3 minute read
Tea or Tisane? Wait... WHAT?!
By Belinda McCall, Founder of WomanBeeWell.com
Yes, I'm telling you that not all tea is actually "tea". Honestly, I hadn't even heard of tisane myself until a couple of years ago when I really started to kick up my own tea obsession.
You will find that as you become more familiar with the world of herbal teas, you will find that there are different kinds and each is referred to differently, especially when you become interested in the medicinal properties of the tea.
The two main teas are "simple teas" (or just "tea") and "tisanes". If you aren't sure what the differences are, keep reading!
Is it Tea or Tisane? What's the Difference?
The simplest and most important aspect that determines if you are drinking a tea or tisane is the type of material used to create the drink. If it only contains tea leaves then you are making or drinking a simple tea. This tea can be enhanced with dried herbs, flowers, or fruits. However, if the base of the tea is an actual tea leaf then it is simply a tea.
If you are drinking a tea that has been made without tea leaves and is only a flower, fruit, or an herb then that is a tisane. Tisanes are derived strictly from the steeping of the fruit, flower, or herb in hot water for a duration of time to extract the healing properties of that material.

Tea as Medicine
Most teas are known to soothe, calm, or relieve the body in some way. For example, you may drink chamomile tea, which is generally used to help soothe the body before sleep or help soothe the stomach. Remember to look at your tea ingredient labels! It is important to know exactly what is in your tea, because that chamomile tea may be cut with green tea leaves. Though it will have medicinal properties, the potency is reduced by the addition of the tea leaves.
You will likely be using a tisane if you are using the tea for a more medicinal purpose, such as for pain reduction, stomach discomfort, or for other health issues. Tisane will give you the most potency of the herb's medicinal benefits.

Prepare to Prepare
Finally, the preparation of a tea versus that of a tisane is a bit different. For example, steeping black tea may take as little as three minutes. While a green or white tea takes as little as two minutes. And if you brew it much longer, it may result in a strong, but also bitter tasting tea. Oh no! This is one place to pay particular attention to the steeping directions.
When you are brewing an herb, plant, flower, or fruit, you may need to brew for longer in order to get the medicinal properties. A tisane is also generally brewed at a lower temperature for a longer period of time before drinking. Because you're not trying to cook up the herbs, flowers, or fruits! You are heating them so that they release their plant-based medicinal goodness.
So now you know! The three basic criteria that make tea and tisane unique: materials, medicinal use, and preparation.
Our Favorite Teas and Tisanes
Sakara Life: Functional Teas (use code XOWBW for 20% Off your first purchase)
The Qi: Whole Flower Tisane
Twin Flame Tea (use code LOVEWBW for 10% off)
Naja Tea (use code LOVEWBW for 10% off)