WomanBeeWell Magazine: The PCOS Awareness Issue | Sept/Oct 2021

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THAT PCOS COACH shares her story and tips to thrive with PCOS


SEPT. 17 - 19TH

scientifically proven pcos supplements



5 essential oils for emotional balance p82

celebrate national apple month with yummy eats p92


Editor in Chief Belinda McCall Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Founder of WomanBeeWell.com For Advertising Inquiries admin@womanbeewell.com use subject line: I WANT TO ADVERTISE WITH WOMANBEEWELL For Guest Article Inquiries admin@womanbeewell.com use subject line: I WANT TO PITCH AN ARTICLE FOR WOMANBEEWELL MAG www.womanbeewell.com

Affiliate Disclosure: We will only recommend products and services that we have personally tried and loved. Advertisements may contain affiliate links, noted as a paid partnership with WomanBeeWell.com. If you purchase something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more and we’ll get a small commission. This helps keep WomanBeeWell Magazine on the digital presses. WomanBeeWell Magazine is published bi-monthly by WomanBeeWell, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part or in any form without prior written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher reserves the right to edit all articles for clarity, space, and editorial sensitivities. WomanBeeWell Magazine assumes no responsibility for the content of advertisements in the publication, nor for the content of books that are referred to or excerpted herein. The content of WomanBeeWell Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other content is intended for educational purposes only. The content is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with any questions you have regarding your health or medical condition.

MEET THE WOMEN BEHIND THIS ISSUE PCOS Awareness Assoc. Founders Megan Stewart and Satoya Foster PCOSAA.org and ShadesofTeal.org

Letisha Bates Functional Health Practitioner Founder of ThatPCOScoach.com

Erica Ziel, Our Movement Specialist Pre and Post-Natal Exercise Specialist Founder of EricaZiel.com

Emily Johnson Owner & Founder of Hey Cysters HeyCysters.com

Roxi Thiam Holistic Nutritionist, Clinical Herbalist Founder of Finesse Life Holistics and Bougie Garden Apothecary

Jessica Lesperance-Hastings Certified Yoga & Fitness Instructor Founder of Cedar Wellness Studio

Laura Elizabeth Embodiment Coach Founder of LauraElizabeth.com.au

Nichole Perkins Self-described food warrior Founder of PrimaFoodie.com

Carla Contreras Master Chef and Coach Founder of CarlaContreras.com

Alyssa Hixenbaugh Certified Nutrition Coach Founder of CoffeeFitKitchen.com

Bianca Dodson Trained Pastry Chef Founder of LenoxBakery.com

Clara Halford Creative Cooking and Photos Cooking_By_Clara on IG

Bonnie Hubert Ed. D Educational Leader and Life Coach www.wedevelopyou.com/hubert

Justine Valentine Junior Layout Designer Co-Founder of Honeybell Press


A Deeper Look at PCOS and the PCOSAA


My PCOS Cysters, Follow Your Gut!


4 Scientifically Proven Supplements for PCOS


Talking PCOS on Core Connections Podcast


Strong Woman Spotlight with Letisha Bates


Getting All Hot and Steamy with PCOS


15 Essential Herbs for PCOS Symptoms


5 Essential Oils for Emotional Balance


Superfood Spotlight: The Amazing Apple


Apple Pie Overnight Oats


Roasted Butternut Squash and Apple Soup


Apple, Fig, & Burrata Salad

96 100

Baked Apple Jack


Rustic Apple Galette

Chai Spiced Apple Crumble


The 3 Powers of Being a Woman: How to Uncover Your Inner YOU


How to Stop Your Loop of Limiting Beliefs

Strong Woman Spotlight

Letisha Bates, pg. 60


Limited Edition yoga mat with benefits

$5 will be donated to the PCOSAA for every mat sold in September



start yours today!


note from the editor

#Cysterhood of Strength


rom one cyster to another, let me be the first to say that you, my dear, are a WARRIOR and you are not alone in your fight. WomanBeeWell is a proud partner of the PCOS Awareness Association to support our community. This is the beginning of the "Cysterhood of Strength". (trademark pending!)

We have two fellow cysters sharing ways to support your health with natural herbs and supplements for PCOS. First up, we've got Roxi Thiam, Clinical Herbalist & CEO of Finesse Life Holistics & Bougie Garden Apothecary™ sharing her Top 15 Essential Herbs for PCOS.

This is the biggest issue of WomanBeeWell Magazine yet, with 12 women contributing their expertise and experiences to benefit all of us. It's truly more beautiful than I could have ever imagined!

Second, we've got Emily Johnson who is the founder of Hey Cysters, an herbal supplement made for women with PCOS. She talks about the top scientifically proven supplements that are a part of her special formulas.

Our Strong Woman Spotlight is on Letisha Bates, aka- That PCOS Coach. She is unapologetically badass and she’s the kind of woman that you want on your team when you’re wading through the confusing and frustrating symptoms that come with PCOS diagnosis. Letisha's interview is our most in-depth yet! She tells us her personal story, shares her struggles, and triumphs, all of which led her to where she is today. We also talk about foundational ways to manage PCOS symptoms, in addition to some powerful mindset changes that every woman (not just those with PCOS) can benefit from. It's an eye-opening interview that I've read at least 5 times myself now. Don't miss it!

Other highlights from this issue: yoni steaming for PCOS symptoms (if you've never heard of it, then you REALLY need to read this one), ways to flex your superpowers as a woman, and how to stop the loop of self-defeating thoughts. Finally, we shine a light on the humble, yet powerful, apple for the superfood spotlight. Cheers to you, my fellow cyster!







The Goals of PCOSAA

PCOS Awareness Association

is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advocacy of

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The organization and its team of volunteers are dedicated to raising the awareness of this disorder worldwide, providing education and support services to help women understand what the disorder is and how it can be treated. The Association also provides support for women diagnosed with PCOS to help them overcome the syndrome and decrease the impact of its associated health problems.






PCOS feature article A Deeper Look at PCOS and The PCOS Awareness Association Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a health condition that affects about 10 million women in the world. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries make the egg that is released each month as part of a healthy menstrual cycle. With PCOS, the ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects

wome n

1 in 5

of childbearing age. Most

women find out they have PCOS in their 20s and 30s, when they have problems getting pregnant and see their doctor. But PCOS can happen at any age after puberty. Women of all races and ethnicities are at risk of PCOS.







Hirsutism, or the growth of excessive facial or body hair, is one of the tough side effects that women often deal with. The hair on their head may start to

Why Haven’t Many Women Heard Of It?

thin, while thicker strands sprout up in other unwanted places. Fast and seemingly uncontrollable weight gain is another hurdle that many with PCOS

There could be a number of reasons why face, and the taboo surrounding these so few people have heard of PCOS, subjects may discourage them from despite the fact that as many as 1 in 10 bringing them up to their doctors -- or women are living with it. Some of the anyone else. symptoms are embarrassing to talk about.

Ways to Manage Symptoms of PCOS As of today, there is no cure for PCOS, but there are many ways you can decrease or eliminate PCOS symptoms and feel better. Your doctor may offer different medicines that can treat symptoms such as irregular periods, acne, excess hair, and elevated blood sugar. Fertility treatments are available to help women get pregnant.

Losing as little as 5% excess weight can help women ovulate more

Who is the PCOSAA?

regularly and lessen other PCOS

PCOS Awareness Association was

symptoms. The ideal way to do this

founded in 2012 by Megan M

is through nutrition and movement.

Stewart and Satoya Foster, who

You may feel that it is difficult to

were diagnosed with PCOS

lose excess weight and keep it off,

themselves and wanted to spread

but it is important to continue the

awareness about it along with help

effort. Your efforts help reduce the

others going through similar

risk of developing serious health


complications that can impact women with PCOS much sooner than

Megan Stewart began showing

women without PCOS. The biggest

symptoms of PCOS at the age of 9

health concerns are diabetes, heart

(hair, weight, lack of period, hair

disease, and stroke because PCOS

loss) but was not formally

is linked to having high blood

diagnosed until she was 16 when

pressure, pre-diabetes, and high

they also diagnosed her with


Cervical Cancer. In 2009 she was admitted to the ER for massive abdominal pain due to PCOS. When leaving the ER her mother said she could tell Megan was fed up with feeling sick, being told it was all in her head, the weight gain, and the hair loss.

Megan started researching answers and searching for support but found that not one place had everything she was looking for.






Gut Health Connection







PSA: If you’re not actively supporting your gut health, you’re missing a key to not just minimizing your PCOS symptoms, but also increasing your quality of life. You can take my word for it right here, or you can read on if you need some convincing.

PCOS Beyond Infertility Most of us think that PCOS is just a problem because it’s the number one cause of infertility among women. While that certainly is an issue, it is not the only effect of PCOS on the body. It is an endocrine, metabolic, and chronic inflammatory syndrome that affects the entire body, not just the reproductive system.

Other symptoms and risks associated with PCOS include: Increased risk for type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and heart disease Increased risk for endometrial cancer Chronic fatigue and mood changes like anxiety and depression Irregular periods and abnormally heavy and painful periods Excess androgens that can result in excess facial and body hair growth, male pattern baldness, or acne

These symptoms can have just as great, if not more, of an impact on everyday life as infertility does. Fortunately, by taking a deeper and holistic look at how your body functions, you can find relief. How do I know this? Personally. Intimately. I have PCOS and suffered from many of these symptoms for years. But now, I forget that I even have PCOS on most days! This is without a doubt because of the adjustments I’ve made in my daily life and, of course, addressing my gut health is one of those adjustments. WOMANBEEWELL





GUT HEALTH IS NOT A FAD Gut health may seem like a new hot topic these days, but the truth is that the connection between gut health and overall health has long been known. It just seems to go in and out of style like bell bottoms and skinny eyebrows. Hippocrates said it best, “All disease begins in the gut.” But I guess it’s just taken a while for science to catch up with what humans have instinctively known for years. Thank goodness we’re finally catching on!

IT IS BECOMING MORE EVIDENT NOW THAT A HEALTHY GUT IS ESSENTIAL TO OVERALL HEALTH. Signs of a healthy gut (in people with or without PCOS) include regularity, an abundance of energy, mental clarity, and healthy skin. What you might not realize is that gut health can also affect your mental and behavioral health, from making stress and anxiety worse, to leading to brain fog, poor memory, lack of focus, and concentration.






All of these are important for anyone, but are you starting to see some similarities here between gut health and PCOS symptoms?

The Connection Between Gut Health and PCOS Symptoms There are several studies that show how your gut health can affect the development of PCOS symptoms by influencing energy absorption, metabolic pathways, intestinal permeability, and the gut-brain axis. Let’s relate each of these impacts of gut health to common symptoms of PCOS.

1 2

Energy absorption: can affect symptoms of chronic fatigue Metabolic pathways: can affect insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes risk, and obesity that could lead to heart disease

3 4

Intestinal permeability: can affect symptoms of chronic inflammation that are system-wide Gut-brain axis: can affect symptoms of anxiety and depression

It’s amazing how that all works out. So if you weren’t convinced from the beginning, now you should see exactly how your gut health can affect symptoms of PCOS.



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7035130/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28045919/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20664638/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29134359/






How To Support Your Gut Health There are many wonderful ways to support your gut health, but a great place to start is by incorporating more prebiotic and probiotic foods into your daily intake. Here’s a quick list for you to add to your next grocery run:


Get The Golden Gut!


Gut health clearly isn’t just about probiotics and poop… it’s about so much


more and requires a multi-faceted approach to get it back into a good


groove. To learn more about how you


can holistically support your gut health


to help minimize PCOS symptoms,


check out our mini-course “The 5-Day Golden Gut” on the next page.


Follow your gut,


my fellow cysters!

Kombucha Sauerkraut

Belinda is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, founder of WomanBeeWell. Think of her as your judgment-free, inspired, geeky gut-health and all-around wellness BFF. She is the creator of online courses that quickly empower women with the knowledge and tools needed to restore balance back to the gut and to the entire mind, body, and soul. The WomanBeeWell mantra: "Wellness Looks Different for Every Woman"







"If you’re not actively supporting your gut health, you’re missing a key to not just minimizing your PCOS symptoms, but also increasing your quality of life." -Belinda McCall, Founder of WomanBeeWell



No binders, fillers,

No gluten, eggs,

No artificial colors

preservatives, coating

dairy, or soy

or flavors

or shellacs.


No gut irritants,

lectins, oils, stevia,

heavy metals, or

or monkfruit extract

magnesium stearate

Save up to 15% when you subscribe for mindbodygreen's probiotic+ supplement. Click to Shop Now! paid partnership with WomanBeeWell

Live Probiotic Blend - 10 billion bacterial cells, including L. Acidophilus, B. Bifidum, B. Lactis and B. Longum Yacon Root - Gut-nourishing plant fiber. Research has found that bifidobacteria and lactobacilli— both components of our probiotic blend—particularly thrive on yacon root! Raw Dark Cacao - Potent source of antioxidants to fight free radical damage, inflammation and signs of aging Coconut Sugar - A clean, natural sweetener that’s low on the glycemic index, so it won’t cause unhealthy blood sugar spikes

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*paid partnership with WomanBeeWell.com. Code valid for first-time customers only.

4 Noteworthy Supplements to Help Manage PCOS Symptoms

Science-Backed for PCOS

By Emily Johnson, Founder of Hey Cysters

What is PCOS? We have probably all heard of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). The mood swings, crying, anxiety or depression. The dreaded cramps. The fatigue... You know the type where you yawn constantly at work and could sleep for days. We can’t forget the ravenous food cravings. Did you know that a serious hormone disorder called PCOS (Polycystic Syndrome) could also mimic PMS symptoms? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects up to 15% of reproductive-age women in the U.S. PCOS is a serious genetic, hormone, metabolic, and reproductive disorder that can lead to lifelong complications. If you are diagnosed with PCOS you could be at risk for developing psychosocial disorders, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, infertility, endometrial cancer, and other conditions. PCOS is the leading cause of the most common endocrine (hormone) disorder in women and female infertility within the U.S. and other countries across the globe. 22





PCOS presents itself in many ways and is different for each woman. Women with PCOS may


develop numerous small ovarian


cysts which are collections of


fluid (follicles) and fail to release eggs regularly. It’s very common


for women with PCOS to have


infrequent periods, prolonged


periods, and/or excess androgen (male hormone) levels. The cause of PCOS is still unknown.

such as type 2 diabetes (earlyonset as Insulin Resistance also known as Pre-Diabetes) and heart disease.






There is currently no cure for PCOS. Most women discover they have PCOS after they notice uncontrolled weight gain, or when they are trying to get pregnant. Though there is no cure, you can manage the symptoms with natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Listed below are the Top Four (4) Supplements and their benefits that have been heavily researched to aid in the symptom management of PCOS.

So, why does PCOS often mimic PMS?

1. Inositol is widely known for its effects on increasing insulin sensitivity, ovarian function, as well as improving egg quality.

Both PCOS and PMS are hormone imbalances. PMS typically shows its ugly head each month about a week before your menstrual period shows up.

2. Ashwagandha is known to help balance cortisol levels to improve stress and anxiety which in turn can lessen the

However, with PCOS it affects most women all month long and is much worse during your period. Women with PCOS may experience painful cramps, weight gain, hair loss (like male pattern

severity of PCOS. 3. Vitex is an anti-inflammatory agent that positively impacts acne, headaches, anxiety, infertility, and painful ovarian

baldness), irregular periods, heavy bleeding, hair growth (hirsutism), dark patches of the skin, acne, headaches,

cysts. 4. Saw Palmetto helps by lowering

painful cysts, infertility, anxiety, or depression, fatigue, digestive problems, low sex drive, and insulin resistance.

testosterone and reducing androgen levels. If you suffer from hair loss or unwanted hair growth (hirsutism) this may be the supplement for you.






Though there is no cure, PCOS symptoms are managable with natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs. -Emily Johnson, Founder of Hey Cysters







Inositol and its effects on blood sugar Inositol, also known as Vitamin B8, has shown benefits towards several PCOS/Hormone Imbalance Issues. Inositol has been known to help normalize ovarian functions to improve egg health and quality. It has very littleknown side effects, making it very safe for most people to consume. It can help fight depression/anxiety and improve the symptoms of insulin resistance.


Ashwagandha and cortisol levels Ashwagandha is a root that has shown to provide positive health benefits to include reducing inflammation, improving brain function, reducing stress, and helping prevent stressinduced ulcers. Most importantly, for women, it can help balance cortisol levels (in the adrenals). High cortisol levels can lead to weight gain, another common symptom of PCOS.







Vitex and PMS Symptoms Vitex comes from the berries of the Chaste tree and has been shown to improve PMS symptoms, such as stubborn acne and painful ovarian cysts, as well as improving fertility and menopausal symptoms. Vitex aids in reversing hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS by acting as an antioxidant, which protects tissues from damage, and in turn blocks inflammatory responses. Inflammation along with hormone imbalance can indicate a more serious issue is present, such as insulin resistance, diabetes, heart conditions, and infertility. Reducing inflammation has positive effects on PCOS symptoms.


Saw Palmetto and Testosterone Saw Palmetto comes from the berries of a palm-like plant commonly found in the Southeastern United States. Saw Palmetto can improve sex drive, reduce high levels of androgen and prolactin levels in women, as well as reducing testosterone levels. Saw Palmetto works by blocking an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (an androgen). Dihydrotestosterone is what gives women who suffer from PCOS the more “masculine” appearance, which includes hair loss (male pattern baldness), hirsutism (unwanted hair growth, such as facial hair), and acne. Blocking this enzyme also improves menstrual regularity, thus improving various symptoms of PCOS. WOMANBEEWELL





What now? Living with PCOS Even though there is no cure for PCOS, living with PCOS does not define who you are as a woman. Utilizing the right supplements, coupled with a healthy, balanced diet, mind-body exercises (such as yoga, tai chi, and Pilates), and management of stress can improve your way of living with PCOS. Treating the physical symptoms of PCOS can help improve your overall mental health, give you the confidence you deserve, and allow you to be the woman you want to be.






Treating the physical symptoms of PCOS can help improve your overall mental health, give you the confidence you deserve, and allow you to be the woman you want to be. -Emily Johnson, Founder of Hey Cysters






“From one Cyster to another, I am here for you! YOU deserve it & you don’t have to go through this journey alone." -Emily Johnson, Founder of Hey Cysters


Emily Johnson, Founder and CEO of Hey Cysters, was diagnosed with PCOS &

insulin resistance in 2016 by a medical doctor. She suffered for years, all the way back to her teen years, with hormone imbalance, hormonal acne, painful cramps, insulin resistance, irregular periods, painful cysts, hair loss, etc. Emily did not want to take a daily prescription medication to treat her PCOS & insulin resistance which could possibly have terrible side effects. With the help of a few holistic-minded doctors, she obsessively researched natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs to overcome her health struggles. Her healing came with an absolute determination to reach as many women as she possibly could with these natural solutions to help heal their bodies inside and out. Her passion is to encourage and inspire other women around the globe to find their healing too. As a result, she created a Private Facebook page for women called 'Hey Cysters', to come together and support each other through their healing journeys. This is a safe place for women to come together to talk about periods, reproductive health, sex life, recipes, etc., and just do life together.

Connect with Emily and learn more about Hey Cysters on Instagram @heycystersco

-Abigail, one happy cyster


I have been using Hey Cysters' products for 2 months now and HOLY COW! My periods are so much better! 1 SCOOP A DAY HELPS BALANCE HORMONES AND TO STABILIZE BLOOD SUGAR

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DOES BIRTH CONTROL IMPACT PCOS? by Erica Ziel, Resident Movement Specialist

Ladies, this episode is FIRE and I am so honored to welcome Dr. Gersh to the podcast today. Click play!

-Erica Ziel

Are you currently on birth control to help with PCOS symptoms? Whether you are, or not, the good news is, you are going to LOVE this episode! I had an enlightening conversation with Dr. Felice Gersh, PCOS expert, practicing physician, and board certified in integrative medicine. She's going to talk common symptoms of PCOS, what birth control has to do with them, and small lifestyle changes that you can make to improve your overall health.

Check out the episode Does Birth Control Impact PCOS: Podcast






*paid partnership with WomanBeeWell.com


because it does, doesn't it?


Holistic Living

Getting All Hot and Steamy with PCOS The Benefits of Yoni Steaming to Ease PCOS Symptoms by Laura Elizabeth

Steaming your hoo-hah is one of the greatest

Yoni Steaming is a process where the vulva, vaginal

remedies I have discovered for improved

opening and perineum are exposed to herbal steam

reproductive health and wellbeing.

for a short time.

If you're reading this, it's likely that you've Googled

If you were with me five years ago, you’d know that a

your way through natural remedies to support the

dear friend of mine blew the whistle on the ancient

symptoms and effects of living with PCOS. I imagine

practice of yoni steaming. I was just beginning to

it's a little unlikely that you've discovered yoni

step deeper into my role as a feminine embodiment

steaming in those searches?

coach, and this changed everything. I haven’t looked back since.






I remember meticulously boiling my herbs, before transferring them into a bowl and not so gracefully squatting over them with a towel over my lap while I listened to some relaxing meditation music. After a few minutes I could feel the warm tingling sensation all over my yoni and felt somewhat connected to her.

I continued with this practice monthly and the results for my own reproductive and mental health were so profound, that not only have I continued yoni steaming as a regular practice, I recommend it to ninety percent of my clients (and have even created entire courses to educate on this topic and guide women through the process).






Here are four ways that

HELPS REGULATE MENSTRUAL CYCLES Many women have found that a regular yoni steaming practice can help to

steaming your bean on a regular basis may significantly reduce the

regulate menstrual cycles and cleanse any remaining residue from previous cycles. A good clear-out means improved circulation and a lighter flow while reducing the risk of developing clots that can be painful to pass through the cervix.

symptoms of PCOS and get you back to living your best life!

PROVIDES PAIN RELIEF FROM INFLAMMATION If you suffer from PCOS you may be experiencing heavy, painful and irregular periods. The heat from the steam between your legs causes increased blood flow to those areas, dilating capillaries. This produces an analgesic or pain relief response for inflamed tissue.

GENTLE & NATURAL HORMONE REGULATION Herbal remedies have long been used to regulate hormones and women's health. Herbs should be carefully selected for the therapeutic treatment of specific conditions such as PCOS where there is an imbalance of insulin and male hormones, affecting normal menstrual cycles and mental and emotional

Every woman and her body is


different. It is important that you seek advice for your

For example, a Yoni Steaming blend of the following herbs could be

specific condition/s from

considered for the relief of PCOS symptoms:

your medical professional

Cinnamon - to improve insulin sensitivity

before including yoni

Spearmint - to reduce free testosterone

steaming into your healing

Licorice root - to reduce testosterone and other androgens (male hormones)


St. John’s Wort - to ease symptoms of depression

This process is not


recommended during pregnancy, as the steam softens the cervix. It is extremely important to cease yoni steaming if you do become pregnant.

The most profound benefit of yoni steaming is a deeper connection to your body. When treated as a self-loving ritual, creating a sacred space, surrounded by ambient lighting, comfortable cushions, and relaxing music, yoni steaming becomes a devotional practice whereby you begin a conversation with your yoni and womb.

My clients will often experience a powerful emotional release and become aware of any underlying emotions or limiting beliefs that are often linked to

So, with all that being said...

Are you ready to dive in and steam up your life?

the manifestation of their physical symptoms.

Having this awareness and the support to clear emotional blockages with this practice can often create long-lasting, physiological healing pathways.

Trailblazing changemaker and embodiment coach for sexuality and empowerment, Laura Elizabeth is dedicated to creating intimate experiences and powerful coaching and masterclasses for conscious women ready to step into a more confident and empowered life. Sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20924865/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19585478/ http://www.medherb.com/Materia_Medica/ Glycyrrhiza_-_Licorice_root_and_testosterone.htm https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31742659/






's Editor al n Perso ite! Favor

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Holistic Living

15 Essential Herbs for PCOS Symptoms + 2 Teas You Can Make to Try Them for Yourself By: Roxi Thiam, Founder of Finesse Life Holistics and Bougie Tea Party

Let’s face it, PCOS is the most complex women’s health condition today. It’s also the number one, most common cause of female infertility. Dealing with the challenges and effects of PCOS each day is no fun. From the breakouts, infertility, and facial hair, to the heavy, painful periods, finding relief can feel nonexistent. Many of those crappy symptoms are due to a hormonal imbalance caused by androgens and lifestyle factors. But chin up, Sis - there are numerous solutions! Our herbal allies have been used for thousands of centuries and are just as effective today. Let’s talk about the Top 15!






Achillea millefolium Yarrow Yarrow is a powerful astringent herb and is often used in remedies to treat heavy bleeding from menstrual periods, ulcers and more. It is often classified as a uterine tonic and can improve uterine tone and ease painful contractions caused by menstruation. Several studies have shown that uterine toning with Yarrow may also increase menstrual blood flow if the cycle is irregular or scanty (short or extremely light).

Alchemilla vulgaris Lady’s Mantle Traditionally, Native Americans considered Lady’s Mantle a “woman's healing herb.” It really should be on every lady’s mantle! This herb is primarily used to regulate menstrual cycles, relieve menstrual cramping, and ease prolonged menstrual bleeding - three very common symptoms of PCOS. WOMANBEEWELL





Glycyrrhiza glabra Licorice Root Do oily skin and breakouts plague you as part of your PMS symptoms? It might be due to a buildup of testosterone or androgen hormones. Licorice can be a tremendous help because it blocks the production of androgens, which are the cause of oily breakouts and most other PCOS symptoms. Licorice root also promotes ovulation and aids liver detoxification - both of which are key to a healthy, successful

Matricaria chamomilla Chamomile

pregnancy. Chamomile contains antispasmodic qualities that help relieve muscle spasms, making it an excellent choice for dealing with painful menstrual cramps. Drinking the tea also reduces the feelings of irritability, anger, and restlessness which often accompany PMS and PCOS.

Eleutherococcus senticosus Eleuthero Root Does your PMS include irritability? Are you fatigued even when you’re not on your cycle? Eleuthero Root or Siberian Ginseng may be able to help!

Actaea racemosa

There is significant evidence that Eleuthero was first used as an herbal remedy in China over 2,000 years ago. Eleuthero Root is used in traditional medicines as an adaptogen, a compound that helps the body better handle and adapt to

Black Cohosh Black cohosh has a number of benefits for women with PCOS. It is traditionally known to stimulate the ovaries, relieve menstrual cramps,

stress. Eleuthero also acts as an

and treat amenorrhea (absent

immune booster & stimulant,


increasing nervous system function. By increasing circulation, eleuthero

Black cohosh also contains mild

may increase blood flow to the brain,

estrogen-like effects that may help

improving mental functions such as memory and concentration.

alleviate hot flashes in women without affecting the uterus. While both black and blue cohosh are beneficial for women’s health, they are not from the same family of plants. Blue cohosh does not have the salicylic acid that black cohosh has - which means that it doesn’t have the same pain-killing effects. WOMANBEEWELL





Urtica dioica Stinging Nettle OUCH! Brush too close to this plant, you’ll certainly feel it! The use of a stinging nettle for the female system goes back to Native American women who used it throughout pregnancy

Withania somnifera Ashwagandha

and as a remedy to stop hemorrhaging during childbirth.

Ashwagandha, also known as

It is considered one of the best

over 3,000 years to relieve stress,

Indian Ginseng, has been used for boost energy levels, and improve

women’s tonics for all stages throughout the menstrual cycle excellent for young women just starting their monthly cycle to women entering menopause. This herb is high in nutrients like calcium and

concentration. This adaptogenic herb has been used as an aphrodisiac, narcotic, diuretic, astringent, stimulant, and everything in between.

magnesium. Stinging Nettle also

It has very similar effects as

cleanses and detoxifies body systems

Eleuthero Root and puts the “hush”

of excess hormones & harmful toxins

on cortisol and brings a deep sense

that may be affecting fertility.

of calm. If you feel “wired and tired,” this herb can be especially helpful at bedtime. Ashwagandha is also known as a potent sexual stimulant as it supports sexual health by enhancing blood flow, lowering blood sugar, and reducing tension which aids in fertility.






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Cinnamomum verum Cinnamon Cinnamon has been proven effective for menstrual pain, menstrual flow and may induce a cycle in women with PCOS. It has also been proven effective and is traditionally used for infertility and overall hormone balance. Cinnamon contains a natural chemical called cinnamaldehyde, which studies show increases

Rubus idaeus Red Raspberry

progesterone activity, decreases

Red Raspberry is a fantastic herb

testosterone production in women &

for women, and is especially

greatly reduces insulin resistance.

indicated for fertility, heavy bleeding, uterine toning, PMS & PCOS relief, and more. Red raspberry leaf tea may strengthen the uterine walls, relieve PMS symptoms, boost fertility and assist with overall hormonal balance in women. The nutrients found in Red Raspberry leaf provide almost all of the nutrients needed for uterine health, which in turn will help with a healthy pregnancy.







Vitex agnus Chasteberry Chasteberry, also known as Vitex, is like the "holy grail herb" as it relates to infertility and the relief of PMS and menopausal symptoms. It is a powerhouse herb in women's health - especially as it relates to infertility, PMS and PCOS. It has been used for thousands of years for menstrual irregularities, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, breast tenderness,

Angelica sinensis

menopausal symptoms and more. Chaste Berries stimulate your glands to increase the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH), while slightly inhibiting follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH), which raises the levels of progesterone. The progesterone should cause your body to ovulate, which increases your chance of getting pregnant.

Dong Quai Dong Quai has been used in traditional chinese medicine for centuries to treat various gynecological issues, like premenstrual pain, irregular, heavy, and absent cycles. Its active ingredient called coumarin is a muscle relaxant, which plays a key role in its powerful effect stimulating menstrual flow.






Viburnum opulus Crampbark Crampbark - just take a wild guess what it’s indicated for. If you said “cramps” you're absolutely correct! Cramp bark's name comes from its traditional use of relieving muscle spasms and cramps. It also acts as a

Salix alba White Willow Bark

powerful aid to reduce high blood White Willow bark contains the

pressure and inflammation.

natural compounds that are found in the popular pain reliever, Aspirin. In fact, aspirin's original ingredients were derived from this very tree. White willow bark is a great herb for relieving all types of pain, including pain caused by menstruation. Whether you experience cramps, back pain, or headaches, this bark is sure to knock the pain right out. But beware - if you're allergic to aspirin, do not use this herb, as it contains the same active compounds. 48





Clitoria Ternetea Butterfly Pea Flower Butterfly Pea Flower’s botanical name is Clitoria Ternetea… and if you look at a picture of the flower, it’s not hard to guess why. In traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, the butterfly pea flower has been consumed for centuries as a memory enhancer, brain booster, stress reliever, and calmative agent. Studies show butterfly pea flower has a powerful effect on the Central Nervous System, which plays a role in anxiety, insomnia, and depression. This beautiful blue flower also improves hair, skin, nails, eyesight, bloat, low libido, inflammation, and much more. PCOS is a complex syndrome, but I hope this extensive list gives an


explanation of the plant allies that can be used to treat PCOS. WOMANBEEWELL





WELL WOMAN TEA This tea provides gentle nourishment for a woman’s cycle. It can be enjoyed hot or cold depending on your mood.



1 part Raspberry (uterine toning, overall

Add herbs into a bowl Add 1 large teaspoon of herbal

hormone balance) 1/2 part Lady’s Mantle (Hormone balance)

formula into tea infuser/strainer/teabag

1/2 part Mint (Digestion)

Boil 6oz of water and pour into

1/4 part Red Clover (removes excess

cup or mason jar

hormones and toxins, detoxifying herb)

Steep tea bag for 10 mins

1/4 part Burdock (removes excess hormones

covered (make sure the cup is covered. This is key!)

and toxins, detoxifying herb)


A Touch of Rose Petals (cooling herb,

Be sure to drink 3-4 times a

digestion, heart chakra herb)

day during the first 2 phases of your menstrual cycle






PMS RELIEF TEA This tea is best effective when taken with a proactive approach. Drink this tea 3-5 days before the start of your next menstrual cycle, or throughout your luteal menstrual phases for PMS relief.



2 parts Raspberry leaf (uterine toning, analgesic, overall hormone balancing)

Add herbs into a bowl Add 1 large teaspoon of herbal formula into tea infuser/strainer/teabag

2 parts Dandelion leaf (removes excess hormones and toxins, detoxifying) 2 parts Chamomile (antispasmodic, anti-

Boil 6oz of water and pour into cup or mason jar Steep tea bag for 10 mins covered (make sure the cup is covered. This is key!)

inflammatory, analgesic, nervine relaxant,

Enjoy! This one requires you to be proactive. Be

anxiolytic) 1 part Chaste berry (hormone balancing,

sure to drink 3-4 times a day about 3-5 days PRIOR to the start of your next cycle.


Don’t wait until the pain begins before

1/2 part Ginger root (hormone balancing,

you drink your herbal medicine.

anti-inflammatory, analgesic)

Roxi Thiam is a certified Holistic Nutritionist, Clinical Herbalist & CEO of Finesse Life Holistics & Bougie Garden Apothecary™. Specializing in holistic nutrition, clinical herbalism, and women’s health, Roxi is committed to promoting optimal wellness and preventative medicine by providing the community with high-quality holistic care. Get in touch with Roxi through her website or social media pages! For health and wellness: www.finesselifeholistics.com For tea and herbal consultations: www.bougieteaparty.com Instagram @finesselifeholistics or @thebougiegarden






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THE 3 POWERS OF BEING A WOMAN How to Uncover Your Inner YOU


ach woman possesses three intrinsic powers and learning how to use them is a challenging yet rewarding experience. The first power, the power of authenticity, will lay the groundwork for tapping into the other two: the power of femininity and the power to uplift other women. So, let’s dive right in and talk about these powers, and how implementing their dos and don’ts will help you uncover your inner YOU.

The Power of Authenticity Let’s first talk about what being authentic means. Being authentic is having the veracity to reveal who we are, inside and out. We act honestly about how we feel, no matter who is around us; we change for no one! We are truthful in the moment and express our core beliefs with passion, integrity, and respect.


By Jessica Hastings-Lesperance

How exactly does a person be authentic? Let’s talk about what a person wanting to be authentic shouldn’t do. Don’t follow the crowd, don’t look for permission from others, don’t look for external acknowledgment. Don’t worry about what others are doing or saying and don’t wait to be accepted. Most of all, don’t ever apologize for being yourself.

Instead, DO find your power and follow it! Do it, breathe it, love it, roll with it, and share it with those who want it. What makes you unique is how you do things. We need to find what resonates with us and believe in it, trust it, feel it, go with it, and adjust along the way. Fall in love with yourself every second because you are worth it.

Ask yourself, am I being authentic? Here is the opportunity, are you going to take it?

Feminine Power We all have this passion inside of us, we can feel it especially when we find that one thing that resonates with us. It’s that feeling of empowerment, leadership, and spirituality. It’s the woman who shifts culture and has full confidence in who she is. It’s celebrating femininity and holding strong to it. So, celebrate your power because your power is what no one else has. Let’s stand in our feminine power of who we are and who we want to be. Don’t let others’ expectations of you determine who you are. How many of my fellow females find themselves holding back who they really are due to others’ expectations, so they feel comfortable? Are you holding back who you really are because you’re afraid, or unsure of how others will react? If so, DO believe and trust in yourself. Rock who you are no matter what! People are often afraid of how we will react, oh well!

We can be moody, we can be loud, we are awesome, we react, we get tired, SO WHAT! You are you and there is nothing wrong with that. Don’t apologize for being clear on what you want and how you are. If we have the right people in our lives, these parts of us are valued. WOMANBEEWELL





Don’t discourage others, period. Instead, do support them and inspire them. Help them find their power and watch them fly. Ways to do this can be simple. Compliment them, offer to watch their kids, show up with soup when they are sick, vote for them, and buy their goods. Share your brilliance with them.

Too often we are told to quiet who we are to suit the comfort of others. If this is happening DO find new people, places, and things; serve your highest self. We deserve everything amazing and nothing but. Do be truthful at the moment, set clear boundaries, and practice saying no. Ask yourself am I being asked to quiet down, or am I standing in my power of femininity?

The Power to Uplift Other Women This is a magical power that shows us how awesome us women are! Uplifting other women is being there for them when they need it. It’s showing up when they are too stubborn to ask for help! It’s reminding them that they are fierce and confident. It’s reminding them how they rock the world with their courage. It’s reminding them to be their own queen and to show their real beauty through being authentic. Encourage them to keep going! 56





Ask yourself am I supporting my fellow females? I feel you ladies, I see you and I hear you! We are incredible women, and we have all three of these inner powers! We don’t need others’ approval or justification; all we need is to trust ourselves and truly love who we are. If we feel ourselves drifting away from our power, we need to have the self-awareness to know what helps bring us back. Maybe it’s exercising, writing, meditating, or something else entirely. Whatever it is, do it more!

TAKE AN INVENTORY OF YOUR LIFE AND BE THE GAME-CHANGER. STAND IN YOUR POWER. YOU GOT THIS! Jessica Hastings Lesperance, the foundress of Cedar Wellness Studio, is an inspiring business owner, certified yoga and fitness instructor, and a busy mom of three. Jess is a risk-taker whose greatest power is creating reality from passion and empowering others to be extraordinary. Sign up for free tips for managing stress, meditation activities, and VIP perks at cedarwellnessstudio.ca

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In an age that increasingly commercializes the ancient practice of yoga, Budig’s wholesome, down-to-earth outlook is welcome, sure to aid readers of all shapes and sizes in establishing healthy food and exercise patterns while practicing self-love and acceptance. — Publishers Weekly

MEET THE INSTRUCTOR Kathryn Budig is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher who has spent the last decade teaching students to aim true on and off the mat through workshops all over the world. Now, she's excited to take this journey with you!

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Strong Woman Spotlight

LETISHA BATES “That PCOS Coach” We are so fortunate to have Letisha Bates, aka “That PCOS Coach”, for our Strong Woman Spotlight in this issue. She is unapologetically badass and she’s the kind of woman that you want on your team when you’re wading through the confusing and frustrating symptoms that come with PCOS diagnosis. Letisha has a strong background in healthcare and pursued her own career to help women with PCOS as a result of her own experiences as a PCOS warrior. She shares her personal story and words of wisdom with us. Belinda: For our readers that are unfamiliar, can you tell me about your company, programs, and how you support women with PCOS? Letisha: After 11 years in healthcare as a licensed nurse, I left to open my own company as a Registered Health Coach. I began specializing in PCOS as I am a PCOS fighter myself and advocate. I decided to change careers because in my own healing journey I kept learning things that no one was talking about. 60





I felt that the medical community, the fitness industry, and the diet industry all


failed me and so many others. I wanted to


become that beacon of light and hope and


share the knowledge I had acquired in hopes to prevent others from becoming as ill as I


was or help them regain their health.


Belinda: Oh my goodness, I love that! I also


felt the exact same way: completely failed


by doctors and the diet/exercise industry.


We’re clearly not the only ones!


Letisha: Yes! After 2 years of successfully


running my new company, I decided to


change gears yet again and become a Functional Medicine Practitioner at the


company Nutrition Dynamic where I have more resources to offer my clients while I'm pursuing my degrees in dietetics on the path to becoming a Registered Dietitian.

Once a client and I begin working together the first thing I do is have them complete numerous assessments. This helps me see exactly where their health is, current health concerns, stress concerns, and all of their medical history up to what their lifestyle looks like currently. I want to see the entire picture. Then we schedule a virtual meeting that lasts roughly one hour so that I can go over my findings in their assessment, get more details on their health history, current regimen, and discuss their goals and our plan to get there. I provide each client with a tailored nutrition plan that is overseen by an RD, supplement regimen, labs is needed, lifestyle changes, and so much more. WOMANBEEWELL





L: I was diagnosed at the age of 23 because I was concerned about future fertility. I didn't start my first period until I was almost 16, then after that, it would be 13 months, 8months, 6months, or who knows when I would get another one. When I married my husband I worried about conceiving in the future because he is a merchant mariner that is required to work offshore on a supply vessel. This meant he was gone more than he is home. So how was I going to get pregnant with a husband who is never home and a period that rarely comes? The doctor went over my health history and Once my client receives their individualized

said "Letisha you have something called

plan we then meet each other on a biweekly

PCOS" I ignored the diagnosis for a great

basis for a minimum of 30 minutes to go

part following that other than using it as my

over their concerns, update changes, and

crutch to explain this is why I am always

address all needs. This kind of healthcare is

struggling with my weight and rarely have a

more than I ever received and what I wished


I had. It’s personalized, packed with tons of educations, the client is involved in their care, and truly a personal experience. B: I love your website and your whole vibe of empowering women with the knowledge and tools they need for health (kind of like WomanBeeWell too!). Your story resonates with me so much, it's almost like reading something I'd write about myself! For our readers, can you tell me more about your story and what inspired you to become THAT PCOS Coach? 62





No one was giving me answers so I dove into the research and finally began to learn what PCOS truly is.

-Letisha Bates, That PCOS Coach

This was until I went back years later seeking help to get pregnant and luckily conceived rather quickly. We welcomed our son into the world and due to complications from my previous pregnancy (who was a total surprise from a previous relationship) I chose to have an unmedicated birth. That was quite possibly the hardest thing I did but it was my "ah-hah!" moment.

ONCE I REALIZED HOW TRULY STRONG I WAS, HOW CAPABLE I AM, I DECIDED THAT I WAS STRONG ENOUGH TO CHANGE MY HEALTH AROUND. At my heaviest weight postpartum, I changed my nutrition, my lifestyle, lost 100 pounds, and discovered I fell in love with weight lifting. By the time I entered my 30s I decided to do the craziest thing, enter a bodybuilding competition. This is something that would have always been impossible for me as the girl who has always been obese for most of her life. So I trained for 5 months and stepped on stage as a figure competitor taking home second place. 64





I WAS ON TOP OF THE WORLD. IN MY MIND, I HAD "MADE IT!" FINALLY, I WAS THE GIRL I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. UNTIL IT WAS ALL BEING RIPPED AWAY FROM ME. Months after competing I became very ill. I was gaining weight rapidly despite all of my efforts, my period was absent, my hair began falling out, my digestion shut down, my body ached and was ate up with inflammation, I suffered from intense fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbances, and even lost my strength. This led to a deep depression where I struggled to get out of bed and didn't want to leave the house. I finally gathered the energy to seek help from my doctor because I knew I was really sick. My doctor looked at my records and said to me "Letisha, you have a history of PCOS and probably still have it. Just keep dieting and exercising." I left that appointment so hurt and enraged! I have dieted and exercised to the ultimate degree. I was JUST on stage as a bodybuilder. Now I was sick! No one was giving me answers so I dove into the research and finally began to learn what PCOS truly is. I learned that everything I was doing was making me sicker. The chronic dieting, the overtraining, the lack of sleep, the excess stress, the untreated trauma, and so much of the lifestyle I led thinking I was doing all the right things, was making me sick. WOMANBEEWELL





I found healing in functional and holistic

B: What you are doing is so important for

medicine but that is when I decided to

the PCOS community, thank you! What

change careers and start sharing the

challenges did you face when you first

information that I found was non-existent in

started your company and to work with

my journey. I also got involved in PCOS

women that have PCOS? How did you

advocacy after learning how it impacts the

overcome them?

body entirely yet there are few resources for those who live with PCOS.

L: Everything was a learning curve. I had to learn that what works for someone doesn't

It takes 5-7 doctors on average to get

work for everyone so being flexible in my

diagnosed and even then 50% with PCOS

methods of coaching was important. I bet I

are undiagnosed. So I decided to become

changed my base program 100 times!

someone who would do something about it

Which is okay. That is how I learned, grew,

and now spend each year fighting for the

and was able to offer better care to my

PCOS community on a lawmaker level in

clients. I am still learning, growing,

hopes to improve our resources for a better

transforming, and changing things in my


business to better accommodate the people I serve. I think the biggest challenge is accepting that you will always be a learner. You will never have it all figured out. You will not be able to help everyone. Once you can accept that you're going to have those struggles and shortcomings it makes the journey much easier and more fulfilling. B: Ah yes, I have learned that myself as well. It is a difficult lesson but really does make a huge difference. I know that there are many symptoms that PCOS can present in some women and not in others. Can you shed some light on why that is? And through your experiences working with women, have you seen any that are more common than others?

L: One thing to understand about PCOS is

a stress assessment shows prolonged stress

beyond popular belief it is not a

that can show up in the body with many

reproductive disorder, it is an endocrine

symptoms. People with PCOS tend to

disorder. It literally impacts almost every

produce higher levels of cortisol (our stress

process in your body.

hormone) and have higher oxidative stress. Already out of the gate, we're more stressed

Also, it is a syndrome. This presents

than our non-PCOS peers. Then you add on

differently in different bodies. There are

stressors of life, poor diets, poor lifestyle,

different phenotypes currently stated for

over or under-exercising, trauma, toxins in

PCOS because there are different ways

our environment, and so many other

PCOS presents itself.

stressors it just adds fuel to the fire.

Some people have cystic ovaries, so do not.

B: Oh yes, I think that we don’t truly realize

Some people have excess androgens, some

the effect that chronic stress has on the

do not. Some people have irregular or

mind and body until everything gets so

absent ovulation, some do not. One of the

jacked up that we have no choice but to

most common things I have found in my

finally address it. And we don’t think of all of

clients with PCOS is addressing blood sugar

the stressors that you mentioned as actual

management and their stress.

“stress”. So it’s important to recognize these as well. Thank you for sharing those.

Almost every client I receive who completes WOMANBEEWELL





L: Absolutely! Then upwards to 80%, according to some experts, of people with PCOS have some form of insulin resistance. This is a big root issue as that can cause excess insulin production which can not only cause the body to have increased stress,


inflammation, gain weight, but can also stimulate the ovaries to produce more androgen hormones such as testosterone.


For example, many of my PCOS clients may come in with a symptom of weight gain and wanting to lose weight. They've been told their entire life that is the problem, their

I like to look at the client’s functional health

doctors even tell them to lose weight to

issues such as insulin resistance, prolonged

improve their PCOS.

stress, chronic inflammation, and so on. Once you address those root issues the symptoms such as weight gain tend to improve and when I don't make the entire process all about their weight it also tends to improve their mental health and mindset about the whole experience. B: Oh yes, I often say “Weight loss doesn’t equal wellness” for this very same reason. It’s amazing what a change in focus can do! You've got a great online "Crash Course" designed to help women with PCOS gain a greater understanding of what PCOS is and how to manage their symptoms in order to get their life back in balance. From that, what would you say are 3 key components to start to pay attention to when a woman is just starting to learn more about PCOS and how to manage it? (under my breath: please say gut health, please say gut health!)






I never want someone to have to experience what I went through. That is what got me started. -Letisha Bates, That PCOS Coach

L: Just three?! Haha! The Crash Course is a great option for those who want to tackle their journey on their own, aren't ready for a coachto-client commitment, or need a handy resource beyond that covers all things PCOS. If I were to choose three key components to pay attention to, I would go with the 3 basic things I work on when I get the chance to work

So while I am helping them reduce stress I am also helping them clean up their gut health which results in reversing many symptoms right away.

with someone who has PCOS one on one: Then blood sugar management is another huge


area for those with PCOS. Many of the issues in PCOS can come back to insulin. If we are not living a lifestyle that supports a good balance in this area our PCOS can get out of hand easily. Once these three areas are addressed you may find your symptoms improving substantially or

I'm sure most people think I would jump straight to hormones but I can't do that work until these areas are in a good place. Stress management is an area that I sound like a broken record on. Every area of the body from a health perspective is improved with stress management. It's so important! Then the gut is one of the first things I address because it is the foundation of our health. This is where your immune system lies, where you can harvest a lot of excess inflammation that exacerbates PCOS, and even your mental health is impacted by the state of your gut. Every client I work with goes through a gut support protocol according to their needs. If I were to dive straight into hormones it could disrupt the gut and we'd have to backtrack. 70





at least easier to tackle the other health concerns you have surrounding PCOS.

B: Excellent! Yes, all good places to start. Of

I never felt like I was able to slow down, rest, or

course, I’m partial to gut health as a main one,

recover. I was always chasing the next intense

so I’m truly happy that you mentioned that.

workout to feel validated in the fitness

Whether you have PCOS or not, gut health is

community. Especially as someone with PCOS.

truly linked to everything in the body, so it’s

When I didn't see the progress, the messages I

important to make sure that’s in order for

received were to go harder, do more, and so


on. I was told that I must work harder because I have PCOS.

I want to mention that you have a Podcast too, which I love by the way! In Episode 19

When I struggled to keep up with my intense

with Vince Pitstick, you talk about over-

workouts my trainers made me feel like I was

exercising and metabolic resistance, which

weak which made me push through all the red

isn't talked about nearly enough! Everyone

flags my body gave me. At the time when I was

says, "just diet, exercise, and lose weight!"

overtraining you didn't have fitness

which drives me absolutely f*cking crazy as a

influencers or highly respected individuals in

recovering serial-dieter and over-exerciser

that industry sharing the risks of overtraining

myself (which you clearly know all too well

or the importance of rest and recovery.

about!) Can you talk more about these common traps and how they can affect

Everyone spoke like more is more and now I

women with PCOS in particular?

know differently. It's easy for me to notice those toxic messages in hindsight but I never

L: This topic is near and dear to my heart

thought about it while I was in the thick of it.

because I fell into that trap oh-so easily. I blame a lot of it on the industries that failed me and social media. The medical community always told me "diet and exercise" or "just lose weight." The fitness industry, especially on social media, gave me messages like "go harder" "beast mode" "no days off" "grind" "hustle" "no excuses." We've all seen it. The influencers doing two-aday workouts, or people making you feel the need to always increase your weight or reps, the constant drive and push that you must


always be better which translates to work harder or longer. WOMANBEEWELL





I think you're able to catch on with the answers to those questions if the people you're being influenced by, or not, are a healthy fit for you. B: From your Podcast to your Crash Course, you are doing amazing things to inspire women with, or without, PCOS! Who inspires you, and why? L: This may sound self-absorbed, but myself. I never want someone to have to experience what I went through. That is what got me started. But over this amazing journey meeting so many others, hearing their stories, learning about the trials they face, I can also say the entire community of people struggling with their health inspires me. No one cared if you were screwing up your

So many people are left to feel like they have no

hormones, making yourself sick, it was all

hope in living the life they want, living in a body

about how well you performed and looked.

that feels good. I want to be someone who shows

I would suggest those who may be starting

them there is hope. It drives me to be better and do

their journey or are in the thick of it like I

more every single day.

was to start paying attention to who your influencers are.

The people you idolize, who mentor you, and you look up to... do they have your health in their best interest? Are they sharing about the impact of stress and overtraining on your hormones, PCOS, your health? Do they encourage rest and recovery times? Do they encourage meeting your body where it is at? Do they encourage lower intensity movements? Do they have an all-or-nothing attitude around fitness?

B: I like that! “Be your own inspiration.” I smell an IG post coming up on that! I like to ask every woman that we spotlight: What is one part of your own wellness routine that you would recommend our readers to try, and why? L: One thing that is now a non-negotiable part of my wellness routine is sleep. I prioritize sleep over almost anything. My goal is to get 79hrs a night of good quality sleep. If I do not get this good quality sleep then I know on those days not to push my body so hard. Something I had to do in order to make sleep a priority is to create a sleep ritual. Pick approximately three things you do every night to prepare your body for sleep. For me that meant setting a bedtime, I love to drink chamomile lavender tea and relax with a heating pad on my shoulders. I also love a good bedtime meditation. B: Is there anything else that you would like to share with the WomanBeeWell audience?

L: You are wildly capable of doing hard things! B: You’ve shared some amazing insight into your own PCOS story that will certainly help other women that may be dealing with the same things. The foundational knowledge you’ve shared around mind/body connectivity is particularly empowering for our fellow cysters. Thank you so much, Letisha!






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How to Stop Your Loop of Limiting Beliefs BY BONNIE HUBERT





“El Diablo” is a menacing 100-foot high ride at Six Flags in Arlington, Texas. A few summers ago, I rode the giant steel circle with my husband and two of our kids. The back and forth build-up was slow, just the right speed to settle the nerves before rocketing around. Soon we were at full speed, and while fun for a few ring-shaped trips, after a few minutes we were ready to get off that loop! 2021

In the same way, limiting beliefs cause us to live in a pattern of circular thinking. Our thoughts lead to what we do. And, what we do proves our thoughts are true! Unless we can get out of the loop of limiting beliefs and the thoughts they produce, we will keep spinning in circles and going nowhere. Let’s examine what we know about limiting beliefs.


They can be disrupted and changed!

based on previous conditioning in family,

thoughts, interrupt them and replace

education, or other life experiences. When

them. How? Using three simple

you believe the thoughts are true, they stop

strategies, you will learn how to let go of

you from doing important things, trying

beliefs that limit you and finally see what

something new, or taking action towards

amazing things you can do!

Kalmon’s method for disrupting limiting beliefs is to become aware of the

becoming who you really want to be. In his book Leverage your Mindset, expert Ricky Kalmon calls limited beliefs “auto-thoughts.” Here are some examples:

“I’m not _____ enough to _____.” “I am too shy to _____.” “I can’t _____ because _____.” “My body will never _____ because _____.”

Unfortunately, we may find it all too easy to fill in these blanks and sabotage ourselves from our potential success and greatness. But there’s good news.








Take a second to identify three limiting beliefs you hold about your health, body, mind, or potential. Without judgment, write down what the thoughts are so that you become aware of them. Explore the origin of the limiting beliefs. Gently ask yourself why you may be holding on to those beliefs. Then give yourself permission to acknowledge the answer.



Find a notebook and a pen and move your hand across the page, writing down whatever comes to mind. No need to worry about grammar or punctuation, no need to write something that sounds smart. All you need to do is release the thoughts (limiting beliefs) that stand between you and your potential. Start your journaling practice by writing for 15 minutes a day first thing in the morning for two weeks. You’ll be amazed at how your mind opens and possibilities appear.








In the national best-selling book The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron teaches that there is an internal censor in each of us that speaks in a voice of constant criticism. Cameron suggests naming your censor so when the censor shouts limiting beliefs through your thoughts, you can call it by name and shush it! Next, intentionally replace the censored thought with one that serves you better. Practice shushing your censor to regain a sense of power over your limiting beliefs. If your censor had a name, what would it be? For a few minutes, riding “El Diablo” was a thrill. But what fun would it be to keep riding on a ride that goes nowhere? In the same way, if we keep ourselves strapped in on a loop of limiting beliefs, we cannot move toward the life we dream of. Decide to let go of the thoughts that are keeping you from your dreams, and you’ll experience a thrill far better than you could find on the best theme park ride!

Bonnie Hubert Ed.D has been a leader and coach in the fields of education and counseling for 23 years, working with youth, women of all ages, and families. She is a practicing Life Coach, using the ONE Way Life coaching model to help clients achieve success and satisfaction in life. WOMANBEEWELL






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Holistic Living

5 Essential Oils for Emotional Balance Life can feel overwhelming. With the constant flow of work emails and the pressure that social media brings, life’s stresses and challenges can have a negative impact not just on your physical health but also on your emotional health as well. When your emotional health is out of whack, you can feel unable to cope with challenges and overly sensitive.






Emotional wellbeing is something everyone aspires to have. But what exactly does it mean to have your emotions balanced? Emotional balance is the ability of the mind and body to maintain equilibrium in the face of challenges or change. If you feel emotionally imbalanced, there are many ways to improve your mental wellbeing including yoga, meditation, exercise, and aromatherapy. The use of essential oils for physical and mental wellness has been practiced for thousands of years.

How Essential Oils Work to Balance Our Emotions

Recent studies show that this specific constituent can help reduce stress and

Essential oils are made up of aromatic molecules that you can easily inhale. These molecules stimulate your body’s olfactory system (your sense of smell) to trigger the limbic system, which is linked to your emotions, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress, and hormone balance. These triggers work to aid your emotional state. Linalyl acetate is a naturally occurring constituent found in essential oils like Lavender and Clary Sage.


Emotional Benefits of Essential Oils: • Uplift Spirits • Fortify the Mind • Clarify Thoughts • Ease Feelings of Anxiety • Relieve Stress

Essential Oils for Emotional Balance Bergamot When your emotions are out of balance, it lowers your mood and energy levels. Bergamot is known for its ability to promote positivity and cheerfulness. This citrus oil features a bright and invigorating aroma to revive your energy levels and boost your mood. If your spirits are feeling low, rub 1-2 drops of Bergamot with a carrier oil into your hands, cup to your mouth and nose, and breathe in the aroma slowly.






Lavender Improve your mood and relieve stress with the help of Lavender. This versatile oil is put on a pedestal for good reason! The constituents in Lavender work with your body to bring balance to your mood, enhance relaxation, and ease feelings of anxiousness. If you are feeling stressed, apply Lavender behind your ears to bring your mental state to a balance.

Clary Sage Soothe your emotions and balance your hormones with Clary Sage. High in terpenes, linalyl acetate, and linalool, clary sage relaxes the body and mind while boosting mental strength and self-confidence. Diffuse 5 drops of Clary Sage when you are feeling low and critical of yourself to help boost your self-esteem and allow you to see the bright side of things.






Vetiver Featuring a woody and earthy aroma, Vetiver grounds your emotions, allowing you to think clearly and not react with your emotions. Vetiver has been used for thousands of years to help alleviate emotional stress and ease feelings of nervousness. If you are feeling overly emotional, apply 1-2 drops of Vetiver to the bottom of your feet to help you stay grounded.

Sandalwood Create a sense of calm and enhance mental clarity with Sandalwood. The soothing and healing properties of Sandalwood improve your emotional wellbeing by creating a harmony of the mind, body, and spirit. The aroma of sandalwood provides a moment of peace and opens the mind to clearer thought. Apply Sandalwood to your wrists and behind the ears to bring emotional wellbeing.

Article sponsored by Rocky Mountain Oils






code valid 9/01-9/07

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The Month of October is...













The Amazing & Humble Apple by Belinda McCall, Founder of WomanBeeWell

Let's just get the eye-rolling out of the way, shall we? "An apple a day..." carries some serious truth and wisdom with it! Stick with me. Apples are high in fiber, which makes them a great prebiotic food to support gut health. They are also high in water content, which is great for hydrating your entire body. Apples are one of the best foods to revamp what you consider to be "fast food". Due to the great fiber in apples, the body processes their sugars more slowly - making them a perfect snack to help you to make it over the midday slump. For my fellow PCOS cysters that start feeling groggy around 3pm, try eating a small apple around 2:30pm and see how you feel. It's amazing how such a small action can have such a big impact on your energy levels. WOMANBEEWELL





REDUCE DIABETES RISK Women with PCOS are 4x more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than women without PCOS. For this reason alone, I make apples a mandatory part of my daily intake. Studies have shown that eating at least a few apples per week, or even every day, resulted in a 28% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


There are about 7,500 varieties of apples in the entire world? ANTIOXIDANT POWER! Apples have high levels of polyphenols and other plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. These components have been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease, asthma and pulmonary dysfunction, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Superpowers!






VARIETIES ARE ENDLESS You may be surprised to know that there are about 7,500 varieties of apples in the world. Of those, only 2,500 are grown in the United States, and 100 of those are commercially grown. Even so, I've never seen 100 different kinds of apples in any grocery store! Some of my favorite types of apples are:

Apples for Snacking: Honey Crisp: My #1 pick for snacking! Slightly sweet, crisp, and refreshing. Golden Delicious Pink Lady (Cripps Pink) Gala, Jazz, and Fuji Apples for Baking and Cooking Granny Smith: My go-to that's perfect for baking and cooking. Gala, Jazz, and Fuji

WHY TO GET THEM ORGANIC Apples are frequently on the Dirty Dozen™ list of foods that have a high pesticide contamination rate. To avoid ingesting potentially endocrine disrupting pesticides, particularly important for women with PCOS and other endocrine related issues, choose organic.







APPLE-CENTRIC RECIPES...YUM! from salad, soup, to dessert these recipes will please any picky apple palate.


HOMEMADE APPLE PIE OVERNIGHT OATS by Belinda McCall, Founder of WomanBeeWell

These overnight oats pack all the flavor of apple pie, but without the baking. This is my favorite breakfast for a powerful 1-2-3 prebiotic punch to support gut health and it's sooo yummy!

DIRECTIONS INGREDIENTS 1 green apple, chopped 1 cup water 1/8 tsp apple pie spice pat of unsalted butter 1 packet of quick-cooking oats

1. Sauté apples in water until soft and water is almost

evaporated. Add apple pie spice and finish with butter. 2. In a glass container with a lid, add milk and oats. 3. Top with spiced apple mixture, cover, and let it sit

overnight in the fridge. 4. In the morning, sprinkle ground flaxseed, add almond

butter and top with more chopped apple and walnuts (optional). Stir and enjoy!

2/3 cup of plant-based milk


1 tsp ground flaxseed

*I like to use Granny Smith apples for this recipe, but you can

1 TBSP almond butter handful walnuts (optional)

use any other apples that are lightly sweet and refreshing. I also like to use Honey Crisp or Pink Lady.

Belinda is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, founder of WomanBeeWell. Think of her as your judgment-free, inspired, geeky gut-health and all-around wellness BFF. She is the creator of online courses that quickly empower women with the knowledge and tools needed to restore balance back to the gut and to the entire mind, body, and soul. The WomanBeeWell mantra: "Wellness Looks Different for Every Woman" WOMANBEEWELL





ROASTED BUTTERNUT SQUASH AND APPLE SOUP by Carla Contreras of CarlaContreras.com

I love this soup. You can make it as thick or thin as you like. It’s so nourishing and perfect for lunch. It also freezes well!

DIRECTIONS 1. Toss the butternut squash and apple in olive oil, salt, and

INGREDIENTS 1 medium butternut squash, peeled, large dice 1 medium apple, cut in quarters, remove seeds

pepper and bake at 425° until golden brown and forktender - about 30 minutes. 2. In a powerful blender, add the squash and apples, half

the chicken broth, thyme, and gochugaru. Blend on low. 3. Add the rest of the broth, 1 TBS of olive oil, and blend. If

you like it thinner, you can add more broth. 4. Season with salt and fresh ground pepper to taste.

1 tablespoon olive oil


2 cups chicken broth, veggie broth

*I have been adding fresh basil to the soup in the early fall to

or water

add freshness instead of the fresh thyme to the soup. You

2 sprigs thyme, see note

can actually use any fresh herb parsley, cilantro, sage.

salt and pepper to taste 1 teaspoon gochugaru or red chile flakes, optional 1 tablespoon olive, garnish, optional


Carla Contreras is a Latinx and Italian American mama of two living in New Jersey. For the last 24 + years, she has worked as a chef at places like Daniel Boulud’s DBGB, the Marriott Boston and Marriott San Diego, and Whole Foods La Jolla, and she’s worked as a caterer, personal chef, and owner of Red Clog Kitchen in New York City. She has taught culinary at the Institute of Culinary Education, Kosher Culinary Center, and at Montclair State University. When she is not busy testing recipes, styling and taking food photos, or working on creating online courses, you can catch her: recording a podcast, on her Peloton, or eating a giant salad. Visit her website at https://www.carlacontreras.com/

APPLE, FIG, & BURRATA SALAD by Cooking by Clara, @cooking_by_clara

INGREDIENTS 2 handfuls arugula 2 tbsp balsamic

This salad tastes so fresh and is such a bomb combo. Burrata changes everything. It brings any salad to life and should be included in everything.

DIRECTIONS Wash arugula and place in a bowl. Top with walnuts. Cut

1/2 apple

apple into slices and top on salad. Thinly slice figs and top

1 large burrata

on salad. Mix juice of half of lemon and olive oil in a

4 figs handful walnuts 1/2 of lemon 3 tbsp olive oil

separate bowl and use as dressing. Top with balsamic.

Hey there, Cooking by Clara here! I’m a Memphis girl who loves chocolate, al dente pasta, and brown butter. With my page, I thrive to inspire folks to cook dishes and eat baked goods. I also aim to support local Memphis restaurants and coffee shops/bakeries. Head on over to @cooking_by_clara to see some mouth watering foods. Love ya! WOMANBEEWELL





GRILL-BAKED APPLE JACK by Nichole Perkins of PrimaFoodie

All of the warm, comforting sensations of apple pie without any of the dietary complications that come from refined sugar and gluten found in more conventional versions. Cooking the apples on the grill keeps their crunch intact, while the honey enhances their sweetness, and cinnamon evokes the nostalgia of a fresh-baked pie. This recipe yields 4 servings.

DIRECTIONS 1. Slice apples into wedges and cut off the skins. 2. Coat apple wedges with coconut oil and place on a large

sheet of foil.

INGREDIENTS 3 apples 1 teaspoon coconut oil ¼ cup honey 1 tablespoon cinnamon

3. Pour honey and sprinkle the cinnamon and crushed

walnuts over apples. 4. Close the foil completely around the wedges, and place

on the grill at 350 degrees for 15 minutes 5. Serve topped with ice cream.

TIPS **Choose an apple that holds up well when baked, such as

¼ cup crushed walnuts

Pippins or another firm crisp apple, like Honey Crisp or Gala.

Ice cream to top, if desired

**If you don’t have a grill, you can easily make this recipe in the oven by baking at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

Nichole Perkins is the founder of PrimaFoodie, a media company with the mission to shift the tide of food awareness and clean living. She is fueled by the belief that a healthy, empowered, conscious lifestyle can be accessible to everyone. Nichole provides fact-based, inspirational content centered around healing foods, accessible low FODMAP and SIBO-friendly recipes, and healthy lifestyle choices. Through celebrating the small wins and opening up conversations, she wants to inspire everyone to own their personal journey toward better health—and to thrive.

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CHAI SPICED APPLE CRUMBLE by Bianca Dodson of Lenox Bakery

INGREDIENTS Oat Crumble Topping

6 tablespoon Butter 1 cup Old Fashioned Oats 1/2 cup All-Purpose flour 1/2 cup Granulated Sugar 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon Ground Ginger 1/8 teaspoon Ground Cloves 1/8 teaspoon Ground All Spice 1/8 teaspoon Ground Cardamom

Chai Spiced Apples

6 Medium Size Granny Smith Apples 1 1/2 tablespoon All-Purpose Flour

This Chai Spiced Apple Crumble is so delicious and perfect for those chilly fall days. Warm chai spices like cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon, cover the tart granny smith apples. Then those same spices are mixed with oats to create the perfect crumbly

1/3 cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon Ground Ginger 1/4 teaspoon Ground Nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon Ground Cloves 1/8 teaspoon All Spice 1/8 teaspoon Ground Cardamom

oat topping.






DIRECTIONS Oat Crumble Topping 1. In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients together until fully combined. Set Aside. Chai Spice Apple 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Grease a 9-inch pie plate with nonstick cooking spray. 3. Cut, core and slice apples to ensure the apples are a uniform size. 4. Place apples in a bowl, toss with flour, sugar and spices. 5. Pour into the prepared pie plate and top with the Oat Crumble. 6. Bake for 45 minutes or until the Oat Topping is golden brown. 7. Serve immediately with Ice cream.

Bianca is a trained pastry chef turned security professional by day and sweets creator/food photographer by night. In 2018, after needing a creative outlet, she created her blog Lenox Bakery as a way to share her love of sweets with the world. Her blog is geared towards home bakers where she shares how to make easy yet beautiful recipes that are sure to impress.






RUSTIC APPLE GALETTE by Alyssa Hixenbaugh of CoffeeFitKitchen

Rustic French Apple Galette is a different take on a classic Apple pie. It’s got flakey pie crust, gooey caramel apple filling, with cinnamon and vanilla for extra flavor.


DIRECTIONS Galette Crust

1 Cup Flour

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, and

1/4 tsp Fine sea salt


1 Tbsp Pure cane sugar

2. Cube the butter and then add it to the mixing bowl

6 Tbsp Unsalted butter 3 1/2 Tbsp Ice cold water Apple Filling

with the flour mixture. Take a fork and start to mix in the butter until it resembles crumbs. Add the water to the bowl, and combine until the mixture clumps together and forms a dough.

3 Medium Apples peeled and

3. Shape the dough into a disk, and wrap it in plastic


wrap. Place it in the freezer for 30 minutes or in the

2 Tbsp Unsalted butter 1/4 Cup Turbinado sugar

fridge for 1 hour. Apple Filling

1/2 tsp Ground cinnamon

1. Peel and core the apples, and then slices them into

1/2 tsp Pumpkin pie spice

thin slices.

1 tsp Vanilla extract

2. In a medium sauce-pan, melt the butter over

1 Tbsp Cornstarch Egg Wash

medium-low heat. Add the turbinado sugar, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, and cornstarch and stir to combine.

1 Egg White

3. Toss the apple slices into the pan and stir until evenly

2 tbsp water

coated. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring consistently. When the apples are slightly tender, remove the pan from the heat and set aside to cool. WOMANBEEWELL





Assembly 1. Remove the dough from the fridge or freezer and let it sit on the counter for a couple of minutes. 2. Spray a 15×10 baking sheet with non-stick baking spray. 3.Place a large sheet of plastic wrap on the counter and lightly flour it. Roll the dough out on the plastic wrap into a 12-inch circle. Pick up the plastic wrap with the dough, and transfer it to the baking sheet. 4.Place the pan in the freezer or fridge for 10 minutes to firm up a bit. 5. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. 6. Remove the pan from the freezer or fridge. Pour the apple filling into the center of the dough and leave a 2-inch border around the edge. Now, slowly start pulling up the edges of the dough. Covering the mound of apples, continue in a clockwise motion and pinch the dough together to secure it. 7. Make the egg wash by combing the egg white and water in a bowl. 8. Brush the egg wash on the dough. Optionally but recommended, sprinkle the whole galette with turbinado sugar. 9. Bake the Galette in a preheated oven for 25 minutes. Carefully, place a piece of aluminum foil over the galette, and continue to bake for 15 minutes. The crust should be golden brown, and the apples should be tender. 10. Remove from the oven and cool on the baking sheet for 10 minutes. Serve immediately or let cool completely and store in the fridge. 11. Optionally top with whipped cream when serving. NOTES *Chill the butter in the freezer. *Cool the mixing bowl in the freezer before starting the recipe. *Be careful not to overwork the pie dough. It’ll make it tough and hard to roll out. *Keep the Galette leftovers in the fridge for 3-4 days.

Alyssa is a NASM Nutrition Coach that loves helping people with their health and nutrition goals. Her blog, CoffeeFitKitchen, is centered around healthy recipes that taste good, so you don’t feel deprived or restricted from your favorite foods. Health and food are her passion, and she loves sharing those things with others! 102






Limited Edition yoga mat with benefits

$5 will be donated to the PCOSAA for every mat sold in September


dinner ready under 15 minutes

WELLNESS LOOKS DIFFERENT FOR EVERY WOMAN. We hope you've enjoyed this issue of WomanBeeWell Magazine! Don't forget to follow us on our socials. Our goal is to support and help each woman discover her unique wellness through nutrition, mindset, and movement.





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