Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine July 2018

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July 2018 - Issue 16



Page 35

LaMonica Johnson Page 14 Vanessa Upkins Page 19 Teambera Ware Page 29

Yoga on the Brain Page 24


Jennifer Biard Page 5



CEO, Publisher & Editor Joanne Bell Cover Photo Larry Armstrong - Osiris Photography, LLC Background-Halfpoint/Adobe Stock Contributing Writers Patricia Sandifer Layout Design Michelle Zischke Facebook Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine Subscribe! Visit: bit.ly/joannemag Contact us at: woman2woman.joanne@ yahoo.com 601-398-6733





e are proud to share the stories of some awesome women this month. We hope that these stories will inspire you and encourage you to keep the faith and never give up. No matter how things look or how you feel. Their stories of triumph and faith are just what we needed to hear and share to give us the courage to continue to move forward and allow our creativity to help us grow past any circumstance we may face. To keep the faith and never give up. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. I decided to look up the definition of faith in the

P.O. Box 2031 Ridgeland, Ms 39158 All rights reserved. No portion of Woman to Woman with Joanne may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The management of Woman to Woman with Joanne is not responisble for opinions expressed by its writers. Woman to Woman with Joanne maintains the unrestricted right to edit or refuse all submitted material. All advertisements are subject to approval by the publisher. The production of Woman to Woman is funded by advertising and sponsorship.

dictionary. The first one I saw said: complete trust or confidence in someone or something. My question to you today is, where is your faith? Is it in people or is it in God? As I sit and think of all the things that are going on in the world, now more than ever is the time to decide the answer to that question. We have to choose to believe what God has said no matter what it looks like around us.

Keep the faith and keep moving forward!

Love ya much!


In This Issue

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oman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine had the privilege of sitting down with the beautiful Pastor Jennifer Biard of The Jackson Revival Center to share a bit of her story with you. It was truly an honor for me to be in the presence of such a humble and amazing woman of God. I remember as a young girl going to Jackson Revival Center when your father Raymond O. Biard was Pastor. I remember children’s church and it was just such an amazing time. Now to see you, Pastor Jennifer Biard, grow into the woman you are, I am just in awe and so proud to have the opportunity to share your story with the world. Is this something you always knew you would do? Being a Pastor and leader of such a large congregation, but also being a messenger of God’s Word? Pastor Jennifer Biard This is something that I always knew, though I did not know how it would happen or how things would play out. But as a little girl, I remember hearing the Lord speak on the inside – not a loud audible voice - but on the inside, that I would carry His Word. It was strange at the time because my family didn’t get Christian television at home. This was in the early seventies and I hadn’t seen any females who preached. In fact, the only woman I remember hearing anything about as a minister was Katherine Kuhlman. I didn’t know anything about her ministry other than she was a woman, she was a preacher and that she prayed for people. I always loved church and I was

always at church as you very well know. I was observant of what I saw and of what I heard. I enjoyed church so much that I would have church with my favorite toys, my baby dolls. I would line them up and pray for them. I observed people falling under the power of the Holy Spirit in church, so I would throw my dolls to the floor as if they fell under the power of Holy Spirit as well. So, being in ministry is one of the things that has always been a part of who I was and was to be. I knew I heard God’s voice and I know what He said. But as a child, it all seemed like an impossibility. As I got older, I decided I wanted to go to medical school and become a doctor. I entered Millsaps College to do the undergrad work necessary to enter medical school, but in my junior year, the inclination toward ministry that had always been present with me was now more demanding. Even though I was doing really well in school, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do the medical/doctor thing because of the call of God that was on my life. Joanne Bell When I sit down and talk to women, I always like to hear their story of growing up in Mississippi. Tell us about you and growing up in Mississippi with your family, school, and everything. Pastor Jennifer Biard I love Mississippi, I think it’s one of the most wonderful places on earth. In the course of ministry, I’ve been to California, Chicago, North Carolina, New York, Michigan, Alabama, Texas and Florida and I’ve been to other countries – Haiti, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago – but there’s no place like home.


I love visiting other places, taking in the beautiful sites, experiencing the cultural diversities, but I love coming back home to Mississippi. I really wouldn’t want to live any other place. It is here in Mississippi that I am surrounded by people that I love and people who love me. The people here are very friendly and despite the fact that every state in the nation has its issues, Mississippi has been painted in such a negative light by so many. When I travel, I invite persons I meet to come and visit Mississippi so that they can experience for themselves that our state is not necessarily what/how they may have been taught to think that it is. Mississippi is a community of people with close knit families and friends and I love it. As a child, growing up in Mississippi was safe. It was and is a place where people have nurtured me as a person and where the gift of God within me has been nurtured. My experiences with people, in

education and in ministry have been pleasantly rewarding. I earned my undergrad degree at Millsaps in 1995 and am now pursuing my M. Div. at Virginia Union University.

Brandy, James Earl Jones, Leontyne Price, Morgan Freeman, Oprah Winfrey - great people. Mississippi is full of a culturally rich heritage and we’ve made great contributions to music, television, to basically every single industry. White, black, male, female - we have contributed to television shows, music, movies, and ministry. Mississippi is a phenomenal place.

signs that things are getting out of balance, and you need to stop and regroup and make sure that you’re maintaining an emotionally healthy spirituality. That means checking my relationships, checking my time in the Word, even checking whether I am eating right?

Mississippi has so much to offer educationally and spiritually. There are many great churches, wonderful Pastors and phenomenal So many times, people begin to being done to impact the various develop unhealthy behavioral communities in our state. I am patterns because they’re not grateful that God trusts me, a Joanne Bell healthy mentally or spiritually. Caucasian, female Pastor with a So, being a woman in ministry and So that’s something I really try predominantly African American leading such a big congregation, to keep in mind and to guard congregation. I can against, because if I’m healthy, then But as a little girl, I how do you cope? How truthfully say that I have remember hearing do you deal with it? I can give a healthy word that is been well-received, untainted. I can draw from a pure the Lord speak on loved, respected and Pastor Jennifer Biard well and know that when I’m giving the inside. protected. Every place Well, it demands people the Word of God they’re has their issues, but there’s more discipline and you have to be very drinking clean water, so to speak. right about Mississippi than is intentional about maintaining That’s been my approach wrong and there are definitely balance and really allowing God to ministry. more things that pull us together to chart your course. My prayer than things that divide us or pull us every day is that God will order my Joanne Bell apart. I love Mississippi. I love the steps. There are so many things That’s amazing to hear you say people of Mississippi, specifically competing for that. A lot of times When I travel, I tell the people of Jackson, Mississippi our attention. I’m as women we put and, yes, I still believe in our city. intentional about everybody that they need to ourselves last and come and visit Mississippi make sure everyone scheduling my We hear talk about men trying to “study time” and because it is not what many else is ok, but when it hold women down, but I haven’t you really do have people have been taught to comes to us, we give experienced that. What I have to schedule “family think that it is. so much and there’s experienced is people coming time”. You have to nothing left for us. together realizing we can do more schedule “me” time as well, because together than separate. There’s all of those things are important. Pastor Jennifer Biard power in agreement and there’s a In Christianity, people will teach force that’s released when we come For me, the focus has been on you that it’s selfish to take care of together in agreement. Great things being healthy because anything that yourself. But the most selfish thing happen when we come together, is healthy grows. That’s mentally that we can do as women is not take and I believe that's why the enemy healthy, spiritually healthy and care of ourselves. When we look at has fought us so hard, because he relationally healthy. Anytime you all the things and/or people that are knows when we come together to find yourself in a place where your dependent/depending on us, if we’re cross racial barriers and gender life is getting out of balance, or if not healthy, every one of those barriers, we become unstoppable. physically you’ve got things that things is going to go lacking. So, one It is in the place of unity that God need your attention; if emotionally of the most loving things we can do commands the blessing and that is you’re not in a good place, you’re for our churches, for our families, what I have seen and experienced. stressed and not sleeping well for our children, is to be healthy. We’ve had great people come from or not getting the rest that you Mississippi; BB King, Elvis, Faith Hill, need; all of those are warning


Joanne Bell That’s one thing that we have to learn is to take care of ourselves more. So, you went to school at Millsaps, but what school did you go to growing up?

full-time job until I was probably at the end of elementary school.

That part was hard, but he was a great, great father and I’m so grateful to have had him as a father because he taught me the tough Pastor Jennifer Biard lessons of life, and he was also We lived in Pearl, MS, so I went to my greatest fan. He was my first Pearl Elementary, Middle and High phone call every morning and my school. At that time, the schools last phone call every night. He was made up what was known as the the one who wasn’t afraid to speak Pearl Separate School District. All the truth to me. He wasn’t afraid of my life, our church has been to tell me when I was wrong. He integrated and sometimes my was the one who taught me the interaction with people of different power of the Word, the power ethnicities and backgrounds was of giving people truth that will not always understood. I have make them free and the power always been friends with everybody. of relational leadership. So many I have never judged anyone by the people looked to my father as the color of their skin. So, it was during dad they never had. He taught me the time that I was in school at the power of love and forgiveness, Pearl that I encountered racism the power of not being afraid to be and prejudice. But it’s also where I the first one to apologize and to learned the power of love and the sometimes apologize even when power of reaching you aren’t wrong. He For me the focus has beyond people who taught me to focus been on being healthy, look like you or sound more on saving the because anything that is relationships than like you. healthy grows. focusing on who’s Joanne Bell right or wrong. He Awesome. I remember your father, knew people needed him and Pastor Biard and I loved him. He he would rather be able to save was awesome. How was it having having a voice in their life than lose him as a father and growing up as a somebody because he couldn’t church girl and a preacher’s kid. admit he was wrong. It was always about relationships with him, Pastor Jennifer Biard whether that was at home, at It was the best of times and the church or in business. He was worst of times because I have very much a stickler for character always had to share my parents and integrity and he lived life “by with the world. The worst of times principle” as he called it. That was because my dad was not always instilled in me as a little girl and able to be a part of what I had going those are still the things that matter on in my life. Ministry was hectic to me as an adult. and there was even a point in time, when I was much younger, that my He was a wonderful father. He Dad was pastoring three churches wasn’t one thing at church and at one time. He was also travelling another thing at home. My dad several states and still working a was so focused on us, his family, 8 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 16•July 2018

because he came to a point in his life where he realized he had less time ahead of him than he had behind him. When we were little, there were times he couldn’t be there, and because of that he wanted to make the most of the moments he had left. One day we were doing a hospital visit and my daddy was praying for somebody in the hospital. He had a cell phone in his pocket and while he was praying the cell phone rang. He kept praying as he looked at his phone and saw it was one of my brothers. He stopped praying and answered the phone to say, “Hey son, I’m praying for somebody in the hospital, I’ll call you right back”. He put the phone back in his pocket and went back to praying. I was appalled. When we got out of the hospital room, I said, “I cannot believe you stopped praying to answer the telephone”, to which he replied, “I need my children to understand that nothing is more important than family, that ministry is not more important than family. What I do for the Lord is absolutely important, but I need to make sure that when y’all need me, y’all can get me”. That happened on more than one occasion and it was so funny to me, but it also drilled into my heart that we matter. Yes, ministry mattered, and yes, he was called to serve people, but his first ministry was home and that meant a lot to me. It created a sense of security for us, a sense of peace, a sense of belonging and safety. He was the greatest influence in my life as a person, minister and Pastor. Joanne Bell He was such an amazing man. Jackson Revival Center has grown and become well known. You have

speaking engagements and so many other things going on. How do you stay humbled?

the arms of God, live my life at the barriers that exist in the realm of the mercy of God and know that if He kingdom. They’re man made barriers doesn’t show up, I’m going to fail. and He came to tear them down. But know that He is going to show Pastor Jennifer Biard up. So, I have definitely Joanne Bell He taught me the The more you see of battled with wondering “do Amen. I totally agree. What advice power of love and I have what it takes? Can I God and the more would you give to women who forgiveness... you see where you fall do this?” may be afraid to take that leap of short, it’s really easy to faith. If God is calling them into the stay humbled. When you know all I think probably everybody has been ministry, but they may have been of your flaws and insecurities and in those spaces before where you taught all their lives that women failures, it’s easy to stay humble, realize it’s so much more than you, aren’t supposed to lead a church or and to stay ever mindful that you and it’s overwhelming. But there’s be in the pulpit. What advice would are totally dependent on God. comfort and safety in realizing you give to encourage them to you’re safe in His will. move forward? Joanne Bell Has there ever been a time when Joanne Bell Pastor Jennifer Biard you questioned your calling? Thank you for being open and I would advise them to be excellent. honest and willing to share your People can’t argue with excellence. Pastor Jennifer Biard feelings with women who may think I have stood before congregations Well, I don’t necessarily question my they’re not good enough or may where men do not believe in calling, but there have been times question if they can do something women being in the pulpit who when I’ve said, “do I have what it that’s bigger than them. came to me afterwards and said, “I takes?” The answer I came up with is cannot argue with the anointing”. “no, I don’t, but with God, all things Pastor Jennifer Biard Study the word. Don’t get before are possible.” When my dad passed I The reality of it all is we face a lot people unprepared. Learn the was feeling very inadequate because of inward battles as word, know the When you know all of your he was older than me, he was full people. I don’t think word. Live the word of wisdom and I felt very young. I’m that’s specific to more than anything. flaws and insecurities probably not as young as I feel, but women. I think men and failures, it’s easy to Study the word I was in my thirties when he passed do too. I just think stay humble, and to stay to show yourself and I did for a season ask myself, we might be a little ever mindful that you are approved unto “Can I do as a woman what he did as quicker to talk about totally dependent on God. God. A lot of times a man?” I wasn’t sure if the men in it. But, one thing people will study the church would stay, I just wasn’t about the love of the word to be able sure where they stood or how they Christ, He came to remove barriers - to debate but that is an unfruitful felt about it. But to my surprise, that’s gender barriers, racial barriers, practice. Study the word to show nobody left, they all stayed and the and nationality barriers. When Jesus yourself approved unto God that church grew. That let me know this went to the cross, He broke down when you stand before people is so much bigger than me. It’s not the partitions that would separate you don’t stand ashamed, but you about me, it’s about a yielded vessel us. In the love of God, there is stand knowing God has called you and if you’ll just yield yourself, it’s neither Jew nor Gentile. There’s and knowing that your calling has God who does the work. It’s not by neither bond nor free. There’s been confirmed among people might nor by power but by His spirit. no skin color. It’s not about those who are trustworthy in ministry. things. When people focus on the Take time to wait before the Lord. There have definitely been times male, female issue or the racial Take time to learn of the Lord. where I felt like it was demanding issues, we know that comes from a Take time to listen to the Lord and more than I could give or requiring place of fear and insecurity. These to listen to those around you that more than I had, but it was in those barriers are man-made barriers you know have your best interest moments I realized I had to fall into they’re not God barriers. They’re not at heart. Be excellent. Be excellent WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •9

in presentation, be excellent in appearance, be excellent at execution. People cannot argue with excellence.

In addition to the ministry of the who say it’s unbiblical to be single, Word, we have transitional housing. but Paul was single, and he wrote a We have affordable housing for large portion of the New Testament senior citizens, we just recently as a single man. There’s a scripture, cut the ribbon on our housing for I Corinthians 7:32-34, that talks Joanne Bell women coming out of domestic about how those of us who are Being single and the abuse and violence. single are actually free to tend to But there's comfort and Pastor of a large We’re getting ready the cares of the Lord, but, and that safety in realizing you're to house women and once you marry and have children, congregation, how do you deal with it? safe in His will. children coming from that demands another special kind Is it your desire to be those situations. of focus. That is a ministry in itself married one day? We have a food outreach center and it takes time. So, for those of where we are feeding 750 families us who are single, we’re able to Pastor Jennifer Biard per month. We are doing ACT give more time and attention to I’m still open to the idea of prep, home buying seminars, legal the cares of the Lord. That’s where marriage, but for me, God has clinics, and helping people get wills I am right now. I don’t know if I’ll always been moving faster than prepared. We’re helping people get be single all of my life, but that’s I felt like I was ready for Him to healthcare directives and where I am right now. I’m People cannot move. I can’t say I’ve never been we hold expungement grateful to God for the argue with lonely, but I can say that I don’t clinics where we’re grace to do that and to do excellence. live an unfulfilled life. I’m so busy helping people get that successfully. with everything that I do and I’m misdemeanors off of passionate about what I do, so I their record. Joanne Bell don’t feel a void in that space. My Awesome! This has been a great meat really is to do the will of my I’m so busy with the work of the interview. I am so thankful for Father and to do the work that ministry and the things I feel God the opportunity to hear your God has sent me here to do. Going has put in my heart to do. I still feel amazing story. back to where we started in the like I have so much more work to interview and talking about how do than I am doing. I am with so God spoke to me as a little girl, many people all day, every day undeniably I knew it was the voice that when I get home, I’m happy to of God. have “me time”, to have quiet time to prepare for the next day. I have always lived with an awareness that my life was not my So, I’m open to it and I’m open to own, that I was here on assignment whoever God may have. But I can and not knowing how much time honestly say, that hasn’t been an I have. I’ve just always lived my life area where I’ve just been sitting with a sense of urgency as it relates up lonely and unfulfilled. God has to the things of God. really graced me to live the single life. You definitely have people

Facebook: JenniferBiardMinistries

Twitter: @PastorBiard

Instagram: pastorbiard

Website: jenniferbiard.com

Photo Credit: Halfpoint/Adobe Stock 10 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 16•July 2018



LaMonica Johnson

Owner of Serenity Massaging Hands



aMonica Johnson was born and raised in Sharon, Mississippi but now resides in Madison, Mississippi. She is the mother of four boys, Keith, Kenneth, Kamon and Kayden.

Stuckey’s in Canton, MS full-time. So, for the women out there who think they can’t do it, there is no such thing as can’t. You can do whatever you put your mind to. You just have to have the determination. I finished school in 2010 and I was Here is a part of her story: previously employed with Massage I attended Mississippi School of Envy for 3 years and I worked Therapeutic Massage under the at the Westin at the Soul Spa in leadership of Zircon and Mrs. Sarah downtown Jackson, MS. Simpson in 2008. You can do whatever you School was very In 2015 I opened my put your mind to. challenging. I was first business because expecting to go in and learn how to my family was full of entrepreneurs. rub on people and that would be it, My father owned a Logging but it was hard getting to know the Company in Canton, MS and I have different diseases of the body, the always been taught that you can anatomy of the body, I felt like I was work for other people but make in Medical School. If I had known all sure you don’t get stuck there. of that was involved, I would have If you’re going to work for other studied being a nurse or doctor, but people, learn something from that, I enjoy being a LMT. but don’t get stuck. I was 9 months pregnant, going to school full-time and working at

On February 22, 2018, I was called into the office at my previous job


and they said they had to let me go because some policies had changed that I just couldn’t comply with. But the way God works, my brother and I had already been looking at buildings to reopen my Massage business as well. On the same day, February 22, 2018 I looked at a building and I actually fell in love with it. I didn’t have to do anything to it because it was already laid out just the way I wanted. The location was great, the price was great, it was like God was telling me, this is where you need to be. The same day I met with Mr. James Fox and Mr. Larry Smith-Vaniz Realty, and I told him I know I’m ready to proceed with getting the

building. We went to downtown Canton, MS to Bob Montgomery’s Law Office, me and my brother Greg Smith. He gave me the lease, and when I looked at the lease, it was a three-year lease. So, I gave it to my brother and he read over it. Then he said, ‘either you’re gonna do it or you aint.’ Now, when I sign contracts, to me it’s like a marriage, easy to get into and hard to get out of, I know because I’ve been in this situation. And one of the men said he has been married for 40 years and it’s ok. So, I signed the lease and a month later I opened Serenity Massaging Hands.

It’s like the Lord has been working for me. I am a praying person, I wake up in the mornings and I pray for my boys and all, but now I am a true believer because He didn’t have to do this for me but He did.” What advice would you give to any young lady who wants to do this and even tried it but had to go back to work and then to start again? I would say don’t give up on your dream. You might fail the first couple of times, but you have to keep at it. You have to be willing to do what other people only want to talk about. Just do it.

Clients and future clients can find me on Facebook as Serenity Massaging Hands, you can Google me and I am on Yelp.

Photo Credit: ic36006/Adobe Stock 16 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 16•July 2018




BEAUTY FOR ASHES “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3 KJV

to build her Mary Kay business partthe area, founding the Walker County time. She has built three homes from and Trinity County chapters of the the profits of her Mary Kay business, NAACP, serving as its President for the first at 24 years of age. At age 25, several years. He was responsible for Vanessa became a Sales Director with the integration of the local hospital, Mary Kay and has had the opportunity restaurants, all schools including the to earn the use of 17 Mary Kay career University, and the public buildings in cars, 11 of which were Pink Cadillacs. the Huntsville area. She is currently an Independent In High School I was kind of an oman to Woman With Senior Sales Director, transforming overachiever because I wanted to, I Joanne The Magazine had and mentoring many more leaders. guess be recognized or noticed by my the pleasure of sitting down Vanessa’s vision is to live your dream mom and dad. My parents married with Mrs. Vanessa Upkins at the Pink and to create a legacy and her mission very young and their marriage ended Cadillac Success Center. is to empower in divorce after only a couple of years. She is an encourager and is She has been a Mary others to live When my dad divorced my mom, I felt Kay Beauty Consultant passionate about building their best life now. like he divorced me too. It was tough, confidence in marriages, as for over 30 years and is Vanessa celebrated and because of that, I felt rejected. well as in women to help them an Independent Senior her 34th Year Sales Director. It was an realize their full potential in Anniversary with I remember how my dad would always honor to hear her story their God given roles. Mary Kay this past make promises that he couldn’t keep. and we are delighted to June and 29 years as He would say he was going to pick be able to share a part of her with you. a Sales Director. me up, and I would be all dressed up Vanessa Upkins was born in Huntsville, and ready to go and he wouldn't show Here is her story: Texas, and she is a true servant of God up. That made me feel rejected and “I was raised by my grandparents, but who embraces the philosophy of God unwanted. I was ashamed to talk about at night, I stayed with my elderly aunt first, family second and career third. it during my childhood or even college who was afraid to be in the house She is an encourager and is passionate age. about building confidence in marriages, alone. I remember having to get up very early in the morning and walking as well as in women to help them I had chores, babysitting, cooking and across the pasture between the cows realize their full potential in their God other household responsibilities plus to my grandparents’ house to feed the given roles. homework. I would join different clubs farm animals before going to school. and activities at school to get a break Vanessa has been married for 30 years I did this every morning from 5th grade from all of the responsibilities I had to Dennis Upkins and they have 5 adult until she passed away when I was in to do at home, but mainly to get my children. They are active members 11th grade. parents to recognize me. To see me. and coaches of the First Impressions I felt ashamed for a lot of different When school was out for the summer, Teams (F.I.T.), as well as NEXT Dream reasons. I would look at other people I would be responsible for taking care Team coaches at Word of Life Church and they would have their parents at of cleaning the home, cooking dinner, in Flowood, MS. They also served as their activities, and I wanted to have my and babysitting my two younger life group coaches and facilitators parents there too. siblings because my grandparents for approximately five years, focusing were always working. My grandparents, on enriching marriages. In addition, So, the responsibility fell on me as in addition to the Vanessa leads a women’s prayer and My grandparents, in addition the oldest sibling to farm, also owned Bible study group called Living in His help take care of my to the farm, also owned and operated four Word every Wednesday at noon at and operated four different two younger siblings. different businesses: the Pink Cadillac Success Center in The only way I got businesses... bail bonding, insurance Ridgeland, Mississippi. some freedom was agency, a barber basically through cheerleading or other Vanessa began her Mary Kay Business shop, and a beauty shop. They were afterschool activities. part-time as she pursued a degree also active in their church and in the in Nursing. She later made a career community. In fact, my grandfather My saving grace was my grandparents. change to banking while continuing was a prominent civil rights leader in They were so loving, and they taught



me so much. They taught me to have a strong work ethic, entrepreneurial skills, and how to serve others. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for the principles that I learned from them about business and life. I never saw them work for anybody. They had people working for them and they were always helping in the community. My Great Grandmother, who also had a hand in raising me, had a Cosmetology School, so if anybody wanted to learn anything about beauty or being a barber, they would go to her school. So, I was surrounded by entrepreneurs that owned businesses.

Mary Kay is a very close sisterhood and the older women in Mary Kay became my family. Mary Kay Ash, the Founder of the company was my mentor. I looked to her for guidance and teaching and training, even though she lived in Dallas, Texas. When I would go to training, she would be speaking from the stage and she became like my mom away from home. She was everything I wanted to be. She was so gracious and had a heart for people and for business. The people that surrounded me, the older women, began to love on me, and I felt like I had a family. My family had been broken because of my parents’ divorce, and by this time, Then, Mary Kay my grandmother I would join different clubs and came into my activities at school to get a break had passed away, but life. I was getting God was giving me a from all of the responsibilities I ready to move had to do at home, but mainly to new family through from Huntsville, get my parents to recognize me. Mary Kay. Now, I Texas to Houston have a family in my when someone customers and friends. offered me the Mary Kay opportunity. God put prayer on my heart as a little I was trying to figure out a way to girl. I would always pray when I got pay my way through Nursing School, disappointed. I would go behind this and this wonderful lady called me big chair my grandparents had and pray and treated me to lunch and shared all the time, and I would talk to Him. the opportunity with me. So, I signed At first, I didn’t know who I was talking up and months later, moved away to to, but I figured it out and I still talk to Houston, Texas. Him today and He began to fill the void. In Houston, I lived in an apartment with He began to put people in my life that a roommate, and it was tough. I was in would speak life to me. I would read nursing school, and my only income was and study the Word all the time. My from working my Mary Kay business. Great Grandmother would teach me Sometimes I didn’t even have food to when I would visit her to always read eat but, I was determined not to ask and study the Bible. This helped me on for help. The way that I ate most of the my journey and still helps me today. time was at my Mary Kay parties. God Because I have a heart to pray for would move on the hostess’s heart people, I got frustrated with Nursing. and they would feed me there and fix I would pray for my patients and get me a plate to go. It reminds me of the passage of scripture in Luke 12 that talks attached to them and I wanted to about how God feeds the birds and that follow up with them. You just can’t do we should not be anxious because he that in Nursing, so I knew that it wasn’t will also feed us. So, I know how it is to my field. So, I quit nursing school. struggle and be without. I remember in My mother had gotten remarried and the ninth grade, our house burned and moved to Nashville, TN. That’s when we had to do without a lot. I thought I decided to move there as well. I got my dad would reach out and help but a job at a bank in customer service, he didn’t. But God took care of me, He but I kept working my Mary Kay took care of us. business. I moved up very quickly at the

bank because of my skills in building my business with Mary Kay. I was promoted all the way up to Assistant Branch Manager. But then I started making more money in my Mary Kay business than I did on my full-time job. So, I quit my job at the bank, and went full-time in Mary Kay. In 1988, I met this very awesome man who’s now my husband. This July will make 30 years of marriage. God allowed us to meet each other and long story short, we got married and started having children. God blessed me with a family and double because he had two children already. So, we have a blended family with a of total five children who are all young adults right now. We have one son and four daughters. Our son is a published author. One daughter has her own law firm; one is waiting to get into medical school, and the other two are still in college. We are very proud of the achievements. And it’s just been beautiful. My husband has always told me, he will be whatever I need him to be. And God allowed him to fill a void as well. He is so supportive and he’s always been there for me. He’s my best friend and I don’t know where I would be without him. I thank God for him. We are like kids that still hold hands

Vanessa Upkins with Founder, Mary Kay


and he sends encouraging texts just to make me smile.

Some of the women have been my customers for 30 years. Some of them have Now, I know why God allowed me to grandchildren now, and I meet the Mary Kay lady and be offered remember the opportunity. I’m now They taught me to have them when a strong work ethic, living the dream that I they didn’t used to pray about when entrepreneurial skills, even have I was around seven years and how to serve others. children. I old, and it was a repeated guess what prayer. The Prayer was, ‘God I want I want people to know, to grow up, get married, live in a big because I believe that God house, have a family and make a lot of has put inside of every money and stay at home.’ I repeated it person gifts and talents, and repeated it. And God answered my that with those gifts and prayer. I’ve been able to do just that. talents they can literally start a business and live So today what’s motivating for me is their dream. to help others, to empower others to live their best life right now. Most times Last year, in the midst of it’s just around the table, meeting with some health challenges, a woman, helping her to feel beautiful. God gave me a vision to start a networking group We’ll talk about makeup and she may called Mississippi Women mention all the imperfections on her I was on the cover of the only African American team in Network, a non-profit face and what she needs help with. building brochure that the company ever hadIt was in organization to support Before she leaves I’m able to help her circulation from 2001 to about 2012. I also served on women that have a business Mary Kay's Black Women Advisory Committee. feel great, and some kind of way it or dream to have a business. touches the inner beauty of her and business conference featuring various We hold different events and activities helps her realize that she’s beautiful women entrepreneurs. This year, our regardless if she has makeup on or not. for women through this organization. theme was ‘Mind, Body, Soul, and These women become lifelong friends. Once a year, we have a women’s


Business,’ to encourage women to work on their mind, their body, their soul, as well as their business--to focus on the total woman. We also hold a Pop-Up Shop monthly, where women can come to the studio, feature their business, their products or services. We invite our customers and the general public to come and network and connect. It’s grown to the point that we’re now outside on the sidewalk. We have food vendors, clothing vendors and so much more. It’s beautiful to see these women come together and share their businesses and grow relationships. We also hold a Networking Brunch once a month on a Saturday where we teach and train women how to expand and grow their business, but most importantly, how to grow themselves as a woman. We invite different speakers to come in and teach on different subject matters. We also have a mentoring group called iTalk Beauty. This is a covering to provide college age girls with what I didn't have while I was in college. God placed it on my heart to be that for somebody else, to help them stay on the right path. And also, to be able to provide different resources that they need in order to get to their next level.” Joanne Bell Thank you so much for sharing your story with our readers. So many women that I never thought would see this magazine are reading it and that's amazing to me. Your story is going to encourage so many women who have felt rejected, who have felt ashamed, and it’s going to bring healing to them. Before we go, please tell us how you and your family came to live in Mississippi. Vanessa Upkins “My husband’s job is actually what brought us to Mississippi. When the Nissan Plant opened in Canton, Mississippi he came down to train. He was here for about six months

and then he got promoted. Then the family came about six months after that. That’s how we made our transition to Mississippi. But what’s interesting to know is that my husband was actually born in McComb, Mississippi. When he was four years old his mom and dad moved to Nashville, TN to find better work. Before I moved to Mississippi I was really afraid. All I had to go on was the movies I had seen on TV like Mississippi Burning, and A Time to Kill, and I was afraid. But when I moved here, I found

some of the nicest people who would stop and carry on a conversation with you. Mississippi really lived up to its name, The Hospitality State. I have felt so welcomed and I needed that and I still appreciate that. I think that there’s so much potential here and that some of the people that live here really don’t see the greater value. It’s a fantastic opportunity, especially for people in business, and especially for women who are starting a business and using their gifts and talents.

The Bible says that God will give you beauty for ashes, and I am a living testimony to how he does that. To sum it up, I can say that God knows the desires of our heart and He knows the gifts and talents that He’s planted inside of each of us. If we can just tap into and begin to nurture the things that are inside of us, our gifts and talents, and be patient with ourselves and be willing to serve others, be willing to genuinely help your neighbor succeed, God will honor that, and we’ll all bring forth good fruits. So much fruit, in fact, that we won’t have room to receive it all, and we will be a blessing to everyone connected to us in this state and the throughout the world. Phone: 601-238-0816 Email: vupkins@marykay.com Contact: 863 Center St. Ridgeland, MS 39157 I guess what I want people to know, because I believe that God has put inside of every person gifts and talents, that with those gifts and talents they can literally start a business and live their dream.

Vanessa was the first Cadillac driver in Nashville, Tennessee. She just recently picked up her 17th Mary Kay Car. Congratulations Vanessa! Photo Credit: pauchi/Adobe Stock, ikonacolor/Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •23



BRAIN Source: Womenshealth.com


oga, yoga, everywhere. It’s in your magazines, on your YouTube playlist, in your favorite sitcom and definitely in a class near you. Your friends do it and so do all the celebrities. From yoga pants to yoga bumper stickers – it’s hard to avoid the yoga craze. Will your New Year’s Resolutions include the addition of yoga? If so, read on – because yoga isn’t just for your body! Incorporating yoga practices will also benefit your brain. What is yoga? There are many different forms of yoga, but in essence the practice is a series of mental and physical practices whose earliest references can be found in such ancient texts as the Vegas (1500 BCE) and the Upanishads (500 BCE), collections of songs and poetry from the ancient Hindu tradition. The word yoga is from the Sanskrit language and translates roughly to ‘union’. Many yoga practitioners and followers tout the spiritual aspect of yoga, claiming that

yoga is a means to unify mind and body with a sense of the divine. However, many others simply see yoga as just another means of physical exercise. Yoga Body Yoga’s physical health benefits are wellstudied. Different forms of yoga can be practiced depending on the practitioner’s goals; ashtanga yoga will raise your heart rate for a good cardio workout, hatha yoga will provide a deep stretch for all the body’s muscular systems and kundalini yoga can help support your mindfulness practices. And for those who are looking for remedial or preventative health benefits, yoga has been studied in a myriad of medical conditions. •A 2014 study made a positive link between meditative yoga practices and reduced symptoms of insomnia in older adults. •A 2016 study that followed participants for ten years showed that yoga practices safely raised bone mineral density of the femur and spine.


•A 2011 study found that yoga strengthened the immune response in individuals exposed to stress, potentially leading to less illness as a result of a stressed immune system. •A 2011 study suggested that yoga had promising benefits in the area of generalized pain relief. In addition, many other studies have suggested yoga’s benefits on everything from cardiovascular and respiratory function to balance and muscle tone. And while many of those studies require further research to be considered conclusive – that’s quite a lot of benefit from just a few stretches! Yoga Brain In addition to all those great physical benefits there is also a growing body of research to suggest that a regular yoga practice can provide support to your brain as well. • Stress reduction – Stress has a deleterious effect on the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system. In particular, evidence suggests

that when the brain is exposed to higher cortisol concentrations that cognitive deficits can occur – increasing as we age. A 2010 article reviewed yoga’s benefits in regards to stress reduction concluding that the negative effects of stress could be ameliorated through relaxation techniques such as yoga. •Executive function – A 2016 study of sedentary community-dwelling participants with a mean age of 62 years asked participants to undergo an 8-week yoga intervention to test the effects of yoga on executive function by means of managing stress. At both baseline and after the eight week program, participants provided saliva samples to measure cortisol, underwent tests of executive function (i.e. memory, problem solving, planning, cognitive flexibility) and self-reported on levels of stress and anxiety. •At the end of the study participants not only reported lower stress levels, but also showed improved executive functioning. The study’s authors suggested that regular yoga practice could be helpful in restoring HPA balance in older adults potentially leading to decreased cognitive decline with age. Folks who are concerned about Alzheimer’s or other memory loss conditions – take note! •Numerous studies have documented the benefits of regular weekly yoga practice in treating individuals with depression. •A 2009 study showed significant decrease in anxiety symptoms for women with anxiety disorder who completed a two month yoga program. •A 2010 study showed that people who coupled yoga with their regular walking program reported more positive mood benefits than participants who only incorporated walking into their exercise regimen. •Increased gray matter – A 2012 review of literature suggested that a long-term yoga practice – physical postures combined with breathing and meditative practices – had the potential to increase the size of the brain. •A 2016 study suggested that regular yoga practice was just as effective at improving memory related to neural connectivity as memory enhancement training – in fact, the yoga group also demonstrated significant improvements

in visuospatial memory performance (recalling information about the environment and one’s location within it).

willingness to stretch yourself into new territory – can be a great tool to help bring about welcome and wonderful change.

And yoga’s brain benefits continue to be studied widely. Currently researchers are studying the effects of yogic postures, breathing and mindfulness techniques on many other areas of brain health, such as mood disorders, cognition and positive behavioral modifications. Get ready to break those bad habits!


Arora, S., & Bhattacharjee, J. (2008). Modulation of immune responses in stress by Yoga. International Journal of Yoga, 1(2), 45–55. http://doi. org/10.4103/0973-6131.43541 James A. Raub. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. July 2004, 8(6): 797-812. doi:10.1089/10755530260511810. Eyre, H. A., Acevedo, B., Yang, H., Siddarth, P., Van Dyk, K., Ercoli, L., … Lavretsky, H. (2016). Changes in Neural Connectivity and Memory Following a Yoga Intervention for Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 52(2), 673–684. http://doi. org/10.3233/JAD-150653

What to know before you Yo(ga) Whatever your goal when you undertake a new yoga program – be sure to speak with your doctor or other medical professional about your specific goals and contraindications to a physical practice. And be sure to find a class with a welltrained teacher. Ask for their credentials if you are new to the class and never force any pose that doesn’t feel right. There are many ways to modify common poses to accommodate all flexibility levels and body types, and a well-trained teacher will be able to help you adjust for your body’s particular needs.

Froeliger, B., Garland, E. L., & McClernon, F. J. (2012). Yoga Meditation Practitioners Exhibit Greater Gray Matter Volume and Fewer Reported Cognitive Failures: Results of a Preliminary VoxelBased Morphometric Analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM, 2012, 821307. http://doi.org/10.1155/2012/821307 Streeter, C. C., Whitfield, T. H., Owen, L., Rein, T., Karri, S. K., Yakhkind, A., … Jensen, J. E. (2010). Effects of Yoga Versus Walking on Mood, Anxiety, and Brain GABA Levels: A Randomized Controlled MRS Study. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(11), 1145–1152. http://doi.org/10.1089/ acm.2010.0007

It’s also important to do a bit of research on the different styles before you attend a class. Nothing pulls the mat out from under you faster than finding yourself in a class that is much too fast paced or advanced for you. Ask plenty of questions of the instructor before you attend and be sure to inquire about available props. Yoga blocks, straps and bolsters are all great tools that can help you achieve new physical positions without stress or strain.

Javnbakht, M. et al. Effects of yoga on depression and anxiety of women Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Volume 15 , Issue 2 , 102 – 104. http:// www.ctcpjournal.com/article/S1744-3881(09)00004-8/ abstract

A few last tips: Don’t skip the mindfulness portion included at the end of many yoga classes! This is a time to soak up the positive physical benefits of the class and reward your body and mind for all the hard work.

Arora, S., & Bhattacharjee, J. (2008). Modulation of immune responses in stress by Yoga. International Journal of Yoga, 1(2), 45–55. http://doi. org/10.4103/0973-6131.43541

Louie, L. The Effectiveness of Yoga for Depression: A Critical Literature Review Issues In Mental Health Nursing Vol. 35 , Iss. 4,2014 Gothe, N. P., Kramer, A. F., & Mcauley, E. (2014). The Effects of an 8-Week Hatha Yoga Intervention on Executive Function in Older Adults. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,69(9), 1109-1116. doi:10.1093/gerona/glu095

And don’t forget to stay well-hydrated! Yoga is exercise, after all, even when it is gentle and meditative. Whether or not you undertake the practice of yoga to address specific medial conditions, you can feel secure in the knowledge that the muscular benefits will make themselves known early on. Increasing physical activity is always a good idea, especially when it is done on a wholebody basis. As we head into the New Year, yoga as a means to increase your flexibility – and your

Posadzki, P., & Ernst, E. (2011). Yoga for low back pain: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Clinical Rheumatology,30(9), 1257-1262. doi:10.1007/s10067-011-1764-8 Gopal, A., Mondal, S., Gandhi, A., Arora, S., & Bhattacharjee, J. (2011). Effect of integrated yoga practices on immune responses in examination stress – A preliminary study. International Journal of Yoga, 4(1), 26–32. http://doi.org/10.4103/09736131.78178 Lu, Y.-H., Rosner, B., Chang, G., & Fishman, L. M. (2016). Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 32(2), 81–87. http://doi.org/10.1097/ TGR.0000000000000085 Halpern J, Cohen M, Kennedy G, Reece J, Cahan C, Baharav A. Yoga for improving sleep quality and quality of life for older adults. Altern Ther Health Med. 2014 May-Jun;20(3):37-46. PubMed PMID: 24755569.

Photo Credit: jtanki/Adobe Stock, sianstock/Adobe Stock, Alexandr Mitiuc/Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •25

POEMS Jeremiah


This is a love I have for no one else There’s no form of war That anyone can win.

The first person to wake up The last to sleep The one who is always giving And never taking,

As a Mother’s Love There’s nothing to target this love, A little person, who is always on my side A small little push to keep my life going, Something to keep in mind A surviving technique

A mother’s job is never done Whether it be; dirty diapers Or nasty noses, no matter the job,

By Patricia Sandifer

There’s no better blessing Than being blessed by The love of a child Nothing better There’s nothing greater, Nothing greater

Background Photo Credit: Katrina Brown/Adobe Stock 26 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 16•July 2018

By Patricia Sandifer

It's always a mother’s job To love, care for and protect her child, There’s nothing left to the imagination; The matters of the heart, the person of all life The person who gives life; There’s no amount of money To take that kind of love away. There’s nothing like a mother’s love.

Reflections Anonymous

When I look in the mirror what do I see, I see a little girl looking back at me. She’s crying for help! Screaming out loud! But I can’t hear her because of the crowd. The crowd of the worries and cares of the day, All the running and rushing to keep the pain away. Keeping busy all the time, busy as a bee, I’ll do anything so I don’t have to look and see. What’s making her cry? What’s making her sad? She longs for the love and support of her dad. Though he lived with her in the home, There was never really any love shown. Always yelling and cursing and calling names, I know I shouldn’t, but he is who I blame! He was always so angry, at least when he was there, No time for love, he never even said I care. So on the outside I had to grow up, I had to be a big girl, I became an adult. But on the inside there was still a little girl, Dying to be loved in this great big world. Wanting to be important to someone you see, But first I have to be important to me!

Background Photo Credit: nixki/Adobe Stock Photo Credit: Laura Pashkevich/Adobe Stock, Sylwia Nowik/Adobe Stock



Teambera Ware



Ware Girl Productions Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine had the opportunity to sit down and talk with the lovely Teambera Ware of Ware Girl Productions. It's our pleasure to share her story with you.


e’Ambera Ware is the founder and CEO of Ware Girl Productions where they produce stage plays, films, and host events. She is a native of Canton, Mississippi, and a graduate of Canton High School, and Jackson State University. She has one son and she has been writing since she was a child. “I have always been able to express myself through writing but when it came to taking it further, I would always tell myself no. My mother on the other hand has always been my cheerleader. For years I would say that I wish I had some type of skill, some type of talent, and my mom would always tell me that I was good at writing and that I should do something with it. Although she’s a little bias, I realized that talent and decided to move on it.”

also just finished the script for her next production called “Envy” which highlights why some people are envious of others but do not know the struggles that people endure to get to where they are. “Ware Girl Productions was formed earlier in 2018 but it has been in the making even before I knew it was in the making.”

Canton and we got to check out books and movies. During that time movies were on VHS and I can remember having about four favorites which were, “The Color Purple”, “The Sound of Music”, “Gone With The Wind”, and “Sounder,” they were my favorites. I would check them out for about 3 days, return them, and check them out again. I can remember creating my own stories in my mind and playing in my own magical imagination. When I was about 20 or 21 in my first apartment, I witnessed the work of Tyler Perry for the first time in “Diary of a Mad Black Woman.” While watching that movie, I was young and going through what many of us know all too well, heartbreak. The movie, just like lyrics to a song, soothed me, gave me hope that there was someone out there waiting to love me the right way. And I realized that just with that movie, it probably spoke to people who had experienced what was happening in the drama, it probably spoke to people who had not yet experienced anything like it, but it probably spoke the most to people who were going through it.

Teambera is an educator of History. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Jackson State University in History and Masters of Education in History with a concentration in African American Studies. Her first Major was in Nursing but she soon realized that nursing wasn’t what she really wanted to do. She decided that she wanted to teach and since she was good in English, she almost chose to Major she quickly remembered how curious she “With scripture, my was about history, and mother, listening the things she didn’t I have always been able to to motivational know, and the history express myself through speakers like Steve of Black people. “We writing but when it came Harvey, and looking to taking it further, I would were taught in our up to other women household about some always tell myself no. writers like Margaret well-known leaders Walker Alexander, and we were taught Ntozake Shange, Alice Walker, Zora about some at school mostly during At chapter 34 of my life, I have many Neal Hurston, Mara Brock Akil, Shonda Black history month, but there was still different experiences, both trials and Rhimes, Ava Duvernay, and Oprah a lingering curiosity within me to know triumphs. Somewhere in the back of Winfrey, just to name a few, I am more and I was given that at Jackson my mind I knew those things were for embarking upon a tedious but exciting State University.” She believes being a a higher purpose. I take opportunities journey. “Lyric: Falling in Love with History student there helped her with to learn from other people, their All The Wrong Men” will be my first her writing abilities because all history personal hardships, and the advice stage production coming this summer is, is researching, reading, analyzing, from the wise. I have always had a 2018. It is a dramatic comedy about interpreting, and writing about your desire to help other people. To whom a young woman and her journey of findings to bring your much is given, much To whom much is given, misters to find her Mr. Right. It’s not point full circle. is required and the much is required and the just another love story of where the girl harvest is plentiful but harvest is plentiful but Since she was young, gets her man. It’s an account of what the laborers are few. the laborers are few. she has dreamed of most women go through that will keep And so with my writings writing scripts for both men and women anticipating. It and this company, movies. “My grandmother would take will definitely be a performance you that is what I will do, labor and give to my sister and I to the local library in don’t want to miss.” Teambera has the harvest. I want to help encourage 30 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 16•July 2018

others through script so I write about things that matter. I want to give hope to those who may be in a dark place. I want be a voice to those who feel no one is listening. I want to bring light to those who feel they are the only ones who have gone through that specific something. Through storytelling, I want to talk to people. The young can learn from the old and the old can learn from the young. We can all help people in different ways. We can be counselors through

the pulpit. We can be counselors through music. We can be counselors through play and screenwriting. One of the greatest gifts God has given me is my heart and the passion to care about other people. That is a part of my purpose, my calling. As a mother and educator to middle school children, especially young girls, I want my life to be an example that no matter where you are from, own and believe in yourself and your talents and go for it. Love what you do, stay grounded, and love people while doing it. Everyone

can’t play the piano but everyone, collectively, can make music with one touch of a key. And that is what I aim to do, join in by playing my own key and making a very loud sound.” Teambera’s webpage is www.waregirl.com and you can follow Ware Girl Productions on upcoming auditions and events on Instagram at @waregirlproductions and on Facebook at Ware Girl.

Photo Credit: tomertu/Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •31



Background Photo Credit: exclusive-design/Adobe Stock Photo Credit: @Osirisfotos

My Name is Lola Short Film Screening Premiere







Upcoming Events for

2018 Woman To Woman With Joanne’s Let’s Talk Sessions provide a safe environment for women to come and share whatever is on their heart - burdens, struggles, joys. We invite women to share openly without fear of being judged, talked about, or broadcast all over social media. Let’s Talk Sessions are held at the Mantle once a month.


July 19th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


August 16th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216 August 31st - 4th Annual Woman To Woman With Joanne Empowerment Conference 6pm Smith Robertson Museum


October 18th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


November 15th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


September 1st - 4th Annual Woman To Woman With Joanne Empowerment Conference 9am - 1pm Smith Robertson Museum September 20th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


December 14th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216

Photo Credit: Jag_cz/Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •41


A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS State Bank & Trust Renasant Bank Allstate Steven James Agency DMD Event Planning & Design Rashida Long Photography John Gooch Kenny Crews Dr. Timothy Quinn Sanjo Security Systems CNC Integrated Payment Systems WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •43

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