Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine September 2018

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THE MAGAZINE September 2018 - Issue 17

Sharetta Donalson Page 5

Sara Anna Joanne Dr. Talya Powers Bell Wright Straughter Page 10 Page 18

Mary Jesselyn Rountree James Page 23 Page 29

Celebrates the 4th Annual

Empowerment Conference 2018 Fearless women who broke up with fear

2 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018

CEO, Publisher & Editor Joanne Bell Cover Photo Background-vectorfusionart/ Adobe Stock Contributing Writers Denise Donald Dr. Timmothy Quinn Layout Design Michelle Zischke Facebook Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine Subscribe! Visit: bit.ly/joannemag Contact us at: woman2woman.joanne@ yahoo.com 601-398-6733 P.O. Box 2031 Ridgeland, Ms 39158 All rights reserved. No portion of Woman to Woman with Joanne may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The management of Woman to Woman with Joanne is not responisble for opinions expressed by its writers. Woman to Woman with Joanne maintains the unrestricted right to edit or refuse all submitted material. All advertisements are subject to approval by the publisher. The production of Woman to Woman is funded by advertising and sponsorship.





s we prepare for our fourth annual empowerment conference I am so excited to share with you the speakers of our conference. The title is fearless breaking up with fear and these women have amazing powerful stories of victory and triumph and endurance and I can’t wait to share their stories with you. Fear is a paralyzing and crippling disease. It causes so many ailments in our bodies including what I think leads to fibromyalgia. Fear’s number one job is to stop you and ultimately kill you. But it’s sneaky and it sneaks up on you like a predator and before you know it you are avoiding people just making it through the

day waiting to get home away from everything and everybody. To be alone with your own thoughts and fears is a bad idea. Always try to surround yourself with people that you love and who love you. People who can speak life into you and encourage you and keep you thinking positive thoughts. If fear gets you alone by yourself he’s able to plant little thoughts in your mind and that’s where anxiety begins. Take a minute to read the stories of these courageous and inspiring women and share this magazine with women that you think it would inspire and encourage as well.

Love ya much!

In This Issue


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Spotlight: Sara Anna Powers....................................................................10-11 Mixing Prints and Patterns: Floral and Stripes...........................35-39 Timothy Quinn: Watch what he does................................................35-39 Spotlight: Dr. Talya Straughter..............................................................18-20 Spotlight: Mary Rountree.........................................................................23-26 Spotlight: Jesselyn James..........................................................................29-32 Upcoming Events for 2018................................................................................33

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Sharetta Donalson

We had the chance to sit down with the lovely Sharetta Donalson to allow her a chance to share her heart with us and to share her story with us. She is the author of the book, Forgiveness, The Quest For Healing Your Heart. Here is her story:



was born and raised in Canton, Mississippi in a community called Way. I went to school in the Canton Public School District where I graduated from Canton High School class of 1991.

mentally survive. So, things like, just laughing, things like when I was young I was really, really prissy. I wanted everything just right when I left the house and I just lost it. Some of the things I’m still trying to regain. I told my husband I’m going to recover everything that was stolen from me.

A lot of people think that your story is always about a struggle with racism, just because of Mississippi. They’ve seen the movies Mississippi Burning and A Time To Kill and that’s what they I remember once, I was taken to New think. But for me, I didn’t have a lot Orleans to get an abortion, and having of issues with racism. I think I might to face my mom and my mom not have been in my late But the more you try to ignore really knowing what's thirties when I really the root cause of your pain, going on with her child. saw with my own the worse the pain gets and I had already been told eyes, racism, but that if I told my mom the louder it screams. most of my issues it would kill her. So, I came from within my family. I wrote a just learned really young that we had book about my childhood growing up to keep hurtful things inside and try to and being sexually molested. deal with them on our own.

with honors and I had a full scholarship to Mississippi Valley State University, but I forfeited my scholarship and came back home to take care of my daughter. I started working fast food places until I could gather myself to go back to college. But before I even went back to college, I went on the whirlwind of drugs, mostly smoking marijuana, drinking, selling marijuana, all kinds of stuff. I refer to it in my book as my pigsty experience. I was just like the prodigal son, I came to myself and I knew I was too smart for this and said I better get up before I get stuck. And I got up and started going to school from that point.

Now at this point in my life, I just want to pray for people and help people. I’ve heard so many stories like mine because I allowed God to use me I think that was my biggest challenge. I think there was a turning point for me to share my story first. Most times, My father was mentally ill and I think because at first, I was really afraid of it’s their first time ever having the when I was about seven years old, my father. But then I started to think courage to say it, because they feel we started having issues. We would of how I had to be taken somewhere the connection. I’ve been through wake up in the middle of the night and to get an abortion because of you. I something similar to what they have we would be held hostage all night had to go through this because of you. been through they feel they can talk at gunpoint. As it went on, we got That’s where the fear to me. I think that’s the And having somebody reason God wanted me to accustomed to it and started sleeping stopped and the anger there to pull you back is tell my story. our clothes because we didn’t know began. very, very important. when something might jump off. I stopped being afraid I remember being so Later on, when I became a teenager, and started being angry. Because I felt being so full of rage all the time the molestation started by my father. like this innocent soul didn't deserve because I wasn’t dealing with the root This is why I wrote my book titled, any of this, but because of a sick and issue. But the more you try to ignore Forgiveness, The Quest For Healing selfish person I had to suffer and an the root cause of your pain, the worse Your Heart, because the more I held unborn fetus had to suffer. Now I want the pain gets and the louder it screams. on to it, and tried to make him pay to be mean and angry and defiant. And it won’t leave you alone until you for what he did to me, or to make him That's how I got on this roller coaster face it, or you until you end up at the apologize, the more hatred I carried in that I had been on. My story is not state hospital. my heart. a pretty story, but the beauty of the story is that I survived. I started studying the Word of God I was searching for healing I was searching for Both my parents more and learning that in order for and not just emotional healing are still alive but not healing and not just me to walk in my own forgiveness for emotional healing but but healing from heart issues together. anything that I’ve done, I needed to just as well. healing from heart let it go. I wanted to defeat the enemy issues as well. I’m I got married as a High at his own game, and I needed it to searching for healing because a lot of School senior and left home. I felt like come by the way God said, forgive him. times when you go through issues like everybody knew what was happening And then He required me to tell the that, in order to climb up out of the but still, no one was rescuing me. I got story. hole that you are in, parts of you, you married on Christmas break and moved leave behind just to survive, just to to Vaughn, Mississippi. I still graduated I had to face my giant and tell my 6 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018

father that I forgave him. Even though I said it to him, I don't think it actually took root in my innermost being at that point. But as I kept going and kept saying I forgive him and as I started writing and researching and replaying it over and over, I was able to let it go.

words, so many burdens were lifted. He also came to a counseling session with me.

He knew my story, but he didn’t know the depth, he didn’t know about the repeated rapes and repeated molestation and I believe it’s like an excavation, I started some abortion. He didn’t how you have to go in and counseling sessions know all of that. So, to dig out the old stuff before as well, but before feel him give me the anything new can be built, and then I had never go ahead, to feel him I just believe the first step to gone to counseling. free me and not be it is to just get it out before When I started worried about if he’s you even try to deal with the writing all the going to be looked at forgiveness part. You’ve got memories flooded it in a different light to admit that it happened, tell me and it was really by people, it was so your truth. overwhelming, so powerful to me. I told I sought counseling to help me really him after it was all done that if he had start to grasp more of the forgiveness said one time that he didn’t believe in through writing, through the word, and me, I probably wouldn’t have finished through meditation. And it really takes the book. We’ve been together for so all of them, especially the counseling long, we’ll be celebrating 18 years in part because when you’re digging January, and he has been so supportive through and going back to these and pushing me to go forward. places, it’s easy to get stuck. And having somebody there to pull you back is My children have been very supportive very, very important. as well. Whenever I have a speaking engagement or if I’m setting up to be My husband and my children, they a vendor somewhere, they are there helped so much and I think the most to help. My son is there, my husband is powerful thing that my husband did there, my daughter is there. My story while I was writing my book was say has encouraged them so much and I these three words, “write your story.” am grateful for their support and belief That’s it. And when he said those in me.

I went back to school and in 2006 and finished my RN, and in 2016 my oldest son was graduating from High School and I was getting my BS at the same time. I now work at the VA Hospital in Jackson, MS. When you have suffered a traumatic event, it is as if you are stunted there. My body grew and I did all these things as life progressed. But until I confronted the issue, I was still stuck back in the past. I was subject to people’s opinion, like a child, I was stunted in my emotional growth as well. What I would say to that person trying to find freedom in their own life is, find an outlet because you’re going to have to get that out. I believe it’s like an excavation, how you have to go in and dig out the old stuff before anything new can be built, and I just believe the first step to it is to just get it out before you even try to deal with the forgiveness part. You’ve got to admit that it happened, tell your truth. You have to hear yourself say that something was wrong with that. Give yourself permission to find your freedom.

Photo Credit: 昊 周/Adobe Stock


8 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018

SPOTLIGHT Sara Anna Powers


ara Anna Powers is a Success Coach and Copywriter who is passionate about helping women pursue their powerful purpose in business. Sara Anna is a licensed attorney who has transitioned to running her own business full-time and helping other women who desire to make a massive impact in the marketplace.

Through her Magnetic Messaging program, she helps female business owners create captivating copy that compels their ideal clients to buy. Through her one-to-one coaching and upcoming Magnify Mastermind, she helps online business owners scale to six figures and beyond. Sara Anna also hosts the Faith Forward Online Business Podcast,

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where she encourages and motivates online business owners who desire to keep their faith front and center. Sara Anna can be found online at http://www.saraannapowers. com and is also available for speaking engagements and workshops. I’m a Success Coach and The Copy Couturier™ for you, the motivated, dedicated, faith-filled entrepreneur

who is ready to pursue your powerful purpose. Did you grow up with big dreams of leaving a lasting legacy in the world? Me too! When I was little, my goals were to go to Princeton and then to become a Supreme Court Justice! But perhaps your dreams have been bruised and battered along the way? I can identify! I always thought that if I just worked hard enough, I’d achieve everything I desired. So I gave up parts of my childhood in order to meet my goals. I was a cheerleader, the lead in an Equity theater production, and the valedictorian of my prestigious (and expensive) prep school. I barely slept as I spent hours and hours engaging in activities that were meant to impress people and build my resume. But I quickly learned that hard work does not guarantee success. I met my dream goal of getting admitted to Princeton, only to find out that after spending thousands of dollars every year for me to attend private school, my parents couldn’t afford Princeton’s $30,000/year price tag. I went to a state school on a full scholarship, and I tried to keep my spirits up and to be grateful for my opportunities, as all good Christian girls are told to do. I got a scholarship to law school, too, but learned that it’s basically impossible to be a Supreme Court Justice unless you’ve attended a top-tier law school and made stellar grades throughout. While I attended a well-reputed school and made good grades, I didn’t meet the necessary qualifications to go after what I had always thought was my dream job. I took a “good” job just out of law school, making nearly $100,000 as my starting salary. I had a handsome fiancé with a posh British accent, a beautiful three-bedroom house in a

family-friendly suburb, and I was on a career path that would lead to eventual partnership in a reputable law firm. To everyone on the outside, my life seemed pretty awesome, but I was dying inside. I took 3 days total off in my first year and a half of work, and I worked most weekends. I missed my grandfather’s funeral for work. I missed Thanksgiving with my family even after buying a plane ticket when my boss told me I needed to work through the holiday. My relationship crumbled as I poured all of my energy into my job and had nothing left over for my partner. After 9 months of me pouring my soul into work at the expense of my connection with my fiancé, my engagement ended. Then, the unthinkable happened. The economic downturn hit, and I lost that “cushy” job. I was looking at a mortgage that I had no way to pay, and I was terrified. I remember one of the partners saying, “I’m so sorry. One day I promise you’ll look back on this day as one of the best days of your life.” Really, I thought? I doubted that would be true. I felt like a failure. BUT GOD. God is bigger, God is greater, and God is GOOD! In the midst of this trial, I clung to my faith. I KNEW that God had a plan and a purpose for my life, and I prayed diligently for His help: to bring me work that was fulfilling, to give me a future, and to give my life the purpose that I knew He had for it! The road has been longer than I expected, but God continues to fulfill my desires in His perfect timing. I know that He will do that for you, too! And part of my purpose is to help you clarify and fulfill YOUR purpose. If you’re wondering about how God answered my prayers for a meaningful

life and work, I’ll give you the Cliffs’ Notes version. God gave me a position at a prestigious Big Law firm, which I held for nearly 5 years. When that job demanded that I leave my home and live in hotels for ten months, He opened the door for me to work for the Firm I’m at now, where I feel both valued and valuable. God brought me the most amazing relationships with other women who speak life into me and encourage me as I wait on Him to connect me with my future husband. And God opened the door for me to fulfill my dream of running my own coaching business in January 2015. I spent my first year and a half in business coaching women who struggle with weight, size, and shape, to begin to love their bodies NOW so that they can step into their full potential. (Part of my story is a long-time struggle with anorexia that left me weighing 103 pounds at 5’7” and then a struggle with binge-eating that drove my weight up to 220 pounds. I have gratefully been living at a steady, healthy weight for the last decade. After building my wellness coaching business and helping dozens of women find freedom from food obsession, more and more faithcentered entrepreneurs began coming to me with the desire to create or up-level their own heart-centered business. I heeded the call and began the transition to Success Coach, and I now help motivated, dedicated, online entrepreneurs clarify and fulfill their powerful purpose in life and business. You do not have to settle for a lackluster life of soul-depleting work. You are here for a reason, and you have God-given gifts and talents that were meant to be unleashed in the world! Let’s get to work and start pursuing your powerful purpose. Photo Credit: Sergii Moscaliuk/Adobe Stock


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Are you putting more money into bills than you are into savings? Could your family financially survive without your income? Would an extra $1000 a month make a significant difference in your household? Would you like to learn more about the answer to these questions? Contact us for more answers to these questions and a free financial analysis. Paxton Payton - (601) 942-2386 Shinita Payton - (601) 594-0382


Mixing Prints and Patterns:

Floral and

Stripes Written by: Denise Donald


white (neutral colors), add a belt with a pop of color to bring out the top. Or pair a black and white striped top with floral shorts or floral slacks. If you’re not ready to step all the way out there, pair a floral tank top or floral cami (add a solid colored black OR white blazer) with a black and white striped skirt or pair of slacks!

loral and stripes is a unique way to mix prints and patterns. Don’t be afraid to try it! Start with the basics (black and white stripes), then have fun with the floral (bold floral, pastel floral, or even black & white floral).

If you are new to mixing floral and stripes, then pair your outfit with a neutral colored shoe.

For instance, pair a black and white striped skirt with a bold colored floral top. Because the skirt is black and

Floral and stripes! Give it a try! Email me at denise@mypinkleopard.com and let me know how you paired it!

Please don’t forget your accessories!

Photo Credit: ojardin/Adobe Stock 14 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018

“Watch what he does more than listening to what he says.”


ynthia was a thirty-year-old schoolteacher. Her chief complaint was that she felt sad. After a personal history confirmed that she was not clinically depressed, I asked for specifics about why she felt the way she did. She told me that she had been dating a young man for the last three years, and as in her previous relationship of four years, there was no hint of a ring. She felt that she would make a perfect wife and mother and dreamed every day of getting married and having children. Cynthia was confused as to why all her friends were married but it seemed as if her day was not going to come.

of receiving information that they don’t want to hear. Another fear is of feeling pressured when being asked questions. I highly encourage anyone in a relationship to have a discussion with the person he or she is with to ensure that they are going in the same direction.

I also encourage people in a relationship not only to listen to what is said but also to pay closer attention to what is done. I told Cynthia about what happened between my girlfriend and me one time when we were coming out of a Walmart. She was on the outside of the I highly encourage anyone walkway in the parking I explained to Cynthia in a relationship to have a lot and was exposed to that there were many discussion with the person oncoming cars. Without factors to consider he or she is with to ensure even realizing it, I found when determining why that they are going in the myself repositioning her day had not come. myself on the outside same direction. A large percentage of so she was protected. I the problem was beyond her control. noticed what I had done after the fact I told her to focus on what she could and smiled as she put her arm around control and the rest would work itself me. I realized, at that moment, that I out. She had a lot to offer by being cared for her in a way that let me know educated, being attractive, and having we were headed toward a long-term a great personality. But she had to relationship if she desired. But before realize that neither she nor anyone else that moment, I was not even aware could control another person. of how I felt. The bottom line is that men, such as myself, sometimes have a I told Cynthia that it was important hard time understanding what we feel. to take a close look at the person she We certainly have a very difficult time was with and try to find out what was articulating how we feel. This is why on his mind. The man had to want to it is so important that women watch be married before he would ask her. A what we do more than what we say. lot of relationships are not clear, and Other examples of men showing with this is largely because discussions that their actions that they are genuinely should take place are not happening. interested in a woman include a man One or both parties might be afraid

watching a reality show with his lady rather than Monday night football, going to church with his lady rather than sleeping in, taking his lady on a romantic date rather than watching television every Saturday night at her house, spending quality time with his lady rather than hanging with his boys, and calling or texting to say nothing more than that he is thinking of her. I asked Cynthia to encourage a discussion about what they both expect out of the relationship with her boyfriend. I encouraged her to pay close attention to what he does in addition to what he says. I added that she should make a decision based on her findings as to their future and not have regrets. I also encouraged her not to be in such a rush to get any guy, but to take her time to ensure she chose the right guy. I ended the session by telling Cynthia that it is OK to be alone sometimes.

Timothy Quinn Photo Credit: Teeradej/Adobe Stock, Aliaksei Lasevich/Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •15

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Dr. Dr. Talya Talya Straughter Straughter

Woman To Woman With Joanne had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Talya Straughter to hear a part of her story to share with you. Speaking with her showed us where her humble and helpful spirit originated. Family is very important. They help you celebrate the best of times and help you get through the worst of times. Take a minute to read her story as she shares her heart with us: 18 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018


orn and reared in Yazoo City, Mississippi, I had a rich childhood, not necessarily monetary wise, but my family was such a close-knit family on both sides, I was blessed to know both sets of my grandparents and I knew one of my Great Grandmothers. Even though you have your mom’s side of the family and your dad’s side of the family, our family married well to each other. And I just thought that was a great experience.

There were so many people in the community that poured into my life and helped shape me into the woman that I am today. There is such a richness in Mississippi heritage and talent wise. In particular the African American heritage and talent. Even though our past is kind of a haunting one, there is so much life here and I think now is the time that our light is going to shine because of some of the people coming up and out of Mississippi.

days, I couldn’t just dress normal, I had to wear my Girl Scout uniform. Of course, I got teased relentlessly for it and to this day one of my classmates still makes jokes about it, but some of the best lessons that I’ve learned have come through Girl Scouts or being a part of the youth ministry at Tulane Baptist Church.

Growing up, I was that friend that everybody would come and talk to. And when I started working, people would just gravitate to me and tell me We would go on Sunday evenings about what was going on with them, to my Grandparents house on West In High School, I hung out with the but I didn’t consciously know that Second Street and have Sunday popular kids. I think I was most like I would be a counselor. I spent my dinner there, or we were going to my my grandfathers, I could go from the undergraduate years at Jackson State dad’s parents’ house on Wolf Lake boardroom to the block and hang out University. My parents paid for me to and having all the family there and the with everybody. I was be a Speech Therapist, So, it started with me being grandchildren, it was great. We would one of those children but people would always the confidant and now I’m a have a full spread Sunday dinner every who knew everybody confide in me with their professional secret keeper. Sunday. and had friends stuff. everywhere. High School was an I had a wonderful childhood growing exciting time for me. I was on the first I moved to Florida at the completion up and although I have only one girl softball team at Yazoo City High of my BS. I was afforded an biological sister, my cousins were School. We almost won the district opportunity to become a novice more like sisters and brothers, we championship, it was just a time to be speech therapist. Mrs. Melinda James didn’t grow up as cousins. That was as free as we could be. I participated gave me my first official job in my our family. Those were my first best in all of the extracurricular activities career field at the time. I worked in friends. So, I just consider myself really that I could. the Leon County School District. I blessed now that I look back on it spent four years in Florida. After the as an adult, I was rich, not monetary And having strong women, strong birth of my firstborn and the death wise, but rich in love through family. teachers and particularly, strong of my Granddaddy Scott, I ended women that were teachers, that up moving back home. I got a little My grandparents had a garden on the allowed me to have a voice and homesick. During my transition back farm at Wolf Lake and everybody ate encouraged me to use that voice. home I worked in the Yazoo City out of their farm. Family members, My mom made sure that I had extra School District as a Speech Therapist friends, neighbors, church members, activities as well, I couldn’t just come for a while and then got on with the we all ate from that garden. I was home. I was student council president local mental health facility. Kimberly really blessed and as and I either had to be in Dixon, one of my good friends invited Growing up, I was that I sit here and think me to go back to school. She said look friend that everybody would the choir or band, I had about all of the life to be active. And that Jackson State is giving out stipends come and talk to when I was experiences that and they’re going to pay the tuition, in high school and college. afforded me a lot of were afforded to me, opportunities as well. that’s how I officially got into the field whether it was girl scouts or church of Counseling. I can thank Kim for and vacation Bible school. We went I can remember going to Girls’ the degrees and student loans that I to VBS for a whole week. Now it’s State, spending a weekend at USM have taken out. I got my Master’s in three days out of a week. (University of Southern Mississippi) Rehabilitation Counseling, but I wanted while I was in high school and I more and I saw where there was a We were fortunate to have teachers thought that was the best thing since need for counselors and counseling that were off work during the sliced bread. I was in Girl Scouts all period, particularly in the African Summer and gave their time. the way up to 12th grade. On meeting American community. So, it started WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •19

with me being the confidant and now out the best suggestions or advice who was my Civics teacher in High I’m a professional secret keeper. to help others, why can’t I do that School, he would always say, “You I worked with children for about six or for myself? It really made me look at can’t help somebody unless they want seven years and then I moved to the myself as a mom, even though I’m to help themselves.” Having heard adult side and it was really interesting professionally helping someone else, I him say that for years, it helped me to see how a child or the person that had to turn the mirror back and look get through the process of knowing I’m walking with on that journey has at myself. So, she and I ended up going I can’t help everybody. A person has this “Aha” moment. As a to counseling for a while to be ready to heal and to go through It’s like a beautiful counselor, I’m not telling dance that can become because of an issue and the journey. difficult sometimes, having to be in the client’s you what to do, you are but it’s still a dance. spot was eye-opening. just kind of figuring it out My advice to anyone desiring to get by talking it out and I’m into the Mental Health Counseling challenging you. It’s like a beautiful I was reared in a two-parent Field, I would say, you need to really dance that can become difficult household, whereas I’m a single work on your own stuff first, because sometimes, but it’s still a dance. And to mom. I didn’t get it, that it’s not the at some point if you don’t deal with see the person unfold and heal is one same. I was one parent trying to do it, it’s like the elephant in the room. of the best experiences. For me, it’s an everything and I didn’t realize I was It’s going to grow and eventually take honor to walk with someone through a lot harder on her than I think my all the air out of the room and you’re that journey. parents were on me. It was that “Aha” going to suffocate, so you need to moment sitting in the counseling deal with your own stuff first. While working at another mental session with her. The counselor health facility, two of my good friends reminded me that I had two parents A truly great counselor goes to see and Sorors, Dawn Renee Sias and and there was just one of me. It’s a counselor themselves. People are Trenyse Small pushed me to get my totally different. That’s how dealing constantly bringing in their issues license. It was a dream of mine to with that particular family made me and you’re taking all of that in, so do get licensed, it was like a dream look at myself and going through you need to go and see someone to deferred because I put the book on the counseling process with Tootie work through that and allow them to the shelf and I put the idea on the shelf healed some things that were going pour into you. You can’t pour from an and it sat there for a while. on with us. I guess you could say that I empty cup. I finally decided if I ever wanted to couldn’t see the forest for the trees. have my own private practice, I would My girls are the sweetest verses to the have to get my license, so I took I remember one particular instance best love song I’ve ever written. My the book off the shelf and dusted it, how it felt when a client achieved oldest daughter is Talia. She graduated picked up the dream and said, okay, a goal that they set. Being the first from Hinds Community College this let’s go for it. I ended up going back to to complete school Summer and she is now It really made me look at Mississippi College to get a Master’s in was a major step. a Junior at Jackson State myself as a mom, even University. We’re so Marriage and Family Counseling and I Believing it was an went on to pursue my Doctoral Degree obtainable goal was a though I’m professionally excited, she finally got helping someone else, the blue blood in her in Professional Counseling. Everything challenge. Walking on I had to turn the mirror system. just fell into place all at the right time. that journey and not back and look at myself. From completing one degree, taking allowing the client to the licensure exam, going into the give up on that dream My Lady Bug is Scottlyn next program, completing supervision actually pushed me and motivated me Marie. She’s a six-year-old at New and obtaining my license. During that to go on and do what I needed to do. Jerusalem Christian Academy. People venture, God truly showed me who he Hearing the excitement in their voice keep telling me she’s going to keep me is and who I am. after graduation, it was an honor to be young and I tell them, I don’t know if I a part of that journey. want to be young all my life. But I love While working with children, it made motherhood and I love family. Family me a better mother. The “Aha” There will be cases with people that is very important to me and even moment for me was to help with my you just can’t help and it plays with those who are not biological, are like eldest because sometimes we could your psyche. I had to learn, you can’t family to me and are so near and dear butt heads to no end. I really had to save the world, as bad as you may to my heart. step back when I was working with a want to, you can’t save the world. I can Photo Credit: VERSUSstudio/Adobe family and I was like, wow, I can give remember Coach Willie Washington, Stock 20 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018


22 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018

SPOTLIGHT Mary Rountree

Woman To Woman With Joanne is very excited to be here with the lovely Mrs. Mary Rountree and we’re going to be getting a little bit of her story so that we can share with the world. I’m so happy that you decided to allow us to share a part of your story with the world. Here is her story:



was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. I spent a short time in Columbus, but I’ve always been in Mississippi.

everybody to see. And the finances I could see that I was a better person. I were tight. My parents wanted nice could see that people who had things things for me and my brother and easy, did not turn into adults who had sister as well, but they couldn’t deep roots, character, and integrity, necessarily afford it. There were always things had been too easy for them. And My upbringing was not your typical closed doors and tense conversations you could tell. So, I went for a 10 Year upbringing. I’m the youngest of three. happening between them and I was Reunion and I haven’t been back since My brother and sister are eight and so young, and I didn’t know about my because that was enough. ten years older than I am. When I was father and his experience. I didn’t know two years old, my father had Bipolar what was going on. It just felt unsafe. I was able to say, you know what, you Disorder that went through his family So, you learn to kind of stay out of the guys did not break me. I am a strong line, but it was undiagnosed because way and take care of yourself. person and I don’t need any of the those things were taboo back then. They were the bright spot and things of my youth. He literally freaked out, jumped out So, for me, growing the accountability I needed. I only have what I’m the window of the Mental Ward at up in Mississippi was looking forward to the Baptist Hospital, and was splashed not your typical experience in anyway. and I just shed all of that thankfully and across the front page of the ClarionIt was a fragile dad, a mom who was left the pain of it in the past, because I Ledger. At that time my mom was busy really strong and trying to keep it all didn’t want it to drag me down. at home, packing it up because they’d together, me not understanding why already sold the house and were on that was and just trying to not be a As far as my family’s concerned, I have their way to move out of town and had bother and did my best. three kids. My youngest is 16, my oldest not yet closed on the new house. So, is 24, and I’ve got a 21-year-old in the literally, all of her belongings were in a Before High School, Elementary and middle. So, I have one in high school, truck and she had no home and three Junior High were interesting. I would one in college and one that’s graduated kids and a husband in the hospital with ride the city bus home from school. from college. a broken collarbone, a broken leg, a The women who were on the city bus broken arm, and a broken reputation. were closer to me than my mom. They My husband Chris works for Callaloo, were the ones who asked, “How are which used to be Country Originals and Things got really real after that. Prior you doing in math?” They were the he works in their IT department. I am at to that, he was set up to be a big same ladies who rode the bus every the moment in business for myself, but insurance conglomerate owner and day. When I got on, we rode the same soon, in the middle of September 2018, mogul and things were going to be route every day. They kept up with me I will be starting with a new company. great for this little southern, hopefully more than my mother did because, by I sell LED lights. I go into places that upwardly middle-class mobile family. the time mom got home from work, she have lighting and that need to make the I was two when that happened. So I was exhausted. They were the bright transition. They don’t know how in the don’t remember any of it. I didn’t know spot and the accountability I needed. world to do it. And I help them do that about it until I was in my younger with electrical contractors and advising twenties and my mom told me about it. So, when I went into High School I had them on what they need, and putting transferred in 10th grade to a High together lighting plans. We moved to Columbus for a while and School that was very small. There there was a gentleman were only 42 people There are so many layers to the My parents wanted nice that gave my dad a testimony of my healing. It’s like things for me and my brother in the class and that job for a while. He meant that there was peeling back the onion. I would say that and sister as well, but they recovered, they got not a diverse group there are several different layers of a couldn’t necessarily afford it. his medicines straight of people where you combination of fear and stronghold for him, and eventually, we moved back could find where you fit. There was that God has been working on in to Jackson. But from that point on, the “in crowd” and there was the “out my life, and the first thing God did there was still this stain from our past crowd,” and I wasn’t in the “in crowd.” was move us to Pine Lake where we because that was a very off the table At the time, that was hard. I think I worship now. We weren’t unhappy subject. Nobody talked about it. probably cried myself to sleep more where we were. We loved our church nights than not. And at the time, I and we loved our church community I grew up in a family that had a very didn’t realize it was a blessing, but when there. But, my daughter asked me to public, at that time, considered we went back for our 10 Year Reunion, I visit one Sunday with her, and there shameful thing that was out there for could see that I was a stronger person. were so many things we didn’t realize

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that we were hungry for, that we of it. Working with that pain and getting wanted that were there. So we started I also have a stronghold of financial over it so that I could be a real person to attend and one of the first things fear, remember my upbringing and in the real world and not be a burden I did was getting involved in a small those hushed voices behind closed on my family and also be able to work group. And our group was a very small doors, knowing something’s not right and be creating some financial input to group at the time. It has grown since and knowing things don’t feel safe. the family, it had to be dealt with. then because of God’s blessings. In That had been placed in me completely that small group, we started to study unintentionally. My parents were trying So, the medicine started to help strongholds and we learned that there to shield me, but I had a fear of the with that. Finally, after injections and is so much noise we have in between unknown, the unknown financial things, physical therapy, I was really close to us and God. The things we go to before the what if’s. Also, since we didn’t have having to have surgery and if that had we go to God and those strongholds a whole lot because things weren’t not been enough, I also started to are things that we need that great in our family, develop it in my lower back, L four and Also, since we didn’t I was not taught tithing. to identify and break their L five. And what that produces is a pain have a whole lot bad patterns. It wasn’t modeled for that goes down your leg and literally because things weren’t me. It was not taught to every time you sit down and stand up They keep us in the state that great in our family, me. It was not a priority for me, there is about an 80 percent of brokenness. They keep I was not taught tithing. thinking God gets his first chance that I was going to feel that us from going to the and then the rest will be pain. It gets worse over the course of one answer that is the answer every added to you. That was not something the day because gravity causes your time. Choose to work on one specific that was ever a part of my life and vertebrae to compress. So when you stronghold because we all have a lot of there was a guilt in knowing that I have a bulging disc, it’s worse. At the them. Pick one and learn how to use should be doing better, but no urgency end of the day. There were times when the word and through faith in God to whatsoever to address it. I would sit down and get up and it say I’m dead to that. That no longer has would literally feel like a stabbing in my power in my life and instead, I’m going Okay, so that’s layer number two. backside. It would take me to my knees to replace going to that with going to Now let’s add layer number three, on the floor. God. which is the straw that literally breaks this camel’s back, and that’s physical There was a service at our church The first stronghold identified was pain. I have issues with my C six and where I was prayed over for healing anxiety. I mean, who doesn’t deal with seven, which is in your neck, and when and the pastor who prayed over anxiety? That’s an easy thing to say. I you have problems with bulging discs in me experiences the same pain. He struggle with and I deal with. It’s very that area then what you get is a nerve happened to be the one I walked up to identifiable. I can say that to anybody that gets kind of pinched in between and he prayed specifically over my back and not feel insecure about that. Right? that and an aggravated bustle and you and I thought, I’m going to walk out of The second time we did the study, God have radiating pain going down your here like I am on puffy clouds, no pain, revealed to me that my stronghold arms. It feels like electricity shooting and I went to my seat and I sat down that I needed to work on next was down your arm. and I stood up and there it was again. not pretty. It was not cute. It was not something I wanted to say because I’m It’s not muscular pain that can’t be It was still there and I thought, what supposed to be a strong positive put treated with Tylenol, if you haven’t had is wrong? God, I thought you were together person, but that stronghold it, you have no way of understanding it about to heal me. But before I even was negativism and that is really hard when it hits you. It’s white-hot pain. It’s left the church, I’m so glad that God to overcome. debilitating and when you have it over a was all over me in that place because sustained period of time, it’s exhausting he said, I just need you to have faith. The first one I dealt with without emotionally and mentally. So as a result I’m not done with you. So, I swallowed dealing with the second one. You know of that, I went through it and I left and I didn’t I’m not done with you. you can be anxious and say, I’m going to a series of various know what the future choose not to be anxious. I’m going to choose to have faith, but if I’m still so busy with negative voices in my head, I am battling still really hard, but to pull out that negativism and deal with it also, now we’re cooking with gas.


I had injections, I had physical therapy, I was on a medication for a long time that later started to mess with my short-term memory, so I had to get off

was going to look like. I continued to do my Bible study. Then we had a meeting at the church where our Pastor came and he talked about giving like they do every year. Everybody dreads that, you’re always


going to get that once a year sermon. This was a meeting talking about what everybody had given and what it had already produced and it was revealing what they had done with those gifts, and during that meeting, I pulled out my calculator on my cell phone and I tapped on it and I showed it to my husband. And I said this is what we’re giving right now. I expected for him to say, okay, that’s great. Which he did. Then I went back to my calculator and I tapped up what 10 percent would be and I showed it to him and I said this is what we would be giving if we were tithing. His eyes got big as saucers because the delta between those two numbers was big. We were not close to tithing, and we had been justifying that by saying, but we give of our time and we give them our talent. We weren’t giving of our first fruit and we weren’t trusting God. I was so fearful financially that I just was holding on and God was getting my leftovers. I expected my husband, when his eyes got big as saucers to say, oh, well we can take a step toward that. That was going to make me feel okay but that’s not what he said because God has been working on him too. He said we

have to do it. At which point my chin immediately hit the floor because he did not give me the escape hatch. Between Wednesday and the following Sunday, there was a lot of work that God had to do in me to make me be okay with writing my very first tithing check, I was scared to death. I wrestled and fought. Satan really worked on me a lot, but then Sunday came and the gauntlet had been thrown down. It had been revealed to me in my spirit what I had to do. And over the course of that sermon and the message and the worship God did it, and by the time that basket was passing in front of me, I was putting a check for the full tithe in and I was laughing. Absolute unadulterated, abundant joy that I cannot describe to you. And we were sitting down when the basket went in front of us. And when I stood up, there was no pain, there was no pain. And I thought, what in the heck is this? And I sat down and I stood up and it still wasn’t there. So I tried a third time. I sat down and I stood up. It still wasn’t there, so I was like, oh my gosh, what is this? And I immediately knew what it was. The next day, Monday, I went in for what was supposed to be my last

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paid insurance, paid physical therapy appointment. And I said guys, you’re not going to believe this, but guess what I haven’t had for 24 hours. I haven’t had any pain. And they said, you don’t understand Mary, that doesn’t just stop. That’s something we work on over time. So something’s going on. I said I know something’s going on. I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on. God healed me yesterday and they said, oh no, no, no, no. Here we’re going to give you some harder exercises to do. So they gave me some harder exercises to do and they gave me two weeks of free physical therapy with more aggressive exercises trying to make me feel pain. And my daughter who is trying to be a physical therapist who is currently in physical therapy tech was doing additional exercises with me at home at night trying to make me feel pain. That was over a year ago. I still have no pain. So that is my story. It’s a supernatural healing. It is something you can’t deny.

Photo Credit: oscar0/Adobe Stock


28 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018


Jesselyn Jesselyn James James

Woman To Woman With Joanne had the pleasure of talking with Mrs. Jesselyn Johnson-James to hear her story and share a part of her with you. Her beautiful spirit shines bright like a diamond. Read as she shares her testimony with us. WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •29


was born in New Orleans, Louisiana at Charity Hospital. I remember moving to Mississippi with my mom and Stepdad at the age of around two. I think I had just started walking and my mom remarried.

In 10th grade, I started coming out of my shell. I tried out for the basketball team and for cheerleader but didn’t make it. My 11-grade year I made the basketball team but it didn’t last. I just wanted to be on the team. I think I was so unsure of myself and not Our Stepfather took us in and he's confident in myself, I didn’t try out for been with us ever since. homecoming maid until my twelfthgrade year. The best part about trying I love our Magnolia out is when they called Mississippi is where my State and the state my name. foundation started, as a flower. It represents woman, I was led by other I was in my English a lot of things. women of the church. Hospitality is number class. My whole class one. In McComb, Mississippi where I was reared, we were made to go into the garden if we were going to eat. You had to go out in the garden and help. My grandmother instilled in us that we had to work. She said, “A man that don’t work, don’t eat.”

Mississippi is where my foundation started, as a woman, I was led by other women of the church. We were taught how to carry yourself and how to treat other people. We were taught that you are supposed to help your neighbor and love your neighbor, and you’re supposed to show that in gesture, not just with words. I’ve been inspired by being in Mississippi and I wouldn’t be who I am today if I weren’t here. I can’t tell you a bad story about Mississippi relating to race because I haven’t had that experience. You have ugly people everywhere you go, so we can’t say that it’s just here in Mississippi.

was full of football players. Even if the football players were not in the class, when they announced it, they rushed down to my English class. They picked me up and they were literally holding me in the air going down the hall. And I was thinking this is the best thing I have ever experienced. The shyness started easing away then. I was talking more and more. I was always active, but I wasn’t talking as much as I talk now.

In school and I was told I had a learning disability and that I wasn’t going to make it to college and that was a downfall. But my classmates would always say to me, “you can do anything you want to do.”

much going on and if you didn’t look a certain way or your skin wasn't the same skin color or whatever the case may be, you were cast out. I had my friends in my neighborhood so it really didn’t bother me. But to make it through High School and be on the Homecoming Court, I was so proud to be in the presence of the other young ladies. I didn’t win the crown but I felt like I did because I was just as happy for the Queen as I was for myself. That was one of my first proud moments, and receiving my diploma. After High School, I went to Alcorn State University. I had a teacher, family, and older people around me that told me I would go there and come back with a baby, you won’t stay, they said. Needless to say, I made it to Alcorn and I did get pregnant, but I was pregnant before I got there. I didn’t know what was going on, I was green to the fact and just going through the motions. I married my children’s father and he was a quarterback. We weren’t in love and it wasn’t love at first sight, none of that.

Then I started seeing that the football players watched out for me, took care of me and catered to me. They did things that nobody had ever done for me. They made sure I They did things that nobody was taken care of. Once So, we all got had ever done for me. They I had the baby, I stayed together one day on the football field made sure I was taken care of. out there for a while in and they were saying an apartment. this chant. I didn’t know what the chant meant and I didn’t know what they Then we moved back to McComb, MS In High School, I was shy and in a small were saying, but it was the football for a while and then we finally moved circle. In 9th and 10th grade my circle players actually honoring the girls on to Jackson, after I started having my grew. I was a neighborhood favorite. the homecoming court. We won the other children, but we were still not People from other neighborhoods state championship that year and we in love. I was just told that you can’t came to our made it. We actually leave your husband, you can’t leave the But my classmates would neighborhood graduated on time when father of your children. That’s what the always say to me, “you can do I was told that I had a and they knew older people would tell you. It became anything you want to do.” learning disability and us because we abusive and I weathered the storm and were in groups. that I would not make I believed what people said, that I had a We had girlfriends, peers, circles, we it. I got my diploma when everybody learning disability and that I would not had a dance and singing group and else received theirs and that was such make it. we thought we were Anita Baker, but I an honor to me because I had been don’t sing. chopped down so much through But, I decided that I would no longer school. I was bullied and it was so take the abuse that was being given to 30 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018

me because my children were seeing it. I came home one day and my children were in the house by themselves and their dad was nowhere around, and I remember calling on my sister who was here in Jackson, MS at the time. And she was one of the reasons why I moved to Jackson. I started trying to get myself together, I was trying to get in my mind a plan to leave, but there was no plan. I didn’t have a thought process, I was still thinking I needed him because I can’t make decisions on my own. But one day I just said, okay Lord, this is it. He hadn’t been home in four or five days and then he came home. I walked in the house one day and my gas was off. It was the wintertime.

his father and he said, “Daddy, don’t kill my mom,” because he had already told me, “if you walk out that door I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna hit you in the head with this hammer.” And my son turned around at the age of eight and he said, “Daddy, don’t kill my mom.”

they were afraid. I noticed that he kept digging on his arm. So, I told him to go take a bath so they could go to school and I would find somewhere for us to go. When he gets into the bathroom, there’s this large raccoon in the bathtub.

So, I took the first step by turning the doorknob with my baby in my hand. And I took the other children that were hanging onto my leg, but my son was the last one to walk out the door. We could hear him bashing the TV, the windows, the PlayStation game, everything. He just went ballistic. He told me I would never make it with my four kids and that no one would want me.

He came back and had urinated all over himself and my baby girl urinated all over herself and she was being potty trained. He was just terrified with tears in his eyes. He just asked if we could go, he said mom we can’t stay here. When we got in the car my son said to me, “Mom, I know we don’t have anywhere to go but we can’t stay here.” So, this time I’m sick on the stomach, this is the worst of the worst I’ve ever lived and I couldn’t do it anymore.

As we’re walking down I knew a lady that I knew a lady that worked at Newsome St., a police worked at Simply My mom gave me a little car, a Simply Fashions and I begged passed by, stopped me, Fashions and I and helped us get to Sundance to drive around in. So, I her for a job. begged her for a job. the lady’s house who packed the kids in the car and we went I did get the job but she said there was drove the school bus. She made it very to Walmart and washed up. Then I a test I needed to take. I didn’t pass clear that we could sleep on the floor noticed my children had flea bites all the test and she said they were going because she and her kids didn’t share over them and I just panicked thinking, to have to terminate me. And I said, their beds. That was fine with me. We Oh God what have I done to my me, I told the truth. ??????????It was an needed somewhere to stay. I laid my children. So, the school called and said Assessment, so she sat down and took head down and my daughter woke up it looks like it might be contagious, so it for me so I kept the job. screaming. She had dogs and cats and I I took them to the doctor. The doctor remember the dog biting my daughter confirmed it was flea bites and my son One day when I got home I just said and my son was so afraid. had a tick on him. She went in his ear we have to go, we actually have to and there was one in his ear. go. The neighbor had already gotten The police officer found out where the children off the bus because they the kids went to school and he went I started to cry uncontrollably, and my turned my lights off. She gave them a to take them different things that they son kept saying, “Mom, I told you, I told bath and got them ready. She washed needed. But then he came by my job you.” And it’s just ringing in my ear. The their clothes, did the laundry and to check on us to see if we were ok. Of Doctor treated all of us and she asked pressed them for school the next day course, I was embarrassed and didn’t where we were staying. I just told her so no one would ever know we didn’t want to say anything. He said he just we were not staying there anymore. I have lights and water. wanted us to be safe didn’t want to tell her I and we can’t be walking I couldn’t call my mom was homeless because I My husband was no longer there. He around. So, I told him we because I didn’t want didn’t want them to take had been gone three or four days in needed a shelter to go to. her to know what was my children. this process, so I made up in my mind going on in my life. that if he walked through the door, that We didn’t find anywhere I couldn’t call my mom day I was going to walk out the door. that night, so I slept on the floor again because I didn’t want her to know So, when he walked through the door and the next morning we got up, it was what was going on in my life. And she I said, we are going to have to go. It on a Thursday and I remember it so always said, you got to stay there since ended up with him having a hammer in well because I got paid on Thursdays. that’s the kid’s father. We ended up his hand to my head. I told my kids to My son had gone to the bathroom, applying for a low-income apartment go get their shoes, we got to go. he and my daughter, they didn’t ever on Livingston Rd., and until that went My son being the oldest looked up at go one without the other because through, we slept on Northside Drive


in the hotels. We went from one to the other and then we parked when we didn’t have money. We parked at Walmart and Target on Frontage Road until we got the low-income apartment.

about it and he was just waving out the back window. He picked up the children from school that evening and He asked me what I wanted to do with my life, and what were my goals? What was it that I really wanted? I told him I wanted to go back to school and to be able to take care of my children with or without a man.

new, three bedroom, two baths, a two-car garage and a bay window in my house. My house note was $246.63. A house that I could pay for, I didn’t need a man to do it for me. God told me to go to Byram and find a house and we did. We moved in on March 4, 2004, I have seven years left to pay off my house.

He laid out ten one hundred dollar bills and told me not to go to work but to go to Hinds and register and I did. At Hinds, I was told I was not going to be a safe nurse because it was the end of the school year. Well, I stepped before the board because I got tired of being pushed away. Every time somebody So, he’s trying to take the trash and pushed me down, I felt like another throw it in the dumpster Advice: I would tell her piece of trash just thrown and I won’t let him. My at me. So, I said, oh no, no, to push through it. son runs out there and no, no. I’m not going away says mom, let him help you. He’s nice. I that easy. said you go back inside you don’t know what you’re talking about. So, he threw I had to go through boot camp. They the trash away and I went back and talked about my writing and my locked the door. I told my son you can’t grammar and critiqued everything come to my rescue every time, just be I did, but it was okay. I had people quiet. behind me telling me I could do it. I came back into the program and I was still just wondering to myself how nobody is admitted back to Hinds on we are going to get furniture and we the third try. are in this bad neighborhood, is what people said, but it was the best thing After all of that and I graduated, that happened to us. We slept on the my son got in trouble and things floor and all, but we made it. happened. I married the man that stuck with me, but I put five things in Well, this guy came knocking on my the Bible that I wanted God to do for door and he wanted a Sunday dinner me before I started that program and plate and I was like, why do you keep number one was to get out of a live-in harassing me? I ended up giving him relationship. The second thing was to a plate of food. Monday morning, it’s buy a house that I could pay for. The pouring down raining and my window third thing was to be able to get that is broken out, and I’m trying to get the diploma. My son owed me. I went in kids to school. Well here comes this every kind of dope house to get him guy again and offers to take the kids out, but I survived it and so did he. to school. The only reason I let him take them was because I desperately I asked God to help me make it needed it. through the program and He did. The fifth thing was a better relationship He fixed the window of the car that with Christ. They may not have been in night. I didn’t know it until I got dressed the order that I meant them to be, but and I got in my car and I was able to God knew before I put them in there crank it with a key. He fixed the ignition and within three months everything and he fixed the window. My son knew started happening. I had a house, brand

Then after I purchased the house, I decided to go and work. I worked two jobs and my children were fine. I was able to take care of them and we made it. We made it through. We conquered everything. I got married in 2005. I graduated in 2005. I took state boards in 2006. February 2006 I became a LPN. In 2010 I decided to go back through the transition program.

I guess it was eight months later, this guy noticed my car didn’t have a window in it. Then he noticed that I was cranking it with a screwdriver. One day I was taking the trash out to throw it in the garbage dumpster and this guy said, “Hey, let me help you.” And I said, “Why would I do that? Anything you can do for me, I can do for myself.” I was bitter and angry.

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My friends and coworkers encouraged me to go back to school to become an RN and I did it, having a learning disability, I did it. All the things I had dealt with in my life, I put all that trash and even the learning disability, everything people had thrown at me, everything that was said, where I had to live, how I had to live, how my husband did me and all that stuff. I put it in a pile and put a match to it, and I watched it burn into ashes, and I took those ashes and I turned it into ambition, and that’s how I became a Director of Nursing. One thing I would say to a young woman going through anything in life, I would tell her to push through it. There will be times that people are going to tell you things and you’re gonna believe it to the core of your heart, but until you dig down deep within and you look in the mirror and you say to yourself, this is not me, I am not that girl. No, I am not what she said. No, I don’t have a learning disability and yes, I can because President Obama said I can. If we stand together as women. Yes we can. We can be fearless in our resiliency. We can walk the walk, pick up that trash and burn it into ashes and turn it into ambition. Photo Credit: HolyLazyCrazy/Adobe Stock

Upcoming Events for

2018 Woman To Woman With Joanne’s Let’s Talk Sessions provide a safe environment for women to come and share whatever is on their heart - burdens, struggles, joys. We invite women to share openly without fear of being judged, talked about, or broadcast all over social media. Let’s Talk Sessions are held at the Mantle once a month.


September 1st - 4th Annual Woman To Woman With Joanne Empowerment Conference 9am - 1pm Smith Robertson Museum September 20th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


October 18th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


November 15th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216


December 14th - Let’s Talk Session, 7pm - 8pm 622 Duling Ave, Jackson, MS 39216

Photo Credit: Jag_cz/Adobe Stock WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •33

34 • WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE • Issue 17•September 2018

A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS State Bank & Trust Renasant Bank Allstate Steven James Agency DMD Event Planning & Design Rashida Long Photography John Gooch Kenny Crews Dr. Timothy Quinn Sanjo Security Systems CNC Integrated Payment Systems WOMAN TO WOMAN WITH JOANNE: THE MAGAZINE •35

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