknown. However, who says that the unknown must be this distant voyage to a savage land where its only agenda is to unmask a spiral downfall? There is so much untapped potential in the average person that if potential was a gram of gold then we all would be insanely rich. What typically keeps a person from moving forward and wanting to stay in the same place, is no secret…. it’s fear. Fear of what happened last time, fear because you have been taught all these years to be careful and of course because we think it requires a lot of work. It is important to continue the task that has been set before you despite these moments of uncertainty and discomfort. In the book of Genesis, we see a case when Lot and his wife were fleeing the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. The angel of the Lord required them to do one thing and that was to flee and not look back. Unfortunately, Lot’s wife did look back and instantly became a pillar of salt. Who knows exactly why she looked behind her but that one mistake was fatal. When we fail to move forward it robs us of our future.

The next step is to connect yourself with people who have similar interest. You should remove yourself from friends that do the same old things. Instead connect with people who are trying to move in the same direction as you. Most of the time we miss these people because they often look so different from what we imagine and we are often afraid of rejection. You have to decide, do I want to grow or do I want to stay the same? “Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 6:17. You should remove yourself from people who do not share your vision. People who refuse to empower you are only robbing you of your opportunity. Most of the time these are people we love dearly. Paul knew how important it was to separate ourselves from those who lack faith and the fortitude to complete the vision. In moving forward, you must know that you are worth taking the risk. You have to believe that no matter what, you will find a way to land on your feet. We must be led by the spirit and trust that God will lead us. We miss the opportunity to depend on God when we allow our past to consume us. As we move forward, it is important to spend time with God and study His word, so it may take root. God always reminded the Bible greats like Joshua, David, and Solomon to study His word as well as seek Him for guidance. He always reminded them to not be afraid and to know that He was right by their side. He always gave the promise before the plan to assure his people that the battle was already won. This fight is already

fixed and we have total victory through Jesus Christ, so don’t look back. It’s important to be on alert for the enemy when moving forward. The word says “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” – Matthew 10:16. The enemy knows the plan that God has for our lives and his only goal is to stop us from executing that plan. Remember to always trust the voice of the Lord and do not grow weary in well doing. Know that He has a plan and we are to walk accordingly. Each day our Father blesses us to begin again. It’s important to use our time efficiently so that we may bring honor and glory to Him. So, many times we allow people or things to detour us from being our greatest self. You must know that despite your mistakes you still have something great inside. How long are you going to sit idle on your dreams? The time is now to not look back and move forward towards being your greatest self.

Salmeilia J. Stewart Background Photo Credit: kalafoto/Adobe Stock 30 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •Fall 2017



On The Pavement’s

“What If” Empowerment Conference


Background Photo Credit: ambrozinio /Adobe Stock

Stillettos On The Pavement’s “What If” Empowerment Conference was a tremendous success as always and we were blessed to be a part of it. Founder Tameka Garrett is creating an awesome movement here in Jackson Mississippi and will be taking it on the road to Texas in January 2018. The next Stillettos On The Pavement Empowerment Conference will be December 8, 2017 in Jackson, MS.

Photo Credit: Natalie Hill West Photographer and StaTuned Media


Ken White Presents

“New Era” Fashion Show Amazing show by Ken White! Check out some of the newest fashions that can be worn by the average woman when you want to step out for a night on the town. The show was hosted by Melanie Sanders former Miss Atlanta and Katina Nish of “The Mourning Moms.” Ken White



Photo Credit: Joanne Bell 36 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •Fall 2017


off those keys and

become a guest writer for

Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine!

Call : 601-398-6733 or email : woman2woman. joanne@yahoo.com for more info. Background Photo Credit: Tomasz Zajda/Adobe Stock



330 Edgewood Terrace, Ste. C, JACKSON 601-982-3336 stevenjames2@allstate.com




Louis Till &

Others Black & White Affair

Remembering Emmett Louis Till with special guest speaker Aunjanue Ellis was an awesome experience! This event was beautifully put together by Dr. Edelia J. Carthan. It was an honor to have Aunjanue Ellis come back home to speak to us and share the concerns of her heart. This event included scholarship awards, tributes to Emmett Till and more. Keep your ears open for the next event. They can only get better and better. Thank you for allowing us to be in attendance. 38 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •Fall 2017



Photo Credit: Madison Edwards



A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS State Bank & Trust Renasant Bank Allstate Steven James Agency DMD Event Planning & Design Harbor, LLC dba Thick & Proud Rashida Long Photography John Gooch Kenny Crews Dr. Timothy Quinn Sanjo Security Systems WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •43

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