Woman To Woman With Joanne The Magazine May 2020

Page 24


Josephine Gardner By Dr. Brenda Wilder


ennifer and Avery Gardner have 2 beautiful children, Sully (6) and Josephine (4). Jennifer says their children are such an adventure, and they like to keep things very simple and not have their lives defined by Cystic Fibrosis (CF). The family loves nature walks, the beach, and the mountains. This is a sneak peek into their lives with CF. The Gardner's were made aware of Josephine (Josie) having Cystic Fibrosis from her new-born screenings. Josie wasn’t fully diagnosed until about 6 months after several sweat tests. Josie’s pancreas became insufficient, she began to lose weight, and there were multiple hospital admissions until she was 10 months old. She suffered pancreatitis twice, with ultimate failure of the organ. Josie takes Lipase to digest her food. Jennifer remembers this as a long tedious process.

reactions varied from day to day and even moment to moment. Jennifer knew it was okay to allow all of their emotions, but she also recognized that in Jesus Christ, her footing could be sure. Bad news is not a shock to God, and the Gardner's knew they could lean on Him and trust that He would be faithful to walk with them through whatever the disease progression would present. The diagnosis was a shock to Jennifer, and it hurt deeply! 4 years later, she is now at peace with the diagnosis.

Jennifer says she is grateful for Josie’s medical team: Dr. Walker, Dr. Josie, and Dr. Catherine. The diagnosis was hard to accept initially, but the medical team guided her through the process. Others who made a difference were Nurse Chelsie and Melissa, the Social Worker. Jennifer credits them with keeping her sane during the beginning months. A strong support team is important.

Life with Cystic Fibrosis was rough in the beginning, but now it’s the family’s norm. Jennifer says, “It isn’t an inconvenience as some think, it’s all in what you become accustomed to. Before each meal, the normal routine is that Josie takes 6 pills before each meal and 3 to 4 pills with snacks. We do “shaky” treatments with breathing treatments 3 to 4 times a day, which consist of a vest filling with air and vibrating the mucus in her lungs to break it up.” Currently that is Josie’s only treatments, and her overall health is phenomenal.

Receiving a diagnosis of a terminal illness can be quite shocking. Some may feel immobilized, others heartbroken, some relieved to have a diagnosis for what has been a mystery illness. Natural reactions to such news vary, and the Gardner’s


The Gardner's goal is to live life fully and not show fear of the unknown to Josie. They find it best to follow the


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