EATING FOR YOU... OR FOR TWO? Optimal Nutrition Before, During, and After Pregnancy
By Kathryn Morrow, MSc
Whether you’re... Stage 1: Trying to Conceive (TTC) Stage 2: Just got your Big Fat Positive (BFP) Stage 3: Rounding the corner out of barf-land Stage 4: Ready to pop any day now! Stage 5: Breastfeeding or trying to wean
...your nutritional needs seem to change with the wind. Not only does your changing body require different balances of macro and micronutrients in the various stages, but the winding road from your bachelorette life to motherhood also comes with its own set of challenges. One minute you’re single, eating take-out food at midnight polished off with a bottle of wine. Next, you may find yourself eating your toddler’s leftover mac and cheese! Whichever stage you are currently in, there are simple things you can do to take control of your health and keep your energy levels up. Here I share my top recommendations that you can follow to reduce possible nutritional gaps in each stage. 8