6 minute read

Eating for You... Or For Two?

Optimal Nutrition Before, During, and After Pregnancy

By Kathryn Morrow, MSc


Whether you’re at •Stage 1: Trying to Conceive (TTC); •Stage 2: Just got your Big Fat Positive (BFP); •Stage 3: Rounding the corner out of barf-land; •Stage 4: Ready to pop any day now; •Stage 5: Breastfeeding or trying to wean...

...your nutritional needs seem to change with the wind. Not only does your changing body require different balances of macro and micronutrients in the various stages, but the winding road from your bachelorette life to motherhood also comes with its own set of challenges.

One minute you’re single, eating take-out food at midnight polished off with a bottle of wine. Next, you may find yourself eating your toddler’s leftover mac and cheese!

Whichever stage you are currently in, there are simple things you can do to take control of your health and keep your energy levels up. Here I share my top recommendations that you can follow to reduce possible nutritional gaps in each stage.

Opinions are like nipples...

Before I get into it, take all advice (including mine) with a grain of salt. The more you read and hear, the more you’ll realize how much conflicting information is out there. It seems everyone has an opinion. Although I’m sure the well-intentioned little old lady behind you in line at the supermarket has the best interest of your baby at heart as she scours through your cart, unfortunately, opinions are like nipples - everyone has them, but not all of them are useful!

Eat this thing/don’t eat that... Coffee is ok/caffeine is bad... A glass of wine is ok/no alcohol... IT'S ALL SO CONFUSING!

Having said that, what I’m providing you with here are some general guidelines you can follow in each stage to promote your health in this precious time in your life. Each stage builds on the stage prior, so the instructions I give for stage 1 will be relevant alllll the way to the end of stage 5 and beyond.

With each new habit, please continue to build your momentum. By Stage 5, you’ll be a Mama and you are going to need all the energy you can get!

Stage 1: Whole Food and Take a Prenatal Vitamin

Studies show that parents (yes, Daddy counts too) who eat diets high in refined sugar and processed foods have a harder time conceiving. ::gasp:: WHAT?! Excess intake of refined sugar is associated with negative health effects?! It’s likely that you already knew that if you’ve got your eyes in a women’s wellness magazine, but it’s worth repeating for anyone that may not know.

Nourish yourself and set your body up for success by consuming plenty of real whole foods like fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, unflavored dairy products, legumes, healthy fats, and lean meats.

Additionally, now is the time to start taking a prenatal vitamin. That’s right, start to take the vitamins before you get pregnant. After all, they are called prenatal vitamins for a reason. It’s literally their job to give a mama-to-be the nutrients she needs to take on the task of creating a baby for 9+ months. Give your body what it needs, and let it do its miraculous job.

Stage 2: Omega-3, EPA, DHA Fish Oil

If you’re anything like me, the first trimester can be brutal, and you might be getting sick on a regular basis. Spoiler: morning sickness doesn’t only happen in the morning!

During this time consider supplementation. The more you throw up, the more calories need to be replaced in your body. This is a great time to start taking Omega-3, EPA, and DHA-rich fish oils if you haven’t already.

According to the American Pregnancy Association:

Increased intake of EPA and DHA has been shown to prevent pre-term labor and delivery, lower the risk of preeclampsia, and may increase birth weight. Omega-3 deficiency also increases the mother’s risk of depression.

My recommendation is to get this in capsule form, not liquid. Even if you’re not nauseous (you lucky mama!), the liquid just might be enough to make you puke all on its own.

Stage 3: Fiber and Water to “Go”

By the time you get to the second trimester, you might be starting to feel half-human again. While it’s a great idea to continue to eat whole foods, take your prenatal vitamins and fish oils, you’ll likely be having a much easier time stomaching everything (hopefully)!

On the other hand, your digestion might start to slow down in this stage. When you’re pregnant, your body slows digestion down to almost a standstill to maximize nutrient absorption to nourish your growing baby. Fill your plate with fibrous fruits and veggies like apples, berries, broccoli, and carrots to name a few. Also eat beans and legumes like lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas.

Finally, drink anywhere from 2 - 4 liters of water every day to keep things moving!

...your body slows digestion down to almost a standstill to maximize nutrient absorption...

Stage 4: The Third Trimester Rule of 3 and Superfoods

Now that your baby is taking up more real estate, you might find it difficult to get much food in. The third trimester is a great time to increase your superfood consumption to get more bang for your buck.

Superfoods are foods that are high in nutrient density, so you can get lots of vitamins and minerals even if you’re eating smaller quantities of food.

To meet your nutritional requirements, I recommend following what I like to call “The Third Trimester Rule of 3”. This means focusing on getting 3 small meals and 3 small snacks per day of at least 300 calories each.

Consider adding more brightly colored veggies and fruits, whole grains like buckwheat and quinoa, nuts, seeds, and dark leafy greens to name a few!

Stage 5: Hydration and Don’t Forget to Eat!

Ahhhh, the wait is over and your baby is finally here! Stage 5 starts when your baby is born and continues for the rest of your life, so listen closely as I help you crack the code to your nutrition!

Okay, maybe it’s not quite that simple, but the hard part is over (kinda, maybe). You just grew another human inside of you and now it’s time to make sure your body is fueled and ready for whatever comes your way.

From staying hydrated during breastfeeding (consider drinking an 8oz glass of water every 3 hours) to remembering to feed yourself, you’re settling into your new “normal” routine. This time is all about listening to your body and redefining yourself in your new exciting role as “Mama”.

No matter what stage you’re in, remember to take care of that vessel that grew your new favorite human. From ample hydration to proper nutrition, that beautiful body of yours just took on a whole new level of responsibility that is one of the most rewarding experiences a woman can have.

But hey - remember that you may have lived on takeout food and wine through your 20s and you turned out just fine, so take a deep breath, Mama. You can definitely do this!

Kathryn Morrow, MSc is a proud mama of 3 who specializes in weight loss and prenatal/postnatal nutrition. For more information on nutrition through your 5 trimesters (and beyond), please connect with her at www.kgmnutrition.com/wellness

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