Holistic Living
Getting All Hot and Steamy with PCOS The Benefits of Yoni Steaming to Ease PCOS Symptoms by Laura Elizabeth
Steaming your hoo-hah is one of the greatest
Yoni Steaming is a process where the vulva, vaginal
remedies I have discovered for improved
opening and perineum are exposed to herbal steam
reproductive health and wellbeing.
for a short time.
If you're reading this, it's likely that you've Googled
If you were with me five years ago, you’d know that a
your way through natural remedies to support the
dear friend of mine blew the whistle on the ancient
symptoms and effects of living with PCOS. I imagine
practice of yoni steaming. I was just beginning to
it's a little unlikely that you've discovered yoni
step deeper into my role as a feminine embodiment
steaming in those searches?
coach, and this changed everything. I haven’t looked back since.