4 minute read
3 Ways to Realize Your Femme Power
By Natalie Walker Brimble
As women, I believe our superpower is our ability to empathize. We are easily able to relate, understand and see others’ discomfort. We are exceptional at noticing and recognizing the struggle in others.
However, we don’t often show ourselves that same empathy. It can lead us to feel that we don’t measure up, that everyone else has it all worked out. We feel a longing for more, but doubt our own skills, and our abilities. We might question if we are really living a life or just repeating the same day, the same weekend over and over again on repeat? At many points in our life, we can feel disempowered and off track.
Here are my three tips for realizing your power, your strengths, and your resilience.
1. Own Your Imperfect Story
We live in the rose-tinted, social media version of reality, we don't shout about our failures, only our success. Yet, this is the place where our magic lies, the empowerment of realizing our own efforts and resilience. It can be a start point for radical acceptance of what is and embracing the next stage of our life.
By connecting with our truth and recognizing our story, we can connect with and inspire others. In turn, we help them celebrate their own success and our failures, offering a commonality and bond that can connect us to our communities, families, and friends. Our most difficult times can offer us a space to reconnect with ourselves and those around us.
2. Ask "Whose Standards?"
Ask yourself – Are the struggles that you face a result of your own expectations? Or are they designed by someone else’s blueprint of expectations? Often the internal struggle is handed to us by society. A combo of pressure, conformity, and presumption of how life “should” look.
When we notice a gentle urging, a nod, a whisper to a different way of being, it feels detrimental to what we have known thus far. We question and fear the unknown. Yet we have the potential to recreate our lives, and ourselves at any point, with a small step to decide to change. When we show up for ourselves without the need for external validation, we feed ourselves and our souls. When we unapologetically meet our own standards, we choose ourselves in every decision.
However, it takes an undoing... an untangling of all we have been taught to be so far. It is less of a question of finding ourselves… more remembering ourselves. Our passion, our joy, our spark. Realizing that in fact, we are in charge of our own lives, our own journey, and adventure. Our one precious life does not need to resemble anyone else’s. Some may not understand, and some may not agree with your path, gifting yourself the opportunity to live on your terms with your own set of expectations is the ultimate liberation.
3. Allow Yourself Unapologetic Self-Worth
It’s time to embrace and hold space for the imperfect version of you. To recognize the gifts that you bring to the world. The value that you embrace, the character that you embody. The deep awareness of the complex attributes, temperament, and qualities that make you... YOU!
I want you to recognize how worthy you are, how deserving you are. Even through the imperfect lens that you judge yourself with – you are enough. Stop doubting your capabilities, your beauty, and your uniqueness. There is a future version of you who is thankful for all the hard work and effort you put in right now.
It’s time to lay down the guilt, shame, and doubt. It’s time to move into your ultimate power – own your story and who you are! Not the filtered, airbrushed version of your life, but the raw reality. This is your unique power, nobody else can harness it but you.

Natalie Walker Brimble is a writer, life coach and podcaster in South Wales UK. Natalie is a mum to three teenagers and when she isn't in a coffee shop people watching - you can find her by the sea, enjoying pilates, meditation, and face yoga!