2 minute read
A Deeper Look at How Stress Affects Your Body with Erica Ziel
By Belinda McCall, Founder of WomanBeeWell.com
Meet Our Resident Movement Mindset Specialist, Erica Ziel
Erica Ziel is a certified Pilates instructor, personal trainer, coach and founder of EricaZiel.com

Erica Ziel has been a part of my life since 2018 and now I can't imagine where I'd be without her. It all started with her Knocked-Up Fitness Prenatal Program that prepared me for childbirth and made my core the strongest it had ever been.
After 30+ hours of labor, I ended up needing a c- section that totally ruined my core... but not for long! After 6-weeks of recovery and doctor approval, I started her Core Rehab Program and regained my strength in no time.
Today, with a toddler running around me, Erica's Core Studio Program is the live-saver that is MADE FOR BUSY WOMEN!
I am thankful to have found Erica, her programs, and philosophy on movement.
I'm especially happy to introduce her to you as the Resident Movement Specialist of WomanBeeWell!

This episode of Erica Ziel's "The Core Connections Podcast" is perfect to highlight in this issue of WomanBeeWell Magazine.
Erica talks about her own struggles with stress, the hormonal effects of chronic stress, and how to reframe your mindset to start to heal your body and recover.
Direct from Erica:
If I were to stop you on the street and ask if you want to be the healthiest you can be, would you hesitate or confidently say “YES”?
I get it ladies: you’re scared to give up your life just to get rid of a symptom. In this episode, I explain how lowering stress can start to heal, reverse and prevent many diseases, diagnoses and symptoms in the body.
3 Common Signs of Stress You Shouldn't Ignore
Chronic Headaches
Headaches can be the result of stressors like allergies, dehydration, toxic chemical exposure, loud noises, and the list goes on and on. If you get headaches regularly, don't ignore them!
Trouble Sleeping
Trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep, is a strong indicator of stress. It is essential to our health. When sleep suffers, your entire body suffers.
Dizziness or Faintness
If you're feeling dizzy or faint, you could be putting yourself and others in potential danger. This red flag should prompt you to dig deeper to find out what's really going on.
Check out this episode of Erica's Podcast at: https://ericaziel.libsyn.com/a-deeper-look-at-how-stress-effects-your-body